Thfi Mes Daily Chronicle. HuU.'red lit the I'ostoltlco nc Tiie Italics, Orvgrui, H5 soeoiul-oluss intittor. WITH THE ELECTRICIANS. STACt KISOiiS. Tlioy Are Sonit'tliiu's of n Very lU'iUUllc Olinrseter. Love malciiiR-on thestatfoistfcnprally supposed by tlu misophistieittod puliUi to be more or lo&s of ii jicrfinu'tory business, si make-believe aiTnir a dry and tasteless to the performer a-- the property food and drink which they aitect to swallow at thuir banquet. Romantic and sentimental people will be plad to know that the tender pas sion, as represented on the boards, is not all pretense, and that occasionally, at least, Cupid pets in his work without shame or compunction right before the footlights. A case in point is said to have occurred recently in a popular comic opera troupe in which the prima donna and the baritone were the vic tims of the sly little pod. How or where the mutual attraction first began is not stated, but that it had not only begun but was well advanced was mailt- manifest, to the audience soon after the baritone joined the company. It was part of the baritone's duty to kiss the prima donna, and it was sup posed that he would do it aftor the or dinary stape fashion, as -i man eats who Is not hunpry or drinks who is not thirsty. Hut what was the surprise of the spectator- and of the other mem bers of the company to oee that he per formed the duty as if he liked it, and he liked it very much, indeed. In fact, he kissed the prima donna with so much ardor and enthusiasm, and she ap parently reciprocated with so mv.J: earnestness and vijror. that the labial scene soon became the most promiuen: I in the opera. A witness in describing it said the baritone's zeal reminded ! him of the realistic manner in ; which Ilignold, the English actor, discharged a nimilar duty in "Henry . V." Ripnold't. kiss was linked sweet- ! ness so lonp drawn out or drawn in ! that when he began the sporting pen- ' tlcmeu in the front rows of the theater I would regularly time him to see if he I would break las previous records. The baritone's kisses were of the same sort, and when he administered them in Phil adelphia he created such a sensation "that the pallcry howled and the or chestra chairs fainted " The manapcr "rushed behind the scenes and as'-eel Tin: citizens of East Hartford, Conn., are organizing an eloctrle-liphtinp ' company with n capital stock- of SMO.OOl). St. liOt'ishasu novelty in the shape i of an electric ambulance. It is faster and steadier than similar vehicles I drawn by horses. Ei.r.rriuc clocks that automatically j ring bells at the end of each recitation I hour or period arc being put into a I number of Now England schools. Tin: 1'nion Street Hail way company of Xow Hertford is to increase its elec tric power plant so as to be able to de velop U.-'iliO horse power. Oni: of the most ingenious and orna mental schemes of ballroom decora tion that has appeared this season is the idea of a Loudon iceman of freez ing incandescent lamps into larpe and prettily-molded pieces of ice. Such decorations serve the double purpose ' of giving fortli both coolness and light. 1 HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED TO FIND A CltUH KOIl RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, L AM E-B ACK, wo nR. HAN DEN'S EI.P.0TRIO ItM.T I W DB. SANDEN'S ELECTRIC BELT with Klertrn MiiirtiitlnHupi'ti. miry mil rum wiiiinui mmiiriun nil iiftlinntinvittrmihlK ftiitror from Nuvviiiim Tlmai'wln) GREATEST AND LARGEST. Tin: greatest jumper is the common , ilea. If a man could leap as far pro- ' portioned to his size and weight, he i could go from St. Louis to Chicago in i two jumps. Tin: largest enpine is at Friedens- i ville. l'a.:its driving wheels are !r feet i in diameter, the cylinder is 110 inches, 1 and it raises I7.."i00 gallons of water per I minute. Tin: largest island in the world is , Australia; greatest length. '.MOO miles: j greatest breadth, 'J. HDD miles; ami, , 'J, IMS. 70S square miles, or nearly the size of the I'nited States. Tin: largest building stones are those used in the eyckmean walls of ilaalbcc, in Syria. Some of these measure Co feet in length by 20 in breadth and are of unknown depth. r-ot tin- World's I'atr for I'lftcfii Out Upon receipt of your address and fif teen cents in postage stamps, vt will mail you prepaid our souvenir portfolio of the world's Columbian exposition, the regular price is fifty cents, but as we want you to have one, we make the lirice nominal. You will find it n work 1 o art and a thim: to be prized. It con I tains full page views of the great biiilil- inirs, with descriptions of same, and i i executed in highest stvie of art. If not satisfied with it, after you get it, we will refund the stamps and let you keep the book. Address II. K. I5l'ckm:n it Co.. Chicago, III, li.lilllru- linnnpHi llrnlim, I .out nfiiiilitiiiil, Krl'nnr ,lluiinily nil l'niiile Cmn. pliilntH, nmt urmirul III licalth, tlioi'tlooljuir nliitnvH, nxrcMfli, worn or iixpimuro, will lliitlrelluf unit promM cum In our iimrvi' inviT'lnn much miiilron but n trial to sn .ni'k tliuiiiontskotitlail. luimioniti i' locts you limy Imvo iiitiiuljr ilrii'i , vinir tk1 f m ir tn.rvci furiHiuiul v.t u.iti which lj I'lnctrlcliy uml tlmt rnu.iotl 3roiirTt'altn09Korluckot romi If you replnco Into your iiystuni t'le I'lcnipilta tlutii ilmliirO, vrliicli uro r. iiulrod for vlttnrtiuinlroiiiitli. ytm nil) TOtiKviitluwauMiiiiHllu'ullh,iUruiiuiI nml vlcor will follow ut oncu. Tlilr is oui iiIiiii nml trontitiiMit, iirul nc uiinrantpo ii euro or rufunil tuiinor Our yno pnoo l.onlt "TIIItKE OI.AHSUf OF MEN." nhmilil ho rmul hy ovory ynuuui imIiIiIIi-iiqimI nml olil limn, noiit aciiti'il, frro. Dr. Hninlpit'n Klrctrlo Unit In no nxpnrliiiiini nam' ImvorostonM Ilioiunmln to robunt honllli uml vluor. nltnr nil other tri'iitiunntn fiillml. rim tit) fhownby liuiHlruil.iofcnTiUittlirouithout thlHiimlotliorHtritdi.whowoiiUlKliully U'Mlfr.ntiUlromuiuiij of nhuui woliuvustrout; Icttora boarliiK to-itlinony to their rocovury ultor uilucour Hull. WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE YOUI YOUR ATTESTI05 Is oallotl to tho foot that flagh Glenn, Dunlin- in filr and ititild ,'-o, I'lanly;, Cmnent '.ilnr'rlnl of iUU ."Vlnd. I I ' Cwnlc . . .i f-'liii'-i t.tns of I Picture loeiogs,! 72 To Lib Sound in th City. LUashington Street. rpWPRAL DEBILITY CURED. Snti l'r.iitrt&ni. fjiL. Ainrimf II TSW. Dr. A. T. Pftnilpn. Dear Sir Itefoni I uwl ymir Iwlt 7 xtM trouhlnl with lr tiwnr, tllul wonkuo-i, iwul nltiuMt uroiunlotu lon of pownr. 1 would unt upwtth ftMSHtlll, Imhhw ucliitiH,!tci ulu your twit 1 turn li nU n uow 104iM of lif I now eujy Jl.'n btlr thnu I inmi for ten yeaw iwt. i liavn ttm utirio'tt cotitldearn in your triHlmnt. Vott cum rub- jimi ciuo HiHimiimt.iuoo iihtm nuiwr (TTHuor call on m. Tnlyyour, ll.A, UOWIIN, 25uuU2HTurkHt. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS CURED. lNirEinml. nrtrfin. AhfII Is itl. not nmt .if m, p lM,lti loo wtKiafo lorrltnumntuni, from which 1 unml I'nr llu. ixKtttlx muiitht I hl nut 1 iit,vt.nil ywirw. l.ortu rtlih towirx. Your Imlt tiniitorti.1 nioln almost ptirtect hoalth In thi. tuowtH'lis I ItnToUftil It. 1 o.m walk romlnrtnlilf niul f6l llko n new ninn roncrnlli. JJ. 11. IUIOhr.S. l'rotirietor lntoriuuloual Hotel. NERVOUS DEBILITY-LOSS OF VICOR. , Tnconm Wnah.. October 'Jl. or. A.T Ramlan, l)ir Sir: 1 hnvo Iweu tidlnu joiir jMoctrin twit fur Kenor.ilnorrouHtleblllty, uml totl.t hdttt.r than 1 for tWn T.nm. 1 tin.. ,iltin.l in vigor uiuir, mu m Rironu in DTorr Part, nr two youmcmtoiulir, 0U4H, I.nKTKA. THE DR: SANDEN LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM. I'ortlnnil Oireon. Hniitiimtwr SI, IRC Dr. A.T. Rnniltn, Dwirfllrr Yiiirof niotiriiil hunt mirk, rnmbluril nlth tho ttnilo coutlmt from Oio jar of an ouulnn. itnni nin u rerun nwn of hium bvk, frimi nhlrh I nurTereil for neveu joani. 1 vm o hml I couli! not iMinil my bticU. Hnmill ilnulile.l mi witli It. 1 botniht oiih of your helt. It helpil inn in.lileof ttt-ixUm, nmt I coiitinuoil ton.ur Itforfeur monthx. holm Itarfeetlr rurul. wn two vnufH Ho.iuiit I nm ihwhIi tiMhiy nn 1 oror wiw In toy life. I Kiiotrrour lien wen, niio i knew lamur iipnino nun hiiTO been cilrml br It. Alnnv ntherii nr.,! It. nml if thnjp wouhl try It they muhl find it tlieiunimin 1 illd tho !t remedy In tho Morld. 1 nm located hero nernninontly. mid will ImiuIiuI to lull: t-jltli wl.n waiitM to liitnilrwnlHiui I. 1I1M.'0 l.llt.l.l'f T 1 tTl, !..-. I 1 LOST VITAUTV AND STnENCTH. Kvertt, Uii-h, .lime 1H, 102. Dr. A. T, RnniloT, Dear Hlr Hlnco ueurlm: your h It I hnro been ureally lHiin;lted 1 fe,d my old en. eriry fiit rottiriiliiK, nml after n inoiith'e nn of tho belt 1 tlntl iuy.el( twice vikiito;i im tiefore. My mumory le now nearly ixirfect. ami nu'li day ahown for tho Imtler. I f el much utronuer thu lmfori mini: the bolt. Vourntrul), IlKMlV KC'IIULTS, From TERMINflli op INTKKIOR Points, I II h i Wasco wanmoDse Co., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Rates Reasorsble. maiik noons "sr. TTr. oo. Till! IAI,I.1CS, on I WnilSTJtR'S ? TNTHIiNATTf):: '. ?, finttrtlv AVn. Ahffilttitlht A Grunt tJhriitvr. mexre l tin' lino In tiikr . uClllC jw.-to! 5Sa3 Ji; ELECTRIC BELT !r. complete calvimte battery, madu Into u belt o to !o oaJllr worn durlnn work nr ntraii.nntf It Klvcs Koothluu, prohmBod curruatn which nro Untantly lull throughout all woaU imru, or wo f orfolt 3. i, mil). It has aii Improved Klrctrlc Hunnouxory, tboi;rcutost boon ovur bWuii weak mini, mm tro it to euro nUT of tho nbovo inuiknii,i.-L mid tiiioilnruo Hhrunken I lmb. or OArtA. or Moiiov Itrfumli'il. TheyarouradcdlnjitreDirtli toiiuMitnllHtimeflof nciiknoax In yoimir. niidilloHiaoroli; TO ALL POINTS EAST AND It Ii. the DluliiK ('nr Kotitc it run Tlirout'h 'ftllitilfi1 'Irnlrn. uvury tiny In ttiu yunr in iMtiufeitiif tvn!Llrni,ji lo ronn. nilftilliwiimtl nr oli" w r noil, and olll euro Uio worst caaos In two or Uircomoutha. Addrosa lor full Inforuiatlcn. - Ol r n. T . T PIT . SANDEN ELECTRIC CO.M72 First St PORTUHD, CHES119. pi, pQUi ctllQ biliCtigO NO CHANOK OK CAltH.) Xhi boritono what lio meant hy sr. porforniaace. Instead of icodif j-in tho kiso, however, he intennified it, until the composer and the author were en tirely forgotten in the wild, deliricu:. expectancy with which the audience wailed for that hiss." The manager in -despair discharged the baritone, who said he would rather surrender hii ; nry than his ri'ht to l:iso the p::n : eonna, and to U:ss her eonseientj:iu and Avith all the laboration that tin .scene demanded. The prima donna de clared that the interests of art demand ed that she support the position take i by the baritone, and she promptly ;. isigned an engagement v.-orth twenty three thousand dollars rather than n . be kissed in a soulful and resoundLi;-; style. The manager stood Arm for : few days, but without the ferrent hie. the jperu lost much of its mnjrncti': power, and he was, it is said, forae-.i t i capitulate and nunimon the prima cionnt-. and the baritone back to his service. kiss lor which a man is willing to fore- I'iisIiiriiKi'. Moore's ranch, about three miles south 1 of The Dalles, hiifc unexcelled pasturage and any one who desires to avail them selves of the fact can secure reasonable terms upon application. 17tf Your dimity Warrants. warrants registered prior I.oolc Ovnr All COlllltV to January ICtli, 1890, will be paid if presented at my oflice, corner of Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after tiiis date. Wm. Miciiku., Treasurer Wasco Countv. October L'lst, 1S0I5. 'tf i j Notice. j Notice is iiereby uiven, that by order of the common council of Dalles, City, made and entered on the 12th day of De ! comber, lSOli, sealed bids will be re ceived at the ollice of the undersigned I until Saturday atternoon at 4 o'clock p i in., JJecemuer ldtli, lwi.s, lor the con- ' stnidtion of a sewer of terra cotta, to he Jest Hniveii from New York i Hlteri "fmihr Ti'ti i .. in ii'iMiii Itow." tiioto II.... JV('li.h' P.V't- Hllblllll o Dli'thiiu:'. Hwi'riuii! i.timit.n; i'oiii't'ri;l:ii' i,t tnrj , u t Hi., , ,i,th J imiit'liiUo.i M( L iiirmni', i ' I nr n. t l )ljv i I AlJhrars'luliswlf. l. ino nitt'ii iiiMirt'ii inroniiatifi i .i'i-aliic f t'liillii'iil iirHiiiiii fiictM conn r iiu U.S4 roiiiiirii'n. riui'i, inr.'iiH, linn n.uuial ci. i tnii'H nr tho Klobo; partli'iimr foincrnliis noUiil tlrtlt lniiH lutrioiiM nml iilni'tn tmnC liiiliui nf fori'ln tjtiiitat Inn ., wunli, a:m irilVITO Oir., IHI'., mi' III. I., tip . . a i lioiirioliiilil.tiiiil le the irurlior, ti:holiir. mo i ..i i ,r.... I JJJUIJ, Jlllll POIl'VIJlK-Jlllll Sl'l.I.NDII) ASXH.T.MK.NT OK todies' Coin himhI til lUiiliu; ('urn lliiKuriiinit-tt. I'lill mini I irmvl up Uooin hlri.'K'rn nt latont fiiulpini'iit TOURIST SLKEriNIi CAI1S lil Unit ran ho I'liiiHtnit'tt'i, uml In which iicciiiiiiiiiHlntiotiii are Imth 1'ri'o mill KtirnUlu-i) (or liulilvrMif Klrnt anil HiTimil-cliinTlckutN,Riid ELEGANT DAY COACHES ! fiotit lil 'Ul )liil;rUr.rH, C. .1- t". .Ifrirrimi Cit. I'lililinlicm, Siiiiil(Jlrlil,MiiiiH, ,7Ilo not buy rliMiiiiilmto. itnipbli' ii'iirliiuot miclmit rdllloiu. dT".!!!! for fin iumirtiu, r VpicTiojyiir J The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A TAMILY OF 2000 EEADEEB. laekets, . . . FROM $3.50 UPWARDS MM k Gooas At l;eniiirk:tlilv Low Prices. Splendid CiiincMlla Overcoats $5.50. 1 A t'oiitliiiiiiiiK lln-:, riiiincctliiir with nil II tit' i ntrorilliiK illrect nml lliitiilcrriiiiU'd norrlcc I'll 1 1 in tin HIi'i'iHjr ri'MMVittlonn chii he ki-ciiihI In nilvinicn thriiucli nny iirl'IU nf the rami, : THROUGH TICKETS pntMij 111 AinvrlCn. I i;iii:huul Hint Kuriio cmi lie iniri!lnuK.'il ut ny tiokot oillfu of '.hy CGiuniiiy VI' LL ASSOUT.MIiN'T OF Winter Drv Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, EATS, ETC, t'lmeertilnc triilim, nmti'B tad nthcr iletnlU ftiriilulivri rnb.'n, tlinu m in Pull liiliirnirtlnii npplk'iitlim to VV. C. ALLAWAY, AKuiit 1). 