The Dalles My Chronicle. : -.u-ro' a tho I'ontnlllcunt Ttio DnUcn, Oregon Mil nL Dliil'UlHHi llltllUtr Clubbing List. (draiHf nri'l X, V. Trilnar (hr'iiflf ait'l American Farnifr, fin nifle ami SlfClurr'n MifriZinr fhr aiflp anJ Compilil,iA Bipmnc,. . . Iti'Kiilur Our prlco prim . S2.W) $1,7,", . S2.00 .11.7,1 . M.OO S2.2J . SMI) $2.25 Ijiicitl Advortlnlni;. 10 (VntH per Htm for MrMt lnm.'rtlon, nrul 6 CoiUh cor llnu for i-iiijli Kiili'iituut limurtliiii, qpi'diil rnk'N fur Ioiii; Uniu niitlrui, All tooat notlccH rcci'lvwl Inter tliuti 3 o'clock will nppcar tlio following ilny. KIM DA V, DKO. 15, IBM The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may ,( found on mile al I. (,'. Nir.krhcn'n More. Hplry DECEMBER DOTS. NowKlitU Ournori'il from imrtur'N Nuln Itiink. It... Tho turkey' lot Ik very unci, Ill I'lmiii'o In xllm; I'or If TliiiiiktKlvliiK loin htm hIIii. '1 lil'lt OlirlNtllllln ('lltl'llIN hlin. Testimony io boiiif; tnlcun tortuy In tlio Mow "diool (liHtrkit chms for Until itd joiiniti 'it. A lutii iil'o licoiiRi! wan k'nuittsri today to O'ciir UuliiuiHoii to wtid JIIbh Clara Anainlti Atitoino of Gnrtiumy. I'rof. Uork will li'oturo hoiiio uvuuiug next wuk on tlio political iHstics of tlio tiny front a populiHt HtutuI)oint. Tin- latlitiH of tlio Kpiriunpiil Guild will (iirniHli piiiH and cakim tomorrow In CLMitur window of I'uhhc tt !May. Ovur Hixty Itiimmlc-Bcunt lihtH u l il-1 Itiiiilnatti tho towor tit Puuho it MuyH' to night. Tho itrrnnKHinunt waH niadii by Mr. .1. 7. MoArtlinr, oluutriuian. All itrtluIuH for Halo at tho KHh Krinj;le jurty, Rivon by tho ItutiuH of thu Contra (.Mtional church at tho armory on thu Kith itiHt., will bi; on oxhibition. A hoo cialty will bo tnado of 2."ci:iitit purulitiHtiH. Tln rnport on tho Htroota yesterday that a now rulHtor of thu land otlice, in this i-ity, had bi.-un nppoititud, wiih foinnk'd, evidently, upon tlio fact that Colli'otor Geo. Wuidlur, of tho Portland district, had buun iiHki'd to ruuign. Wild uc'o and iluekH hIiow knowludno as to tho rcHiHtaneo of tho atniosphoro ami wiKuuity in overcoming it when tlocks of thotn havo to go long distiincoH to form a triangle to clcuvo tho air more easily, and tho nioro eounigeotiH bird t'ikun portion at tho forward angle. Ah ttilw In n fnt (mil - s iiiioiiior mrti ore long uikuh tlio place of the exhausted louder, 'fluid they pl,,,.0 their availa ble HtrotiKth at the mirviro of thoHoeiety. The Htato educational nchool bonrd liavn added to tho Peliool fund of Tho Dulles WIS. ThiH amount, uh wo under Htand it, wits back funds duo this district nd at this time is very opportune as the treasury is almost Imre. A rival telephone lino is talked of in Spokane to compete with tho fnbirwl Telephone Co., under n new pntont which the prenent company have trind in vain to secure. Hales arc to bo $2.50 per month and the "hollo drl" is to bo ilono away with. Work on Second street is proeroBsIni' finely. A gretit deal of tho mud has been carted off and rock put in its nhico. Now that work is progressing so well there are few enemies of tho improve ment. Property owners realize that the cost ih comparatively trifling and the Tho Harney Times reaches our table with its usual weakly quota of local news, consisting of 2-1 lines of reading matter in typo tlio size of brickbats. It is one of the most readable papers in that section, being, wo believe, tho only one. l hero is no reason why the Hnr ncy limes should not be nearly as vain able as the New York Sun to tho in namiaisoi Mauna Loa, Ashantec and ft t santira desert. Tlio Sun is but a trifle larger and not near so block. MARKET REPORT. FmiJAV, Deo. 15. December this far with tho temperature inild and the fanners busy with the plow, the busi ness among merchants is light. Locally it is quiet; trade is carried on from hand to mouth, and purchases arc only