The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 18, 1893, Image 4

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Thft dalles Daily Chronicle.
Ei'tonit nt the VeMofileo tit Tnu l)allct, Oregon,
. coondclius matter.
MUspiI UU Opportunity.
It is often ronmrltoil that thuro arc
iiiauj persons who 10 about liotiinjr
j that thoy will incut with some mishap
J in order tltat thoy may present a clnln
against a corporation for damages
i The other afternoon a young man who
i .vas riding on the rear platform of a
! street ear accidentally stood with om
'oot on a steel bolt while the loose end
! )f the wire that connects! the 11,. 1.'
wire in the motor with the sum hi.' I
3f a wire in the trailer touched tl.
ddc of his neck. The electric slmck
Uunucd him for an instant, lie fell t 1
the lloor of the platform, but immcdi
ttcly got up again all rigid.
"Are you hurt?" asked the conductor
"Xo. not a bit." said the young mat
The conductor took his name and
wrote down the answer he had maclc
"iN'ow, if 1 only had sense enough tin'
to have got up and to have quivered
like a man badly hurt, 1 might have
had them up at my hone settling with
me for live hundred dollars cash within
three hours," said the young man after
lie hnd got oil" the car. "It is what a
fellow gets for not th nking before he
speaks." Indianapolis, News.
Convert llilo .Itcnmihlps.
Convertible .steamships are the new
est designs in shipbuilding. They are
built to carry general or liquid cargoes
on very short notice. The iirst vessel
of that type, the new liritish steam- '
ship Mexican Prince, arrived here a
few days ago from the Tyne. She was
built at Wnllsend, England, for .lames , jfHr-'vs uo
Knott, and hnd every ret uirement for j,0 f unions A. S
loaning aim msonarginganyumig mat,
might have to be sent across the sea.
Steam fans to drive out gases that al
ways accumulate on this typ.. of ves
sels were part of the ship's equipment.
Winches and high-power pumps were
also on board to suit the varying de
mands of commerce.
ItCliiltlftll l.eRemt 'onneelril ultll tiie
lledlrittloit of Si. Sophlu.
leeend connected with the Church
i '. St. Soph in is recalled by "An Idle
Woman iv Constantinople." and us i'
t. tains a moral fragrant f truth it
m.r, well Ik- held in perpetual reniem
or.m.'e. When the basilica was tin
tsluni Emperor .histinum gnve or
ilc-ihatan iuserlptiion in letters of
g.-!,t --hotilil be jdaced about the dome:
' .Ui'-tinian dedicates this church to the
pi i-', of God." ltuton the day of the
pu'i'iK opening the emperor looked up
at tin dome nud saw, with amazement,
that the inscription ran: "Euphrasia
ii dicates this church to the glory of
Cod "
"What is the meaning of this mock
ery v" he asked, pointing upward, and
turning to the patriarch sitting beside
tie- throne lie said: "Did 1 not com- i
n.i:d you to have ray name engraven j
ot. the dome?"
"Who is Euphrasia'.'- called the ' larch. "Who knows a woman 1
Ivsi'-ing Biich a name? If anyone can j
ai.swer let him 3euk."
From the priests to tiie lowest of the
at mbled thoiuwinds the question: '
' Who is Euphrasia?" ran round the !
church. No one answered. At length,
while tiie emperor sat mute and j
aruuited, a miserable fellow who
ck-aned the marble floor stopped forth '
a: -aid: I
"Imperial Ctc.-ar. to wliom 1 am un- !
worthy to my eyes. I know a I
woman with such n name, but she is j
aim. bedridden. She lives in a little !
houe near one of the walls of the
church "
"Knitg har hither." commanded the
fmper.- and straightway pngres :uid
chamf orlains rushed out and soon re-',
appeared carrying an aired womun
who trembled in evcrv limb.
"Is your name Euphrasia?" asked the
"Yes, mighty emperor, it i."
"What do you know of that inscrip
tion.1 ana lie pointed aloft to
large letters on the vault.
2"otliing. my lord, nothing':"
L"lut you &ee your name on the
cku-eh. It stands there instead of
m.'ae. What haw you done toward
tin irtiiminy of the church?"
"dry., nothing. My lord mocks
his po;r -jrvui:t."
"Not at all," replied the emperor.
.' They to!- me you live near. Think:
Have y ra done nothing-, spoke noth- j
ing thou.'.'ht nothing to give you this
claim?'" I
Majesty." site said, "there i. a little
act. but it is so small I am ashamed to
tr.-.u'-jle lord with its mention."
"Speak. I command you," said Jus
tinian. "Fear not. Tell me all."
- Titer, -.he told how. as she lay on her
bed in her little li'iuse, she heard with
sorrow the travail of the oxen and
mules, carrying the marble and brick
ami btranis up the .teep hill, and her ! Notice.
hcurt was sore within her: and how. Notice is hereby given, that by order
whezi she grew better, the thought . of the common council of Dalles City,
truc ler iBusfc.: - made ami entered on tiie jutn (lav ot uo
Just prriveo from jft Titl Y0lJfi attention
Ib onllnd to the faot that
todies' Hugh Glenn,
Dmiler in l-il! eu, I'kWi. Cement
mid Huild nriil o," ... lndi.
Mr. ? I
Wasco warenouse 60.,
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Giotimo & Fimisipg n
Vt Keiiiurknlily Low Prices.
To tm focnil In the City.
LQashington Street.
& Qnlnnriirl Phinnhilln ftvmmh fa fid
uiJiuuuiu umiiumuu uiuiuuuiu 4iu.uu. prom TERfrtlNRii or INTtk'iOK Points
Rates Reasonble.
vr. -7r. Oo.
mi: iiai.i.kk, on
rinter Dry Goods,
Sen the Worlit's Fair for I'lftvou Couto
Upon receipt of vour address and fif
teen cents in postage stamps, we will
mail you prepaid our souvenir portfolio
of the world's Columbian exposition,
', the regular price is fifty cents, but as we
want you to have one, we make the
' price nominal. You will find it a work
1 o' art and a thine; to be prized. It con
; tains full page views of the great bulld
1 in'S, with descriptions of same, and i;
the i executed In inchest style 01 art. If not
satisfied with it, after you get it, we will
refund tho stamps and let you keep the
book. Address
PI. E. llCCKLK.V iV Co..
Chicago, 111,
Moore's ranch, about three miles south
of The Dalles, hai unexcelled pasturage
and any one who desires to avail them
selves of the fact can secure reasonable
terms upon application. 17tf
Loot: Over Vour County Warrant.
All countv warrants registered prior
, to January 10th, 1SU0, will be paid if
I . .... ,i n:.. r
and Washington streets. Interest
ceases on and after this date.
Wji. Miciikli.,
Treasurer Wasco Countv.
October Uln, 1S9:). 'tf
ire lorced to SELL VOl CASH in order to avoid lawsuit" i like
Collins and wife's suit and bad debts, our price.", will always b
We invite our friend" and customers to
examine our uoods and prices before puri-lmsinc.
I1U11UU1U 1 UblllbJH
I 1 i msS
found the verv lowest in tho innrke!
The Da as
I- tin' Hue to t n lit
A lib
A Grand luivtAtfir.
H, I'linturiiliiir
J t'ry, Hj-i'llli
yjfi" imtirliitloii,
llic-llllnp, tu
.Itlcrf. i ,
Tun vi'ji.
In nultiiii;
itnrrtv-: '
mori tli"ci v.'Kr.ii) 1
tii i
1; wry hod y 5
Hlimilil -li tlH 4 f
llftlnimt I' un i1
1'ciiituriiliiir tin Mi ij
iilnj,, pro. J
in. iiml 2
Hint tu wmU
a i ,'iirnr,. ;,i rLiiir i, ,.t, ........ t
tin- oftiii iKMlrcil liifnriimtltili runt'i'mlnc
I rinliti'ltt IxirmniH, f:irtn comt-riiln th
? t'liiintrii'H, I'ltli'H, tnwim, mill uuttlial la
tiim i;f tho Klolie , i;irtu'H!iirn t'oiuvrnlic
It I" tin- limine Cur Ktiiilc. It cttiif Ttirmmh i
x'titlliiilctl '1 rnliiK ovury tlay In tlm ymir to i
pis. paul and Chicago ;
noii'tl llt'tltlDiiii piirx, ins null iI;cim,
Lit ton (it ioidIii iiioiiitliiiin, mini), nmi ,
iirni'i.rl. ttti. (,,., i,tt.
Thin Work is Invnltmlltnuw i
liniii'lloltl.iuiil to tho trat'lliT. hc Hilar, nr.w t
.in, nun pi'ii.i'iiur;iior
"TSTio kr.ow., if I eitnnot do
I i"n rr)rt v
. ceiveii at me
tnrnsr toes tiieir pain, ttie poordumo
lfastL. fuj patient in their woe! At
least I will trv."
seated Dius will oe re
ofiice of the undersigned
until Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock p
in., December L'L'd, ISOo, for the con
struction of a sewer of terra cotta, to e
Daily and Weekly
Comml n( IiluliiK Cars iitiiiriiiiiil. l'nll
man Urtiwtnir Itoiiii Hlecjicrsot liitcitttiulpnictil
Host tluit enti he cdiulrnr.tnl, nml in wlilcn
HCcnuinioilatliitiN iirn lxitli Krt'n nml Knriiliiliiil
fur lifilili.TMtil Klrnt ntiil c ifonil clnm Tlokuti,, uml
ELEMT day coaches
Mnrrlam Ci.
SiiTlwjJletil, Mam
1 CX'""' It'1' I'liyrliwjpiiliolo.
2 umt'lih' tvitlut ul aiiciont
5 riiiiuii'
f w.ism(s!
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
A contiititoti line, contmUliiK with nil IIik-
nttnrillni; itlrvft hiiiI tiiitnlutruiitul ncrviuo
Ho she took her bed and lwre it into ' S inches in diameter, on Lincoln street
in said city, commencing at the south
line of the "intersection ot Lincoln and
Fourth streets, in the center of said Lin
coin street and thence continuing north
erly along the center of said street to
the" terminus thereof, towit : Low water
mark of Mill Creek. Said sower to be
constructed in accordance with the plans
and specifications thereof heretofore
made and prepared by C. J. Crandall,
and which said plans and specifications
may oe seen at the ollice ot sam V. J
I Crandall.
No bid will be received unless the
I same is accompanied with a good and
. . , i sufficient bond in the sum of $200, con-
iwi .;. i: me name oi a r.iiiaoeipnia i ditioned that the bidder will accept the
Chinaman sentenced to deportation. J constructing of said sewer if tho same
TmiASHEi: is the appropriate name shall be awarded to him,
of a achool-teachor in Hickory county, : The right to reject any
ind. ! liereny reserved
the road and scattered the straw from
it on the steep accent. It was but a
litth-. hut lo! a.s she worked, the straw
seemed to jrrow ami multiply and cover
tin. whole road, and from that time
the oxen parsed plctii-antly with their
loads, anil ahe heard no more distress.
The tears were in Justinian's eyes,
and he said in tt gentle voice:
"Let the name of Euphrasia stand;
she is more worthy than I. for of her
little ahe rave all she had."
(Jor.HAJi 1). AnnoTT, of Winsted,
Conn., who became deaf and dumb
v.-hen a child through an attack of
tcarlet fever, is just now beginning to
talk again after being mute for over
thirty years.
Miss .S-u.i.ij: Mattiikws, who died in
Louisville recently, was for a time
in command of an Ohio river steam
boat, with fully a hundred men subject
to her orders. She was thirty-three
years old at the time of her death.
II. L. Cociiisa:.-. who plundered the
United States mint, at Philadelphia,
nearly always shaved himself, and had
thirty-one different razoi-s one for
.nch day in the month. Ho never used
tho same razor twice in one month.
Cut. Hokaci: JIixiiv. who taught
Mark Twain what he knows of steam
boating, is at present pilot on the
f-teamer T. (J. Sparks, running south
from Memphis, (.'apt. Ilixby is in first--j.
1,1-i'Kh. ami good for many years,
"I active work.
A jKjii.isTic s(iiabble caused Hluford
Fleming, of Wubash county, 111., to
leave his family, twenty-three years
ago. From that time nothing was
heard of him until the other day,
when his anger hut! cooled, and ho ro
turned, but his vifo refused to see
Hot - Join broth tit .1. O. Mack'a every
duy at 4 o'cloek.
liuckleu' Arnica fitilvu.
Thu boat ealvo in tho world for cuts,
l)ruise8, oro8, ulcers,. ealt rheum, fever
sores, totter, chupped hands, chilblains,
coma, and all akin eruptions, and posl.
tivoly cures piles, or no pay required,
It is guaranteed to giye perfect Hatisfac-
tlon, or money refunded, Price 25 cents
Dated at
and all bids is
Dalles City, Or., Dec. 13, S. Dvvvi:,
Recorder of Dalles Citv,
Business Change.
The undersigned has lwuglit
tho Chinese merchandise busi
ness heretofore conducted by
and will pay all bills owing by
said firm if presented to them
before December 1st, ISO.'!.
l.'IO .Main HI., Tim Dulle. Or.
Uy vlrtuu of u execution mid order
oi duio itkiuii out oi tun circuit court
of tlio utato ol Oriitoii for the county
of Vaco. to me dfrecttil, commiiiiilliiK
wo to niiiko mlo of tho land In mid writ, defccrlli-ulto-wlti
tlioto tileciwi mid iiurct-bi of lund In
Wlfcon (Vtlllltv. Utntl'ttf lr, lftiiwfi hlirl ,1,..
H'riUiI iih all of ntctlou three mill thu Mjtith
Imlfof tliutoiittifuU ourtrof ecctlnn four III.
anil the kotith half of kection five (5) mid thu
' peribwti'For Ml',ffiy finipe & Kin-
north half of section Cllit (), all in Towiuhli
one (1), north of IUuku fourteen (11 east of thu
Wllliimctto mcrldiuii, to makcuiid imytliomm
of money, hi mid Court adjudged, to bu pnlil to
tho plulnllll In mid uctlou, In which action The
hollcltoru Jyjiin mid Trust Omipuny were plain
tilt' nud James Jlootli, Martha JI. Kootli, Kvcrett
K. Hall, J. V. ilctjlurc, hanih II. McC'lurc. J;. O.
Alter, llaljdi HoifcrB, Julia H. itoxent, Oil Kni
hodv, J. JI. Taylor and J, f. KdtvardN wcro tic
fviiduiiti, Ui.vvlt, theuraf fJWO.Od with I liter
et then-oil from July 1, 1sW, ut thu nitu of tlx
Icr cent K.Tiiinmm mid IXiOOattornuy few in
Mid action uud touts mid illtburMMentx therein
tuxcil, I imve thU duv levied iiikjii thu lund
ulxivu flftcrllnal and on
Kiitnriluy tlieiitlil iluv of lleceniltor, 1H03,
nt tho hour of 10 a. m., in front of the court
iiouto door, in thu citv of Thu Dulles, in khIiI
count.1' iiiui atatc, I will kU unlit laud ut public
auction, to thu bidder therefor.
'I' U'.I.M
Kherllt'ol Wiuco county, Htuto of OreKo'u.
THE CHRONICLE wa.s established for the ex
press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles
and the surrounding country, and the satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. t
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re
gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the host
medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire.
The Daily Cituokiclu is published every eve
ning in the week Sundays excepted at $b00 pur
annum. The "Weekly CiiuoiVicle on Fridays of
each week at $1.50 per annum.
For advertising rate;-, subscriptions, etc., address
Tlx Dallos, Oregon.
I'lillinnn BIeei.'r len'i vntlniis can be recureo
In mlvnuLu through any iikciU ot thu rotd
KtiKlnml mid Kuroixj can lC
ticket oilleu ol trio curnpniiy
To nutl troiti nil
M)!u:ln America.
pun;:iHi-ii in hiii
roiii'erulllK rativi, time in
tritltiii, rotitea and other detnlU lurnllinl on
Full iuformiitlon
application to
Agent I). 1'. a A. Nhv. Co., itcgulator orilce, Tli i
Dallei, Or., or !
A. I). CHAHI.TOti,
Am't. (ioiieral 1'tuneiik'er Act.. I'ortlinid. Jan
'I hey trail The Chroulelu to net thu latent nud
limit reliable i own And they read tivery lino
that 1 1- In the ptixr That In what maki tin
Cliroiilulo mi Invaluable ndvertl luc nn ilium,
The liettupapcr that . . Koen to thu fatiilly
llrealdw Is the one U- that thu advorlliwn
of toilay luttroiilze ' when they duilru tu
reaidi thu in-oplu. When thoy want your trade
their iiiiiinuucemeiit.i will be found in thu pacr
Uh)l over our eolumim and observe the verillra
tlon of the truth of thin insertion. UeineuiU'r,
a traduof u family of two thottiiaiKl .
In worth imkliiK fur throiinh thee
' ' columns, ojiu'lally no at our vry
Pipe worn
nn Repairs
and Roofmp
When the Train stops at TIIE DALLES, get oil' on the South Side
This liirxcand tiopulur II
atm in oreiMireu
House In the city, and at the low rato of
do."i the tirlnelial hotel hunlneif.
to furnlib thu ilest ArcommodatloiiH of any
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Ivuse'
Blacksmith Shop.
$1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Teals, 25 Cepts.
Ofllco for all .Slii(jn I.iiieM leuvlliK Tint Dullon for nil
polnlH in Katrii Oregon mill Kitnturn Vulilnp;tiiii,
in thU Hotel.
Corner of Front and L'nloii Hit
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
Clothier and Tailor.
. Decidedly the Finest Line of.
Gents' Kurnistiing Goods,
Trunks and Valises, etc., etc,
u There is a tide in the aff airs of men which, taken at its flood
leads on to fortune."
Tho poot unquestionably had reference to the
Cii-flil Sale il m-
Who are soiling these goods out at graatly-roduced rates.
rREE! 1H REE ! !
With every dozen Cabinet
Photogi'aphs, one ....
o LifeStee Crayon. o
Call at the Gallery and see
samples. My work speaks
for itseli