II)c Stalks Chronicle VOL. VI L. THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1893. NO. 1. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Til!' ihinllxhul Dully, liiinduy Kxcupti'd. IIV , OMUONIOLH PUBLISHING CO. (mfii ... nun wuHinnKum ntrwiii, tiio iiiiiii'n, wr'.'KDii. 1'iiriiix of Huliirlitlctii r; , tit month, hy ctirrlor ilnulo rnpv . .in do 60 (i TI.1IK TA lll.i:. ItiillriiuiU. Ill I'llovt Alllllist lb'J.1. KAMI ItllllNI), ,, tiMVif- IU:M 1. M. Ili'imrU IliOU r. M. wKmt luujjili, v. ...tmvwil:.".'.! a. . Iiopurth ;i:il a. it. MICA I.. i,mr it did I'lirtlnnil nt 1 r. m. Di'imttH fur I'orilnuil i,t :: r. i Twluou frclKhti. "nit curry nMuiiturM Iciivu ,. Of IMU Wl'll III n't.l A. M. ,111111 OIIU lor Ull.- ,f t ) A. M. H'l'Ad KM. . I'riiii'Vlllu, vIh. ltiiku Ovuii, luiivu dully III! l For Anteloi-o, Mitchell. Canyon (Jlty, Iwivc iilly tit i; a. it. int Dnliir. Kluu'iilov. Winnie, Wuiiliiltla, Witriii ptlnjfi mill TyKli viilluy, lunve iliilly, except ?ur, lny , nt i a, t. Kcir(iiilitcii(liili!, Wn-liy Itiiivo uvery day ol thu wt lueupt riitinliiy nt i a. m. 1)81(01 lor all llucfi lit the Umatilla Ilniln;. 11. KIIOI'KHNIONAI.. II. KII)l)i:i.lr-ATr()llIIKY.AT-I,AW- Court otrvut, Thu DuIIvn, Orvxuti. -OMcu X, It DUrUlt PHAtiK MKNKFKK. DI'KI'lt, . MKNKKKK ATTOBNKYM-AT-law KiHiiim 12 Mini U, ovor I'ohI ufilie IliillillliK, Kntruinji- mi WimhtiiRtou Htrtut ThuIMllin, OrcKOii. t .H. IIKNNKTT, ATl'OKNKV-AT-I.AW. 01 A. nculiiHijImiiiHiMmllilliiK. Hp nlalm. rhu Im1Ii, Oregon, r r MAYS. U.B.IIUKTINOTQN. U.K. WIWOK. MAYH, HUNTINGTON A WIl-HON-Anon-hkyh-aT'1.a w -Ollli.m., Kronoh'd block nvur flint National HiiiiW, liiilUn. Oregon. W II. WILSON ATTOIIMBV-AT.I.AW KimmH V . French A Co.'h hunk liulldliiK, Hecond trcct. l'liu DiilU'd, UrcRini. Ht'Tlinitl.ASl), M. !.. C M. l-'.T.M. C M c. r. mid H. t riiyHii'iiHi iiiiiir.nr- L-iiiin. unonm iinu i, ,,,,. KitiiK-iicu 11 r. '.Mt FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKaNHACI A (IKNKKALHANKIN.) HUBINK8H ho letters of Credit issued available in Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic TruiiHforHHoldon New York, Chicago, St. I-ouifl, Ban Francisco, Portland Oregon, Beattlo WiihIi.. and variono points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on ftiv oral)le terms. THE DALLES Hational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - Vice-President, CitHliitir, - - 'A. F. Moody Chaiilkh Hilton M. A. Moonv isn't m It iV is jusi cau.se "fhere is A BRIDGE DISASTER All Unfinished Structure Fails Fifty Men. With HURLED INTO THE RIVER BENEATH A La irc Number of Dead Bodies Rc- onered-Ponr Men Killed in a Fiidit. i K v? W 1 1 OLENE' General BankinK Business Transacted Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR Collections made on favorublo terms at all acceHHible points. .1. H. HCIIKNCK. I'ruHlilctit. J. M. I'ATTKUSON, (.'HNlllcr, J; Tliotnlmry'ft, went uml of Sworn! Mlt. KHIIKI..MAN' (Il0M.Kl)rATII!C) I'HYHICIAN i'IU HUllllKON, WUin ilIlRWuroi iiniiiHuij. irur iilulit. city or cnmitry. tt'lwipniiiii I)1im;V-. Ollleo No. nr. mill wtf ! It I). D. DOANK- IJ ijko.v. Diiliu; - rJIYKtCIAM ANI HUH- rcoinn ! inn! C Cliiipuuui .inpi; iiuiliiiMii',1! B. uoriiur '.nun iinu Konrtli iitrtiilH, M.-C mi! ilmir Irom the rumor. Olllio houm u to 12 A. M - to & mill " ' I N 1 1 1 A I . I v DHNTIhT. (illk KIM-'M ''If tllU 1. i.nlnloNS u.itriii:tlimo( tfcth. Also ti-oth First Rational Bank. VHE DALLES. - - - OREGON A General Banking PuBineBB transacted Deposits receiveu, nuoject to bight Draft or Check. Collections mado and proceeds promptly remitted on day ot collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on fcow lork, han I'rancisco and Portland. DIHKOTOKS. I). J. TllOMPrtON. J.NO. S. SCIIKNCK. En. M. Williams, Gi:o. A. Likiie. H. M. Bkau.. W. H. YOUNG, PiacKsmiili & wagon Slop ... ' uii liurtci! till) mil I tl in iiliitc. KoumH In; (lolilua Tooth, hci:oinl Ktun-'t Hl)I I'.TI KH, WASCO l.OlKiK, NO, 15, A. 1 & A. M. McutK tlrt iiiiil thlnl Muiiilny of cnuh iiionth nt 7 I.M DAI.I.KB ItOYAI, AUCK tlHAITlMt NO. r,, Jlt'Utslli ilimonlB Hull thu thlnl WcilliCMlny tluch mouth ut 7 1'. M. 101)1. EN .11 hurt U'OOllMKN OK THK WOKI.l). lit. IIimmI C'iimtNi.W.M'--otKTm;Mliiyuvuii-moli woU lu Fraternity Hull, ut p. in. nOI.UMHIA 1.0DUK, NO. 5, 1. O. O. K.-Mcut v uvury Krliluy uvlmiIhk nt 7::X)o'cloi!k, lu K. ol I' hull, corner Hocoiitl mill Court Htrcut.n, )Jiriilnc lirnthcrH uru wclcoiiiu. II. Ci.ouiik, Hi-u'y. II. A. 1IILI.H.N. 11. LM'.IKNDHllir I.ODOK, NO, U.,K.of l'.-McotH i' uvury iliiiuluy cvcnintT in v:3u ociock, u; jCliinmn'H IliiIMIiii'. I'lirniT n Court mill Kecouil trivts. HoioiiniiliK mcuiborH iiro conlliilly lu- .O.ul VI' U l!lt.lf. U. W.Vaiidk, K. of It. mill H. 0. C. 4 bHKMIII.V NO. 4H'7. K. OK I.. MwitH III K A of 1'. hull thu (weoiul mill fourth Wwliaw Ikyk ol vhoIi month nt7:li p. m. UrtlMKN'H OHIIIKTIAN TKMl'KUKNOK T UNION -will meet uvery Krhluy ultoriioou i a o clock nt tnu ruMiniiK room. AiiiiruiiivniM T.I AltMON LODOi: No.601,I.O.U.'l'.-KeKUlnr ia weekly liieotliurH hrliliiv ut n r. M.. ur ii. It. 0. Kl.KCK, Be General Blncksmithing and Work done promjitly, and all work Guaranteed. Jlopse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. LicUc's old Staufl. House Moving! Vruterulty Hull. All iiro Invited. U U. OlIHIHMAN, 0. T. 1KM1'1-K L01K1K NO. ii, A. O. U. W.-Mcetn in Krnturnlty Hull, over Kollem, mi Kecoinl irvui, inumutty fvcuiiiK" tn r.si. II. HANHKN. ,W.h Mybkh, Klunnclor. M. V, IAH. NKHM1TII I'OHT, No. 3-J, (!. A. It. MevtM u uvury Butiirduy nt 7;a r. m lu thu K. ol 1' Hj. KAII.WAY UNION, NO. 10.- ii net fimrtn TinirxiiiyH i-iion "Will III K. Of P. IIHII. J. W. KKAI1Y, Jft' II, Jonkh, Heo'y. I'reH U OK I.. K. MeetH uvery HiiiiUuy ittlcriioou lu A MKItlt'AN MeutN decoutl the K. of P. Hull. IKHANU VKHKIN-MeitH uvury Hiimluv y evening lu thu K. oP. Hull. BOK 1j, K. DIVIHION, No. 107-Meotn lu K. of P. Hull thu flmt ami thlnl Wwlnon mot uanh month, ut 7;Hii i. m. THK CIIUltUIIKH. VT. I'KTKHB OIIUHOU -Huv. Kiithor HliONS okiit Pantor. ' M. 'Ml, Low Mush uvury Huiidiiv nt High Manx ut 10:80 A. M, Voer ut S1'..! AULH OIHIUOH -Union Htroot, oppoHlto J? With. Kov.KllD.HiitolllliilUHJUir. Burvlcew Sfy mimlHy at 11 a. m. ami 7;o r. m. Hunilny bciu)o1o: A. m. KvuiiIiik Prnyor on Friday ut pHWT 1IAITIBT (IHIMIOH-Huv. O. I). TAY tun. l0P" j''Wtor. MuruliiK sorvlceB uvury Bub S' ut thu ucudumy ut 11 a. m. Bubliath ciiooi Immwllatoly ultor mornliiR norvluuH. inootlnu Friday ovouIuk at Paotor'H renl ".iico. Union ncrvlees in thu court liouno at nONuUKUAT10NAlj oiiuitOH-Kov. W. l. M, utib, 1'iutor. BervlccHovory Htimlay at 11 teri",u - Hunday Bohool after inornliiB fvieo. BtruiiKeni cordially InvlUxl. BeuUfreo. K. OHUIiaH-llev. j. Wjuhlbb, nutor. in, Tlltli ilr'... Bufyloud uvury Biiiiday mornliurut 11 a lZ2r B""ool , tl2:!fl)o'roolc r h. Kpworth Till,.;. "'"V fiyur iiiuuiiiik uvury Tltitin! l5! vilnK ut 71110 o'olook. A fonllal In' Willi MWUilud hy both piwtor and people fJHHlHTUN OHUItOII-llKV.P. II. Mcdui'KWY eoh liSSt' in thu (JhrlHtluu uhuritli KVu1al!,'.,.(JA,' I'H'iHKKAN-lNllltli Htreut", futJ.Jl& Horn, Piutor. Berv con ut u iftin.in rjr one. Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures, lias the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181, The Dalles J. F. FORD, Evanplist, 01 Deo MoIuch, Iowu, writeN under date ol March 'J3, 1803: S. B. Mkd. Mko. Co., Dutur, Oregon. GfiifVHien : , , , , On arriving home last week, I found all woll and anxiously awaiting. Our littlo girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wiiBted away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and woll floahed up. S. 1L Cough Cure lias done its work woll. .Both of the children like it. Your S. Ii. Cough Cure baa curod and kept away all hoarsenoss from me. So give it to every one, with greotmge for all. Wishing you prosperity, wo are Yours, Mit. & Mas. J. F. Fokd. IfyouwUhtoIeol fresh audcheurlul.nndrcndy for thu Bprlns'u work, clemihu your nHtem with thu Hcudttoho niul l.lvur Cute, hy Inking twooi threo iIohcm euoh week, Bold uudor u positlvo Ktiuruiitee. 60 contH pur bottlu by ull dniKKlstn. I'nc new sionfenfVi ?s So tvoncerfu8y ?ojb uur with, housekeepers. g'OTTOLENE IS fVfjE .Dg'LtctTE, Wealth- or ins. un pie as ant odor Necessarily Connected vifn lai-cf .Qet trje jertorne 1"r.cTC Isno yea! Subsfffufe. Mr.do only by FAIRBANK & CO., I. 4.. ST. LOUIS and OMIGASC, NEW YORK, BOSTON. "The Reffulator Line" Dalles, Portlanfl ani Astoria Navigation Co. THROUG-H Frejgni ana Passenger Line ThroiiKh Tri-Weekly (Sundays ex cepted) oetween The Dalles and Port land, bteamer lieguiator leaves rno Dalles at 7 a. m., Mominys, Wednesdays and Fridays, connecting at the Cascade Locks with Steamer Dulles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock) at ti a. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I'AHBKNGEH KATES. Ono way Round trip. .if 2 .00 . 3.00 C. P. STEPHENS, DBALliR IN DRY GOODS Clothing ItooH, HIlOUH, lllltH, Alto. Fancy (qood, flotion Kto. Kto. Kto. Seoond StThe Dalles. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will le brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must bo delivered before 5 p. in. Livo stock shipments .solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Uuuernl Ak"'I. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Uuuornl ninuuRor. THE DALLES. T H E ARTIC OREGON CANDY FACTORY SODA WATER AND IOE OREAM. Ut WlllllOKIlll' tlllotiltlollH. Candies and Nuts SNk Specialties Finest Peanut Remoter In The Dalles J.F0LC0 2 38 2d Street At right side Mm. Olmrr restaurant. Louisviu.i:, Ky., Dec. 15. A large span of the JefTersonville and Louisville bridge across the Ohio river fell at 10 :i0 this morning. The bridge would have been completed in a few days. Fifty men were thrown into the river. The number drowned is estimated all the way from 20 to 30. Bridge timbers and false work, iron and mangled humanity, are lying in a heap in the river. Several thousand people line the shores on either side, and boats near the spot are crowded. Heroic efforts are being made at rescue. ""The bridge has been under construc tion a number of years. Several times it was interrupted by lack of funds. Three years ago, during the construction of the pier?, an accident happened in a caisson, by which 12 lives were lost. Accidents have been frequent, and it is said 50 persons in all have lost their lives by them. The bodies of Ed Sim mons and 10 identified have been recov ered. The accident was due to the insecure placing of a traveling crane. Last night the wind Etill further loosened it, and when the engines started this morning to draw back into its place, the swaying of the false work in the high wind forced it from the piles on which it was placed, carrying the bridge down with it. Ten workmen saw the danper in time to escape. Forty-one went down 110 feet into the water. The injured were brought to the hos pital at the rate of one a minute. The first Eeven to arrive were unconscious and their names are not learnable. Some of them were negroes. Tiie first dead man taken out was James 15. Burns. Henry Lee, of Albany, is among the badly hurt. The accident occurred on the Indiana side. J. W. Baird, secretarv and treasurer i of the bridge company, was one of the ! witnesses of the disaster. He was com j pletely overcome for a time. He said that he was the originator of the plan to build the bridge and added : "I guess 1 will be eternally damned for it." Civil Engineer Selby says there were only 30 men on the collapsed portion. As to how many were on the span when it fell there are conflicting reporte. Some of the escaped men say there were 100, and as but a few are taken out of the water from the debris, the loss of life is put down as at least 50. Others say that just beforo the accident a num ber of men were called oil the span, and that not more than 50 remained, some of whom escaped to the other span, and that with thoso saved from the water the loss is not more than 20 or 25. The latter is probably correct. Twelve have Lien taken to the hos pital bo far, of whom two have died since. "The others are all unconscious. No doubt a number of bodies are buried under tons of iron in the bottom of the river. A report from Jeflersonville, the other end of the bridge, says tliero were 150 men on the span, of whom only 05 are accounted for. Killed ill u I'lflil. Sax Axkla, Tex., Dec. 15. S. Graniskis, Arthur Macier and two herd era have been killed on tho Picos river, 150 miles west of bore, in a light with drifters. The cattlemen in that section aro having a great deal of trouble now with the range -owners. It isn't iu tho ordinary way that Dr. 1'ierco's Favorite Prescription comes to the weak and suffering woman wbo needH it. It's ijuamnteed. Not with words merely; ttnv medicine can make claims and promisee. W hat is done witli tho "Favorite prescription" is this : if it fails to benefit or cure, in any ease, your money is returned. Cun you ask any better proof that a medicine will do wlint it promises? It's an invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and strengthening nervine, and a certain remedy for tho ills and ailments that beset a woman. In "female complaints" of every kind, periodical pains, internal inllamniation or ulceration, bearing-down sensations, and all chronio weaknesses and irregu larities, it is a positive and complete cure, To ovory tired, overworked woman, and to every weak, nervous and ailing one, it is guaranteed to bring health and strength. Shiloh's cure, tho Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes it Kin ersly. Pockot si.o contains twenty. live doses, only 25c, Children lovo it. fold liy Snipes & Kinersly. inn OI.VMI'IA'S TllIAIj. Mn Km'rci1 tlm l!M(iilrnii('iiK, but Dues Not Kiiiinl Kxpoctntlons. Santa Hakiiaka, Cab, Dec. 15. The new cruiser Olympia, on iier tiial test in the channel today, did not equal the ex pectations of her builder", but still far exceeded the requirements, and estab lished a record for an 87-knot course of about 21. 07. The ocean was like a big mill pond, and waB only milled by the big cruiser herself as she sped through the water, sending a spray over her bow until tho decks wero drenched. From Goleta Point to Point Conception quite a sea was running. Tho reason why the cruiser did not equal her previous re cord is an unexplained mystery. Her machinery worked perfectly, and there was not the slightest break. Tho time of 21.07 is liable to correction on ac count of the currents, which may result in the Olytnpia's favor. There was a draft four inches greater than the re quirements, which will also be counted in tho calculations, which will not be made for several days. The maximum speed is estimated at 22.05, Dulur New. Dutuh, Dec. 15, 1S93, To The Chiioxicle; It has been very stormy in these parts till the last dav or two, and prospects bid fair at my writing for another small shower to the extent of sixty days. Nothing of importance in our burg only the recent hog drivers which pass through here from Tygh and Juniper Flat. lue improvement ot lygn lull is a benefit to our people as well as those on the other side, for hardly a day passes but wljat four or five teams come in laden with wheat for our mill, and of couree that brings more trade to others, but still they kick at the washouts on the hill. Yet I must admit the road is hardly wide enough for big teams, even in dry weatner wnen wet don't count, as it has only been a very short time Eince a trail wagon went fluey about two-thirds of the way up, and the team ster is at the foot of the bill fixing the breakage to make one more ascension The industrious farmer is plowing every day as it wneat Drougnt !fl per bushel and be had 10,000 bushels, and wishing for more of such weather, while the loafers of this burg (of which there is a great number) are wishing it would snow ten feet deep so the store-keepers would keep up a better lot of Ores. Am sorry to sav tnat l am ciassined witn the latter lot and am speaking from ex perience. But the Methodists are ruiv ning a revival meeting at present aim we can gather enough heat at church to last until the Jsnow does come. Our U. B. minister has gone to Moro to assist in revivals at that place, so you see we will keep warm Eomo way. Praise the Lord ! Tho steam chopper is ruuuing at full blast most of the time grinding tho spoilt wheat of this country. It makes very good horse feed; if not too badly spoiled. Owing to the recent rains it lias been impossible for tho farmers to get wood from the timber, and that makes good business for our city wood yards. Excuec my laziness in not writing last week. Jack. NEWS NOTES. The Arizona admission bill passed the house yesterday on a vote of 1S5 to GO. Andrew F. Snelling has been con firmed as register of the land office at North Yakima, Wash. Several middle states were shook up pretty lively by earthquakes on tho 14th. In places goods wero thrown from shelves. Tho Oregon Pacific waB sold at shei ilF's sale at Corvallis yesterday for $200,000. The purchasers wero O. E. Hughes, Jas. Clark, representing Jas. A. Blair and others. When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Dal ton of Luray, Russell county, Kan., called at tho labaratory of Chamberlain & Co., Des Moines, to show them his six-year-old boy, whoso life had been saved by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, it having cured him of a very severe at tack of croup, Mr. Dalton is certain that it saved his boy'a life and is enthu siastic in his praiso of tho Remedy. For sale by Blakcley A Houghton. The llrnnch Anylimi. The Salem Independent says : There is to be another attempt mado to prevent tho erection of tho branch asylum in Eastern Oregon and of the soldiers' homo at Roseburg. Under the guise of protecting the people in their constitutional rights, politicians aro at tempting to evade the responsibility of location until after election. It was for this purpose that a board of consulting physicians was appointed to locate the branch asylum and now a suit is to lxs brought, which the governor, secretary of state nd state treasurer fondly hope will cause a delay that will make it un necessary for them to jeopardize their political interests and incidentally, allow in the neighborhood of $200,000 to be kept (?) in the stato treasury for some time. In the furtherance of this polit ical and financial scheme, Governor Pennoyer can bo but littlo interested, as bo lias no political horizon to bo clouded by tho jealousies of Eastern Oregon as pirants for the branch asylum, and is not stato treasurer. Indicted in ('rook County. Sheriff Booth of Prlneville came over in Grant county last week and arrested two of our best known stockmen on in dictments returned by the grand jury in session at Prineville at present. Each of these two gentlemen will be able to clear themselves, and when the facts are fully known, nothing of a criminal na ture will be found against cither of them. Eagle. The parties referred to are Bob Gilmore and Emmett Cochran. Both gave bonds, and are guilty of noth ing. Heppner Gazette. THE CHURCHES. Methodist Episcopal church Preach ing at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by tho pastor, Rev. J. Whisler. Other services as usuaL All are cordially welcomed. The Baptist church, Rev. O. D. Tay lor pastor, will hold service tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school follows this service. There will be no evening service. If the weather is cold or inclement the service will be held iu the prayer room, as the furnace is not completed. Programme of service- nt Christian ml nc 10 o'clock a. n'i 'nek ; subject, f i lie CI urch of Whom, Where?" subject, "Fore- church Sunday ec'p m. Preaching at 1 1 "The Establishment Christ; When, by Preaching at 7 iliil ; knowledge of God Is It Limited or Un limited, Contingent or Absolute?" Spe cial song service beginning at 7 o'clock. All are cordially invited to ateond. P. II. McGuffey, pastor. The Congregational church, corner of Court and Fifth streets. Sunday ser vices as usual. At 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. worship, and a sermon by the pastor, W. C. Curtis. Text of the morn ing sermon, "He knew not that tho Lord had departed from him." Subject of tho evening sermon, Does penitenco make any difference. Sunday school immediatelv after tho morning service. Meeting of tho Young People Society of Christian Endeavor at 0:15 p. m. Topic. "Tho wonderful love of Christ(Rev. i-15; John xv-0-13.) All not worshippinK elsewhere aro cordially invited. All I'rve. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now tho opportunity to try it free. Call on tho advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle, free. Send your name and address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and eet a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Sold by Snipes it Kinersly. IIow'h 'I'liU! Wo oiler Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by hall's Catarrh Cure. V. .1. CHENEY it CO., Props. Toledo, U. Wo tho iiiutersiL'iieil. nave known r. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and believe nun periectiy nonorauiu in an diikiiu-bs transactions' and financially ablo to carry out any obligation mado by their firm. West it Triuix, Wholesale DruguistB, Toledo, O. Wa dim.'. K nnan iV .Marvin, wnoie- sale Druggists, Totedo, Ohio, Hairs- uatarr i uuro is tauon internally. acting directly upon tho blood and muc ous surface ot tno svstein, itico nn per bottlo. Sold by all Druggists, les- timoniais tree. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE