5. ffl m if i 'i . !' P e 'i i :' it J mi Thfi niies Daily Chronicle. PROVEN FALSE. KiiUh.h at tho I'ostotiico t Tie Italics, Oregon, as scrond-clAM matter. Tin: n.vM.its iii:i:(in.N MOMENTS OP MIRTH. "Is your laur!ttor fond of tlu putuo. Hic!ti'v' "No: shtV vorv unkind to our piano. She lieu I it two hours a day least." 'H.i!Ki:it in troiiifr to teach mo book keeping." sniil ymuitf .lnrli-y. 'Well, hoV just tin man to do it." said l'-.-w-son. "I lent him n.eopyof Wat on:, poems a year ao. mul lus kept it over since." "I n.vvi: enough to support Ethel. Will you ho mv wife?" "Well Charlie, you must excuse me if 1 am cautious. Hut you say you have enough to support uie. Who is frohifr to sup port you?" j "Oetti.vi; money out of my emigre-1 sration," said Uev. .lones, "is like pull-' Tin: "Man in the Iron Mask" did not wear a mask of iron. It was black velvet, secured by steel springs. Tin: wonderful Damascus blades that cut bar of iron in tw'o were not su perior to the Toledo blades made to day. Ar.ritni) Tin: (Si:i:at did not vidt the Danish camp disguised as a minstrel. There in no good reason to believe that he could either play the harp or speak Danish. Tin: maelstrom is not r. whirlpool which sucks ships down into the depths of the ocean. It is an eddy, which in fair weuthev can be crossed In safety by any vessel. Qt-Ei:: HixAxon did not suck the pois-on from her husband's wounds, as Bhe did not accompany him on the ex you, I pedition during which the incident is alleged to have taken place. CI5omvi:i.i. and Hampden did not at tempt to sail to America just before the outbreak of the English revolu tion. A number of their friends did. but they had no thought of going YOUR ATTENTION la oftlloil to tho fnot that ing teeth. "Ion must get piles of, s,. Uu. wrl.f Fair for nfleoi. Cm.l, money, then, saul Iheks "1 never, Upon receipt of vonr addre and llf know oi more outrageous charges than . . those for pulling teeth." , teen cunts in postage stamps, we will 1'lk.vsk. ma'am." said the w.! n,;uI .vo P"--paid our souvenir portfolio 'can't you help me? 1 has to support a wuu an tnree oiuimvn. "ou? You're not old enough to be married." "No; but me father is. It's his wife and three children 1 has to support.'' Harper's Hnzur. SPORTS AND PLEASURES. MorXT.vix sheep are protected lvv Inu' in f"Yi1 j-iT-i tl t 'It . Ii'v .. itentinry is the penalty for slaying one the stamps and let you keep the oi the world's Columbian exposition, i uie regular price h lllty cents, hut as we want you to have one, we mnke the price nominal. Von will titid it a work o' art and a thin;: to be prized. It eon ; tains full page view. of the reat bnlld ' iiifrs, with descriptions of same, and is i executed in highest style of art. If not satisfied with it, after vou get it, we will m&0 Just flrrivefl from Hew York --3 SlMiKNDII) ASSORTMENT 01' ladies' Hagb Glenn, fiifllfiins & Fiimislpi fiooii'T. 1 cl1"' t i.-iiarkahlv Low Prices. ; 72 Ulashinston Strict:. SnlPiiriifi Phinnhilln nimppnnts ih ID ! JmuKBHSI Kn.i. assokt.ment OF hi.- I PV VVinterur"uoocls'l'IVTnjitlifm-n TnmWl'& 1 ffifm ? . 