The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 14, 1893, Image 4

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    Thfi dalles Daily Chronicle.
Kutcmt at the I'ostoillce nt Tno Dulles Omcou,
ns scconilclms mutter.
Till: DAI-l.KS
An Anioricau's Discovorioa in.Foru
nncl Bolivia.
'flimiKtit, to Ho ttio .Most Ancient ltomnlns
ol tower CUtllztitlon to lie Vouinl
l'ioti tin' Western
don, is the proud possessor of tho llrst
I folio edition of "lltunlot," u very ran
book, for which she paid four thousand
dollars. i
I UunvAitn Ktrr.txo has applied for
i membership to the Society of American
, Author.-. Kiplinp is democratic enough
when it comes to pocUetinpall the roy.
alties in sij;lit. !
.Mmk. Suvi:iiiNT. is described as the 1
only woman In French journalism who
really counts. She makes an income
of from twelve thousand to tlfteen
thousand dollar a year, and her arti
cles always have a leading place.
Tin: new congressional library in
Washington will, Librarian Spoitord
estimates, accommodate copies of all
the books of the world for one hun
dred years to come and still leave
Maj. William Sully JJeebe, a retired
armv olllcer livincr at Thomiuon.
Conii., is about to send to the leading ! seven-eijrhths of its available space ap
archaeologists of this countrv and pHcable for other purposes.
Europe what he considers proof of
some very remarkable discoveries that
he l'.as made during researches that
have cost him twenty years of study
and a large sum of money expended in
novel lines of investigation. He be
lieves, says the New York Sun. that
his findings will convince scientists
that Atnericn is the seat of an older
source of occidental civilization than
either Assyria or Egypt. Maj. l!eebo
claims that the races tlmt flourished
around the Mediterranean the Acca
dian. the Assyrian, the Egyptian, the
Roman and the Greek prove them
selves to have been the borrower
from an earlier people on this conti
nent, becau-e in the parallels that
occur in the e.irly traces of both civili
zations the greater purity is found in
the American examples. Myths and
symbol- and folklore tales that Euro
pean students have not been able to
make clear are simplified when read
by the light of his American discov
eries. In the journoy to distant lands
they have been altered, copied blindly
or repeated irnorantly. he thinks, o
that they have obtained altered or
mod ill ad meanings on the other side.
To give only one example: Maj. ieebo
asserts that the zodiacal aijn of
Sagittarius war, at tirat an armadillo,
the name of which in I'eru meant an
annoiv 1 hare or rabbit. Tl.e zi.r.i and
name remained the same wher-ewr the
armadillo was known, but by the time
the symbol reached northern Mexico
and the region ui our states it leeanie
changed to tin "armed rabbit" a rab
bit carrying a bow and arrow. It is
"the same sign. Maj. Uaebe says, and
stand- for Use rame constellation in
the heaveno :ii the Eurcpevn svmbol of I coin street and thence continuini: north
a man with a bow 'and arrow, h:i-jittar-! erly along tho center of eaid street to
i-j;. 1 the terminus thereof, towit: Low water
Mni. it.M.ii.. il,.,.if.r a i!n .,nm.Mif 1 mark of Mill Creek. Said sewer to be
remains of former civilikt ion on thi-. constructed i:i accordance with the plans
. .,.....,.:., .... ,,.,,. !ld specifications thereof heretolore
- &
and cf oilier that arc found in the
Hnrclmcn Cao.
S. il. ClitTord, New Cassel, Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism,
his stomach was disordered, his liver
was affected to an alarming degree, ap
petite fell away, and ho was terribly re
duced in tlesh and strength. Three bot-
! ties of Electric Hitters cured him.
j Edward Shepherd, Ilarrishurg, 111.,
had a running sote on his leg of eight
years' standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Hitters and seveifjfjboxes of
liucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is
sound and well. John Speaker, Cata
waba, 0., had live large fever sores on
his leg, doctors said he was incurable.
One bottle Electric Hitters and one box
Hucklen's Arnica Salve cured him en
tirely. Sold by Snipes & Kiuersly.
Moore's ranch, about three miles south
of The Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage
and any one who desires to avail them
selves of the fact can secure reasonable
terms upon application. 17tf
Notice is hereby uiven, that by order
of the common council of Dalles City,
made and entered on tho 12th day of De
cember, 1S93, sealed bids will be re
ceived at the oflice of the undersigned
until Saturday afternoon at -1 o'clock p.
m., December l(Jth, lSOy, for the con
struction of a sewer of terra cotta, to be
S inches in diameter, on Lincoln street
in said city, commencing at the south
line of the intersection of Lincoln and
fourth streets, in the center of said Lin-
Bl Gifting & Furnishing Ms
Just Arrived from Hew tort
In onlluil to thu foot that
Hoqh Glenn,
Df'tilcr in (SI:
and Itulld
'.A:i-rial .
'1 "llii'nt f.l . Of---
At Kemarkably Low Prices.
Splendid Chinchilla Overcoats $5.50. ,
Y ? i n ter I ) ry Good s,
To (is- found in the City.
72 CXltjr.l-itrjgton Street:.
From TKIJM1N ML or IN n-kio-: Points
Wasco warehouse Go.
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Rotes Reasonble.
"W. "VCT. Oo.
rifK ia i,i.i:s. nit
iXTBRNArror. j,
finttrtlt A'w.
gjSr As we mi; torced to BELL KOI! ('ASH in order to avoid hiwsuitsiUlo)
he famous A. S. Collins and wifo'w suit and ,liLiljit LLP ,lL'TlLlL!Jj.'Lb!f.,!?l!l.ll
found the very lowest in tho market We invite our friendu and cuatonu'rH to
examine our noods and prices before pureliasim:.
III II IDS nil H well Hill! Mil i
lnmii rimy i
r 5r,nfM7iwi..
iel oil' on
When the Train slops at THE DALI
Is (lie tltio to talto
i'lirrr. ,
Ten ji-ar. (.m
i i
,iv I
UllDlllll II. .
llli'tlimnr r m,
Kvcii4ll iu-tiua4
ciilii'ctiilin: UM'Uu
tiry, Kpflllnt,, ir,
iiiinclatlDii, unit
IIHMIlllll! iif wnnl
A JAhraryin Itself, r at cUm
f no oncii uc.'tiivii inioriuaiiiiii roiimiu n
tartn iI'IuitiiIiil' il.
riinntrii'i, I'ltli'i, towns, nncl natural lu
ll In tin- IHtihiK Cur Koine. It runs i'tinmcli
sVntlliiilvit 'I rain every itny In tlie ynr to
Tills InrKi'iiuil iKipuUr HmiM- i - the iirlncluil lintel luiiliu'
ntui ! 10 iiiriun tin' i
n ohm; in ino cuy, iinii fli inv ini
$1 p&nl and dhicagof -S
iinri ui me iiiiihi; iiariiciuair i inii'enilnir
imti'it llctltliiii'i ii'DioiiHniiil ilnrv tram
J latlmi of foiiilKii iiiit;itliini, won!, ami
5 irui'tlii oli'., me. iitc.
J TIi in Work .w In vu Uuih U In ti
t lioiii'lioli!,aiut to tin' h'aclinr, M:h"!ar, tiru-
jinioiiiii ni.iii, inn rrui.'11111'.iKir
Hi'st AiTomimxI.itloii' of iiny
rate 01
(.iiinpons) of IHnlii Cars uiinunuissut. l'uli
mini Drawing Itixim Hlrciiern of hilit tiUlinicnt
All Ihuiktt tiers.
Murrliitn Cil
J fiirlndjltlil, Musi.
J CTJ?I)i notliiiytlipappliotii.
S k'nrhlc irt'ifiiuufniicliiut
K .llltnri.
I S fTrS(iitllorfrcorriiirrliu.
$1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Teals, 25 Cets.
OIlU'ii for nil Sliiut' 1 . 1 1 f - Ic.ivlutr Tho lnlli" for all
poliiti III KiKti'ru (Iri'Kon anil K.'Ktoru WnilllllKtnn.
In this Ilotul.
Corner of Kroat ami 1'nlon St".
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
made ami prepared by C J. Crandall,
fiTifl whil, cnlfl titnfia .itifl snont innc
r,.;r.!.l.l.., , .f T ..!-,. M'Uw-.. , .1... -...v.. - ...... ..j...... ...... ww..
"""V: . " ' 4 "' mav be seen at the otliee of said V. .1 .
Bolma-Peru border. Tacse reucv are Cra'ndall.
scattered over a great e::te:it of eoan-1 x0 bid will be received unless the
try and reveal remarhabl.' .--hill in i same is accompanied with a cood and
-itciic eactiii.. Li r.-.vhitectuivaad 1:1 or- suflicient bond in the sum of '00. con
nament. ThL. region fourteen thou-! ilitioned that the bidder will accept the
sa ieet above the sea level and trio 1 constructing of said sewer if the same
:o:u to nroviae hustenauco for more shall be awarded to him.
than a spar.e population, but there i-, , The nsrht to reject any and all bids is
Utile doubt that" it. climate and its heerp'y n''V. r: m i. ,.,
population v.v-re onee very .litVrent. ! is?,ate'1 iU ,,a,k'3 C,l'- 0r- heC' hi
It one- rjpp,.rtAl thotuan-: - uv-, Douglas S. Dvrva,
eutter-- who could ne:t.;.r h-.v Recorder oflulles Citv.
work ther.- now. The A.vmara tribe -,.
of ' , the present inhabitants, "
tiave ret.wned 1:1 rrreal purity the lan-
rpKige iney 'po::e iviwn t;i;- .jjuiiiun
couquereu the country, and at that
time the Spaniard., took down their
fables anil legends in frroat number
Maj. ISeebe sent a capable man there
to verify the old observation, and
make new ones, and, after a study of
eig'ht other American ton'ucii and j
people to the north of the Ayinarab, I
ho is convinced that they are the rel-l
ics of the oldest American hemicivil-j
ization. and that their influence rpread
oVer North America. Proofs of this i
he claims to have found a.s far away as j
Iowa and New Jersey. He asserts!
that there are in Egypt, and, for that I
matter, all around the Mediterranean,
the most evident duplication-, of the i
work of these Ayinaras in dial.-, like I
rhat at Htoneheuge, in Assyrian and
Egyptian buir.linjfb, in the folldoreaud j
in the languages of many peoples.
Of almost eiiual interest to Ameri
cans is Muj IJebe's discovery with re
gard to the pictographie tablet found
at Davenport, la., and ueclared by
Smithsonian oxourts to ha .snuriiius
and worse than valueless. Maj. Uee-1 "ltlic 711th half of wli;" flvo (5j ami U10
. . "mirth hnlirtf kt ft titw-I'rht nil tti Tfiufikhffi
imj, declares tuat lie is unle in road it
j Business Change.
The undersigned has bought
the Chinese merchandise busi
ness heretofore conducted by
and will pay all bills owinir by
said firm if presented to them
before December 1st, ISIW.
UK) M11I11 St., Tin; Hallos, Or.
Ue says that it reproduces the sym
bols and myths of the Aymara Indians,
and tells the same storie.-. that are
conveyed by mean. of the great dial
temple at Tia liiiauacu in their coun
try tliowmiJ that Mr. Jmvards.of Lon
don, found to correspond so nearly in
appearance with ;i miniature temple
left in Assyria. Maj. Ueebe has re
duced all his proofs to writing, and ar
ranged the vast number of analogies
that he claims to have discovered be
tween old and now world beginnings
in such a manner that when all are
collected mid presented in print and
sent out, the scholars of the world
may, with tho least possible trouble,
examine his work and judge Jiis claims.
He is a' man of leisure and of means,
who in taking up tho study of Hebrew
had his attention directed to those
similarities between the Israelites
and our North American Indians
which have been often and generally
Hhiloli'H euro, the Great Cough and
Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kiu
ersly. Pocket eho contains twenty-five
doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold
by Snipes & Kiuersly.
Jluolcltiii'M ArincH riiilve.
Tho best Halve in the world for cuts,
bruises, eores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
eoreSi tetter, chapped hands, cliilblaine,
corns, und all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures pile, or no pay required,
It is guaranteed to give perfect natisfac
tiou. or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For' ale by Snipea & Kin-
W8ly 1
j Ily virtue of ua execution anil order
1 of mIc hmeil out of the Circuit Court
I of the ttat'-' of Oregon for the county
I of Watco, to me directed, coinrniiiidln
uie to make halo of thu land in fald wrlt.deKTili-Uslto-ult;
thofc pieces and parcels ol land In
I Wukco County, Statu of Oregon, known and de
K-rlbcdmallof isecttoii three f31. and the nouth
half of the Kiutheant quarter of fectlon four I),
and the i-oiith half of K-ctiou five tb and tho
north half of bictlon claht li. all in Towimhln
one (I), north of Kanxo fourteen (II eatt of thu
Willamette meridian, to makoand py thu turn
of money. In mlil Court udjuilKcl, to hi paid to
thu plalntlil in fcald action, in which action The
i-olleltors l)an and Trimt Coinimnv weru plain
till' and James liooth, Martha M. Dootli, Kverett
K. Hall, J. F. McClure, harah II McCliue. I). (,.
Alter, JUlph KoKcrs, Julia ,N. Holers, I'rl Era
Ixxiy, J. il. Taylor and J. F. KdHaids wero de
femlantb, to-wlt, tho mm of iW tilth Inter
est thereon from July 1, 1SW, at the rate of t-ix
)er cent per annum and $JX).(XJ attorney fees In
said action and cotta and illhbimemwils therein
taxed, I have this day levied upon the laud
above de.-eribed und on
but unlay tli:::id iliiv of Decemlior, lHD.'J,
ut tho hour of Id u. in,, In front of tho court
house door, lu thu city of The Dulles, In said
count;' und stutc, I will i-elt said land ut puMlc
auction, to tho hixhest bidder therefor.
T. A. Waiiij,
.sherlH'of Wasco county, fitato of Ori-j;ou.
Jly virtue of un execulion mid order of wilo
Ihsuedoutof thu Circuit Court of tilt-.Statu of
Oregon for Wasco County, UKn a decree and
judxmeiit mude, rendered and entered by said
Court 011 the 11th day of Kovemljer, IhUJ, In
favor of plalntlil', in u suit wherein A. U. Jloltou
mis plalntlil', ami Frank ). (illlestilu ami Khoda
(Jillesnle. W. K. Hunt and W. If. liutler weru
defeiiuunts, uud to mo directed und deJlvernl,
coiiimaudliu,' me to levy mon and sell all tho
lauds mentlonul and descrllxil in said writ, und
hereinafter described, 1 did, on tho 1th day of
December, Ib'J'j, duly levy Um, and will sell at
public auction, to the highest bidder, forcush
in hand, 011
Stolidity, tlio Hi Uiy diiiiuury, 1H1I4,
ut 2 o'clock in tho ufteriioon of said day, at the
front door of tho County Courthouse In Dalles
City, la Wusco County, Oregon, all of thu lands
ami premises described hi said writ und herein
UesCritXX! US JOllOWb, to-ivit;
Thu northwest iuurter of Bee II on fourteen 11
111 'loiviieuip two i rioutli, 01 llaiiKO louriecu
(UllCust of thu Wlllumcttu Meridian, In Wuco
county, OrcKon. or so much thereof us shall bu
kiitllclent to satisfy tho sum of K.IJ.oi, with In
terest thereon ut thu rate of ten iter cent. er
aiiiiiuii siucu November llth, I W4; 100. WJ attor
ney's fees, uud ll.h;i costs In said suit, together
with costs of said writ, und uccriiliiK costs of
sate. T, A. WAHD,
Kherllt'of Wusco County, Oregon.
Dated ut Dalles City, Or,, Inc. , WM. Sby,wr,
Clothier and Tailor.
Decidedly the Finest Line of
Gents' Rurnisliing Goods,
Trunks and Valises, etc., etc.
"There is a tide in the ajjaivi 0 men which, taken at its jlooa
leads on to fortune."
Tho poet unquestionably had roforonco to tho
Cliif-flil Si I
Fritm k Carpets
Who are soiling those Roods out at greatly-reduced rates.
Pipe Work, Tin Repairs anfl Roofing
Shop on Third
Street, next door west
Blacksmith Shop.
of Young & .Kuhb
With every dozen Cabinet
Photographs, one ....
Call at the Gallery and see
samples. My work speaks
for itseli
Hiit that can be ronnmctrd, nuil lu whlen
I art'oniniixlatlons ate 00th l-'tn anil KuruUlnil
for holder ol First and Hecoud class Tickets, ami
a minimum line, t'onntrttin; with all lino
allonllni; 1 1 rv-ot ami mitiilvrrtipUil icrvlei
l'n I tin nn Hlecn'r riwtvatlfiim can Imj wnriil
in Hilvano; llironxh any agent of llm rum).
Knirlanil ami uroi) e.111 In: 1
ticKvt unlet) oi wo comjMiny
to and from all
I'lltltu In Auivrlrn.
liironiu.ii at aiif
Hull liiformatlan ronremtne ratcn, ttmu 01
tr.ilns, t mi tin anil other ilctaiN lurnlilml on
application to
Aircnt I). I'. .v A. iiny. Co,, Kcxutittor olllce. Tn
Dalli-N, Or., or
A. D. rilAHI.TON,
Ani't. (tvnvral l'Mfiminrer At;!.. 1'ortHinl. )jh
The Dalles DaUy Ghroniele.
Ihoy nuil Tin; Chronlolu to ki'' tho latent aiid
iiioit rvllnhlit i,cw. Anil they riwl nvcry lint
that 1h In Ihi! mr. That In what iiiaktN the
(.'linmtoli- an Inviiliiahlf nilvcrll lux miillun,
Thi iicukiit that . kocji to tho fainlljf
llrvliUi l llm 0110 that thu nilvurtlH-n
of tixlay itrnnlz! ' when tlii-y ileslru to
nmuii the i)ile. When limy want your trade
tlivlr iiimoiiiireiiieitln will he found lu llm uiicr,
1miU over oiirroliuniiH ami olervo tho verilioi
tloitof the truth of thin imerttou. Hi'uii'ijibcr,
. 11 trniloof 11 family of two thim.Miinl .
li worth inking for tlitouKh theo P-
I'Oliimtii, tnlally o at our vstjt 1
The Dal es
Daily and Weekly
THIs cilKONiaij Wus oHtuhliBhud for the ex
press purpose of faithfully roproHonting Tho Jellies
and the surrounding country, und tho satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It
now leads all other puhlications in Wasco, Sliur
inan, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re
gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the host
medium for advertisers in tho Inland ICmpire.
Tho Daily Ciikoniolh is published every eve
ning in tho week Sundays excepted at $0.00 por
annum. Tho Weekly OmtoNicLE on Fridays of
each week at $1.50 por annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address
Tlxo DalloM, Oresou.