The najies Daily Chronicle, Entered at the Ptxtoihcv at lui DhIIi. Orvpmi. h ccnnd-clm matte: THK DAl.t.KS oi:i:c.o TWO tVilJwl L. DOGS. Otic tlir Crltlcli-il mi Orrlittr unit Other Detected it Thief. A wonderful story of a Trench mu sical critic is related br persons who profess to lnvo been acquainted with I liked. him. and who have vn him in attend' ance on musical performances. He wa.v a dog1, and his name in public was Paradf. whether he hud n. ditlcrent name at home wn. never known At the hegimtiup of the French revolu tion he vont every day to the military parade in front of the Tuilleries palace. He marched with the musicians, halt ed with them, listened knowingly to their jHjrformances. and after the pa rade disappeared, to return promptly The Only Tumi tlnrrlvoii t.tke. During the darkest days of the war, when military tunes and ballads were, sung everywhere tiil people were about sick of them, there- was played in New York, says the Tress of that town, a soldier's inarch which was immediately popular all over the country. It was the late Charles IiouiuhTs "The Sol diers' Chorus." from "Faust." and after a year or so America got as tired of it as it recently did of "Annie Kootiey " E.v-Tresident Harrison lirst heard it played by one of the army bands in Sherman's army. It is the only air he In the case of most tunes he did not know one tune from the other, and he is probably the only per son in the Fnited Stales to-day who hears the "Soldiers' Chorus" played and feels inspirited by it. PRESS PICKINGS. v J 5 r , .f Ft-:-. - The New Idea, a new newspaper just born in lied Lodge, Jloat., announces itself as "independent in polities, re ligion, and etiquette." Thk ten Sunday papers in New York, together with the three in T.rooklyn, published one Sunday 420 pages alto pettier, aggregating 3,000 columns and u.oOO.OOO words. TtnntE is a newspaper in Kansas edited by a convicted thief, whose chief assistants are a forger and a burglar, and published by a gang of known felons. Its oflice is in the state penitentiary. The Standard, an evening English paper, and the rermania. an evening German daily, of Evanville. Ind.. have passed into the control of a coop-, erative company composed of all the I employes of th' two papers. 9flflBBjF BHHsMBBjlikejpfls sbipjmhPjpjkespjpjjjkv e9Pj Just Hrrlvea from mw Y0IJ attention Is called to the fact that SIM.KNP1D ASSORTMENT OK Ladies' Hugh Glenn, Jackets. ' Dmilor in Gl; and Huild riirrli .j.nie, PlnQ(3' Cement ltoriiil of ai.fchnl. i riin.i tjnv of- Wasco warehouse Co., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Rates Reasonble. FROM $3.50 UPWARDS Picture Cloll Furnismna Splendid CHnckilla Overcoats $5.50. (1008 MAltl." dOOlls. - -W-. -V". Co. Till! I.M,l,t:s, OI( Vt I'eniurkublv l.ow Prices. 72 To be lound in rnr Cify. Cilashington Street. From TERtflHUi or INTcR'oR Points IT LI, ASSORTMENT UF Winter Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ET0. s ixti:rnatio::.l . . . i .... i r WTAs we are torced to SELL FOR he famous A. C'n' ins and wife'n suit iuwest found the ve: ii the murket. examine our cih.W and prices before ji'i- .ainc t'Ail in order to avoid lawsuit like mid Nad debt. our price" will always b in vile our frieudH and euto:ner. to IHl. II I nut Ii niiii I Innitin S W in ii in is ii mi ijiiiiiiiii ..i iinnu ill ill iiiri II vm.uw. iw .asws iiuiiuuiui uu mu ir. w s RMI LROHD u tiic 1 1 1 it- u lute TO ALL I'OISiTS EAST AND SOUTH Root he spit.vNr. at thk I'.onnnn.- tiihoat at the parade time the next day i Irr d uaily the musicians became attaej.e." this devoted listener. They nam-.' '. him Parade, and one or another t:n alwar. invited him to dimur. a cepted the invitation, and was a p'. ant gaest. It was discovered that ::ft.-r dinner he always attended the theatt-r. where he seated himself calmly in the cornel of the orchestra and listeneJ critically to the xnuric. If a new piece was riaj-ed he rioticed it instantly and paid the strictest attention. If the piece had line melodious passages he For a sore throat there is nothing showeu his joy to the be.,t of his dog-! beUer than a flannel bttnd3te dampened gun ability: but if tne niece was or-. . . , , . . T, . " r. , a " . l , , uu utiamuenuin s I uin xtuini. 