The Dalles Daily Chronicle. (CiiturtHl h tlio l'ostofllco nt Tlio UhIIon, Oregon, hk Kfcoiiil-clnM muttur, Clubbing List. (Iironirle and .V, Y, Trilmnt, ... (hfimiflc ami Awriran Vmrt, . , . . rhnmiflf and Ilel'lnre'i Yap'lkt,.. . Clironifli' tti Coinwpolilao Mawim,. . ( hrrnirlc anil IWlic Farnifr , . lEi'Kiilnr iirlro .. M.50 .. S2.00 .. RI.00 . Our iirlcci, si..-. K.M H.2'. S2.IJ0 Aioonl Ail vnrtlliit. 10 'i' i Urio fur MrHt Inmjrilon, nnd fi C'cutx ikt llim for i'1"!'1 HUlwiuimt Inwrtlon. Special nitiw for Ions time lintlem. All liwiii noticed roci'lvuil Inter thiin 3 o'clock lll npi.eiir tlio following ilny, Tl'I'sDAY, D1CC. 1(1, 1893 Tin' Dailij nnd Weekly Chronicle way l,e found on mile ni I. C. Nir,kehen,n More. DECEMBER DOTS. NittvNlnlN (Inrmii'i'il friiin it purlnr'H Nolo Hook. Kit. Hli iMitiglit Hoinc gowns cxinrtlliB tlmt In Klirnjiu Hhc would innnii lint wIiimi licrlitmtmnil ilit fortlicm, They liiul In Htny at home. "KriH KriiiRlo" tonight. T'i.' tuinpuruttiro nt liakor City this ni'irni' . tit S o'clock wrh U'J.utTho Dalles it w 'ih 'I horn its no pOHHibility of defenting the tarill' bill in the hoti."i, lint the Heimto tuny kill it. Hciul Tin: Giiiionici.i:'.s Christinas ad vertiHciiiotitH. Yon may hit upon just what you wiint. Wild are plentiful in the niur ktHH, and grace the tables rf many ref-identH at their homes. There will be lots of fun Tuesday night for those who go to hear the Kris Kringlo concert. Admission "5 cents. Those who have a sweet tooth will find lots of candy at the Kris Kringle concert this evening. Admission "a cts. heavy mist fell in the city and sur roundings Inst night and the Klickitat hills were covered with a light snow this morning down to a low level. Nothing further has been heard from Hen MeAtee. It is believed by his near relatives that he is not dead, but has iiiit the country, and that sooner or later something will be heard concern ing hit) whereabouts. There is an ordinance prohibiting boys wing on the streets after S o'clock in winter and !l o'clock in summer, anil in view of the mativ lawless acts committed by thoin In breaking down trees lately niKimiHirigcningenorallyTiiHCmio.vici.K would like to soo it enforced by the proper ofllccrn. The finest display of apples of the sen Hon it) at If. II. Campbell's. They were brought in from the ranch of Mr. Mnx Vogt. Tho ni and excellence of qimlity is worthy of special notice. Tho Midwinter fair will havo none superior to exhibit. It is learned that Messrs. Thos. N. and Geo. W. Joles in company with Mr. Hugeno .7. Collins, havo bought out tho late Dalles 'Mercantile Co.'s business. This now firm will carry on a general merchandise business, and as thev aro all very popular men, they connot but wo successful, Drs. J. A. Hichanlson, 1.. L. Rowland and W. T. Williamson arrived today at 1 :;0 p, m. and shortly after two o'clock started for tho proposed asylum location. Tho doctors will remain here till Monday, having concluded tloir lound of Eastern Oregon cities. "While Charles Uurgett wim playing football At tho public school grounds this noon, ho had tho misfortune to break his collarbone in the tumble for the ball. Tie was taken immediately to Dr. Logan's office and had the fracture re duced and is resting very comfortably under tho circumstances. The St. Paul guild's Christmas doll sale, from the illuminated Christinas tree will be the attraction of tho season at Pease it Mays' tomorrow evening. This society has made extensive prepa ration for tho holiday season, and will introduce a novelty on Saturday in the pale of pies and cakes from the same headquarters. At a meeting of Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F. it A. M., held last evening in tho Masonic Temple, the following oflicers were elected: W. M., Chas. Hilton; S. W., Andrew Larson; J. W., James Harper; Treas., Geo. A. Liebo; Sec, 1. . Uurgett; Tyler. 