The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 16, 1893, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Kuturi-'lii tliii I'OHtolllpo lit Thu DnlleH, OreKon,
IIM KCOOIIll-OlnPIH innttiir.
Clubbing List.
Iti'Kiilnr Our
ITlCll ltlri!
(hromrle and N, . Trll.nnt, MM JI.75
flironiflt and American Farmer, .... S2,l)ij J 1,75
Chruntrlc and IWIiirn'n HayaZine JL1.00 J2.K
( hronklo ud Vtimopolilaii Mairaztat j:t.00 JiK
JiichI All mi-tlnlng.
10 Cuum lliH) for II rut limurilnti, mm ft Cent
ht llnu fur vnoU Hiihniiiiuiit liinurtloti,
Hproliil nitcH fur lout; tlino tmtlcoM.
All Infill notice rroolvcil Inter tlimii o'clock
will iiviir thu fulliiwliii; iluy.
DKC. 10, 181).t
The Itnih and Weekly Chnmir.le. may
be found on Mtk at J. (J, Nickelten' More.
Nifiy NkwmIhU (InriiitriMl friini a ic.
IMirtor'H Niitn Itoiik.
I.lttli! ilniti of iirlntcrs' Ink,
A llttlu typo iIIhiIkvvI,
.Miiki-K nur iiiiiruliiint irlii(T,
Willi nil tlii'lr law imrnili'
"I'unrl of Sovov" tonight.
Tin' rlvor in i-iicutling rapidly. It to
now 10 ' iihovu zuro.
A HjH" ml inuiitliiR of tho council will
lio liulil tonight to cotmidur biclB for the
(iKiiiiiK of thu Lincoln Htrcet nuwur.
Ho not forgot tliut tliia uvuiiing at 7 :.')
o'clock thu hallot hox ut Puiihis it Miivh
will Im optsnocl, tho votoH counted, utid
. the jirizcH of $(H) uwitrdcd.
Tonight will ho tho hiHt ontortitininuitt
hy the Htuttz Theater company. They
have won luurolH here hy their nuino
worth and will ahvayH he wulcwimtd.
Tho Mignonette cluh will hold a hiiHi
iieHK meeting this evening at7:.'t() o'clock
at thu oflico of II. II. Uiddell, on I'nioti
Htreet. Important huHiucoH i'h to he
tnuiHaeted and a full attendance iH re
iiteHted. The Htatu grangurH of Ohio, Indiana,
IllinoiH and NuhraHka are mad and have
piiHHcd roHoltitinuH donotineing .Secretary
.Morton of the department of agriculture
an favoring freu eolnagu ofHilver and the
MirchaHU of a line of railroad from tin;
Atlantic to thu Pacific.
An electrician of J.oe AngeleH named
l.uudherg Iiiih diHcovorud that a wilution
ot water and huI ammoniac, or chloride
ol ammonia, ih very eirectfvo in duHtroy
ing the Ban .Iohu red and black ncale
'iigH. The wohIi iH very eheap, thu coHt
Ijeing in fact almoHl nominal, and it iH
applied with an Tordlnnrv tmrnviW
pump. This, if it will accomplish what
tho Invotitor claimH, is a most Important
discovery for the fruit groweiH.
The county clerk received a letter
today from thoHtato hoard of equalization
that they have net apart the 22d duv
of Decern her no a day to hear reprcfien
tatlotiB from Wiihco county. Those who
wish to "kick" on their assessment
should act accordingly.
A largo audience again grecled thu
Stuttz company limt evening in "Under
Two FlagH." Tho piny as presented was
very meritorious and pleased all present.
Prom thoir vast roportoire tho company
have selected to play tonight "The Pearl
of Savoy." This is a very henutiful
play, an manj here who have seen it enn
attest, anil Wingato hall should be filled.
Governor Ponnoyor says : "Not one
singlo aeru of tho more than 250,000
acres of school land embraced in the
Cascade reservation has been used or
will he used while 1 am governor as a
ImbIh for lien landH. 1 Hhall again ask
thu legislature to raise the price of lieu
lands from $1.25 to $2.50 per acre, which
if dono, will prevent speculation and add
over $250,000 to tho school fund."
Tho ChroHlcl' nirtlulay.
Tim Ciiuonioi.k commenced Vol. VII
wlth'No. 1 today. In tho three years of
its existence Tm: Ciiiioxici.k has noth
ing to regret and much to hiipf. A- an
enterprising, fearless newt-paper ii Im
taken first rank in Kattern Oregon.
