The Mes Daily Chronicle. Eutuml Hi thu fto(Hce at Tiiu Dalle, Oregon, ms second-class matter. TUK IIAl.l.KH OKKtlON V00.U001SM OF TO-DAY. Tho Mystorious Power Exorcised by ii Kentucky Nonro. In tin- Uycs of Ills li'uoriint IYIWmim tie Id l0erlt f i)UInt Attrlliutcs !1I1I llinlprt:ui(li tlm Mystory of l.ltr. About tin1 close of hi war ti pm cr full -liuiltnoKTocrtllinjr liititM'lf Hromleaux jn;uli his nppcursiiii.'c in tin vicinity of Uussollville, Ky. At That time, says tin St. I.mtis (51oli-lVmi-rat hi' appeared to hi? nliout Mvojity years old. thnujrh viptrotit-u h nut)., lit established himself in tho small lojr hut he litis occupied contiti noutfiy since. Tho now arrival initii" liatoly bocaino ti uinn of prominence in a peculiar wav ninnn tho neime of this enthv section of tho country. Thoy were nimble to pronounce tho old nepjro'h nmn nntl it was corrupt -.1 into "'Litre Ilrond Ax." l!efore the old man had resided in tho vicinity year utiniculotj.s powers wore at:. " -utod to him by tho ignorant ncsroe-. A low of tho colored people wore t.: 1 intelligent to lo deceived, but h: I . Hucikv with tho majority wa, . prvit that tluxc hotter inforin.-d wo v. not :in:dous to n.swt their skc'iti'.'v 1.1 To -omt! 'Ijigo I'.road Ax was ;i v.:.!, doctor and controlled life anil dc::t' to others he was the high prit'bt t black magic and in league with tho devil, communing at will with demon-, and departed spirit . To all hi-race, with few exceptions, ho was the oai lKuiimcnt of good and evil a:, ho pre ferred to hits iniluonee. and u terror generally. Even to the white population "I'lide "Ligo." it', ho was commonly known, was always an enigma. In their presence lie na , univerMlly polite and humble, though among his colored acquaintance ar rogant and commanding. To th.- white children the aged negro was never known to be otherwise tha:i irhi.l. though the fear ho inspired ninon? tin- negroet, by Ins reputation doctor was shared in an exasrifcruted form by them. He wa known to do a heavy trailic in churma. amulets, etc.. amor.e the negroes. The purchase wa sunpojiHl to carry good luck or imparl mlixfortnne. as the old voodoo pries' dictated. They did not doubt his power to trick anyone who had inci:rr Im ilisplca-iure, though when r.oned ,- a white perwa p..- o t!i LANGUAGE OF STONES. Makou claims thu bloodstone, which means courage. AtuiusT cluiiii!) the moonstone, whiuh is ssi id to bring conjugal fidelity. .ll?Ni: claims for her children the pearl, the meaning of which is purity. To Tito!: born in December tile tur tpiolso is said to bring a prosperous life. To Titosi: who are born in September the sapphire brings success and pre vents evil. I'Y.nm-AUV claims the purple ame thyst, which is said to bring the virtue ( of contentment. Tut: stone associated with the llrst month of the year is the garnet, which ( means constancy. , Tnosi. who were born in duly must ' wear a ruby, which brings to its chil dren nobility of in hid. Thosk who arc born in April must wear a changeable dazzling diamond, the meaning of which is innocence 1 May is represented by the emerald, which is supposed to bring success in love to who wear it by right of their birth month. Specimen Cun'i. S. H. ClitTord, New Cas.o), Wis., was i troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, Ins stomach was disordered, his liver I was allccted to an alarming degree, appetite- fell away, and lie was terribly re-1 ducod in flesh and strength. Three bot tles of Electric Hitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Feed three bottles of Electric Hitters and evoti boxes of r.itcklen's Arnica Salvo, and his leg is sound and well. .John Speaker, Cata waba, 0., had five huge fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Hitters and one box lHicklen's Arnica Salve cured him en tirely. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly. Mexican Silver i Gioimng & tmm goods Just jlrriveJ from new York SPLENDID ASSOKTiMKNT OF Ladies' Jackets, YOUR BTTEiTIOi Is oallod to tho faot that Hugh Glenn, Duller in Git mid llulM - I'urrli , imo, I'ltvs. Lifnrlnl of Oumniit IikIk. 'tll.l t,f9 tf FROM $3.50 UPWHROS Piofore mm, Wasco wareuouse Co., Reoeives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Rates Reasonblc. Ask your dealer :tovo Polish. tor miraculous power.-; attribute t. him "by the negroet, the old negr, ahvav. hastily denied such claims and vehe mently protested that they v.vr.- merely the inventions of his enemies. To the negroes, however, old 'I.ige would de ny that he had ever told tho -white follcs' that he wai, not a high prkvst of voodooism, pos.scs.-ed of divino attri butj and familiar with the my.itery of human existence. I-'or tho past quarter of a century t!u locality hat. been disturbed periodically by accusations against the old wizar ' by members of his race who believed that thoy had been placed under -speit " tor some laneiett slight or tc uause he was paid to do so by their t-neray. Thew comjdaint;. were of rariouR forms. In one case tho victim ii tho old negro's pretensions alleged Ui.rJ3.e'nacl forced him to .swallow a 'piece of corn knife in his sleep, lie could feel tho point cutting its way j through his fic.ih. He was examined I bv phy.'.icians and aptxxircd to W sui-; feriug all the torments incident to the introduction of a metallic substance in the human stomach. After lingering several days in awful delirium, in uhich he repeatedly claimed that he had been "tricked" by old 'Ligo Jiroad Ax. the victim died. A post-mortem investigation was7nudo. The stomach v:a.-. ivightfully swollen and inflamed, but if, as was believed, the negro had been poisoned, the drug used was subtle as to defy surgical skill to de tect its presence. This 011I3' served to convince the negroes more thoroughly of the voodoo doctor's knowledge of the black art. Tho old voodoo doctor's influence among tho negroes of southern Ken tucky has increased of late years. This is partially attributed to the fact that though he ha . redded here more than a quarter of a century, ho has not per ceptibly aged since that time. Ho is almost as vigorous now as when he made hit, appearance in this locality. The best authorities agree that the old negro is more than one hundred years old. He is not positive a:, to his age. Familiarity with events early in the present century indicates that he v.'as probably born in tho last decade of the eighteenth century. Ho was brought to Xew Orleans in 1S00 by a French planter who left Cuba at the outbreak of the war between J'Yanco and Spain. The old voodoo priest pre fers to bo silent on this subject, as he desires to impress his race with tho fact of his great age. He declares that he is one hundred and forty year: of age, and that he will never tile, hav ing discovered th elixir of immortal ity. Many of these negroes assert that the secret of his longevity is that lie occasionally takes the form of a vampire and repairs- his shattered constitution with the blood of his younger victims. The power of old 'Idge to inhabit tho body of animals at will is not questioned by many of those miller his inllueiice. Nntlco. Notice is herebv uiven, that bv order of tite common council of Dalles Citv. made and entered on the 12th dav of De cember, 1S03. sealed bills will be re ceived at the office of the undersigned until tauiruay aiternoon at -I o clock p in.. December Kith, ISO:!, for the con vo.Kto 1 1 structton of a sewer of terra cotta, to lie b inches in diameter, on Lincoln street in said city, commencing at the south Hue of the intersection of Lincoln and Fourth streets, in the center of said Lin coln street and thence continuing north erly along the center of said street to the terminus thereof, towit : Low water marl: of Mil! Creek. Said sewer to he r-'' j constructed in accordance with the plans 'I11-- j and specifications thereof heretofore made and prepared by C. J. Crandall, and which said plans and specifications may be seen at the oflice of said C.J. Crandall. No bid will be received unless the same is accompanied with a good and sufiicient bond in the sum of $200, con ditioned that the bidder will accept the constructing of said sewer if the same shall be awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bids is herebv reserved. Dated at Dalles Citv. Or., Dec. 13, jso:;. Douglas S. Dcm:, Recorder of Dalles Citv. At Konitirkablv Low Prices. 72 itir rn 1 NipiIUlll ulllllulllliil UVBMJiUii $3,311. l'TLL ASSOUT.MKNT OF Winter Dry Goods, . BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ETC. As wo arc lorcod to SKLL FOl! CASH hi order to avoid lawsuits Hike he f unions A. S. Collins and wife's1 suit and bad debts, our prices will always b found the very lowest in tho market. Wo invito our friends and I'listoiuerH to examine our goods and prices before purchasing. To tin found it) tho City. CUashinyton street. From TERMINM. or INTERIOR Points 1 lir MA It K (l(lf)lH Oo. TUK IIAI.I.KK, (lit 5 liTniiflimni nan 1 11 UG lfd INTfiKNATTWAT, When Hid Train stops al THE DALLES, gel oil' on flic South Side 4T THE JStEW COLiUJWBlA HOTELi. lnmo- illu.! . w "7 f RRILRORD In ttic tine to laid' If fcr- 1 iHl I TO ALL l$ EAST AND SOt'TII. III ItlVllilt! "or..-.- ,, , f iihiii ti,!.,. yj)-),ti,k) 5 oxiit'inli..' rj ' , ulunilil ii-. n Hit, t t lli'tlon.irv I, .... H'll4lllt IIIIIMtlnlH J iMiuivriiliii; tlit IH iorj, k 'Plllni;, in l,t(nr.lM f.... . i IlirAliilll: of unnu t A Itibrnryin JtHcII. it al'oRi,,., nil' uin n iii'miiimi iiiiiiniiiiiiii:i riniirrn nc .ifff,-, .i 'I. flit...- 1111 J ml S iiiiiiirni iiorxoiw : iuuih cimctTii 111? ttr nun luuu-.u rc.i ,. ...... .. ,i. ...... .. ...... i ii in im; ifiiiiiifi , ii, iiiiiivi niiir , iiruiiKii v'c.itlliuli'il Tnilnt. cvury Ih In the your t I Business Change.! The undersigned has bought the Chinese merchandise busi-ne.-r heretofore conducted by YES HOP & CO., and will pay all bills owing by said firm if presented to them before December 1st, ISO.'!. CHEW KEE & CO., i:i() Main hi., Tlw Diilltfa. Or. This liirKonnti i0)jii! ir Ili n- i mul is lirciMiretl to (urtil!i t! !Iotio fa the city, and tit tin- i tlio prii.