11 . I r ! The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL I'Al'KK OF DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. odds are that there will never be another period in your life when the ependinp of a little money would pive you greater pleasure and be so productive of thank fulness and joy. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. BY MAIL, POSTAGE rRKTAlD, IS ADVANCX. Wce&ly, 1 year " 6 months. ' 3 . . . 0 50 Dally, X year. . . 6 00 " 6 months. . ... 3 TO nor " ... 0 JO Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon. Chastened by bitter experience the 11 w ' l,res'('ont sn8 "the" cominissioner now, o 75 retcrring to isioutit. l'lKt-Offlriu orncE hour General Delivery Window S a. m. to Money Order Sunday U I). t. m. S a. m. to 4 V' u 9 a. m. to 10a. ra. cwstso or MAILS trains roIur East. . .9 p. tn. and 11 :45 a. tn. vtesi yji, m. anu o:.vup, in. . Stage for Goldendale 7:30 a. m. ' ' I'rlnevllle . .VSOn. m. i " '"Duftirand arm Springs . fi:S0a. m, " tLeavIug for Lvle A Ilartlaud .5:S0 a. tn, ' " " J Antelope 5:30 a. m, Except Sunday. Tti-weekly. Tuefdar Thursday and Saturday, I " Monday Wcdntday and Friday. HUNTINU AND FISHING. Anoirr 25.000 people are killed every year in India by wild beasts and rep tiles. Peek are numerous in northwestern i Maine, and annoy the farmers whose j lands are near the forests. A snake, just discovered in llrasil, i has tnsks like a boar, and a two-foot I horn ornaments its forehead. Oldest Agricultural Paper in America. (ESTABLISHED 1 C 1 0.1 To all cash Mibncrilcr8 of TiieCiiiionici.k paying one year in advance. The American Farmer, 1729 Now York Avenue, WASHINGTON. D. C. Tun AMKittrw Eaiimkh, which It now enter-1 lug uikui Its ;.)th year, In the pioneer farmer'!' . iitor In the country. It Is a larce eluM-imcc paper, and contain fifi miliums of the eholrost agricultural und liter- ; 1 ary matter, plt'tittfully embellished with line ! illustrations. It Is . 1 NATIONAL IN CHARACTER. 5 n ,v flt),lT,r w rrrl. Hilt,! in till ' ..... ....f. ... ... state of Washington between six p. tn. on Saturday and the same hour on Sunday. A qvaii. almost pure white was late ly shot near Atlanta. Ga. The only part not white was the tip of the tail, WFDVFSmY - - DFC "0 1Sqo and this was of the usual hue. leupth, was lately caupht by Everett Smith, at the edpe of the surf, in Patchos:ue. . Y. One of its claws is twelve inches long. Geokge Jamison, of Path. Me., had just warned Michael Nelson to handle his pun carefully when he (Jamison) tripped and fell, and received a death wound from the discharge of his own pun. Tm: largest fish caught in the Co lumbia river so far this season was a sturgeon measuring 11 feet inches long and weighing 753 pounds, which was landed at Knappton, Wash., a week or so ago. The head alone weirhed 151 pounds, and the fish yielded 427 pounds of edible meat. LOOK AT THE SIZE of the ordinary pill. Think of nil the trouble and disturbance it causes ! lcnl 1 ''inning and farmer' Interest I I J 1 1 1,11 unmu, uuuiiiMi iiiii;. it i IMl. II UU1UII b VOU WUIUUIIll' .MIIIHT" The president extricates himself from the Hawaiian mess in much the same picturesque manner as one does from the mucky tara beds of the island realm of the Pacific, with mud up to the knees ns a witness of the filthy incorporation. For the present state of the flying ma chine the public is referred to Mc Clure's Magazine for January. Hiram S. Maxim, maker of the Maxim gun and one of the few inventors of real ability and authority who have been at tracted to the subject of aerial naviga tion, has now nearly completed an air ship that gives great promise of sailing the skies successfully. The preachers of New York have now started upon a crusade that will be wished Godspeed by everyone the abolishment of the insanitary and over crowded tenement houses of that city. Inasmuch as one of the wealthiest churches of that town is said to derive a large income from houses of that class it is entirely proper that the reform should be undertaken bv the other churches. EMPLOYS THE REST WRITERS IN THE COUNTRY, and everything that appears In It column Is ul the highest character. Every department of the farmers huslni", Is dlictiNscd In an earnest, practical way, looking to the greatest prolltaml ncuciu to me larmer unci ms jamuy. thing easier to take, and easier in its ways, if at the same time it did you more pood? That is the oaso with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant relicts. They're tho smallest in size, the imiueat ni auumi, uui me most- It ,,., t,IL, ,,t llIut ,rtll (ll ,.,, ,,, thorough and far-reaching in re-, ami is furnished at the low price of suits. They follow nature's meth-! o ;crs YEAR ods. and thev civc licit) that lasts. I 3 ' ' ' '' Pnnstmririnn ItirHtrocf fnn Tlilimm '"Ivance ThU m.kr. It t!.r rl.rMt Attacks, Sick and Bilious Head aches, and all derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels are promptly relieved and permanently cured. A Grand Masquerade Ball will bo Klvon nt Armory Hall by Jackson Engine Co., No. l, Hogday uepir, Jar?. I, 1894. Committoo of Arrangements: f. V. I.. MvllUSh, I" K. LIMIT, FKKI) KM A. IIKuGIMNH, JOHN BLASKK. HARRY CI.OUGI1, Ol.PIl KKM.KK, TIIKO. Rpcoption Committoe. GEO. MUNGKR, COL. O.T. THOMPSON, F. SKUFKRT, A. BUCHLKK, W. 11. BUTTS, HON. K. .SCHUTZ, " If we can't cure your Catarrh, no matter how bad your case or of how long standing, we'll pay you 500 in cash." That is what" is promised by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Doesn't it prove, better than any words could, that this is a remedy that cures j Catarrh ? Costs only f0 cents. agricultural paper In tin, rouutry. FARMER LEGISLATION. (ireaW kitchen to r, j sold in every house. Sample, iMsMge jwild. live i cents. McMakln and Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. w i :.. i.., 4 CiKNTS make J.VO) a dar. mi: o.i. oiauc, 1111 - uten-il ever inventeil. Uetall-:l-ets. tate dealer m Jles Moines, Iowa, narrow ly escaped one of the severest attacks of pneumonia while in the northern part of Iowa during a recent blizzard, says the Saturday Review. Mr. Blaize had occasion to drive several miles during the storm and was so thoroughly chilled that he was '211111)10 to get warm, and in side ot mi hour after his return he was threatened with a severe case of pneu monia or iunc fever. Mr. Blaize sent to is being successfully broucht to j tle nearest drnc store and got a bottle ce of the apparentlvdrv streams of Chamberlain's Conzh Remedy, of Water me sunace ot tne appare of Colorado, Western Kansas and Ne braska and applied to the purpose of irrigation. A brief mention is made in one of the Morgan county papers of the successful experiment of Mr. C. S. Owens of Byers, who has obtained a plentiful supply of water from the west fork of the Bijou, a stream which rises in the divide and beneath its sandy bed for more than fiftv miles. which he had often heard, and took a number of large doses. He says the ef fect wa- wonderful and in a short time he whs breathing quite easily. He kept on taking the medicine and the next day he was able to come to Pes Moines. Mr. Blaize regards his cure as simply wonderful. For sale by Blafcelcy & Houghton. WE WANT Y0C TO WOUK Foil I thus making Jl'J.CO TO Jlii.CO Phil WEi:K. Parties preferred who can furnish a hnre ami travel through the country; a team, though, 1 not necesary. A few vacancies tn towns and cities. Spare hours mav foe ucd to good ad vantage. It. K. JOHNSON iU " , 11th and Main Sts.. ltlehnx nd. Va. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON This old, jK)pular ami reliable hounu has been entirely refurnished, nnd every room has been repapered and repainte and newly carpeted throuclpui. The houre contains 17U rooms and. rPuppliec with every modern convenience. P.atet reasonable. A good restaurant attachec to the house. Frer bus to and from ah trains. C. W, KNOWI.ES. Prop. Durlnc the comlnc ear there will lie an im meue number of matter of the most vital In terest to farmer dealt with bv ('nnKr"K and Executive Department at WatliltiKtou. I liiirli 1 v important that the larmerK l ken promptly and fully luiormeil ai to wiial In beluc jilanmil and done aMectlliE them at the National ('apltal. They Hliould all, therefore, take Till: Amkkican Fahvki:, hteli.tielnc 1111 theRrouud, ha ln'tter facilities than anv other pain'r for cettiuc this Information, and devote,. Itself to thlx duty They will tlnd In It constantly a great amount of valuable Information that tliey can Ktl In tin other naiier. Tnr. Auei'.han Kai-.mkii nml Til): Cliiui.Mn.i: will Ik.1 sent one year for f I 7.i IB. w. bcexjIc sg do., IH'.Al.KltS IN ij Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals kept .... . ' fine Touei soaps, uomos, crnsnes, rainmery, uic. Pure Wlnos and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. CompoundlnR Physicians' Proscriptions a Specialty. So. 105 Second .Street, Tho Dulles, Oregon. Opposite Columbia I'andy Factory , 1'eanutx! John Pashek, Katherine E. Rand, wishing to im press parents with the fact that boys and girls of fourteen te eighteen are not in fants, but try to flirt, love and hate eauh other, suffer from jealousy, and, in a word, live out the comedy and tragedy 1 gon s'treets. of lite in juvenile fashion, has written, . "The Childhood of an Affinity." It is j not sensational, it. contains nothing ob-1 jeetiouable, and if somewhat common place, it is as good as the average story written for youth. Parents who cannot eee that their children are growing up will continue blind, and generations yet unborn will suffer from a similar optical infirmity in spite of books, however clever. "The Ctiildhood of an Affinity" will not open their eyes, but the author lias done what she could. Cheaper than anywhere else ttt the California winehouse. WOOD, 1VOOII. WOO li. Best grades of oak, fir. ami flub cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jus. T. Peters & Co. Office Second and Juffer- y lll-l-J Millie torn. r a& r.rzi V; or,! 76 Court Street, Next door to Wasco San Office. The gospel of protection according to McKinley is: "It protects our own products against those of the alien and the stranger, while the domestic con sumer is secured reasonable prices through domestic competition. It diver sifies the employments and multiplies the opportunities of our people; secures an unrivaled home market for agricul ture and unrivaled wages for labor. It encourages skill and genius to their highest activity, and under its opera tions we have reached the foremost rank in invention and mechanism and the widest individual and national prosper ity. It favors the United Statee, and is the true friend of every American girl and boy struggling upward. It builds up; it never pulls down." "There is no use in going back of the returns," is a maxim that may fairly be applied to the new tariff bill. One of its opening statements is : "A glance at the tariff legislation of our own country ought to satisfy every intelligent student that protection has always shown its- falsity as a system of economy by its absolute failure to bring a healthy and stable prosperity to manufacturers." A glance will show nothing of the kind. It will show a prosperity on every hand which would have existed yet, but for the fear which has closed so many man ufactories. It will not only hIiow that the United Ktates has thousands of millionaire manufacturers, but will abow hundreds of thousands of working men working for the best wages in Christendom. There Is no use in golug behind the returns. Mi. ITS ' ! Has just received the late.-,: style ir. Suitings for Gentlemen, and h-s a lame assortment of Fur. icu and Amer ican ("loth-,, which he can ltuih Id Onb-r for thoe that favor him. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. NOTICE YOU PUBLICATION. Curf-'i Couchi, Ht(,VBC.,-ii.,Hore Thriiut, Cruuiii.r'in.iii, 'i r i,vt- tl Miopias Cough nr.d Astlmui. f r I 'j-miijuj tlon it h9 no nva!; hw. cured ilious&oitr.v lerenll otucro failed; will crac Y'jc if ti.eti in timo. Horn by Dnifrjriats on ceuarnnto. Fur Lncc Beck cr Chti use a:m.o:i'-? i-i.a&tku. cu. C H ILO H V CATAR R H Have you -uiarrn ? Thl lumwly is iruanin toird to cure vou. l'rlcu Max. IntbtrtorXntu For iiale by Milpo i Kinnmly. CURRENT PRE86 COMMENT:- The machine for separating the flour gold from sand on the Columbia river plaeere "does not work just right." That h been just the trouble with all other machines for that kind of work. It doesn't Day to economize on Christ was 'cheer. Even if times have been bard, that is all the greater reason for a Jew days of holiday prosperity. The Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNE8S, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the train nt r-vUr, Inimiarjy errors or later execute, tilt, rxaulti of overwork, slctrienn, worr.etc. Fullitreugtlj. develorprneot nnd tuna Klven to every orsan ntd ixjrtlon of tbc Ixxly. Hlrnplr.naturalmetliixli. ImriiedUtelmonivenicnt -orL failure fmpomllile. VXli referencwi. explanation and priCta mailed (icaled) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. H. V. Xheumatlsnif Lumbago, Sciatica, Kianay complaints, ime BacK, dtc VI60R lv.sn Ornci:, The Dniieif, Or., Ic. T, 1S)3. j Notlee I hereby clven that the followlni; nanntl settler has Hied notice of In- Intention to make Dual proof in aumort of claim, and that said proof will be made before the rwlitter and receiver at The Iinll'.n, Or., on Kebruury 10, 1VM, viz.: Jueoli II. ltnliertk, Homestead No. ittlfi, for the BV.K, of K 4, ami NU of aK!4. and .-W : of sE'-(, of Seo. l.Tp 2 S., U. 12 K. W. il. He inline!, the followini.' wltneii to prove lilii coiitiimoiiM residence upon, and cnltivatioii of. Mini land, viz. - It K Morrison, JI. l'alnter. J .'. I'utti'mnn and ( . 11. ntouKtiton, all of loifir. Or. dnj.'iwfi JOHN W. I.I.WIH. H..n:lster. ELE0M lanarni S. SMWH'f WKh lleatrfrMawMtle iMmH rMMUTM 1 win cum wltboat amUola i IfiKLT WORV. Itlrurfrom oroMaxatieu ot brain mtt larawi Boworlaln. erttlon. aa iwrroua daUlity, alaapuaWMa, languor, rbeumatlaBi. klauer, U?r lutumr ooraplalau, lame tack. lamfaao, aciitlffi, all faaa aonplalnU CMHrral ill baaitir rtc. Tkil alaaMo SaK coatalui wiMinai miiiwiim orar ail ouaff. iurrtut 1 uHuurnaHviinr or we loneu , will cui all or the alwre. diaaaaae or no u nave been cured by tola nanrawoa la M.m. and par. tiiou. uivciuimi Cauda nave karn rurad tnr thl bum ftlir all nih - r.iin. rtln rflrt nrt rivt klitultMltf MNMvaiu in him iita mvwrj mm euie. Our ramM Imum MJU.TUC BCarMHOBT. trm trtstteat boon eir uffored weaEBwn, VHrK wUkil) I". KMlIk, u4 lltann MaiMk wVaUIITICIU UaOlg mift Mead for Jllua'il Cuuplilrt. iiuulcd.utdcd. free ANDEN KLCOTRIO CO., 17 flrtit Hlrcct, j'UUl'f.A.'lJ OJtJU. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ily xrtneof an execution am: order of vale, Ikiued out of the circuit ( on-tof the Ktatc of OreRon, for the County of Wai-eo. to mu directed coinrnaudlni; me to make wile of the 'and In the cald writ, described to-wlt Thoe v and I)arceli of land In Waaco Countv. rituto of Oro Kon, known and decrlliil as tin- -outh half of tectlon eiifhtfo , nnd the outh hal' of mitlon nine '), and the east half and the noutltHext iiunrtcr and theea.it half of the northwest riinr lerand tlieouthweitiUarterof the northwest ouartei of section ten (10) and the north half of the northwent quarter und the Kiutheait iiiinrter of the northwest ijuarter of nectlon (If teen iISj, all in TownHhlp one 1 1;, north of I'.aiiKe fourteen '11 east of the Willamette meridian, to make and pur the Mini of money, In raid court adjudg ed to Lu paid to the iilalntitl in nald action, in which action Tho Hollcitor howi and TrtiKt ( oiupuuy were tiiuiutlii utiiumiui Ilrxith, Mar tini .M. llooth. Kverett K. Hall, J y, McClure, hnrah II. McClure, I). O. Alter, lialph Itiem, Ju lia N ltoKem. I'rl Krnbody. J il. 'liivlorand J, This Is the Season Of the Year Ulhen Judicious Advertising Pays. New York Weekly Tribune af -AND Dalles weeRiu cnronlci 0 II I a NOT1CK FOR PUBLICATION. Ia:r Orncr., The Iiallen. Or., Nov. U, InW. i Notice 1h hereby clven that the lollowliiK named ncttler Inn llh.-d notice of hlx Intention to make tltial proof In ntiport of 1ih claim and that a!d proof will be made Ix-fore thu n-Kiiter and rti-elver ut The Dulles, On-Kon, on WedneMlav, December 27, lrs'l, vl2 llxu-ltt Itllic, HomuMteail Application No. 2i2I, for the NU of SK'; and K' of KV, r-.-e. In. Tp. - H. It II Kant. He name the following wltnenseii to prove bin coutluuouH renldence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: It. W. Welln, of The 1uIIoh, Or., Charlen Kaiton, Jamei, Kaitou and 1'aul Umeroth of Nniitenc, Or. Joll.v W. l.KWin, UeulKter. NOTICK FOR I'UMLICATION. Tlmlwr Laud, Act June 3, lSTh.) lT. H. L.i.M) OrriCK, Tim Dallen, Or.,j Nov. h, IVM. i Notice Is hereby i-iveli that In compliance with the prnviniouH of the act of concrctm of June ::, 1h;h, entitled "An act for the wile of tlm-l.-r lauds lu the ntatcx of California, Oregon, Nevada and WuHliiuittou Territory,'' Noul C NtfveiiHiiii, Of Kinifsley, county ot Wum'o, Hlati- of OreKou, has this day Died in this ollice his Hunrn kImIo ment for the pureliuc of the NK1, of NW;.J, of riectlou. No. in 'lownshlp No. 3 F , raUKc No 111 K. W. JI and will oiler nnaif to show that the laud sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural iniriioieii, am to eitabllsh his claim to said laud before the Helster and Itecelver of this otlieeatThc Dalles, Or., on the l.'dli day of January, He names as witnesses, (ieorirc Mel.-od, .las s:r Knslcy, Ix-on Houdeau ami bifayette Davis, - ami m M r ai 1 V 1 I VJV Ha M . J a ' all of Klncslev. Or. Any and all iHjrsous clatmliiK adversely thu alxive-deierlls.il lauds are requested to file their V Kdwurds were defendants, to.wit tbi-siun of t2Ou0.0O with Interest thereon, from July 1, wjs, ut thu rate of six jier cent ier itnnuin and f.uo.oo attorneys fees in said action and costs and dls bursu eids therein taxed, I have this day levied upon the laud aforesaid and on Naturday tlm !i3rd day or J)i:iulir 181)3, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. lu front of tho court house door, in thu City of Thu Dalles, In said County und ritate, I will fell said laud at public uuctlou, to the highest bidder therefor, ...... . T A- W'ABU, Hheriirof uco County, rltntu of OrcKou. novi'til SHERIFFS SALE. Hy virtue of an execution und order of sale, Issued out of the Circuit Court of thu Htate of OrcKou, for the County of Wasco, to inu directed coinmundliiKinutoiiiakualuijf the hind In the said writ described to-wlt, thoso pieces und par cel ol laud lu Wasco County, Htate of Oregon, known und descrilied as the southwest quarter of aeotloii four 14, and thu north half of section nine ID), nnd thu northwest quarter of auction seventeen 17, lu Township one 11 north of KaiiKe fourteen 14. east of tho Willamette Meri dian, to make una pay thu turn of money, in said Court udjudKcd to bo paid to thu plulntliriu said action, in which action Thu Kolleitors Ioan und Trust Company were plaliitlil', and James booth, Martha M. llooth, Kverett K. Hall, J. V, McClure. Haruh il, McClure, D. (i. Alter. Italph liouers, Julia N. HoKers, t.'rl Kmlxsly, J. Jl, lay. lor and J. F. Kdwurds were defendants, to-wlt; thesum of f.uai.00 with lutere.it thureou, from July 1, Via, at the rato of six Krcent jajriinnum und ao.Ui attorney's fees in said uotloii mid costs and disbursements therein tuxed, I have this day levied upon the land nfort-suld, and on Haturday, a3rd day of JJeoMuliur. 1HH3, ut tho hour of 10 o'clock a. in lu front of thu court home door, In thu City of Die Dllu, lu said County and Htate. I will sell saldlund at public uuctlou to thu liltfliuit bidder therefor. Hhcrlll'of Wasco County, ritate of Omro'ii. claims In this olllee on or Ix-foresaid 1,'itli day of January, icji, wlo JOHN W. I.KW1H, I'.eKlster. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ily virtue of an execution and order of salu Issued out of the Circuit Court of tho Htate of Oregon for Wasco County, uion a decree mid jiidKineiit made, rendered and entered by said Court on the llth day of November, Wii. in favor of pinlntlir, lu a suit wherein A. D. llolton uas plaliitlil', mid Frank D. ollleiidu and Ithoda (illleside, W. K. Hunt and W, If. llutler were defcudauts, and to mu dlreiited and delivered, cominandluf; me to levy upon and sell all tho lauds mentioned and dcscrlU-d In said writ, and hereinafter described, I did, on thu Ith day of Deeember, lh'J.1, duly levy upon, and will sell at nubile auction, to the hlKhest bidder, for cash lu hand, on Monday, tlm Htli day .January, 1HII4, at 2 o'clock In thu afternoon of said duy, ut thu frontdoor of thu County Courthousu In Dalles City, in Wasco County, OrcKon, all of tbc lands und premises described lu said writ and herein described as follows, to-wlt; The northwest quarter of Section fourteen II In Township two 121 Houth, of Ituuifu fourteen (II) Mast of the Willamette Meridian, lu Wasco county, Oregon, or so much thereof us shall be sunicleut to satisfy the sum of lil,0l, with In terest thereon at the rato of tun tier cent, pur annum since Novemlier llth, 1M; fw.oo attor ney's fees, und lll.fci costs In said suit, together with costs of said writ, und ucoruiiiK costs of dulc, T. A. WAltD, Hhcrllt'of Wus(!o County, Oregon, Duted nt Dulles City, Or., Dec. 4, w,. dsjiw.l Executor's Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that thu County Court of thu Htutu of Oregon for Wusco County has duly appointed tho undersigned thu executor of tho last will und testament of George r lleors, deceased. All iKirsous having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present them, with the laroiior vouchers, with In six mouths from thu da to of this notice, to said executor at his place of residence, near f?,"1 y".f.:.,.ty',"."ld,,.!m""yf,r " th oltico of W, ii. Wilson, lu said Dalles City. ., .h,i. , .'I'Wl'AKIi DOI.K, Kxeimtor. Ds ted this 1st day of Moveuiber, Ib'J.'i. blw at W. E. Garretson's Store. Lafiies' Solid Gold Watcto reiocei Gold Watches worth $40, Gold Watches worth old Watches worth - o from $45 to reduced, to $28. reduced to reduced to 25 18. American Coiii Silver Watches reduced to $13, Genuine 14 K Gold Filled Vest Chains reduced from $8 and $10 to $4 and $6. The abovo in a Kample of tho bargain 1 ')( had for a few days. A R Thompson, H. H. CH7VTPBELJ-. SuccoBsor to LESLIE BUTLER, It'lli ......-. 1,.... 1 1 Iltin iif GROCERIES; -CROCKERY, .. tiltlOl! Having purcliused Mr, llutler's entire stiatk, I shall mdeuvor to inulntiilu no i inu uuime, milieu nun win .,t.i C BEST GOODS AT L0WETT PRICES. - SQUARE DEALING TO Call and see me, next door to Postofflce. loet, Xsmtomt, Oboftpo' Holiday Presents. The fmbUo is invited to examine our goods beof purchasing elsewhere, f-1'rlcun tho lowwt, tnd are Kroutly reducod. Cloning out Hi" m It 1 1 . , .1 .1 AAHa r linn. 01 joyn liiiu uuiuuh ,Ht ooosa St. 1 xne vine; vi, -