11 compound. ; 'A recent discovery br aa old j 5uw.-tuI.V t"J , fmnr.thl'j b'j fAoajonJj of ( ladies. U the ou'.y r. rlectlr iifoanil roliahlp mMJIclao dis- covcrcd. Unvarf o! anprlncipli-s! !ru-,U vrho cfTcr IrJerlor c;edklacs la rlaco oi this. Aiit lor Coot's Cotton Itoo: Compouuil, talc no tubtU- , tute, or laclcse $1 aail 0 cents la poitaye In letter , nidTi-ewiajend, soaleU, bj-return mall. Full sealed partl-'ularj la plain cavulop".', to ladles oaly, " ;taa:j3. Addre&s I'oiif LI I v Company. j Su. -j Fia-r E.uci. T"".rc!i. lUea. ( Sold in ThP Dalles bv Blakelcr i Houston i dniarr anrt unmterestia' he vawned. staged about the theater and nnmis talrably expressed his disapproval. Another very curious story of a canine manual enr is to''' of a London orjran gTinScr s dog-. The oran grinder was blind -and ag-ed and the dog- used to lead him about. One night, after a hard day's work the old man and hi& faithful companion lay down to sleep, with the organ beside them. They slept hoandly, and when they awoke the onran was gone. They were in de spair. Their means of earning a liv in? was gone. But the do? led the old man through the streets where he had been accustomed to play, and persons who had given him alms be fore continued to befriend him. so that the loss of the oran proved not so bad .vfter all. Weeks went by. One day the old man heard & hand organ played a few feet from him. It re minded him of hii lost instrument, but he paid no special attention to it. Uand organs were common in London find he heard them often. Not so the dog. He showed signs of great excite ment, harked violently and led his master in the direction of the organ. He sprang at the robber's tnroat; dragged him away from the stolen or-, gan and led hn master eagerly up to i ' with Chamberlain's Pain ' will nearly always effect a cure in one night's time. This remedy is also a fa ! vorite for rheumatism and has cured ' very severe cases. 50 cent bottles tor sale by Blakeley ii Houghton. Look Over Viiur County Warrant... All county warrants registered prior to January 10th, 1S90, will lie paid if presented at my oflice, corner of Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after thi date. Wji. Michbll, Treasurer Waeo Countv. October L'lit, ISO!. tf Notlen. Notice is hereby L'iven, that by order of the common council of Dalles City, made and entered on the 12th day of De cember, 193, sealed bids will" be re ceived at the office of the undersigned until Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock p. m., December 22d, ISO:;, for the con struction of a sewer of terra cotta, to be S inches in diameter, on Lincoln street in said city, commencing at the south line of the "intersection of Lincoln and Fourth streets, in the center of said Lin coln street and thence continuinc north erly along the center of said street to the terminus thereof, : Low water mark of Mill Creek. Said sewer to be constructed in accordance with the plans with expressions of recognition and t and specifications thereof heretotore maue antl prepared by L. J. Orandall, and which said plans and specifications may be seen at the oflice of said C. J. Crandall. No hid will be received unless the same is accompanied with a good and sufficient bond in the sum of $200, con ditioned that the bidder will accept the constructing of said sewer if the same shall be awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. Dated at Dalles City, Or., Dec. 13, 1503. DoUGLAfe K. DL'FL'K, Recorder of Dal!e& City. delight. WHAT THE STATES PRODUCE. The Dalles Daily and Weekly Chronicle. THE CHROMCLE was i-tablishud for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. t now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chkonicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at S0.00 per