The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 19, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
srnscKirTioN uatks.
y maij., ivm-aoi: rnr.rAiii, in advanck,
Weekly, 1 venr f 1 60
" 6 months "7ft
" 3 ' 0 AO
Dally, 1 year . 6 00
" 6 mouths S Ox)
per " ... 0 SO
Address nil communication to " THE OHKUN
1U1.K," The Dulles, Oregon.
orricK houkj.
General Delivery Whitlow ,t a. m. to T p. m.
Money Order " . .8 n. m. to 4 j. tn.
Bunday i4 D. " . . .'J ii. m. to 10a. in.
trains polng East 9 p. m. anil U- IS n. m.
" " West . . .S . m. and 8:S0j. tn.
UtuRe lor Golilendale T:S0a. m.
" " l'rinevllle 5:S0n. m.
" ""Dutttr anil Warm Sprlnps .S:S0n. m.
" teavliiR for Lvto .v. Hartlaiut .5:S0a. in.
" " " t Antelope 5:S0a. m.
Except Similar.
tTtl-neekly. Tiiosilar Thursday anil Saturday.
1 " Monday wwltioilay anil Friday.
lOHX SaUT.UN. till" lMlUlllll'lt'h.l.l BtOlil
oHfjruvor, fuitious for iiitroiHtolnp nu,z
;.ot hit into this count. -.v, ltns just ivli
liratoil his eighty-fifth iin.vtrsnry, ho
inp in iwi'olli'.nt lioaltli .titul as inclns-
trious :is e-vor. IloCKADAY. will) llvi'S itl
Hiirrison county. I ml., will cole lira to
: his iino humlroil tmil fourtoonth birth
I day Novt'tnlior 17. lie mivs ho lias
, voted tit every presidential election
since ISOti. a period of ninety-three
Mn. lli.iZAHV.Tii .lnitvis. of Amity
i villc. X. Y.. the widow of a veteran of
j the will- of ISfj, recently celebrated
I her one hundredth birthday. Site is
' .11 l .Ml 411 ...V... ...... .' -V . V ..
children living, of whom the eldest is pletely cured
DEC. 10. 1S9I!
soveutv-tlve venrs old.
Mi:, and Mus. Cvnrs CNioan. of Craw
ford county, lnd.. have for seventy-live
years fought life's battle together, and
a day or two ago, surrounded by nu
merous children, grandchildren and
great-grandchildren, they celebrated
their diamond wedding.
.lostifA ISautow, the only living
printer who over worked at the case
with Horace Oreoloy. is eighty-five,
but still picks up typo at night in a
Xorwich (Conn, i ollico. Though he
;locsn't look sixty, he talk's like it. and
is one of the jolliost old fellows in
Sin' .lon.v (iI.adto.k. nephew of the
grand old man. is described as a tall,
broad-shouldered young giant, as
ardent a conservative as his uncle is
the reverse, and one of the most ex
tensive whisky distillers in Scotland.
11. C. -Spknckie. M. V.. wears collars
four inches high, probably the highest
on record They are made from a
special pattern, never stand more than
one or two washings, and it takes three
of them a ifly to satisfy .Mr. Spencer's
instincts of neatness.
clouds arc, Wbcr
tho woman, "who
is borno down by
woman's troubles
turnR 'to Doctor
Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. If
her life is made
gloomy by tlio
chronic weak
nesses, delicate de
rangements, and
painful disorders
that afflict her
sex, they are com-
If she's overworked,
or "run -clown," alio has
new life and strength.
" Favorite Prescription " is a
powerful, invigorating tonic and a
soothing and strengthening nervine,
Jmroly vegetable, perfectly harmless,
t regulates and promotes all the
proper functions of womanhood,
improves digestion, enriches the
blood, dispels aches and pains,
brings refreshing sleep, and restores
health and vigor. For every "fe
male complaint" and disturbance, it
is the only remedv so sure and mi-
,2f2?ffi ' 01de5t "lcultut.aimpapei in America. I A p 1
V daVk.'thO tCSTABUBHED 10,0.) JL VXldllQ
ids aro. Wbcti Huliccribors of Tin: Ciiiiomci.i: i
pitying one year in lulvancu.
The American Farmer,
1729 Now York Avunuo,
Tiik AviliitiMN F.wiMint, u'hloli l now enter
' ItiK ui'iin Its 1Mb i'iir, Is lliu pioneer limner's
naper In tin' country.
, It Is u larue elKhtwu,i paper, imil contains 6fi
.columns ol the ehnlrwt iiKrh'ulturnl ntul liter
1 ury mutter, plentifully embellished with line
Illustrations. Itl
j unit donls with tannine, anil limner's Intercuts
' on hroml, pruotlriil Unci-, it
Masquerade Ball
will bo Rlvon nt Armory Hnll by
Jvckson Engine Co., No. l,
T)oi?day rvei)., Jap. i, 1894.
failing that it can be guaranteed.
If it doesn't, benefit or cure, yc
have your money back.
The president presents n strong state
ment of facts in support of the policy
popularly nccredited to hint, that of his
desire to re-enthrone the queen, believ
ing Bhe was deposed unlawfully and
through the intimidation of the U. S.
troops. He has made a mistake in not
being thus frank long ago, and it is
evident that he appreciates this mistake
in the following paragraph of his report:
"The unfortunate public representations
of the situation and the exaggerated
statements of the sentiments of our
people havo obviously injured the pros
pects of successful mediation." These
"public representations" and "ex
aggerated atatement8",would never have j
been made had he chosen to deal openly j
with the American people, instead of j
sending Blount with paramount author-1
ity,$and Wilhsjwith secretjinstructions,
leaving all others in doubt as to what
was their real purpose. Consequently,
when Willis said "he came not to in
vestigate, but to act," the plain infer
ence was nothing less than to place the
queen on the throne. This naturally
aroused indignation, for such is a prero
gative which belongs only to congress.
The president deserves to be alarmed that
the prospects of successful mediation are
obviouslv injured. He mnv have been ' rr.isnd br return mail, licc, ono paetasa, I house contains 170 rooms and . tuppliet
i A j 81; six, 3. One tcrjyUasi, six trUl cure. I'anipii- with cverv modern convenient1!' ?!(
flare of this unfavorable nress cninmpiir . " llul' mum. uin t.mimi.1 . n.ili
wood: wiiiuii woon:
Ilest grades oak, fir, pine and
wood. Ollice 13i5 Second street.
orders promptly uttnd!d to.
tf M.u:r. ifc IiKNTox,
Can he counted on to cure Catarrh
Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy. It's
nothing new. For 25 years" it lias
been doing that very thing. It
gives prompt and complete relief.
The proprietors offer 500 for an
incurable case of Catarrh.
VCili.STS mukel.VOOii ilar. r;rentet kltWien
utensil ever inventeil. 'KetalN X on ! r.
, -ohl In every limm. Sample, poit.Hite pan!. ti
i ivnw Jle.MaUn am! t:., I'luchiuatl, Ohl"
WK WANT VOr TO WOltK FOll 1'S. tlin
tniiKlin; Jl-'.OO TO I.V..OI l'KU WllKk
Parties preferreil who can (uriiish u tiur-c ami
; travel throimh the eouutry; a team, thmitth. l
i not neeeary. A lew vaeancles In town nml
, titles, spare himni may l useil to exx! '
I vailtiiw U. K JOHNaON Ad..
11th ami Main Sti., niehninnil. Vh
' anil everything Unit nppenr hi Its iniIiiuiuh l o(
i the hlKliesti'luiraeler. Hvery ilepirtment ol the
! dinners hiisluet Is ilseilsnl In an enrneit.
I lirnctleal way, looktiiK to theKreatest prolituuil
: lienellt to the farmer ami t j I family.
. It npjear.s on the 1st anil l.lth of eaeh month,
' anil Is lurul.iluM nt tlie low prlcuot
in tulviinre. Thl miili It the i'liiui'Mt
iiKrloiilturiil piipiT In tint rim n try.
I DiirliiK tlie comliij; ear there will lie an lin
i UK'Hu- uumlier of mntterii of th most vital In
I tetest to farmers "lealt with hv t'onuress unil tliu
, K.xeeiltlve DeiuirtmeiiU nt Washlnu'tnn. It 1h
yotl highly liiiortaut that the liirinurs ho kupt
! pruiuiniy nun iiiuy luiornu'o us in uriini is neniK
jilauneil ami dune nllci'tlnt: them at the Niitlnnal
M'upltal. The slnmlil all, therefore, take Til):
ahkhican I'aumki:, whli'h, heliiK on tlieKrounil,
nils in'iier laeiiuies iiiau unv otner papers or
Xt'ttltiK this Informatloii, anil ilevntes Itself tn
this duty They will ntul In It eonstiintly a
trout amount of vulmihle Information that they
ran uet In no other paper.
will he scut one year for il "..
Commlttoo of Arrangements
01. I'M K F.l.LKU,
Roception Committoo.
IB. W. HELM &c CO.
- di:ai.i:i:h in
Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals,
Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brashes, Perfumery, Etc.
Ptirei WlnoB unci Liquors for Mocllclnnl Piirpo;niH.
CompouncllrtK PhyHlolnriK' ProHorlntlons n Spoolalty.
No. 105 Second Street, Tim Dulles, Uioon.
Opposite Colmnhhi ('unity Pai'tory.
The Great Enallih Itemcdy. r
1'romptly and permanently
curtM all forma of AVrcotis
IVcaktuss.KmUstons, S)xrm
otorrhea, Impoteney ami all
effects of Abute- or Kxceues.
Eocn prescribed OTer Cj
earsln thoujacdsof ca.503;
BtfirtandAjtir. UJ. , old, popular .mil mli.ahle hon-f
(insist for Wooi'i Pho.ohodinci if ho offcri ' ontiruly rofunuHhed, mid every
lost worthless medicine la pUco of this, lea-vu hU i room llllii btDIl repapurud lliul repuilltei
disaoneit store, lactose prlco In letter, and I Ulld ttowlv cnrputt'U tlirotlt'lrMIt. Till'
f The St. Charles Hotel
uniavoraule press comment
upon his exclusive dealing, for he invited
it. Manifestly he lias injured tiie cause
for which he was laboring, for the
American press will dislike to retract
what has been said, unless compelled to
by the severest demands of honor. It
will consequently try to make the most
of such evidence as can he secured by
the most careful search that tlie marines
were landed not to aid tlie provisional
government but to protect American
interests, as claimed by .Stevens, Thurs
ton, et al. ; that tlie queen was too cor
rupt and profligate; and that the
strength of the revolutionists was ade
quate to overthrow the monarchy un
aided. Hut Cleveland will stand con
victed of being the first dictator of the
American republic whatever the facte, j
1st In plain scaled envelope, 2 cents postage.
Address Tho U nod C'hemlcnl C!o.,
1S1 Woodward avenue, Detroit Mien,
.-"old In The Dalle by Hlakeley A: Houston
to the houe.
C. W
tood restaurant attachw
Frer bus to and from ah
"A Talented Killtor."
During the coming months, ur the I-h,iU-.!
period, tuo-e who are traveliiior eontei' it.
a trip away from home should rend the fnl.'.unis
letter from n hrllllantandwell known editor .m:
provide themselves njrninst attacks of li.-d.iehi'
and iliizlnesa-
UCNTLEMKN I had occasion to e. sever;
boxes of Kraue s Headache Capsules while
travelini; to Chicago toiittend the N tlonal I- in
ocratle I onventlon. They netwl like a elm.-in in
irevcnting hcadiiches anil dlzzine--. Have had
very little headache i tin e my return, which is
reniarkahle Yours respectfully.
John V. sltAFrKi:,
Kd. Henovo, !'., Itceord.
For ale by lllakelev A Houghton, l're-ctiitlnn
Drtis.'sists, IT.'i .-eeonil bt.. The Ddllirs, Or.
hold by snipes ,t Klnersly.
Ilest irrades of oak. fir, and flab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Job. T.
Peters & Co. 'Ollice Second ami Jeller- I
son streets, i
John Pashek,
11) !
If I J
The average price of wheat is 32.1
cents per bushel. The next lowest price
in the twenty-three years from 1870 to
1893, inclusive, was 6-L5 cents, in 1SS4.
The average for the ten years 1870 to
1679, was 104.9, and for the ten years
18S0 to 1880, 82.0, while for the three j
years 1S90 to 1S92, it was 70.0. The de-,
cline from the average of the last three j
preceding years, in two ol winch, viz,
1891 and 1892, occurred the largest!
yields in the history of the country, is !
24.0 cents, or !32 per cent. The principal
state prices are ; New York, 70; Penn
sylvania, 08; Virginia, 03; Georgia, 90;
Texas, 50; Kentucky, Ohio and Michi
gan, 57; Indiana, 52; Illinois and Min
nesota, 51; Iowa, 49; Missouri 47;
Kansas, 43; Nebraska, 3S; South Dak
ota, 44; North
Xismrj i iir.rTrrr(r.vrr' iTrna
76 Count Stneet,
Next door to Waaco Sun Office.
MF-lla Jut received the latest ah les m
Sailings for Gentlemen,
and h-sn lartre assortment of Fordcn nnd Amer
lean Cloths, which he can finish 'In order lor
tnoe that mvor hint.
Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty.
Is the
Of the Year
New York Weekly Tribons
Dalles WeeKlu cnronicie
ONLY- $175.
AnnaTeeuhlo Laxative nnd WKH V'K T'CJNIC.
Hold by DruffKlats or sent by mall -c. . ttto.,
nd 31.0) K;r packae. gumpie? f ree
JWg 1? Th0 Favorite T007B P077EBS
H.V7 JHlW for tho Teeth and Ilreath. 2ic.
For nalo by Hnlpn A; Kltinmly.
Dakota, 43; California,
Tlie Lehigh strikers gained nothing
which they could not have secured
without n Htrike, and its consequent loss
in wages and in many eases of positions.
With ice on the free list of the Wilson
bill, we Hiippoie tho newspaper jokes on
the ice man will not make their annual i
appearance next summer.
American industries Htifler from "that
tired feeling," due to Cloveland'fi mes-1
eage and the Wilson hill.
Suppose the majority in congress
should consider Ulount as either badly
misinformed, or a point-blank liar,
what would Cleveland and Queen Lil. do
then, poor things?
Mr. Cleveland remarks that "tariff re
form is directly before us." Wonder if
he don't wish it were behind us inateud?
Uuoklen'a Arlucu Halve.
The best aalve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, wit rheum, fever
ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin
rsly. Hot clam booth at J. O. Mack's every
day gt 4 o'clock.
Eetlly, Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
nud all the train o. evli
iromenrlyerroraor later
Mceiwi. tlie renults of
overwork, Hi ok no an,
worry.ctu. Fullitrenirlh,
development and tonn
Klven to ev ery oa-an nul
Mrtlon of tiie body.
Hliniile. natiiralmetliO'W.
wen. .Failure liniJUtolljic
HfUt Tittenunvt IU.jIc,
oxplaiiutlijii and pr'x.fn
mailed (tealed) In.-
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Back. &c.
llt PtuiurBMt IarvMKU I
Will cure without madid ne all Wnliin nwiltliw from
cinr-Uiuittouof brain uerre torott i icifiniorliidu.
orttloo, u unrrpua dblJKjr. aUfplcaiwal, Uniruur,
lam back, lumbago, aciatjoa, all fcmala eomplalntu
6,"ti ". uth, tic. thl flaetrki M cuotalna
I"?'?,". I""au orrr all otitn. Oumnt la
liuUoUyreitW. wanr or we fort.U, and
wiii cuin ail w uie abovu HImmms or Ma bay. Tbou.
r:?da liavo bwn ciircd br thu raarraloua (iivtiilloii
aftr all oiW rtnwlUs filled, and we viva iiuUstuii
v. .wv.ii.ivn.aM iiiiiut ana avarr ocar ataut.
Our fvwrruil immrmfi uuufwuui uvmruMamv . Ila
Rrr(t buun er;r oHrt wralT men, Mint aUfcall
Wt (Urs Hand fur lllua'd faoiuliiat, iiiuUcl .avilad, free
K. 17'ri.tWtixct, t'OHTlUUlU OU1U
l..v:;n Ofkick, Tlie Dalle-, (ir.,i
Di-v. 7, 1m:: )
Notice is lictvhv Klven tlmt tho InlluwinL'
inuni-d cttk'r liui lliul notice ol Ills Inti'iithni tn
miiKc tl mil proof in xtipiMirt of
lntni. nml that mid proot will L; niiulo Iwlorv
tlio rt-Kintcr and rtceiver at The Dnlto, 'jr., on
Keh-uury 10. lsul, vU.:
.Iiiculi I). Kuli.irtH,
lliimt'stCHil No. J."il0, tor tin' KK'4 ol
.sr',,uiin .-.'. ot hf.i, nml hw j oltil'.'.,ol to).
l,Tp. .'S., II. h i:. W.JI.
imtnvx tin; following wltiif-n-x to provu hi
contliiiioim rcaidencc 11)1011, nnd cnltiMitlon of,
. tanl land. viz.
Ii K. JIdiriKin, 51. ('. I'ni titer, J N I'.iticrxni
and ( . If. Htonuliton, all of Intlnr, (jr.
d.j.)VM-, JOHN V. I.i:VIh. Itwlstur.
i Ity virtue of an execution and order of ml-.
I.ssiinl out ol the Clrimlt Court of trie state of
! Jrt"'iin. lor the County of Wiu-co, to rue direeted
I f.'Oiiimiiniliui; me to make kiiIimi! tin- 'and in the
mid wilt, dwcrINd to-wlt. Those pic i anil
iMin-ttU ol limil in Wimco County, Htate ol Ore
I Kon, kiionn anil ilexjrlheil an the -011th hull of
I notion elKltt (is , and thu outh half of M-oUnn
I nine I'J, and thu east halt nud the
quarter and the east halt ot the uortlivv-t qinir
' Icr and the Mmthue-t quarter of the nnrthuo.t
((iinrtei of action ten (10) unit the north hall ol
the iinrthwiHt itiarter ami tlio mutliemt iiiiirter
of tlie uorthiveit iuarter of fceidlnn nfteeii il'i,
all In Towiiihiiioiio tit, north of limine fourtteri
(II east of the Willamette meridian, to make
and piry the mim of money, lnxaldeourt iidjiiil!;
! wl to ne paid to the pluliltlll' III mid itetlou, in
1 which action 'I he HollcltorH Ian nnd Trust
Company were nlaliititt' and .Iiiuies Jlrxttt. Mar
tini 11. Ilooth, hverett K. Hall, J 1- JlcClure,
harah II MfClure, Ij (1 Alter. Italpli Itown, Ju
lia N. Itoseni, I rl Kmlaxlv, .1. M. 'lavioriiud J
K KdwnriN nere ilcfendMiit.i, to-wlt, the sum of
WjiVj.O) with Interest thereon, from JuK 1, luyj,
nt tlio rate ol nix i-er rent er iiiiuuin aiid fjoo.oi)
iittorneyH fees in said action and enstx and (Un
burn; ciiIh therein laxid, I hnvetliis day levied
upon the land aloreald mid 011
Hiitiiiilny tlio :;:iril liny of Decninlier ll(t);i,
at the hour of 10 o'clock 11. in.. In front of the
court hotikc door, in tlio City of The Oallin, in
said County nnd f-tate, I will n;ll miIi) land at
public niictloii, to thehlh'heHt hlilder thcit'lor
T. ,. Waiiii,
i-hetlll' ol Wavco County, Htatc of Ortifoii
Ity virtue of mi execution and order of sah.-,
Issued out of thu Circuit Court of the Htale of
OriKon, for thu County of Waco, to me ilirecb-d
commaudliiK mo to innku .aluot thu laud In the
Mini v.nioecriiKii io-ivh: inosopiiv-es ami par
cels ol laud In Wiot'o County, Htatu of Oickoii,
known nud ilccribed as thu noiithwest ouartur
s of fcectlon lour II, nnd the north hall of section
, nine ami thu northwest iiuart'-r nf section
soveuteull 17, in Townslilii one (11 north of
ItatiKO fourteen (II mist of tlio Willamette Meri
dian, to make and pay thu sum ol money, 1 11
raid Court udjudueil to Ijc paid to the plaliithTlu
eulil notion. In which action Thu Holk'Uors Ijihii
and Trust (.'ompiiiiy weie plalulill', and Junius
llcxith, Martha M. Jlooth, Kvorutt K. Hall, J. y,
McClurc, Kamh II, McClnre, I). ;. Alter. Italtih
Knifers. JllliuN ItoKurs, I'rl Kliihody, J. M 'lay
lor iiiulJ, h Kilwatils were ilcfciidaiits, to-wlt,
thu sum ol lajcoon with luteiest thuieou, from
July 1, thu rato of nix pcrenitH;rminiiin
mid moti HttoriMiy'D leea In mid action mid
cosbi uud illthiirseiiieutH therein taxed, I Jmve
this day luvHit iiin tlie land alort sald, and on
Hutiirduy, mini day of lliiuriiihnr. IHIIil,
ut tho hour of Id o'clock 11. in. In front of thu
court hoiuo door, in thu City of Ihe (lilies, in
said County mid Htale. i will sell salilhinit at
public auction to the hlifliust hlihler therefor,
Hherlll of Wnsco County, BtmVn'f (iri'o'n,
l.ANI) OiTICK, The Ihillei. Or.,(
Nov. 0, lhU3. )
Notice it hereby clven tlmt the follinvliiK
riauiMl i-e'.tler lias 11 1.-.l uotieeol his iutcntinn to
make limil proof in up.irt of his claim and that
said proof will be niiulo liefoie thu tettlster and
rii-eUer at The Hallos, Oregon, on Wednesday,
December IT, ly:i, viz.
Hewitt ItlllK.
Homestead Apiillcatlon No. !!n'JA, lor the NU ol
BK',i and KI4 ol KWJ-i free. ID, Tp. J S. It II 1,'ast.
He names the lollowlui; wltnovsun to lirove bis
continuous residence upon and cultivation ot
naio 1111114, 1.
II. W. Wells, ot The Dalles, Or., Clnirli'H
Kmton, James i;aston and 1'aul l.imcroth ol
Mitiecne, ur.
John W. I.kwik, l!c(-lster,
(Timber Ijiud, Act Jtiue, li7S.
I', b. I.A.Nb OFl'Ici:. The Dalles. Or
.MiV. h, I MM. t
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the net of eoneress nf
June.'!, lhjf, cutitleil "An act for thu sale of tim
ber lands in tlie state, of Calllorula, Orcirou,
Nevada and WashliiKton Territory,"
N'en! (,'. S tei eosiui,
Ot Kinitiley, eoiiuty ol Waeo, state ol OreKoli,
has this day Hied ill tills otllcu hU sworn stiitu-
mcnt for the purchase of the Sl'.'A of SWj.,,
of fcVctlon. No. In Townslili No. ii K , riuiKo
No 111 K. W. M., and will oiler proof to show
that tlie land sought Is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural nuriiusiui.
and to estahlHh his claim to said land before
the IteKlster and Keeeiver of this ollieo at Tliu
Dalles, ur,, 011 the 14th day of January, Ih'Jl.
Hu names as wltnes-scir lieoree i cU-od. Jhk-
Hllslev. l;on Itondeau nnd I.iifuvetln linelw.
nil ol Kluusley, Or.
vny and all persons claimliiK adversely thu
ive-dutcrlU'd laiiils are rcniiested to llle their
claims in this ollice on or before said 1,'itb iliiv nf
win JOHN W. 1.1'WIH, IteKlstcr.
Ily virtue of an execution and order ol milu
Isiuuloiitot thu ( ircult Court ot the Htatu ol
Orciton lor Wai-co County, upon a decree and
Judgment made, rendered ami entered by said
Court 011 tlio lltli day ot November, Joyij, in
iavorot plalutlll', In 11 unit wherein A. 1). iloltoii
tins plalutlll, and l'rauk D, (illlesiile and Ulioda
(illlustile, . K. Hunt and W. II. Ilutler went
delenihints, and to ino itlreideil ami ilcllvcriil.
I'omiioiii'lliu: iiiu to levy upon and sell all the
lauds mentioned ami detcrilnil In said writ, and
hcrclnaltcr iloi.crlled, J did, on thu Itli day ol
De"ouilx.'r, IfJi, duly uv upon, nml will sell ut
iiuhllc auction, to the blithest bidder, for cash
In hand, on
.Hominy, tint Mtli ilny .luniiiiry, HUM,
at i o'clock In tliu afternoon of ald day, at the
front door of thu County Courthoilso In Dalles
City, In W'unco County, Ori-Kou, all uf the lauds
mid tiremlscmlworlbeil In mid writ and herein
ilt-scrlbcd as follows, to-wlt.
Tliu northwest iiuarler of Heetlon fourteen II
in Township two Jl Houtli, ot IIiiiik" fourteen
II ijist of thu Willamette Meridian, In Wiueo
county, Orexiiii, or so much thereol as shall bo
sulllcleut to cntisfy tliu sum of ii'.M.ol, with lu
teres t thereon nt thu rate uf ten Per cunt, per
annum since November llth, lh'j:l; li'-d.iM) attor
ney's lees, mid JII.KI costs in said milt, toKether
with costs uf said writ, and acotllluK costs of
Mile T. A WAUD,
Hherlll'of Wasco County, OreKoii.
Datiil at Dnlluh city, Or., Dec, I, lw:. injr,w.'
Executor's Notice to Creditors.
Notice U hereby kIvuii that thu County Court
of thu htatu ot Oregon for Waco County hns
duly appointed the uudcrslKned tliu executor of
thu Inst will mid testament of (ieorxu I', livers,
deceuu'il, All iiursoiiH IihvIiik claims uealnsi
the estate of said duceasvd aro hereby leuulicd
to jiresunt them, with thu iintiser viaiuhurs.
within six uiontlis from thudiituof this notice,
to wild executor Ht hlHiilaco of runldciieu,
J!4l VH1u!.,ily,1".""1(,.V,i,."!1l''!tf.Mt ,l,u ("' (
W, II, Wilson, In said Dalles City,
.IIUHAKI, Dol.K. Kxcmitnr.
Patixltbls 1st day nf .'loveinber, lhi:i. btw
Jeweler's Goods
at W. E Garretson's Store.
LaSies' Solifl Gold Watches retail from $45 to $30.
Cold Watches worth $40, reduced to $28.
Gold Watches worth 5, reduced to 25.
Gold Watches worth 25, reduced to iS.
American Coin Silver Watches reiliiceii lo $13.
Genuine 14 K Gold Filled Vest Chains
reduced from $8 and $10 to $4 and $6.
Tho abuvo is a Kuinpln of Mio luirgniii lo l,(
had lor a low days.
A. R. Thompson,
SuocoBtior to LESLIE BUTLEH,
Will coiistautlv keen on hand n coinnletn Hue ol
Havlni; purcliancd .Mr. Ilutlur's entire Hlock.
the house, which has belli
Inllllll 111
I shall I'liilenvor tn inalnliun tin' "i
Call and see me, next door to Postofflce
it, Oheftpe'
Ob.oloot. Uatoi
Silviuitte, Uuulry, Wtehs, Books, Toy Bfc6,
The imbUo Is mvlted to examine our goods heforo
purchasing elsewhere.
OloHHiB out tlio entire St
J'rlcuH tlio lowest, nd wre ?routly reduced. OloHUig
nf 'I'nvfl nml liolilllilV UOOUH ttt Gout.
Booond St., The Dalles, Or, I- O. Tiol.l0,