l)c Dnllco Chronicle VOL. VII. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. I'tihlhlii'd bully, Siinrtiiy Kxcopti-d, nv (UK OllltUMwiii'i ruitMMiisij uu. THE DALLKS, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1803. lrii"' iiviii1 ""Ml VtimhlllRtnn Diitk'h, Ori'Koti. Htroets, 'Hie Turin ofHiilmcrlplloii Jjii'mth.Jiyt-HrrU'ri. 00 .. 60 .. s 1 1 mi: taiilkn. Itltlll ollllx. In (.'ilcct AiiKiiht r is'.;:!. KAK't nout.'ii. , , Arrive- l:ft.r v. m. Iicjmrui 15 :K i m. IVKUT IIOUNIi. irrnt'" :i:::'J a. m, bepiirt ;i:1l a, m. I.OCU.. Mi. 1 inlin f'olll I'ortllllld lit t P. M. DcpiirtH for I'ortlund lit !i r. m, jvolooin fruiRhU Hint furry pirnsc-tiRum luive Jt If tho Ht h K,ul "Ilu for 1,10 ,i t i :io a. m. ml I'rlnevlllu, viii, lluki; Ovou, lunvc dully ,lc a. For Antuliiiu, Mltchull, Canyon City, leuvo :ii y nt n a. m. for iMititr, KliiKuley, Wiunlo, Wnplnltin, Warm rliiKi i' ml Tyga Vulley, Iwivo dally, except BiiJuy, at 0 A. M, Knr Oolilcuiliilo, WaMi., leave every dHy ol the itvk except riiitiduy at 7 A. M. OfflreH lor nil linen at the Umatilla Hoiihe. NO. 2. FRENQH & CO., bankers; TKANrA(!T A (JKNKItALHANKINt) MJHINKH8 lie Lttrs of Credit issued available in Eastern States. Sight Exehnngo and Telegraphic iraiiHiurHBoioon inow YorK.uiiicago, si. Ijouis, Sun Francisco, Portland Oregon, cciiuie w.asn.. and various points in Or egon and Wnsliington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - Vice-President, -Cashier, - - Z. F. Moody ClIAItl.KH Hilton M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. I'ltOl'KHNlONAl. ri II MI)Kl.l--AiToitNKY-AT-Uw-Ot!iee 1 1 . Court Utreet, The Diillen, Ori-pm. I, II. IJCrU. FKANK MKNEFF.K. fr'lMtlt A- MKN'Kl-KK ATTOKHEYH - AT' ) iw llnnink 2 ulld 43, OVM 1'OKt jffli'f llullilliiK, Kutrniicumi WushtiiKton Street Tht bulled, Oregon. . n. HKNNKTT, AT'IORNKV-AT-LAW. Of A. tlcelli Hchauno'h ImlldlliK. uj ntiilrh. The talk-, Oregon. I I- MAYh. II. H.IIUNTINOTO.V. II. . WILHON. MAYn. HUNTINGTON A WILSON-Arrow-KUYti-Ai-LAW Ollleex, Kronen' Mock over ftm Nutlounl Until.. ' Dalle. Oregon. IV H WI1JJON AttorNKY-at-law HoomB U . I'rimeh A C'o.'ri hank building, beeoud iaeci, The Hullex, Oregon. BfTIIlMtl.ANl), M. b. I BfTIIlMtl.ANl), M. II.. (.:. ' ' ' ' .1 m i. i i u i . I'll vuli'lmi mill Mir- cmin. Kemiiih it unci I, Chapman lilock. KttliK'iii o.MrH. TJmriibury'fc. Hentend o Seemiu Hrwt ... - DK.KHHK1..V.AN (IloMj:oi-ATHlCi l'llYmciAH wd htlliUKUN.-CullH iitihweriil promptly. amr ,iir.iit. fitv nr I'liimtrv. Olllcu No. .N, mm Sight Exchanges Sold on XEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favorable terms ut all accessible points. J. H. BCHENCK, I'rehldent. , M. 1'ATTKIi.sON, Cashier. first Jlational Bank. VHE DALLES. - - - OREGON A General Banking RuHineBs transacted Deposits received, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on uuj- oi collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, han rrancisco and Portland. 1 ti " far TT - t ltitor is tin Better 't lb an DIREOTOKS, D. J. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck. Ed. M. Wim.iams, Geo. A. Likiik. H. M. Beai.u. n it. o. U lKO 1). DOANK MIYHIUIAN ANU BUB- ikon, otlice; room I, n ana uiminuiiu ai.M'k l.!Klric,iii'i. H. K. ecrner ;oun una i'nurtli ntreelN, i-enind door from the corner. Mice houm 1) to Vi A. AI.. 2 to & mid 7 to 1". M. D-il)I)AM. Uentikt. Oiih civeii lor the . pulnlexH e.xtriidtlon of teeth. Also tooth : on llowed aluminum plate. Kooino: tiicnoi Jie OolUen Tooth, Keeond Htreet. HOCIKTII. AriCO l.OIKiK, NO. 1&, A. 1". & A. M. Meets tlwtaud third Monday of each intuitu at 7 in TUM.KB 110 YAL AitCH OHAI'TKK NO. C. U Meoth In Mio-olile Hall the tliird Wednesduy cluch mouth at 7 1. M. I0W.UN WOODMEN OK THK WOULD. .11 Ml. Hoixl CaunNo.(.9,MectKTuei.diiyevcn Hifrowuh week In Fratenilty Hall, at 7::io p. m. w mi'MllIA I.OD0K, NO.B, I. O. 0. K.-Mc.'tH V every Krldiiy exculiiK at 7::io clock, in K. ofl', ludl. corner Kecoiid and Court htreeth. imiruliiK hrotherH aru welcome. U. Cuiuoil, Hec'y. U. A. 11II.M.N. 0 PKlKNlMirii LODCiK. NO. !.. K. of 1'. Meeth T every Monday ovunliiK at 7:: o'cl(H:k, in schimuo'B lutildliiK, corner of Court mid Hecouu itrwl, HojouriiliiK meuiberM aru cordially lu- II. W.Vaiihk. K. of It. and H. 0. C. W. H. YOUNG, 61 acKsmiin & Wagon Slop General Blacknmithing and Work done promptly, ana all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, op, Liebe's old Stand. House Moving! OK 1.. MeetN In K 1vh of each month ut 7::w p. m. A BMKMIII.Y Kit ,1K'.7. K ft. of 1'. hull tlie hecond and luurth Wedneb. MrOMEN'H CHK1HTIAN TK.Ml'KHKNCK IT UNION will ineut every Friday uflernooii 8 o'clock ut the readmit room. All are invited. I.TAKMON 1.0IK11: No.fiOl.l.O.O.T.-lteKlllar li weekly mectliiL'H Friday ut b r. a' fraternity Hull. All uro invited. I-U. t IIIUXMAN, C, J . It. C. Fl.KCK, He TKMl'liK 1.0DGK NO. 8, A. O. U. W.-MeetH In Fraternity Hall, over Keller, u Hecond wwit, TiiuruduyuveiuiigHui7:Hu. II. HANsKN, JN.ti Mykuh, Financier. M. W JAN. NKH.M1T1I I'OHT, No. 1TJ, 0. A. H.-Mevto ..every ButurUuy ut 7:!W r. m., Ill the K. of 1'. ou. AMlIltKAN UAII.WAY UNION, NO. 111.- V MeeiH Mi'oiid and fourth ThurmlayK each "filth In K. of 1'. Imll. .1. W. ItKAllY, II. Jonkh, Hec'y. ! "' R OF 1,. K.MeemuvuryHlitiday afternoon lu VKKEIN MoetH every ulliK In thu K. of I. Hull. Hu uctuv thu K. of I1. Hull. GKHANd . uvenli BOK 1,, F. D1V1HION, No. 1G7-Meetnln . K. of 1'. Hull the lirttt uud third WedncM' yf ennii month, ut 7::hi p. m. TUK UUU1CU1IKH. ST 'KTKK8 OHUKCH Kov. Father JIkonh , , okkht I'lwtor. iMYt Miihh overy Hiiiulay ut lyf' HlBli Muh ut lumo a. m. VeBiKirsnt Ss',i.!'AUl'H OHUHOH Union Htroot.oppOHlto Z Ultli. Kov, Kit D. Hutclltlo Hector. Services "very Huixlny ut 11 a. m. tuul 7:0 r. t. Huiulay 7:80 18 A M' KvonliiK I'ruyer on Frlduy at UlltHTilAl'TIST OHUKCH-lUiV. 0.1). TAY Ufi, ''0"' I'antor. MornliiB Horvlces every Hah K wL,"1.11'0 Hciidomy ut II A, . Hablmth uiiooi liiiinullHtolv ultnr lnnrnlnir kurvlceri. af tor lnorniiiR Union torvlcua in the court house ut riHVixr .. . . t Hi ".'"""''K J'nuiiy eveuiiiK uiruHvor n iei- HOW HF.UATIONAL. OHUHOH-llev. W. a v l'u,,L,,' I'wtor. Borvlce every Hundiiy i rri ""' Hundiiy Holiool nf tor mori .-"v. nirniiRorn coruiauy invilod. If K, OHUKOH-Hev. J, MiiTi.i . ""rieeK every miimiiy im Sny H?l,0l JU:U o'clock Ti,,..... " "iH" ' . iTuyer V M. Knworlh or meothiK every 0. ut 11 moruliiK HeutH free. OHUKOH-Hev. J, Wihm.kh, paiitor. 11 ii. Ipwo : ovi dial to n ' viveuuou uy uoiu pamor una people QIIHIHTIAN OHUHOH-Ktev.l'. II. MctluiTDY eaoh ProtolilUKtu the OhilHtluii cliurch Durviuen every mitinay mortiuiK ut n u. in. 1 Ul JViiVU t (HOC O . u Prnv viLoi, . y. "voulnjr t 7:80 o'clock. A coiillul in 7.',VU" exveiiuou uy J'J II.. T '.. ,,M .v .i td?J' Horn, wwtor. d "Jlnooi t Sliin p,m 0 e"y one. AN Ninth. irVices'ut'll! Her Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures, lias the largest lionso moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181.Tho Dalles J. F. FORD, Evanplist, Of IK'x Molnen, Iowa, writes under date ol March 1U, 18D3- H. 15. Mkd. Mfo. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : , , , , , On urriving home lust week, 1 found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to a8 lMmnds, ie now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kopt away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greetings for till. Wishing you prosperity, wo are Yours, Mil. & iMub. J. F. l'oitu. If you w!nh to feet freth mid cheerful, and ready lor the HprliiK'n work, cleuiibo your ybtem with the Headache anil Liver Cure, by tukliiB two or thrco UohOH each week. Bold under u positive guarantee. 60 conta per bottle by all driiKgUls. "As old as the. hills" and never excell ed. "Tried and proven " is tho verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver lWu- lator is the or oy medicine to which you can pin your faith for a euro. A mild laxa tive, a n d purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver a n d Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. Tho King or Liver Medicines. "I have used your.Slminons Liver Hcru latorutid run conscicuclouxly say It is tho klnnofiill liver medicines. I consider it u nicillflnecliest. In Itself. Uuo. V. JACK SON, Tucoma, Washington. -EVKUV lACKAGE-5 Has tlie ' Stamp Kn red on wrapper. TUC Daily KvcnliiB Chronicle is recocnized .1 1.1 JL. "s essentially the home paper for the Dulles City folks' UCWA U t tfl reputation. Somcrl UiVl L. a.OiO of our bet oitizens watch the columns of this n n 1117 D daily for the spiciest local news. It 1 'Ml LK succeeds in glcanlue the field, and hence grows in popularity and importance. Take it awhile, you who don't; try some of its premium oilers. Pills Fhe falator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUG-H Frejgni ana FRssenser Lme Throuiih Tri-Weeklv (Sundays ex- cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a.m., Mondavi--, Wednesdays and Fridays, connei'tuij.' at tho Cascade Ixjcks witti Steamer Dalles Citv. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill et. dock) at 0 a. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for Tlie Dalles. I'AhSKNUKK ItA'I'KS. One way Round trip.. ,..f2.00 . . 3.00 C. F. STEPHENS, DRY GOODS Qlothing Houm, Milium, HutB, Kte. Fancy Ijood !lotiong, Ktc, Htf't Ku, ,suJBodt., The Dalles. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will lie drought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any tune uay or nigm. .-?hijiii;jjib ioi way landings must, uo uuuvuruu uuiuio 5 i). m. Live stock shipments solicted. Cull on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, (lenenil Agent. B. F. LAUGH LI IM, Uenorul niHiiiiKtir. THE DALLES, OREGON T H E CANDY FACTORY ARTIC 80DA WATER AND IOE OKEAM. Candies and Nuts SivSai' Specialties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles 'VERY LITTLE CHANGE Advices Received Frai Honolulu liy the Steamer Australia, QUEEN'S ADHERENTS ARE ARMING The Provisional Government Is, How ever, Stronger Than Ever and Pre pared to Resist All Attacks. tf . can riiANci.sco, uec. lu. A corres pondent at Honolulu, writing under dato of December !), says : Since the 5th no material change has taken place in tho military or political attitude of tho differ ent parties. The queen's adherents are being secretly armed. The marshal is satisfied that over 200 new Winchester rifles have been worked into Honolulu in small lots from the island of Mau during the past month and distributed to the royalists. The police force under tho marshal is now larger and in a higher state of organization than ever before. A vigilant watch is kept on the' move ments of the royalists. One hundred men on the citizens' reserve aru selected who will reinforce the station house at a moment's call. The royalists express a certainty that on the arrival of the Ala meda, the 22d, Minister Willis will carry out his orders to reinstate the queen. It is not believed that the royalists will make any independent or premature attack upon the strong position of the government. INDIAN OUTUIIKAK FEAItED. Due to an Agent's Kll'orts to Suppress I'olygnmy. Chkye.nxe, Dec. 10. Trouble is ex pected on the Shoshone reservation from tho efforts made by Captain Ray, the military agent, to suppress immor ality and polygamy among the Indians. A. few weeks ago he .had a number of Indian maidens, who insisted on visiting the post on pay-day, arrested and sent back to their lodges with their heads shaved. This is considered a great in dignity among the Sho&hones and Ar rapahoes, and they were in a bad hu mor, when last week the captain called number of chiefs before him and or dered them to dispense with all wives but one. Plenty Bear, chief of the Ar- rapahoes, who lias two squaws with whom he has lived many years, said he I was too old to change his habits, and I would die before he would obev such an i order. Raising his Winchester, he said "He will both die together." Hay or dered him arrested, but tho Indian police refused to obey and Plenty Bear left the meeting very angry. Washakie, chief of the Shoshones, is also a polyga mist, and his arrest has also been or dered. He is guarded by a number of Shoshone8who say theyjjwill not allow the arrest, and if it is attempted an out break of tho Indians is certain. Tln IVuxton 1'olley. Washington, Dec. 10. The debate over tho pension policy of tho adminis- tion, growing out of an item in the ur gent 'deficiency appropriation bill ap propriating 200,000 for special examin ers, consumed the entire day in tho house. Under tho lead of Cannon an assault was i inula against Cleveland's pension policy, especially that portion which resulted in the revocation of order 104. and the subsequent suspension of thousands of pensioners. Livingstone of Georgia and JCnloo of Tennesseo do fended tho administration, and Lacey of Iowa and Morse of Massachusetts op posed it. rrepiuiiiK to Fit'lil. Nkw Yoiik, Dec. 15. The Herald's Montevideo dispatch says it is now known that Mello is pioparing to fight the America and Nictheroy with tho Aquidaban and other t-hips. Tho situa tion is daily becoming more serious for Peixoto. Tho governor of tho state of Minas-Geraes isiued a manifesto, declar ing in support of tho republic. Ho says not asinglo member of the Braganza family is lit to rule. To IJr.iet) Up The system after "Lit Grippe," pneu monia, fevers, and other prostrating acuto diseases j to build up needed liesli and strongth, and to restore health and vigor when vou feel "run-down" and used-up. tho 'best thing in tho world is Doctor Piorco's Golden Medical Discov ery, i t promotes all t no nouuv luuctiona, rouses overv organ into healthful action, purifies and enriches the blood, and through it cleanses, repairs, and invig orates tho entlro system. For tho most stubborn Scrofulous, Skin or Scalp Diseases, Dyspepsia, Biliousness and kindiod iiilments thu "Discovery" is tho only remedy that's (juurunleed, if it doesn't benefit or cuio, vou have vour money back. 2 38 J.FOLCO i ii.ii. i firm vnn lliink- nf nnvtllillt! I110IU COn- , viiicing than the promise that is madu iiv in iirnnrieiorb ui 1 . m.v a v"""'" At right kldc ijemodv? It is this : "If wo can't euro ftf.u (iii.irr'ii I - - - ... .iwn iMIP. WW... , m rt'tUurnub i our Ciitarrh, we'll pay yon $500. in wall." I'elr.nt.. Kecaptiirm Governor's Island. London, Dec. 10. The Brazilian lega tion has received a cablegram from Rio, dated December 10, saying the govern ment troops had recaptured Governor's islnnd from tho insurgents. This is con sidered an important victory for Presi dent Peixoto, owing to the strategic posi tion tho island occupies. Tho legation makes the announcement that tho com manders of the American and German warships havo declared they will protect foreign interests and will not recognize any blockade of Rio established by the insurgents. It is believed, after tho de termined stand taken by tlie American and German commanders at Rio, Amer ican and German ships may bo sent to Santos to practically raiee the blockade at that port. NEWS NOTES. Ex-Speaker Reed is preparing a mi nority report on the tariff bill. President Gompers was again chosen chief o f tho American Federation of Labor. This is his twelfth election. Tho Nebraska state grange has adopted resolutions denouncing Secretary of Ag riculture Morton ; recommending a refer endum ; favoring a re-enactment of the free coinage law of 1S37, and reaffirming fealty to tho cause of woman suffrage. The Mankato, Kansas, city council, to increase tho funds of the city treas ury, passed unanimously an ordinance making it a nuisance for any person, man, woman or child, to hereafter whistle or sing "After tho Ball" be tween the hours of 0 a. m. and 10 p. m Tho offense is punishable with a fine of 50 cents for each performance Tiie British minister in Rio has in formed all persons of his nationality in Rio that in his opinion it was dangerous for them to remain in tho city, and has ordered all the British merchant ships in tho harbor to be towed higher up the bay. Excitement in Rio, in view of these preparations for bombardment, is intense. In the abortive attempt made by Peixoto's men to capture Fort Villeg agnon, formerly reported, 20 men were killed. Minister L. A. Thurston was a pass enger on tlie steamer Alameda, wnicli sailed i ndav aiternoon lor Australia via Honolulu. Besides the minister there were nearly fifty business men who were hastening home to ba on hand when the final test of strength between tho United States and tho provisional government conies. Lieut. v. ii. liusii ot tlie u. b navy was also on board. It is thought he was bearer of important dispatches to Admiral Irwin. Frank P. Cook, says the Walla Walla Statesman, who is deputy revenue col lector for tho district of Walla Walla, re ceived instructions last Saturday from the department at Washington, and will proceed shortly to register the Chinese in his district. Photography is not a requisite in registration although the Chinese can avail themselves of the use, if they please, by paying for them. In case photos are taken they will bo com pelled to have them in duplicate of each one registered, and must accompany tho certificates. All l'reo. Those who havo used Dr. King's Now Discovery know its value, and those who have not, havo now tho opportunity to try it free. Call on tho advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle, free. Send yournamo and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a samplo box of Dr. King's Now Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health und House hold Instructor, freo. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Sold by Snipes it Kinersly. How 's XliU! Wi) odor Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured bv Hall's Catarrh Curo. F. .1. CHENEY it CO., Props. Toledo, O. Wo tho undersigned, have known F. J. Chenoy for tho last 15 years, and believe him ponectly lionoraDie lit an uusiness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation inauo ny tneir firm. West it Truux, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Wiilding. Kiniian t Marvin, Whole- sale Druggists, Totedo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh tmro 13 taKen internally, ous per bottle, Sold by t i 1 1 1 on lu I h free. NEWS OF THE STATE. Jacksonville lias Times to semi- l lull's ualurrli uuro 13 taKen inieruaiiy, cting directly upon tho blood and muc us surface of thu system. Price 7oc. icr bottlo, Sold by all Druggists. Tes- Clms. Nickell of changed the weekly weekly. One hundred and twenty-five tramps congregated at Oregon City and left the city yesterday morning. Ono hundred left for tho south and tho twenty-five steered for Portland. Ashland reports 175 arrivals yesterday. The Southern Pacific railroad announ ces that it will give special rates to and from San Francisco to thoso who go to tho Midwinter fair, fixing tho rato at $25, plus $2.50 for five admissions to the fair, from Portland. Special rates will be given to everyone wishing to make excursions to any part of California on the system during tho life of the ticket which is limited to thirty days. Heal Kstato Transfers. Sheriff to Solicitors' Loan & Trust Co., lots A, B, C, J, K and L, block 83 Ft. Dalles Military Reserve; $2,045. Sheriff to McFarland & French, eji se4 sec. 34, township. 1 north, range 15 east; $1,300. Daniel Osmers to Aug. Buchler, lot 9, block 82, lots G, H, I, J, and K, block 80 Ft. Dalles Military Reserve ; $680. Clarence O. Bunker to Sarah E. Bun ker, lot 13, block 12, Thompson addition. $300. Advertised Letter. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postofiice at The Dalles un called for, Friday, Dec. 9th, 1893. Persons calling for same will give date on which they were advertised : Bender, Jas Bien, H Boelmes, Mettie Bush, Alice Davis, Mru Agnes (2)Dickerson, E C Edwards, Mrs J f liggins, Patrick Hendree, A Hyland, Geo M (4) Hughes, Samuel Morr, Miss Alice Knauff, John C Moore, M M Merchant, Mrs Joe Pattison, C A McLennan, MalcolmRice, Mrs J C Peachman, Mav Tobin, Robert Ronell, Chas E" Wvman, H J Walker, Mrs J M. T. Nolan, P, M. THE LATEST. Tun Japanese hr.v? invented a new and superior kind of . t. A tow:; to be r."i on the lijllusiy plan has been btarti 1 '.'i New York state. A roLDixo bed, which c:ir. be con verted into a sofa or a billiard table, is the latest combination in the way of furniture. An inclined elevator, for passcng'ers, on the plan of a treadmill, is proposed ns a fiiibstitute for the present vertical ones. Thf latest feature introduced in a realistic drama is a passeng'er elevator. Is this another effort to elevate the drama? N. Y. World. A nkw system by which smokeless combustion of coal is rendered possble has been adopted by the North Ger man i Lloyd and tho Hamburg-American Packet companies. COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an. old physician. Sueecirfully tisi'il monthly b) thousands of LaMc. Ii thu only perfectly csroand rellablo mcdlcluo dis covered, lloworo of unprincipled druss-sta wao offer Inferior medicines la place of thU. Ask for Cooli'a Cotton Hoot Compound, inl-a no substi tute, or lneloso 31 ami 0 eeuU la postage lu letter and wo will 6f ail, sealed, by return mall. Fullscalod yartl'ulnra In plain envelope, to ladle only, 3 damps. Addroij I'mu' Lily Oo nip any. iro. :i r'.nnr nioou. rtroit. aiich. Sold in The Dulles by ItlaUeley k lioimtoa. When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Dal- ton of Luray, Kitssell county, Kan., called at tho labaratory of Chamberlain it Co., Dos Moines, to show them his sis-.year-old boy, whoso life had been saved bv Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, it having cured him of a very severe at tack of croup. Mr. Dal ton is certain that it saved his bov's life and is enthu siastic in his praiso of tho Remedy. For salo by Blakoley it Houghton. For a sore throat thero is nothiug butter than a flannel bandage dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It will nearly always effect a euro in ono night's time. This remedy is also a fa- vorito for rheumatism and has cured very Bovero cases, 50 cent bottles for salo by Blukeluy it Houghton. Use Mexican Silver Stovo Polish. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. j u iW s i Baking Powder it ... .IV iwnl cvoljTinm il ..1111 1 ll trflJ HU lllUl .tlUllI fcJ!U4ll.1 111JU 1U! jJlU lii)u vmvj I, iic elill ul nulnuri J J Jno ymeulO .Uauuhn vUinni, im bun Jimvi 1 i(i ) "'"'MID OJill'JIl.t Lvj.j-ul liiimu'l 11.0 i ,".,n y , . h i'i IK. iv fl"' J Wjlt ll A, 'fell t jti i .f tut I Hu M ) bun inoboni u I(A .baifqrjia 'IfuiilI(ioa qo-iil uv o uno U noitdvioijca jnotlfi uiij inluiri