on account for immediate demand J rices continue without any material cnange. home dealers are making specialties on somo articles for the pur good to bo derived more than common-1 pose of inviting trade, which is having sitrato for all probable exponso The Jiakor City Democrat announces a death rate of less than ono per cent in a year. Inquiry into tho death rate in Wasco county for the past year reveals seven twelfths of 1 per cent, and for the its desired effect In country produce it cannot beVaid mat there is any improvement in tho market. Prices are steady in every thing except eggs, which are in better supply, and dealers speak of a tendency two precincts of East and West Dalles, downward in the product. .i .1 . . 'PI.,.. !.. :.. .. i! more than tho town proper, and contain ing a population of -1,500, there have beon .'15 deaths from disease among resi dents. " Forty Sunday schools of Portland have established a Sunday school choral union. Over (100 boys and girls are al ready in training and the songs they sing are said to be something grand. The swelling volume of music from the hundreds of throats of the children has such pathos and power that many are! induced to shed tears from emotion. The receipts are devoted to charitable purposes. Mr. E. Y. .ludd of San Francisco, a prominent wool man of tho east, is in the city today. It is understood hois hero for tho purpose of putting in a scouring mill. It would be a very judi cious move indeed. The Dalles ships about 0,000,000 pounds of wool every year, 50 per cent, of which is dirt. There is really little senee in paying freight on :i,000,000 pounds of dirt annually. Pease it Mays exhibit tonight a inina- ture reproduction of the Eillel tower, reaching from the floor to the ceiling. It will bo ablaze with incandescent lights, and the magnificent height of the original will be partially realized by placing dolls upon the platforms, to re present people. To properly represent wh great height by comparison the dolls should be about an inch and a quarter in height, the tower being nearly 10 feet high. The grain market is as lifeless as re ported a week ngo. Tho Clapp com pany weekly market letter of the 8th says : "We look for a continual demand after January Stb. French country markets indicate strength. English millers and speculators are more anxious to buy, and from a crop of 100,000,000 less than in 1892, evidently our surplus is in the "show case" with millers and flour jobbers. The domestic demand for consumption, and export demand for wheat and flour will likely soon be a big factor, and causo much higher prices to prevail. The stock of flour i? nearly one eighth less than a year ago. The wool market at home and abroad is flat and will continue so until the tarifr question is settled. FuttunlliK OUIllltll'H f if Wllllllt. A number of tests have been made recently, by experimental stations in the eastern states on the value of wheat as a profitable fattening food for hogs, and they indicate that one bushel of wheat will make fourteen pounds of pork, and is much more profitable than corn and further the cost of production is less. Attention. The Dalles Lodge No. 2, I. O. G. T. will give an entertainment Saturday evening Dec. 10th at the K. of P. ball, at S. o'clock. A good literary pro gramme has been prepared and refresh ments will be served all for the small sum of 15 cents. Wnmlc Tlnppt nliifr, Special Correspondence of Tub CiinoNtci.u-1 Having refrained my pen thus lomr waiting for some more leading mind to chronicle the important events that arc transpiring almost every day in this JIttle busy town of Wamic, but have .been disappointed, it occurred to mc that perhaps they are waiting for the biggest ignoramus in town to show bis weakness. Tf so, here goes. This place ts noted for its hcaltbv Ioca tion but at this time la grippe seems to bo trumps, as a very large patt of the people are suffering from its effects. Somo cases aro being treated by the Tygh doctor, who is very successful in his practice. lho graded school hero is under the management of Prof. P. P. Underwood of the higher grade and Miss Ward of the little kid department. Wo think we have one of the best schools in Wasco county. There is enrolled in tho higher grades 42 and lower 39, making 81. We are very proud of our school. There is a literary society held in the hall over head, where every Saturday evening there is a grand display of ora tory and wit. The citizens begin to talk Christmas holidays. It is not determined vet whether we will have a Christmas tree or not. The announcement was made last Sunday from the pulpit that the good people of Wamic will bold a watch- night service conducted by Eld. Ponney and Itev. Underwood. All are invited to attend. Wo are glad to note that E. C. Pratt is on his pins again after going through a long spell of sickness. We now have a good blacksmith that adds another convenience to our town. We can see additional improvement in our town. Al. Lake has built a hue residence, barn and out buildings which looks homelike. Rut city life does not suit him. Since he left the mill, where be smelled the sweet odor of the pine and settled down to a city life, he begins to look thin in flesh but still retains his pleasing smiles. Money is scarce here as elsewhere, but the people are well supplied with eatables and a fair quality of clothing. Simon. Wamic, Dec. 14, 1S93. Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes it Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold ty Snipes & Kinersly. wooi, woon, wood. Rest grades of oak, fir, and Elab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer son streets.) PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. D. I, Povev. of tho firm of Pnvnv Bros., Portland, gla's manufactnrure, is in town looay. Mwsrs. T. . .loles. K. J. Collins and H. R. f lood, returned last night from a Biiori visu to roniatxi. Mr. I. C. Pvlchaids of Goldendale, Wash., is in the city en route to Port land with two cars of fat bogs the Stuttz cotnpanv arrived from Heppner today tin d will play tonight una tomorrow nigntnt Wingate hall. IIOTKI,.UiltlVA!S. Rkibbe Win Bosch. Chas Trocv. An- telope; M S Short, Pleasant; iSlartin Ftocnmn, Win Goddard and wife.Grants; A II Guyton. Endersby; John II Chap man, John J Brook-house. Dufur: Mrs McDonald and child, Astoria: Chas Green, Kingslcy; Rroadman, Hood Kiver; Andrew Gntienbaugli, Spokane. Umatilla-W II Jones. A W Steon. D Ketcbum. Chas Sturgess, Geo Seeley, T E Shells, Wm Plumb. D Laiit?. Portland : G H Thornton, J It Lnke, A II Hedges, Jleppner; J W Howard and wifo, Ed Henderson and wife. Miss Henderson. C T Clarno, Prineville; E S Olinger, Mrs M belabor and children, 1' Chandler, Hood Kiver: James McKav. Boston: Clem Morton, New York ; "E Uanden, Ccntcrville ; Mrs M Booten Grass Valley ; Chas Butler. Port Townsend : T D Con don, Allie Howard, E YJudd, San Fran cisco; W H Biirgs, Wasco; R Jordan, Kingslcy: O A Woods, Demoss Springs; j j-ocks, rernuaic. All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle, free. Send your name and address to H. E. Rucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well ' as a copy of Guide to Health and House bold Instructor, free. AH of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Sold by Snipes it Kinerslv. .W1 A Omul AVuril. Mr. .1. J. Keii., Slinrrfbinir, l'n DearMr:-! inn kimI to my pood word for Knmn'H Ucndiiclie Ciip.nli'.. After hullcrlnt' Tor over threo yew with nnituncuriilcln nml Its roiiH'quent fmoninln, ulileli Mined to bnllle the t llortu of nmpif niir pliyMclnns votl Miir?e,tc'(I tills term cly which cuvo mo nlinost In fi nut relief. Words hill to cpfe the prnlso I MiouM like to bestow on Knuih'' lltiidnche CnpMileN (lintetiillv Votim, Nr.. I'. It. Hot.MF.i, Montrose, l'n. Hold by Snipes A: Klljerply Closing Out HiiIh or o locerlea. Owing to a contemplated change ot business, the undersigned will close out tho entire stock of groceries, hardwaro, wood and willow ware at cost for cash. Call csuly while the stock is unbroken. Jolks BnoTiinits. WOOD! HOOD! WOOD! Best (Trades oak. (lr. nine nml wood. Oflinn fiwuml All ..... . bj.... Cll Wv t . Xlli orders promptly attended to. H Al AIKIt ft JJF.NTO.V. urn- BEAD -mi "Sams al tie World's Fair," Anil lie up to the time. THE LATEST OUT Greatest Work of the Nineteenth Century Ity .IOHIAH AM.K.Vd WIFK. A. G. Hoering, Joenl Agent, The Diill, Or. The NEWEST STOCK Hot clam broth at J. dav at 4 o'clock. O. Mack's every COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. SticccirfuUu used wontMjr bj thousands of Ladles. 13 tho only perfectly safoand rellablo mcdlclno dis covered. Eesvaro of unprincipled druggists who offer Inferior medicines In placo of this. Ask for Cook'a Cotton Root Compound, tako r.o stibstf lute, cr tncloso SI end C cents Jn postage In letter 3 J vro will send, sealed, by return mall. Full sealed particulars la pla'.a envelop?, to lsdtea only, 3 ctanps. Addrcs? Pond Lily Company. Ko. sri;hur Clock. Def.-clt. Jllch. Sold In The Dalles by Blnl;eley & Hougtou. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. Robt. Mays has lost a pair of work horses, both are grays, well matched, branded with II, shoes on front feet. Please leave information at this office. lit Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. in the Northwest Now Open for Inspection and Sale at M. Honywill's ON OVERCOATS a discount of 20 cis. oo the om Every article marked in jlain flpre. 55 I 11 M. HONYWILL. Our First Annual Clearance Sale. ft peu; of Our Offeris : Domestics, Brown. cts. cts. Kiuhmoml A, per yard National A, " ' " Badger LL, " " 5 cts. Cabot W, " . " 0 cts. Lock wood Ji, " " 7 cts. Domestic, Bleached. .Butter (Uotli, per yard 5 cts. .Forrest Mills, " ' " . .7 cts. Fruit of tho .Loom " . S-A cts. Dwight Anchor," " 0 cts. Wamsutla, " " U cts. Lonsdale Cambric, " 11 cts. J'rido of tho West. " J2i cts. Wamsutta, Twillod," 12 cts. Wide Sheetings. Brown. (i !C-inoh, por yard 8-1, 0-4, 10-1, 42-inch, 40-inch, 8- 4, 9- 4, 10- 4, ,11 cts. 1 OH cts. 20 . ...22 cts. cts. Bleached. per yard 11 cts. ' " ' " 124 cts. " 20" cts. .22 cts. cts. If .25 Prints. Shirting, per yard 5 cts. Lodi, " " 4 A cts. Standards, " " 5 cts. Indigo Blue, " fA- cts. Shirtings. Anioskeag, Napped, per yard 12A cts. Amoskeag, " " 10 cts. Southern Plaid, " " S: cts. Table Oil Cloth, per vard 20 cts. Shelf Oil Cloth, " " 8 cts. Furnishing Goods. Boys' Underwear 20 cts. Boys' Woolen Underwear 40 cts. Men's Morino Underwear 40 cts. Men's Natural Wool Underwear 75 cts. Men's 1-o-a. Bed Flannel Underwear. .. $1 25. Men's Cotton Socks, por doz 00 cts. Men's Woolen Socks 20 cts. Men's Linen Collars, your choice 10 cts. Men's Suspenders, from 20 cts. Clothing. Boys' Knee Bants, from 40 cts. Buys' Kneo Bants Suits, from 1 40. Boys' 3-picce Suits, from 4 00. Men's Suits 4 75. Boys' Overcoats, a good assortment at 1 00. Men's Ovorcoats $5 00, $0 00, $7 00. Don't pay $12 elseivhere for same. See our offerings in Dress Goods, Pattern Suits, and Silks. Our stock of Fancy Goods for tho Holidays consisting of Drapery Silks, Stamped Linens Etching Silks, Pon Pons, Ribbons, Etc., Must Go! The new prices will move them. "AailALLGOOPS MARKED rlJN.PLA!N FIGURES.! Wo oiler grand opportunities for Christmas. Give Useful Presents. This year (hoy will bo appreciated. We Have Them. Our Red. Prices are right. PEASE & MAYS. P.' S.-Tuesday, on aooount of crowds, we could not serve all satisfactorily. We have increased our force of salespeople. J ; I I I J j I : j I I J, ! I