(il liotel liiiljie. Ii, t AcriKiiiniHi.itloii'. of any $i.oo per Day. - pirst Qlass T)eals, 25 Ccpts. Ofllco for nil StU(.'r I.liu" Irnvlnt: Thr Hulled fur all pulnlM In '.ni.;-i-i! Itrt'Kox :'iil Katurii W imliltictnti, III till" Hotel. r J , I I loiiKi'liiilit, :llitl 1 1 Sis. Daul and ChiD&p!r"::i;- i I'lllllltrllM, I Itll'B. tllWIH. JI ttiriMiir IIiuuIiiIhi, pn r 1 1 i t i ta r oi m ict! rti I ni llntril tli'tltloilH nirnnMiiiil plai-ri, tl-.un i iiiiiiin 111 niM!i;n iiiih:uiiiiii, unriH, ami luni'lim, mr., IHl-.. ilir. Tliin Work in Invnlttublriutu, lioiiKiliulil,.niul In tin' li'iii'lirr,, ir- ' tillll n,'ii u,,IM illlir (NO trilANCtK OK OAKS.) Cuini-iMHl ill lllnliu: Cant uiiniirui(it. l'ull mult Dniwltij; ltin)intilccurnii( Intuit t-tll)metit TOURIST SLEEI'INI! CAILS licit Unit run ! oniilrtli'toil, Hiitl In lvtilcfi BCi'OiiuihxIntlniii mo Ixitli Kttv mill KlirnlnIu-,1 lor holilvrNof Klr'tmit! H..votiil'i'lnniTlckoti,iiiiil ELEGANT LAY COACHES ikttllfr Mtirrltttti Cit. I'liiiliflier', .Siriiylcif. .1111. 5 f fIi not Imy rlimtiihntn. 2 xr.ii hii- icinliilnir miclfiit J rillllillll. 5 C:f"icnil tartiri'MiiKTiii wcnsTEirs ICTClUuVnOMt DICTIOVnDT; Corner of Kront nnd t'nlott Sts T. T. NICHOLAS. Propr. A ccmttniioiii llni, i iiiiticclltiK with nil Itiio I nflorillin.' illrivt mul or'li:n H. O- IVielsen, l't 1 ) 1 tn 11 11 riliv.'r rt'i:t viitlinm rnu Ui mtciijm In Hilrnnt'o tlitoiiKli miy hkouI nl tlio toml. Clothier and Tailor. ! THROUGH TICKETS liulttlvln A.nvrlcu, ; Hnuliinil "Mil Knroi! can tx; purclmocit Ht miy tlekct otriru u( thu ciiniitiy , .Decidcdlv the Finest Line of Gents' Farnisliiiig; Goods, Trunks and Paliscs, etc., etc, COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OK. SHERIFF'S SALE. lluokleu'M Ariuca fiatvu. TJ10 best salve in tho world for cute, brui68, eores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovei eoren, tetter, clmpped hands, chUblaiim, corna, and all ekhi eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to (?lve perfect satisfac tion, or monoy refunded. Price 25 cents jxjr box. For sale by Snipes & Kin-wsly virtue uf an exifittloa nnd order of mIi- Ittutd out of tin- Circuit Court at tlic stiite of Oreon for thu county of Wutoo, to nit dircctnl, coijimiindiiiK uie to make nalo of tliclitnd in i-ald wrlt,deM:rlli-iilto-wlt; thom piccui, and purculii ot land fn WoK'o Couttty, State of OrcKon, known mid du-i-crlbed as all of fcctfon threu 31, atid the MJllth half of Hie southeast (juarter of n-ctfon four I, and thr fontli half of hectfoti five (6; and the north half of MCtion elKht ;, all Ju Toivnthl one (P, north of Kanxc fourteen (lli-attof thu Willamette meridian, to make and y the etltn of money, fn mid Court adjudged, to hi paid to the plalntlll in eaid action, in which action The Solicitors Uiatt and Trust Corntiany were plain I lit' and Jutnex booth, Martha M. Ilootli, Kverett K. Hull. J. 1'. McClure, .Sarah II McClure. I). (. Alter. Kalph lloxers, Julia N. Hogem, l-'rl Km l).jfy, J. M. Taylor atidJ. K. Kdwatdn wero de fendanti,, to-wit, themraof J0Oj.Uti witfi Inter est thereon from July 1, fhw. Ht the rate of tlx Ier cent er ariuiim and JJW.OO attorney fees in mid action and contH and dbhiirH'tiieutx therein taxed, I Ituve tills day levied liou the fund ubovo docrllHil and on Hut unlay tliK :j.'!d day of Deceiuliwr, lHtl.'J, nt the hour of 10 u. in., fn front of the court lioui-e door, In the city of The bulks, In said count:' and ttatc, I will wll fd laud at public auction, to tho highest bidder thereor. T. A. Waiiij, Hlierlll'of Wiikcm county, Stnto of OrcKon. nov.r.'td SHERIFF'S SALE. lly virtue of uu execution uud order of hale imuedoiitof tho Circuit Court of the f-Ute of OrtKon for Waseo County, ujiqh a cle;rce mid JiidKuient jiiacle, rendered uud t-ntercf by tnld Court on the 11th day of November, is:i:j, in favor of plnlutlir, lit a tult wherein A. J). lioltou Mas plalntlll", nul Krunk l. (illletjilo and ithoda 'SlllMPlv, W. K. limit and W. If. Jtutler were defeiidiiutc, and to mo directed and delivered, coinmaudliiK mo to levy uiii and nil till the laudt mentioned and deterlbed in Mild writ, uud hereinafter described, did, on tho -ftli day of Do'-cmber, lb'J'J, duly levy tiion, and will tell at public: auction, to tho hlgheit bidder, forcimh 111 hand, on .Monday, tlio Hlh luy .January , I HIM, ut i o'clock hi tho afternoon of tnld day, ut tho front duor of die County (,'ourtliouw In Iliillea City, In W'uKeo County, ()rexon, all of tho lands and premfhea dcfecribcd in tald writ and Jicieln UtH.TllKIl UK lOUOWk, lO-Wll The nortluvet ouarter of Bectlon fourteen It lit Totvneuip i wo i nouin, ot nauKu lourieeii (llKnt of thu Willamette Meridian, in Wumo eounty, Oregon, or hi much thereof an tliall be mnncienno hiitiniy iijutuin oi ii.oi, wnu in- IK.T lor- itey'k Hen, ana! coM in nam mill, tOKCtner uccruinir coma ot T. A. WAIU), terent thereon at tho rate of ten ter cent auiitim unco Novemlr Uth, Jh03; Kfl.OOatior with eoi of hald writ. ,and uccruln fcale. T. A. V hhcrnt ot wucn county, urwon, l)ntl nt Dalle City, Or., Dec. I, IhWl. iJ5w.'i "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its jlooa leads on to fortune." Tho poot unquestionably had roforonce to tho Hilt lutortaaMon eoticurntne train, route mat otln-r detalU (urtilih1 on application to W. C. ALLAWAY. A Rent 1- 1'- A. Nav Co., llcBtilator oBlr. Tn liiilli-), Or., or A. I). CIIAKI.TOS, Am'I. (Kiieral l'nutemtur AKt.. I'ortlnnd. W The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 HEADERS. They tend Tin; Chrnnleli- to k'I thu latent nnd miMt tollnlile i ew And they roid every line that Is In tho pux'r That In what niiikw th; Clironlulo an Invaluable ndvortl Iuk iimllum, Thu iit)waiiiicr that . kik- to the family llmlilcx la the one that the udvertlcr of today ,nt rniili- ' when they tle.ilru to rmeh the 'iiple. When they want ymir trwlc their auiioituremcut.t will be found In the pit?. IHik over our rolumnx and obervr the vcrMc tlon of tlm truth of thin annertliiu. Itometnbcr, n trade of a faintly of two thouviud , worth a.ikltiK for through thenc i:nltt tuna, cax;lally ko at our vtry i Clisi-Bil Sals ii t FoMtnre k Enisi at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these Roods out at Rroatly-reduced rates. MI0HEL15ACH UKICK, - - UNION ST. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Work. Tin Repairs m Roofing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Streut, next door west of Young & Kubh' Blacksmith Shop. FREE! FREE!! With every dozen Cabinet Photographs, one .... ol Ofe-S ie C rayoajo Call at the Gallery and see samples. My work speaks for itself . TUB DALLLHH, OIL The Dalles Daily and Weekly Chronicle. THE CHKOiNICLK was cBtublishod for tho ox jiruss purpose of faithfully representing The Dulles and the surrounding country, anil the witisfyiiuj effect of ' minf-ion is everywhere apparent. It now leaiV all other publications in Wasco, tfhor inan, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow uiul Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the host medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire. The Daily Ciikoniclk is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 por annum. Tho Wekklv Ohuoniolk on lridays of each week at $1.50 por annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlae Xetlloi Job FIRST CLHSS JO" pi Tl"" NtIn( CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE