The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OKKIOt.U. l'.U'KK OF DAM.Kti CITY. ANI WASCO COV.VTY. KILLED .CARS. StniSOUII'TlON KATKS. BY MAIL, TOSTAOK PKKt'AlD, IN ADVASCK. Wwsklv, 1 year MM G mouths 3 " Dully, 1 year " 6 months " per " Address all communication to "THE UHKON lULK," The Dalles, presort. 0 To 0 W C IX) 3 00 0 60 i-on-omet-. orncK nouns General Delivery Window . ...ha. m. to 7 jl m. Mousy Order " . . .S . tu. to 4 p. m. Sunday li IX ' 9 a. ni. to 10 a. ni. CLOSING Or MAILS trains going East 9 p. m.and 11:45 a.m. " ' vtest . ...'J p. m. ana o:w p. m. SUge tor Goldendalo ":80 a. in. " " I'rinevlllt 5:80 a. m. " "Mmlurstid Warm Springs . 5:80 a.m. " tLeaTltiK (or l.vlo .V Ilartlaml .5:S0a. m. " " " Ante!oie .5:S0a. m. Except Sunday. tTri-weeklv. Tuesdav Thursday ami Satnnlay. 1 " " Monday Vclni'sday and Friday. THUKSDAY. DKC. 14. 1S93 THE FINANCIAL SITUATION. Sunntor Dolpti's able iintl exhaustive review of tin- existing financial situation is a feature of the December number of the Pacific Uanker ami Investor, and is entitled to the careful perusal of every person who desires to have intelligent opinion on tiie leading question of the day. The senator not only proves con clusively that the repeal of the Sherman act was absolutely necessary as an ini tial step to relieve the nation's finances from extreme disorder and to restore commercial prosperity, but he also shows that it is doing as mucii as its most optimistic advocates claimed for it. The bank stocks of gold have steadily increased since the motive to hoard it for a premium has been removed, and bankers and merchants no longer hesi tate to meet their obligations with it. That indicates a restoration of confi dence in the continued parity of value of our money, which was about all that the repeal was pledged to accomplish. It was prescribed as a specific to cure one of several ills not as a panacea for all of them and it is satisfactorily fulfilling its mission. Separate remedies must be applied to the other diseases that are playing havoc with the country's com mercial and industrial system. Despite the abundance of gold returned to circu lation, and despite the fact that the gov ernment's dues are cheerfully paid in yellow metal by importers and others, the treasury gold reserve and cash bal ance continue to dwindle. Senator Dolph shows that the cause ot this is an excess of expenditures over revenue, which the most rigid management by the treasurer cannot prevent. The only cure for this treasury-depleting cancer is a speedy removal by congress of the dread of sweeping tariff changes which . has checked industry and trade, to be followed at once by a wholesale reduc tion of the national expenses. These j are the salient points of Senator Dolph's review, and he produces indisputable facts and figures to support them. Kaii.way collisions were responsible for the deatli of S!S0 employes ami 18rt passenger during1 the year undine .lune SO, lMv!. Tin: number of employes injured durinp the year endinp .June 1802, was in excess of the number Injured during the previous year. boing"JS.2(!7. Tin: number of railway employes killed durinpr the year ending .lune ."0, lS'.i-J. was ' being less than the number killed during' the previous year. ()Ni: Ill'MIHKD AND HKVIINTY-SKVKN i pas.M-ngvrs were killed and 1,531) were , injured by railway collisions and de railments during the year ending .him- I HO, t'.)-.'. Collisions and derailments were re sponsible for the death of 4111 em ployes during the year ending June SO, 1SU2. Of this number HSC. were trainmen. Tin: largest number of casualties to railway employes during the year end ing June SO. IS1.)-,', resulted from coup ling and uncoupling-cans. employes having been killed and lU.Stli 'in jured while rendering this service. Tiik. number of passengers killed during the year ending June SO. ISO'J, was largely in excess of the number killed during the previous year, being STtl ill IS!)-' !! .-I'r-iiiwt ):! in 1 vill )!!.. the number of passengers injured was i B0"" in IS '.,'. as nir.iinst ii.07-.! in iu. 1 N tho system 'after ' 0,('est Agplcultural Paper In America La G r i i) j jiIUMlllWlllllyJV;ti;i?) and other prostra ting acute dis eases; to build up needed flesh and, and to restore health and vigor when you feel "run -down" and used up, the (KBTABU8HED 1010.1 To all cash euliscrlbern of Tin: Ciiuonioi.i: paying onu year in advance. The American Farmer, A Grand V Masquerade Ball 1729 Now York Avointo, WASHINGTON, D. C. Tiik Aukiiicin 1'AUMiiii, which It How enter iiiK upon Iti 75th year, lit tho pioneer farmer"), ,tl,ir 111 flit, mmtltri- best thinrr in the' it i-i a laiio clKht-VaR" HI1", and contains M ulsi. uiHlg in mi- , (.0imlH f tho eholreit iiKrlciiltural mid liter- worm is uocior nry mailer, pieiiimiuy cmiiciunicd with no ... - . . I 111.. .. ,. lu 1 lerce s Golden Medical .Diseov- promotes all the bodily Illustration. Ills NATIONAL IN CHARACTER, ami deals with farmltiK ami farmer's Interest it Illto ion broad, practical lines. employs tub hkst wmtkks Till- COUNTRY, IN cry. It t unctions, rouses every organ healthful action, purifies and en riches the blood, and through it cleanses, repairs, and invigorates the entire system. For the most stubborn Serofiilous. SL-in ni- S.viln T-ino0 n,.a,,.i.i , F"0'!1 "'."' '.'.'"k,K .1"" Kreateit prnllt and ....... . j .") i iioneiii in me laimer aim iim laniny. II appear- on tiie lt ami l.'itn oi c.ich month, and Is furnished at the Um price of 50 CENTS A YEAR and everything that appears In Uh cohiiutii it of tho hlKhettcharncler Kery department of tho farmers business I dUci-cd In an carucit, Hiliousness, and kindred ailinonts, the " Discovery " is the only rem edy that's guaranteed. beneht or cure, you mouev back. Isn t it safe to sav that no other If it doesn't have your ni ndvanrv. Tills miilois II llio ehriipoitt iiKrleiilturiil paper In tin- country. blood - purifier Tin: total number of ears reported by carriers as their property on June SO. lslhl. was l.vJiri.OW. Of these '.HiC.OOS were in the freight service, Sii.DOl were as signed to the company's service, and i!d,',i;swere assigned to fast freight line service. In addition to the above cars owned, the companies report 140, S30 ear leased. r i.mi i.mj i t.-rici in-inv can be " just as I DnrlnK the comlnt; ear there will he an im 1 ninii.ii .,,r ,l it.t,f...u ,t .-!.. I l. 11 It Were, wouldn't It be sold SO i leu-st to fatmorsdealt ulth hy ( oimress uml tho hxpoutlre l'eiarlments at ahlnKton. It Is in i I highly imiortant that tho farmer!) he kept promptly and fully Informed as to what Is kwk il " 1 r l ' ! iilaniuil and doneatleotlni; Ihem at tho Natlunal VUll vuu IIUUK OI Iinvilllllii t apuai. iney snoniii an, inerefore, tako tiik will bo Hlvon nt Armory Hnll by Jackson Engine Co., No. l, Tor;day ueri, Jap. i, 1894. Commlttoo of ArranfJiomonts: F. V. 1-. Sk'UlUK, I.. KLINDT, FUKi) (.;MKk A. IIKUGIN'liVK, JOHN HI.ASKlt. HAKKY OI.OUGH, ADOLI'II KELLER, Rocoptlon Commlttoo. GKO. MUNGKK, V. II. COL. G. T. Tl IOM I'SON, HON. MJTTS, H. HCIIUTZ Til HO, F. SEUFF.UT, A. lU'GIILKR, IE. W. HELM &c OO. i)i:.w.i:its in " Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Fine Toilet soaiis, coiiius, urusiics, Fcriiimcry, E(c, Now Try Tlil.s. j It will coi?t you nothing and will sure-1 ly do you jjood, if you haveacouh, cold, or any trouble with throat, cheat or Itinjis. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is guar anteed to give relief, or money will le paid back. Sufferers from la grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and thorough recov eay. Try a sample bottle at our ex pe"nse, anil learn tor vourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store lttrge size 50c and $1. Karl's Clover Root, tne new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 2oc, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by .Snipes & Kinersly, drutrgists. WOOII. WOOD. WOOD. llest grades of oak, lir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at .Jos. T. Peters & Co. 'Office Second and .Teller son treets. more convincing than promise that is made bv the proprietors of Dr. Safe's Ca tarrh Remedy? It is this: " If we can't cure your Ca tarrh, we'll pay you $500." A (iKNTS make n dav. (ireatet kitchen JV utensil ever Invented. Itetalln ;!." rti Jt.ii. sold in every honsj. Sample, potn:e pm.l. the eent.k. Mclakln and Co., Cincinnati, Ohtn amkhii'an K.vumhii. whleh'.ljeliiKon thoK'toiind; I Puru WlnoH nntl Lltiuorn for Mndlolmil Puriionoii. (jompounciuiK I'nyiuaiiiMB' I'roiiorlptlonn n Spoclnlty. No. lOH Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. 0)jmkII( Colnmlila aiiily Kaeiory , ! .ijmmi .1.1 r.iji.inu. ini'ii, ui'iuk nil lllUHil'ini'i, tiie 1 hai tietter far lilt lei than any other pawn for j , , I xettltiK till m iiifoimatlon, ami ili'voten ItroK tt I the iiii. iintv Tii.iv miii iin.t 1,1 it ,..i. 1, ., 1 this iiutv. They lll Hint In It eontaiitlv j amount of valuable Information that thoy I on 11 Ret In 110 other paper. TUB AMKIIIl'lN IAlt.MKH nnd Tun Cimionici.k will lj tcntone year for What is Chauncey Depew driving at? If his fame for making after dinner speeches is due solely to the genial in fluences of a full stomach he cannot have eaten anything for a week. He eays nothing in many more words than it took a certain Greek phitospher to announce an important discovery. paoM!w lit! "K WANT YOf TOWOKK 1011 I S. thus makiiiK JP.'.OO TO j:;-i.C0 I'KIt WI'.KK. rartle preferreil wlio can furnbh a hur-eand travel tlirotiRh the country: 11 team, thmnrli, l not nece.ary. A few vaeaucle- In town- and cltle. spare hours may be ued to 171ml ad vantage. K. I'. JOHNSON A ( (... 11th and Main St., Itlchnif nl. Vu. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON old, popular and reliable lioti-t has Iwen entirely refurnished, and every room has been repapered and rep.tintei and newly carpeted throut'hout. Tin house contains 17(i rooms and .r suppliei witli every modern convenience. Hate reasonable. A good restaurant attuchec to the house. Frcr bus to ami from alt trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop. John Pashek, 1 f fiffinan id L. ( Nex: 76 Court Street, door to Wasco Sun Office. This Is the Season Of the Year LUhen Judicious Advertising Pays. An asrrefahle Laiatl ve and N EKV K TON IC. Sold hy Drufrputs or sent by mall. 25c.. Wc., nd 31-00 p?r padcage. Sampiea free ITf& TSfd Tho Favorlto T08TH P0W31S Wk.2 fiUV for tho Teeth and Urea tli.2oc Kir aalu ty Snipe A- Kinemly. The concuseion experiments for rain making were not wholly lost. Professor Hazen, of the weather bureau, who watched their effect, is convinced that they, in Eome instances, served to pro long the drouth. They may yet be util ized to break up excessive rains. This must be gall and wormwood to General Drvenforth. It is a mistake to suppose that tramps do not keep posted on current events. Within twenty-four hours after the pub lished report thai Chicago will provide winter supplies for the unemployed, the dusty knight of the road commenced making tracks for this newasylum. The police will have their hands full in keep ing them out. They are about as hard to manage as mercury. OF Easily, Quickly. Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOU8NESS, DEBILITY, Una jmt received the latest tj lei In Suitings for Gentlemen, and h"su larxe assortment of KoMkii and Amur- loan ( lotrtk, which he can Ilnhh In Ordur for tho.' that favor him. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ami all tho train cf ertu Ironi early erruri or later excfhmt, tku rtnilts of overwork, sleknoat, worry.ttc. Fullnreugili, development anil lon Klven to evT7 oruan arl portion of the brxlr. flm Lie . natural method. Irnrnedlatolinbrovernrst M-cn. Failure linioi'Iblf. Um referencM. IUmc, explanation and pr xfa maueu (scaiea j in c. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, fj. V. Ia.M OrncK, The lialien, Dr., l)ee. T, ls.u. Notice it hereby Kivcn that the fulluuiii: named settler has lllel notice of hit Intenttun to mnUe final proof in Mimiort ii Jil claim, and that bald proof will Ia mudr Mfore the reirlater and receiver at The liallen, Or., on February 10, Ih'JI, viz.: .laeoli 1). ltiilmrlh, I Homestead .S'o. ilfi, for tin- HV.'4 ol I NKJi , and N'4 of UPM. and SW of si:!4, of .-w. l.'I'u. J H.. 11. IJ E. W. M. lie liamci the followiin: witnesses to prove his coritinuoiiN residence iihiii, nnd cultivation of, sum lanil. viz.. it. K. -Morrison, il. (.'. 1'ainter, J. N I'atternon nnd r, It, MouKJiton, an 01 uiitiir, in. d-j'jr. JOHN W. l.l'.WIs, Uelkter SHERIFF'S SALE. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, c. What has become of the fair Kaiaul ani all this time? Nothing has been heard of thin gchool-girl daughter of the ex-queen etnee this Hawaii matter wan first brought up, Shortly afterward she came to America from her England boarding echool and endeavored to arouse a pentimental sympathy for her self, wailing over the loss of her throne when her fond mother should die. It is more than probable that the sarcastic witticisms of which American newspa pers only are capable, have taught Kaiaulani that Americans cannot prop erly appreciate the rights of monarchy and their descendants. 03. SANDEN'S ELECTRIC 1ELT With lctro-MaKrMtlo 8UYFSNS0R Y. Latest 1'atcBlai Jlt laiBroveMeata I Will euro without mo41ctne all rTtiiatM multiaK from overtaxation of brain nerve forcea i asctueaorlri'lia cretlun, aa nervoua debility, aleeplewieaa, languor, rlji-uiiiatlrin, kidney, liver and bladder complaint!, UUIWW4-., iuihuwvi kjmwi. II iruitlfl cviuiiini iccinc AHUt contAjoe Jl otiien. Current la NanlUK Hludoo liable. A Hindoo baby is named when It is twelve dayn old and usually by the mother. KoraetlracK the father wishes for another name than that selected by the mother. In that case two lamps are placed over the two names und the name over which the lamp burns the brightest Is the one given the child. When you have tried so-called reme dies for dyspepsia, hwidacho and bil- iouincM, with no benefit, let your next trial be Simmons Liver Regulator. It has never failed in relieving and curing. Hot clam broth at J. O. Mack's every day at -1 o'clock. , Heneral III hcaltn. etc. Tula Vlderfil ImareicaeaU over J iiuuntijr felt hy wearer or we forfeit (1,000.00, and wiiicuiDajior vu anova onaaaea or no pay. inou. nda havu born cured by tbla marvelous invention after all other remedies failed, and we frlvo uunOredJ of testlmonlala in tola and every other aUUi. Our rxerfal lmnM KUCTIUC tl'ai-aiaoST. tb irri-.tot boon aver orfrred weak men, rmtK will, all fcf II.. Ullk aa4 I laevosa MresaU lHBirr(U la 0 la Masrs Hand for lllus'd r-amphlet.iiialle.J,eaioO,frei ANDIN KLIOTRIO OO., Ko. ITS Vrs Ntrcct. JOKTfAJIIO UitaU. EXEOUTOB'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by the County Court of the Htate of Oregon for Waeco County in probate, executrix with the will annexed of the estate of James Underbill deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present them to me with proper vouchers at the law office of Con don & Condon in Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. November 11, 161)3. C I. A It A Z. UNI;KIIIIM,I,, Executrix of tho Eitateof Jaiueri Under bill, deceased. Hy virtue of an execution and order of mil-, ii-sucdoutof the ircnit Court of the Mate of Orexoil, for tin- C( uuty of Waeco, to rno directed eommundfiii; rue to make hide of the hind In the hiild wilt, deicrlU.ii to-wit TIiom- jiie-ei und jiarccls of land in Wuco(-V)urity, statu of me lton, known und described an the 011th half of M-ctlouciiditfH , mid tho eoiith halt of notion nine t'Ji mid tho east half nnd the w'Utlinext '(Hurler and thu eutt half of th noithueit iiur ler and thufouthuett quarter of the uorthwu.t ijuurtci of kectlon ten (10) in id Hie north half of the- north wcu quarter and thu foutheant iiiarter of the iiorthet ftirter of Miitloii lliteeii I5;, ail in Tow!uhlono 1;, north of Kiiiiku fourteen (II wist of the Willamette meridian, to make und far the sum of money, In Mild court adjudg ed to be paid tii the nluliitlH iu eald netioii, in which uctlon The WillclUira Imii und 'J'ruot ( omiiany were-iilMintill' HiulJaiuen Jloiith, Mar tha M. lio'ith, l-'verett K. Hall, J V. MiClure. harah II. McClure, II. 0. Alter. Itnljih Itoierii, Ju lia K, Holers, I7rl Kmboiljr, J. M 'layior and J K Kdwurdx wero defenoiintu, Ui-wit. theniui of lanMXJ with interest thereon, from July 1, wji, nt the rate of clx r cent -er annum mid ar)M attonieyn feet III eaid uctlon mid cinds mid diN-hurn.- eiitK therein taxed, I hnvuthlM day levied iiiioii thu land nforeeald mid on Sutiirilay tliei U.'IrdilMy r Ilccuiuhnr 1HU.1, at thu hour of 10 o'clock a. m,. in front of thu court Iiouku door, In tho City of 'Ihu Dalles, In Haid County and Htate. I will kII nald lauil nt imbllo uiiclion.-to thuhlKheat bidder therefor. T. A. Waiiij. HherlU'oI Vitaat County, Htutu ol Olefin. uovWbf SHERIFFS SALE. Ily virtue ol an execution and order of sale, issued ouiof thu Circuit Court of the Stale of Ort-Kori, for tbu County of Wasco, to mu directed eomniHiidliiK mo U maku iuIiioI Ihulundiii the eold writ dehcrlbed to-wlti thoso pltx-i-a and pur eels ol land in Wasco County, Statu iI On-Koii, known and described uk tbu aoutliwett unrtr of M-ctlon lour (4), and the north half of section nine 'J, and ibo northwest quarter of section seventeen 117, In Towiuhli) onu l north of JtaiiKe fourteen HJ, eaitof tfio WlllainetUi Meri dian, U make mid pay tho mmof uionuy, In said Court adJudKl to be paid to e plulutlll In said action. In which uctlon Thu Solicitors Ijiuii and Trust Coin pany uere plulntlir, und Juinea llooth, Martha M. llixdh, Everett K. Ilall, J. K. McCllire, Harsh II. McCliire. I). 0, Alter. Ilalph Holers, Julia N. tcr, Uri Ktnbody, J, M, 'lay. lor ami J. K. Kd warns were defendants, to-wlti tho sum of I2UWI00 with Interest thereon, from July 1, IbW, at the rate, of six ierccntcr minimi and fjiw.U) attoruuy'H Iocs In said hciIoii mid costs and disbursements therein taxtd, 1 have tuts any levied iion tiioiaua uioresniii, nun on Hsjtunluy, iiril day nt Iluve-mlior, 1HM3, at tho hour of 10 o'l lock a. m. Ill front of thu court liouso door, III tho City of Ihu lullen, in aaiu iOuiuy nun niaie. i win sen anuiiaiiu hi ii-jblla auction to tho hlithmt bidder therefor, riherlirof Wasco County, SUto of Oregon, noriutu New York Weekly Tribm AND DaiiesWeekiu enronici p NOTIOK FOIl PUBLICATION. (irricK. Tiie liallei. Or.,) Nov. V, IW3. i Nolico i hereby srlven that tin- follimliiK liunieil eettler hai tlleil iiolfreot hl iiitentiori to make- ll nut proof in iiiirt of liN claim and that said priHif will In; uiade l.'fore thu rctfl'ler and rerelver at The Dalies, Oregon, on Weilnenlay, iKcembcr '.'7, 1WJ, vli Ill-Witt ItlliK, lloine.itead Application No. 2s2i, for the N'.. of rfK',4 and V.U of riWJ, See. Ill, Tp. 'J H. It II Kant. He names the follnuliiK wltneei to prove hit continuous residence upon and cultivation of said luiiil.vl' II. W. Wells, of Thu Dalles, Dr., Charlui Kaston, James Kaston mid l'aul I.lmeroth of Nansene, Or. Joiim W I.KWI8, Ueahter. NOTICK FOIl JM'lil.ICATlON'. (Timber Land, Act June ls".) V. H Orrici:, Tiie Dallo", Or.,( Nov. IV.M. ( Notice ii hereby u'lveti that in coiiinllaiiei with the proviloiiH of the act of congress of .iiinu j, i,s, euiiweii ",ii act lor mu saiool tim ber lands In the Male of California, Orejjou, .M.-YHHH nun v atiuiiKiou territory, Ni-ul (.'. SIiivi-iihiiii, Of hiiiKsluy, county of Waeco, mute of OrcKou, mis mi nay uicii ill tins onice Ills swum sunt1 ment lor the purchase of tho Nii's of NWJ; oi eecuon. .to. i, in lowusnip no, i h., rmiKu .mi i.i v.. . .m., mid will oiler proof to show that thu laud sought Is moie valuable for its timber or stone than lor liri('iilliiral purisiees, and Ui establhh his claim to said land before the IteKl'ter and Keeelver of this ollleo at Ihu Danes, or., on thu J AIi day of January , IK'JI. ih; names as witnesses ueorvu .MCWou, jas- Jeweler's Goods ACTUHL COST, at W. E Garretson's Store. Ladies' Solid Mi Watch reted from $45 to $30. .'r Klisley. (.sin Koiiilejill and lifavettn Davis. all of KliiKtley, Or. Any mid ail iiereons claluilni; adverei-ly tho abovu-iliicrlb(.si laudaaru rciuestcd to Hie their claims In thholllcoon or belorosald l.Mlidayof miliary, jn-ji. Will JOHN W. J.KWJH, ItOKlatvr. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ily virtue of mi oxecutlon and order of salo issued out of thu Circuit Court of thu Ktatc of Onitou for Wasco Countv. inaiu 11 ili-cni, uml JudKiiieut imule, rendered mid entered by said court on tiiu 1:1111 uny of November, iw.ii, In favor of plaintiff, In u Hilt wherein Walter llreeD was nlalutlll' nnd Alfred Kennedv and Cnrollnu Kennedy weru defendants, and to mo directed and delivered, cominaiiiliiiK mo to levy upon and sell tho lands mentioned mid tie scrilicd in said writ, mid hereinafter described, i um, on im; mi uny 01 iiecemner, imji, uuiy levy upon, mid will sell nt imbllo auetion. to thu blithest bld'Jer, for cash In hand, on Moodily, the Hth duy uf Jitnunry, I HIM, at 'i o'clock, In tho afternoon of said day, at the iroiiiuoor oi tnu county Coiirthoilso III Dallea City In Witseo County, orcKon, all of tho lands uiiu premises UescrllHsl in satd writ, nnd herein uencriLHsi us toiiriws, io-wii. All ol block ten 11(11 In what Is known as the Military Iteservatiou Addition to Dalles city, Waeco County, OrcKon, nnd ueeordliiK bi the maps und nlats of said city and addition thereto. or so much thereof as shall bo sulllclent to sat isfy the sum of -t77.:i', with Interest thereon at ino rate ot ten ier cent, ix-r auiiiim since No- uu., t.i.r 1-itl. Ibl.', t.itltA ..lln.m.i'lij f....u .....I ,w.uvi .4. if. jn.J, vv.vw m.iiiv n nv, nflu S,IEi costs III said suit, blether with costs of said writ mid uccruliiK tostnof sale. 1 . A. V AlvD, Datcl at Hherlll of Wasco County, OreKon, Dalles city, Or,, Deo. 4, 1H&.I. lUfrwr, Exeoatoc's Notlae to Creditors. N'otlci) Is herehv lllveil that thu Countv Court. of thu btato of Ort-KOil for Wasco Countv has duly apslntcd tbu iinderslKiiisI thu executor of the lust will uml testament of (Jcorjco K. lleurs, dcceaeisl. All roua ImvlliK Claims UKiilust thu estatu ol aalu deceased nru hereby reiilrnl to present them, with thu proper vouchers, within six months from t Inula lo of this nnilcn to said uxoctitor at Ills pluco ol residence, near Dalles City, in said county, or at the ofl cc of W II U'lUl.M In ul,l IUII..M i-ll.. 1 i f a ifiiiivi j kllftltAlM, lkft'l It Uw...n. Datw! tola lit day ol November, im. biws Gold Gold Gold Watches worth $40, Watches worth Watches worth ,0' reduced reduced ed need to to to $28. 25- 18. G American Coin Silver Watches reduced lo $13, ir s - 1 1 i-iii 1 t enuine 14 k. Uolcl riled Vest Chains reduced from $8 and $10 to $4 and $6. Tho abovo is a samplo ol' the bargains lo lu had for a low days. A. R. Thompson, AKSKiNHK. H. H. CKMPBELL, SuccouHor to LESLIE BUTLER, Will constantly keep on hand 11 complete Hun of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, ,1 IImvIiik purchased Mr. Iluller's vntlro stock, I shall eiulwivor lo rrtHliitiilii Ih" repui'"" tho hoiino, tfliloli has Ixtn- HKST (JOOI)S AT L0WETT PRICES, vSQUAUE DEALING TO BVBKY ONt Gall and see me, next door to Postoffioe. condSt. I. C. NlCKELSEN, ThD8' or