1'. iv A. Nnv. Co., HiKUlntor titllcc, Th ihtui'N, ut., nr A. I. CHAItLTOK. Aisn't. (ioiiLTnl I'mihgiiKur Airt., I'nrtlitiiit, 3vn Thoy roiitl The ('liri)iili'ln to roi tlio liitwit txA iiioitt rclliililo i own. Ami they rrml every Un thill In In the jutjier. Tlmt In wlmt imiUi Uw Clirotiinle on tiivnliiiilile mlvertl-hit: nieitium. The uuwHimjier tlmt . Koe.i to tho fiimllj llnnlilm l the onu tlmt tho ntlvurtlim nt tmlity imtronlzii ' wliun they iIvnIk d) roarh Mil hoi!o. When they wnnt your ttiui thuir iiiiiumiii'i'iiiuiitH will he found lu tho paper. Dml: over our eotumiiK biiJ observe the rerlflra. tlntl of the truth A thin mmurtlou. llfmi'iiilier, n triiitootn liiuillyof two tliinioiiiiil 1 : mil 1.1IOIINJII1U , ' ' fs n'"rtl' '"shii? lor tlirouch tliwe columns, taipelully ko nt our ?3Tj itifi(ic I vi si i i tti ii ri r 1 1 T iriitfiltt cryniit " .-"Ji".. ,n S!vja citv, coininenciiiu' at the south woman twenty-three thousand dol-j jn(s f tJ,e intersection of Lincoln and lars, dunntf nucha financial cri&is j Fourth streets, in the center of said Lin the present, must be sweet indeed, coin street and thence continuiiiL' north- Who would not be a baritone or a prima i erly alone; the center of said street to donna with such delightful perquisitiea I the terminus thereof, towit : Low water us thin? Baltimore Sun. ! mark of Mill Creek. .Said sewer to be constructed in accordance with the plane I and specifications thereof heretofore i made and nrenared bv C. J. Crnndnll. Emigkatio.v from Kuropean Russia ' und which said plans and Hpecifications to Siberia is on the increase and I ma" Bee" at U' office of said C. J. reached JOO.WKl I in IbW. To bid will be received unless the Tnr assets of the life insurance corn-! game j8 accompanied with a ood and panies of the United States afffrregnte j eiiflicient bond in the sum of .200, con SBflO.OU'j.OOO, while the prosn income is ditioned that the bidder will accept the SOME BIG FIGURES. S22u,(Wi).0Q0. TiiKi: are 28,000 Chinese inhabitants in the chief cities of the United States 2-,)(jiJ of them in San Francisco and 2,000 in .N'cw York. Tm; treasury department estimates the total cost of the deportation of Chinese laborer?, under the Geary net at &7,:ji;o,000, of which sum fcMJO.OOO would be required for the current liscal year. E:;ii.i8ii is spoken by 90,000,000 of people; Russian, by 75,000,000; German, 50,000,000; French, -10,000,000; Spanish, 3S,000,000; Italian, 20,000,000; I'ortu k'uesc, 14,000,000, and Scanilinaviun, 0,000,000. Mt.HAT,i., in his "Ualance Sheet of the World," says: "Every day the sun rises upon tho American people it sees an addition of 82,500,000 to tho accumu lation of wealth in the republic, which is equal to one-third of the daily ac cumulation of mankind outside of the United States." ENGLISH ARISTOCRACY. Loan Oami'iikm. lum turned up in Uombny us u counselor employed to defend twenty-nine Mohumraeduim implicated in the (jreat riots. 1'nor Cunwo, M. 1)., to wham Mr. Gladstone has tendered a baronetcy, is an eminent Irish physician and a pro lessor in the Queen's college at ilol fast. His daughter married u bon of Sir Churlcb Russell, Hot chiin broth ut J. O. jUuck'H every day at ! o'clock. liiickleu'M Arnifi naive. Tlio bcHt ealve in the world for cuts, bruiBOB, HorcH, ulcere, ealt rheum, fevei Horea, tetter, chapped liaudH, chllhlaiiiH, corns, and all akin eruptions, and posi tively cureB pilee, or no pay required It ia gimninteed to give jierfect natiBfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per hox. For rale oy Snipea & Kin jrsly constructint? of Haid sewer if tho game shall be awarded to him. The rijjht to reject any and all bids is Iiereby reHcrveu. Dated at Dalles City, Or., Dec. 115, 189:5. DotKILAS S. DUKUlt, Recorder of Dalles Citv. Business Change. Tiie underHiifned has bought the Chinese merchandise busi ness heretofore conducted hy TEE HOP & CO., und will pay all bills owing by said firm if presented to them before December 1st, lBO.'l, CHEW KEE & CO., mo Muln Ht.. Tlio JIiiIIun. Or. SHERIFF'S SALE. Hy virtue of it i execution mill order of tnlu Uxtiitl out o( the Circuit Court of the tto of O niton for the toiinty of Wiuco, to ino dlm.'tci, t'oiiirniuiilliiK uic to iiiitke mile of the luud In buid wrlt,ile:rlli ttl to-wit; thotu plecex mid imrtflH of Jund hi Witkco County, HUto of (ireifou, known mid du w.'rlhi'il nit till ut ktfitlmi three 31, und tlio tonth half of the xoutlii'AHt qnurter of section our ft, uml tlio toutli liulf of kcetloii five (5) mid the north hull of btetion eight (), till In Towiinlilp one (1), north of Kuiiku fourteen (II cunt of the Wlllatnettu iiiuriillun, to nntku mid jmy the oiim of inouev, In uld Court ndjiiilfted, to tit) 1hIiI to the iilalutlll III raid uctlou, lu wlilcll uctloil The HollcltorH Uimi mid Triut Cointimiv were plain till' im d Jiimex booth, iliirtlin M. Ilootll, Kvcrett K. Hull, J. I-. McClure, hnrnh II. McUlure, I), (i, Alter, Itulpli ItoKeru, Julia ti. HoKcru, Url Km. Iiody, J, AI.Tiiylormitl J. K, Ktlvviirdu were do. fuiidiiiilN. to-vvlt. lhohumof fmo.U) with inter. eiit thereon from July 1. WJ1, tit the rate of lx K.-r cent per milium und laxi.oo attorney fees lu tulil uctlou mid coat mid illnljurtemnitii therein taxed, 1 have thin day levied uin the land iiIkivo tleiiorlbett und on Huttmluy theUUd (lur of Duceinlior, IHOa, ut tho hour of 10 n. in,, In front of the court lioubu door, hi tho city of Tho billion, lu mild county und state. 1 will sell mild lmid ut public uuctioii, to tho liliiliest lildiler therefor. T. A. Wa, Hlicrlll ol wukto county, Htute oi uregou, itoi-i!td o -""" ' jgCT'A'i we are loree l to sF.l.I. FOR CASH in order to avoid lawKtiit" fitko he fnmout' A. (-. CnlIiiiH uml v.ift-'t. nuit , and hail dehtn, tiur priees will always 1 found the verv lnwcut in th" umrki't. We inviit; examine our co'id und i.rii'"" lu'iutv jnirtdia'sint:. Pipe BUNNELL, . Tii) Bepaiis and D Wort our friends and eiiHtomerH to When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get oil' on (lie South Side AT THE fiEW COLUMBIA HOTEli. .xo.. Tliln luru-c nml noimUr Huiiredte-i tho prlnelpiil hotel liiiilii'ii., mid in prepureil to funuMi tin- Kent jSceomiiiodutloiiH of tiny Hoiinu In the city, nml ut the low rut'; of $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Teals 25 Cepts. Olllen fur nil Stuu'e I.Iikim Ii.uvIiii; 'I Im DhIIhh for till polnlH In lm;i!rii Ori'Kiin nml KiiMtorii WuitliliiKtoii, III tlllH llllttll. Corner of Front mid 1'nion 8il T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. Clothier and Tailor. Gents' Decidedly tlio FineHt Line of. Kurnistiing Goods, Trunks and Valises etc, etc. COJt. KKCUNI) AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OK. "There is a tide in the aj'airs oj men which, taken at its flooa leads on to fortune," The poet unquestionably had reference to the ulosi-Oit Sale -Mm k Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-red uoed rates, MIOHELHACI1 UKIOK, - UNION BT. MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door weBt of Young it Kubs' Blacksmith Shop JtREE! -FREE!! With every dozen Cabinet Photographs, one .... otif e-Sie Crayon. j Call at the Gallery and see samples. My work speaks for itseli THE DALLL&S Job FIRST CLKSS JOB PR OK. aiG NT"" "Till CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE