The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 20, 1893, Image 1

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    CTI)c Hulks
he Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Iiilllliii1 Dully. HuiKluy ICxcuptixJ,
II v
....... t t ni 1.' HITtfl IC'llTVr' ik
1K C Ittt'vviji i i; iJid.ii i irtn
.imkI mill WiiHliltiKton Htrwu,
Diilluh, Ori'Kon.
Turin of Subscription
IEmont!i.t'-',"lr 60
.C 00
In i-llcot AllKIlxtfi, W..
tlIlt H:.' r. u. Depart 11:00 P.
'.1 A V ll.iiti.rt.. 'I'll A
MiCA I..
...... fnini I'ortlllllil lit 1 I'. M.
fl'" ii. tu rut. u,... I.....I i. n I. It
fn inrai IrulnlitK Hint curry MiimonKorH lunvo
I . ... ...itfi . .....i ...... r..f it...
I W" ' ' 1 "4 it.v i.
M: i (i w
o( priiiiiVllli:, vlii, Haiti- ovuu, lunvc dully
rf Amulniw. Mitchell, Canyon city, leave-
Mr at n A. M.
i.i.lintiir. KlncMi.'V. wumio, illinium, warm
j;;' HUH TJKIl wiuuy, icuvu uiui , ui-upi
Buy, it 1 u a. n,
Irdiilik'iiilitlo. Wiish., leave every uy of the
a exeunt riunuiiy lit 7 a. m.
llSrei. for nil linen lit the Umatilla Home.
NO. 4.
court Htreut, The Dalle, OrcKon.
I. B, III run. niAnn trni.i..
IfUH lit SlKNKrftl-.. ATTOHHKTM Al-
) law- ltooiim il and lit, over 1'oi.t
are IliilldliiK. Klitrniice on WimliliiKtim Btreet
IMlMlleh, uri-Rim.
Il i IIKNNKTI , A I 1UIIJH -A 1 n . "i-
A. rtce in Holiimiio'i. ImllUliiK, up "talm. The
I.U nkyh a.-1.av Olllces Fri!lieh'h Mock over
I fint National Hank, ''li J)iillcb. OreKm.
Letters of Credit issued available in
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
Hational Bank,
President - - -Vice-President,
Cashier, - - -
Z. F. Moody
M. A. Moody
General Hanking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges Sold on
Collections made on
at all accessible points.
fnvoreble terms
J. H.
.1 M.
First Rational Bank.
In- it vnHriV
M . French A Co.'h bunk ImllcllliKi Second
lt, The Dalli-n, OreKon,
I).. C. .M.: 1". T. M. C;
M l 1'. mill H. (., riij Kleliin mill ""f
ccuii. ltooniH :l iiml I. ('imiiiuiui hlwk.
lKWc Mm. Thiiruliury'h, western! of M'eond
u uBil flUiitiKON. t;aim
IJirornKlit. city nreouiitry. Olllee
X'iApiium hlock.
No. :ni iinu
ID" -
ibon. O! ice: roonih ft mm n uiiniiuuiu
Iuck Henlilenco: H. K. corner Court nun
tartli HtreetM, kvuiikI door Ironi tliu corner.
Xco hiiurH 11 to Vi A. Ml, to fi mid 7 to i I'. M.
Ih ilDDAIili lll'.NTIhT. ins civen lor the
II. inilnlcHH eitructlon of teutli. Also teeth
ilowi'd iiluuumiiu plate, i.oomiv, nlcu 01
1A (milieu Tooth, Heeoud Htreet.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day ol collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
rseu- 1 ork, ban Francisco and Portland.
"as oki as
the hills" and
never excell
ed. "Tried
and proven "
is tho verdict
o f millions.
simraon s
Liver llcgu
T" lator is the
fi'UI'iOi and Kidney
medicine to
which you
can pin your
faith for a
euro. A
mild laxa
tive, a n d
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
on tho Liver
a n d Kid
neys. Try it.
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or made into a tea.
Tho King of I.lvrr Medicines.
"I liavo ii'-etl your.Simmonglilvcr Regu
lator mid can coiisclcticiously fcay it Is the
1:1m; of nil liver medicines I consider It a
medicine chest In Itself, CJi:o. V. Jack
feo.v, Tacotnu, Washington.
Has tliu Z Slump Hi red on wrapper.
TUC imlly Evening Chronicle is rccoirninHl
1 1 I us essentiniiv
lilies city folks' jAlr This is not a hud
ts. lUtutlon. Somen VJiVl L 'J.O 0 of our best
oitlzens witch the columns of thU nn npn
dully for the splclcH local news. It rM rHK
succeeds in Rleunlnir the field, and hence riows
in iionulnrity and importance. Take It awhile,
you who don't; try some of its premium oilers.
the home paper for the
D. P. Thompson. .Ino. S. Schknck.
Ed. M., Gko. A. Likbe.
H. M. Bkau..
BiacKsmiiti & wagon Slop
VV'ASOO I.ODG K, NO. lfi, A. V. A A. M. .Meeln
m nrxt and tlilrtl .Mouuuy m eueu luoiuii av
Tttt.KH UOYAl. AKCII CllAl'Ti:il NO. n.
1J lUeth iii Jlasonle Hull the third Wednesduy
' Mttcl mouth ut 7 r. Ji.
uoiiKux vooi)mi:n oi;
U Mt, IIimkI Camp No. OU. Meets Tuesday even-
Tin: woiti.D.
lliiroficn week In friiterulty Hull, at 7:M p. m
nof.DMHIA I.Ol)0K., I. O. O. K.-Meets
U everv Krlduy evenlnc at 7:i!0 o clock, In k.
o! I' mil, corner tieeoiid mid Court
wjoiiriiliiK lirotherH uro welcome.
fi. uouuii, Hccy. n. a. iih-mmm
ISHKMItl.V NO. .IS'-7. K.
A of r. hall the seeoud and fourth
OK li.
KIKN'DHIUI' I.ODOK, NO. I)., K. of P. Meets
nvi.rv MiiihIiiv uveiilnc ut 7::(U o clock. In
tSMun'HtiulldliiH, corner of Court mid Hecond
IWt. HnlourulUK mciunorii uru euruinuy in
rM. W. 8. ClWM.
U. W.VAtlHK, K. of K. mill n, v. j.
Meets In K
Un of eunh mouth at 7:1(0 p. m
Il cnkin win limit iiviTT Frldiiv Hfleruoou
HJo'tiiHik nt the readliiK room. Allure Invited.
UAUMON LOlKii; No.f01,I.O.(l.T.-neKUlar
. weekly nieetliiBH Krlduy nt ti r. M., a'
piwulty Hull. Alluroiiivlteil.
bj. Ciiiuhman, (J. T. L'iJ-'i"'--
TMI'1,K. LODGE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meetii
l In Fraternity Hull, over Kollern, an Bocolid
t, Thumdiiy uvenliiKM ut 7:8U. .,.,
II. IIAlStinN.
J".H Mykbh, Klnimoler. M. W.
AB. NKHMITH POST, No. :, O. A. K.-Meet
...... U.....-.I I 'Itll I. M . Ill thu Iv. of P.
hn.3 0,"M"""
KAIIiWAY UNION, NO. 10.--Iktlll
II twi fourth Thursduyt each
im Hi K. of' 1'. hull. W. KkaiiY,
U.JoNKH.Kec'y. rre.
R Or I.. K. MeeUuveryHuiuliiy ultcrnoon In
IM K. ill
M Kit 1 1' AN
lfv MietH neeoud mid
lU IC. of V. Hull.
MANo VEIIKIN Meets every
IL.eviMiliiK In tliu K. ot l'. Hull.
IP OK ik. DIV1BION, No. lC7-MeetHin
IUi L' .. .. .II il, .....1 W.wllltlll.
i - r, xinu me Hint ion. ....... ..
VJOl eueli innnlli ill 7 'IUI V. M.
ICT. PKTKHB OIIUKOH -Uov. Kutlior IIhonh-
I. ..I l UHMir, 1XIW illlisn UVUl niiuiiiij iiv
!; HIkIi Mhiih ut 10:ao A. M. VesjierHiit
STi,i,!A.u,8 OHlIKtlH -Union Htreet, opposito
- lllll. Klllf Kll Ik Mlllnlllto Kl'l lor.
Kk'-'pu'tuuyat 11 a m
ii jiio A. M.
mid i:M i: x. Sunday
Kveatng 1'ruyer on Krlduy ut
I "jyl IIAPTIHT OHUK(JH-Hev. 0. 1. Tay
.. ton, Paator. MoruliiK norvlocH every Huh
',7j,t.t,,u ciidomy ut 11 A. M. Hulilmtli
;"pi Immedlutely Hftur morning Mirvlces,
yor lllrwilli... ll.l..u ...,..i.l., ... n,.u..iu ri.ul.
1 Union .nrt'lrwiu 1,1 (Iki iirinrf liiilluo lit
UtfKTIM t'oul.P UopoLi. nni Un.iHu.'..i 11
. mill 1 U U Uh.i1UI Unli.uil ....T...I.W
Tlt,. HtraiiKorncorrtliuly iavltwl. HoatHfruu.
K. OHUHUir Hev. J. Wlllsi.KH. nastor.
(inrt., ""'vice oYoryHunduj'inornliiK nt 11 a. in,
Jfy behool t Vil'JO o'clock r M. Kpwortll
lis i ' r' l iyer uieuiiiiK every
bu7;.-""7 uvuuinir nt 7!nu irniooic. a coniiui in.
lo, 11 lu exteuduil by both mtor uud people
"IllHTlAN OirOHOH-irKV.l'.H.MctlUII'KY
j ttor. Prcnulilng lu tliUiOlirlHtluu cliurcli
lANflVTTtif l ilmliull lu VTI...I. ...a...
Pundit ' ' u.i wwtar, Hervloon nt tliSOn.m.
10 :""" ( a w a curium weiuoino
ry one,
General Blacksmithing and Work done
promptly, and all work
florse Shoeing a Speciality
Third Street, opu. Lieto's old Staud.
"The Regulator Line"
Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and nil
kinds of work in iiis lino at
reasonable figures. lias tho
largest honso moving outfit
in Kustern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181,TheDallos
J. F. FORD, Evamelist,
Of Don Mollies, Iown, writes under date of
March '.'3, lt'J3:
S. B. Mm). Mm. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
Gentlemen :
On urrivinir homo lust weok, I found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little girl, eight and one-lmlf years old,
who hud wusted away to 38 pounds, is
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done
its work well. Both of tho children like
it. Your S. B. Cough Cure lias cured
and kept away all hoarseness from mo.
So give it to every one, witli groetinge
for all. Wishing you prosperity, wo are
Yours, Mil. & Mas. J. i. l'ouu.
I f you wIhIi to feol fresh tind cheerful, uud ready
for tlioSprlng'H work, cleanse your system with
the Headnche uud Liver Cure, by taking two oi
three doses each week.
Hold under u positive guarantee.
60 ceutH per bottle by all druggists,
Freigni 8na Passenger Lfne
inrougn in-nceKiy (.Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Itegulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a.m.,
Monday?, Wednesdays and Fridays,
connoctiiiu' ut the Cascade Locks with
Steamer Dalles Citv. Steamer Dalles
Citv leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock)
ut 0 a. in.,
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays,
connecting with Steamer Regulator for
The Dalles.
Ono way . . . .
Hound trip.
,. f2.00
,. 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received at
any tune uay or nignt. nipments ior
way landings must bo delivered before
li, m. iiive siock suinmeius soncieu
Call on or address,
Majority Report of the Ways and Means
Reasons Given Why the Duties Should
He Clinnccd-Manufacturcrh and
the Tariir.
B. F
General Agent.
General MuuuBer.
ItllOtH, Hlions, Hutu, Kto.
FaiiGi Goods,
Second St., The Dalles.
ut wholesale
Candies and Nuts
5Hi' Specialties
Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles
2 38
2d Street
At right elde
Mr. Outirr'n
Washington, Dec. 19. The majority
reiiort of the ways and means committee
on tariir was submitted to the house at
its opening today. The report says :
"The bill, on which the committee ex
pended much patient and anxious labor,
is not offered as a complete response to
the mandate of the American people. It
no more profesi-es to be purged of all
protection than to be free of all error.
We must recognize that great interests
do exist whose existence and prosperity
it is no part of our reform either to im
peril or curtail. We believe and have
the warrant of our past experience for
believing s reduction of duty will not in
jure but give more abundant life to all
our great manufacturing industries, how
ever much they may dread tho change.
In dealing with the tariff question, as
with every other long-standing abuse
that has interwoven itself with our social
or industrial system, the legislator must
ilways remember that in the beginning
a temperate reform is the safest, having
in itself the principle of growth. A
glance at the tariff legislation of our own
country ought to satisfy every intelligent
f-tudent that protection has always shown
its falsity as a system of economy by its
absolute failure to bring a healthy and
stable prosperity to manufacturers.
The report then deals at length with
the tariff' history of the country, showing
that when it was first proposed the man
ufacturers opposed it and desired to be
let alone. Once, however, protected, the
industries asked for more and more pro
tection. Finallv came the revulsion of
1S-1G, when the tariff was reduced against
protest by the manufacturers that it
would ruin them and against the solid
vote of the representatives of the manu
factuting states in congress. The result
was that the low tariff was a develop
ment of great vigor in manufacture?,
with steady employment and increasing
wages for labor. After 11 years' trial
the representatives of these same states
with practical unanimity voted for
futthcr reduction of '20 per cent., and by
a two-thirds vote sustained a 25 per cent,
reduction under the tariff of 1S57, and
the people were so well satisfied with it
that theie was a protest airainst the
Morrill bill of 1SG1, increasing the duties.
In answer to a criticism about reduc
ing the revenues at a time when the gov
eminent is in financial straits, the re
port says :
'The committee was compelled, in
deference to that fact, to not put on tho
free list some articles which they would
have been glad to make free, and not to
cut other rates as low as desirable, but
the committee did not feel justified in
ignoring the instructions of tho Ameri-
ieun people on account of the temporary
shrinkage of revenues. Experience
shows the increase of business will largely
make up the loss from decreased rates."
The Work or HuuilltN,
DintANdo, Mex., Dec. 1!). Tho prefect
of the district of Concordia and a party
of rural guards are in close pursuit of
of tho four Mexicans who kidnaped Miss
Charlotte Newmau, a pretty American
girl, a few days ago. Miss Newman was
on her way by stage from A gun Caliente
to her home at Mazatlun. l our men
suddenly uppeared on the roadside and
covered tho stage driver with a revolver.
Two of the men dismounted and, stop
ping to tho end of the coach, courteously
requested tho young lady to come out.
The frightened girl recognized tho leader,
a magnificent-looking fellow, as Joso
Vnldez, her rejected lover, and begged
tho passengers to save her. Vuldez
warned them to do nothing, and as they
had no firearms they dared not protest
against the actionsof the robbers. After
urging Miss Newman to come out with
out avull, Valde, and ins companion
took her by force and, carrying her to
the horses, placed heron ono und'" tied
her to tho saddle. They then led tho
lorso Into tho mountains.
All 1'iee.
Those who have uaed Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and those who
have not, have now tho opportunity to
trv it free. Call on the advertised drug
gist and get atrial bottle, free. Send
yournunio and address to Jl. J-.. JJucklon
& Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of
Dr. King's Now Life Pills free, us well
as a copy of Guldo to Ileulth and House
hold Instructor, free. All of which is .
guaranteed to do you good and cost you
nothing. Sold by bMpes cv ivinersiy,
A Barcelona dispatch states that Jose
Codina, the anarchist, who was lately
arrested, has confessed that he was tho
author of tho dynamite explosion that
occurred in the Lyceum theater there
on tho night of November 7, when up
ward of 30 persons were killed.
A Times letter from Kio Janeiro says:
"Common report has credited Peixoto's
government with having illegally issued
123,000,000 milrcs in treasury bank notes
during tho past year. A complete re
organization of tho administrative and
a i . . it i .i . .
nnanciai mcinods ot tne government is
absolutely necessary if national bank
ruptcy is to be avoided.
Captain Baker, who loft New York in
command of the new Brazilian steamer
Nictheroy, has been superseded by Cap
tain Alvaro Nunez, formerly commander
of tho Brazilian warship Uepublica.
Tho change was not well received by the
Americans on board, but it is believed
most of the expert men, especially the
rapid-fire guuners, will continue in the
What mi Eastern Paper SayR About
Mrs. .J mice Williams.
The Kansas City Star has this to say:
A strange, story is that which comes
from Oregon of the virtual madness of
Mrs. George II. Williams, who has been
seized by a strange religious mania
which induces her ; to undergo fasts of
forty days in a struggle to attain the
condition of communication with the
Holy Spirit. Mrs. Williams has had
a very strange and eventful history.
One of the beautiful daughters of an old
river man of Keokuk, la., she was un
fortunate in her first marriage and went
to Oregon, where she employed as her
counsel in her divorce case a young
lawyer whom she had known in Iowa.
The lawyer married his fair client, and
doubtless supported by her ambition
rose to be attorney-general of the United
States. The attorney general's wife, s
woman of superior beauty and talent
made rivals and enemies, and it will
always be believed that it was those en
emies who prevented the husband from
being confirmed chief justice of tho
superior court.
After a brilliant reign and a fall from
power, such as, perhaps, no other woman
ever experienced in Washington, Mrs.
Williams disappeared, returning to
Oregon. Now she reappears, a religious
fanatic, the leader, it is said, of a littlo
company of fanatics, putting aside the
pomns and vanities and ambitions of
the world and seeking with tears and
prayers and vigils long to attain to the
knowledge of the Holy One, and so come
to know the end of the world. There
have been in American society but few
such transformations as this.
To It race Up
The system after "La Grippe," pneu
monia', fevers, and other prostrating
acute diseases; to build up needed flesh
mil strength, and to restore health and
vigor when you ieei "run-uown" n'"ii
used-up, tho 'best thing in tho world i
DoctorI'iorce'H bolden Medical Uiscov-
erv. it promotes an mo uouuy itinciions,
rouses every organ into healthful action,
purifies and enriches tho blood, and
through it cleanses, repairs, and invig
orates tho entire system.
1-or tho most stubborn fccrowlous,
Skin or Scab) Diseases, Dyspopsiu,
Biliousness and kindred ailments, the
"Discovery ' is tho only remedy that's
guaranteed, li it doesn't benefit or cure,
you have your money back.
Can vou think of anything moro con
vincing than the promise that is made
by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Kemedy l it is this : "ji wo can't euro
yonrCutarrh, we'll pay you $500 in cash."
See the Worlil's 1'uir for Fifteen Cents
Upon receipt of your address and fif
teen cents in postage stamps, wt will
mail you prepaid our souvenir portfolio
of the world's Columbian exposition,
tho regular prico is fifty cents, but us wo
want you to have one, we make the
price nominal. You will find it a work
of art and a thing to be prized. It con
tains full page views of tho great build
ings, with descriptions of same, and is
executed In highest stylo of art. If not
satisfied with it, after you get It, wo will
refund tho stamps and let you keep the
book. Address
II. K, & Co..
JJhicago, 111,
Uso Mexican Silver Stovo Polish,
I'nstcil Thirty U.iyii.
Another alleged disciple of Mrs. George
II. Willioms has succumbed to tho in
exorable law of nature. In other words,
Mrs. Alico Wells, of 593 Madison street,
is lying dead nt her lato home, the re
sult, it is claimed, of starvation brought
about by religious fonaticism.
The deceased had gono through tho
"wilderness," as the "prophetess," Mrs.
Williams, terms it.once, abstaining from
nourishment -10 days, and during tho
second attompt to mako tho foodless
journey tho vital spark in her body fl"d.
Dr. T. C. Humphrey was called to see
tiio remains 24 hours after death had
claimed its victim, by others of tho
fanatical crowd, but of course was un
able to perform a miracle. He was in
strumental in bringing the case to the
attention of Coroner Hughes late yester
day afternoon. That official consulted
with Chief of Police Hunt, and it was
decided to hold an inquest this morning.
It was also suggested to summons the
"prophetess" as a witness.
Before the beginning of tho inquest
Coroner Hughes caused a sub'ptena to bo
served on Mrs. Williams, but she failed
to appear owing to illness.
The other witnesses were City Physi
cian C. II. heeler, who made an
autopsy, nnd gayo his opinion to the
effect that Mrs. Wells died of starvation.
J. L. Wells, brother-in-law of the de
ceased, testified that Mrs. Wells had
been a desciple of Mrs. Williams for
three years, and that he was not sur
prised when hearing of her death because
he knew of her fasting habits.
C. W. Norris, another of Mrs. Will
iams' followers, gave the coroner and
the jury no end of trouble by evading
questions which bore upon the teachings
of his "prophetess." At length, how
ever, the jury arrived at a verdict, that
death ensued from a 30 days' fast.
Campbell Bros., of tho Columbia
Candy factory, are showing the finest
line of candies and Christmas ornaments
ever brought to The Dalles, aud prices to
suit the times.
' Defeat Dolph.
San l'riinulito K-:raluor.
"They are going to make a tieinendous
effort to smash Senator iMlplfn mort
gage on the United Stati-i ceuutoiship
up in Oregon next year," s.iM Franklin
K. Lane, editor of tho Tacoma News.
Continuing, Mr. Lane said:
Heretofore it has been considered a
hopeless task to try to beat Dolph, but
tho populists and democrats will make a
combined cfl'ort to do it at tho elections
next June.
"At the last election Nathan Pierce, a
populist, was chosen as a presidential
elector, showing that ho possesses great
strength with tho people. Ho is a very
popular man and can hayo almost any
elective ofiico ho desires in Oregon,
where ho draws votes from admirers of
all political shades. Tho schemo to beat
Dolph is to nominate Pierco for gover-
dor on tho populist ticket and have him
endorsed by tho democratic convention,
in which event it is considered that he
cannot fail of election. Ho can get tho
democratic endorsement, it is thought,
through Pennoyor, tho present governor.
If that plan succeeds and Pierce is elect
ed, ho will try to return tho favor and
endeavor to cast tho populist vote in tho
legislature for Pennoyor for United
States senator. The populists and
democrats combined could easily make
up the necessary majority in the legisla
'The friends of Dolph aro alroady
ut work trying to defeat this plan, so
that tho elections of Juno will likely
prove more exciting than any Oregon
has over hold."
Thoso frames aro here. Parlies want
ing them for Christmas must call at tho
gallery immediately, for there is not
enough to go around.
D. C. HlHtKIX.
Iliiclilen's Arnica riiilvc.
The best eulvo in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required,
It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Prico 25 cents
per box. For salo by Snipes it Kin-
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U, S, Gov't Report.
I "J