The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 18, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Weekly. 1 vent II
6 "months 0 75
3 " o flu
IHtly, 1 year " W
" C months S 00
per " 0 SO
Address all communication to "THK CHHO.N-
tCLK." The Dalles, OrcROn. j
orncK nouns
(icncrHl Delivery Window ... 8 n. m. to 7 v. m.
Money Order " S . m. to-t j. tn. ,
Bunday .i . " ..9 a.m. to 10a. m.
bruins eolnc Kast. . 9 1. m. and 11U5 a. m. i
' " West . y j. m. and 5:SU p. m.
Stage tor Goldendale 7:3) a. in.
" ITlnevillo . . ..5:S0a. m.
" "Dufurand WarmSprinifS ..5:S0n.m.
" (Leaving tor Lvle .v lIartland..5:S0 a. m.
" " J Antelope 5:80 a. m.
Eiccpt Sundav.
fTri-weeklv. Tnesdav Thursday and Saturday,
t " "Monday Wednesday and Friday.
DEC. IS, 1S9.3
The Dnke Verapua ia reported to be
givinp expensive entertainments in liis
chateau in San Sebastiau, in Spain. He
is a pretty nice bankrupt. His Ameri
can sympathizers, who were to, tuul
those who did contribute to his relief
fund, should be in haste with their
Hon. W
grain in
H. Corbett scores the Tele
yesterday's Oreponian quite
artistically. He shows up the contempt
ibleness of the paper in abusing Mr.
Dekum some months ago, and then up
holding Mr. Markle, a man in ever way
his inferior. The Telegram needs some
of its own medicine once in a while.
A French physician who has found
that the majority of deaths upon the
battlefield arise from the bleeding to
death of the wounded while waiting for
the surgeon, proposes that each soldier
in the French army shall be taught
where the arteries of his body are, and
how to arrest hemorrhages from them.
In doing this he has found a use for that
most useless of arts, tatooing; n small
figure of some kind being tatooed over
each artery, so that the soldier can at
once see where to apply the ligature.
Representatives Hermann and Eliid
are receiving petitions, memorials and
letters from their state asking that
something be done to prevent the de
struction of the lumber, wool, iron and
hop interests of the state. Wilson and
Doolittle have received similar docu
ments from Washington. They all be
lieve that it will be impossible to do
anything in the house for the demo
cratic majority is so large. They say
there is a possibility of saving these in
terests or defeating the tarifr bill in the
Economy is one of the greatest virtues
in times like these. American house
wi'ea very often waste much food from
carelessness. The slop barrel receives
much meat and bread and vegetable
scraps which should not be allowed to
thus go to waste. The habit is engen
dered from universal good wages, which
has been the rule inAmerica. Now that
many have lost their situations or suf
fered a reduction in salary, the tame
habit of waste follows. There are many
good books published which will give
hints on how to utilize these "left-overs,"
and it would be good economy to pur
chase one and present it to the lady of
the house for a Christmas present.
The president withholds '.his report on
the Hawaiian matter, ostensibly to gain
time. It is probable that when all the
facts are finally learned it will show an
unparalleled assumption of, authority, if
not an absolute betrayal of American
interests. In the Sunday Oregonian ap
pears a letter from Theodore F. Lansing,
agent in Honolulu, for a San Francieco
commission houso to Henry F. Gullix
son of Portland, under date of December
5th: "Your senator, Dolph, is right in
wanting to see Minister Willis' instruc
tions, and we hope that he, supported
by the entire congress, will insist upon
the facts, for we believe that the docu
merit in question contains an act of war,
us much us though Willis had accom
plished und curried out its instructions
We nlso believe that a damnable con
spiracy exists in Washington between
Cleveland, Gresliam. lilount and the
English embussy, and if the American
public is not watchful Cleveland will
not only undo the acts of the Harrison
administration, but will undo the acts of
our forefathers in '70, and reduce Amur
ica to a British colony."
A TuUnted Editor."
DiiriiiL' the comlni! months, or the heated
ncriod. those who are travcllimor coutcmtilstliiL'
ii trip away from homo khould read the followlm,'
Jotter from a brilliant und well known editor und
provide themselves utfuljut attack of headache
mm inzziuess;
(Iknti.kmkn I had occasion to U w) several
boxes of kruiiso'a Headache Capsules while
ttuveliiiK to Chicago to at tend the National JJcm
ocratlc Convention, They acted like u churui in
preyenuuB jicuaacue ami uizziue, nave nun
very little headache linte ,jny return, which In
rwunikuDle, ypura respectfully.
John U. Biurm:,
Ed. llenovo, l'a llccord.
For wile by Jllakcley & Houghton, i'rebctliillon
DnuncUU, 175 Beconcl lit., The llille. Or.
Bold hy fanp? fc KiUemly.
If jro'bv0 your Job printing done nt
Tmk Chboniomc you will have the ad--vantage
of haying it done witii the most
aiodarn and approved type, wltit which
w ktep eontinually supplied. All jobs
toe difMt supervision of one of
It is said that there is little question j
but that the Edison inciiiidescent lamp
United States patent will expire with
the Canadian one on November 10, IStM.
It is found by actual work that elec
tricity for liphtinp; and power purposes
can be produced by pas engines at
much lower cost than by the medium
of steam.
Tiik Pennsylvania legislature, at its
recent session, passed a new corpora
tion act. which, it now appears, pre
vents the incorporation of electric lipht
Tin: Hell Telephone company of Mon
treal. Can., supplies telephone service
for S'-'.l a year to residents and S-10 per
year to business houses. It has an un
derground conduit system, and pays
the city live per cent, of its gross
Succkss attended the tlrst trial of
electric trolley propulsion for boats on
the Erie canal a few days ago. and
Gov. Flower favors the application of
the system to the entire canal by the
state. It is claimed that its cost isonly
half that of steam.
The London Electrical Review of
October !)7, in an article on thunder
storms, states that the electric charge
is due to the friction between two cur
rents of air which differ in tempera- j
ture. or in hygrometric condition. It
describes in detail observations of a
storm recently made, which tend to I
prove the explanation offered.
feci tho eood tlmt's done bv
Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. It purifies tho blood. And
through the blood, it elcnntios, re
pairs, nd invigorates tho whole
In recovering from " Ln Grippe,"
or in convalescence from pneumo
nia, fevers, or other -wasting dis
eases, nothing can equal it "as an
appetizing, restorative tonic to build
up needed flesh and strength. It
rouses every organ into natural ac
tion, promotes all the bodilv func
tions, and restores health and vigor,
Oldest Agricultural Paper in America. A r 1
Bf established ioio.) I J JXLcxIxCl
-P , To all cash sobeoriberH of Tin: Cmtoxu'M: j
W paying one year in advance. 1 TV f 1 T 1 1
vine American farmer, I ivixusq uci iue jdcui
1729 Now York Avenne,
Tiik Ami:iiii-an l'AUMiai, which Is mm cuter
liiK ilium Iti '.Mil year, is the pioneer farmer'
laiHr in the country.
it in a laritc clht-paire i:ier, ami contain M
columns of the choicest iiKricultunil and liter
nrv matter, plentifully cmhclllshed with Hue
illustration. It it
and deals with farming and farmer's Interest
on hroad, practlral llue. it
will bo fjlvon at Armory Hnll by
Jackson Engine Co., No. l
Hobday ruepi, Jap. i, 1894.
A " Straight rimli."
"That's what I ealla 'straight flush." "
said the conductor of a red street ear to
the tourist.
We were standing on the platform.
3Iy eyes followed the direction indi
um! everything that upbears In IIk culumux Ik of
TTnr Hviwr riwiinuu lmt ..r..,w frmii the hltflH.iettataeter l.very iteirtment of the
i or every disease mat comes irom ( mriniir!) lm,llu. ls ,n,mMi in an earnest.
tiraelleal way, lixikliiK to the greatest proiltmul
honellt to the farmer und lil famllv.
It npiMMrs on the 1st ami lMhoteauh mouth,
ami is uirnislusl at the low price of
111 r.dvauce. Tlil imike It tint rhi'Uii'Ht
iiKrlrultiiriil puper In tlie eiiuutry.
DurliiK the coming year there will he an Im
meii'e niuiilier of matters of tlu most vital In
terest to farmers dealt with hv ( ougiess ami the
Kxeeutlve Departments at Washington. It is
highly imH)rtaut that the farmerx he kept
promptly ami fully informed as to what Is lielug
jilauuttl and done nuYetlug them at the National
('apltal. They should all, therefore, take Till:
AMiasit'AN K.utxKi!, whleh,tK'lng on the ground,
has tietter laullltles tnau any oilier paierx lor
11 torpid liver or impure blood, Dvh
pepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness, and
the most stubborn Skin, Scalp, or
Scrofulous affections, tho " Discov
ery " is the only remedy so certain
that it can bo guaranteed. If it
doesn't benefit or euro, in every
case, you have your money back.
is perfectly, per
manently, posi
tively cured by
Dr. Sage's Ca
tarrh Remedy.
The proprietors of this medi
getting this Information, am! ili-votes t.elf to
this duty Ihey will tlud In It constantly a
great amount of valuahte Information that they
can get In another t aper.
cated by the jerk of his thumb and I'cine prove that by their ofier. , will h'eWtoue jear for 'ji.t,.
looked inside to see that the car con-, , , A . r r j
tnined onlv women. Then 1 undorstond 11 s 55 CnSn IOr n Lni,L Ul
that in the technical language of street Catarrh which they Can't Clire
car conductors "a straight Hush" is a
X. .11 . Tl f 1 .
car iuu oi women iianiom rosu . hpvtr ),.,, ,iv
Commlttoo of Arranemonts:
F. W. 1-. SKI HUE. I.. KLINDT,
Rocoptlon Commlttoo.
I'iKO. M UNCI Kit,
E. W. HELM &c CO,
- - - di:ai.i:uh in
Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals,
Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Perfumery, Etc.
Puro WlnoH and Liquors for Mncllolnitl PurpoHua.
Compourtctlnir PhyHlolnriB' ProBcrlptloim n Spoclnlty.
Hn. 10f .Second Htntnt, The DuIIck, Oregon.
()pH)lte t'olumhla Candy Kaetory.
I'artiesnreferred who can furnish a !;.Teaml
tnivel through the country: a team, though. I
not neeessary. A few vaeancio tn towns and
cities. Spare houn may he u-ed to good ad
vantage. It. F. JOHNSON tin,
Uthiiud .Main Hts., lilehmonil. Vn
(i route t Siti'hen
lltpn?.tl vr ilivnotp!. Itttnl1s A. I'ts J tn tt
Mr. J. l'. liiaize, an extensive real ea- o!d in everv hous. Sample, postiige paid, live
tate dealer in Des Moines, Iowa, narrow- iMU1" -n.uro. cinclmiati. ohi...
ly escaped one of the severest attacks of vt'K WANT VOl' TO woitK vol: thu
pneumonia while in the northern part , lrtlVretonaVwao i arS.MI'a'h.'rV.e am
of Iowa during a recent blizzard, says
the Saturday Review. Mr. IJlaize had
occasion to drive several miles during
the storm and was so thoroughly chilled
that he was inable to get warm, and in
side ot an hourafter his return he was
threatened with a severe case of pneu
monia or lung fever. Mr. Blai.s sent to
the nearest drug store and got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of
which he had often heard, and took a
number of large doses. He says the ef
fect wa wonderful and in a short time
he wan breathing quite easily. He kept
on taking the medicine ami the next
day he was able to come to Des Moines.
Mr. Hlaize regards his cure as simply
wonderful. For sale by I!lakei'.v A
Best grades of oak, lir, ami slab t-ord
wood, at lowest market rate1 ul .lo. T.
Peters & Co. 'Ortieo Second ami .MfMi -son
The St. Charles Hotel,
This old, popular and reliable house
bus leen entirely refurnished, mid every
room has been rupapcred and repaiute
and newly carpeted throiti'lrtu. The
house contains 170 rooms and suppliei
with every modern convenience. Kate
reasonable. A good restaurant attaehec
to the house. Frer bus to and from alt
C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop.
John Pashek,
le Merchant Ta
76 Court Street,
Nnxt door to Wasco Suu Office.
svx per nctacNjMowg?
Is the
Of the Year
New York Weekly Tribune
Dalles WeeRly wmt
Has just received the latent .tle m
Suitings for Gentlemen,
and hisa large assortment of Fordgn and Amer
ican Cloths, which he can IliiUh In ihU-.t for
tlme that favor him.
Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty.
CurPS Cnnsr ', Houmuiic. burn Huont,
Croup'Tf tr "ves W linnpinfr IJoukIi
apu jir.tmii t. i' r t; ti ir l ha', a
rmil: 'hKXcurwt iIkm- iui '-hv,- l'lonlt fillers
failed: will cuiiu v clfbil:cn in time, hold
by' .lr, 't'.-. rVrlnneTlucl:
or L.he3t, use hnii.wri's i'i.asieiu Zicxa.
alsSR E M E D Y.
TiiiTO you uuurrh? Thl rerntdy ismiimtn-
teed to cure vou. 1'rlcc OOcts. ln'.eoior lr
For al by Hiili9 &- Kninmly.
Eilll,, Quickly.
and all tho train of fvlli
Irom early frrornor laWf
ejctfc8, tlio rekults ef
overwork, hIo1:iiijii.
worry.eto. FulUtreiiKth,
derelopmeut and lonu
Klven to ovtry ortan aud
twrtlon nf tlio bgdy.
wen. Filluri!,le.
V.UJ1 refereiicci. U.-.W,
explanation and
mailed (tealed) free.
Lumbago, 8ofatIoey
Kidny Complalnts9
Lame Baoki Ac
Uksd lKFie;j;, The Dalle. Or.,
l'V. T, (
Noth:- iti hereby irivvn that the followliiK-ualiK-d
settler has tiled notice of In- Intention to
make hmi! proof in umrt of hU
elalm. and that ald iroof ivill ! iitnile lwfore
tin1 register and rei-elver at The J)Hlle, Or., on
February 10, IsUI, vU.:
ineiili 1). ItolmrU,
Ilomesteail No. I'llfi, for the HK' of
NK'.4, and Nk of SKfci. and KV., of Hl-.u, of hvc.
l.Tp. J K I!. U K. W. JI.
lie mini en the followlm; wlttic-n to prove hi
eoiitlmioiiK rejldeuee upon, and eultUation of,
raid laud, viz.
it. J.. MotrUoil, JI. C, I'aluter, ,1 N I'ath-non
and ( !i. htoiiKhtou, all of liiifur, ir
d.-Jnvr. JOHN W. l.V.Wl. Itciiter.
Jly irttiu of an execution and order of hI-,
luiuid out of tlio Circuit Court of tin- .smte of
Oregon, for the uuty of Wiico, to mo directed
eommandliur me to miiko Mile of the 'mid in the
aid wilt, dewirlbed to-wit- TIiok- pieces and
(arcclM of laud in Wnwio County, Htate of Ore
Kon, known and ileK.-rllKil in tin' outh half of
tectiou elKht( , and the routh half of Petition
nine ill, and thu east half and the wiutluu-it
MtnirtLT Hflfl Hit titt lllllf of th. lntrtliti.,t ..
' Ij.r itiid in. hnt liti-i.rtt .til ,1 rt.r tf f... ....!
..... ...a, v. ... . , ,, ij,,
iiuirte of .tfllon ten (IU) iiud the north half of
the uorthweit quarter ami tho i-outlieait ouarter
of the iiorthttent rjciurter of H-ctlin llftetli (1,'j),
all In Towmlilp ono (1;, north of Unlike friiirtc.-it
in eatioi irie v uiameiie inermiau, to miike
With llMtroiejMliPWOIIV
Will eu r wttiuMrt wwiielM M rwuitliw f torn
tnerMUoual bnta nrr foroMi mtmprlaii.
r . "i I". UMUUi. WO, TBI
mwi aiuj
Of HO ! T-ou
MTMoaa (nTMiUoii
inn iiuanrwin
am! pay the turn of money, Inwild court mlluclt,'
ul to be paid to tho plaliitlll In xald action, in
which action The KollcllorN hmu and Trust
Company were ohiintlir and .lumei, llooth, Jlar
tha !. llooth. liverett K. Hall, J I AleC'lnre,
harah II. McClure, I). . Alter, Itnlph Itoxern, Ju
lia N, Uoifem, Url llmb'xly, J. JI Taylor and J.
K ICdwnrdH were defeuoaiitii, to-wlt the mini of
liWJ.WMvllli InterMtthereoxi, from July l, iw,
at the rate of nix i;rcent )x.t annum and w.W
uttorueyH feua In xald action and coitx and din
burtu enU Iherclli taxed, I haethi day levied
upon the laud aforcxald unit on
Slit urdity the 'Ili'il day of llueombiir IHD.'l,
at the hour of 10 o'clock n. in.. In front of thu
court lioiue door, in the City of 'I he Dalles, in
aid County and State. I will x.-ll mm Mik1 at
pilhlio auclloui to thelililiet bidder therefor.
T A. U aud,
rillerllldf S aco County, Htnte of Oreiton.
Jly virtue of an uxeciltlou mid order of kale,
Iwiiiwl oiilol tlio Circuit Court of tljo Htnto of
OriKon, (or tho Comity of Waco, to mo dlrwled
eommitiidiiiK mo U make ulonf the hind in the
hald wiltderctlbctt tO'Wll', thoio piece and liar
oeUol luiiil In' VVnico Count), Htatu of OrcKou,
kmnvn and described us tlio hoiithwet iiiiarter
of kcctlou lour 11, mid the north half of tectiou
nine IV), and thu northwest quarter of tcotloii
oven teen 17, lu TViivimhlti one 1 north of
IUuko fourteen li, emit of thu Wlllamettu .Meri
dian, to make and pay the mini of money, lu
tald Court luljudued to bo paid to thu idalutllf III
aid actiou. In which action Tho Kollcltorn litu
and Tiut Company uere plalntlir, and James
llooth, Martha JI. Ilo dh, liverett i:. Hall, J. K.
JleClure, Huruh II. McUlure, 1). 0. Alter, itnlph
JloKew, JiiIU N. ItoRers, Url Kmliody, J. M. 'lay
loriilld J. K. KdwanU were defenditiiU, towili
thu mini of IJOCO OO with lnteiet theri-mi. from
July 1, WtX, at the rate of lx per cent teraunum
una imui attorney' fees lu kald action mill
costN nikI illnburiteiiiouU therein taxtd, I Imve
mm nay iuvihi iipxiu ineiiiuu aiorei-iiKl, llllU oil
NaturtUy, It'Jrd day of Douxiiiltur, IHUa,
at tho hour of 10 o'i lock a. m. in front of Hie
court houtc door, III thu City of The Ddlo., in
Mid County mid Htatu, 1 will ll mldUud ut
public uuotiou to the lilghoit bidder ihorefor.
1.A.NU Okfick. The Dalles. Or.,
Nov. y, i.iy:i. j
Notice is hereby clven that the fullowlliK
uamisl hettlur has tiled notleoof his Intention to
make linal tinstf lu rupHirt of his elalm and that
Mild proof will be made before tho nitMcr and
reeeiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on H'edne.-dav,
Decern Ic.'r '.7, 1ij. vl.
ll. wltt Klnc,
Homestead Apnlleatlou Nn i'Ji, for tin- N'aof
til'M ami KVs, of riV).; l-ee. 10, 'I p. K. li 11 Kast.
He nmncM the folloniUK witiur-nK to prove his
continuous residence uimiii und cultivation of
said laml.vl
H. Vt . Wells, of The Dalles. Or., Charles
Hasten, James Kastou and ram l.lmeroth of
Nansene, Or.
Joit.v V. I.uwik, lleKlstcr.
Timber IjiiuI, Act June 3, Js-.s.
I'. H l..ND Ovrwy., The Dalles, (ir.,
Nov. h, IW. i
Notice Is hereby Klven that lu compliance
with the provisions of the act of eoni;ress of
June.'!, InT", entitled "An act for thecnleof tim
ber lauds in the stun of California, OrcKOti,
Nevada ami WashliiKton Territory,"
Neiil C StiiveiiNoii,
Of KliiKsley, county of Wan o, slate of OreKon,
has this day tiled In this olllce Ids sworn state
ment for the purchase of tho Ni:(, of NVJ,(,
of htrtlon. No. zi, in Townshlii No. ?, S , rane
No lit V.. V. JI., and will oiler proof to show
that the laud roiiKht Is more valuable for Its
timber or stono than for agricultural puriiokes,
and to establish his claim to said laud before
the lleKlstcr ami Kecelver of this olhceat'Ihe
Dalles, Or., on the Kith day of January, IS'JI.
lie mimCH as witnesses liennw JleU'od, Jan
s;r liiish y, Isiii Itoudeau and Iifayetto Davis,
all of KliiKsIey, Or
Any and ul T';rons claimiiiK adversely the
above i! lands are reiiiested to llle their
claims u this olllce on or before said lath day of
January, Ik'JI.
wio JOHN W. l.HWIH, IleKlster.
ONLY- $1.75.
Hy rluc of an exemillou and order of sale
Isauu! out of the Circuit Court of the Htatu of
OreKon for Wntco County, upon u decree ami
JtldKuicut mnilc, rendered and i.'lltereil by mnlil
Court on the nth day of November, D'J:), In
favor of plaliitlll', lu a milt wherein A. I). Iloitou
tins plalntlir, ami I-rauk D, oillesiilo and ithoda
(illlcsplc, W, I;. Hunt and W. If. llutler weiu
defendants, mid to mo directed and delivered.
commaudiUK me to levy upon and cll all the
lauds mentioned and docrUs-d in said wilt, and
hen. Imif tor doetlbed, 1 did, on thu 1th ihtvnf
De-ember, IKOI, duly levy upon, ami will sell at
public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash
in hiuil, on
Jlonday, tliulilli day iliiiiuary , IHIH,
at I o'clock In the afternoon of tald day, at the
frontdoor of the County Coiirtlmuso lu Dalles
City, In SVami County, OH'koii, all of the lauds
anil premises described lu tald writ ami herein
(Itrtcrlbcd as lollimh, to-wit;
The northwest ouarter of I
In Township two Ul Houth, of Hiiiiko fourteen
The northwest quarter of Hei'tlou fourteen 11
I 'Ci.tlllHllll. 1'JI U.ltll ill ..ii.i;.....
county, so much thereof as shall be
Jeweler's Goods
at W. E G-arretson's Store.
Ladies' Mi Gold Watches, reduced fin $45 to $30.
- 0
Gold Watches worth $40, reduced to $28.
Gold Watches worth
Gold Watches worth
American Coin Silver Watches rcdiiccil to $13,
Genuine 14 K Gold Filled Vest Chains
reduced from $8 and $10 to $4 and $6.
The above is u sample
had for a few (Iuvb.
of tho bargain lo
A. R. Thompson,
Suuouuuor to LESLIE UUTLER,
Will constantly U-cp on band a complete. Hue ul
II Kast of the Willamette Meridian, lu
ity the sum of f('il.oi,
tho rate of ten tier
llth, lMi.lioM.uoitttor
with In
ier cent, per
Klllllcleut to Kiitlsf
tercst thereon at tho rate of
annum since Nnvemiwr
liey's lees, and ll.h.'l eosts In wild milt, tOKether
with costs of said writ, and ncorulnir costs of
tulc. T. A. WAItl),
Hlierilt'of Wasco County, (iickoii,
Dated at Dalles city, Or., Dec, I, ih'.i.i. dsj.-iw,'.
Executor's Notice to Creditors.
Notice in herohynlveii that tltw County Ctiitrt
of tho Htate of OreKon for (,'oiiiity has
duly HppolnU'd tho tindcrslKiied the executor of
tlio lust will ami testament of (ieorue l Itvurs,
'.m.:' i"" i " oik uiiiiiua UKUIIISI
the witate of said decejutsl are herehy reuulied
to jirewiiu uieiii, with tlio proiwr vouchors,
with n lx months from thu dato of this notice
toiWoj(cutorit his place ol rwldeuce. iittr
ii.ivim. ..,,.,. ...... i ti. ii, i. i ,,..,, ....i,..,u..i. in maliitalu the rcpnl" " ii, iiniiuf n uitlliu nnn;A, i nimii i......... .i-
thu house, Which has hetu
Call and see me, next door to Postoffloe
Holiday Presents.
SilVfttfuiaif. dixjlttv. Watches. Books, Toys
The piiblio in invited to examine oar goods beof
uarohasiag elsewhere.
.SriWitw tl.o lownit. und ure Kreutly reduowl. Cloing out tlm "tlru
' T i ,i..iJj. -.aJ. ot f'