mht Wall I Cfjromck VOL. VII. THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1893. NO. 6. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ftihllht bally. Sunday Excepted. by rHK cilKONIOLE PUBLISHING CO, nri WMnhtlltrtnii Urfiitfji. Tim rtirni't r.rii.- r.,.r... ' Term of Hnlmnrlptlou Veilt ,,6UU I! ionth, by carrier SO f.-.l. MjIiV 8 lUBlv - TIMK TAHLKS. Itallrimil. Ill eltect AlIKUktfi, 1KU3. BAKT HOUKIJ. i. "i&S v. m. I)virt Jl:oo r. . WBhT IIOL'NU. nc i. B"1" itepuru 8. II a. M, LOCAL. ,s... t,.-,t..t1 nf I I. t ' A" Departs for I'nrtlund nt a r. st. rwolW" (relehtit that curr w.ciigur leave 4,1 at 5 .TO A. M. HTAOKS. jo: irinevtlle. vU. llske Oveu, leave dally IS A. Sat AntcloMi, Mitchell, Canyon Wr vc ill; K(tA. M. Tor Dulur, KlliBslcy, WhuiIc, WHplnitla, Worm .?nuK nnd TyKi valley, leave dully, except tjaJny.tttfiA. h. t o. (loWlcndalo, Wiuh.. leave every day uf the net except tiuiultty at " a. m. OcIcvk (or all lines nttho Umatilla Uoune. KltOFEHMOXAl. TI U H KH)I)ELL-A7T0K.NtY-AT-LAW-OfflCe Court Street, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. i. k uuruu, f KASK MtKtK. rM'Kl'K, MKNKFEK - ATTORNEYS AT- I) lAW-ltoomt U aud 43, over I'ost OOrt H jIUIIuk, Entrance ou V ahhltiRton Street Ibe I)a,le, Orcsjon. A - 11KNNETT, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAA'. Of A. fli c In tohauno's bulldliu;, up stairs. The Li.IKk, Oregon. t. r. MATH. .P.HCKTIHOTO.S. H. K W1M0K. MAYri. UUNTINQTON i WILSON-Arroa-s K Vh-aT-La w Office, .French'" block over first .National Baal. ' Uallea. Orenon. U WILSON ATTOR!Y-AT-lAW liootni . VwnMi A Co .'a bank building, becond it, The Uallea, Oregon. T Bl'THIiHI.ANI, M. 1.. C. M.. K-T. M.C.: t). M C. IMmrt S. 0., I'hyalclnn aud Sur C.H.H. Rooms .1 and 4. Chapniuu block.. Kaldcnee Mm. Thombury'it, west end of fcecond itrwt. . . - TV'.. EsIIEUiAN (Hom jiorATHioj I-htcia U Hid 8UR0B0K. UUIU Hliweroi 1'M'"JJ ljornii;bt.clty or country. '.CUpniau block. HWerea Tininipuy. Oitlee No. and wu n K O 1). 1) O A N E - rU-YHlCIAJJ AND BUB- L) o. Offic; room. 4 and C Cliupman aiuet, Keldeiiee: ri. E. comer Court and fourth atrM.ta- door Irom the comer. OHIco hour 9 to 12 A. M.. B to 6 and 7 to i I', il. OtIUUALL iesmirr. Wis Civcn jor iuc . imlnluai extraction ol teeth. Aliio teeth t on ilowfd aluminum plute. Koomfc: olguol trie uoiauu 'loom, bocoua tttreei. w SOCIETIES. lT AHCO tODGE, NO. 15. A. K. & A. M.-Meeta nrat ana inira nonuny ui eiwu uiram FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. , TRANHACT A (5ENERAL BANKING B08INKSM Lettorn of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. Kltrht. PvVianrrA anil Tnlnm.artMn Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. lyjnis, am Francisco, i'ortiana Oregon, ocaiue vvnsn.. ana vanons points In Or egon ana wasmngion. Collections mado at all points on fnv orable terms. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - Vice-President, -Casbier, - - Z. F. Moody Charles Hilton M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. TALLEH KOYAL. AHOU CHA1-TEU NO. 6.- J Meet tU S1B.0IUC UIUI lUU UllIU n imiiou.j each mouth ot 7 Y. M. MODEKN WOODMES OK THE WOKLD. U Ml. Hood CiunpNo. W.MwtaTucaday even laioleaoh week lu Fratwrnlty Hall, at7MQ p. m. pOLUMUIA LODGE, NO. 8, I. O. O. F.-Moeta J eforr Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, In X. ott, hall, cornur Becond and Court atrecta. w.wirnlng Droiuera aro wokjuihu. H.CLOUUM, Bec'y. U. A. DtLLit,N. 0. UIUENDBHII" LODGE. NO. 9., K. ol P.-Mtota T every Monday evening at 7: o'clock, In Schanno'a building, corner ol Court and Becond itrwiu. Bolournlug membcra are cordially In rind. W. B. Ckam. ii w Vimi. K. nt H. and 8. 0. C. AH8EMI1LY NO. 4W7, K. OK U-MeeU In K. oiT. hall the accond and fourth Wedues- aava 01 each montn at i y. . IirOMEN'B CH1UBTIAN TEMl'EKENCE VV UNION will mart every Friday altorncKm it 8 o'clock at the reading room. All are lnvltea. AKMON LODGE No. 601, 1. 0.0. T. -Bcgulnr weekly rucetlng Friday nt r. u., a' fraternity lull. All aw Invited. L ( miKiHMAM. C. T. K. C. L.CK, Ho TEMPLE LODGE NO. 8, A. O. U. W.-MccU In Fraternity Hall, ovor KellcrH, u Second troot, Thursday evenlngi at 7:3U. ii, JIAot W. h Mtkkji. Financier. M. w. TAB. NEBM1TH I'OST, No. 1U, G.A. K. Mectii O every Baturday at 7:80 r. u., In the K. of I. Hall. . AMERICAN HAILWAY UNION, NO. 40. MeeU aecond und fourth Thuwday. leach month lu K. ol 1'. hall. J. llVY hip i. v. MpoutcvcrrBiuidayafternoouiu . the K. of J. Hall. B JWANU VJJREIN MoeUt evcrj- evening tn tnei. oi r. D OK L. K. DIVIB10N, No. 1C7 MeeU ln D. K.oftuillthcflHtand third Wodnea nfeanh 7:au r. M. THK CHUKCUK8. OT. r-ETERB CHUKCH -Bov. Father JIbon. P oaaiT pMtor. Low Mass every Buuday nt '!. High Maw at 10:80 a. M. Vcajiera ut j. M. ST. PAUL8 CHURCH -Union Btroct, opjKMilte With. IlOT.JBUi).8utolim Rector. Her vice very BundaV at 11. M. and 7:80 r. U. Bunday School i. Kvenlug Prayer on Friday at P1RHT BAPT1BT CUURCII-Rov. 0. D. TAY , lok, Paator. Mortilng aervlce every Bab th t tho aoadomy ut 11 a. m. BuUbath gphool lmmodlotow ' of tor morning ervlcoa. jrayer meeting Friday evening aU'antor'a rejil ance. union aervlooa In the court house at M. C CONGREGATIONAL CHUKCH-Rov. W. 0. CDKTii, Paator. Berrloea every Bunday at 11 m. and 7 r. M. Sunday School after morning t'y(. Ktrauaw cordially Invited. BeaUfree. ME. CHUKCH-Rcv. 3, Wuiklbh, paxtor. u Berrloea every Bundajr morning ut 11 a. m. "uuday Bcbool at 12:30 o'clock f , u. Epworth iue at 6:80 r. M. Prayer meeting every iournday evening at 7:80 o'clock, a cordial In to au wtMS(I br botn l101, uu P0pl OHK1HT1AN CHURUH-RKV.r. iumuvrmr V- Paator. Preaching in tbe OhrUtlnu church ch Lord'aTJay at 11 u. m. and 7:E0 p, m, All re cordially Invited , 1? .'ANGELICAL JLUT1IE KAN Ninth trcot", tev. A. Horn, jmu tor. Beryioeaat ll:8pa.m. '"Oair-HlMe) at tw p.m A cordial weloonie 0 vvy om. T Sight ExchangeaSold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favorable terms at all accessible points. J. H. BCHXHCK, President. J. M. 1'ATTEnSOX, Caahlcr. first Rational Bank. VHE DALLES. OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remiiteu on uaj ui collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on rew iork, ban xrancisoo and fort land i DIRECTORS. D. F. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbe. Ii. M. Beall. W. H. YOUNG, III BiacKsmim wap stiop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptlv, and all wort Guaranteed. flopse Shoeing a Speciality TbirCL Street opp. Lielie's old Stand. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of -work in his lino at reasonable figures. Has the largest honse moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181.The Dalles J. F. FORD, Evanplist, . Of Dcs Moines, Iowa, writes under date ol March 23, 1833: S. B. Med. Mra. Co., uuiur, uregon. Gentlemen : On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up, S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like It. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. u tn itinirv nn. with areetinire LJIS 1 U t W HV V V v. " " , - for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, mil a iii. o, if vmi wi.h to fJ freih nndchccrful, and ready for tho Bpring'a work, clcauko your ayatein with tho Headache nnd IJvor Cure, uy uuiug two or threo doses each week. Bold under a posltlvo guarutce. 60 ceuti per bottle by all druggists. C. P. STEPHENS, DEALER IN DRY GOODS (Clothing Uoott, Uhoea, Utttl, Kte. Fancy Qood, Jotion, Etc, Ktc.i Ktc. Second St Tbe Dalles. "As old as tho hills" and never excell ed. "Tried and proven " 13 tho verdict of millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is tho onlv Liver Than and Kidnov medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, a n d purely veg etable, act jrv 7 7 ing directly C on the Liver J. tt0 and Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. The King of Llrer Medicines. " I have used yourSlmmons Liver Recti lator nml can consciouclously say It Is tho king of nil liver medicines, I consider it a medicine chest In luelf. Geo. W. Jack son, Tacoma, Washington. WEVEKY PACKAGE-CB. Has tho Z Stamp in red on wrapper. Dally Evenlr.c Chronicle is recotrnized - lis tsentinllv the home untxr fnr flip 1) Jlcs City folks' 1 J r I T? This Is not a bad reputation. Somen UML 2.0(0 of our best sitizens watch the columns of this r 11 OT7D dally for the spiciest locul news. It r t 1 UK succeeds In BlcnnltiB the field, and hence grows In popularity and importance. Tnke It awhile, you who don't; try some of Its premium ofl'crs. "Tie Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, Fortlaii and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Frei ant ana Passenaer Lrne ThrouKh Tri-Weekly (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land, ftiearaer iteguiator leaves ine Dalles at i a.m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, connecting at the Cascade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (lamiiill st. dock) at 0 a. in., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I'AHSKNOKlt KATES, One way 2.00 Round trip 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. KMnmnnru fnr Vnrtlfiml received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings musi iw ueiiveruu ueiore n. nr. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or addrese, W. C. ALLAWAY, (ieneral Airent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Cleneral Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON ARTICB SODA WATER AND IOE OBEAM. I! .Mrl Unto whulesale OallUIBd aim nuio Ions. M i i UJUTAKi. . . HWKKT 1KINK Finest Peanut Roaster In Tho Dalles 2 a SI S'1 Street J.F0LC0 At rlKht side Mrs. Obarr'i restauraut SCENE IN THE HOUSE Majority Report of Committee on Foreign Relations, IT STANDS IX WITH CLEVELAND Condemns the Action of Minister Stevens at Honolulu A Minor ity Report Offered. Washington, Dec. 21. The house committee on foreign affairs this morn ing considered the resolutions introduced by Hill and Boutelle relative' to the Hawaiian policy of the administration, and decided to report a substitute, which , when reported by Chairman McCreary, of the committee, caused a scene in the house. Only three republican members of the committee were present. The meeting was not marked by any lively demonstration. Following is the substi-; tute for the Hill and Boutejie resolutions: WiieiTeas, It appears from the execu tive communications sent to the house of representativas that the United States naval forces at Honolulu exceeded their authority in January, 1893 and illegally aided in overthrowing the constitutional government in Hawaii, and setting up in its place a provisional government, not republican in form, in opposition to the will of the majority of the people of Hawaii: therefore, Resolved, That it is the sense of this house that such intervention by the government, its representatives orarmed forces is contrary to the policy and the traditions of our republic and the spirit of our constitution, and should be and is emphatically condemned. Representative Storer, of the commit tee, offered a substitute for the resolu tion adopted by the majority, which was rejected nnd which Storer wished to sub stitute as a minority report. Following is the resolution which embodies the votes of tho minority : Whekeas, Executive communications to congress disclose that tbe executive department has furnished to a minister plenipotentiary of the United States becret instructions to conspire with the representatives and agents of a deposed discarded monarchy for the overthrow of a friendly republican government, dulv recoganized bv all civilized nations to which said minister was accredited, aud to which his public instructions pledged the good faith and sympathy of the president, government and people of the United States. Jlesohed, That it is the sense of this house that any such intervention by the executive of the United States, its civil or military representatives or officers, without the authority of congress, is dangerous and unwarranted, an inva sion of the rights and dignities of the congress of the United States and a vio lation of the law of nations; and further, that the manner of such attempted in tervention by the executivo and the methods used were unworthy of the executive department of the United States, while the confessed intent of such intervention is contrary to tho policy aud traditions of the republic and the spirit of tho constitution. Before purchasing your Christmas candies and Christmas tree ornaments it will nav vnu to examine iroods and trot prices at Campbell Bros. NEWS OF THE STATE. Union county is now agitating for a rock crusher. Mr. Miller, who went east last week to find his lost child, has not been heard from lately. Mayor Mason of Portland lias gener ously donated -100 sucks of Hour to tho needy of Portland. Glen 0. Holman will be declared not guilty, the court declaring ho would sot aside a verdict of guilty, owing to tho lack of convicting testimony. Tho smug gling trial is nearly ended. To Itruce Up The system after "La Grippe," pneu monia, fevers, and other prostrating acute diseases ; to build up needed llesii and strength, and to restore health nnd vigor when you feel "run-down" nnd used-up, tho best thing in tho world Is ... . . 1 III 1-Y.T IJoctor I'iorce'H uoiuen iueuicai iiscov- ery . It promotes all tho Douiiy junctions, louses every organ into healthful action, purllies and enriches tho blood, and through it cleanses, repairs, and invig orates the entiro systom. For tho most stubborn Scrofulous, Skin or Scalp Diseases, Dyspepsia, Biliousness und kindred ailments, tno JJiscoverv" is tno oniy rumeiiy umv a guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you nave your money duck, Can vou think of anything more con- ..i.w.i.w, llinii tin, nrnmlKH thllt la lllUiid by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy V It is this : "If we can't cure your Outnrrl), wo'll pay yon $500 in cash." COItWIN AT HONOLULU. Her Arrival the G'mmo of Much Excite ment. San Fiiancisco, Dec. 21. Tho steam ship Mariposa arrived this morning, bringing advices from Honolulu up to December 14th. All efforts to find out tho position to be taken by the British in case trouble should arise have bo far failed. It is generally understood that tho ex-queen'a policy, should she be restored, would be one of general amnesty with the excep tion of a few men at tho head of tho provisional government. Tho annexationists claim that tho ex- queen will never have a chanco to dis play either good will or hatred toward these men so long as there is an Ameri can alive in Hawaii. Tho ill health of President Dole is causing much anxiety. During the past week ho has been confined at home. Members of the cabinet say he will be on duty again next week. Interviews with the cabinet show that thogovernment interpretates Cleveland's message to congress to mean "I will res tore the ex-queen peaceably if possible, and in case I find this cannot be done I will refer the matter to .congress for settlement." President Dole assured the Associated Press that in case Min ister Willis made any advances either before or after the sailing of tho Mari posa looking toward restoration, this government wished it announced in the most public manner that such negotia tions would make no headway here, and if pushed would bo absolutely rejected by the provisional government. The cabinet who were assembled in tho for eign office were of the opinion they would receive some communication from Minister Willis before noon, the hour set for the Mariposa to leave. "The provisional government," said President Dole, "has arranged every detail for pro tecting life and property and is also well prepared to resist with force the over throw of the provisional government if attempted by external means. Yes, you can say that if the worst comes we will make a stubborn resistance, and you know as well as we do that it will be a hard fight." Barricading of government buildings is being continued with uninterrupted nc tivity. One hundred and fifty picked provisional troops slept on their arms Arrangements have been so perfectly made and such thorough discipline is en forced that on the slightest menacing at titude of the royalists or their sympath izers fully 1,500 men fully equipped could be called into the field in 10 min utes. Around the palace are two heavy Krupp guns, purchased by tho late King Kalakaua, and two gattling guns have been stationed in addition to 19 smaller pieces. When the Mariposa sailed, a detachment of provisional soldiers were digging rifle pits. Tho principal parts of Liliuokalanl's regalia have been stripped and relegated to tho government museum. All monarchial decorations of the throne room also in and about the palace, including the throne itBelt, have been dismounted. In fact, everything pertaining to tho Insignia of royalty has been taken down. An added source of anxiety has beon the apprehension of interference from Japan which royalists are likely to in vite if disappointed in President Cleve land, Many circumstances besides tho return of the "Nanlwa" have conspired to disturb the minds of tho ministers on this point, although Mr. Fuji!, tho Jap anese representative, openly disclnims such intentions on tho part of Japan. Htinnee that l'eoplo Will Hull'er with dull feelings and tho blues when they can be so surely cured by simply taking a few doses of Simmons Liver Regulator. It Should Ho lu 13 very House J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps burg, Pa., says ho will not bo without Dr. King's Now Discovery for consump tion, coughs aud colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with pneumonia after un attack of "la grippo," when various other remedies and several phy sicians had douo her no good, Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's Now Discovery has dono him moro good than anything ho over used for lung trouble Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at Snipes A Kin ersly's. Largo bottles, 60c, and fl.OO. NEWS NOTES. Vnlllnnt and Recklus nro tho names of the anarchists who lately exploded a bomb in tho house of doputies. They arc botit misnamed. A New York newspaper says that the death of Banker Magoun has probably settled the fato of tho Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway, and that the road will now likely be placed in charge ot a receiver. Up. in Idaho they have concluded the S. F. Examiner's "gift offering" to its subscribers is a lottery, and tho U. S. grand jury haB indicted W. H. Hearst, tho proprietor, and T. T. Williams, the business manager of the paper, for vlo-' lating tho law which prohibits the uso of the mails for circulating lottery Hver tisements. Another claimant to the estate of the lato Thomas H. Blytho has just arrived here from England. His name is Ed ward Edwin Blythe. He alleges his father was compelled to leave England when tho claimant was a mere child, and that some time ago ho instructed a lawyer to file his claim to tho estate, but the latter had not taken any action. His attorney declares the proofs pro duced by him aro very strong, and that his resemblance to the late millionaire is very remarkable. It will pay you to call at the Columbia Candy Factory and get prices on Christ mas candies and ornaments. Prehistoric Kemalus Discovered. Eddy, N. M., Dec. 21. Will McMillan, of St. Louis, and E. Bronson, of El Paso, an authority on prehistoric Indian re mains, today discovered at 20 to 30 miles below Eddy somo Aztec remains. Ex cavations are soon to be made to expose what may have been burled by sands from adjacent hills. The remains of an ancient canal in this district bad pre viously been discovered. Broken pottery, arrowheads and stone axes prove the identity of the race to bo the same est: that which, when extinguished, left peculiarly built towns in northern Mexico, northern New Mexico and Ariz ona. They were a people whoSbuilt towns in tho hills for!tfi'ncP and farmed the river lands. This new difcovery shows that agriculture vm carried on in tho pecos by irrigation. How 's ThU! We offer one hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY iVCO.', Props. Toledo.'O. Wo the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions nnd,.,lnancially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West &. Traux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Wnlding, Kinnan k Marvin, Whole sale Drugi8ts, Totedo, Ohio. Hall's Caturrh Cure is taken internally, acting directlv upon the blood and muc ous surface of tho system. Price 75c. per bottle, sold by nil Druggists. ies limonials free. Itcnl Estate. BSBBBHBBBBBBBBaBlSBBBBStf John Prall and wife to Jason B. Gor- hnm 18 acres in section 0, township 1 north, ranged cast; $1,500. A. L. Reeso and wife to Mary M. Gor- ham lot D, block 30, Ft. Dalles Military Reserve; $375. WOOD'S JfHOSX'ElOlOINJGJ. Tho Great Ennllih Remedy, Promptly and permanently cores all forms of A'emous Wedknttt.EmUrtont.Spcrmr otorrhea, Impotence and alt tffccfrvfAbute or Kxcetut, Eocn proscribed over x ears In thousands of easest j j,f,,r is tho only Rtliabto an&IIo- Btfort and After. m(JtoM druggist for Wood's PliosDhodlnei If ho offers some worthless nioUlclao In ploco of this, loavo his dishonest store, Inclose price In lottor, and wo will sond by return nialL Prlco, ono package, Oik will jilaae,sfj will cure. 1'ampU let In plain fccalcd envelope, S cents postage. Addo3s The Wood Chemical Co.. 1UI Woodward avenue, Detroit. Mloh. Sold In Tho Dalle, by HliiLclcy & Houston. Assignee')! Nnle. f A Mnnilv. nnntonpn. will nfl'er for mill, nt nulilln mwrinii nn Kiilnrduv. Dl'O ember 23d, Frank Vogt's entiro stock of dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, furnishing goods, etc. This ealo is for tho bonellt of creditorB and tho entire stock is to be disposed of at once. Karl's Clover Root, tho now blood purifier, gives freshness nnd clearness to tho complexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and if 1.00. Sold by Snipos & Kiuorsiy, druggists, HIghest'of all in Leavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Rotol atsssB alssK- aHW Baking rowder ABSOUUTELY PURE ji U ) i - i