Sljc Dalles rankle i ESS VOL. VII. THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 18H3. NO. n. The Dalles Daily Chronicle published Hallr, Hunduy (excepted. II Y rH,, CMKONICLIv PUBLISHING CO. , ,t nilil K nktl I lltvtf in .J...!,., 't'hfi l""u ' llull.-s. (Irt-riiti Trm uf Siilcrltloii f.t teat "Ji month, by carrier G oo so TIMK TAI'.I.KH. Kullroiiils. Ill cilcct AtlRUst B, Ih'JS. kast iiol'Nh. m, , 10 .65 r. m. lcHrtM U:00 i u. WlidT II0UNH. .so i.Arriv in3:3'J A. M. Departs 3:11 a. M. I.OtAI.. Artlii- .tmiii l'ortliiml nil r. i. " PepartN for Portland at 3 t: Two loo.i. freight tluit curry ptisseiiKers lwve j-e liir the west t S'OO a. m., iintl one (or the Hi M A. K. STACKS. Mi ITliievllle. vi. IIhU- Oven, leave dally .! a. M. Tot AtUeJofc, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave Ully at ti A. n. r imiiir. Klni!tilev. wr.mic. wapinmii, vwirm t:luu cud Tjgh Vulley, leave di.lly, except luii.- , ai u a m. t. , .............i.. u ... l.iiiv.i .ii'ufv f1v of tho I f UI lltMU '.HJII.U. .-., vi. w v.v.y J .-- ' ttck except sutiuay ui i a. m. Ollucs lor idl linen at Uie Umatilla House. II. It UIMlKU. ATTOIlKEY-AT-I.AW-OttlCe tiourt ritreel, The Dalles, OrcKun i a utrrur. rnANK MiwrrcK. rU'U'K, MKNEKKK - ATTOUNEVd-AT-l) nw-Kooms U and 4.1, over 1'ost jCiiv ItnlldlnK, Kutrance on W ashlnirtou Street Hie Dalles, Oregon. Of- Tlie i i UKNNETT, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAVV. A . ti,... in riliBTino s bulldlliz. tin stair. indies, Oregon. t. t, MAY. ll.ll.UUfTIKOTCW. W.H. WILSON. M stYn-Al-LAW Ollices, French' block over rint National Hank. ' h Dallea. Oregon. W 1! WIliiON ATJORSKY-ATI-AW Hoomj W . Krench A Oo.'n bank building, hecond 8Bwl, I lie Dalles, Oregon. , cvTiirin avii M li.. r XI.. 1-. J.w. l. t). M f'l'.ulid H. ()., I'lijalcUii un.l Sur- Kcitoce Mrs. Thorubur.Vs, west end of bceotid ttwt K. KriHKI.MA.N (HOMiEOrATillCI 1'IIYHCUN f in. f.niir.i.ii. n.i"w."- . - ... Ltml buaoKo.v.-Ciill" oimwcrea proi m . iiror nlL'ht. nltv or country. OUice .No. J(.iiim Xiiiipmau block. wtf H K. O. I. DOAKE-PHYMCIAW ANII HOB U okon. OBIee; room 5 and C Chapman 3.-k. IleMdunoe: H. K. corner f.ourt and fourth utreeth, ken md door from the corner. Orate hourn 9 to VI A. M 2 to 5 mid 7 to t 1 . .M. D-il)lAl.I. Uu.VTItT. link Kivcn for the . pulnteiiH extraction if tetth. Also teeth :.m lUmed nlmaluum plate. Uoomb; Hlgu of HOCIKTIKB. WAKW 1.01)K, NO, 15. A. K. i A.. M.-Mwth 1 (lrkt uiid third Monday of each month at , t . nI.l.Kri ROYAL. AllCH CHAl'TUn NO. C. iV Meetb In Makonlc Hall the third Weduwluy J.tacli mouth at i I . MODERN WOOOMKN OK TMK WOUU). JU. IKkkI Camp Ni.MNMwtkTueHday even inyotauh week lu Fraternity Hall, at7 :J0 ii. -10I.UM11IA LODGE, NO. a. I. 0. O. K.-MueU L every Friday cvenliiK at 7:30 o'clock, In K. ol F, hall, corner rieeond and Uiurt HtreeU. SoJourulliK brothem are welcome. u. ui.ouoii, nee y. " PUIENUailll' LOUGE. NO. 9., K. pi l-.-fteow r every Monday eveuliiK at T.M o clock, In sctmuno'i bulldliiB, corner of Court and bucoua ilrwitk. Holournlni: lnembem are eordlally lu- tiled. . W. H. Cham. h, W.VAtmK, K. ol . ami b. w. A HriEMlILY NO. WX, K. OK V-TV,W w.ii,,. A. of 1'. hall the becond and fourth W ednek lav of each month at 7:30 p. m. UTOMEN'S CHKIHTJAN TKMl'fcKEI.Lft UNION will meet every Fr day "Itenipou 3o'clo:k at thu readlnitooin.Allare Hiyiwa. tJAUMON LODCii: No. 601,7. 0.O.T.-HeKular 11 weekly meetlni!!! Friday at b v. M., a' ftnternlty Hall. All nro inviiea. LU. !iihihiiam. C. T. 11. C H.KCK, Be TKM PI J! .MMKIK NO. 3, A. O. U. W.-Mytt . in Kraleriuiy uau, ma nviivi., .w ittcet, Thursday cveulliKS t :ao. nAN(JEN Jf.H Mykrh, Filinncior. . M-W- Ta8. NEBM1TH VOaT, No. 31.', 0. A. K'-MocVi every Baturday at 7:80 r. m., lu tho K. of 1. JUll. . . Tmk.UKAN RAILWAY I'NION, NO. 10. -iV Ji'i'ta kecolid and lourth '1 hurkduyH each ?th lu K. of 1'. hull. J. . Of u E.-Mcet every Sunday ultcruoou lu ine k. oi r. iiuu. viriit'iK-Mmtii uverv eveuliiK tu the K. of 1'. Hall. 6uuday a fJKHANO iL evenl: fl nu t a ' iittriuruM M.-. 17 MitetH lu P K, o l, Hull the flrttt mid third Wodnea a?nt each month, at 7:30 P. M. THK UllUltVIIKH. CT. fKTEKB CHURCH -Rov. Father Huonh V oi:ht I'sator. Low Miimh every Hiuidiiy at High Mann ut 10:30 a. m. Veners at ST 'AUJ.H OHUKCH Union Street, opposite Pirn, u.r; un ii u..(..iim. n..i-lnr. Hervlcek !jy Huu'day ut 11 a 'u. aiid 7:30 p. M. Hunday woolu;45 A. ii. EveuliiK i'rayer on Friday at LMHHT llAl'Tlb'FoiluliuiH-Rev. O. T). 'J'ay i i,. i-oh, J'aator. Morning services every Hub Sf' at thu ncaduiny at 11 A. M. Hahbath fuool immediiitely Rftor inornliig servicei;. 5'yer meeting Friday evening ut JNistor's rel py. Unlou services in tho court house ut nONURKUATiONAL OHUKOH-Kov. W. O. y Cuhtih, i'astor. Borvlcca every Huuduy ut 11 A.M. iitwl n u .. u. .....,.. u..l.n..l ..,. !'VK:o, Htraiiuors nnrdlallv Invited. Heats free. f K. CHUHCH-Kov. J? Wmisi kh. nastor. ku.. "u'vicoa every Hiuidiiy moriiliigat u u. in, juiidny t)clltmi t j5i!flJ Qicfocij r , Kpworth twgiio at C:uo r, u. I'rayer meeting evury uibdny evunlnir at 7:80 o'clock. A cordial In to mj" toudi)l by both pastor uud people CliltlHTIAN CHURCH-RBV.l'. H. Motlt'KKKY I'llkt.i. ..1.1.... I.. It... I .i.wluttim .il.ii..ili 2li Lord's l)uy ut 11 n. m. uud 7:80 p. m, All cordially luvlted AVnui unit m mn vt Kfl..U r.v'uwiHJAu UV iUftUAW-muni inuvi FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANrtACT A OKNKRAL BANKING BU81NEKH Letterti of Crodit iasnod available in ho Rafitcrn States. bight Exchange and Telegraphic iranflierBHoiaon incw York, Chicago, St. I)uiH, San Franciflco, Portland Orecron. Snattlo Wash., and varioua points in Or egon ana Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President Z. F. Moody Vice-President, - Charleh Hilton Cashier, M.A.Moody General Hnnkin;; business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms ut all accessible points. J. a. bCIIZNCK, President. J. M. I'ATTEIISON, Cathicr. first Rational Bank. i'HE DALLES, OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland. DIRECTORS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. b. Schknck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebk. H. M. Beall. W. H. YOUNG, Bl acKsmiiti & wagon shod General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all worK Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Liebe's oltl Staufi. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable licures. Has tho lionso moving outut m UJistern uregon. Address P.O.Box 181,TheDa!les largest J. F. FORD, Of Des Moines, lowa, writes under date oi Murch 23, 1893: S. B. Mkd. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arriving home last week, I found ull well and anxiously awaiting, uur little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 3? pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like lr. Your K. li. Couch Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from mo. So give It to every one, wwi grecunc for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mb. & Miw. J. f. t-oiw. Hvouwish to feci fresh and cheerful, and ready for tho Spring's work, cleanse your system with tho Headache und Liver Cure, by taking two or three doses each week. Sold under u positive guarantee. 60 cents per bottle by ull druggists. C. F. STEPHENS, DBALBK IN DRY GOODS 9 Clothing Hoots, Hlioes, Huts, Ktv. FaiiDij Ijood flotion, Those who have a H m Good Digestion 1 have little sympathy for thedyspeptic. They can eat everything that comes along. While they can eat rich food without fear oft the dyspeptic 's bad experi- ences, they neverthe- t i ii . fti tesb Really appreciate a delicate flavor in fij, their pastry. H M Cottolcn 4.. r when used as a short- ( ; cinng, alwaj's pro- ; duces the finest fiavor- k- u- td pastrj, which i en- :IM tirely free from tK i many objections which Tr l the use of lard always $t produces. Test its value by one trial. liLl Hcfuso nil substitutes. t 1 fv-n'l three cents In Hanips to K. K. K Falrtank A Co., ChloiKO, lor hand- (i '( joma Cottolene Cook llook, i-'i"o Insjfclx handred recipes, prepan by ; j ulnocraltifDtauthorltlesoncooklDs. ) W Cottolcne Is told t'y all grocers. !- h 5i Made only by xP, N.K.FAIRBANK & CO., ijl ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO. NEW XQlSK, BOS iN.Ji "Tie Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, PorW ai Astoria Navigation Co. THROUG-H Freignt ena PassengerLine irn in-ceKiy (ounuays ex- cented) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a.m., Monday-, Wednesdays and Fridays, connecting at tho Cascade Locks with Steamer Dalles Citv. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock) at o a. in., Tuesdavs, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for Tho Dalles. I'AHSKNGKK KATES. One way Round trip.. .12.00 . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must bo delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solictcd. Call on or address, B W. C. ALLAWAY, lneral AkdiiI. F. LAUGHLIN, General Manager. ! THE DALLES, Kto. Kte. Ktc. Seoond St., The Dalles. T H E ARTIC OREGON CANDY FACTORY SODA WATER AND IOE CREAM. STILL AFTER GROVER Hoar Stirs Up the Hawaiian Again. Question "WHO IS Till- UNITED STATES" Cleveland Withholding His Actions Prom the People Morgan Of fers a Resolution. Washington-, Dec. '20. In tho senate, the report of the secretary was presented and referred. Hoar presented a peti tion signed by 17 governors of states and many state oflicials, indorsed by the legislature of Massachusetts and signed by 150,000 citizens of tho United States, on the Eubject of good roads. It re quired tho efforts of several employes of the senate to wheel the monster into the chamber. Referred to the committee on interstate commerce. Gallinger offered resolution that, in view of the wide-spread industrial depression, it was not wise to attempt to change the tariff laws during the present session. Hoar addressed the senate upon the Hawaiian question. He said he would devote himself to the American question : Who was the United States of Amercia?" The president, in undertak ing to decide the Hawaiian question and withhold from the people what he was doing until settled one way or the other, seemed to have supposed he was the United States of America, and that whatever that phrase meant it was but a synonym for him. ine question now was whether the people of the United States lived under a constitution or a dictator. At the conclusion of Hoar's remarks, Morgan, chairman of the committee on foreign relations, offered the following: 'Resolved, That the committee on for eigu relations shall inquire and report whether, and if so what, irregularities occurred in the deplomatic or other in tercourse between the United States and Hawaii, and to this end said committee is authorized to send for persons and papers, and administer oaths to wit nesses. Morgan explained the resolution and it was agreed to. Wayne MacVeagh has been confirmed as minister to Italy. A MATTJJK OF .tlONKY. ut wliolHuale .(notation.. Candies and Nuts Specialties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles J.FOLCO 2 38 2d Street At right tide Mrx. Obnrr' rettiuirttiit. ICeport of Secretary of Carlisle. the Treasury Washington, Dec. 20. The annua report of Secretary of the Treasury Car lisle was sent to concress today. It shows that during the lirst five months of the present fiscal year the expend! tures of the government exceeded tho receipts .20,91S.Onj. This was brought about by decreased receipts and in creased expenditures. Compared with the corresponding months last year, the customs revenues fell off if-'.'), 089,529 ; internal taxes, 47,800,007. The expendi tures in the war department in tho ex ecution of contracts made in the last fiscal year increased .'(0,102,1:12; the navy, for tho same leason, $1,912,289, with other minor increase. There have been reductions in other branches of tho public service of 4G,o.')2,200. December 1, the net balance in the treasury was only $11,038,148. Of tho total amount held, $12,317,517 was in subsidiary silver and minor coins. Tho secretary- assumes that the worst effect of tho recent financial disturbance and business depression is past; that the remainder of tho year will show bettor results, and he estimates tho deficiency at the close of tho year at $28,000,000. Tho PreiHlergutt Triul. Chicago, Dec. 20. Tho defense in tho Prendergast case will rely on tho fact that tho jury was allowed to separate to vote yesterday. It will give good grouml for a now trial if tho caeo goes against him. Further testimony was introduced today going to show that ho is insane Counsel for defense created a sensation by announcing that any verdict short of hanging would bo accepted. Tho family wo willing that tho jury should return a verdict of imprisonment for life or con finement in a nimlhouso, but would ap peal a dentil verdict. II.MV'M Till.! Wh oiler ono hundred Dollars Reward for any cat-oof Catarrh that cannot bo Hull's Catarrh (Jure. F. .1. UIIKNHY&CU., I'ropH. TOieuo, w. i V, llu. miili.i-.uiimeil. have kllOWll 1'. J. ' Cheney for tho last 15 years, and believe lilin poriectiy nonorauiu in mi immm-iio transactions and financially able to cany out any obligation mado by their, 111 West & Traux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. . Walding, Kinnan Marvin, W hole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon tho blood and nine ous surfaco of the system. Price 7.)c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists, les timonials free. Tlnu Women llnitully Whipped. PiiitMiNGHAM, Ala., Dec. 20. For sev eral years past the people of the hamlet of Greenhill, Pike county, have looked with suspicion on threo women who lived lu a hut in their settlement. Where they camo from nobody knows. The women called themselves Spec, Ross and Lizzie, nnd said they were sisters. tV few days ago the older men of the town met and decided to rid tho neigh borhood of them on tho fear that their presence was demoralizing. Accord ingly the blackcap society was formed and went in a body to the house, drag ged out tho three women and flogged them unmercifully, after which the women were told to leave the country. It is re ported that one was fatally injured. Stnrveil Ills Chilli. Wii.KEsiiAitnu, Pa., Dec. 20. It was reported to the district attorney yester- dav that a IJlack Hills miner had starved his G-year-old daughter and buried her body in a culm pile. Dr. Evans, of Nan ticoke, was called to the house by the girl's little brother. The girl was dying on the barn floor with nothing but a dirty blanket over her. The boy said she had eaten nothing for two weeks save a few crusts he had smuggled to her. The father came in and ordered the doctor out, saying that a female child was worthless, as it could do no work when grown. "Better die," he said. Sue Whs a Itunnwny "Wife. San Francisco, Dec. 20. Caroline Foster, the woman dying at the receiv ing hospital from a bullet fired by her discarded lover, John Rudinski, last Saturday, has finally been identified as a runaway from British Columbia, though all along she had refused to ex pose her antecedents. The woman is the wife of John Foster, a well-to-do rancher, who lives at Burgoyne Bay, a Email settlement midway between Nanaimo and Victoria. She deserted her husband and child and ran away with a neighbor, who shook her off when her money was gone. Later on she took up with Ru dinski. NEWS NOTES. Dr. Mayer, a witness in the Prender gast case, is missing. Minister Stevens is out with a reply to President Cleveland. The cruiser New York and monitor Miantonomah will both proceed to Brazil to protect American interests. Armed men were recently put on tho trains pulling out of Portland, Or., but after a few days were taken ofl'. About that time William Pinkerton was in San Francisco. Admiral Mello, who found himself at the end of his resources, has taken to tho high seas, leaving tho revolution in charge of de Gama, who is in favor of a monarchy. It is thought ho will not bo more successful than Mello, although a more capable man. To II race Up The system after "La Grippe," pneu monia, fevers, and other prostrating acuto diseases ; to build up needed flesh and strength, and to restore iieaitn nnu vigor when von feel "run-down" and used-up, tho 'best thing in the world is Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- . . li.i.i i-i.. . : ery. 1 1 promotes an mo uuuuy iuucuuub, rouses every organ into healthful action. purines and onnciies mo uioou, aim through it cleanses, repairs, and invig orates tho entlro system. For tho most stubborn hcroiuioua, Skin or Scalp Diseases, Dyspepsia, Biliousness and kindred nilments, tho "Discovery" is tho only remedy that's guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money back. Can vou think of anything more con vincing than the promiso that is made by thu proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy? It is this: "if wo can't cure your Catarrh, we'll pay you $500 in cash." It Should Ito in Kvury lloimu J. 11. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps- burg, Pa., says ho will not be without Dr. King's Now Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with pneumonia after an attack of "la grippe-, when various other remedies and several phy sicians had done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cookspoit, Pa., claims Dr. King's Now Discovery has done nun more good than anything ho ever used for lung trouble. Nothing liko it. Try It. Free trial bottles at Snipes & Kin- ersly's. Largo bottles, 50c. and $1,00. NEWS OF THE STATE. Land is assessed at $13.87 per aero in Marion county, $9.GS in Polk, $11.22 in Yamhill, and $10.50 in Linn. Tho Yreka Journal says tho commis sion has decided that tho steelhcads of tho Klamath river aro not salmon, but rainbow trout that have made a stay in salt water and returned much changed In appearance. The electric wires of Salem must be strung in a very insecure manner. An other horse was killed in that city on Sunday morning by coming in contact with a brokeiuvire. The samo fate awaited any man had ho bv accident touched it. Salem bidders on the soldier's home were l'lummer it Ault, $9,063; A. J. Hazcll, $8,100 ; Harold & Olinger, $7,777 ; Welch Bros., $8,115; Wickstrom & Che ney, ?,; U. anllatton, $14,10o; Gray & Stevens, $7,735; Ilutchins & Southwick, $7,777. Mayor Mason of Portland received a letter from a representative of the desti tute unemployed recently, which caused him to refer it to the taxpayers com mittee of one hundred. Tho letter was anonymous, but urgently calls for aid, hinting at force if something is not done for relief. Chief Hunt has arranged to signal the entire police force in the short est possible time, with four strokes of the fire bell. It will pay you to call at the Columbia Candy Factory and get prices on Christ mas candies and ornaments. Strange thnt I'eople Will Buffer with dull feelings and the blues when they can be so surely cured by simply taking a few doses of Simmons Liver Regulator. Defining u Kiss. Some time ago London Tid-Bits offer ed a two guinea prize for the best defin ition of a kiss. Seven thousand ans wers were received. The prize was awarded to Benjamin J. Greenwood, of Tulse Hill, London, whose definition is herewith given: "An insipid and tasteless morsel which becomes deli cious and delectable a-- it is flavored with love," The following is a selection of some of the be.t 'lefinitiuns? submit ted: What the chimney sweeper imprinted on tho rosy lips of the scullery maid when sho told him she favored his soot. The sweetest fruit on the tree of lovo tho oftener plucked the moro abund ant it grows. A thing of use to no one, but much prized by two. Tho baby's right, the lover's privilege, tho parent's benison and tho hypocrite's mask. Nothing divided between two. A rock on tho sea of life on which the good ship Bachelor was wrecked. Tho lover's privilege and the pug dog's right. Contraction of tho mouth due to en largement of the heart. ook'sCottonlloot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousanat 0 Ladtt). Is tho only perfectly safonnd rellablo niodlcluo dli- covered. Bowaro of unprlucipiw iirugsisis offer inferior medicines lu place of tliU Asfc for Coofc'a Cotton Hoot Compound, toio no ui.. tute, or Incloso $1 and 0 cent In postage, la letter and wo will send, sealed, byrctiinuiiail. Fullscalod particulars In plain envelope, to ladles only, 3 iitRUipa. Addri.s luni Lily Co in pony. io. a 1 un.'riiiocs, uoirum .uko. HjIiI III The, Pullet, bv Hlakeley A; Houston. AhsIkiicu'" Sule. M. A. Moody, assignee, will offer for sale at nubile auction on Saturday, uee- embor 23d, Frank Yogt's entlro stocK of dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, t ,..!.! I,. ..... Iiats and cans, lurniMiiing nuuuo, mu. Thin Biiln ih for tho benefit of creditors and tho entire stock is to be disposed of at once. Settle moat la-quested. During my absoiico, all who have un settled accounts with tho undersigned aro expected to cull and settle witli Mr. Geo. Krauss, who has my books and accounts. An early settlement will greatly oblige. Yoiiib truly, Lksi.ii: iii'Ti.i:it. Use Mexican Silver Stovo Polish, If? Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTE! PURE