r.'i s f The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FAMILIAR NAMES. TUB OFFICIAL I'.U'KU OF DALLES CITY. AND WACO COUNTY. SUBSCKIJTIUN KATKs. ' bt MAtt, rosr.iOK rrjsr.uu. in advancs. Weekly. 1 year. . ....1W 0 T5 o x ! 6 CO CkamI'. the pront shipbuilder, says ) tliat lie doe- not eo aboard ofteuor j because an ocean voyape prostrates him with sonsiekuess. Mns. I". S. Gp.axt, the widow ot the profit general, has pone tc California, where she will spend tltc winter on the ranch of her son, .lese Grant. Thk late Marshal Mnc.Mnhon will be 3 to longest remembered for his famous , 0 H) ' words uttered before Sebastopol: ".1'y suis: j v reste "1 am here, here I shall stav." - ltrrr.vt.o llu.i. has just boupht a 5?10.- ' 000 residence in North Platte, Xeb., t very near the spot where he killed his mi. cj. to 4 j.. m -H:ilU kill.' IUM UL 111S 1111'. cubing or hmu i Clai:k.sok Kino, formerly director of tnlas wlut Sas: 9p m. and ll iia.tn. me i nuwi amies peoiopieai survey. vet v- tw a.Aijv. m. w,,ii known us a man of science an.i of 6 month. " 3 Dally, 1 year. " 6 mouths. " per ' Addre all couiouuleation to "THE CH KOX ICLE." The Dalle-. Orvsoti. 1'ii.l.Offlrv. orricE hour General Delivery W liulow a. m. tn Mdgit On!ir ' Sunday 13. .9 a m. tolOa. m ,lll 1(1 1729 Now York Avenue, WASHINGTON, D. C. tjise fur Goldetidale " ITitufVtlu 5:aa! oi. (letters and conspicuous in the social 5 3a. tn. , and club hie of New York and Now- :. ,IvtusV;XtJR ltm i lort. has become insane and has been Esctpt suudsy tTrl-weeUy. TuesdsT Thursday mid Saturday. I " Muidaj Vdtifdt and Friday. sent to an asvlutu. THURSDAY, - DEC. 21, 1S9S The January number of the Forum (reduced to 23 ct. will contain an im partial review of the whole Hawaiian question by Mr. James Schouler, the "well-known historian, wo writes not for the sake of controversy, but to tell the facts of the whole contention and set them forth in their proper proportion. A mammoth petition was wheeled into congress yesterday, requiring the services of several men, on the subject of road- niaking and asking for government aid. WELL UP IN YEARS. Tin: oldest person in Indiana is - Aunt Raldy.'who recently attained her 104th birthday. She is an inmate of the Old Ladies home at Terre Haute. Tun seventieth anniversary of their weddinp was recently celebrated by Rev. Henjamin Stevens and wife of Hannibal. Mo. His aire is m. and hers ! 1 is SS. NfJinnors descendants make happy the declining- years of Mr. ltowena Harty. o: Parrot:. Ga. She is si years old. was married at the ape of 14. is the mother of 17 children, has 8T grand children, and in great-grandchildren. JriKii; N. I'. Eakp. the so-year- 7?nnT j ,vt 7? 7? A -nn the poison in your blood, 1 U1UBM Bp'uuuur01 rai,p 1,1 however it may have Icstabubmed istn.l eome or whatever shape , To all cash suhHoriherH of TiikCiiuonici.k it may bo taking, ia raying one year in advance.. eleared away by Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery. It's a remedy that rouses ev ery organ into healthful action" purifies and en riches the blood, and through it cleanses and invicorates the whole 8 V S t (' 111 . Salt-rtieUUl, lurr muttor. likMltltullv eiiilvlllshnl with linn Totter, Eczema, Krysip- j "iusitmtii.ii- it i-t-las. Hoils, Carbuncles. NATIONAL IX CHARACTER, Enlarged Glajids and ( mi(, Ataf wUli hnn. (im fannori nl0lwU the worst orofulous i on tinnd, jmiotinii Htm, it Sores and Swellings. ' EM,,L0YS TE EST WRITERS IX Ul i-' TH rnitXTHV. A Grand Masquerade Ball THK AMKIlttAN l AltMHU, wllletl 1 110W CIlUT- ', ltiR niMin lt. TAth ycur, 1 the pioneer Iunnor'. I ! piitiot In the ronntry It 1 a liirKv ulnlit-iKO iwtiK'r, ami contain flfi columns of the oholrctt aKtU'iiltiirnl mid liter- tuauentlv Unlike and cured by it. the ordinurv and cvvrytlilne that miiK'ar lu Ha rolumiit Is of the hlKlieti-hamulur Kvery depnrtment of the Spring medicines or sar- (.irmers buiine-M I iIIciimi in tli a nic.u uniftleal way. looklitK tn tlu-Kreute hajmrillab, the Ulsto- bonellt to the frtrmerMiul hl Inmlly. mt euriieMt. i protlt mill erv '' Works etlliallv well It npiH.nr on the ltunil ntholench inontli, . I . iiml U mrntatml ut thi lou nrlre of 50 CENTS A YEAR in mlvmuv. Thl iimkm It tlir rlirnu't iKrlrultllrul iiupcr 111 tlir rnllntry. m at all seasons. All the year round and in all cases, it is tfuarnnteed, as no other blood medi cine is. If it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. You av onlv for the ijoou you get. FARMER LEGISLATION. . . . " ' , , , . . , T- I ..1.1 . I It was signed by seventeen governors om laxner oi ; r.arp Catarrh Remedv perfectlv and nor and 160,000 citizens of the United States. ; manentiv clIres haiarrh in the Head ' , ... toughest dars. was married in an Iter- manium mrLo v-aturrn in t,m in.au. tmtlnc the eomltiK year there ulllhenn tni inen-e uumbor of iniittersi of the miHt vltnl in terest tn fiirmers dealt with bv i oiiKri!i and the K.x'utlve Pvpiirtmctibi at UuihliiKton. It Is hlehlv lmoortHlit that the fanner ! kent Isn't it safe to sav that HO Other I promptly ami fully ItiCorintd to what beliik blood - puntier Can be just as -apltat. Thc hould all, therefore, take Tlir. rnnil " ' AHEUiCAN Kauvkii. whleh. boliiK on theRrnumt, i " , , h.i" better facilities than nnv other uiiior lor If It Were, WOuldll t It be Hold SO; settlnc thl.i Inlortnatlon. am! ilevote lt.'i'IMi ' tnli duty They will llml lu It ronstnutlv a creat ainouut of valuable luloruiatlon that they can Ket In noother I'litn-r. Bv its mild, soothinc, cleaiwiuc T" ambiucan r.utni:r. and tkk ciiiioNin.K , , ,. . e Vv . will be icutoiie year lor $1 7i anil neating jiropernes, ur. nage s will bo Klvon at Armory Hnll by Jacicson Engine Co., No. i Hopday r;vei?ii7, Jap. I, 1894. Commlttoe of Arrangements: F. W. L. JSKimiE. I,. KL1NDT, KRKD I.EMKK A. HKUGIXINK, JOHN ItLASKR. Rocoption Commlttoe. HARRY CI.OUGII, GEO. MUNGKK, W. II. IJUTTS, 0I.PI1 KELLER, COL. G.T. THOMPSON, HON. E. SCH Wt , THEO. F. SB17FEUT, A. HUCHLER, . E. W. HELM &c CO., - IlKAl.UUH IS Drusrs, Medicines and Chemicals Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brashes, Pcrninicry, Elc, Puro Wlnos nntl LlquorB for Mocllclnnt PurpoRon. ComiinunillriK PhynlclnnH' Proscriptions a Soeclnltv 'o. I Of) Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. OjUMwlte (oluiuhla ( andy l-'nclory IV a ore rtlorl tr Bua Vi i c ?n,mt"int mnt'H. ...... ---r- a- nartlino. Cal ment spreading. Good wacon roads are j .jQg whoe more important than railroads, and if a ; turv. share oi the money put into so much railroad buildinc in the last decade had been applied to roadmakinc the people would be more prosperous now. a lev. uavb aeu w a coy i half oen- -"V. vears cover a CKN'TP mate f..fO a day. (ireatet ilti iien utensil ever invented. Itetall" a ets to -old la every hotm. .Sample, posture paid, live onts. McMakln and Co., Ciucinniitl. Ohn- Rev. Robert Collyer, not his double, has been heard from in a very pleasant fashion. The venerable divine has just preached a sermon on bis seventieth birthday. "The dream of three score years and ten has come true," he says, "and dnrinc all that time I have'never been absent from my pulpit on a sintiie Sunday from sickness, ami I have never been sick in bed one day in my life. I would not exchange my lot with any human creature I know. "or would I have chosen any other seventy years for my life." A happy life, indeed ! In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred it is wrong to giTe food to tramps upon application, and the custom of feeding them is what has been breeding them so rapidly of late years. Every well regu lated family should be provided with a woodpile and ax, but if not it is better to send them on to someone who has. The idea of an able-bodied, strong, hearty man Legging food, scorning to give itsequivalent in work, is against the traditions of our industrious ancestors, who were never cursed with this preda tory scourge. "If a man will not work, neither shall he eat" is as good a rule in this age of the world as of old, and until it'is more rigidly adhered to, this army of worthies?, pilfering, train-beating, police-dodging, brow-beating, vagabond beggars will continue to increase. There should be state Lws framed against them. Mr. J. F. Blaize, an extensive real es tnttdtal(r in T) Mninna. Inrea. narrnw. , , , , , . i Parties preferred who can lurnish a horse and ly escaped one of the severest attacks 01 srael throush the country, a team, thouch. i nnoi'Yiirmin whilo in flip nnrthorn mr- i n,,t ne:e-ary. A few vacancies In town and pneumonia wnue in tne norttitrn par. cltlc spare hours may bo ned t.. i ad- 01 Iowa Uunnsr a recent blizzard, savs vantage. n. t joh.nm). a the Saturday Review. Mr. Blaize had . occasion to drive several miles during the storm and was so thoroughly chilled that he was niahie to get warm, and in side o! an hour after his return he was threatened witii a severe case of pneu monia or luni: fever. Mr. lliaize stmt to the nearest drug store and srot a bottle of Chamberlain' Coush Remedy, of which lie had often heard, and took a number of large doses. He says the ef fect was wonderful and in a short time he was breathing quite easily. He kept on taking the medicine and the next day he was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. Biaize. retards his cure :i- i!i!..'v wonderful. For sale by- Blake:-. Houghton. WE WAXTYOf TO WOItK KOUt'S. thus mafclnc tli.M TO 1-Vi.tO l'KK WKEK. 11th and Main Ht.tUlchmonil. Va The St. Charles Hotel,! PORTLAND, OREGON This old, txipular and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, and every j room has been repapered and repaintei I and newly carpeted throughout. The ! house contains 170 rooms and. ssuppliw ' with every modern convenience. Kates reasonable. A trood restaurant attachec . to tiie house. Frer bus to and from alt 1 trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop. liucklen't Arinca salv.-. The b-ist saive in the worli) ti.r cut-, bruises, fores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and al! skin eruptions, and Ksi tively cure-? piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to irive perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price -b cents per box. For sale ny Snip?? Kill ers I v I John Pashek, IThe Merchant Tailor 76 Court Street, Nes: door to Wasco Bnc Office. This Is the Season Of the Year Ulhen Judicious Advertising Pays. New York Weekly Tribune AXJ) Dalles WeeKlu GQronlGle ONLY- $1.75. Mexican dust. :iiver stove Polish caues no Ha. juit received the latent t ie in Sailings for Gentlemen, and h"a lare aortmcnt of Fortisn and Amer lean Cloth, which he cm rinhh To order for tho-v that tavor him. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. KARL'S The Spokane Review says : Portland has long had two rival republican "bosses" 'Jim" Lotan and Joe Simon. Their warring factions have engaged in many a lively tilt, and the odds of buttle have been pretty evenly divided. It is the Lotan crowd which is mixed, up in, the smuggling scandal now in the courts. Blum, the "peaching" witness, is sua-, pected by many of being the willing tool of "Boss" Simon, and at this range it looked like the Simon crowd would "do j op" the Lotan gang : but the latter knows bow to fight in defense, and will probably escaje from the lashes of the law, though badly smirched. Lotan, by the, way, is Grover Cleveland's "double." J He resembles the president in face, fig ure and actions. So close is this re-1 semblance that nothing could be added to Mr. Cleveland's reputation by send-, ing 31r. Lotan to prison. One doesn't relish the knowledge that one's double in face and form has been branded an a criminal. La Nil Omen, The Dalies. Or., ( ! ixx -. i-a. i X-.tl'K; Is hereby given that the f illinvitiK- im.itii ?':vivi iw.' i.'.- ... uiwn uuu u make final proof In tupiiort of hl eiini, and that ald prnof will I- made txjfore t.ic rHter and receiver at The Iwllen. Or., on Kuruar;. l-i, vU.. luciib I). Koliert-, II. r.ieatead for tiie oK1. of SI- ..and X1 , of SEi.aiiil :-Wl4 of-!K'4, of bee. 1 Tp i a., I; 12 K. 1!. He names the followim; wltncio tn prove lilt crjnun inus residence upon, nun cultivation oi, i .iid iaiil. viz. I. r. lotrlon. Jl. t. rainier, j . mtlerron NOTICK KOK PUBLICATION. Ijl.nij Orncii. The DuIIch. Or., Xm.'j, Wli i .Notice it herfhy siven that the following nanuil tettlerhaii lllt-il notlcenf hi Intention to make tinal proof lu .iiipi'irt of hi' claim and that said proof will In; made lj.'fore thu n-uLiter .mil receiver at The l'allea, Oteon. on Wtdnciolav, iKeurnUrr IM. viz Hewitt Kliic, IIometeiul Applleatlon Xo. 'if St. lor the X'?of HK'.; and KJ of HW , hec. 10, Tp. 'i S. It II Kant. He name the following wltnoea to prove hN contlnnnui reafdunce upon and cultivation of said land.vl' II. W. Wulln, of The IHILm, dr., Chnrlo Ka-iton, Jam oh Kaiton and l'anl I.imurolh of Xan-one, Or. John W. Lnwi., Ktjshit.jr. nil ( 1'. ntouuhton.all of Inilur. i,r. d'.Vwi on, all ol Diuur. i,r. J01IX W. LEWI.- HerlJtcr. Anairreeable Laiattve and XEHVE TOXIC. 5old by Druetnstsor tent by mall 2Jc. Ux., nd Sl.CiJ per package Samples free Vti V A The- Favoritt ICOTS KVZXZ A.W 11 W for the Teeth and IJreaUi,2ic For aale by Hnlp Jt Kmnrnly. MARINE SHIPPING NOTES. The United States has t!S5 vessels on paged exclusively in foreign trade; Great Britain has 5,9oS. The steamers between Europe and North America carry on an average about 70,000 passengers a month. Thk American line steamer New York, when running ut full spued, burns enough coal in a single day to , last a family using ten tons a winter ior thirty-three years. Italiax ships ure worked eheajwr than those of any other nation. The monthly expenses of an Italian ship with u crew of twenty men are about 9472; of an American ship, 81,000. It is estimated that an average of more than !i,000 vessels and 1!),000 lives arc lost in the various seas and oceans every year, the value of ships and car goes being roughly averaged nt about 0100,000,000. Thk new uteel ship Centurine, which arrived at Duluth, Minn., last week, broke the record of the great Jukes for speed. Khe made the run from UutTnlo in Icbs than sixty-eight hours, or 14.7 wiles per hour. Tint speed across Lulco JIuron was 15.1) miles per hour VIGOR MEN Eullr, Qutekl). Permanently ReitorfJ. WEAKNESS, HERVOU8HESS, DEBILITY, and all the train of vll irom tarly error or later examn. the rrtulu of oTerwork, slcknei, wrorrr.ete. FullMrengti, dTeIoprnnt and tonj jflTen to over7 organ acd portion of tlic llr. Kimpl'.natiiralmetlio'li. ImranlUielmproTer.ifn; wen. failure Impoolljle. 2jjj reference. HaA, explanation and pr".fa mailed (eal(l) trie. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. Rheumatism, Lumbago. te!atlcaf Kidney Complaints, Lame sacK, c SHERIFF'S SALE. Ilr "-Iruie of an execution and order of al-. Itimi! out of the Circuit Court of tru- htate of 'Jrtvon. for the County of Wco. t.. me directed . (-'iradiandlns; me to make mile of tin- 'and in the I wild writ, dewjrlU'd to-uit 'f h- pie-t and jMirccIs oi land in Wiuco County, aute of Ore j iron, known and detcriU-d iih tli -outh hall of i stntlon elKhtfn , and the outh nail of e;tlon I nine (0. anil the ea.1t half and tiiooiitlttmt 'inartc-r and the ea.it half of th- norih'Aeit iiiar ! lerand theiouthweitiiiinrteru.' the imrUme.t ou.irtef of .ectlon ten (10, twi tin- north half of the northwe-u iiiarter and the ton tnen.it imarter of the northwest r natter ofi-etloii h(le.'ii (1.1), : all In Townnhlnono tl,. north of Hnnxe fourteen I :ll eiutof the WHUuiettc raerldlai., to make and par the sum of money, lni.ild'.,urt adjtidtr- I til to Le pain to inu piainiin in nam action, in I which action The Willcltor Umu and Trust i ELEflM ( omiKinv were plalntltr andJamti liMith. iiur- tha JI. Uooth, Kverett K. Hall. J i ilcCInre, fiarah II McClure, I). 0- Alter, Ilalpr. Uoxcr, Ju lia X. luwth, . ti Kmtxly, J il layiornndJ. y Kdwarni weredefendauu, P-wit thenum of l'JC).onvlth intereet thereon, Irom July l. "J2, at the rate of lx iisrrent j.t aimiirn and 1'J).U) attonieyn fee.i in uild action and coit and dl hnrw! enta therein taxtil, I havethli day levied iildi tho land aforesaid and on Huturduy the iiardduy ut l)ciulitr lHfi.'l, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. In front of thu court home door, 111 the City of The Dalle, In ald County and ntate. I will tell ald land at BOi't WOUlik) II4U UMIkVI laiJU II I pUDiic auction, to meniiiei miiner uierefor. D"eriib.jr, 1, duly levy iiiuii, and will ell nt iiiioiio nuci in hand, on T A. Waiuj. fcherWof Waico County, HUilool OreKon. niiViiUi NOTICE VOll I'L'r.LlCATION. (Timl.'r IjiiiiI, Ant June, 1ST8. C. a UMi OmcK, The Dalle, Or., Xov. ft, M. i Xotlce 1 hereby Riven that In eompllnnce wiih tho proviMimi of the act of cmigreo of June 3, 1.173, entltleil "An act for the tale of tim ber landi In the .itati-' of California, Orvtfou, Xuvaila and Waililnnton Territory," Neiil :. Sli'vrliHOii, Of Klnjcdey, county of Wa.co, state of Oregon, luu thli day tlli-il In thli olliee hli xtwirn Ktate meat for the purchnie of the XKU of XWJ.J, of hei!tlon. Xo. Si, In lowiuhlp Xo. i H , rainje Xo ia K. W. il., anil will oiler proof toiihnw that the land nought x more valnahle for Its timber or stone than for agricultural pnrtex, and to udablhh hi claim to xald land before the l:e-'lter and Itefeiver of thli ollio; at The Dalles', Or., on the 1-Mh day of January, l.VJl. He name a.i wltneea (ieorire llcu:od, .lax-I.-r Lmley, Ix-on Ilondeail and Uifnyette Davli, all of KlllKiley, Or Any and all i:ron clalmiin; Hilverioly the iiUive-dew.-rlUil Iambi are reiine.mil to llle their clalmx in thltolllcu on or Ufore mild 1.1th day ol January, Ivji. wlo JOIIX W. LKWIH, Keliter. SHERIFF'S SALE. Jly virtue of an execution and order ol sale lnucd nut of the Circuit Court ol tho Htatu of Oreicon for Watco County, upon a decree and judgment made, rendered nnd entered by mild Court on tho llth day of Xovumbcr, lw:i, in favor of plalntllf, lu a suit wherein A. D. Ilolton tum plalntlir, aim Frank D. lillleiple and IthMla OHIeiple, W, K. Hunt and W, II Duller went dcfcrulauU, and to me directed and delivered, commanding mo to levytioii and nell alt tho mum meuiioueii nun ueicruxii in xaiu writ, mill herelualler ilecillMil, I did, on the Ith dayol i("efiii)jr, leiri, iliily levy iioii, and will xell nt mhllc auction, to the hlKhcxt bidder, for cash ACTUAL COST, at W. E. Garretson's Store. Ladies' Sol Golfl Watches reincei froni $45 lo $30. Gold Watches worth $40, reduced to $28. Gold Watches worth old Watches worth 0 D 25. reduced reduced to to 25- 18. SHERIFF'S SALE. , Miiridujr, tlin Mlh day .luiuiHry, 1HU4, i at 2 o'clock In thu Hltcruooo of mid day, at thu I trout door ol the County Coiirthousn In Dallea I City, lu Watco County, OreKoti, all ol the laud ami preiniMMdcacrlbed lu tald writ and herein Hv virtue Ol an execution and order of sale. I dn?rlUil m follown. lo.wlt iMuedoutoI tho Circuit Court of the Htato of Thu northwest iiuarter ol ikctlon fourteen III OreKon, for the County of Wanco, to mo dlrecUd ! in Township two l houth, ol Haiiko fourteen commaiiiiinKrnoioraanu.aiooi tnu land in Hie M Kut of thu Willamette Jlerldlan, In W aiu writ uwcriiKii wi-nu . mou piece ann txir teUol land In Wasco County, Hlate ol Orexou, American Coin Silver Watches retail to $13. Genuine 14 K Gold Filled Vest Chains reduced from $8 and $10 to $4 and $6- The above is a sample of the bargain to bi bad for a few days. A. R. Thompson, ASSIGN Efc- H. H. CHMPBELL, SuccoaBor to LESLIE BUTLER, Will eon.itaiitly kei on luiiid u i.-umpltitu Hue ol GROCERIES, CROCKERY, IfiKLT ML SAMKI'I With BlMtnyMMrMtlo SUSFSMOIIY UMt FUmuTIM InmiWiU I Win cure wittMst aMdldoa all Wsakaaa rHalttsc from orrraiation of brain am tortmt I mmtmot ludu crttioo. u amroaa iWUll'.j. tltmtltmmtm, uu;iruor, UaoLaric. lunkaigo, tttiltm. J fiilif MnpUlBU wml (II tttaJiC; etc. iSU 4sctio t eoouioi Watrftl IssitiiiMirts OTr All ouw. CBrrtoe Is IU curs all of lis &Um dim, i cr su car. Ttiou- e Laa ennaby tat nrrtlnaa invrotion iur all uWmnnllM failed, awl srt of UMlmciiUU in Ui la an4Trr ollwr Mai Oar Faurill Im.i in mni swan imvtMt Uwo trr fXTmd nik lm, ruKK wttktH fclu. Htitk u 1 KMnaa IMnafta MtllUkTMU la tti l HtCtS skoU for inuVu f ampaUt. laallcU ,ktl, ln ANDSN KLBOTRK) CO., known and deacrllieil a the mnthwi-it inmrti-r ol section four 1 1, and the north half of m-cIIoii nine 'J. Mtid the northwest iiuarw ot section seventeen 1 17. In Township one 1 north ol Itamre fourteen (111. east of trio Wltlametn, Meri dian, to make and pay thu sum ot money , in said Court adJudKt.il to bo paid to thu plaintiff In saidHCllon. in which action The hoi let tors J-oan eouuty, Oregon, or so much thereof a shall be sufficient to satisfy tho sum ol fiVil.OI, with In terest thereon at the raki ol ten iter cunt. I;r annum since Xovember llth, lMii IW.UDutior ney i fee, and ll;t costa III said suit, toKother with coin oi said writ, ami accriiiiiu eoiin of AI'.U, sale T A. Hherltl'ol Wasco County. On-iron. Datwl at Dalle City, Or,, Deo. i, IM, iHJAw,'. laiuiviiiiui miiii.-i wutiwii imv noilf.liors tJJUn mid Trust Company were plalutttt, and Jamus Ilooth, Martha U. Ilooth, Kverett K Hall, J, V. McClure, Karah II. McUluru, D. I, Alter. Italpii lUntvn, Julia N. Hok. L'fl Kmliody, J M. 'lay lorandJ. f, Kdwaril were deleiidanu, to-wlt; Ihesumof 'AU)tO with llituttut thereon, from July I, IMA!, at the rato of six rceutperaniiitm and f JJO.UJ attorney' fee lu said action and costs and disbursement therein taxtd, I have inunay luvieu upon iiiuiauii iiiorenuu, and on Haturiluy at thu hour court house tald County nnd Bute. I will sell saldland at I to said executor at tils place ol resldcuct'. near public auction to tho hlxhost bidder therefor. .Dalle City, lu said county, or nt thu olllcu of T.A. WAliU, I W,ll. Wilson, In said iMlleadltv. Hheilfl ol Wasco County, Slaty of OreKOil. llOIIAi:i. DOYI.i:, ii.xcimtor. nuriitd Datedtbl Ut day of Xovember, Iw3. dtw HavliiK piifchimil .Mr, llutler' entire tok, I lmll onrliiivur In inalul'tlii i-,l",,,,,l" tho house, which ha beu , ,,. HEST (iOOI)S AT L0WKTT PRICES. SQUAKE DEALING TO EVEKV v Call and see me, next door to Postoffice. Executor's Notice to Creditors. Xotlce is hereby given that the County Court nl thu htatu ol Okkoii for Wasco County Iinh duly appointed thoiiudcrslKiud thu executor of thu last will and teatameut of (k-oruu K. lic..r. deceased, All iwrsom havliit' ulalui against Ullril dav uf llUinl,.. IMtl'l ""-vuwi, ,111 wniim iinflllK CillllllM HK' 111 r, Jrn nay or UMtunlier, IHIi.l, ttio citato ol said deceaseil ntu hereby ruiulrid ir of 10 o'clock n. in, lu front of tho . to present them, with the proper voucher. io door, in the City of Hie IhIIui, in within six mouth from the datu of this notice Etc Oboloest. Xjateat. Olxoapo' Holiday Presents. Silvsttrjuoite, Ucuislry, Wtehs, Hooks, Toy. The puMio In Invited to examine our goods before f)u,rehasinQ elaewtiere, Stock J'ricuH the lowest, and uru itrently reduced. CIohihk out tho tif" . ... . . I .. i sTna ol Toj'H aim noiuuuy koouh ai uooi. Second St., The Dalles, Or. I- O- Bfloltol1'