1'niira Aiyinin nun. mr view Item. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Kiiti.Tcl h tlm I'OKtomcoftt Tho DrIIcr, Oregon, iti dPCoiKt-olnmi mutter, Clubbing List. Kt'Ktilur jirlro flironiflo and X. Y. Trilmne fc',50 (brcniclf and Auirriran r'rmpr, Sl'.IK) (iidniflf ami MoClnrt'i HatmZinr J.T.00 (truiflf aid fnflilan Hmraiiif,. . . . jtf.OO ('hrmiflf and IVilit Farim $VV) Our lrlcc! l.!5 SI.T5 J2.00 .'jocal Actvrrtlnlnc- 10 Own pi line for firnt iiiMTilon, nrnl 6 Cent ir lino for enrh mtin;qticnt ItiHTtlon. BK'Rlal rntoH ior Ioiir time nntlncH. All lrx-H, noticed rcccivisl Inter tliiui o'clock will nt)icur t!ic following dny. WEDNESDAY, DKC. 20, 1893 The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may he found on nalc nt I. V. Nickehcn's store. DECEMBER DOTS. Splry NrMnlntn Onrnnrril from iirtor' Nolo Hook. Up. Mrs. Flnxlirako Williams is very ill nt her innnfiion in Portland from tho efleetB ol u Into 40 days' fast. Mrs. McCuon, an old lady 8S years old, wns ctrleken with paralysis this morn niK n 1 at the jirescnt writing is uncon- HCIOIH. M. V. Knrk will speak in The Dalles on Saturd.iy, the U.ld, at the court house on "The Cause and Cure of Hard Times." The dolls nt Pease A Mays, for sale by the Episcopal ladies, have heen greatly reduced, owing to a desire to close them out at once. Call and inspect them. The Ciikonici.e, desiring to Vnep a correct mortality tahle of Wasco i inty, requests all physicians, clergymen, jus tices of the peace, and others to send us a report of all marriages and deaths witiiin their knowledge ns they occur during the year. The man who says advertising dosn't pay is referred to the mayor of Marys- ville. Lust week he inserted an ad. in i the Globe headed "Girl Wanted." Three days later, on Hallowe en, his wife gnvo birth to a girl. Does adver tising pay? Of course it does, or people wouldn't advertise. Snohomish Eye. The Kris Kringle concert Inst evening was it decided success. The entertain ment features were never excelled in The Dalles and each number was en cored with much enthusiasm. All of the urticles on sale were'closed out and the ladies reaped a snug little sum to apply to a needed expense of the church. Tho rintrlnir of tlm - w. ... ouiumi ny somo practical joker, one night last week, mndo a raving maniac of a lady of that town, whose nerves hnd already be cpmo shattered by n long poriod of ill health. She was taken to Snlcm for treatment, while the idiot who rung the false alarm is cntovine tierfopt. ft,inm Tho Athena fire company offers $50 for uio villain's capture. Walla Walla I .Statesman. Joins, Collins A Co., tho firm who bought out the lato Dalles Mercantile Co., will open out tho business in the morning, ami, will bo on hand nt the old and well-known plnce, to rcceivo cus tomers. Messrs. .Toles nro well ami favorably known, having been residents of this city for tho past ten or twelve years connected with tho business in terests of this place. Mr. Collins is n young man of strictly business habits, and sinco his arrival in Oregon has made a host of friends and won the esteem of tho people. Wc besjteak for them abundant success. Before purchasing your Christmas candies and Christmas tree ornaments it will pay you to examine goods and get prices at Campbell Bros. Impute UnttrnnexM, "The consulting physicians have gone to Eastern Oregon for the purpose of locating a site for the branch asylum," says an exchange. This is untrue, be cause a site hnf already been selected by Gov. Pennoyer, Secretary Mcltride and Treasurer Metschnn. That site is Pen dleton and the board of consulting phy sicians are being sent to other places only as a subterfuge in the interest of this board, which wants no "hornet's nest" stirred up in the bunch grass country this close to election. Those places besides Pendleton that have put in an application may as well let their hopes "mist away" now. The physici ans on that junketing trip hnve no say, and Pendleton knocks the persimmon. Salem Independent. Tin: CnitoxicLi: cannot believe that such corruption' is being entertained on the part of the governor, secretary and treasurer, who have always heretofore been considered as honorable gentlemen, and should like to see tho Independent disputed once and forever by the parties whoso honor is thus called into question. Shiloh's cure, tho Great Cough and j Croup Cure, is for. sale by Snipes A Kin-1 ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five j doses, only 2oc. Children love it. Sold I by Snipes A Kinersly. Karl's Clover Hoot, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to tho complexion and cures constipation. 2oc, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly, druggists. Tho site ofl'ered west of tho city for tho branch asylum isunnpproachnblo by nny other candidnte. The physicians hero today cannot well help rewrting that for natural beauty, excellence and abundance of water, climatic conditions and healthfulness Tho Dalles oilers the best sito by long odds, and relying upon these facts Tho Dalles has not mado nn active strife through tho newspapers, leaving that part of the controversy to points less favored by nature. The gcopraphical position also is favorable to The Dalles from a standpoint of econ omy. Interchanging of patients be tween the two asylums will be constant on account of the different climatic con ditions being more favorable to some patients than others, and the transfer ring of patients from Salem to the new asylum on completion will alone amount to thousands of dollars difference in favor of Tho Dalles. The fare from Salem to The Dalles via tho boat com pany is $4.10. From Salem to Pendleton tho fare is about $11.50. On 200 patients the difference is over $1,200. Hence the argument that we arc not centrally lo cated has no force. The capitals of nearly all the states are not centrally located of which Oregon itself is one. If there is any force at all in the argument of geographical location, let it be considered that we have a vast stretch of country to the south of us which is tributary only to The Dalles. It will pay you to call at the Columbia Candy Factory and get prices on Christ mas candies and ornaments. HOItN. In The Dalles, to the wife of .1. Peter son, Dee. 10th, a son. AsxlRncpN Snlo. M. A. Moody, assignee, will offer for sale at public "auction on Saturday, Dec ember 23d, Frank Vogt's entire stock of dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, furnishing goods, etc. This sale is for the benefit of creditors and the entire stock is to be disposed of at once. Settlement Itcqueitted. During my absence, all who have un settled accounts with the undersigned are expected to call and settle with Mr. Geo. Krauss, who has my books and accounts. An early settlement will greatly oblige. Yours truly, Leslie Buti.eh. Stranee that People Will Suffer with dull feelings and the blues when they can be so surely cured by simply taking a few doses of Simmons Liver Regulator. Mexican Silver ABk your dealer Stove Polish. for Faih View, Dec. 18th, 1S!3. EniToit Ciiiionici.e: Knowing that anything of interest to tho many readers of Tin: CiutoNici.K is given room in its columns, wo will note a fow passing events. Owing to tho bad condition of tho mountain road persons having business in tho city arc put to the inconvcnicnco of going by way of 3-Mile making sev eral miles further. Miss Edna Hall has gone to town to attend school. Thcro wns a very pleasant party given by Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Obrist at their homo Fridny evening tho 15th inst. Mueic was furnished by Mr. D. D. Nelson. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William Obrist, Mr. and Mrs. George Sherrlll, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Nelson, Miss May Clark, Miss Cannon and Messrs. D. Fanchcr, D. A. Kelsay, H. Clark, John Obrist, Earnest Hall, W. M. Means, Harry Obist rand your correspondent. When daylight came wo reluctantly separated hoping to come together again in the near future. We learn that Miss Lizzie Nelson of Portland is to spend the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nelson. Stock of all kinds are in fine condition, and considerable preparation for next year's crops are going on in the way of plowing, seeding, etc. H. C. McKamky. FARMERS IN FOREIGN LANDS. Tin: refuse of sugar cano can be used in making paper, which should enable sugar planters to get a better return from their plantations, the method of manufacturing being simple and inexpensive. Tins year's apple crop ban been heavy throughout the United Kingdom and the fruit is quite equal to the average in size and somewhat above it in qual ity. Pears, although less plentiful, gave a good return. Within the past twenty years the area planted to wheat in Great Britain has decreased by 1,000,000 acres, and that planted to barley by 200,000 acres, while the area planted to oats has in creased by -190,000 acres. Tun production of olive oil in Ceph alonia is very considerable, a crop yielding from :."i,000 to ."0,000 barrels, more than 75 pur cent, of which goes into local consumption, the remainder being exported exclusively into Russia. Itobt. Mays has lost a pair of work horses, both are grays, well matched, branded with II, shoes on front feet. Please leave information at this office. 