The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Kutori'il h tlio I'ONtnlTlro at Tho DnlloH, Oregon, tin kucoiiiI-c'Iniin mutter. Clubbing List. (hroniflc ami X. V. Trilmiie,. . . , (liriMiule anil Amrriran Farmer, Ibrnnirlr and Mrl'liirr't MaMinr Ihromflc ui Coiniupolilao Mawiae,. . (Iirfnirlr and I'.irilie Farnifr Hntnliir price . 2.!i(l , . RMM . S.'I.OO . Jtt.00 . JV.M Our irlci- $.V, SI.75 KiOOHl All vnrtlnlnc. Id Ceiitn ui II no for flrnt InnLTktnn, nnd 6 Cento eur linn for uiioh Niil)nc(iivnt liiKcrtlon, Hpuclnl Mtt'H for lonjf tlinu notices. All Uxtn niitlcoN riwlvcd Inter tlmn S o'clock will appear the following fifty. MONDAY D1CC. 18. 1893 The. Daily and Weekly Chronicle may he found on mile, at I. V. Nickelxnn'ii More. DECEMBER DOTS. litis been propnred (poo nnotlicr column). You nro certain to bo delighted. Win- Rftto liall lucedny evening. It In a wittlod fact tl,at Kx-Qnccn U)l wokuliinl, nor President Dole or Cleve lnrid will bo guests at tbo Kris Kringle rcc(!)tion tomorrow evening, but Sa mantbaof the Midwinter fair will. Only tbrco persons attended tbo called meeting of tbe Micnonotto clnb Satur day night, so tbo tbrco, after passing various kinds of remarks to and fro, ad journed. Tbero seems to bo an apatby amidst dancing circles tbat tbo best on'ortH of a few enthusiastic ones cannot dispel. Tbo ladies of tbo Good Intent society will give tbeir annual New Year's enter tainment and snppor on Saturday even ing, Dec. 30th, at tbo M. 15. church. A good program is being prepared and a warm supper will bo served after the entertainment. Further notico will be given of the event. SliuriMl Allkn. A CHARMED LIFE. Tim I'tirftulng Fnto which Follow Clemen Welti. Splry Ni'whIdU flurniircil friim litirtur'N Notn ItiioU. "HIio'k iiiv M.lly,' I'm her Mirn,' HIic'k my mvoetlieurt, I'm li'ir Ih'hii. Bonn we'll murry, Ni-vur to part, I.lll-iiiitn-lii-nl In my nwivthi"irt --New Kiv York I'ri'Ms IhiuihI pair of eye glefcHt'H. Call at IhiH ollicu. Ralph Gibons' valuable dog was poinoned by strychnine Saturday after noon. "Crystal's Cross" waa played last evening at Wingate ball by the Stuttz company. The Stuttx company loft this in ling on tbo boat for Vancouver. Tin- timid played a lively air when departing. Take tbo children to the Kris Kringle party tomorrow evening at Wingate hall. It will be the event of the year. The King's Daughters will not meet this week, but will hold their next meet ing at the home of Mrs. .7. W. French a week from Tuosday. Only one bid was received for opening the Lincoln street sower, at the special meeting of the city council Saturday night, and the time was extended. The drawing at i'eiise it Mays Satur day night resulted in first prize of $35 for the Episcopal, second prize of $lfi for Catholic, and third prize of $10 for the Methodist church. Great pains has been taken to muke the KriB Kringle party a decided success tomorrow night. A splendid program Some grim genius of dipastcr pursues tbo person of Clemens AVetlc, and tbo several narrow escapes bo has bad from death can scarcely bo counted on the fingers of his hands. Ho commenced by breaking bis leg in three places. Shortly afterward a horse stopped on bis foot, cutting olT Iub big toe as neatly as a biscuit cutter could have done it. Last summer ho was badly powder burned, while investigating its explo sive power, with other children. A few days ago a mule kinked liim in the ab domen. Yesterday morning at 9 o'clock he was shot in tlio stomach with a 32 caliber bullet, and still lives. Nicholas Krier and Wotle were playing with a rusty pistol, which would not work, but supposed not to bo loaded. The boys doctored it up with coal oil and it unany worKco. Krier liau the weapon, i and of course tbe best place to point it - was at Wctle. It was a self cocker and Tbe quiet of the recorder's office was Krier was surprised to see aliltlc wreath broken today by the trial of two persons (of blue smoke follow the pulling of the for fighting. Marshal Maloney swore j trigger, while Wetle was equally sur-' out warrants against .7. 11. Warren and prised at a sharp sting in the stomach. W. H. llrown, and charged them for The bullet fortunately struck exactly in disturbing the pence. l!rown and War- the center of the sixtli rib. glancing and run are both runners for the Columbia hotel and had some dispute while L'oing to the boat Saturday evening concerning their respective merits. The testimony showed that Warren was drunk and called Brown names, which most men will resent. Warren threw im his arm as if to strike, and then l'.rown knocked him down promptly. War-1 ren lay unconscious for some time. P.rown told a straightforward story , which was uncontradicted, while War-! ren refused to take the stand. The re corder seemed unable to make any dis-! Unction and fined them each $15. War-, ren paid his, but 75rown had no money j and will have some spare time thinking ' that the man who takes the trouble to defend himself shows poor judgment. If. II. Hiddell appeared for the city and I .7. Walton lor lirown, while Warren con- i ducted his own case much to the amuse-! merit of the spectators. i KllttlfllKtllt ltCIUfHt('l. ' During my absence, all who have un-! settled accounts with the undersigned j are expected to call and .settle with Mr. j tieo. Krauss, who has my books and ' accounts. An earlv settlement will I greatly oblige. Yours truly, Leslii: Carving sets and Hoger's triple plated j table cutlery at Maier it Benton's hard- i ware store. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no J dust. I coming out within two inches of where it entered. Dr. Hollister, who does the surgical work for the family, was hastily summoned. He had bis surgical in struments already to start, having caught sight of the familiar figure of Wetle fran tically riding his gray horse for tbe doc tor, and the latter knew just what to ex pect. The father says he has grown used to these things now, and could not be happy unless some horrible thing happened every little while. The boy seems to bear a charmed life, and he would hardly get wet if be fell in tbe river. The lti-ttir Way. The Dalles is said to be the liveliest town in the Northwest today. There is more cash in circulation and more busi ness done every day than in cities ten times its size. The reason is that the town has never overbuilt. The Dalles never was a "boom" town, and now while bankruptcy stares Tacorua, Seattle, Spokane and other Pacific coast towne in the face, The Dalles pursues the even tenor of its way. The city lias a pros perous country around it, which in creases yearly in wealth and population. Perhaps The Dalles has not kept pace with the country, but if this is an error, it is on the safe Bide. After the fire, no blow was made about the town arising "pha'uix-like" from its own ashes, that the fire was "a blessing in dieguise" and all that. The fire hurt tbe town, hurt it like everything, but instead of borrow ing all the money possible nnd mortgag ing what was left, property owners pur sued a course of moderation and today, after over two years, it has not fully re gained all that it lost. It has improved u great deal, to lie sure, but not on bor rowed capital. It has been paid for with money since earned. There has never been a legitimate business failure in The Dalles. Neighbors study what this means. IVoperty values never reached a fictitious figure. Is not this better than to rise to fancy figures in a fever of boom, and then relapeo when tbo bubble bursts? Tbo Dalles is prosperous even in these times of depression. It is sure to grow, but may it never make a mush room growth. We do not need any magic city building. When the pres sure of increasing business from river traffic and country farms crowds tbo present channels, business men with tbo necessary experience and capital will erect more stores and public buildings, and the business will be ready for them, without any artificial stimulant. Kris Kringle Tarty. The ladies of the Congregational church will give a Kris Kringle party at the Wingate hall Tuesday evening, Dec. 19th. A program has been prepared, which will prove a rare treat to all who attend. Articles of fancy work, both ornamental and useful, will be placed on sale. Especial attention is called to the twenty-five cent articles. The fol lowing is the program : Qiinrtcttc-Mrs. Brndshnw, MUs Schmidt, Dr. Dotkin, .Mr. Johnson. Recitation "Green Mniintr.iu Justice" XI ix Jennie Kusiell. Comic Quartette Mrs. HuntlriKtoii, Mls A Schmidt, Dr. Donne, Mr. Crnndull. "Allegory on Wimmen's IliRhts" Josinli Allen's wife. Solo MUi Mnie Williams. Male Quartette Messrs. Jnmcson, Snowden, Johnson, Patterson. Character Sour "We'll Have to Mortgage the l'nrm.' Duett Kris Kringle and wife. At the conclusion of the programme Kris Kringle and wife will endeavor to entertain their guests in a manner that all will be charmed who attend their party. Lunch will be served during the' even ing free of charge. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Admission 25 cents; children under ten years free. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Program commences at 8 o'clock sharp. Sbilob's Vitalizer is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Prie 74c Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. ABk vour dealer for Mexican Silver Stove Polish. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cab, says: "Sbilob's Catarrh Remedy is tbe first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. .1. T. Lucas of Centerville is in town today. Mr, Leslie Hutler left Saturday for Le Comptnn, Kan. lie expects to return in the course of six weeks. Hon. F. P. Mays returned last even ing from Fossil, where ho has been en gaged in prosecuting the case against the cattlo thieves there. The little daughter of Mr. T. H. John stonof Dufur U very ill with pneumonia. Mr. Johnston came to The Dalles in an hour and a half Saturday. Dr. Hollister again left this afternoon for Hood Hiver to consult with Dr Hro sins upon the condition of Mr- S. E. Hartmess' little child, who is vcrv ill with typhoid fever. iiotici, AnniVAi.w. Umatilla .7 H Lake, A W Steen, G Segman, W Hendricks, James LaDuo, Dufur; E Banniteh, Jas Ilarman, J C Mekune, Mrs C Clow, Portland; J S Harbison, II C Coe. Mr Jones, Hood River; B Williams, Moro; W I) Willis, Carlisle; II L Torbet, F K Horton, Cas cades; A L Stefllns.. 7 ABunnell, Spring field; 0 K Butler, Nansene; D Burnes, II Mort and wife, Seattle ; Hcnrv Barns, Wasco; A F Wilier, New York ;" Mrs B Clay and daughter, Missouri ; Geo Seely, F McKay, J Little, II C McLainn. Geo Moore, Antelope ; J T Abbott, II Peter son, E Evans, Wapinitia; Dave Laville, John Sterling, Albina; J Lake. II P Eastman, II S Thayer, Mrs Bale, Peoria; Chas Brash, Pullman. Columbia H Hansen, Blalocks; S Swallen, Charles Hook, Cascades; II Hudson, M Atwood, Dufur; D G Terry, Wm Chambers, Portland; B Orton, J Orton, Baker City; E T Winans, J V Buskirk, Hood River; J D Homond, P C McDonald, Grants ; A Parrault, George Parault, Grass Valley; W H Brown, .7 Elderton, Pendleton; P Howard, J H Cook, Yakima; W Pearl, Pat Cleakel, Salt Lake City; E Fair and wife, Bla locks. Skibbe Andras Gerstenbrau, St. Van Woodruff, C L Morris, Tygh Valley; James Easton, Dufur; J Kabrin, Clifford Lealand, Pendleton; Neal Stevenson, Kingsloy; A Mcintosh, John Marks, Wesley Rigdon, Grants; Charley Hunt, Grass Vallcv. Near Dufur, on Saturday, the ilth inst., to the wife of W. L. Hendricks, a fine son. IV limits! Cheaper than anywhere else at the California winehouse. Strange that I'eojilu Will Sutler with dull feelings and tbe blues when they can be so surely cured by simply taking a few doses of Simmons Liver Regulator. l. (Jreat Britain and many other Eu ropean countries there is a widespread belief in tbe superstition that the com mon white pigeon is a herald of death. A bird of this species alighting1 upon a chimney or ilyinjr against a window is said to be a sure token of a speedy death in that house. Notice. Notice is hereby given that unless tbo delinquent taxes of Dalles City are paid within ten days from the date of this notice the names of the delinquents will bo published. By order of the common council of Dalles City, made December 2d, 181)3. Witness my hand this 7th day of December, 1S!3. Dan Mai.onkv, City Marshal. Cloning Out Sale of . roierlpi. Owing to a contemplated (-bunco of business, the undersigned will doso out tbo entire stock of groceries, hardware, wood and willow ware at cost for cash. Call early while the stock is unbrokon. Jot.cs BitoTirnns. WOOII! WOOO! WOOD! Best grades oak. fir. nine and slab wood. Ofllp.R l...'t Snentwl Btn.of All orders promptly attended to. II A1AIER iV 15F.STON. "Samantla at tk Worth Fair," And he up to the tlme. THE LATEST OUT Greatest Work of the Nineteenth Century ily JOSIA1I Al.l.K.V'fl win: A. G. Hoering, laical Agent, The I)all?, Or- m . . vmt STOCK II Li in the Northwest Now Open for Inspection and Sale at M. Honyw ON OVERCOATS a discount of ill s Oft ntn nn inn u GUb a.uu 0 1IU Every ariiele marked in plain figures. I. HONYWILL, 1111 THE GREAT QUESTIONS 3 What Shall X Get or Give For Christmas ? UST" TO HELP the puzzled and bewildered enquirers, we mention some of the suitable and acceptable GIFTS to be found among otir Stock. We have done our very best to meet you all in regard to prices, and think we can truly say that at OUR store at least everybody can afford to buy. Notice our marked reduction in prices in prices of the following materials used so extensively at this season for making dainty and pretty Gifts : All Silk Satin Edge Gros Grain Ribbon. per yd .. No. 2, No. :;, No. r. No. 7, No. i), No. 12, No. 17, No. 7, No. '.), No. 12, No. 1(5, No. r, No. 7, No. 0, No. 12, Satin Ribbon. per yd ':'. 10 m 20 12-.', 10 20 25 cts cts cts cts cts cts cts cts cts cts cts Gros Grain Ribbon. per yd Vantine Department. Our Vanlino Department offers many pretty articles for Christmas, and we are conlident you will find the prices satisfactory, as they have all been gi'eatly reduced. Oe have Tea Sets, Cracker Jars, Chocolate Tots, Vases, Teapots, Salad Dishes, Plates, Rose Jars, Howls, Ash Trays, Paper Cutters, Match Boxes, Jardinierres, Umbrella Stands, etc., etc., etc., etc. Indian Baskets. Jn our Indian Baskets light, tasty and strong you will find presents that would hoj appreciated by all. 1 1 it Fancy Drapery Silks, per yd Wain Satins, Kr,V UKrF""" Fancy Silks, per yd. Silk 'Cord, Silk Fringes, " Pon Pons, per do. 10 12J 10g 20 00 75 .")5 25 'A (r. to 46 cts cts cts cts cts cts cts cts cts 12J cts Among the appropriate gifts that a man can give sweetheart or wife, and one that will cer tainly be appreciated, we mention Gloves. We have a splendid stock, and mala the following special prices : Biarritz 05 and 85 cts HO cts 85 cts SI 00 25 1 15 Jouvin Foster, Hook. Alice, Koyal llool Beatrice, '" Paragon, large buttons Albani, Mosquetairc Suedo Centemeri, colored j Centemeri, black 1 ', Embroidered 5'55 J-lapdlrojtyiefs. Our own Importation. From. . (I cents to 85 cents each I'd icy have been pronounced the handsom est cvea shown here, and at our special prices are selling very freely. -o- As Appropriate Presents for Gentle men, wo mention: Cashmere and Silk Mulllers, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Cloves, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Slippers and Neckwear, etc., etc. We offer grand opportunities for Christmas. Give Useful Presents. This year they will Ik appreciated. We Have Them. Our Red Prices are right. .Vi I ALL GOODS MARKED ' 7r IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. lit! I! -1