The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 22, 1893, Image 4

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;- t
Th feites Daily Ghnmiele.
-axustciw . s.y
CA prominent manufacturer of arUfl-
entered at the PostoOcc at The Dalles, Ongon,
a secoud-clasa matter.
I. H. Tafle of Colllo U in town ; cial "j-cs has unburdened himself on '
what he considers n grievance Ho says
Mr. II. E. Williams and family de-! "?in '-tL L
remedy is
so well
known nnd so Kpulnr as to need no
special in'urition, All who use Electric
narl&forOr. S IMttcrs sing the same song of prniso.-
wwltlw tni. mornmp I nnd weU niade nrtcle nntl tbat the a purer mudieinc does not exist nnd it
ai n c . . ti i marlsct is bc,nR flooded with "chenp I puminteod to do nil that is claimed.
mi. w. iiiuiutiuu . ui.. in ioreicn ruuotsn. tie aueccs tnat the
Miss Prank Is tho Prophotoas Deb
orah's Ablo Successor.
Rcttiwrksblr Lcarnlnc and l'ictr of
l'rvtty California Girl Ottered the
Opening Prayer at the Cou-Stt-m
of ltrligions.
Person? who attended the eonirrvs
of relijrions in Chicago in Aupust will
recall the interest with which they lis
tened to the opening prayer, offered,
as it was, by a youmr woman, and rich,
a it was. in fervid, impassioned utter
ances. When the first session was over I
there were many to crowd about and
congratulate Miss Uachel Frank, who,
as the yonmrest delegate present, hnd
been invited to make the invocation,
and nianv who did not sneak to her
reports the road worse than he has , chcap crcs crad. ailer very fcw hs
seen them for the past seven years. ..,.. 'i,.t-, .i, Kt .......
Mrs. D. Farrinaton of Fairileld left ! we are informed that summer time is
last niplit for Eifco, Nevada, and will re- j tho best seasou for the sale of artificial
main during the whiter with her son, E. ; eyes. People are at that time of tho vcar
S. Fnrnngton. esq. t more particular as to their appeansiu.
lioixt, arrivals, ' and discover more readily that the srt.
i iicial eye is bejjinniup to lose its p-
; tine perfection. Another point is that
tnerc are many people walking about
whose outward appearance suggests
that they nre in full possession of both
visual organs but have not even one.
s.Y 1 a. i .
,. , . , i nave unea, saw me, manutneturer.
cessfully carried out owing to the fact
that the blind, from force of habit, no
doubt, look, or appear to look, one full
in the face when talking. London
Skibbe 5 Houscr, Tvgh Vallev
Rondeau, Jns Ilovnalim, Peter Unnnn-
han, Tim Uannahnn, Kingsley ; Ferdi
nand Westerman, G ilillcrj Winnie;
F M Warner, Edward Williams, Nan
Si'ne; John Lament, Skamoknwa.
ther, S-Mile; James Kilrav, Mrs Tomel-,
son and 7 children. J J Harplaw, A H f
Gilles, Portland; James Jlorton, 10-j
Mile; John Olsen. Lvle; Curtis Movity, .
li .nct-niiey, J l' luihousen, Deschutes;
stood apart tn admire the modest yet
strong demeanor of the slender, dark
eyed girl, as she quietly accented the
warm commendations that wer
showered upon her.
Miss Uachel. or Miss Hay Frank, as
she is oftenest called, is a native of
California, and to her is to Jw accorded
the distinction of becoming the first
woman rabbi in the world, rfhe has
already studied at the Hebrew college
in Cincinnati, but has not finished the
coar.-e, wishing' to interpolate some
additional study leforv taking the
rite. In an account of Miss Frank and
her interesting career the San Fran
cisco Chron iele says:
"She is the first woman student in
the eolloge. and will be the first t.- be
ordained as a rabbi
urteiv no preeetient m tnis countrv o:
in any other, a.-s no woman before has
ecapied the position of rabbi. The
career of the Irophetess Delwrah forms
the only analogy to the work Miss
K F Hard wick, JN Watt, Mosier ; David
rarmer, silver uity; .Mr and Mrs Uiu
gen and son, Dnfur: J Hat t man, C
Wells. Albany; G "W Snyder. John,
Heix.Oregon Citv ; J Vernillion, Omaha :
ACGlar, Saleni; W Armstrong, C F
Steavens, H Jefferv. Arlington ; A Wil
son. T.V kelson. H Hall. W Jefferv..
'v ; Dntcli Flat; T H Andrews. V Darson, A j
iosuer. a re;iicoch, hicks, r
Hicks, Uake Oven. !
Electric Hitters will oure all disenses of
the liver and kiduevfi, will remove
pimples, boils, salt rheum and other
affections caused bv i mini re blood.
Will drive malaria from the system nnd
prevent as well as cure all malarial
fevers. For cure of headache, consti
pation and indigestion try Electric Hit
ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded. Price 50c nnd $1 per
ivitiie ot snipes v Kinersiys.
I.tmk Over Vour County Warrant.
All county warrants recistered prior !
to January kith, lSDO, will lw paid if .
presented at my ollice, corner of Thinl
anil Washington streets. Interest
ceases on and after tbts date.
Wm. Miciikll,
Treasurer Wasco Count v.
October 'Jlst, ISffit. tf
Ii called to tke ftot that
Hugh Glenn,
Ooaler in Gli
nnd Ilnild:
ni, l'is.rvt Cement
Material of clifcinds.
t-'hif-i i.ino of-
r I
ninhiro ITlmiMinno i
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Rotes Reasonable.
-MaIIK (lOOt)i-
To be found l?i the City.
72 CXlashington StrcctJ
SvtUement Ilnjuc xtril.
At the residence of John
i ne:ir Dufur. Or.. Bee. 27th,
Zachery Vorter to Rosa A.
both of Wasco Co., Oregon.
J. Bricham officiated.
K. Woods,
1S93. 3lr.
Justice A.
Potatoks sold well this season in
England, at S100 to $125 per acre. One
farmer sold his cropof fifty acres iu the
ground for $5.G0u.
Exi'KKi mkxts are being made by the
French lepartment of agriculture to
transform tree twigs and leaves into
food for horses and cattle.
Tim French war ofllce noTT accept
contracts for oats, barley and hay for
the eavalry, on the basis of " tho
nutritive value of the grain and
Pnring my nbscnee, all who have un
settled accounts with the undersigned
are expected to call and settle with Mr.
lieu. Krauss, who has my Inoks and
accounts. An early settlement will
greatly oblige. Yours truly,
Lksme UtTI.Kll.
Points J
Nut ii mm
INTERNA TIOKAl'-- ' - At 1
si Gram A'WWJf-. "
"fnab...... .v..''
Tea jear sjhm..
in ievNlii-r-, if-. t .
Itiimc '-
ntorit Uutu Sjfio,(fc-.i
woim, nomi, woon. ,
Heat grades of oak, fir, and slab cord 1
w-od,nt lowest nmrkot rates at Jos. T. i
!Vters A Co, .Otlice Second and Jelfer-1
son streets. I
U the Hue to tote
5 rR: Tl
Faneral uf 3tr.-.. .HcEwfii.
The funeral of Mrs. Clarissa McEwen
j will occur Sunday morning at 10 o'clock
from the residence of Mr. W. 2C. Wiley,
with whom deceased has lived for the
There is abso- eiht ycars
Mrs. McEwen was born in Canton,
2sew York state, May 2G, 1S0S, and
came to Oregon in 1SG0, first living in
the Willamette valley and during the
Frank has undertaken, and even here last twentv vears :n Wasco conutv.
tne iiKenes ians. lor when Deborah She leaves two sons and three dau"h-
preached to Israel there were no syna- t oae jn ivia in Washington and
gocnes. .Since then there have been . . . , ,
noted women teachers, but there is a 1 e, ,u In- Th eslteH are Mrs.
distinction between teacher and j " lleJ" 01 The Parker of
preacher in the mint? of the Jew. . . . Iowa, and Mrs. Morton of Illinois. Her
People are asking what name Miss son, Chas. McEwen, of North Yakima is
Prank will be called by when she is s expected to arrive todav.
ordained a rabbi. Ik-ing the first j pev W. C. Cllr:U w officjate nt the
1 f
'- - -urn r
lurneral ceremonies.
r "t - : r I 1
l 211110115 cure, ine ureal wousn ana
rrr Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes fc Kin-
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five
doses, only 2oc. Children love it. Sold
by Snines & Kinerslv.
Cheaper than anywhere else at the
California winehouse.
Purchase ticket for photo of agent, he
will call but once. D. C. Hekklw
Hot clam broth at J.
dar at 4 o'clock.
O. Mack's everv
pass nACHxr.jPiii:;n.
Ask your dealer
Stove Polish.
for Mexican Silver
3Iexican Silver Stove Polish causes no
Uw Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
For a Eore throat there is nothing
better than a flannel bandage dampened
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It
will nearly always e3ect a cure m one
night's time. This remedy is also a fa-
vrotnan in the world to occupy such a
position, naturiliy the name does not
exist. When he has occupied the
pulpit or !ias lectured in tn-- yinrrogue
MiiS Fraxh ban worn a strve: lress. or
Thi is. quite in line" with the rabbis of ! ""iIn
the reform congregations, who have
discarded the robe and cap of the
ortk'x.oxj.'orijp-egatinns. i vorite for rheumatism and has cured
. r n.UK will pmuaoiy remain 7erv severe cases. 50 cent bottles for
witr. .ner tamiiy anu menus muamano . , . Blakelev & Houghton
thia winter. After that, her plans are j -
unformed. While in Chicago several .' Notice.
wealthy H.-Hrews were desirous of. .Notice is hereby given, that by order
of the common council ot Dalles City,
i...'Z i,: " 'V....7;r, Tnv f r,.. made and entered on the 12th day of De-
,t . , ' , yA m i.i, :i..cember, 1693, sealed bids will be re
t Z rv : , , . V i celved at the office of the undersigned
rr w until JrnUav afternoon at 4 o'clock p.
ishi!:v:ne m -hieago. encouraged her m Decenltar 22d. 1S93. for the con-
to accept. ao imJ that the .ie.vs need sinjtftion of a sewer of terra cotta, to be
women in mcir puipua. ; 5 inches in diameter, on Lincoln street
jn cjt commencing at the south
THE NATION MOURNS. line of the intersection of Lincoln and
, Fourth streets, in the center of said Lin
Tjit rcmntm of Mrs. Lucy Stone-; coin street and thence continuing north
XHackwell an- to le cremated, in ac-; erly along the center of said street to with a wish she often cs- j the terminus thereof, towit : Low water
pressed. 1 mark of Mill Creek. Said sewer to be
Col. A.H. McLkas, who died, single, I constructed in.accordance with the plans
kef TtTf-oL- ;n rniir,;,. v a ,i . and specifications thereof heretolore
. 1 .. VJr i' r -r.!,, made and nrenared bv C. J. Crandall.
' i which said plans and specifications
... , J . , "l, . rny ue seen at the onice 01 sata u. J.
me uuy jueu xor meir marriage. 1 (jrandall.
Frasslet Havex, who recently died 'o bid will be received unless the
at his summer house in Beverly Farms, I same is accompanied with a good and
Mass., at the age of 00 years, was an , sufficient bond in the sum of fiOO, con
intimate friend of Daniel Webster. He ditioned that the bidder will accept the
was lonir prominent in financial and constructing ot eaiU eewer it the same
' shall be awarded to him.
r-.... tt rr The right to reject any and all bids is
w. ui till; jaic UU(U.T J-l UHlii 1 l.l. 1
son, the murdered mayor of Chicago. Dat'ed Bt DalIe8 Cit . 0r Tjec. 13
disposes of property valued at $950,000. jgo".