2t Special reduction on lamps, glassware and crockery for the holidays at H. H. Campbell's." PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. N. Pierce of Portland hns spent the Inst few days In tho city. Miss Jeanctte Williams returner! from a week's stay In Portland last eveneing. Mrs. Christine McCoy and Miss May McDonald of Grants nro in tho citv today shopping. Mr. Charles L. Campbell of Endersbv Is stopping with his aunt, Mrs. J. F. Kobertson, attending tho public school. DECISION ON TITLES. Tho Word Niitlotml" Mutt Not Ho Udell by Private Corporntlntid. One of the most important of recent events in building and loan circles is tho decision of Comptroller Eckels, of the treasury department, regarding the style of associations doing business on what is known as the "national plan." lie holds that the use of the word "na tional'' as the part of a title or name of an association is illegal and cites tho following statute in support of his po sition: "All banks, except national banks, and all persons or corporations doing business ns bankers, brokers, or saving mm COMPTROLLER J. II.' ECKELS. institutions are prohibited from using the word 'national' as a portion of the title of such bank, firm, or corpora tion, and any violation of this prohibi tion committed after September 3, 1S73, shall subject the offending party to a fine of fifty dollars a day for each day during which it is repeated." The question has been referred to the attorney general of the United States foran opinion. If sustained the decision will affect a large percentage of the associations which operate on the national plan. Notice. Notice is hereby given that unless the delinquent taxes of Dalles City are paid within ten days from the date of this notice the names of tho delinquents will be published. By order of the common council of Dalles City, made December 2d, 1S93. Witness my hand this 7th day of December, 1893. Dan Maloney, Citv Marshal. Mou'n ThlM Wo offer one hundred Dollars Reward for any rnse of Catarrh that cannot bo cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. .1. CHENEY A CO., Props. Toledo, O. We the undersiiMied, hnve known F. J. Cheney for the laet. 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financiallv nblo to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West A Traux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding. Klnnan A Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Totedo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon tho blood and muc ous surface of the svstem. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Tes timonials free. Carving sets and Boger's triple (dated tnblo cutlery at Maier A Benton's hard ware store. BEAD "Samantha at tie Worm's Fair," Anil tie up to tltu times. THE LATEST OUT Greatest Work of the Nineteenth" Century Hy JOSIAII Al.l.rcx'd W1KK. A. G. Hoering, Inoiil Agent, The I)nll?s, Or. M. Honywill. Ladies' G-ents' Childrens' 5s Men's Tailor-Made Suits, Pants, Overcoats. j-lat5 Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. A Large Assortment of Men's of the newest shapes made epecially for the Dalles. Gents' Silk Handkerchiefs, Mufilers, Neckwear, Gloves, Umbrellas, etc. Suitable for Christmas Presents. Ever? artielB larM in plain figures. M. Honywill. m THE GREAT QUESTIONS Give For Criiristmas 9 What Shall I Get or iUST TO HELP the puzzled and bewildered enquirers, we mention some of the suitable and acceptable GIFTS to be found among oui Stock. We have done our very best to meet you all in regard to prices, and think we can truly say that at OUR store at least everybody can afford to buy. Notice our marked reduction in prices of the following materials used so exten sively at this season for making dainty and pretty Gifts : AH Silk Satin Edge Gfos Grain Ribbon. No. 2, No. No. n. No. 7, No. 9, No. J2, No. 1(5, Satin Ribbon. No. 7, No. No. 12, No. 10, No. 5, No. -7, No. 9, No. 12, Si 10 12J IGg 20 20 25 Gros Grain Ribbon. i 10 m 10jj 20 ets cts els cts ets ets cts ets cts ets cts vXs ets ets ets Fancy Drapery Silks, per yd Plain Satins, """SI S'r,u Fancy Silks, per yd ... Silk Cord, 00 (its 75 ets .'5 ets 25 cts 3 ets silk Fringes, ' 10 to ols pon Pons, per doz lza HP Vantine Department. Our Vantine Department oilers many pretty articles Tor Christmas, and we are eonident you will hnd the prices satisfactory, as they have all been greatly reduced. We have Tea Sets, Cracker Jars, Chocolate Pols, Vases, Teapots, Salad Dishes, Plates, Rose Jars, P.owls, Ash Trays, Paper ('utters, Match Poxes, Jardinierres, Umbrella Stands, etc., etc., etc., etc. Indian Baskets. In our Indian Paskets light, tasty and strong you will find presents that would he appreciated by all. Among the appropriate gifts t hat a man can give sweotheart or wife, and one that will cer tainly be appreciated, we mention Gloves. Wo have a splendid stock, and make the following special prices : Biarritz 05 and 85 cts Jouvin 80 "Is Foster, Hook r ts Alice, Koyal Hook 1 00 Beatrice, " 2f Paragon, large buttons 1 l- Albani, Mosquetaire Suede 1 50 Centemeri, colored 1 'r Centomeri, black 1 75 Embroidered 5'55 flared lretyiefs. Our own Importation. From. . 0; cents to 85 cents each They have been pronounced the handsom est ever shown hero, and at our special prices are selling very freely. As Appropriate Presents for Gentle men, we mention: Cash more and Silk Mufilers, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Cloves, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Slippers and Neckwear, etc., etc. Wo oiler grand opportunities for Christmas. Give Useful Presents. This year they will be appreciated. We Have Them. Our Red Prices are right. & MAYS. zzr-r ... i. . tye? a ox? ai a v: i' IS