'MOTS, SHOES, IIATS, ETC V I iUj H'J 1 ? W.f i r '-isi-v1 M Wasco warenouse Co., Receives Goods on Stor af?;o, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Salo on Commission. Ra La Reasonble. MAltlC (KKJIW ... W. -V57-. Oo. tiii: iai.i.i:k, on 5 WKiSiiTKU'W Tier; ' f. r "mi.;- ,. . Ten u-;in la nnMin , ). ltor.f" miinj in.it , , OXliUJliJlll It is said tiiat while a resident o Sault Ste. .Marie. Midi., was duck shooting recently an eagle swoopei down and carried off one of his duel decoyt., sinker and all. Mr.. .Tamkr Coituox Ukxnktt is off oi a yachting cruise in the Mediterranean which would seem to afford a gratify ing indication that the state of hi health is no longer precarious. Miss Exi.a Daiu.ixo.tox. of the Wes Chester (Pa.) Normal school, althoug! only twenty years, oi age. :s a gracefu and fearless equestrienne. She sits ii ; a man's Middle, with a foot in eael t stirrup. The selling of antlered bucks' head is just now one of the industries of tht North Woods. The heads are sold a eight dollar. each, and it eo-ts sixteei dollars more to prepare one for use as a hat rack or wall ornament. book. Address II. E. IHtki.kn & Co.. Chicago, 111 j l.onfc Ovt'i' Your County AVarrantx. 1 All county warrants registered prior to January linn, tsuu, will be pan! it presented at my oflice, corner of Third ; and Washington streets. Interest j ceases on and after thi date. W.M. MlCIIEM., Treasurer Wasco Cotintv. October JUt, IStW. 'tf FIGS AND THISTLES. XiiTTLi: thinkers are big talkers. Good actions, like sheep, arc apt to follow one another. Mahomet admitted bees to paradise, but barred out the hornet. Tni: love that is dumb until it speaks on a tombstone doesn't say much. It is hard to convince a dyspeptic that the world is growing better. Some men who start out to set the world on fire give up at the first thun der clap. Tueiij: are people who never accom plish anything beeaube they undertake to do too much. TiiEBBare men v.-hogo to a gymnasi um for -exercise while their wives are sawins' the wood. Thk average woman is as proud of the trouble she has with her hired girl as she is of her bonnet. I'am'b Horn Notice. ; Notice is hereby uiven, that by order i oi tne common council ot Rules City, made ami entered on the 12th day of I)e eemoer, iay.j, sealed nuis win oe re eeived at the oflice of the undersigned j until Saturday atternoon at-1 o clock p ; m., December Kith, ISO'!, for the con strution of a fewer of terra cotta, to lj i inches in diameter, on Lincoln street in said city, commencing at the south I line of the intersection of Lincoln and i Fourth streets, in the center of said Lin 1 coin street and thenea continuing north- i erly along the center of said street to . the terminus thereof, towit : xv water ; mark of Mill Creek. Said sewer to be I constructed in accordance with the plans ' and specifications thereof heretofore made and prepared by C. J. Crandall, and which said plana and specifications may be seen at the oflice of said C. J. ' Cranuall. No bid will le received unless the same is accompanied with a u'ood and Miflicient bond in tho sum of .200, con ; ditioned that the bidder will .accept the constructing of said sewer if tho same , shall be awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bids is i hereby leserved. Dated at Dalles Citv, Or., Dec. K", 1S0.J. ' Douglas S. Dltui:, Recorder of Dalles Citv. GARDEN AND FOREST. Aj; cdorle onion in cultivated by Chinese gardeners. A peak that weighs over thirty ounces i& on exhibition at a drug store in Atlanta. Cia. The British scientific expedition to the Philippine islands in wiid to have discovered y.COtJ feet above the sea level, on the sides of the extinct volca- j no Apo, a flower five feet and a half in j diameter. j A FAKMiili near Shepardstown, Da., I raised a stalk of cabbage with one ' huge head in the center and eighteen smaller ones around it. These were about the size of a quart measure and perfectly formed. ( IX tho earlier periods ox uie trees in crease much faster than when adult the oak, for instance, grows more rap idly between the twentieth and thirti eth years and when old the annual deposits considerably diminish, bo that tho strata are thinner and the rings proportionately closer. ! Business Change. Tho undersigned has bought the Chinese merchandise busi ness heretofore conducted bv "' ! "STIBIEJ IHIOjP &c CO, and will pay all bills owing by raid firm if' presented to them before December 1st, ISO.'i. CHEW KEE & CO., l.'IO .11.1 1 n Kt., Tlio lull. Or. SHERIFF'S SALE. of Ily try CAR LO-D0 OF MONEY. T:iE assessed valuation of this coun ry in 1S00 was Vi,'-lW.rVi.HOi. Tin: richest community in the conn- virtue of an execution uml order hale ismed out of the Circuit Court of tho htatf of Oregon for tho county of Wafcu, to ine rtlrw'.l, tominiuxlliii,' uio to rnuko salo of the laiiil in xalrl writ, di-ticri li ed to-ivlt; thoto plit'UN nmi jtarcels of land in Wuc County, Statu of Oregon, known hijiI de rrllx'iliiH allot tcctlon three 31, mid tlio onth half of tins houtlienat ijuarterof M-ctlon four I, nmi tho touth half of urction llvo ('u ami thu north half of btction tight (i), all in Towuthlii 'one ii, norm oi r.uiixe louriecn u I can oi iuu ' Wlllauietto meddlan, to wake and jmy tho nun 'of money, in tald Court udjudgwl, to b iaid to i tho ptalntlll in paid action, in which nctloii The I solicitors i)an and Trust Comimny were iilaln- till' and James Uooth, Murtlm .M. liootli, Everett Vt. jiuu. j. i . 3icviure, naran n JKXJiire. u. o. Alter, ital,li Itogew, Julia a Hogem, 1,'ri Km lody, J. JI. Taylor and J, V, KdwardH wero de femlanu. to-wit. tiiunumof tWVj.UU with inter est thereon from July J, lSlfj, at tho rate of tlx try, according to population, is .said to( iald iiction undcostimid dbburhementiJ therein bo that of Urouklinc. Mass. This town has a population of Hi, 000. and property valued at SiJ-:.0'W,0()0. At the beginning of 18!):i there were 1,701,000,000 francs in gold and I.M7, 000,000 francs i: silver in the vaults of the Hank of J-rancc. it would renuiro fltil ....-j ..I .......... Ii .. et Iftfniie nfinli I.J uou IUI., ill v,4 l.lil , " v i. , . n. move the metal. . M. Ja.vet, a careful Htatistiean, esti mates that tin- wealth of the United Htate.-i if. 870.oy,000.000; that of the United Kingdom, eoo.000,000,000; that of France. S4O,O00.XW,000; that of all Europe, 800,000,000. A taiim: tshowing the monetary h.ys tern of the worlil lias been prepared by Director of the Mint Preston. Tho .statistic!! hhow that tho aggregato wtocltofgold i; g.'J.r.SS.OO.'i.OOO: wllver, 8i,OW,700,000. and uncovered paper, ei;.0:5,87a,O0o. Ituoklun'.'t Ariucu rialvo. TJio boat ealvo in tho world for cuts, brmuea, eored, ulcqrs, talt rhuiiiu, fever j cores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain'', cornu, and all skin eruption'', and posi tively curta plica, or no pay required, It in guaranteed to givo perfect natiafac tion. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. for Mle by Snipes & Kin- taxed. 1 liavo thin day above det.crlbed mid on levied ukju tlio land Hut unlay tli) i'.'Jil (lav of Deceinlim', IHU.'J, nt thu liour of 10 a. in., in front of tlio court houK) door, 1 ii tl.o city ni Tlio llailes, In wild count; und tule, I will bid! haid laud at public auction, to tho highest bidder tlieiefor. T. A. W'AltlJ, ftierlll'of Wukco county, Statu of Oregon, nov'.'.'td SHERIFF'S SALE. Jiy virtue of un oxecutlon and order of t-alo ihtuidoutof tho Circuit Court of tho htato of Oregon for Watco County, ill"!)! ii decieo and ludgmeut made, rcndeiul and entered by uald court on mo iuu nay oi xtovcinoer, m favor of plalutiir, In u milt wherein A. J). Jioltou mm pluiutiir, anil KranU I), lilllexplo uml ithorlu (illlbui'le, W. K. Hunt and W. Jf. Jlutler wero ili'ieiidantH, and to mu directed and delivered commanding mo to Jovy iiou and kc-U nil tlio lanoH mi'uuouui aim ueicrioei ill Mini wru, ami hcteluaftcr described, 1 did, on tho 4th day of Do'-embcr, Jh'j, duly lovy uiion, and will hell nolle auction, to tho h uion, and wilt hell at het bidder, for cash In iinud, on Slouduy, tlio Htii day duiiuary, IHIM, Wily, at 2 o'clock in tho afternoon of Mild day, at tho frontdoor of tho County Courllioumi m JMIIch Citv, In Wuhco County, Orc-gou, all of tho lands and preiiilHeNdcM-rlbed la tuld writ and herein deteilUsl iib follon-k, lo-wit, Tlio northweiit ouartcrof Bection fourteen II in Townehlp tivo 121 Houth, of Itaugo fourtouii II Kant of tho Willamette Meridian, In Wmco nuy' fees, and lll.b-'i conti in eald milt, together Willi cost cf tald writ, and net-ruing coU of ale, T. A. WAItl), Hherill'of Wueco County, Oregon. Jlatixl at l)nllt City, Or., Dec. 4, IbW. dM iis.l fjjyAs we are torced to SKLL FOIv CASH in order to avoid lawsuit-, .like he famous A. S. ColliiiH and wife's suit and bad debts, our prices whl ulwuyH b found the very lowest in the tnnrUet. We invite our friends and riHtomerM to examine our uoods and prices before purchasim:. When ilic Train slops at THE DALLES, get oil' o the South Side AT THC flEW COLUJVIBIA HOTELi. RH1LROKD Ii- tin- line to take TO ALL POINTS BAST AND SOUTH. It ! tin Diultig Cur lEniltc. It ruin, Tnrnugti v'ostltmliil I nitiet ivery day In the your In liycryhmly S Mrtlmwni ! u HUut A till 'llH'ttli,,,, . fiiui emlii,' iliel.N. t lory. HpWllnr, pm. 5 iiiuirlailii:i. um) 5 IliroPIII1. i" i.'ir.N oficii diRiri'd liifiirmatlo'i i This liirguund popular Hnuwd' et the priiifip.il lintel liilluci, and is preiuiml to fumhh the llot Ari-oiiintiaiatioi of any lloutj in the city, ami at th; Urn rate of $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qlass Treats, 25 Cets. Otllcp fur all Htagf J.lni'- li-avlnir 'rin llallft r,ir till jiolntM In Kiitc-rii Ori-giin mill l.'uti-ni VHliliigtoii, 111 this llotul. Corner of Front nnd 1'nion SU. T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. Clothier and Tailor, . Decidedly the Finest Line of Gents' Ktirnisliirig; Goods, Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. COH. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OH. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its jlooa leads on to fortune." Tho poet unquostionably had rofGronco to the Liiu-Oiit Mi 11 1' -Mm k Garnets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Wlio are selling those goods out at groatly-roducod rates. MICIIELDACH UltlOK, - - UNION ST. j . T. , i hiiiKOliold.niid to si Paul and GuicaqDr;-: jj cnuulri(M, rltli", litwiirt, itiul iiatur.it f4a $ tuirnot thotttolir; partirularn ruitccnita;: ? Jj l.ttlou of Torctn tinotatlntti, ftgiili, ami f i TIi in Work in JitvnlmililviinK limhnM,nml to tho UMrli.-t , milioUr.urw. ....... ..r .............. NO OII.VNOK OK CAIW.l t:oniiil of Dltilm; Cur iin.urp.icil. Pull mnn Driovliic UDoiiibnx'pcritof lati-st iiilpnifiit. 1 llml;(ttcr. Morrium f.'ii. l'ulilitlieri. jj Nirtii'jjUlil.MaAi. 1 CTl'"r.otlni)rrliPfliiilioiii. 2 kMliU- icpnmtul mietriit ? oltlMIIS. r.'7en'lfijrricrtii'.-tiu. wnnsiHs lOTai-nroi DICTIOKM, lli-M Hint i'iiu Ik.' coiMtrtli'tLsl, iiiiii In wlilen Hix'mnmixliitlonii me l,ith Km iinil Kurulthoi for hidden. oi Klrntnnd M:co:id-cln.'t'ickcu,iuii1 j ELEGANT BAY COACHES A I'liiitlniioiiK line, tciiun-oiliiv; ivtth iilLlliic. ntronllni: illtcrt nnd iinlntcrnipUil .crvli'- I'tillmnn rltt'ir rivcivntluith enn ! Mi;iit-i in hiIvioii-.' llin.imli miy intent nf lh- nxnil THROUGH TICKETS Irfiintitln Atncrtcu, KiikUihI iu.i1 it;irciv i.ni 1; imrc.'iwiil hi hiij ticket ottltn il tronlIMlllJ Full !u(cruui:o;i roiicurnliiK nnto, tlmii i trnln, ioui.-b nr.d other d'jtiUI furiiUliiit in' 1 nppltCAtioii to 1 V. C. ALLAWAY, AKvnt 1). I', A. Nnv. Co., UcMiilntor oip.cv, Ditlltn, Or., or A. I). CllAltlru.S, A't. (rcucml I'sK'cuucr At., I'ortMtiil. Hi. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY or ?IV 2000 READERS. They tend The Chronlulo tn kc thu lntwt ond mit.t iclliibli) 1 vvts. And they rend every line Unit i in tho piix;r. Tlmt in whnt ninkcn the Chronicle mi iiivnlnnhlu udverti lni; nuiltuia. The nofMip;r tlmt kwh to thu fiunllj llrcldvi Ik the nnu "Jb- thrtt tho ndvcrtlMTi ot tmlny pntrmil11 ' when thuy desfru W tench tlio i-opti'. When tlmy wtint your trmlc their iiniioiincumciiti will Ih fniind In tho pnpor, Iiok over our coliimnt nnd oln-orvc thu vcrlllm Hon ol the truth of Dili nxncrtlon. ItemrniU'r, , . 11 trndeiif 11 Inmily ol two thotiNittd . Ii worth aikliiK for throiiKh thi-m jfe. i-ftlmiiriz rA,.i!illK kit ill f,,r tmrv I Chronicle. D. BUNNELL, Pipe WofE. Tin Repairs anil Wing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Streot, noxt door west of Young & Kubh lilaoksmith Ciiiop. FREE! FREE!! With every dozen Cabinet Photographs, one .... o Life-Sie Crayon. jo Call at the Gallery and see samples. My work speaks for itself THE DALIiLES, OH. 'i, M Ii I ! i : l ( 1, i WU8 c.Ktal)l islied for tlio ex )russ purji'ic of I'uiUifully n-pruHoniing Tho .Dalles and the surrounding country, and tho witisfyhig ofl'cct of its mission is ovurywhoro apjiuront. Jt now leads all othor publications in Wasco, Slioi' man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as woll as Klickitat and other re gions north of Tho Dallos, honco it is tho host medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire Tho Dailv Giikoniolh is published every ovo ning in tho week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. The Wkkkly GukonioiiK on Fridayfi ftf each weok at SI. 50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Tb.o Xet,llosif Orogon. j0r FIRST CLRSS JOB P IT'" "Till CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE