The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL l'Al'KK OK DAI.I.KS CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. SUIISOUIPTION HATES. BY MAIL. rOSTAOK mXPAID, IS ABVANCK. Weekly, 1 yiw MM " 6 months 0 .5 s " ow Dally, 1 year SJJ " G months 3 00 dolnc uvineed a spirit of hohbyisnt, ! without rortUzinp n fact, that tho pro ducer. nro tho bono anil alius w of litis grout re-public. Thnt Helmut Clrculnr. 15ai.ti.mouk, Mil., Dec. H. In reply to a letter from tho editor of tho Now York Independent, Cardinal Gibbons writes as follows under dato of December tlt: per 0 60 Address all communication to " THK GH110N ICLE," Tho Dalles, Oregon. TltK Oldest Agricultural Paper In America. (EBTABLISMCD 10(0. To all cash sulieribersofTmiOmtoNici.u paying onu year in ntlviuico. The American Farmer, 1729 Now York Avonuu, WASHINGTON, D. C. iNnt-onic.-. orriCK hours' General Delivery Window . . 8 a. m. to 7 v. " Money Order " Monday it H " Tt. ijmi' in tha ordinary matt "Uuplymc to your khhi noiu, immi tht jyr y orco'8 Favorite rivscrm- Dtvember Oth, 1 would say that the eir- tion comcs to til0 weai- aml siToritit- S i" i, vVar.'l enlar which has appeared in some papers Womnn who needs it. It's ftumui- 1 " A' lli'ro oV ' 1 1 1 -C ' alleging my sanction in presenting a . teai. Not with vorda mcrelv : any roiumnVof tlUM'lluld'st' i claim for state aid for parochial schools I nieilicino eninnako claims anil prom- f J n s t" ! 1 1 o s.1 ' 1 J 't u"ll,y ell,l,e,,,,,lw, w,th ",,u ' ilid not emanate from me, and was not ises. What is ilono with the " t'n- ' UtlitttlUN FAUMIill. Wlltl'll 1.1 HOW I'lltlT- Is tin) pioneer farmer a i nirco cm i-nase tuner, una comaius so columns of tho ohohest agricultural and liter- A Grand Masquerade Ball will bo Klvon nt Armory Hnll by Jackson Engine Co., No. l, "Hobday uepiity Jar;, i, 1894. CLOSING OF MAIL! West . and ft::wp. m. Stago for Cioldendale 7:S0u. m. " lTlnevlllo... .5:iMa.m. " "Dufurand WarmSprlnRs .5::a. m. " Leaving for Lylo t Ilartland 5:.W a. m. " (Antelope 5:30 a.m. Except Sunday. , , . tTri-weekly. Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday. 1 " Monday Wednesday and Friday. lsM!m!to4p!nL published with my authority. Neither vorito Proscription" is this: if it ya. m. to 10a.m. , mve j gjgned any petition to tho legis-, fails to benefit or euro, in any ease, lature for tho jmrpose, and 1 am sure ; your monoy is returned. Can you that Monsiguoro Satolli has not. More- ask any better proof thnt a medicine over the paper in question is not some- j will do what promises? thing now. It appeared about a year! It'B an invigorating, restorative ago without my sanction, and it has again appeared without my knowledge and consent. FKIDAY, - DKC. 1."), 1S93 TBANSPOJtTIXG FROZEN FISH. Nothing connected with the fisheries of the west coast has been so important a factor in their development as tho adoption of tho suggestions made by Capt. Collins, in his report on "Fisher ies of the Pacific Coast." "The importance to the fishing inter ests on the Pacific coast," ho says, "of the establishmeutof properly constructed freezing houses can scarcely be over estimated. The demand for fresh fish, in all parts of the country, is a growing one, and apparently increases more rapidly than the population. This de mand should be met and nil legitimate means should be employed to increase it. Among the methods so far adopted for the preservation and distribution of fishery products, none perhaps has met with greater or more deserved favor than that of artificially freezing many species of fish which can be satisfactorily kept in this manner and distributed, through means of refrigerator cars, over an enor mous extent of territory." The hint thus given was promptly adopted. Mr. John Wallace, a prominent fish shipper at Kalama, Wash., gives, in Ice and Refrigeration, some interesting facts in relation to the rail shipment of frozen fish, which