11. G. Closter. The regular installation of officers, which will be held Dec. L'th, will be private. Christinas will be next Monday and the weather up to this time has been more like autumn than winter. Our farmers aro as busy as can bo plowing and sowing wheat every day and work is being done for the early spring time in February and March. What a contrast between this section in latitude -15, ,'iO i and longitude 1LM, 12 west, and the ' country east of the Rockies, where the ' winter king is revelling in his icy hab-1 itation. Karl's Clover Root, the new blood ' purifier, eives freshness and clearness to ! the complexion and cures constipation. l!oc, oOc. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. A WESTERN STATESMAN. Nonntor lolpli Mnkn a Set Speech on IIih Tnrlfl'. Next in importance to the Hawaiian message was tho speech of .1. N. Polph in tho senate yesterday on the tariff" question. Tho senator from Oregon reminded the sonato of tho speech rnndo by him last session on tho silver bill, in which ho attributed tho existing depression in business to the threatened abandonment of tho protective system and the fear of hostile tarifT legislation in tho United States, beginning with the separation of tho colonies from the mother country. Ho said the proposed tarifT changes would mean death to wheat and wool growing, the raising of cattle and hon-es, fruit-raising and hop-growing, fishing, lumbering and mining, which arc the the principal industries. Senator Joseph N. Dolph, of Port land, Ore,, was born at what was then called Dfilphsburgh, in Tomplins (now Schuyler) county, N. Y., October l'J, 1885. lie received a common school education, private instruction, and for a time attended the (icncsee Wesleyan seminary at Lima, N. Y. Alter arriv ing at the age of eighteen years he taught Kchool a portion of each year while acquiring an education and his profession. He studied law with lion. Jeremiah McOuirc at Havana, N. Y., and was admitted to the bar at the general term of the supreme court of that 'state held at llinghainton, No vember, 1801. He then practiced his i ber of the state senate in Ifc'flu, "(IS, '72 and '74; has been actively engaged since his removal to Oregon in the practice of his profession, and at the time of his election had a large, lucra tive law practice, nnd was actively en gaged in various business enterprises. Ho was elected to the United States senate as a republican, to succeed La fayette Grover, democrat, and took his seat March . 1S8II, and was reelected in January, 18S!). His term of service will expire March U. 1895. , NEWS OF THE STATE. Geo. Barnard and George and Clarence Zacharyjwere bound over un der o00 bonds nt Fossil for stealing cattle from Charles Prindlo and selling them to Mays & Sons of Antelope. The Dalles-Prineville stage has again changed its route, so as to run from Bake Oven direct to Prineville instead of coming around by Antoloplo, a branch stage running to that town from Bake Oven every day. A correspondent of the Antelope Herald says : Thcjtwo year old daughter of John Lloyd, living near Mitchell, met with a serious accident last Saturday, Dec. 8th. While playing with some other children, tho little one had her hand cut through the back just above the knuckles, it being held only by the inside skin. Her mother placed it to gether and kept it there;till the arrival of Dr. Hunlock who dressed the wound in good style, and it is now doing as well as could be expected. Signed tin: Kxtenslou II 1 1 1 . X. WiV SENATOTl .1. X. DOLIMI, OREGON. profession in Schuyler county, N. Y., during the winter of l$G-"fi2; in 1SC2 enlisted in C'apt. M. Crawford's com pany, known as the Oregon Escort, raised under net of congress for the purpose of protecting the emigration of that year to the Pacific coast against hostile Indians, filling the position of orderly sergeant. He settled in Portland, Ore., in Octo ber, ISlii, where he has since resided. In lSf4 he was elected city attorney of the city of Portland, and the same year was appointed by President Lin coln district attorney for the district of Oregon. He held both positions un til he resigned them to take his seat in the stun senate of Oregon: was a mein- Washixoton, D. C, Dec. 1!), ISO:'.. Hon, John W. Lewis The Unllis, Or. Tho extension bill has been signed by tho president. W. R. Ellis. Sfrnnjfc tliat l'roplv Will Huirer with dull feelings and the blues when they can be eo surely cured by simply taking a few doses of Simmons Liver Regulator. Notice. Notice is hereby given that unless the delinquent taxes "of Dalles City are paid within ten days from the date of this notice the names of the delinquents will be published. Bv order of the common council of Dalles City, made December 2d, 1S93. Witness mv hand this 7th dav of December, 1S9.1. Dak Maloxey,' Citv Marshal. .Settlement Keurti'il. During my absence, all who have un settled accounts with the undersigned are expected to call and settle with Mr. Geo. Krauss, who has my books and accounts. An early settlement will greatly oblige. Yours truly, Lkslie Butler. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. A. McLeod of Wamic is in the city today. Mr. Abel Erskino of Erskinvillo is in the city today. Lieut. K. E. Henj.imin of Warm Springs arrived in The Dalles today and will proceed to Portland tonight. Deputy ShciifrPhirman went to Hood River Hub morning on an attachment case of Win. Clark vs. T. J. Watson. Mrs. Bell Clay and daughter arrived in The Dalles from Kansas City Sunday night, and left yesterday for tlio Warm Springs reservation, where she will act in the capacity of matron. HOTEL AHIIIVALK. Umatilla J W Jones,' A M Steen, F W Bishop, D Burnt, Seattle; G Gnates, G Broslett, J Hoyden, A M D lleuson, Portland; R A Laughlnn, Wapinitia; L E Morise, Oscar Lewis, T M Both, Hood River; G Zouwan, Frank Hucklcn, Ohio; Geo Leach, W Pierce, Geo W Sealey, Win Draper, D P Ketchnm. C P Pollcrlu, G F Emmons, Prinovillo; Chas Butler, Port Townscnd; Geo Cum, .las Whitten, M W Ludo, Antelope; A RLyle, Hay Creek; N P Bui by, L E Kootor, Kingsley; J II Giltnoro and two children, Wamic; Mr Smith, New York ; J C Louis, Hcppner. Special reduction on lamps, glassware and crockery for the holidays at 11. H. Campbell's. For a sore throat there is nothing bettor than a flannel bandage dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It will nearly always effect a cure in one night's time. This remedy is also a fa vorite for rheumatism and has cured very severe cases. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. FROM THE COURTS. Ask your dealer for Mexican Stove Polish. Silver . Tjic unclaimed funds in the English courts amount to S33'J,252,410. Tiii:he are fewer lawyers in the Eng lish parliament than in the American house of representatives. n.vxini. B. Mattkpox. of Boston. Mass., tried to stop n dog light, and was bitten by a dog belonging to Homer C. Strong. He sued Strong, and the jury awarded him 837.';. The su preme court sustained the verdict. A nnxTisT at Birmingham, England, has just been mulcted in 8250 damages for the extraction of the whole of the teeth of a marriid woman. She only asked him to extract one tooth. Previ ous to the operation she testified she could eat a crust or pick a bone with anyone. ;. . Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. Peanuts! Cheaper than anywhere else at tho California winehouse. Ilow'n ThUt Wo offer one hundred Dollars Reward for nnycaonf Catarrh that cannot bo cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CHENEY it CO., Props. Toledo. O. We the underMinied, have known F. J. nlmiint tnr lwi Inel 11". 1 ...v. ...-i, xw . mill l'IUVU "mi perfectly honorable in all business transactions and flnanciallv able to carry out any obligation maile bv their nrm. West it Trailx. Wlinli-'iili Tlrm.melo .I. 1 i lolcdo. O. Walding, Kiiinan it Marvin, Whole sale Ditignists, Totedo, Ohio. I lllll'a Ctllnvrli Puro ia InLwi,, !,Wn,in11i. acting directly upon the blood and muc ous surface of the system. Price 7oc. per Dottle, hold by all Druggists. Tes timonials free. Carving sets and Roger's triple plated table cutlery at Maier it Benton's hard ware store. "Samantha at tk Worli's Fair," Ami be up to tin; tlmc. THE LATEST OUT Greatest Work of the Nineteenth Century iiy josiaii ALi.KN-.-5 win: A. G. Hoering, Local ARont, The linll?-', Or. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. M. Honywi Ladies' Gents' SbOPS Childrens' X Men's n Tailor-Made Ltt Suits, Pants, Overcoats. A Large Assortment of Men's of the newest shapes made epecially for The Dalles. Gents' Silk Handkerchiefs, Mufllers, Neckwear, Gloves. Umbrellas, etc. Suitable for Christmas l'resents. Every amele marked in plain figures, . Honywill. ni mm . A I , THE GREAT QUESTIONS. What Shall I Get or Give For Christmas ? iksfTO HELP the puzzled and bewildered enquirers, we mention some of the suitable and acceptable GIFTS to be found among our Stock. We have done our very best to meet you all in regard to prices, and think we can truly say that at OUR store at least everybody can afford to buy. ! Notice our marked reduction in prices of the following materials used so exten sively ac this season for making dainty and pretty Gifts : All Silk Satin Edge Gros Grain Ribbon. jior yd . ... No. 2, No. :i, No.- 5. No. 7, No. 0, No. J No. Hi, No. 7, No. 1), No. 12, No. 10, No. r, No. 7, No. 0, No. 12. 11 (I II It Satin Ribbon. pur yd Utri uts 8. c-ta 10 cts 2l uts lOij uts 20l cts m cts J0K cts 20' cts 2f els Gros Grain Ribbon. pur yd 10 ct.v 12-.'. uts Kir (its 20 cts .Fancy Drnpury Silks, pur yd Plain satins, ,iKi,,i;irlffiu,,t Fanuy Silks, pur yd Silk 'Cord, ftilk Fringus, " poll Pons, pur do. .. (JO 7 2.r uts uts cts uts uts Kirj to -15 uts . '. .. 12J uts ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FlGURESi . J 'ft Vantine Department. Our Yantine Department oilers many pretty articles for Christmas, and we are confident you will find the prices satisfactory, as they have all been greatly reduced. We have Tea Sets, Cracker .Jars, Chocolate Tots, Yases, Teapots, Salad Dishes, Plates, Rose .Jars, Howls, Ash Trays, Paper Cutters, Mat cli Boxes, Jardinierres, Umbrella Stands, etc., etc., etc;., etc. Indian Baskets. In our Indian Baskets light, tasty and strong you will find presents that would be appreciated by all. Among the appropriate gifts that a man can give sweetheart or wife, and one that will cer tainly be appreciated, we montion Gloves. Wo have a splendid stock, and make the following special prices : Biarritz. 05 and 85 cts .Jouvin 80 cts Foster, Hook 85 cts Alice, Koyal 1 look .. . Beatrice, '" " Paragon, large buttons Albani, Alosquelairc Suede Centumeri, colored Ccutemeri, black Embroidered 555 fterjdkretyiefs. Our own Importation. From. . (I cents to 85 cents each They have been pronounced the handsom est ever shown hero, and at our special prices are selling very freely. -o- Sl 00 1 25 1 15 1 50 1 35 1 75 As Appropriate Presents for Gentle men, wo mention: Cashmere and Silk jNlullIers, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, ti loves, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Slippers and Neckwear, etc., otu. Wo offer grand opportunities for Christmas. Give Useful Presents. This year they will be appreciated. We Have Them. Our Red Prices are right. ( PEASE & MAYS. ill - '-.'mm