The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 22, 1893, Image 2

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Tbe Dalles My Chronicle.
Money Onle
Bonday J I).
quoted at fll.25 to $2.75 per dor. nnd live
1 turkeys ut 10 cts. porlu., dressed at 12H:
j cts. per lb.
j The praiu market is quiet and dull, j
I Barley is dull on sale from 50 to 60 cents
! per cental. Oats are in moderate de-'
! umnd nt 65 to SO cents per cental.
WlitHit on thp niarknt rnntiniHHi slue- i
o JO pish in movement, and local quotations
3 JJ j range from 40 to 42 cents per bushel ac-1
o w cording to grade and quality. The
Commercial Review of Portland says ,
the wire advices from Eastern aud also I
European markets are of a bearish char-'
acter, and there is but little in the situ- j
ation that is hopeful for better futures
Waeklr. 1 year. .. I I S3
" 6 months. ...
t 3
Dally, 1 year
" 6 months. . .
" per "
Addrew all communication to " THE CIIRON
ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon.
orncK rocks
General Delivery Window . S a. m. to 7 p. m
tVmVtoiOa! m. The larjie supplies in store in England
r r rl TTfjunrw tiitdf Vioi wit I. tlwa twtt lin.
Cl-OSIO OT MAILS I tuiu a. kiuvV) tvb.t;a nit. iuv in
trains going East . 9p. m. and n:4Sa. m. : vest which has just been finished in
for'V-oMenU 9P" 75: Si the Argentine Republic amountii.c to
" -Saraannspru. 31$ m. ! ,O0O,OOO bushels for export, ,s food for
" tLcartnc for Lyle a liartiand 5:30a.m. the bears to work on, consequent! v the
Et 'Ld,r" IAmelope I tendency of -speculation favored the
tTri-wUy. Tuesday Thursday and &rturuay. aiiort 8 je f ti,e market, and the
I ' Monday Wednesday and Friday. '
I have their own wav all through.
There has been no
all the peculiar troubles that
beset a woman. The only
guaranteed remedy for them
is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription. For women suffer
ing from any chronic " female
complaint " or weakness ; for
women who are run-down and'
overworked ; for women ex
pecting to become mothers,
Oldest Agriealtopal Paper in flnwiet.
To all cash suNcrilwrs of Tiik Ciiko.mci.k
paying one year in advance.
The American Farmer,
1729 New York Avonue,
A Grand
Masquerade Ball
will be given at Armory Hall by
The Amkuican Faiwkr, which Is now enter-!
Ins upon it TJth ycur, l the pioneer farmer's
paper In the country.
It Is a Xante elulit-iuw paper, nnd rontnlu flft I
columns o( the chcilcvst ugrleulturitl mid liter
ary uuitter. plentifully embellished with Hue I
illuMnitlons. It i i
nnd deals with (urmlug nnd farmer' Interest
on broud, practical Hues, it
and for mothers who are;
- DEC. 22. 1S93
Some hitherto unpublished letters of
Whittier's, written to an intimate friend,
Charlotte Fiske Bates, will appear in the
January number oflMcClure's Magazine.
They are especially important as leing
the direct expression of that sweet,
serene faith in an overrulinc Providence
and the soul's immortality of which de- j doubtful, as the Wilson
lightful glimpses in Whittier's poems.
A majority and minority report has
been submitted to the house on the
Hawaiian question, the former uphold
ing Cleveland and denouncing Stevens,
the latter questioning Cleveland's con
duct and holding him to account. Any
further comment will be profitless until
the facts are learned. The truth of this
whole matter is now in order. Let
Stevens' statements either be approved
or disproved.
Oregon has a mammoth cave
rivals the one in Kentucky. It's en
trance is 12 miles this side of the state's
southern boundary line, and it has been
explored for a distance of 22 miles,
partly underlying California's surface.
The end of the cave has not yet been
reached. It is a chain of spacious
chambers, some of them being JJ26 feet
in diameter, and the ceiling of none of
them being less than 50 feet from the
floor. An effort is being made to have
one of the chambers reproduced at the
Midwinter fair.