The entire estate, with the exception
of 310,000 devoted to charity, is directed
to be divided in equal sliares among his t
in:r children
When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K. JDal
ton of Luray, Eusaell county, Kan.,
called nt the Iabaratory of Chamberlain
& Co., Pes Moines, to show them hie
fiis-year-old boy, whose life had been
eaved by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
It having cured Iiim of a very severe at
tack of croup. Mr. Dal ton is
tlat it saved his boy's life and is enthu
elastic in his praise of the Eemedy. For
esle by UJakeley t Houghton.
Douglas . Dvrvu,
Recorder of Dalles City.
A Talented Kdltur
Ibc com 1 11 jr siontlix, or the IicnUU
wriwi boe n)io are twvelinK or contcrnpUtltiK
a ttliinvriiy liom bometbnuld rwd theluliuirliii;
letter Itoui a britllautnnd well known tdttw rid
imvldt theilvai nguuut attecin ol UttoUche
hihI fliMlnc4:
jUextucmkk I Iwul txfwaioa to ue wreral
Uxt tit Ktmud' wlelje Capsule while
traveling to Vhleogo tnattatul the NaUonal JXriji.
ooratic CouTentiwi. Titer acted tike a ebarm In
mevenliiie luailarbta and dUxlnw. Have hart
Urr llttlo Iia4aeac ilqee mr return, which I
rvmarKahle. Vmiw trnftefloUTi, .
Mm V. Sturm.
ILL mauaro. fa., JCii-onl.
Ilr virtue ol an execution end order
of tale liiuwl out ol the Circuit Court
of the ute ol Oregon lor the county
of Wajco. to me iftrenttd, conimnndliiK
tn to nuue tale ol the land in mild wrlt,drll
1 t-wlt; thwe pltcex and jtfirtwU ot laud In
WatcoCouutr, biateolOreecin, known and do
tcrlUtl as allot section tnrtv(31. and the notith
certain , halt ot the ontbuut naarter of teetion lour I),
aiiu iijc m lu ul ui c.'t(uii jive uf nm mu
north half of nction eight (), all in Township
one (I), north of lunge fourteen (llt-astof the
Willamette meridian, to make and pay the sum
of money. In told Court adjudged, to b paid U
the plain till In tald action, in which action The
holiciloni Loan and Trim Company were plnlu
HIT and Jamt Uooth, Martha Si. Itooth, verett
K. Hall. J. V, McClure, bareh II. HcCIure. I. (i.
Alter, lulnh llttfent. Julia IS. IlMren. Url Em-
tody, J. 31. Taylor and J. V. Edwards ware de-
fendauu. to-wlt. the sum of rjWXU) with Inter
tat thereon from July 1. lU, at the rate of six
per cent per annum and fjuoio attorney iu
said action and cmuand dlibunementa therein
taxed, I have this day levied upon the laud
nbore described and on
Saturday tbuS3tt dar of Dacamber, l9a,
nt tbe hour of 10 a. m., In front of tbe court
house door, In the city of The Dalle, in Mid
count and Male, I will sell said land at public
auction, to the biKueat bidder therefor.
T. A, WaHD,
Sheriff of Wasco eouuty, Bute of Orfon.
The Dalles
Daily and Weekly
THE CHRONICLE was established for tho ex
press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles
and the surrounding country, and the satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re
gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best
medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire.
