The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 21, 1893, Image 3

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    ftailil fthttAftfola Messrs. J. C. Mollis nmt S. B. A,lnn,al wi i : """ .'!
The Dalles
Knturott n the I'ontoftleent The Dalle, Oregon,
n nrciiuu-ciiuiii innitur.
Clubbing List.
flironidf anil , Y. Trilmnr
I'hri'Hiflf ao American Farnifr, . . .
I htonirlf and Xfl'lurt'i Hip'l.'w,, . . ,
( h r li n i r 1 1 ai Cfinopolitan HacariM,..
Iht'nitlc und hfilit htm: . . .
Regular Our
iirlpo iirln.
. KM Jtt.75
. ..uv fl.l.i
. M.oo ti::
. M.oo us
SV.fto ti.m
f.ncitl Ail vtirtltlnft.
10 (,eiu a lino for first limvntnn, mid 6 Cent
tor line for ciicli iiluftictit Inncrtloii.
Hpealiil niton for long Ume notices,
All liwnJ notice wolveU Inter tlinn 2 o'clock
will l't'r tlio following iliiy.
DKC. 21, 1803
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
he. found on mile ul I, Nkkehen' gtore.
Splry Ni'Wll Onrnort-il from
liortnr'M Not Itonk.
Work is suspended on the streets
during tho ruin.
It cost F. H. Green $0-1.(10 und I'les
anil V. Itobnott mid F. I'. Harp $50 ench
at Albany for killing deer out of season.
Mnnvof tliu orosHwuIks are in very
bail coi -lition, Some are really unsafe,
luit th ilofccto are jiartially concealed
by a liberal coating of mud.
Mrs. McKwen, the old lady who wan
Htrifkon with paralyBifi yeHterday, died
tl if morning. Hereon ha.i been tele
irruplird for at North Yakima.
Chester Colo Iiuh leen pardoned by
the governor. He wub cent up for the
larceny of a guiding and was pardoned J
on recommendation of the pro" uting j
attorney. j
It has ruined almost steadily all the
afternoon, at times fallingquito heavily.
During the night and this morning the
precipitation wub light, amounting only
to .15 of an inch.
TeauiHtorB Hjieak favorably of the
Htreet improvement und Hay it is much
better, unfinished as it in, than formerly.
The worst part of Second street is in the
Hast end, which is full of ruts.
There are comparatively few cases call
ing for charity in the county, und these
Hhould Ikj responded to as soon as they
come to notice. iihco county is more
than fortunuto in this respect, wnen the
reports of other places are considered.
Immediately, work of some kind, by a
reliable man from the east, must have
work at once. Inquire at this ofl'iee.
Messrs. J. C. Moina ami S. B. Adam
nave lormcd a ro-partnerfhip for the
Bale of tho Chrlsnian dryer, and Mr.
Melns loaves for California in the morn
ing to Introduce it in that renowned
fruit producing country, and to make
arrangements for its exhibition at tho
Midwinter fair.
Purchase ticket for photo of agent, he
will call hut once. I). C. Hkhuin.
HHIef Flour Not Illntrlhutnl.
There nro several barrels of fiour left
in tho Moody warehouse, sent here for
the sufferers of the 18!)1 fire in The
Dalles, which is still in the hands of tho
relief committee appointed at that time
to distribute it. This flour is being de
voured and wasted by rats, and what is
loft should be at onco disposed of.
There aro cases of destitution in the
city and county, where this flour would
relieve great suffering, one case in par
ticular reported yesterday where a
family has been without bread for three
dayB. Tho Y'fl and woman's relief
societies have this year been taxed more
than usual in providing relief for desti
tute families and it is shameful that this
flour remains undistributed. The relief
committee should wind up their business
and disband, and the flour or anything
elso which may have not yet been dis
bursed given over to the charitable
societies of tho city.
Cheaper than anywhere else at the
California winehouse.
Election or onicitrw.
The following officers were elected last
night by Koyal Arch A. F. & A. M.,
Chapter 0:
G. C. Ulakeluy, II. P.
K. Schanno, King.
G. V. Kolton, Scribe.
G. A. I,iele, Treasurer.
H. Logan, Secretary.
I. I. liurget, Capt. Host.
Chus. Hilton, P. S.
John M. Marden, II. A. C.
A. Lursen, G. M. i!d V.
E. C. Phirman, G. W. 2d V.
W. E. Garretson, G. M. 1st V.
H. G. Closter, Sentinel. j
Kuul Extutft.
Wasco county is unexcelled for raising
grapes, nnd both quantity and quality
will average alongside of the famous
grape-producing belts of New York and
California. Grapes require little moist
ure, and tho long dry summer season
make tho labor of raising them less than
in other places. On this nccount the
building of trellises is dispensed with, as
the yield is not injured by growing un
supported on the ground. Tho danger
of mildew is very rare, as tho crapes
ripen and are garnered far in advance of
the fall rains. .Mr. C. Hecht, who has
been a prominent wine-maker of Cal
ifornia, believes that this is as good a
location as any that could be selected
and has about decided to remain in
Wasco county. He linds a good market
for wines and believes they should bo
manufactured here instead of imported.
Campbell Bros., of the Columbia
Candy factory, are showing the finest
line of candies and Christmas ornaments
ever brought to The Dalles, and prices to
suit the times.
Itnnquct Night oftlui WhUt Cliih.
Whist is the general rule of tho
Wednesday evening club, but every few
weeks there is an exception to tho rule,
and after the usual number of games are
played, a banquet is in order. It is
needless to say that the exception is
quite as acceptable as the rule, since
every one stands an equal show of mak
ing a good score in the former. Last
evening was anpointedas banquet night,
and Mr. Kellar evidently did his best,
for everyone voted it the best they have
yet had. The club was entertained last
i evening by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hilton,
j and although it is termed the Union
j Whist club, several young people who
are not elibible to join tho union were
I invited. Judge Bradshaw won the first
prize, a pair of vases, and Mrs. J. C.
Hostetler the booby, a handkerchief
. Tho doctors who were here yesterday
said that about tho samo health condi
tions prevail all over Eastern Oregon,
Viz. Almost a total ntannnn iti mil mnn.
ary and malarial diseases. Thev find
that each of tho places visited bv "thnm
have ample water facilities, but that
Baker City's artesian water was tho
purest and best. They were non-committal
as regards what thev will rctiort
as to The Dalles, bnt it was evident they
were very favorably i in pressed bv their
examination and thought it necessary to
make a second trip to tho asylum sito to
confirm them in their good opinions.
They found a largo body of pure spring
water with MO feet fall close at hand, and
tho entire land area was covered with
rich alluvial soil. A largo bearing
orchard was also a feature of the
grounds, while tho facilities for railroad
and river transportation wero excellent.
Another point in favor of Tho Dalles was
the branch asylum being located near
the parent institution, and that branch
asylums are invariably located within a
radius of ICO miles from the main one.
Temperature and climatic conditions
favor The Dalles as the proper site, there
being no great extremes of temperature,
such as are found in all the other places
A decision is expected next Tuesday.
Special reduction on latnps, glassware
and crockery for the holidays at H. H.
Kt'KUlar und Christina Services.
Laura E. Bergfeld and William Berg
feld to A. S. Bennett, undivided fifth
interest in no' swl4' and lots 1!,G and 7,
sec. T, township 1 north, range 13 east;
1). K. Ordway and wife to W. V.
Johnson, 3.3., acres, in sec. G and 7, town
ship 2 north, range 11 east; $75.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San
Diego, Cal., suys: "Shiloh'H Catarrh
Kemedy is the first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any good."
Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly.
Attention is called that there will
again bo service at the Evangelical
Lutheran church every Sunday at 10
o'clock a. m. and Sunday school at 2
o'clock p. m. On Christmas day at 3 :30
o'clock p. m. will be a children's Eervice
with an illuminated Christmas tree.
Wishing n blessing of the gift of gifts,
the Kedeemer of the world, pronounces
u cordial welcome to young and old.
A. Hoit.v, Pastor.
Carving Eets and Roger's triple plated
table cutlery at Maier & Benton's hard
ware store.
A silk worm's thread is one-thousandth
part of an inch thick.
To he perfectly proportioned a man
should weigh twenty-eight pounds for
every foot of his height.
If a well could be dug to a depth of
forty-six miles the air at tho bottom
would bo as dense as quicksilver.
The average speed of the transmis
sion of earthquake shocks is nearly
sixteen thousand feet per second.
Tin: idea of an ancient tropical con
tinent at the south pole uniting South
America, Madagascar and Australia is
arousing considerable interest and dis
cussion in scientific circles.
Afteh two years' trial with pine, oak
and preenheart in the Suez canal
works, it has been found that while
pine and oak are destroyed by the
borer worm, the greenheart. which
comes from British Guiana, was un
harmed. The latest intelligence concerning
Dr. Nansen's Arctic expedition is to
the effect that he has made satisfac
tory progress. Norwegian whalers re
port meeting him in the Kara sea and
off Nova Zambia in August and further
state that the water was singularly
free from ice.
Before purchasing your Christmas
candies and Christmas tree ornaments it
will pay you to examine goods and get
prices at Campbell Bros.
Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver
Move Polish.
Just flrrivea from Hew York
At Remarkably Ijow Prk-cc
Spleoflifl CMncMlla Overcoats $5.50,
f Winter Dry Goods,
''it' HnoTa. Runp.a. ttath.
As wo arc lorccd to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits (like
ho famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and bad debts, our prices will always b
found the verv lowest in the market. Wo invite our friends and customers to
examine our coods and prices before purchasing.
M. Honywill.
Gents' SbOPSi
f 1 Suits. i
nor-iviatie i
"Samailla at tb f aril's lair,"
Ami bo up to the time.
Greatest Work of the Nineteenth Century
A. G. Hoering,
locnl .Ront, The JJ.-illes, Or
A Large
of Men's
of the newest shapes made
epecially for The Dalles.
Gents' Silk Handkerchiefs, Mufllers,
Neckwear, Gloves, Umbrellas, etc.
Suitable for Christmas Presents.
Ever? ariiele miM in plain figures.
Business Change.
The undersigned has bought
the Chinese merchandise busi
ness heretofore conducted by
and will pay all bills owing by
said firm if presented to them
before December 1st, 1893.
130 Main St., Tho Dullet. Or.
What Shall I Get or Give For Christmas ?
jggr TO HELP the puzzled and bewildered enquirers, we mention some of the suitable and acceptable G-IPTS to be found among
our Stock. We have done our very best to meet you all in regard to prices, and think we can truly say that at OUR store
at least everybody can afford to buy.
Notice our marked reduction in prices
of the following materials used so exten
sively at this season for making dainty
and pretty Gifts :
All Silk Satin Edge Gpos Grain Ribbon.
No. 2, per yd 5 uls
No. "' ets
No. 5. " 8:i cts
No. 7, " 10 cts
No. 9. " ... 12 cts
No. 12, "
V.. 1! (
I0g cts
20 cts
Satin Ribbon.
No. 7, por yd
No. U,
No. 1 2,
No. 10,
Gros Grain Ribbon.
No. 5, per yd
No. 7,
No. 9,
No. 12,
1 1
m cts
1C cts
20 cts
25 cts
Fancy Drapery Silks, per yd.
ii kI iisHortmuut
Fancy Silks, por yd
Silk Corel,
Silk Fringes, "
pon Pons, per do.
10 ctJ
12J cts
Hljj cts
20 .cts
00 cts
75 cts
. 35 cts
25 cts
. : cts
Kir; to 45 cts
' .. 12J cts
Vantine Department.
Our Vantine Department oilers many pretty
articles for Christmas, and we are confident
you will find the prices satisfactory, as they
have all been greatly reduced. We have
Tea Sets, Cracker .lars, Chocolate Pots,
Vases, Teapots, Salad Dishes, Plates,
Kose Jars, Howls, Ash Trays, Paper
Cutters, Match Poxes, Jardinierres,
Cmbrella Stands, etc., etc., etc., etc.
Indian Baskets.
In our Jndian Baskets light, tasty and
strong you will find presents that would be
appreciated by all.
Among the appropriate gifts that a man can
give sweetheart or wife, and one that will cer
tainly be appreciated, we mention
We have a splendid stock, and make tho
following special prices :
Jouvin ...
Foster, Hook
Alice, Koyal Hook
Beatrice, '" "
Paragon, large buttons
Albani, iIosuetaire Suedo..
. ...05 and 85 cts
80 cts
85 cts
.. .. .$1 00
1 25
1 15
1 50
Centemon, colored
( 'enteinori, black
1 135
1 75
Embroidered 5U155 Jterdkrer;iefs.
Our own Importation.
From (JJ cents to 85 cents each
They have been pronounced tho handsom
est ever shown here, and at our special prices
are selling very freely.
As Appropriate Presents for Gentle
men, we mention:
Cashmere and Silk Mufllers,
Linen and Silk llandkorchiefs,
Cloves, Suspenders, Umbrellas,
Slippers and Neckwear, etc., etc.
Wo offer grand opportunities for Christmas.
Give Useful Presents.
This year they will be appreciated.
We Have Them.
Our Red Prices are right.
i a .
.AjTAU. goods marked