The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 16, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Wwklv. 1 rear MM
6 months
" 3 "
Dally, 1 ear
" 6 months
" per "
Address 11 communication to " THK CHKOK
ICLK." The Dulles, Oregon.
orriCK nouns
Oeneral Delivery Window .S a. m. to 7 p. m
bKvT" " ..JZSlumZm. j letters coulil bo read tho following, "in
, Hong Kong."
Sandy, tho wounded stage driver, is
, reported recovered. When tho doctor
told him that ho must die, he offered to
bet $10 that he wouldn't.
A Chiniunun in Eugeno started an
opium joint and two young men of that
town wore convicted of opium smoking.
Tho Chinaman should not bo allowed to
live another day in Eugene.
Down at McMinnvillo they sell IS
pounds of sugar for ono dollar. A rival
! merchant, not to be outdone, hung a
placard in his window "22 pounds of
jduitar for $1.00" but in very small
trains going Kast . ..9 p. m. ami 11:4.-. m.
" " West 9 p. til. ami 5:S)p. tn.
Stajre for GoMcmlale .":80a.m.
" l'rincvlllu. . .SiSOn.iu.
" "Du'urand W arm SpritiRs . .5:3) a. ni.
" t Leaving lor l.ylo A: Hurtland .5:S) a. m.
"Antelope ... .5:30 a.m.
Kxcept Sunday.
tTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday ami Saturday,
t " Monday Wednesday ami Friday.
DEC. 16, 1S93
Oregon got to the world's fair with
both feet, on her JGO.OOO, besides getting
away with eighteen medals of award in
horticulture, nineteen in agriculture,
four in mines, four in education, sis in
fishery, two in women's work and two
in herbarium. She brought back $20,000
of the unexpended appropriation. Fifty
five awards for a state that is thought by
gome of our eastern cousins as a part of
the Sacramento valley is not a bad
The Baker City Blade says: "The
wool growers of Baker county have
signed a petition asking the state board
of equalization to make a lower rating
on the assessment of sheep, giving as a
Teason that they were assessed above the
market value." In this county sheep
were assessed at $1.50 per head, which
was entirely too high, as we have heard
of sales being made at $1.25 per head,
The state board will needs be careful in
their deliberations, as other stock and
properties are assessed in excess of true
It has been said of McKinley, by those
who look for defects, that he has no
sense of humor, is too serious ever to
gain impulsive popularity. But this as
sertion does him much injustice. He
has wit, though he does not use it upon
the stump; and he has a keen sense of
humor, though lie esteem' it out of
nlace in his public relations. He has
never forgotten what that great Ohioan,
Tom Corwin, once said to a young poli
tician: "Be -erious; the crowd will
follow a fun-maker upon the stump, and
will applaud his wit and go into ecsta
cies over his humor, but they have a
mental reservation against him when
they come to the polls."
Last evening by the Sumpter Valley
train Mr. Chas. S. Miller camo down
from the Monumental bringing with him
soven bars of silver bullion, each bar
weighing one hundred pounds and worth
$1,000, of unusual fineness and vaiuo on
account of the gold contained along with
tho silver. Blade.
The Bonanza mine, the property of tho
C'eiser estate, is a great bullion producer.
Friday a clean-up of $1,500 was brought
in. It is estimated that tho value of the
ore now in sight at the Bonanza is worth
$360,000. Tho management will further
develop the property by running sf new
tunnel 500 feet in length to tap the ledge
at a depth of 900 feet. Blade.
John Fortna of Mayville, met with an
accident on the 0th that very nearly
proved fatal to him. He was on his
way home from Condon when his team
became frightened coming down the
"backbone," upsetting tho wagon,
throwing him violently against the rocks
and knocked him senseless. It was
nearly morning before he regained con
sciousness. Condon Globe.
Oldest Agricultural Paper in America.
! To all cash nulHorlborn of Tin: Oiiuonium;
' paying one year in advance,
The American Farmer,
1729 New York Avoutiti,
Tiik Ami: til can I'aiimiiii, which Is now enter
ing upon Its TMh year, Is Hut pioneer farmer's
paper In the country.
It Is a lurcc elultt-iwKO xiper, ami contain Ml
roln in ik of tliu choicest agricultural ami liter
ary matter, plentifully embellished with line
Illustrations It Is
A Grand
Masquerade Ball
will bo Hlvon nt Armory Hnll by
"Until the B. B. was discovered,"
writes Professor Henry Drummond,
"scarcely anyone knew how to make a
man, a gentleman, and a Christian out
of a street boy. The thing had hap
pened, perhaps, as a chance or sport,
but there was no steadv inachinerv for
it. Specimens could be turned out at
the rate of a score or two in a year, but
under the new process you have them
by the battalion. The street boy of the
close of the nineteenth century, in fact,
will eoon become a tradition." And in
McClure's Magazine for December he
deecribea thU important B. B. 'Boys'
Brigade) and tells the story of its origin
and progress.
The success of salmon canneries near
Blaine this season is said to have had
the effect of attracting the attention of
many Fraser river canuerymen to that
point, where all the salmon must pass
in making their way into the stream
According to an exchange, the result
wil 1 probably be that two more can
neries at least will be removed there be
fore the opening of another season, and
eventually the majority of Fraser river
canneries will be massed at or near
Point Roberts. It is said that one
cannery cleared $25,000 this year, and
the two institutions packed about 75,000
cases. Though at the present time
Puget sound is not reckoned in couiput
ing the salmon output for the season,
this will eoon be changed, the pack this
season having passed the 100,000 mark.
Those who have anticipated great things
from the wealth of fisheries in our waters
are not to be disappointed, and the time
is not far distant when we shall see
their hopes verified.
The blue downed tho crimson. The
black-and-bluo is now downing them
I'attl's music is written one note lower
than it used to be. But Iter scale of
prices is as high as ever.
Knox county, III., is probably the di
vorce center of the United States. In
the last five years the number of divorces
liu averaged one to every seven mar
The Examiner calls for a display of
heep at the Midwinter fair. Under the
tariff system the Examiner lias been ad
vocating, display of sheep would eoon
be a rarity worthy a place in a dime
niuMum. mmmmammmaammmm
Karl's Clover Boot, the new blood
purifier, gives freabnew and clearness to
tbecowpUKioB aiid cures constipation,
3c., 60c. and $1.00. Hold by Snipes A
KlMnly, druggist.
Mr. J. P. Blaize, an extensive real es
tate dealer in Des Moines, Iowa, narrow
ly escaped one of the severest attacks of
pneumonia while in the northern part
of Iowa during a recent blizzard, says
the Saturday Review. Mr. Blaize had
occasion to drive several miles during
the storm and was so thoroughly chilled
that he was inahle to get warm, and in
side oi an hour after his return he was
threatened with a severe case of pneu
monia or lung lever. Mr. Blaizs sent to
the nearest drug store and got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of
which he had often heard, and took a
number of large doses. He says the ef
fect was wonderful and in a short time
he was breathing quite easily. He kept
on taking the medicine and the next
day he was able to come to Des Moines.
Mr. Blaize regards his cure as ?impl
wonderful. For sale by Waken- c
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
Smallest, easiest, cheapest, host.
Thoy'ro tiny, sugar-coated, nnti
bilious granules, n compound of re
fined and concentrated vegetable
extracts. Without disturbance or
trouble, Constipation, Indigestion,
NiliouB Attacks, Sick and llilious
Headaches, and nil derangements of
the liver, stomach, and bowels arc
prevented, relieved, nnd cured.
l'ermanently cured, loo. By their
mild and natural action, these little
Pellets le.lll tllU SVStein into natural ! iigrlrulturiil paper In the country.
wavs again. 1 heir lntluenco lasts. ,., ,,.,
Amrthoy'ru tho cheapest pills vou , 1-AKMbK UMSLAI IUi.
pin Imv for thov'ro Guaranteed' to ! During the coihIiik ear there will ho an liu
can uu, tor uit rt yuuramiw u mcn mlmlM.r , mtterof thu mint vital in
terest to farmers tlealt ultli uv mtu-rcst ami tho
heoutivu Deimrtmentu at WiMihiKton. it Is
Jackson Engine Co., No. 1
fflopday vei?ir, Jap. i, 1894.
ami ileal with (armhiK ami farmer's Interests
on lire mil, practical line, it
ami cvorytlilni: that appcarx In Its columns Is o(
tho character I'. wry department of thu
dinner business Ii discussed In an car net I,
practical way, looking to the-itreatcst prolltaml
hettellt to the farmer ami hli family.
It appear on tho 1st ami 1.1th of each month,
ami N furnished at the low price of
In advance Till unities It the cheapest
give satistaction 111 every case, or
your money is promptly returned.
You pay only for the iood you
Everything catarrhal in its nature,
Catarrh" itself, nnd all the troubles
that come from Catarrh, are per
fectly and permanently cured by
Dr. Satre's Catarrh Kerned v. No I
matter how bad your case or of how
long standing, ybu can be cured.
Commlttoo of Arrangements:
ioi in blasi:r.
Reception Commlttoo.
3U. W. HELM &c CO.,
- m:ai,i:ii.s is
Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals,
Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Perfumery, Etc,
promptly anil fully informed a to wlial Ik imIiik
planned ami ilono atlectlni; them at the National
vSJiK Wlm.8 '' LlnoorH tor Modlo.nal PurpoHon
.... 1........ .1 ..!... ... I Pnmnniiiirlliwr T1 i u r I ft u n
has iM'lter frtpilltli". than anv other twiiier (nr
KcttliiK tlilf Information, ami itevotex Itself to
til 1m iluty They will llml In It oonMantly it
Krcat amount of valuable Information that they
can set In no other paicr.
Tiik amkiucmn r.uiuKiwiuil Tiik Ciiuonici.k
ulll hu rent one year for JI.7".
ComiiourullriK PhyHlolariH' PruHorlptloriB n Spoclnlty.
No, 105 Second .Street, The Dulles, Oregon.
Opposite Columhla Cauily Tai'tory.
Notice is hereby uiven that uiile-s the
delinquent taxes of Dalles City are paid
within ten days from the date of this
notice the na'uies of the delinquents
will be published.
Bv order of the common council of
Darted City, made December 2d, 1S93.
Witness my hand this 7th day of
December, 1S'J3. Dan M.u.onky,'
Citv Marshal.
Anairreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC'.
Sold hj- Drutftrtstsor sent by mall. 25c.,Ci0c.,
ind 31. OJ per package. Samples f reo
T DA Tho Favorlto TOOTS rOWSIS
A.W HwforthtiTx:thndIircaUi.2fc.
For tale by Hnlpe Si Kuiemly.
t (iKN'TS make ,".00 a dav. (ireatcit kitchen
uten.ll ever lnventeil. Retails :l'iet .Moo
old in every house. Sample, poititre paid, live
cents. McMafcln and Co., Cincinnati. Ohio
mauuiK v.'.oo to :v,.oo I'Kit wi:i:k.
I'.ntles preferreil who can furnish n h"rcand
travel thruh tlie country; a team, th-aish. In
not necessary. A few vacancte-. In town- ami
cities. Spare hours may be ummI to p"xl ad
vantage. It. I'. JOHNSON A. I n.,
11th and .Main Hts.. Ulchmond. Vu
The St. Charles Hotel,
PORTLAND, OREGON old, xjpular and reliable lioti-e
ha. Irtfen entirely refurnished, and every
room has been ropapered and repainted
and newly carpeted throui'lrut. The
house contains 170 rooms and. d suppliec
with every modern convenience. Hates
rea.-onable. A jrood restaurant attachec
to the house. Frer bus to and from all
C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop.
John Pashek,
Merchant 1
ai or J
76 Couft StPcat,
Next door to Waaco Bun Office.
Has Jut recelveil the latct vtvle- in
Suitings for Gentlemen,
and lisa larjje aortmcut of Kortiun and Amer
ican Cloths, which he can llnish To Older for
thoi-e that favor him.
Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty.
Is the
Of the Year
New York Weekly Triim
Dalies WeeKig CDroniGle
ONLY- $1.75.
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
anil all tho train or vll
from early errors or lstr
eictitm, tbu reults of
overwork, Iu);iiib,
worry.etc. FullttreiiBtb,
dveIopinent and tona
Kl yen Ui e very ortian and
rKjrtlon of tho Ixxly.
4-eu. KallurofmpoHklUe.
2,'lt) references. It-ilr,
explanation and prifj
mailed (aealed) free.
Lumbago. 8olatIoaf
Kidney Complalnts9
Lame eaoK, c
't ELEdM
10 KLT
WlthllMtro-MtuuMtlo SUIPaNaORVi
Mictt rtiMii i mm lainnawu I
i mm from
Will cure without nradlHia all Wi
OTtr-Uutiou of brain narv forotfi ainaaa
cmluo. aa urrou deUlit, aliif liaaiaai,
u orar all ottM. ujrrtot i
rr or m toitZi ft,m., and
ihavm Ihum nr mo uav. Thou.
' bam cured br thla manralow Iiifullon
rvnwaiaaraiiad.aju v tin
iu Ibla andarary otkar ataUi.
riiaumaUam, klduy, 11 rar aad Uiawr eoajiplilou,
waaatrfallwarataaiaalt OTtr ajl othafl. .Oyrraot la
uutaourieiibr nr or
will our ail of Uw alura dltaajaa
Lnda llSVM Immi nurmdi kv tiila n
mtiwr mti nwr rvo
Our hiiriil imaa KUuirau! auia'Kiiaaanr. thu
rnwtaat booa rr effrred ik un, rHKK wltball
Mil. HmM aa4 Vlaanu Wnattfe WilUITUUIa M It
Uaars Hand forlflua'd I'ampLltt. mailed. l3,f9 OrriCE, The Dalle-, Or.,(
Dec. 7, lhj.i. j
Notice is hereby Riven that the follow Ink
named hettler has tiled notice of hi- Intention to
make tinal nroof in nnii.irt of hlh
claim, Jind that said proof will ! lnude U-fore
tho remitter and receiver at The Dnlks, Dr.. on
February 10, 1801, viz.:
.Ilirol, I. KoherU,
Homestead No. ZrM, for the nY.'4 of
NK'M, ami N', of SKU, and SW, of HEJ of hec.
l.Tii. 2S It. UK. W. Jl.
Ilenames tho (ollonini.' nltnei-K-tn irnve lil
continuoiiK residence Uon, and culllvation of,
said land, viz.
I!, i: MoirlMjii, JI. C. l'alnter, J N 1'atlerfon
andc I! htouhton, all of Dilfur, Or.
d-JSHO JOHN W. I-KWIa. lUttinter.
Jly virtue of an excciltloii and order of sal",
issued ontof the Circuit l.'ourtof tue .-late of
Oregon, for the County of Wasco, to me directed
comuiaudiru.' mo to make saluof the 'and iu tho
said writ, described to-wit Those pices and
parcels of laud Iu Wasco County. Hutu of Ore
Kon, known and de-crlbul as the "iilhhalfof
section elht(h , anil tho south half of section
nine CJ and the eait half and the southwest
quarter and tho east half of the uorthuc-t quur
ler and tho southwett iiuarter of the nortliwct
ouartei of section ten (10) ond the north half of
Hie northwest nuarter ami tho soutlieioit quarter
of tho uorthweat fiirter of section fifteen ll.1);,
all in Towmhlpono d;, north of Hainjo fourteen
(II east of the Willamette meridian, to make
ami pay tho sum of money, In said court adjudg
ed t Le paid to tho iilalutlU'lu said iiction, ill
which action Tho Solicitors Iain mid Trust
C'ompimy were nlnliitlM' and James llisdh, Mar.
thu M. Ilooth, I'verttt K. Hall, .1 !, McClure, II. McClure, D. O. Alter, Italph Hoers, Ju
lia N. Jtrjtrers, I. rl Embody, J. M. 'layloraud J.
F Kdwards wero defendants, to-Hit tho sum of
WKfl.W with tntereat thcrcjii, from July I, W,
at thu rate of six per vent er iiiiniim and UOO.OU
attorueyN fees In said action and comh and ills,
burse cuts therein taxed, I hitvuthls day levied
Ujii tho land aforesaid and on
Saturday till) !J.'lr(l dy of Deeetuhor 1HU3,
at the hour of W o'clock a. in.. In front of tho
court house door, In the City of The Dallea, in
sslil County and hiate. I will tell said laud at
public auction, to thu highest bidder therefor.
T. A. Wahu,
Hherlll'of Wasco County, Stato of Oreuou,
Jly virtue of an execution and order of sale,
Issued out of tho Circuit Court of thu Klato of
Oregon, for tho Comity of Wasco, to mu directed
coiniiiaiidliu,' mo lo make .alo of tho land In the
said writ described UJ-wit: thoso pieces ami par
eels ol lund in Wasco County, Ktato of Oreicou,
known and described as thuHouthuestquarter
of section four 14, and the north half of section
nine jtl), and the northwest quarter of section
seventeen f 17, lu Township one (11 north of
IUiiko fourteen (M). euat of tho Willamette Meri
dian, to make and pay the sum ol money, in
said Court adjudired to bo paid to tho plaintiff in
said action, in which action Thu (Solicitors Ixwil
nnd Trust Company were nlalntlll', and James
Ilooth, Martha H. Iksdh, Kveiett V. Hull, J. F.
McClure. Hurah II. McCiurv. D. (i. Alter. Italph
Koifcm, Julia N. lloKers, Url Kmlxidy, J, M. Tay.
lor and J, F. Edwards were defendants, to-njij
tho sum of t'JUUUUU with inteiest thereon, from
July 1, Wi, at thu ratoof tlx perreutjieruiimim
and mui attorney's fees iu said action and
coil and dUbiirsements therein taxed, 1 have
mis nay levieu iihiii iiiuiauu aioresaiu, ami on
HaturilM)', ilril cUy of Dvoiiiljnr, 1HIKI.
at tlin hour of 1(1 o' luck n. ill. Ill front nf llm
court house door, In tho City of 'llm Ddlu,, In
sain i;ouuiy aim .ouiie, j will s'i s'lUlunu Ul
puhllo auction Ui thu hiiflioit bidder therefor.
I . A. HAHi),
Hherlll'ol Wasco County, -it iteof OriKiin.
1,AM) orriCK, The Dalles'. Dr., I
Nov. y, fan.
Notice Is hereby xlven that the (oIlowliiK
naiiKil settler has Illcd nntleoof his intention to
make tlnal proof iu support of his claim and that
said proof will bo made before thu rctflter and
receiver at The Dalle, Ortvon, on Wednesday,
December'.', lb'l, viz:
Hewitt ItlllK.
Homesteiul Application No. 'i'i, for the N1-, of
SK!,i and I'M oi &Wst Sec. 10, Tp, H. It II Knit.
He names the following witnesses lo prove Ills
routlnuous residence iion and cultivation of
said land, viz:
II. W. Wells, of The Dalles, Or., Charles
Kastou, J nines Kimton and l'aul l.lmeroth of
Nunsene, Or.
John W I.kwis, ltelster.
TlmU-r Uind, Act June 3, IS7M
t.'. ri. OrriCE, The Dallus, or.,(
Nov. s, mli. t
Notice Is hereby Klveu that lu compliance
with tho provisions of the act of conress of
Junu.'l, 1X7K, cntltlisl "An act for the sale of tim
ber lauds In the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
Neul C. Hliivensoii,
Of KliiKsley, county of Wasco, slate of Oregon,
has this day Med lu this olllce his sworn state
ment for the purchase of the Ni:'s of NWJ,f,
of Hectlon. No, zf, in Township No. " H , rango
No i;i K, W. JI., and will oiler proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural piiri-ci,
and to estrtbllsh his claim to said laud before
the Kcgistcr and Iteceiver of this olllcout 'Iho
Dalles, Or., on the l.'Uli day of January, 1MI.
no names as wiiuesses ueorge .iicia'ou, jas-
all of Klngsluy, Or.
above decrlbeil lands are requeited to lllo their
claims in tins oillco on or ncloiosald I . j I J i day of
January, IS'JI.
wio JOHN W. I.F-WIH, Iteghtur.
Jeweler's CS-oods
at W. E Garretson's Store. '
Lafo' Mil GoIeI Watches 'retell from $15 to $30,
Gold Watches worth $40, reduced to $28.
1 8.
jr ICii'Iey, U-on llondeau and Lafayette Davis,
1 01 ningsioy, nr.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
Ily virtue of an execution and order of sale
issued out of thu Circuit Court of tho HUto of
Oregon for Wasco County, iiixjn a decree and
judgment made, rendered and entered by said
uouri on inu iiiii nay 01 rovemner. iwj, in
favor of plaiutiir, lu 11 suit wherein A. D. Iloltou
mis pialntlir, ami Frank D. Olllesjilo and Ithoda
Olllesple. W. K. Hunt ami W. If. llutlur were
defeuilants, and to me directed and ilellverol,
commanding mo to levy iion and sell alt thu
lauus jiieiiiioueo ami uescrioeii in sum writ, lino
hereinafter ilescrilKil, I did, on the 4th day of
December, Itti3, duly levy iiisui, and will sell at
public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash
iu hand, on
Jloudny, tlio Hilt day lanunry, 1H04,
at I o'clock iu tho afternoon of said day, at thu
frontdoor of tho Comity Courthouse in Dalles
City, lu Wasco County, Ori-Kon, all of the lauds
and prvmlsea described iu said writ ami herein
dcacrlbcd us follows, to-wlt;
The northwest quarter of Section fourteen (Ml
In Township two m Houth, nf Kango fourteen
(111 Kant of thu Wlllametto Jlerldlan, la Wasco
county, Oregon, or so much thereof as (ball bo
sufficient U satisfy tliu sum of "r.11.01, with In
terest thereon at thu rate of ten tier cent. er
annum aiuco novemoer inn, iw, tw.uo aiior
costs of
ney's fern, and ttt.KI cosU In said suit, together
wun mu oi sum writ, aim acorn in
sale. T. A. WAHD.
Hherltl'of Wasco County, Oregon.
Dated at Dalles city, Or,, Dec. 4, Ih'j.S. dsj.Hv.'i
Executor's Notlse to Creditors.
Notice is hereby Klveu that thu County Court
of thu Htate of Oregon for Wnsco comitv im
duly apKiuted thu underslgiied the executor of
thu lust will and testament of (Jeorgo F, I leers,
deceased. All iersoiu having claims ugalust
llm eslatu of wild deceased are liereby rwiulu-d
to present thein, with tho proier vouchers,
within six months froiu thudilo (if this notice
tjaaidoxw)UUrat liUplaco of resldeuce, near
llnHi'xvtty,ul'm,';'im,ly,0'!.at 'l10 i' '
W, II, WIUou, in said Duller City,
, , -UOHAKL DOVI.K, Kxwmtor.
DitedtUls ut day of t'uveuibvr, IWJ. Otw
American Coin Silycr Watches reduced to $13,
Genuine 14 K Gold Filled Vest
reduced from $8 and $10 to $4 and i
Tho abovo is a saniplo of tho bargains lo l,l
bad for a low clays.
A. R. Thompson,
Will constantly keep on Imnd a complete lluu ol
(Mil, 111 0l
HaviiiK purchusisl Mc. liiitlur'a entire slock, I shall endeavor to maintain Hi" n-i
thu house, which has beii!
Call and see me, next door to Postoffloe
OHoloeiKt, Xm,tomt, OHepo-'
Holiday Presents.
Silvtuiatte, Uulty, Wteh, ttooka. Toy. &ke'
-r -r- - "a
The imblio In invited to examine oiw goods hofot
fjiwohaNing elsewhere.
1'rlcefl tho loweat, nnd uro isrontlv reduced. Owning out hi
oi Toys turn iioiuuiiy kuuub wv.
leoond St,, The Dlle, Or.
x. o. ario