The Daily Chronicle is published every eve
ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00 per
annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of
each week at SI .50 per annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address
TI3.0 Dalles, Orosozi.
i It Is the Dlnlnc Car Houte. It runs Through 1
i t'estlbnlcd lialns every day in the ysar to
pt. paul and Chicago:
Computed of Diiilnz Car utMurjKissed. I'uli ,
man Drawlnc Knom Sleepers of lateatttjulpcunt 1
Everybody $
r.liiiiilil mi-21 tl.'ii
hj Dictionary. 1; ai,
iiTcn uii que; win i
roncr mine the hb-
uny, rj-elliKR, Imv i
umiiiiitlim, ami
raeautiir r v.orti4
A Library in Itself, i: aim cint
the often dettlnul lnfonimtltia royrernlnj: (
eminent jierxoin, fnct.H roaixmlni; tlas !
romiiries. cuies, xouii. aim natural lea- ,
tureitof tlioRlilw, iwrtleular runccnilns; 1
iation of foreign iiiotatltuLi, words, and i
jiroierus, etc, etceie
Thin IVorl-iK Iuvnhinblvlnti
lmuM-'liold.nml t tlK teae-her. f chobr, iro- '
SrAilbliAU. llonkneUvr.
C. Mcrrlnm Co.
C3fOn nnt bnrlwaiM'lxil"
craiitilr trpniiu o( ancient
z. muiuu.
5 C3?".itullDrtrTpnictiM. J
I -
Dent that ran be constructed, and in which f
i accommodations uu bth Free and Funilshm
for hoMerof First and M.U,. llckeu.-nd JJ gjgj
; ELEGANT BAT COACHES has a tamily of
' A cnntiutinui line, connectini: with nil lln
, aQordlni; direct and untnturruiittd service
1'ultmau Hteeper reservation can be secured ,
in ndvutice thruurh any agent of the road. I
, They read The Chronicle to Ret the latest and
! uifxt reliable t ens. And tticy nnd evury line
I that Is iu the inrf' That is what tiiufccu the
1 Chronicle an Invaluable advert!- intr medium.
The newsjxicr that gtm to the family
firesides Is the one tbat the ndvertUcrs
TUPniiru TirifFTC To -ns ' ! ,M,T'"U w,,cn tUcy ,,Mlnj !
InnUUun ilUrVLlO potnulr. America. jsb tbe jn-ojiUf. When tbey want your trade
Knjrlaiid ami Kurape can be purchased at any ! their announrements will be found lit the paer.
ticact offlce of tie company I i,lk ovcr our cjum, a b:n e the verlflra-
I tlon of the truth of this asuertlnn. I'.ctnember,
Full information concerning rates, rlrnt. ui ! . a trade of a family ot two thousand .
trains, route, and other details furnished on , kt i, WOrth osLlns- for thrnneh these Xi
i coltimni, espclaily so at our Vkt ""
application to
Agcut I). 1'. & A. Nar. Co., lUtrulaUir oClcc, Th I
Dalles, Or., or
Am'i General I'asseiiKur Ast.. hortland, Jen
Pipe WofK. Tin Repairs ana
When the Twin stops at THE DALLES, get off on ilie South Side
This larvennd popular Hmik dees the principal hotel lmine
preparea to lumun
nnd is
the llest AccommiAiatlotis of any
u the city, nnd a: the low rate of . .
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kubb'
Blacksmith Shop.
$1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Teals, 25 Cerpts.
Office for all Ktnce Lines leurlnc Tim Dalle for all
pulnta in Kasterti Oreciin sud JCaatfirn Vaslilns;tiiii,
to this Motel.
Corner of Front and-Cnlon Bt.
T. T.
I , L 1.1 I U ,
XX. O. INTiolsoxi.,
111 . ..." .'i.'i 1 , , , ,, , rfrr.. Nvr, .'.ytt" v -,,7. 1. , . ,., 1
Clothier and Tailor.
Decidedly the Finest Line of . . . .
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Trunks and Valises, etc., etc.
"There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its fleoa
leads on to fortune."
The post unquestionably had reference to the,
di-Oot Sale ii m
mMm k CM
-Who are eelllng these goods out at greatly-reduced rates.
r REE ! TREE!!
With every dozen Cabinet
Photographs, one ....
o Ofe-Si2se CrayonTo
Call at the Grallery and see
samples. My work sjeaks
for itsell
PR 1