The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 21, 1893, Image 4

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The naiies Daily Ghfoniele.
Enteral at the l'otofflcv at Toe Dalle, Oresron,
as second-class mnttc;.
THE 1A1.1.KS
Gov. Walte, of Cnlor-.ulo. 1U n New l'lan
for Silver.
D II. Waite. tho sensational povertior
o the Centennial state, has in hand, it
is stated, a convention of miners, which
is tn ;asj resolutions urjrincr a special
session of the legislature to protect tht
silver utininp industries. Gov. U'aitc
has Ueen in etirresponilenee with IVes
ident Diaz, of the republic of Mexico,
and has. o the state cabinet avers, nr
raiifred for the coinaire of a hybrid sil
ver coin, upon which will appear the
Mexican mark, as well as the Colorado
coat of arms. This coin is to be made
in the Mexican mints, of Colorado sil
ver, the Mexican povernment having
the seigniorage as the profit. Gov.
Waite declares that the state can pur
chase the bullion, issue certificates,
which may be used as a medium of ex
change until the return of hybrids,
with which these certificates may be
The same wire which dashed the
above information broadcast over the i Erskinviile, Or
W K Hnvs, B H
Mr. F. P. Mays went to Portland this
Mr. F. M. Anion returned yesterday
from a trip to Missouri.
Mr. John Irvine of Chenoweth is very
til with slight hope of his recovery.
Mr. Ch.ts. Green of Kintrsley cave Thk
, Chuosk u: otlice a pleasant call today.
1 Drs. Rowland and Williamson loft The
Dalles on the afternoon truin yesterda .
and Dr. Kichardson left this morning. ,
Mr. 0. W. Cook and family will co I
down to Lyle in the morning to visit
with Mrs. O. Giiliam during the holi
days. Mr. E. 0. Lcet of Moro. Sherman
county, came into the city today. He
speaks of the roads as beinir in terrible
condition, owiiii:, largely to the treat
amount of rain during; the fall and so far
in the winter. '
Mrs. M. Mattey, sister of l. 11.
Thurston, is here on a visit to her
brother. She will return to her home in
Lafayette, Yamhill Co., in a day or two.
Mr. Thurston will accompany her home
to spend the holidays. ' !
Nijjkty per cent, of the crew of the
United States cruiser New York are
A jo:w substitute for powder is used
in a firearm just invented in England.
It is compressed pas.
A CASAntAK 1ms made a collection of
the buttons of officers of every repi
tnent and department of the Itritisli
15tCYCi.t:s for military couriers and
big dogs for sentries and ambulance
service tire curious features of the
teuted field.
In 1NM an oxpurimuutnl cruise of all
the ironclads in the IJritish navy,
thirty in number, was made during
very rough weather, to ascertain how
they would behave during a .storm;
result deemed successful.
Dmi.No the twelve months just
ended there were 1,'Joli desertions from
the navy, DUD men and 820 lxys. Of
this number "', men and H08 boys de
serted at home ports and lt! men and
17 boys at foreign ports. The number
of enlistments was about 7.000, out of
nearly twice that many applicants.
i:itclrlo Hitler.
This remedy is Incoming so well
1 known and so popular as to need no
special mention, All who use Electric
Hitters iiing the same song of praiso.
A purer medicine does not exist and it
Is miaranteed to do all that is claimed.
Electric Hitters will cure all diseases of
the liver and kidneys, will rutnove
pimples, boils, salt rheum and other
affections caused by impure blood. i
Will drivu malaria from the system ami j
prevent as well as cure all malarial !
levers. For cure of headache, consti- '
nation and indigestion try Electric Hit
tors. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. r
money refunded. Price f0e and $1 per,
Iwttle at Snipes it Kinersly's.
l.iutli Ovit Your County Viirruiit
All county warrants recistered prior
to January 10th, 1S90, will lo paid if
presented at my office, comer of Third
and Washington streets. Interest
ceases on and after this date.
W.u. Miciiku.,
Treasurer Wasco County.
Octobur Hist, 1S!3. tf
Is called to the faot that
Hugh Glenn,
Dealer in Glr
and Build!
-- 'irlli
mo, I'tASia Cement
Malaria ol n!. Grinds.
t i-'itirt of
Wasco warciise Co.,
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Fates Rcasonble.
-Ma UK (UK)!)?
. W. Oo.
To d found in the City.
CXIoshington Street
JX'TlUiX. 1 TTC1. 1 1
Skibbe Flotel. XO Crowltne, Golden
dale, Wash.; F H Itodd. Greenham.
Or.: T S Hill. Erskinvilie. Or. : J Farm.
H Miller, Hake Oven
Hav-, Xansene ; Mark
, Graver, L'matilla ; C K Hill. 15 J Thomp-
ison, smith.
Mead, Fulton; W A
Peter Hrenner, Portland. II llrenner. or
M Dnchnnsky Portland: Edmond Wil-'
Hams, John Dav : Will Hrown, Mtnn.- j
, polis, Minn. : John Chrisnmn. Cheno
; weth ; W H Chapnell Goldendale :
, Ferdinand Westermaii, Tvch. I
The Gn-Iitliic Turtlr.
Paradoxical as it may eem, the only
lcnovn species of grass eating turtle in
the world, xerebates agassizti, lives
and thrives on that all but barren
waste the Mojave desert, in San Hcr-
Umatilla: G H I nardmo county. Cal. 1 m queer crea-
Kicdon, Grants; turc grazes after the -fashion of an ox
a horse, and. n.itw iuistunding tlu-
natural scarci'j o irrass. seems t,.
keep moderately mt t.nd happy. He i
about in inehe- in iength when ful1
grown, and is sold at h by west coast
curiositv dealers
Notice is hereby given that unless the
delinquent taxes of Dalles City are paid
within ten days from the date of this !
notice the mimes of the delinquents ,
will be published.
Hv order of the common council of
Dalles City, made December lid, JS'J.".
Witness niv hand this 7th day of
December, lMKi. Dan Maloxi:
Citv Marshal.
Hest grades of oak, fir, and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. i
Peters i'c Cai. Ozfice Second and JelTer--I'ti
streets. .
: From TERIBINAb or INTERIOR Points , $
II. K-
.t G' . l
&8&rZ J Ton vt6r
I n;vllu-. Iim .
if till' lllll' to tttkl'
mure t'.
exj'cii! u
gov. n. n. wArrt:. of colohado.
land told how S. J. Toy, recently ap
pointed warden, took poession of the
Colorado penitentiary at Canyon City.
Toy had come from Denver by train
He was met by ex-Deputy Hence, son-in-law
of the povemor. who had
been removed by Warder. -JeI.ester.
.and a prison employ who had per
mission to be absent until a kite hour.
Stealthily approaching the pri.-m. the
ernpl'jjv gnve the proper bignal an J the
oui'-r door was opened for L.h mis
sion. All three sprang in. cjr-ring
the gnsrds and diirrning them. The
inner -ate was passed in the same
vray. Hence was then recognized
z-nd ordered out. but he ex
hibited a new appointment as
deputy signed by Toy. who in turn
presented his own credentials. Guards,
who had become alarmed by the dis
play of firearms began blowing the
alarm whistle and McLester was awak
ened. As he stepped out of his bed-,
room he was ordered to leave thr
peniteatiary grounds at once. He
asked for permission to go to the offlce
and arrange hib papers, but that was
refused. With a man or. each -,-ie of
14... ue aeposeu ivaraen was con
ducted to the outer cate and ordered
to depart.
Columbia A E Pat", G ? Evans, i
Frank.Rein, Hcodr.iver: J Hunter, i
Miss Hunter, Mwsier: Miss H Pvan, E
Anderson, Dnfnr : M Foss. James Youns.
H Klahm. Seattle; C E Cline. T W
Johnson. P Mears, W T Jones, Mrs E
Daan. Portland: A H Jewett and wife,
J K Warner, White Salmon ; Mrs M vres,
J H Forsvth. S II Miller, Lvle; Thomas
Crofford, J C Dalv, Centerville: F E
Webb. Block House: W Dovle. S-Mile;
O B Recg, Philadelphia; A Mcl.eod.
:iinLsiey: w i .Jackson, John Day; H
Barnhart. E E James, Antelope; C W
Lilal, Goldendale; T E Smith, Grants ; i
M ? Eastman, City; Adohir Parauld,
Georye Parauld, Grass Valley : John
Eiderton, J D Hammond. P F McDon
ald. Pendleton: J P.Cook, F Howard,
Kliniild ov..i nili J
Dli-tlutmn I( ni . C
riiiH-tn.iiic (in i,.
LltrV. tttl.llllir- ?
i KSzzrf imm-lutl.iii. n,w
jiiraiiui 'MM,fUt.
S A J,ihrnry in Hsclf. it .:. kivi
the iifson ili'Atrud inlnrrnstlun fii:iTninc
t'llllUfllt JiPrxdll.K, fiM'tH l-ot.itTlillU tlio
f ruillitrioK. c-itli'H. torr.H. mill iiarunt f.
S luren ot the itluN' . iMjriirtiluro 'mt'emlii
miieu iiritiioiii iH;rin iui inaren
The Da es
Ik the Ulnliic ( r.r Itouie. It ruitk Thintigb i
v'citlbutmt 't'raln every day In tlie yur.r to
laiiDii in nitcicu ijiiiuniKiiin, uuniK. mi! i
linviTi", . fir.
This Work in Invnlnnblviuih
IinuiH'liolil, ami lo tin- tmplipr,, w
r JT , 0 linuHluiM,aml to the tcnrlnr. hclnil.i!
St. Paul and Ghicaoo : rrr:'r;;;r::r,',,f
The coinage ui gold in the Philadel
phia mint during October was greater
than for any month since the mint was
A St. Loins dispatch says that the
financial agent of the Cherokee nation
has -closed a deal whereby an English,
syndicate takes the SG.KUU.OOO Cherokee
strip bonds at par and accrued inter
est.' The treasury department has ordered j
the superintendents of the mint at San
Francisco and New Orleans to resume ,
the coinage. su.sended some time ago.
of standard silver dollars, for the pur
pose of utilizing the seigniorage
Coikage executed at the several
mints of the L'nited States for the
month of October aggregated T.7-U.14U
piece, of the value of 510,003,000, as
follow.,: Gold piece.1), l.HO.l-iU value,
20.5O4, -.00; silver pieces. l.SW.OOO
value. 410,000; minor coin, 4.S10.000
value. 860,100.
DcitiNG the world's fair period the
railways, suburban trams not included,
L matilla James Harman, San Fran-
Cisco : T T Dane, A Smith, Grass Vallev,
E Ikynton, M E Welch, City; F 11
Stratton, E Rondeau, Wm Ketchum,
Seattle; Jos Hinkie, V Sepeny, M
Sichel, Geo Seeley. Prineville: E Run
hold. W II Jones, D P Ketchum. Spo
kane; Geo Thornton, John Sterling,!:
Santercash, J W Overlaigh, White Sal
mon ; John Keenan, Henry Parish, C P
Ballersteve. T M Roth, Ott Kleeznann,
Geo Scott. F M Seeley. T D Condon, F E
Horton, Portland; W R Hcnsell and
daughter, Lyle; T W Glavey, F C Sex
ton. Dufur; James Baxter, Antelope; C
- V, acner, Hasco: Mrs J attv, Ijifav
ntte; FT Barlow, New York; E E Ben
, jamin. Warm Springs ; L L Rowland, W
T Williamson. J A "Richardson, Salem ;
J R Lake, Willows : W H Brown. Minn
eapolis ; A L Henles. Bigss ; H W Cook,
H S Jones, Eidgeway.
Shilo'u's Vitalizer is wnatyou need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble. It :s guaranteed to
trive you satisfaction. Prif'e 74c Sold
by Snipes & Kinersly, drnists.
For a sore throat there is nothing
better than a flannel bandage dampened
with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It
will nearly always effect a cure in one
night's time. This remedy is also a fa
vorite for rheumatism and has cured
very severe cases. 50 cent bottles for
sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
carried 0,ulG,i!9. passengers.
i,uuuroan trains collected "Jt. "m,w;;
fares and the local street railway sys
tem transported the enormous number
of 215,730,17:; passengers! The grand
total ib 24U,
It is declared upon authority that
more than S0.O00.00O worth of property
has been destroyed in a single year by
the maiming of stock or cattle through
crneltv while in transit at sea. This
is an enormous percentage of a total
of 24t,0'J0,l)0O shipped to represent loss
through abuse and neglect. Chicago
Inter Ocean.
When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Dal
ton of Luray, Russell county, Kan.,
called at the labaratory of Chamberlain
& Co., Des Moines, to ehow them his
six-year-old boy, whose life bad been
saved by Chamberlain'e Cough Remedy,
it having cured him of a very severe at
tack of croup. Mr. Dalton b certain
that it saved his boy'e life and Is enthu
siastic in his praise of the Remedy. For
pale by Blakeley fc Houghton.
Hot clam broth at J. O. Mack'B every
dav at 4 o'clock.
A Talented Editor."
Purlnj: the comliiK months, or the hinttd
r-utloi, tlioc who uru traveling ur foiitemt.litltiK
. . t. ....... A..n 1 ,1 ...ui hi. fril Imvlrit.
Jettr (rem n hrlllhnit unit well known ttlltor and
pruvldt themwlvea mjulnst iittuck of headuchc
(Ui(l(1i2iiiio: . , ,
iiBHTtBXKS I hail (ccu!on to ue cvf:ral
Jjoxca of Krtttuon Hwduche CujmiiIm while
travclhiK to Chlcaso tniitteud the tjutloiial IMn
ocratic ronvuntlon. They ucted like a charui tn
uroventine headachw undulzzliiwu. JIave hml
vety littlu headncho i ince my return, which in
rciflufkaule. Youta rcaptctlully,
Jomk U. fiiurreu,
JM. kwiovo, I'a., Utconl.
Yat alo by BUikeler k HouKliton, Tectiptioii
PnisBiau, 176 Hea Ht., Tbe Dalles, Or
Mold by butjw dc Klfcenly.
Notice is hereby iriven. that by order
of the common council of Dalleij City,
made and entered on the 12th day of De
cember, 1893, sealed bids will" be re
ceived at the office of the undersigned
until Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock p.
m., December 22d, lSJKi, for the con
struction of a sewer of terra cotta, to be
& inches iu dinuieter, on Lincoln 6treet
in said city, commencing at the south
line of the intersection of Lincoln and
Fourth streets, in the center of said Lin
coln street and thence continuing north
erly along the center of said street to
the terminus thereof, towit Low water
mark of Mill Creek. Said sewer to be
constructed in accordance with the planB
and specifications thereof heretoiore
made and prepared by C. J. Crandall,
and which said plans and Bpeciiications
may lie seen at the office of eaid C. J.
No bid will be received unless the
same is accompanied with a good and
sufficient bond in the sum of $200, con
ditioned that the bidder will accept the
constructing of said sewer if the same
shall be awarded to him.
The right to reject any and all bids is
hereby reserved.
Dated at Dalles City, Or., Dec. Hi,
Douglas K. Dcrri:,
Recorder of Dalles City.
Daily and Weekly
THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex
press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles
and the surrounding country, and ihe satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook. Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re
gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best
medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire.
The Daily Chronicle is published every eve
ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per
annum. The AVeeklv Chronicle on Fridays of
each week at SI. 50 per annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address
Cnmio! ' Dlnlni; Cars unnurpftl. J'ull
I mini brnwim- IUx)mn!.'i;rs(i.' Intent culpim-iit.
Heit tlini run 1m coimtrurtiti, unci In whlcti
aceomm.Mlntttmn iiie both Krt-r ntul I'urnlnhm
(or holder of Kl:t nud bccoml-clmm Tlcla'U.atitf
i CT"' "Dt 'a!t eliP iilmtiv
5 k-ratiliii tvjrfuict niiclcnt
J tvlutoii.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
1 a rniitlmioim Hue. cnnni-ctluc: with ull lino
aUiitilltiz cllrvct mul unititorruiitMl ncrvlm
They iwiil The Chronicle to ct't the lstint ami
uiiwt rulltthk' ew. Ami they rvrnl every line
tlmt l in the iiht That In whnt imitw the
I'ullmn tihvtr iH.-tvntlon rn b .ecum, I tiirmunMc mlvrt! inB mlum.
lUKdTBiiccthroiiishanymrentof theroud. ; in iu-wkiuiikt thtit Rran to the inmilj
tlmt tho iiururtliwrt
! THROUGH TICKETS !lntu in Amt-rlcn.
I Knclant! mid Euro;- tnn t puri'liiMxl fit nuj
ticket ollici' o( Cit compmiy
Full tnloraaSa concenilnit rnien, time ol
' trnliik, routva nna other detaiU furnUhetl ou
npiillcrttlou to
A (tent I). 1. A A Nnr. Co., Ilcnulatnr otticc, Ttti
Dalleii, Or., or
A li. rilARLTfi.V.
I A't. General t'acnccr Ast.. I'ortlaufl. Jsn
(lrifIilc ! the unu
of tiKlay ixitrouUv 1 when they tlesirt- to
rvMi'h tho -)i!e. When thi-y want your trade
their announcement!! i?IU Ik- lonnd In the injr
Uiot over our column and oimervc the verifica
tion of lliu truth of thin imvrtlou. Itumumbcr,
rt trfit!..i)f h f nt, II i' tt fu I liftitknti.l
i U worth hhUIiir for through these t$-
columns, tx:lnlly ho i;t our vary
Ttio 3Da.llos3,
1 Hy virtue of an execution and order
of italc iMued out of tbe Circuit Court
of the fetute of Oregon for the county
of Wasco, to tnc dlrtctinl, f.-ommiiniling
ure to make tale of tho land iu nald wrlt.dt-serll-Ktto-wlt;
thoto iileceu nud ixirceU of land in
WaicoC'ouuty, Suteof Oreon, known and du
tcrlljrtl a all ol aectioil three 31, and the aouth
1 half of the aoutheiut ilarter ol K-ctlnri four f I,
and the aouth half of aectlon live (5) and the
' north half of atetlriu el k tit (h), all in Townahlp
i one (1), mirth of Kantce fourteen (II taat of the
Willamette meridian, to make und iay the turn
of money, in ald Court adJudKtit, to 1 paid to
1 the iihilutitt iu raid action, Iu which action The
bolieltort J-oun and Trust Comuinr were plain
tit' und James llooth, ilnrtliu M Jlrxilh, Kvciett
fc. Kail, J. V. JlcClure, haruh U JlcClure, U. U.
Alter, lUlph UoKersi Julia .N lU'.-rs, lri Km
liodr, J. M. Taylor und J. V. Kdwanls were do
UeuilauU, lo-wlt, theaumof IMO.U) with Jutef
. cat thereon from July 1. IMil, at the rate of ix
I per cent per annum ami I'JJO to attorney feea In
' aid action and coat and iJItburaemeut therein
' taxed, i have this day levied ujiou the land
above described and on
Katurduy ttieSUd day of liecember, IHV'J,
nt the hour o! lb a. m., in front of the court
home door, In the city ol The iJallea, in aald
count." und atatc, I will aell aald land at public
auction, to the hijihtut bidder tlierefnr.
T. A. WajsIi,
Sheriirof Wwco county, State of Oregon,
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get oil' on the South Side.
flEW COliUMBlfl HOTEk.
This large and popular llmm d-t the prlncljwl hotel bunlnciia,
and i. prepared to lurniif t.'it; ilsit Aecommwlationa ol any
House in the city, and nt toe lmv rote ol
$1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Teals, 25 Cepts.
Ollltif for all Stacf l.lnt- liturlnc TIik llullea fur nil
polnla In Knatern Orrcou anil Kuatnru AVanhliiKtou,
Iu till Uotel.
, Tiii Repairs and Roofi
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kusf
Blacksmith .Shop.
Corner of Front and I'nfon fit
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
Clothier and Tailor.
, . Decidedly the Finest Line of . .
Gents' Ktarnistiing Goods,
Trunks and Valises, etc., etc.
u There is a tide in the ajjairs oj men which, taken at its flood
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Fumitnre k Carpels
Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates.
With every dozen Cabinet
Photographs, one ....
o LifeSLze CrayoriJ
Call at the G-allery and see
samples. My work speaks
for itseli
' s.n
j0B 1 "ilNg