may be of general value. As our readers well know, a large quantity of frozen salmon finds its way from the freezing plants at the fish eries to the east. In shipping, the trade recognizes the fact that fish frozen solid will, in part, refrigerate themselves. They, therefore, pack them tightly in boxes and load them into refrigerator cars. These cars are first reduced to as low a temperature as practicable, and then the floor is covered with several inches of chilled sawdust. The boxes of fiah are then loaded in, leaving a space of several inches between the sides, end? and top of the car, which is also filled with cold sawdust, ihen the car is closed and sealed. No ice is placed in the tanks of the car, hut it has been found by quite extensive experience that fiah so packed for shipment reach their destination in perfect condition, in reasonably warm weather, without ice and that, too, after a passage ot fifteen to eighteen days. The saving effected is: the first cost of the ice; then cost of freight on the ice, and also a gain of 1,500 pounds of fish iu lieu of that much weight of ice, which, by the practice of the Northern Pacific road, is allowed free. NATION A I, IN CHARACTER, land deals with farming and farmer's Intercuts j on broad, praotlcal lino-, it EMPLOYS THK MUST WKITKKS IN Till; COUNTRY, mid worythlii: Hint appears In Its column1 Is of tome, a soothing and Btrotlf'tlltUllllH tiiehltfliestetiameter. Kvcry department of the i,,rviti. .mil ii iMirtnin v.ii,i,,,l (..,. luriliers IHIMIICM Is lllsCllsvcil in nil curliest, lien lite, ami it certain temein 101 practical way. looklinrtn the Kroatost prolltaud tilt' ills anil ailmunta that heSCt ll bouellt to the fanner ami his family. T , i i, r It appears mi tho 1st and 1 ith of each month, WOmatl. In " femalu complaint of ami N the Ion price of every kind, periodical pains, internal ppvt wut inflammation or ulceration, hearing- 5" LI'M.v A r.AK down sensations, and all chronic 1,1 advance. Thu nu.k.-.. n tin- ehni...m weaknesses and irregularities, it is --Huitur.ii ,....or n. ti... country, a positive and complete cure. FA KM I; It LEGISLATION. To every tired, overworked wo-, , , foothills opposite Astoria, audit is ex-1 man, and to overv weak, nervous, I mene number of mutters ot tin moot vital in- 11 . I . ' ... . 1 ? I .....-,. ............ ...I.I. I.. ! . I.I... and ailing one, it is guaranteed toiKKiSS'S I highly lmisirtaut Hint tho farmers In- kept l piomptiy ami fully Informed as to what is lading piaiincu ami iiouu iuicciiiik mem at mo .Minimal C apital. They should alt, therefore, tako Tin: AsiKliliMN Faumkii, which, being on tho ground, hns hi'ttiir friplHtliis thnn nnv othi'r iuiim!- fitr I itettlni; this Information, ami itovolcs Itself to NEWS OF THE STATE. Dr. (Jzias, formerly of Itoseburg, has been committed for insanity in New York city. Snow is thick on all the Washington CURRENT PRESS COMMENT. Some people consider it necessary to call a convention whenever they want to adopt a good resolution. Tho sorrows of Queen Lily O'Killarney ought to command the sympathy of the state of O'Regon. The people got their change last fall. They are now anxious to get some more "change" of the kind that rattles. Had it been known that the demo cratlc victory of 1S92 was to be followed by the depression of ISO.'!, it is not likely that the election of last vear would have placed the democratic party in power. Estimates for the gold production of 1893 make it $1-15,000,000. an increase over last year of $00,000,000. In this estimate tho United States is credited at $35,000,000, an increase over last year of only $2,000,000. The principal increase is in the English territory of Kouth Africa and is an English product. The American product of silver hao not only diminished in quantity for tho year, and the showing in American precious metals for the year will be a poor one in con trast with previous years. Representatives Hermann, Ellis and Doolittle say that the Wilson tariff hill will cripple the industries of the Pacific tates; that there are no states in the union, in proportion to their population, that will suffer as much as the states of Oregon and Washington by placing wool, hops, coal, and also lumber, on the free list. These industries have grown so as to put tbeae states iu the iront radar of producing states, and to nact a tariff law putting thete products Into tbe market unprotected would par alyse the ,prductlve energies of tho great Nortbwtsf. ' The great reform ommittee did not give the West a hear ing on these vital quoatloue, and in so j pected that the city will be visiteil by heavy fall in a day or two. People in the Klamath country claim that tho recent terrific downfall of rain will have one beneficial effect by drown ing oft" myriads of destructive ground squirrels now lying dormant in their holes. Last September these dispatches re ported the accidental shooting of James Smith by Thos. Godfrey, at Deer Lick, on tho Siskiyou mountain, south of Ashland, Godfrey claiming tiie shooting was accidental and the coroner's jury not finding otherwise. A little later, developments led to suspicions that Godfrey killed Smith to avoid paying the latter money due him. Yesterday the grand jury indicted Godfrey for murder. Godfrey left the country in ample time and is hardly liable to be apprehended. Mr. .1. P. Illaiz?, an extensive real es tate dealer in Dt'S Moine?, Iowa, narrow ly escaped one of the severest attacks of pneumonia while iu tho northern part of Iowa during a recent blizzard, says the Saturday Review. Mr. Utilize had occasion to drive several mile.- during the storm and was so thoroughly chilled that lie was lnable to get warm, and in side of an hourafter bin return he war threatened with a severe cae of pneu monia or lung fever. Mr. lllaiz? s-t-nt to the nearest drug store and got a tMi. of Chamberlain's Couidi IJemedv, of which he had often hfard, and took :i number of large doses. He say the ef fect was wonderful and in a short time he was breathimr quite easily. He kept on taking the medicine and the next day lie was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. Blaize regards his cure an bimply wonderful. For sale by IJIakeiey & Houghton. bring health and strength. To overv sufferer from Catarrh, no matter how bad tho ease or of Committoo of ArranfJiomonts: F. W. L. SKIH11K. L. ICLINDT, A. II BUG INI NK, NIKI) LF.MKK, JOHN HLASKR. Reception Committoo. HAUKY UI.OUGII, GEO. MUNGHU, " V. H, HUTT.S, DOI.1MI KFLLHR, COL. G. T. THOMPSON, HON. E. SOIH'TZ THHO. F. SKUFEIIT, ' A. HUOHLER, IE. W. HELM 3c CO. - - DKAl.l'.llH IN ii lnl.,,lv ! ureal iiniouui oi vaiuame liiioniiauoii uiai inoy can Keiin noomer pnjiet. Clirc it Thk Ami:iiU'an I-'aumki: and Tiik CiinoNtci.K now long sianuiiic tnc proprietors tnin duty, iney win nnu in it constantly a T1.. Cn....i. n... l. t i,. i sreat amount of valuatile Information that they !Ul X.' I . UilU n l41tlLMI sav this : "If wo can't perfectly and permanently, we'll pay you $."500 iu cash." Sold by all druggists. (iKNTS make fViOn day. lireatot kltclien . V utensil ever Invented ItetalN a'ict' tnii sold ill overv hulls ... Siiuiiili iuit.iti tniM. Mi cents, .iicuaiiin aim uo., i incinimti Oht" YVK WANT YOl' TO WOHK FOH I'S, thus malitn-.' tli.lO TO f.r.fO I'lIK wi:i:k. I'artle preferred who can furnish a hiwand travel thr uith the country; u team, thiunrli. I nut necessary. A few vacancies In towns and cities, spare hours may ho usi-d to K'"si J vantage. It. r. JOIIXSON A c-. 11th ami .Main Sts.. Itichtuunit, Vu. " '. 'rj. -O to V,V c IHUtUllA B Mi V Tn IN tWi tk in v. -M r trr O.-ts., and CUixrBottlo. Cures Conjrhi, ItoarM:rics-.jore Xhiuat, Croup iiriimptlv; re' evc WJionplnjf Coo;;li nnl Aatluitii. 'V' v Diuiinir tion it btifl no rival: has cured UioiiinmHv7.ifreall othern failed; will cum; tun If tuken In time. Sold by Drmrsrista on n vimrnntcc. For .ame Hack or Chest, use till U.QU'o riABTBU. acts. HILOH'S,CATARF?F3 vou Laiurrli' Thla rcuitslv lit vuaran. teed co c::ro you. 1'rlco Wcu. Inloctnr t for ialo liy Hnlpes Kinernly. heumatlsnif Lumbago, Solatlca, Kidney Complaints, .Lame Back &c. llaTo you caiu The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON This old, popular and reliable hou-t-has leen entirely refurnished, and every room has been roiai)ered and repainti- and newly carpeted throuph"iu. The house contains 170 roonisand.rfsuppliiH with every modern convenience. Rates reasonable. A good restaurant attachw to the house. Frer bus to anil from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop. John Pashek, T din l ( 76 Court Street, Next door to Wasco Sun Office. -IIas Jut recelveil the latest Hles In Suitings for Gentlemen, and lisa larjrc assortment of Fort ten and Amer ican Cloths, which ho can JlnUh 'io onler for those that favor hlin. Gleaning and Repairing a Specialty. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. E 1 x , J I H u U . .. i. I I NOT 1 1(11 03. SANDER'S ELECTRIC SELT With Blectro-Maunetlo SUVFENSORY LsUtt I'atcnUI Iic.t TiapraTemciita I Will rum without medicine all Kiuhh rtuultlutr from orrr-t.iutlu.iof IhiOji nrrro lottxt i ti:w or India, cruton, aa (irrvtnu drblllty. leilMnfcas, laniruur. rliminatlian, kltny, llvrr add Uaddrr carulalnts, laiue Ixiclr, lumbago, Kiatlra, ail remain complaint t-iM-ral 111 haalUi. etc. This fleet Ho licit cobUUia gwlrrful UicmtawaU over all other". Curreut la Inauntly fuitliy wearer or we forttlt (t,OU0kO0, anil will euro all of the alore diaeaaea or uo par. Thuu. lula liio been curix br ttila marraloQa (nfentlon after all other remedied tatted, and wo 0ro tiutulrvda of teatlinoiilala la ttjla ant every other Mat. Our f.-.rf.l tafreted BLCCTK1C klaTMHOkT. tlwi ri-alat toxin avrr clfrred weak men, rnK with all rli.. Unlik aad l larua Mreaatk (VUUIUI la 0 U KoiUrs Head fur Illut'd l'ainiblet,inailJ,aeale(J,rriso ANOIN LKOTMIO CO., Ko. 17 VlratMtreet, J"OUTliAJ.JJ OJ. EXECUTORY NOTICE. Notice is hereby ifiven that the under. signed has been duly appointed by thu County Court of tho Statu of OregQn for Wasco County iu probate, oxecutrjx with tho will annexed of the estate of James Underbill deceased. All persons havim claims against sairl estate are hereby re quired to present them to mo with proper vouchers at the law office of Con don A Condon in Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, November 11, 1603. C i,au a Z. UrtnuituiM,. Cxecutrix of the Fhtateof James Under bill, deceased. I.A.ND Omen, The Dullcn, Or..i Dee. 7, lawi. Notice Is hereby slveii that the following urimul settler has llleil notice of his intentiun to make llual proof In Mipiort of hU claim, and that nuld proof will be niude before the register nml receiver at'Uiu Dullen, Or., on February 10, lbOl, viz.- Iiieoli I). ItolmrlM, ilometteiid No. 2-ilC, for tho SEJ4 ol SKi4, nwi N!v of Hl'M. and 8W.', of HKJ4, ol Sec. r.Tp. t S., It. U K. V. SI. He names the following v!tneMen to prove JiU contiuuoiiN resilience upon, am! cultivation of, raid laud, viz.. IS. K Moirlboii. SI. -'. I'alnter, J. N. l'atterhon and I '. I!. sitoilKhtou, all of Diifur, Or. dsj.lwii JOHN W. I.I'AVIS. HexlMer SHERIFF SALE. liy virtue of an execution and order nl Inaued out of the Urcult Court of tlie htntc of Oieuon, for the (Jaunty of Wacco, Ui mo dlrectl comiiiiiudiliK mo to luuko sale of the 'and In the xaid wilt, deK-rilml to-vtlt. TIiokc (ile-eM mid pun els of land In Wacco County, fctite nf Ore gon, known and dereribul us the outh bulf of M-ctlontI(ht(H , und tho couth half ol kcIIoii nine 'J and the ejmt half mid tlui ooiitlinest 'putter and tho east half of the northwest 'pmr tern ml tho Mjiithuutt quarter of the uorthuc.t iuartei of uctlon ten (10) and the north half of thu iiorthweat quarter and the touthcakt quarter of tho northuest quarter of hi'Ctlon llftt't u ll'), nil in Township one d, north of limine fourteen (II catof thu Wllltmcttu mvrldiitii, to maku ami iiay tho sum of money, in tafd court adjudg ed tu te paid to tho idaliitlll'lii uniil action, In which uctlon 'llio Sollcltora Iian and Triiht l oiiiimny were pInliitlH" and Jameii liooth, ibir tha SI. booth, Kverttt K. Hull, J F. Sle( lure, Hurah II. McCIure, !. (i. Alter, Italph Itoem, Ju lla N. Koijerii, L'rl KmUxly, J-SI. 'layior and J V Kdwanin werodefenilantii, to-lt; the nun of 2ixJ.00 with intercut thereon, from July i, )njj, at tho rate of lx mr cent IK.T annum and I'auo iittorueya fees In nald uciioii and coath and dln bimu entM therein taxed, I havu thh day luviul upon the land aforcnuid and on Hnlurduy tint U.'trdiliiy of I)eciubr IHII.'i, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m,. iu front of tho court Ijoiihc diKir, Iu thu City of Thu liullt-M, in mid County anil Slate, I will sell nald laud at public auction, to thulilxhCHt bidder therefor. T. A. Waiiu. bherlll of Waxcu County, Htuto of OriKOn. This Is the Season Of the Year Ulhen Judicious Advertising Pays. Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Fine Toilcl Soaps, Combs. Brushes, Pcrfnmcry, Etc, Piiro Wlnon nntl LlquorB for Mndlolnul PiirpoiuiH. ComfioumllnK Phyiilolunti' Prmiarlptlonn n Snnclalty. No. l().ri Second Street, The ImIIi-h, Oregon. I ) i io.s i. ( . Ui 1 1 1 til it Candy Factory. New York Weekly Tribune -ANJ). Dalles WeeKlu CDronide ONLY- $1.T5 NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. lioyWtd iHH.UI II. w ii.uiviw; liicil dlmi, to make nun pay tho mm of money, in ipaiu to inepiiniiiiiriii SHERIFFS SALE. lly vlrtuool an execution aud order of nalo, Istuidoulof Hie Circuit Court of the ritatu of Ortttou, for tho County of Wnnco, to mu dlrectol comtnaiidliiK mo to muko .ale of Die laud In the nald writ described to-wlt: Uiono piecv uud par eelxol lund In Wimco County, Htale if Urtvuii, known mid described hh the Houtliwcat quarter of kcction four 11), und the north hall of auction nino 1'jJ, mid (bo northweat quurWr of K-etlon aevuiiiueii 117, in Toivnahlp one IU luirtli ol iiauKuiourteeii 1Mb eaitoi mu TYiuanetie Meri Hald Court ailiudiftil ti) Lo u nulil action. In wlili'li action Tliv.Holicltorx Umn and Truat Company Mere pbiintiir, ami .lmm:s iiooiu, wanna Ji. iwi'iio, r.. nun, j. r , Mci;iure, Maraii u. sicciure, u. u. .Mier. inupii ihuxvia, diiiau i, avuxciQ, uai Minvtji, . ri i aay lor and J, P. Kdwfltda were dceiiduiitu, to-wlt, thu turn of TJOtO U0 ultli InWitut theieon, from July 1, IhW, at the rato of nix iKTceiitporaiiniim aiul fjuo.uo attorney 'k fee" In mid uetioii and coatu and illtbiiraciuentM therein taxed, I have thl day levied iixiu the laud ufonwild, und on HMtunluy, HUttl iluy of liwcuiiiher, IHII.'I, nt tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m. iu front of the court bouMi door, In the City of The JMlua, In aaid (.'ounty and State, I will veil aulilluud nt publio auction to tho hlK'ioit bidder therefor. T. A. Waiiu, Hberllt'of Wauco County, State ol OreKon, novJtd Oi-kici;, The Ualle. Or., Nov. y, iyj3. ( Notice Ih hereby ulvcn that tho followiiiK liauuil pettier has tiled uotlcoof his Intention to maku llual proof Iu ilipHirt of his claim and that said jinxif will lie miidi! before thu rcKister and receiver at The Dalles, OrcKon, on Wednesday, December L'7, lvJ, viz: llmvltt ItliiK. Kouiesteait Aiipllcatlou No. for the N!-.'of rili'4 and liU of HS',i sec. 10, Tp. an. It II Kast. He uaiiies the folloivIiiK wIiiicm-ch to provu his coiitluiioiis resilience ii)ii and cultivation of aald hiud.vU: II. V. WelU, of The Dalles, Dr., Charles Kaaton, James Kastou and l'aiil I.lmeroth of Naiifene, Or. John W. I.kwid, Keitlater. Jeweler's Goods TXT ACTUAL COST, at W. E Garretson's Store. NOTICK FOK I'lWLlCATION. ITlmlwr Ijind, Act June 3, lhT1-.) I', a l.i.sii DrncK, The Dalles, Or., j ..ill. 15, in;i.i, i Notice is hereby ir I veil that in eoniiillaiiei with thu iirovhious of the act of conjrrcftx of .illliu.'l, !;, eiilllleil "Ail net lor the a uol t in Ik.t lands in the utates of California, Oregon, .-.evaoa aim usniiiKion 'lerritory, Neul ;. Hloviiiisoii, Of KliiKsley, county of Wiih-u, f ria to of OreKon, has this day (lied Iu this oltlgo his sworn state ment for the pUK'hase of tho Ni:'4 of ,NWJ, oi Hecnoii. .'ii. J, in lownainp .No. ;i s., riiimu .io i;i i.. vi. .ii., nnu win oiii-r nroor luslimv that the laud mhicIu Is more valuablu for Its timber or stone than for itifrlc-u I tu rill pimmsc, and to establish his claim to km id hind before tho ItiKlater and llecelver of this ollleo at 'ihe wanes, or., on tiie i iin day ot January, IS'JI. Ho names as ltucus' (ieorKe SIcU'ikI, Jus :t Kualey, ioii Kondeau and lifayetto Davis all of Kiuualey, Or. Any and all iierroua nlaiinliiK adversely tho aiKivu-nuicriiHsi lauus nro requested to uiu nicir claims ill thlsolllcuon or before said l.'ith day of January, IWI. win JOHN W. J.HWJK, ItCKlsler, SHERIFF'S SALE. Ily virtue of an exwutluii aud onler of mle Utiusl out of tho Circuit C'ourt of tho Htate ol OriRou for Wiwico Comity, upon a decree and Juilifineiit muile, rendered and entered by bold Court on thu lath day of November, ih:f.), iu favor of plalutltl', Iu a luit wherein Walter llrueo waa plulntlll' and Alfrisl Kennedy and Carolluo Keuneily wero defendants, and tome directed and dellvertsl, eomimindlliK mu to levy upon and sell thu lauds incutlonul mid de crlUil iu Mid writ, ami hereinafter dcacribcd, I did, on thu Ith day of Deeeuilier, IS!).?, duly levy iiiou, and will roll at public auction, to thu IilKheat bidder, for ctuli Iu lialiil, on Slondity, tho Hill iluy ofiliiiiuury, I HO I, at'.! o'clock, In the afternoon of said day, at the front door of thu County Courthouse in Dalles CI ly I u Wakco County, OreKon, all of the lands una premises described Iu nld writ, mid herein described un follows, to-wlt All of block ten 10 In what Ik known as the Slllltary HeaervutlOn Addition to Dalles City, Wasco Comity, (JrcKun. ami uccordliiK to thu mans und idata of tald citv and addition thereto. or so much thereof as shall bo aulllclent to sat- Isly llio sum of H77.:ti, with Interest thereon at ihuratoof ten per cent, ier aiiiium alnco No vember 13th. lb'j:t. 140.110 attorney's fees, and cosIn in said aiilt, toKcther with coats ol sain win aim uccriiiui; nmsoi aaiu. 1. A. lT.Mtll, Dattsl at Hherllt of Wasco County. OreKon, Dalles city, Or., Dec. i, lhd:i, ilHj&wf, Executor's Notice to Creditors. Notice U hereby lven that the County Court of the Htate pf Oregon (or Wasco County lias duly appointed thu underalgiiwl thu executor of tho last will ami testament of (ieomu F, liters, deceuaed, All lKiraoiiK ImviiiK clalma axalnat tlie eatato ot said deceaaui aru nerehy required to present them, with thu iiroer vouchers, within six months from tho dnUl of this notice, to aaid executor at Ills place of reililence. near Dalles City, ill nald county, or Nt the oflleu of W, II. Wilson, In nald Dalles City. XIUHAKIa mVi,K, Kuwiitor. Datodthls 1st day ol November, 1W. &tw reflncefl fm $45 to $30. $40, reduced to $28. 3;, reduced to 25. 2s, reduced to 18. Gold Watches worth Gold Watches worth Gold Watches worth American Coin silver Watches reduced to $13. Genuine 14 K Gold Filled Vest Chains reduced from $8 and $10 to $4 and $6. Tho above is a Humphi of tho bargains to Ih' had for a few days. A. R. Thompson, , ASSlONl'1'" H. H. CHMPBELL, SuocoHHor to LESLIE BUTLER, Will constantly keep on hand u complete Hue of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HavliiK purchased Sir. Ilutler'a entlru atwk, I shall endeavor to maintain th" rcputall"" " tho house, which has bcui; BEST GOODS AT LOWH'IT PRICES. - SQUAUB DEALING TO EVERY ONE. Call and see me, next door to Postoflioe. Second St. . C. NlCKELSEN, The Dlle. 0r f