Thnt tho people generally favot its tone
and work is evinced by the largest sub
scription list ever before attained in this
section of country. Tin: Ciiiionici.e
takes pride in saying that it has been a
prime factor in the development of the
country, and has indned many to settle
in Oregon from other states, benefitting
the merchants, the peoplu and thecoun
try. It has upheld tho right and de
nounced the wrong, and announces
a conlinunnce of the same policy for the
future. As a newspaper ue have en
deavored to lay daily before our readers
the latest events as they have trans
pired, with whatever comment in our
opinion they deserved. It wo have at
times oflcndod, let it be remembered our
spirit was all right, and that wise men
may honestly differ. A newspaper that
is guaranteed to always please is with
out an opinion and without, force.
Tin: CintoNici.r: extends thanks to our
In Justice Davis Court yesterday in the ' patrons for past favors, whom we hull
case of C. I.. Richmond vs J. JI. and Au- j continue to try and please, us beloie, by
gust Huschke a somewhat unusual state j honest, conscientious effort,
of ufl'airH was duveloprd, it being proven j "
I III! lailllfl I Hill! I'dllling.
When the holidays are past and the
promise of spring not far distant, our
citizens who enjoy the grand privileges of
hy the defendandt August P.usehke that
he had nothing whatever to do with the
transaction on which suit was brought
and that it was a caHo of mistaken iden
tity on mepartoi Mr. Kiclimond. Judge- jail American citizens will gather at
ment wiih rendered against J. JI. Buschke many and divers places to talk politicp.
and August was released from any liehil- j The merchant will lean over his show-
't.v' j case and give his customer a pointer or
airvHuiitiininmn I'urtv. , while the customer will linger a
I - I moment or two as lie gathers up the
j The Chrysanthemum hoys gave one change and tell the merchant how it
j of their pluasantest parties last evening, j seems to him. People will cease dtocus-
The hall was prettily decorated and the
music and floor were excellent. Several
guests were invited who together with
the members themselves pussed the
time in merriment. The Chrysanthe
mums intend giving a dance in tho near
future as a return to the one given by
the Mignonette club last Thanksgiving.
A tti'lltlon.
The Dalles Lodge No. 2, 1. O. G. T.
will give an entertainment Saturday
evening Dec. 10th at tho Iv. of P. hall,
at S. o'clock. A good literary pro-
gramme has been prepared and refresh-,
ments will be served all for the small j
sum of 15 cents. I
Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no
When you have tried so-called reme
dies for dvspopsia, headache and bil
iousness, with no benefit, let your next
trial he Simmons Liver Kegulator. It
has never failed in relieving und curing.
I sing the rock crusher ami wonder who
1 will he our next governor. We will all
have something to talk about while the
I wily politician will be busy sawing wood
t with which to build a fence. The email
boy looks forward to torchlight proces
sions and a good time generally.
A Di Ibui tiClul.
A physical culture club was organized
yesterday in The Dalles, which will
hereafter hold regular weekly meetings.
The officers consist of a president, lead
er, secretary and treasurer, and will
pursue regular parliamentary rules in
connection with the exercises as taught
by Mrs. Helen Stafford. It is possible j
that a regular club costume will he
adopted. The club is well pleased with
the lessons taught and the efforts of the
Mrs. Stafford will leave tonight for
Pendleton to spend the holidays and
visit with her class there, who have
kindly extended such an invitation. She
then propotes to return to Tho Dalles
and resume her cla at this point, when
all who have tn.t j iined it on account of
the pi-i'ntc of woik attendant upon
Cht intuitu, or other came, may again
have that oppiirtituity. Mrs. Stafford is
quite wf II pleas-wl with The Dalles and
cont-i lers it, a vt-ry attractive place and
greatly enjoy.- tin- tcenery of the city
and the surroundings. She has also be
come favorably impressed with its
people, and regrets that the has not had
time to cultivate their acquaintance.
She will, however, return within a few
weeks and continue the pleasant associa
tions broken by her visit to Pendleton.
Duo notice will be given of her arrival
before her return, that those desiring to
join the class may present their ap
plication. OratlltiR Second trnet.
Tin: CiinoNicLE does not know who ia
superintending tho work of street build
ing, but believes that it is not being
built high enough in tho center tocflect
ively drain the surplus water for a long
time to come. To improve Second street
from Union to the brewery grade re
quires a vast outlay of money in the ag
gregate, and tho work should cither be
under the supervision of an experienced
road builder, or s'icli superintendent
should provide himself with the best in
formation on the subject. The details
should be left to such authority, but the
primary theory of grading a street is to
make it high in the center and make
continuous gutters on both sides, which
will allow the water to flow off unob
structed. Tin: Chkoxici.k believes that
it is not enough to allow eight inches
more height in the center than on
the sides, and that it will be but
a matter of a short time till the cen
ter is again on a level, or perhaps
depressed by the heavy wagons which
will drive almost continually along the
center of the street. One citizen, who
believes as does Tun Chhoxiclk, pro
poses to follow out his belief in this re
gard as touching his own property and
will make the street much higher in the
center than so fur practiced.
For a sore throat, there 19 nothing
better than a flannel bandage dampened
with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It
will nearly always effect a cure in one
night's time. This remedy is also a fa
vorite for rheumatism and has cured
very severe ctses. 50 cent bottles for
sale bv Blakelev & Houghton.
Robt. Mays has lost a pair of work
horses, both are grays, well matched,
branded with II, shoes on front feet.
Please leave information at this office.
Use Mexiean Silver Stove Polish.
Capt. II. C. Coe of Hood River is In
town today.
Hon. W. II. Higgo of Wasco gave Tiik
Cintoxici.1-: ollico a pleasant call last
Mr. A. L. Povey of Povcy Bros.' a
glass works in Portland, is in the citv
today. Mr. Povey has put much of his
ait glass into this city.
Umatilla W II Jones, John Sterling,
Geo Seeley, A S Povev, J J Stewart. 11
Tonsefer, R Roshwell, T D Condon,
Portland; J G Stuttz and wife, Miss
Rico, II A Beldon, wife and daughter, J
E Carlton and wife, Francis Green, W J
Peters, Ed Bennett, A P Friemuth.S M
Wcller, Now York; J D Parish, Princ
villo; John Lake, Mead; Geo Thornton,
Yellow Dog; J M Cummins, E Randeau,
Centerville; W R Cantroll, John Stern
wise, Dnfurj W R Presby, J W Bergen,
Goldcndalo; William Hunt, City.
Columbia Wm Sherar, J Beal, Gol
dendale; LE Hillparv, P Smith, C E
Cline, Wm Gill, A A Barry, W T Jones,
Portland ; F E Webb, Block House; A
E Bavans and son, Nealson, Wash; Os
car Kuhnpausen, Glennwood; W II
Hathaway, Wm Merrill, II D Morrison,
O P Morrison, Dufur; Jamea Gullcr,
Henry Jones, C Mitchell, Charles Heb
bert, E Evans, Cascade Locks; Henry
Williams, Wm Williams, Pendleton;
Edward Brown, George Cautu, Grants ;
Robert Leasure, A B Jones, Hood River ;
R F Hard welt, E II McConnell, Mosier;
Ed Hunt, Blalocks: M Manuel, John P
James, W Henderson, Poter Nelson,
Dutch Flat ; William Weier, John Date,
John Harkins, Henry Kitto, Silver Lake ;
Joseph Pasco, Peter Pasco, Grass Valley.
The Great Enallili Remedy.
Promptly and permanently
cores all forms of Kcrvoua
Weakness, Emissions, Sperm
atorrhea, Impotent and all
effects of Abusa or Excesses.
uccn prescribed over us
ears I a thousands of coses;
Before and After. isthoonJfaWeaniffo
est medicine imatcn. Ask
druggist for Wood'i Phoiohodlnei If ho offers
tome worthless mcdlclno In placo of this, leavo hU
disnoncst store, lncloso price- In letter, and
wo will send by return mall. Price, ono package
81; sis, S5. One tclll please, six Kill cure. Pamph
let In plain cealed envelope, 2 cents postage.
Address Tho Wood Clicmlcal Co.,
131 Woodward m-enue, Detroit. Hick.
Sold in The Dalles by Blnkeley t Houston.
Ouoil .lull Printing.
If you have your job printing done at
The Cunoxici.E you will have the ad
vantage of having it done with the most
modern and approved typo, with which
we keep continually supplied. All jobs
under the direct supervision of one of
the most successful and artistic printers
in the Northwest.
Carving seta and Roger's triple plated
table cutlery at Maier A Benton's hard
ware store.
Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T.
Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer
son streets.)
A (IihmI Word.
Mr. J. J. Knit,, HlinrHjiirjr, Ph.,
Dear falr!-. am Kind to my n pood wnnl for
Krntise.i Hen due hi; i:,i)iiilc. After Millerim;
for over three ycnr. nlth itctiti! ncttralirin mill its
eoiiK'Mtiuiit lii(imnlii, whirh -cuinfil to bnllle
the t'lhirtN of iiiiiv of our li-d iilivf-lcintis you
Miwc-tc'tt thlM jcimily wltleh irnu- inu iilmmt ln
t. nut leltef ori lull to e.xmtM ti)t. wnlfo I
should like to bwimv nit Kniinc' Hi-adnchc
Ci'liMltcs tirntcfullv Yihiii,
Mum K. It, H'd.MEs,
Moutnjvc, l'n.
Hold hy Snljio At Klliersly.
Cloving Out Nnli or 1. meet lr.
Owing to a contemplated change of
business, the undersigned will close out
the entire stock of groceries, hardware.
wood and willow ware sit cost for cash.
Call early while the stock is unbroken.
Best grades oak. fir. nine nml
Wood. Office l.t.'l Swmwl ntr.r.t All
orders promptly attended to.
"Samaatha at lis World's Fair,"
And hi- tip to tho time.
Greatest Work of the Nineteenth Century
A. G. Hoering,
l.ocnl ARWlt, The lull's Or
in. the Northwest
Now Open for inspection and
Sale at
M. Honywil
a discount of
SO Gts. on me Dollar.
Every amele marked id plain figures
Our First Annual Clearance Sale.
f few of Our Offerips :
Domestics, Brown.
RichTnoiul A, per yard
National A, " ' "
Badger LL, '
Cabot W,
Louie wood B, '
Domestic, Bleached.
.Butter Cloth, per yard
Forrest Mills, " ' "
Fruit of tho .Loom "
Dwight .Anchor," "
Wamsu.Ua, " "
Lonsdale Cambric, "
Bride of tho West, "
Wamsutta, Twilled, "
5 uts.
0 cts.
7 cts.
r ois.
7 cts.
8 A cts.
f cts.
11 cts.
1.1 cts.
2h cts.
2l cts.
4 5-inch,
8- 4,
9- 4,
10- 4,
Wide Sheetings.
por yard ..
per yard
.11 cts.
10r; cts.
.20' cts.
.22 cts.
.11 cts.
12 cts.
.20" cts.
.22 cts.
.25 cts.
Shirting, per yard 5 cts.
Lodi, ' " ' " 4 cts.
Standards, " " 5 cts.
Indigo Blue, " hh cts.
Amoskeag, Napped, per yard 121 cts.
Amoskeag, " .10 cts.
Southern Plaid, " " 8- cts.
Table Oil Cloth, per vard 20 cts.
Shelf Oil Cloth, " " " 8 cts.
Furnishing Goods.
Boys' Underwear 20 cts.
Boys' Woolen Underwear 40 cts.
Men's Merino Underwear . 40 cts.
Men's Natural Wool Underwear 75 cts.
Men's 7-oz. Bed Flannel Underwear. .. $1 25.
Men's Cotton Socks, per do. (50 cts.
Men's Woolen Socks 20 cts.
Men's Linen Collars, your choice . . 10 cts.
Men's Suspenders, from 20 cts.
Boys' Knee Pants, from 40 cts.
Boys' Kneo Pants Suits, from !?1 40.
Bo'ys' 3-pioee Suits, from 4 00.
Men's Suits 4 75.
Boys' Overcoats, tt good assortment at 00.
Men's Overcoats . $5 00, $0 00, $7 00.
Dorit pay $12 elsewhere for same.
See our offerings in
Dress Goods,
Pattern Suits,
and Silks.
Our stock of Fancy Goods for the Holidays
consisting of
Drapery Silks,
Stamped Linens
Etching Silks,
Pon Pons,
Ribbons, Etc.,
Must Go! The new prices will move them.
We oiler grand opportunities for Christ mas.
Give Useful Presents.
This year they will be appreciated.
We Have Them.
Our Red Prices are right.
P. S.-Tuesday, on account of crowds, we oonld not serve all satisfactorily. We have increased our force of salespeople.