Clapp & Co.'e market letter contains
the following sensible remarks : Private
honor is a public treasure. Public
treasure may be secured at the expense
of private honor. Honest legislation
may provide honest money or dishonest
men. A liquidated income dollar when
clipped is generally sent to the mint of
muscle for recoinage. Constitutional
distribution can only be effected by con
stitutional taxation. A tax on products
in transit for exchange falls mainly on
desire that exceeds necessity. Economy
is the only defense against a tax that
settles on price. The man that invents
a lax that will fit bales, banks, bushels,
barrels, bonds, beer and bullion alike in
torty-four states can be made American
It would be difficult to convince the
average man, especially the Missouri
pioneer, that fir is a stronger wood than
oak, but such has been proved by actual
tests that were made by a fair and im
partial committee appointed for that
purpose. The timbers used were each
2x4 inches and four feet long, both
ends solidly braced and the weight ap
plied in the middle of the span. Yellow
fir stood a strain of 3,062 pounds, com
mon Oregon oak 2,022 pounds. Fine
grained yellow fir from near the butt
3,535 pounds, and best Michigan oak
snapped with a strain of only 2,428
pounds. These teets were made by the
Northern Pacific railroad company at
Tacoma, Wash.
movement in the
wool market during the week except a
small shipment, which was made to the
Oregon City woolen mills, yesterday, on
private terms. It is understood that
prices of the last season's clip will re
main on the bottom, unless the present
congress settles the tariff question in
favor of protection, which is exceedingly
bill is fully en
dorsed by tlie ways and means com
mittee and the democratic members of
the house. Should the senate get hold
of the bill it is hoped the scheme will be
killed. In that event it is believed that
an early advance will take place.
Mr. J. P. Blaize, an extensive real ee
tatedealer in Des Moines, Iowa, narrow
ly escaped one of the severest attacks of
pneumonia while in the northern part
of Iowa during a recent blizzard, says
the Saturday Review. Mr. Blaize had
I occasion to drive several miles during
j the storm and was so thoroughlv chilled
that he was unable to get warm, and in
side ot an hour after his return he was
threatened with a severe case of pneu
monia or lung fever. Mr. Bbize sent to
the nearest drug store and got a bottle
rof Chamberlain's Couch Remedv, of
which he had oiten heard, and took a
number of large doses. He says the ef
fect was wonderful and in a short time
he was breathing quite easily. He kept
on taking the medicine and the next
day he was able to come to Des Moines.
Mr. Blaize regards his cure as simply
wonderful. For sale by Blakeley &
Bucklen'a Annca .lalrr.
The best salve in the world for nt-.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, levet
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pav required
It is guaranteed to give perfect ratisfuc
tion. or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale oy Snipes A Kin-ersiy
i and everything that nppeurs in Its columns is ut
mirctnrr nnrl avknicto) . f f t, , the hltfhe-ttchumcter Vvcry department of the
nUrSltlg ana e.VnaUStea J at tlie farmers bulne W dlwuwed In mi citruent.
practical way, loosing to the srente-it protlt mid
benefit to the dinner Htid hli Inmlly
tl appears on the lit mid l.lth nl each month,
and l furnished ut the ton price ot
lwars i chance
trom cirlhood to
manhood ; and later, at
critical " change of ,life '
is a medicine that safelv
certainly builds up
ens, regulates, and cures.
If it doesn't, if it even fails
to benefit or cure, you have
your money back.
the - it
and ,
What vou are sure of, if von use
Dr. Satje's Catarrh Iicniedv, is either ' than nnv other paper t
, ' . jrettlne this Information, and ilevote Itself
a lwrfect and permanent cure tor ' thii uutv They win nmi in it constantly
your Catarrh, no matter how bad
your case may be, or S500 in cash.
The proprietors of the medicine
promise to pay you the money, if
the) can't cure you.
In itiivuncv. Thlt tnikkr It thr rhrapmt
ngrlculturnl mirr In thr country.
nurins the coming yenr there will bo un lm
mensc number of mutters of the moxt vlul in
terest to farmers ilenlt with by ConcrreM ami the
; k.ircutive i)eiTtmenM nt "muliiKton. it U
highly imiruut that the farmers tx kept
I promptly anil fully Informed n to vrhat l txrinj;
I jilHUiitil nnd done attetitlue them at the National
Capital. They should all. therefore. Uke Tim
cwi: amount of valunblu Information thut they
' ran jrei in nouinwr ihjh.t.
j will be scntone year for il.'i.
Jackson Engine: Co., No. l
Toi?day veijp$,Jar. i, 1894.
Committee of Arrangements:
r r t
Reception Committee.
IB. W. IKIEIjIM: &c 00.
- - in
Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals,
Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, BrnsliGs, Perfnier?, Etc,
Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes.
Compounding Physicians' Prescriptions a Spednlty.
"JS'o. 10.r Secnnil Strwit, TIm Dalli.-s, Oregon.
Opixixltc Coliimblu C'undy Fiiotory
A OENTS maieJ-xOOa day. Greatest tltcheu
V utensil ever inventstl. Hetall S"ets. Jtofi
sold in every hous'
JlcJlatln nnd Co., Cincinnati, Ohln.
matins m.CO TO I3S.CO 1'KU WEEK.
Parties preferred who can furnish a rmrH; und
travel throush the country: a team, though. S
not necesjary. A few vacanciei m towns aud
cities. Spare hours may be used to pi id
vanUire. R. F. JOUNPO.V . .
11th and Main sis.. Htchmoud. Vn.
The St. Charles Hotel,!
This old, popular and reliable nonst
has been entirely refnmuked, and every
room has Iwen re papered and repainted
and newly carpeted throurbrut. The
house contains 170 rooms nnd . supplier
with every modern convenience. Rate;
reasonable. A pood restaurant attachec
to the house. Frer bus to and from ah
C. W. KNOWl.ES. Prop.
r f.
ujcia., and
CUD per Bottle
Cures Couch?, Eoarnr.,3ore Throat,
Croup irna prjy; re'iuvea Whooping Cough
and Asthma. V r Conjuiur-tlou it has no
rival: bu c u red t li o utan d tt.'ici e all otli erk
failed; will cuke Tonrwien Satirae. fiold
by Druggist on a ciiaranteo. ForLarae Back
cr Cheai. me HUiLQH'a 25 eta.
John Pashek,
The Merchant Tailor,
76 Court Street,
door to Wasco Ens Office.
CtF'llai Jin: received the Utei: itylea jn
Suzlings for Gentlemen,
ami hsa Urgeajsortrncnt of Fori?n and Amer
ican Cloths, which he can tinhb T order for
tfic' that favor him.
Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty.
Is the
Of the Year
New York Weekly Tribune
Dalles WeBKlu GQionicle
ilnre vou Catarrh ' ThU renitilv U euararu
teed to care rou. lrtce.ricti. injector Itbk
For sale by 8alp Kinenly.
Ihe tnal of the amnggling rint; at
Portland brings out the fact that they
had their plans well laid out and were
making lots of money in their business
Hnt Slum, who stood in as long as the
public was not aware of what was going
on, turned state's evidence when the
matter came to light and has told the
whole story and pulled his accomplices
down and is trying to get them under
foot to lift himself up a little. There is
no doubt a great deal of smuggling was
done, but for our part we would dislike
to be on the jury and accept the testi
mony of such a man as true, even when
given under oatb. The one who will
thus betray a friend is the meanest
rascal in the outfit. Ex.
Tha Holidar Trade BrUk, but Orufoary
LImm Dull.
Fjuimy, Dc. .22. The holiday season
ia at hand and locally trade is brisk in
notioBJ and holiday goods. Business in
general lints is quiet, prices in general
merchandise are steady and unchanged.
The imdse market,whlle in fair supply
ifl yartiwlarJy dull, and there is no
feaaga in qaotatioas, save in eggs; ar
siwlsate inrweaaing and the market is
m little weak, and 30 to 25 cents par
des asa tha aataide ngarea paid. To
day tha stock on haad is large and a de
aiiaa is in sight. The butter market is
ladil;a5 to&0 seats par roll is the
Sm paalhrj usiraf ia qaiat with a fair
,af tarsrys. Chickens are
VI60R of MEN
EmIIj, Qvlekr).
Ptrmaiwtttlr Rutortd.
mod all the train of erllj
from early arron or later
nctiw, U rnulu of
overwork. lckne,
wonr.etc PolUtrrogib.
dertlopiMat and tooo
given to Trrr organ asd
portion ot tbe bodr.
ImtnnMata lmprrTmnt
mi failure irapoMlbl.
UH rtfeMutfU. &M.
explanatlrjo and ptuod
MileU ueatod) f re.
aurrALo. n. v. Orncr, The iMlies. Or.,
1KC. T. 1j3. j
Notice it hereby (riven that the ollowlns
namtil ettler has llloi notice oi hU Intention to
make final proof in Miptmn ( hM
claim, mid that ild proof will bo made U'lon
the rriter and receiver at The IMIte, Or., on
February 10, leOl, viz.:
tJacl I). ISnliert.
Homesteiid So. i'ia, for the SE1.. of
NEi, and of Sl'M. nnd BWU of HEk. of Sec.
l.Tp. 1! S., K. h E. W. M.
He names the following witneirs to prove hl
continuous rwldence upon, and cultivation of,
.ild land, viz..
it. K. MmriJon, 31. C. Painter, J K Patterion
and (. H. ritouchton. all of Dufiir. or.
dSfSwC JOHN V . LEWIs lleslner. Orncr, The Ihtllen. Or.,(
Nov. 'J, lsKI. (
Notice U hereby Riven tlm: the fullnwinK
rmnieil tettlcr han Blrf' notice of hl inteiitloo to
m.ikerHui! prrif ln?ui)iTt of hit claim and (tint
laid proof will be made before tho reenter mid
reixlver at The Dalloi, Oregon, on Weilneiday,
December 27, li33. viz
Hewitt KlMC.
HnniCTtciul Application No. 21',, for the NU of
riKV aud E j of SW'i hec. 10. Tp. S. It. 1 1 Ijut.
He names the followinir wltiicieM to prove hi
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
laid Und. viz:
11. W. Welt, of The iMlIes. Or.. Churl.
Kaiton, Jamex Ka.iton and Paul l.hnerotti of
:aneue, or,
Johk V. Lrwig, IteBljtcr.
ONLY- $1.75.
Jeweler's Goods
(Timber Lund, Act June 3, 1.57S.J
S. Office, The Diilkn. Or,
Nov. . lsJ.
hereby given that In compliance
Ilr virtue of an execution and order of sal.
tautil out of the Circuit Court of ttie htate of
Oreaon. for the county oi vaco, to rae directed
commanding me to maie tale of the Mnd In the
raid writ, ilwrlUU to-writ Tnoie plecex and
uirceK of land In Waico County. Htalo of Ore-
Kon. known and deMrrlbed m the outli half of
ectlon eight ( , and the loutn hall of taction
nine 10, and the half and the muthweit
quarter and the east half of th northwest quar
ter and the louthweit quarter of the northtvett
quarter of Mrctlon ten (10) and the north half of
the northweat quarter nnd the quarter
of the northnext quarter of M.i:tlim fifteen (,),
al 11 u Towni h 1 p one (1 j , north of Ka n f ou rteen
(ll eoiioi ine niiiameue meriuian, io make
and pay the mm of money, In aid court adjudg-
cil u w IN41U ui luc piniutiii ju rum HCMOO, in
which action The hVilicitors Umn and Truit
luimtayo, Satatlete
Krdnsy CfNnsrlsilntSt
asisMiii Sttjsriraia m.i
suaJr avauc
, vm l yay
Company were plalntifT and James Iloxth, Mar
tha Jl. Booth, Everett K. Hall, J F ilcClure,
lio N. IlMters, lri Embody, J. if Taylor and J.
F Edwards were defendants, to-yit the sum of
fJWXXOJi with intereat thereon, from July l. U'Jl,
at the rate of ilx r cent per annum and fXO.lo
attonieyi fees in said action and ciiu and rtU
bure euU therein taxed, I havethl day levied
upon the Und aforesaid and !n
Saturday the 33rd day of December 189.1,
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. rn.. In front of the
court houc door, in the City of The Dalles, in
Mid County and HUte, I will iell ulil land at
public auction, to tbehisbest bidder therefor.
T A. Wahd.
fiherllT of Wasco County, Hbite of Orexon.
lly virtue of an execution and order of sale,
Issued ou; of the Circuit Court of ibo Hutu of
Orexon, for the County of Wasco, t me directed
commanding me Ut make a!eol the land lu the
said writ described to-wit , thos pieces aud par.
ctUol land in Wasco County, HUte of Orexon,
known and described as the southwest quarter
of section four 14, and the north half of section
nine 19, and the northwast quarter of section
seventeen (17), in Township une (11 north of
tUnge fourteen (It). Mt of the Willamette Meri
dUn, to make and pay the turn oi money, in
Mid Court adjadstd to he paid to the plaiutift in
said actios, in which action The MlclUxs Loau
and Trust Comparu' were plaintiff, and James
Hontb, Martha il. Douth, Everett E, Hall, J. V,
McClura. Sarah II. ilcClure, D. 0. Alter, lulph
Uogers, Julia S. ilostrs, Uri KinlXKly, J. M. lay.
lor and J. F. Edwards were uefeiidanU, to-wit;
the sum of WWO.0O with Interest thereon, frota
Jul 1. 1W, at the rate of six per tent P;ranuum
and tvEO.SO attorney's fee In said action and
cijsU and dUtairsewuffiU there I ii uxd, I have1
this day levied upon theland aforesaid, and ou
Hatarday, iiSrd day ft liavawber, 1MS,
at too hour ot H o'cloak a. m. in front of Ihe
ctMirt kouae door. In the City of The Ds litis. In
ssua lAHiuij ana awte.1 win ii aaiaiaM at
Mblic auetlofi to the blcbwit Milder tketetor.
T. A. Wa,
Hkarirof Waso ComO-, State of Orfo.
'1 the nriivlsinns of thu net nt piirwrnn of
June 3, lc, entitled "An act for the sale of tlm-N.-r
lands in tne slntex of Culifonila, Oreuun.
.-!Ysun ana aiuini;ion lerruory,
Neul C. Htevensou,
Of Klnsiley, county of Vaco, slate of Oregon,
has this day tiled in this ollice hi sworn state
ment for the purchase of the SVM of NWJi,
of Kectlon. No. 'Zi, in Towinhlp No. 8 K , range
No 13 E. W. M and will ntler prwif to show
that the laud sought Is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural purixwcs,
nuu ui csbiomri ins ciaim io saiu laud ueiore
the Ilegiiter and Keceiver of this otllcoatTde
wanes, ur on tne ism day ol January, 1WI.
m mim.-7 - TTii(rss JlUIAiaj. Jll-I
Ir Emley, Ia-oii Hondeau nnii Ijtfayette Davis,
all of KingsU-y, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the lancis are requeileil to llle tneir
claims lu thlsotllceon or before said 1'ith day of
uauuurv, oyji,
vl0 JOHN W. I.EW1H, Hegister,
lly virtue of an execution aud order of sale
issued out oi tne circuit court of thu HUte of
Oregon for Wasco County, upon a decree and
Judgment made, rendered aud entered by said
Court on tho nth Uy of November, iron, In
favor of plalntlrr, in a suit wherein A. D. lio ton
was plalntlrr, and Frank D. Oillesple and Ithoda
uiuespie, w. t. Hunt and v. ll. Duller were
defendauu. and to rne dlrecteil and delivered.
cnmmaiidlug me to levy upon and sell all the
minis mentioned ami aescribed in said writ, and
hereinafter described, I did, on the -Ith day of
December, lrt, duly levy upon, and will sell at
public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash
in hand, ou
Monday, the Hlli day January, 1M04,
at 2 o'clock In the alternoou of said day, at the
front door of the County Courthouse In Dalle
City, In Wasco County, Oregon, all of the lands
and premise described In said writ and herein
described us follows, to-wlt;
The northwest quarter ol Section fourteen 111)
In Township two 21 Houth, of lUnge fourteen
111 East of the Willamette Meridian, lu Wasco
county, urecon, or so inuen taereoi as snail be
sufficient to satisfy the sum of Sttl.OI, with In
terest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, twr
annum since November lllh, lBi fiO.OOatior-
ney s lessi, ana t ti costs in saia suit, together
with eoU of said writ, and aeoniiiie- coaiu of
sale. T. A. WAKD,
nuerinoi vsoaco county.
Dated at Dalles City, Or,, Dec. 4, w!
, d'
Executor's lietiae to Cptdltors.
Notice is lierebv clveil that the Cnimlv ihna
of the hUte of Orexon for Wasco County has
duly appointed tho undersigned tho executor of
the last wilt and teaUmeut of (ieorgo Y. Jieer.
deceased. All jtersons having claims Malnit
the eauteot said dwxsued are hereby required
to liruaest .tsaM. With the Iimior viiimlu.r.
within tlx month from tlm date of this notioo,
to said e-aaeutor at his place ( residence, near
JiT'i. ;J,"9mm.TVl,tar. "M) twice of
W, M, WllMli, in said Dalles City.
..-.tu. , .lauA.KL Kiesutor.
IMUdUiU 1st day of hovember, im. Hw
at W. E. Garretson's Store.
Ladies' Solid Gold Watcim redoced
Gold Watches worth $40,
Gold Watches worth
old Watches worth
from $15 to
to $28.
to 18.
American Coiu Sil?cr Watches reduce, to $13,
Genuine 14 K Gold Filled Vest Chains
reduced from $8 and $10 to $4 and $6.
Tho above is a sample of the bargain? to bo
had for a few days.
A. R. Thompson,
Succeaeor to LESLIE BUTLER,
Will (.'onstantly keep on hand a complete Hue of
Having purchased ilr.Hutler'n entire atock, I shall endeavor to maintain the reput"'00 ol
tho bouse, which has been? -
Call and tee .me, next door to Poitoffioe.
OlxolotMrt, Xasmf mt9 Obtap
Holidmy Prtwente.
tilvvwmv; dtulpy, With( Hooks, Toys. Bt''
The public is invited to examine our goods before
purchasing elsewhere.
MTJ'rleu (bo lowaat, ami are greatly rsUtwad. Claawg oat tlie entire H
.of loyt ana ooiaaay aooua a vua
Imm It., Tha SallM, Of. X. O. 3