annum. The "Wkeklv Chkoniclk on Fridays of each week at SI. 50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Ttic "Dallos, Oregon. I It Ik the l)lntuK C..r Itm.t,-. It rm.s Thrn.un. $ I::j?',?.Vl. I Ve.tU.uM Train every Uy m the yuar to This'Wark it 1 waivable $t Paul and Chicago r-"'1' J 1 O. .1- C. Mr r Hum Co. yrou.i : en . J ill rrvMnu, !') , . i Itvcrybivlv i hlioiilil ii'vii tlU t Dictionary. It an- i mvorinll (ici-.tii,n t'onruniliiK thf Ills- t ior , j piling, tiriK ; uuiicluilnn. mnl 5 niraiilnc nt wnriU. i A Library in Tiavir. UaUupivt J tlic nlti'tt K'4lril liiioriuuilMti c'lifrriilri; OlIlllH'Ilt KrMlllM. fjlt't I'oJHM r.llll( thu ciiuutrli'M. rules, touii. una iiturul in tliniH of tin' kIiiIk1 ; )iiirtlrnl.iti coni'imilin; nmril li'-titimiH KrMiiH ami ilaiTs; tram Intlini of rorvlii (iiuati(in,i, wortlit. and IiruvoriHt . vc, I'ti'., ! Thin Work is Invaluable uiim liotKvltnld.nml to l lie lr:ii'lii'r. coliular, pro- ' (NO C HANCE OF CAU-S.) ComKin.! of iMtilnc Cnr linnurimsiiiM I'ull mini IirmvluR Uimiiu nluciKiri1 of IutciMUliinvnt TOURIST SLEEPING CA11S llcsl tlmt run 1jo t-oiiHtrnr'tiU, nurt In whlcfl an'iimm.HlHtlciitn lav iKitti I'tw mnl rurnUltcd for IiuUlerHof Klrnt uml vcodil-cliink Tlokuto, anil ELEGANT DAY COACHES 1'itMUUtr. Springflrhl, Mttn. fTIio tint lmrrliiftiilintn. -U-EBSTEirS , lCTlRCAn0S.U DiCTiaira, ""nU furtrw! rtiMi"'i:ttn A coiitlniinini lint', LuniiectliiK with nil lino nlinrdlnc itlrttit anil uiilutcrTUititl ncrvlcu I'ulliiinii tslwjfr rvoivutliiiie vhii Ikj M.fiirl In lulvunco ttiniiieh nuf ny.vM of tliu roail. THROUGH TIGKETS S KnuiHiul uiirt KUTDiw can lJ ill tii'kut uUlcc of tlis coiniuinj- To r.ud from nil ! ilnt i In America, I liuruhimovl nt nr The Dalles Daily Chronicle. y HAS A PAMILY OF u 2000 READERS. ?'f Tlii'j- rwul The Chrimlclt- to gvi the Intent uml linmt rulluhle M'Hn. Ami they rend every line that ! In the )iuier. Tlmt U ivhut limkew the I'lironliilf mi invultmble uilrcrtl Inc medluin j The newNmH.r Hint Boe to the fnmllj I (Irinldi'i 1h the one 3- tlmt the ndvertlmTK tKluy pntronUe I when they desire to Kuil Information roncjrnliiK rntifi, tUue ot trains, routtn imil other dctnlU furninhed on ntiplleiitloii to W. Agent 1) !'. A A. Nov Unlicn, ur., or a. i). ntAKi.To; AiiK't. Oujicrnl l'iweiiifi;r ABt. C. ALLAWAY, Co., KtKUlntor onicc. of reneh the 'o)ile. When they witnt your trnde their iittnonnreineiitK will In found In the putter IjmA over our eoluinn mid otiMirvc the verlllcn tlmt of the truth of thin hhmtIIoii. Itememlier. 11 f rixli, ttf n ftifnllviif lipf, f tirulbimil V 1 worth unklnK for through lhee f'fimmnt. i,Tuiriiit an iti onr vsrr i.'olmriai, otiju-lnlly no nt our vsry Th I'ortlnnd. Jen ELL IHississirri is second in cotton, fifth in rice, sixth in horses and mulch, and ix-vfcnth in nug'ar. 31--. AClirrfETTs is first in fisheries, secona in commerce, third in manufacture-1- and printing. I:.'ijia:a is third in wheat, fourth in corn and hogs, seventh in cattle and railways, eighth in coal. Idaho produces 1,500,000 bushels of wheat, 81,000,000 worth of fruits and J.W,Wi) pounds of wool. has -0,000 square miles of pine forests. The lumber industrj- sends out 4011,000,000 feet a year. Texas is first in cattle and cotton, second in sugar, sheep and mules, sev enth in cows, eighth in hogs. Co.wvECTicrr leads in clocks, is third in silk manufactures, fourth in cotton mills, and eighth in tobacco. J'kw Jnnsi;v is first in silk manufac tures and zinc, fourth iu iron, sixth in "buckwheat, and seventh in rye. Missouri is first in mules, third in hogs and corn, sixth in iron and horses, seventh in oats, ninth in sheep. When on u visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Dal ton of Luray, iiiiseell county, Kun., called at the laburalory of Chamberlain & Co., Den Moines, to ehow them hit-eix-year-old boy, wliofee life had been eaved by Cliainlwrlaln'e Cough liemedy, it having cured him of u very severe at tack ot croup. Mr. Dal ton is certain that it e; ved his boy'u life and is enthu- eiaatii' in his praieo of the Remedy. For Haio by Jllakoley & Houghton. Business Change. The undersigned has bought the Chinese merchandifce busi nesa heretofore conducted by IT IE IE HOP &c OO., and will pay all bills owing by said firm if presented to them before December 1st, 18!Jli. CHEW KEE &c CO., lao .Muln Ht., The JJuliex, Or. SHERIFF'S SALE. Hot clam broth at J. O. dav at 4 o'clock. Miick'e every "A Talented Killtor." the t'omlhK iiiontliN, or the hented omj who tire truvellnirorcoiiteinnlatitii.' 11 trip iiway from lioiuekhould rend the followlii: I, tn in; loiter from 11 hrllllmt mikI well known editor hiiu irovldu tlieiusclveii ii,'ulimt iittuckw of hcuduchc mid dUzlntKa: UKKTtKJlKN-1 Iniu cccnalon to Uko hevernl tioxen of Krn 1 ue's Ilvnduche Cniitiileit while trnvelliiK to t'iilciuro tout tend tlie.Satlonal Uein ourutlc Convention. Thor ucted like u churm In proventiui; lieaduchck mnl tlizzlnett. Have hud very Hltli heailuclio ilnif my return, which In vourx jeipei'tiuiiy. Jons U. Siiaffeii. I'd. ltciiovo, 1'u., Itword. rt'innrtiible. Kor ealu by Illukoley & Jloughtou, freKcriptiou )ruelitt, 176 Becoini fit., The Dalle. Or. Hold by iJiiipe & Klhetnly, by virtue of uu execution itnd order of mle I kmied out of the Circuit Court of the Mtato of O riff nn for the county of Wutco. to mo directed, cornmmidlni; uie to muke mile of the lund In mid writ, describ ed to-wlt; thote iiltces mid purceln of Juud In Watco Countv. finite of Orttron. known mnl ill-- Kfrilri-d as nil of tietlon three 111, mid the nouth , hiilf of thefouthuiit (illarterof tcctlou four 111. 111m uiu muni nun 01 tectioii nve (0) uuu tne north hull of iitctlon clclit (S, till In Towimhip one (1), north of IJaiiKC fourteen Ml east of the WHImiictto inerldlnti, to make mid piiy the nurn of money, In mid Court iidJiidRed. to Ixj paid to the plnliitltl In ruld uctlou, in which action The solicitor!) Ujuniind'i'ruHt Coinniiny were plnln tlir uud Juintu lI'Mth, Morthu M. Uooth, Everett K. Hull. J. F, JlcClure, hunih if JlcClurc, I). U, Alter, Ilnlph Hokcki Jullu N ItOKern, L'rl Km iody, J. M. Taylor uud J, y, KdwurdM wcro do fuiiiluiiU, to-wit, the mim of IMAM) with inter eat thereon from July 1, It-.!.', nt the ruto of nix ler cent er milium and laxi.CO attorney fcex in mid uctlou ami ciMtx uud illnbuneineiiu therein Uixed, I have thin day levied uikju the lund above described uud 011 Huturduy tlteS3d day ot liccuniliur, 1HV3, ut the hour of 10 u. m In trout of the court houko dior. In thu city of The Hulle. in Maid county uud tutc. I will kcU mid land ut public unction, to thu litchent bidder therefor. T. A. WAIIIJ, fiberitTof Vi unco county, BUito of Oregon. UOVA'td When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get oil' on the South Side T THE D. BUNN Pipe WorK, Tin Repairs am Boofi MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young it Kues UlacksmiUi Shop. Thin lutRf mid popular Hi. use il the irluelpn! hotel buMne.", x-u to lurniiti tut Hunt AceoiiimoiliitloUK ol tin v Hons mid lh nreimreu isu In the city, mid at tlie rutc of $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Heals, 25 Cepts. Olllce for nil Htuc I.lni'" li nvluc The Diille- fur nil iiilril in KuMtcrn Ori'cnii unit imtitni M'uMliiii;tiiii, III UiU Jlutul. Comer of Front mid I'nlon 81b NICHOLAS, Propr. T. T. Clothier and Tailor. Decidedly the Finest Line of. Gents' Kutrnistiing Goods, Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. COR. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OR. u There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its flood leads 011 to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the Clip-flni Sale ol m Mm k Caroets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHELBACII BRICK, - . UNION ST. rREE! rREE!! With every dozen Cabinet Photographs, one .... o Life-Sie Cra.yoraJo Call at the Gallery and see samples. My work speaks for itself THE DALLLES, Oil. JO, JOB FIRST CLHSS Pi ai G XT'" NTN( CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE