Th Mes Daily Chronicle. Kntcrwl at the 1'oMoftice at Tne Unites, Oregon, m second-class matter. Till: DAl.LKS WASHINGTON LETTER. From our Urpiilnr l'orreiotulont Washington, Dec. lo, ISO!!. BatHml In his extraordinary and un Anieriean Hawaiian policy and hutnil iatud in the eyes ot his own countrymen us well us of the entire world. Such is today the uneviuble position of the would-be American dictator, Grover Cleveland. Even the most pronounced opponent of the administration can atl'ord to feel a little sympathy for 2lr. Cleveland, who is after all the president of the United States. If members of congress would voto as they think, re gardless of political ties, the itnjeach ment of Mr. Cleveland would be as cer tain as the coniinq of Christmas, and. as it is, it is probable that only his shrewd ness in making: the unconstitutional por tions of his instructions to Paramount Blount and Minister Willis verbal in stead of written is all that will save him from that fate. There is no reasonable ground for doubt that in those verbal in structions he was guilty of an impeacha ble crime which the written instructions do not entirely corroborate. It should lie a terrible warning evsn to a man as bull-headed as the president has shown himself to be. senator Morrili is the oldest man in congress, and ids physical condition is somewhat feeble, but he proved by an able tariff speech, eontrastingthe English policy of free trade as outlined in Mr. Cleveland's message, with the American policy of protection which has made the United States the most prosperous coun try on earth and given our workingmen an opportunity to rise that is not given to wage-earners in any other country, that there is no falling off in the mental vigor that has for thirty years made him a prominent figure in congress. He treated the matter from an American, ! not a partisan jiomt of view, ann was 1 conservative in his language, as he nlwavs is. I ' Mr. J. 1'. Maize, an extensive real es 1 tatedealer in Pes Moines. Iowa, narrow , ly escaped om of the severest attacks of 1 pneumonia while in the northern part of Iowa during a recent blizzard, says the Saturday Review. Mr. Ulaize had i occasion to drive several miles during the storm and was fo thoroughly chilled that he was inahle to get warm, and in side ot nn hour after his return lie waa i threatened with a severe case nf pneu monia or luii!; fever. Mr. rla:z-' sent to the nearest drug store and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy of which he had often heard, and ook i number of large dose, lie says the i f feet was wonderful and in a sli.rt ti'ne he was breathing quite easily, lie kept on taking the medicine and the next dav he was able to come to Pes Moines. Mr. lhixe regards his wonderful. For sale Houghton. cure a- sin p'v bv iilakeev RESIDE IN WASHINGTON. Sbxatok Ai.i.rn'k speech contained 7.1.000 words. Skxatou Wor.rorr, of Colorado, it i-. said, more nearly approaches the ideal orator than any man now in tlu scnau Skxatou Shkhmax's real estate hold ings in Washington are rated on this year's tax list at S-lOo.000. lie is about : the heaviest individual taxpayerat the , capital. ' Attount.y Gkxeuai. Ot.XKV's sole ex-1 ercise in Washington is tenuis. Tor ; an hour or two every summer after- ( noon he may be seen playing a game j that would d credit to the skill and I agility of a much younger man. His: courts are said to be the smoothest and best kept in the city. j S?p the World' J'uir for I'lftfiMi Cent I'pon receipt of your address and lif- i teen cents in postage stamps, wo will mail you prepaid our souvenir portfolio of the world's Columbian exposition, the regular price is fifty cents, but as we want you to have one, we make the price nominal. You will find it a work of art and a thing to be prized. It con tains full page views of the great build ings, with descriptions of same, and i executed in highest style of art. If not satisfied with it, after you get it, we will refund the stamps and let you keep the book. Address H. E. UrcKur.v ifc Co.. Chicago, 111, J'itltlirugi;. Moore's ranch, about three miles south of The Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage ' and any one who desires to avail them- The democratic scheme for the ndmis- ' selves of the fact can secure reasonable sion of only such territories as are likeh ' terms upon application. 17tf to go democratic was fully uncovered by ! Lnoh ovToo-Tvarran,,. the tac ics used to railroad the bill pro- A countv warranta re,isteroii ?)rior vidmg for the admission of Utah through! to January 'lO:h, 1S90, will be paid if me nouse. ine schema will be eheck-, presented at my ofhee, corner of Third mated in the senate where the bill will 11,1(1 wisiiin;:ton streets. Interest no imf.nrio.1 i". : 1 1 eeases on and after this date, ne amenaeu to make it include Ok a- u-, t.t., . iama, and then the issue will Lei Treasurer Wasco Countv. fc-qaawjy made to admit both or admit ' October -Hit, 1593. 'tf neither, j JT' Notice is hereby given, that by order xclniiw.nnMBPi.mQnl.o.1ftSn.nH-.I common council ot miles Uty, tageous under tLis administration, and somebody at the capitol appears to be Just flrrlvefl from Hew York SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OK YOUR flTTEHTIOJl Is called to tho fact that todies' Hagh Glenn, , DMiilcrin Oil ."'j, IMnsl? Cement and Kuild .'uuoriiil ni l.i rind. Jackets 'irrl' Miif-I l.luf fit- 9 FROM $3.50 UPWARDS PiGlure iouioings, Wasco Warenouse Co., Receives Goods on Stor ago, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Rates Rcosonble. Dining & Fuming Goods At Koniarkublv lxiw Trices. fvSiileiKlid Clicliilla Overcoats $5.50. IT LI. ASSORTMENT OF Winter Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ETC. To ut found in rim City. 72 CUashington Street. From TERMING or INTERIOR Points l II K - MA UK (iODl)f, "W. Co. TIIK HAI.I.KS, (: WJSlJri'VISii'ii Nortbern Pi c f"A we are Inn ed to PELL VOW CASH in o'der to avoid Inwunitu iliko he faniouc A. S. Collins and wife'H suit) ami jmddoiits. our prices will always b ; invite i ir friendM and ciiHtomerH to: RHILROKD found the verv Inwct in the marker W examine our omU mid prices bet. ire purcliiiMiiir. 1 tin line to take TEL3T "TJ3r.jt-'"l --t3 -" enr I TO ALL POINTS EAST AM) SOOTH. Mir,tV,V. T)ICT1(! m 1 i J ,'tirr- ' " I i:.ui. T.i v.:. In nv. Itur - ' umrr i' OSii'ir:i .. 7?v- Hlinulil ' lllotlminr W HWl'tt nil tii-,i i niucriiii. i ' , i i I .I n.i, ! ;u.. t ,:.",!ss I id a Daily and Weekly It l the lUiilMK Cur Itimte. It tun TlirmiKM i l"''!1",'!!! Veitlliiili.l 'Iniltio every ln- In the ur to J Tlw Vj'fi !-J y y fit ' lllllll'linlll,Iltl Si Paul and Chicago i:;o niANtii: ok ( Aiis.) . , 1 J Sprlii'Mlcl tr,, , i,ro. numlu-in... )mlS Ilicni'lu:- . , tw i A i,wvnry in J tacit, i tin often (Hsfred Itifoniiiilln.. i eiilllieill IiDroui; . i;n't tmn ri tl. luiroi ine (.-" , l J' ;iniii:ir i "in .ruin" noteil UetltliMiH HerMiiiK ami lilai c tr:n..". lut Ion of fotolun (iiiotutlim, ttu-iM, ami iioerl ; lo etc., elr. Tlttri Worlr in Jnvulnnhlvhii'M iioiimi'iioiii.iuiu n me leiieiier, cdmlar. M 1 ......1 1 ....I..,lr..,l....,.,... I .ill. mill rf'iin'iuii..i.i,i Chronicle. muii IfrawtiiK Hfnu Hl:ciorf of Intt-ht tiuljinicnt. TOL'IIIST SLEEPING CARS llfit tlmt cnii Ih i'oiitrtirt(), nmt In whluti j HceomniiHlittlonn ntu lioth Free ri ml I'liruUliii) , lor liolilomof Klrxt nml !-i-ciiuI c-Jiiii Tlokots. mill ELEGANT DAY COACHES : III UiMthsrUfrM. rrltim Co. I'HtilUttirt. Sliriinjficld.Mnnx. WJBinfS JKTEIIXOTKAL f"T'lhi not l.iiTi'lii' ' J k'Oillil' iciirfiiMuf uiicli'iit LTfMMiiiriirlrniiireNilx'i'tut The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A PA MILT 0T desirous of making that building even more exclusive than the white house has been .made. First, orders were is sued sbnliing Ulie public out of the sen Tu Cnaniber entirely. It Jias always oeen a iume e i. v.h.j wa.iuro iu coln street and thente uontiiiuiii north the capitol to stroll tliroutrti tlie senate ery alon' the center of said street to chamber, which lias alwavs Wen open j the terminus thereof, towit : Low water to them until fifteen minutes before the ni3rk 01 'J1 ck- '-,w-'r l,0 . .. , ., ..4., I constructed m accordance with the plane time for opening the daily sessions until ind apeoificationH thereof )!rt!OIOrt. this order went into effect. iNext, the ' ,nade and prepared bv C. .1. Crandall, public, with the exception of newspaper j and which said plans and specifications men, were prohibited the use of the ele THE CHKOMCLi: ui established for the ox press purpose of faithfully representing Tho Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. Jt now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Ciiuoxiclk is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. The AVekklv Ciiiioxiclk on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. A rontliinoii line, ponncfitlnc with nil llnr Hilnriliiii; itlrtot nml iintutcrniiuit norvlco T 2000 READERS. They roml The Chronicle to (jet the liitcst and moit lullnhle i ev. Ami they rtml every line innuuun Uufttio i-)iiamAiiaTic,.. K.iiKlnml nml Kuril-: i-hii be piuuluuisl nt nut tlexet iitllc o of tfcocomiiuiy ; Full InlorisnUun roncernlnir rniex, time 01 ! tntlnn, roiili- asd nthur ilotnlln on HlllU'iltiOU to W. C. ALLAWAY, Aiieut I). I', .t A. Nnv. Co., lU'KUlntor ottlcu, Tli iiiillcn, Or., or A. I). CHAr.LTO.V, A't. Ooncrul 1'HHkuiiKer Act.. rortlniiU, Jitti i'ullmnn Hltv.-.r r.-c.vntlon. r.n I m.iiiMi ""' "' lavnlimhle n.lvertl Inn iiittllum. In iiilvitiici; IhroiiKh ny nxuiit of the roml. 1 "pnK.T tlmt . rik-h to the fumllr llreliun l tliu one J.- thnt the mlvurtlicn of tiKhiy (intronUe I when they iloidre t runnh tho "ojilo. When they want ynnr trade their iinnounremonlH will he found In the ir, Unite over our eoluuiUH niwl tihuirvethe verlflc. tlon of the truth of thl iiMurtlon. iteiiiernlxrr, il frmti, tif t, fiin.Ov nf tii'ii Jp" w't'1 imtlliK 'or throtiKh tliev I'liimii nil. cwih:iiiiiv ho iil iiur itvrr ; made and entered on the 12th dav of De- cember, 1S93, healed bUU will be re ceived at the office of the undersigned until Friday afternoon at -4 o'clock p. in., December 2'2d, LS9U, for the con stni:tion of a sewer of terra cotta, to be S inches m diameter, on Lincoln street j .!PneMhlSvi?r CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., tourtn streets, tn tne center ol sam lwn 72723.0 X evil os, Oregon. Eor advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address D. BUNNELL, Pipe Witt, Tin Repairs and (oolli MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. vator from the basement to the senate naileries. To tho credit of the newe pajer men, this exception has not les sened their criticism of this sudden ex cluaiveneig. lint the most unsatisfac tory rule of all is that which closed all of the entrances to the capitol, except one through the senate basement and another through the house basement, every day at 4:30 o'clock p. m. No matter in what part of the building you were or wished to go after that time you had to use one or the other of these doors, about an eighth of a mile apart. Thin rule proved so objectionable that it has already been rescinded. Democratic distraction over the tariff i may no seen at the oliice of said V. J Crandall. No bid will be received unless the same is accompanied with a j;ood and suflicient bond in tho sum of ?L'O0, con ditioned that the bidder will accept the constructing of said sewer if the same shall bo awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. Dated at Dalles City, Or., Dee. Hi, iS9:i. DOUHLAH S. DlTL'II, llecorder of Dalles Citv. Business Change. The undersigned has bought tho Chinese merchandise busi ness heretofore conducted by IT HUE HOP &c (DO. bill is increasing instead of decreasing. The bill which was, according to the original program, to have passed before the Christmas adjournment, has not been reported to the house, and Mr. Cleveland's man, Wilson, has become so utterly demoralized that he no longer makes promises as to when it will be reported. The democrats on the com mittee on ways und means have made numerous changes in the bill in tho in terest of industries that happened to have a strong democratic "pull," nota bly the brewers ; und the ond is not yet. The democrats opposed to various sec tions of the bill have succeeded in their efforts to have democratic caucus ellbrtH of Mr. Cleveland und tho admin istration democrats to defeat them. Tho holding of tho caucus is now cer tain, but it rests with Representative holtcltorH uin 'pnjt Coiiii.iiiiy wtro i.liilii- , T ,, ,, , ' tltt unci Jh mi Itixith, Mnrtlm M Ilooth, Kverett iiuiniivn ot iriuiuuu, ciiuimiuii ui iiiu democratic caucus, to say when it shall lw hold, und tho administration men uro and will pay all bills owing by said firm if presented to them before December 1st, ISiCl. CHEW KEE & CO., lliO Main Ht., Tliu ul Ion. Or. SHERIFFS SALE. Ily virtue of nn execution ntul order of bale Uueil out of the Circuit Court of tho Mute of Orivou for the county of Watco, to me directed, eommiimlliitf uiu tomukokitloof the laud In mid writ, describ ed to-wlt; thoo ileee nnd imreeln of laud in 1'....,.. ....... I.......... oti.l .1.. , ,., , , . iriwir viiiiiii null1- "I UIVHUIH All.fiiu am. uu' tho bill submitted to u.tcrltx-dusnll n( ktctionthrtom, nml the tooth iih tinrwiHiRlnnriine ' '"o"'0' tlio loutheuxt iUiirt;r of kectlon four (I), us, notwiiiisiunuing tne . . M llt, luil( nf'.i,,., ,VU 5) UIl(i ul north hull of ktetlou eight (, H In TovviiHlilp uno (1), north of itauxo fourteen (II eunt of tho Wlllametto meridian, to muke and jiay the turn of money, In Court adjildKed, to hi nld to ine piaiiiiiu in nam hciioii, ih which action i ue When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get oil' on the South Side AT THE HEW COliUJWlBlfl HOTEli. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuse' Blaeksmitli Shop. o4o. ThU larite and wir.ul'ir Hoii'c ili.o the iirincti'il hotel hunlm-M, nnd 1 iircjuired lo fiirnnh the IJt.-it AceommodatiouH of any Iluuio in Hit; city, a! the low rate of $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass ffleals, 25 Ci?ts. Olllci for all HtiiKo I.Iiich luiivlntr Tli DuIIcm for all point In Kitt;ni Ori.'Kiin anil Kuitnrn WimhliiKtoii, III tlllK llllttll. Corner of Front and Union 8( NICHOLAS, Propr. T. T. XX. C IXTielsen, Clothier and Tailor. Decidedly the Finest Line of Gents' Kiarnistiing . Goods, Vrutd's and Valises, etc., etc. COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OK. u There is a tide in the affairs of wen which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune." Tho poet unquestionably had reference to the trying to get him to defer calling It un til uftor the hill is reported to tho house, believing that tho changes will then bo fewer. Itepubllcnns are patiently wait ing to see what tho democrats will do. When the democrats get through fight Jng among tbemwlvea the republicans will open fire on then. K Hall, J. I' ilcClure, fcaruh II ileClure. i). O, Alter, Itulpti Kof(cr Julia .N Hirers, V:l r.m ImhIv, J. il Taylor mid J. KdtvardM were de. femlaiitH, to-wlt, tho turn of ?W.U! witii inter tut thereon rorn July J, Wsi, at the rate ot tlx lcr cent r annum mid fa! 00 attorney feen in kald action and contHimd ilUhunemeiit therein taxed, I have this day levied iixiu the land ulxivo (Uncrlhed and on Huturiluy tlioiilld iluy of lleeemlior. 1HII3, ut the hour of 10 a, m., in front of the court Iioumj door, In the city of The Dalle, In laid county und atttte. I tvlll tclUald laud at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor. T. A. Waiiii, Hhcrllfof Wawo county, State of OrcKou, iinf.'.'u! rREE! TREE!! With every dozen Cabinet Photographs, one .... o Life-Sie Crayon. o Call at the Gallery and see samples. My work- speaks for itself THE DALLLKS OK. FIRST CLHSS Closii-OiiiSiiliiii I R FBilc&urtsjO8 at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who ar sailing these goods out at greatly-reduced rates, MIOHELBAOH BRICK, . UNION ST. Pi "T'N6 CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE