The Dalles Daily Chronicle, 1rr,l ii tlin l'oMtnllloo nt Tim Italic, Orwton, hh mviiihI-oIiim mnltor. Clubbing List. rtfoniflf V Tritinne ftuMtU an1 American hrmu, . . . . fbwlflf anl lltCliirf'i MajraZinf. . . . ItCKUInr Our jirleu jirlfo ., Jt'J.HO .. n.oo ,. M.OU 11.75 U5 $2.25 $2,25 l.ixinl All viirtlnliig. 10 Ccti 1 1 'r llnu for llrat liim-rllon, niid 6 Ccntfj !f Hill! !r I'lllMI llllurunilt lUftOrtlOII, H'-" ' 1 flll'H f,lr "0,K Umo ttl(T, All Iim-iii notice rooolvi'il tutor tlinti 8 o'clnnk lll iippi'i" tlio following ilny, WKDNKSDAY, DKC. Hi, 1803 The 1'ititi and Weekly mtu It found on mle nt I. C. Niekrhenh torr. DECEMBER DOTS. Hplo NinvuliiU Onriiiiri'il friuu u Iti-. pitrtnr'n Niitn Honk. nlic tulil him Unit hIki would he his, TIiuciiiiiiIiik lltth) (ox! Hut tin1 ri'iium thut kIii; loved him wim IIci'iiiiku hu IimiI Hi.- nii-kn. I). .1. Coopor Hhlppcd 100 lieutl of n.utt' 'i Hliuop to Portland thin morning tjtt ... ur Kugultitor. Ttc II t edition of tlio Pocombur Coh BOwliliui wllH !l'")0,00() conies, moro tlmn itoalili' any iiiuRiizino in tho world. Jl.m't forgot tho ilium diowdor to hu rerveil by tli IikHuh of tlio jM. K. cliitrch in tlm vacunt Htoro next tho PirHt Na tional bank. Count and briinr vour friumlH. Tlu I). 1. it A. X. Co. HtimmorN do liVL'ri'd ton toiiH of nmchiiiury at 1 i'iio wi'tli Landing for tlm Orison Lu...ttur itiir ronipany yt'Htiirdiiy, Tlm Htnttz uoiiipany will play in thin city Friday and .Saturday wmi'iir and will play HiuuM.'smivtily : "Under Two FliiKH" and "J'lmrl of Savoy." It will U' a biMiutit porfonnaniii) for tlio K. of I', Tin- Columbia Iiuh rioon nix iticliuu sinei- liiHt ni'lit, and tho J). J'. & A. N. Co.'m dock in all iindur u-utur. Mussm. I'titcrH A Co. wuro obligud to plur.o a Irooin around thoir laro wood rickn to tavi- tlium. A Hpfcial nii'utintr of tho city ootuidl iih liuld hint evening to uoimiilur tins matter of coiiHtriiiitlin,' tho Lincoln Htmot n;vur. ItwiiH decided to advortinis at ence for bitlH, notice of whiuli itppeurH in iwtliur column. J'ierco Muvh iH about tho only indi vidual connected with tho old roKirno of omcors who ih rree from tho taint of huh pinion in tho I'orl land HiriiipKliiiKfiisi'H. Ono of tho KovernuiciitiiiHicctorHPays that Mayn' skfrtH nro clear, and that ho Law acted honorably to tho government and hiniHolf. Mr. Helen StniTord'H claim of ladies for phyHiral ciiltnro nmotH oncli afternoon I'- " t the court house. It in learned that these exorcises, originated by Ui'lsai to, are varied, and are designed to Htri!tiKf,lion ovory nmsulo in the body. Unused and inort inusclfH invito tr,i.. disorderH, whloh Dolsarto believed could DiiHt be cotnlmtted by men mmi in corjmre ft no, There is a rej art circulated at Lew iston, Idaho, that some miners have rescued Geo. Colgato, the old man who was with, and left to die alone i" the mountains by the Car Hn party. Tho Walla Walla States man telephoned to get particulars bittl could only get back word that it was only a rumor, but news from the mount ains wiih looked for daily. Mr. J. C. T.ueky exhibited the model of u patont dump wagon this morning, which ought to revolutionize gravel hauling or other loads renuiring to be dumped. A lever can be thrown which lets tho bottom of the wagon down at an incline, dispensing with tlio use of the shovel and saving much time and labor. It Is the invention of Mr. W. T. Hatton of Warm .Springs, and a wagon bod can be constructed for less than $20, includ ing payment of royalty. CnllllllTfult NIO lllllH. Some special agents of the treasury de partment report the discovery of counter feit $ 10 greenbacks. It was ascertained that tho Anglo-Californian bank of San Francisco had decupled quite an amount before detection was recognized. The bills are printed from an old plate which was stolon a few years ago. About the only way to detect the fraud is by the paper which is -deficient in the silk threads, which define the genuine bills. Look out for them. IjllHt Lady's gold glove buttoner with small locket and key attached. Finder will confer a favor fy leaving at this office. .Notice. Notice is hereby given that unless the delinquent taxes of Dulles City are paid within ten days from the date of this notice tho names of the delinquents will be published. I!y order of the common council of nitwit. Mmii.mlutt 'M lRl?t Witness my hand this 7th day of December, 1S!W. Dan Mai.onky, City Marshal. JJoonis to rent at Kev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. (i-";idaw. HriMlcrnon In tlio County .Inll. Kd Henderson Is caught at last, and is safely lodged behind tho bars of tho Wasco county jail. In response to a telegram from Sherifl' Woolery at Spo kane, Deputy Sherifl; I'hirnian left for that point Saturday night, arriving with Ins prisoner today noon. A reporter how Henderson at tho court lmiisn tn. day, who declined to say anything about hifl travels since leaving Waeco county. his latner-in-law, Mr. J. W., WAS present and said wo could sav hn in going to fight this thing out to the end. no claims to be conversant with all the circumstances and acts of his son-in-law and says he is satisfied of Henderson's innocence. i;c this 'as it may, it does not look very well for a man to resist ar rest by force of arms tho way Henderson did, and afterwards make himself scarce. i 1 Monthly School Kcnoit, ( KinitT Miu:, Or. Number enrolled, 81. Average daily attendance, Hi. Number of visitors, 12. Those who secured 100 in deportment: Fmmn, Annie and Amos Johnson, Amy Angell, Annie Patterson, Carrie and Harry Drumniond, Lora Drake, Lester Leabo, Iva Leabo, Myrtle and Arthur Patterson, Alice Johnson, Arlie Drake, Maud, Earl and iloy Smith, Willie and and Hoy Domicile. Those who were present every day : Annie and David Patterson, Lora and Arlie Drake, Harry Drnnimond, Myrtle, Ida and Arthur Patterson. IlArnr. I. Him.. Knnl Kstate. K. IJ. and Mary E. McFarland to Smith French, lot 0, block 2, Laughlin's addition to Dalles City, also one foot of land on east side of lot ft, block 2, also parcel of land of the John A. Sims dona- i tion land claim; .f2,,i00. Commencing Friday the Sth inst. the Regulator will make tri-weekly trips, leaving the Dalles on Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays, connecting at Cascade Locks with the Dalles City. The Dalles City will leave Portland Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting at the Cascades with the Regulator. All freight (except car lots) will be brought I through the same day. , D. P. & A. N. Co. i in: iMM.cs, jjec. i, Jan;;. I'UKturiij;). Moore's much, about three miles south of The Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage and any one who desires to avail them selves of the fact can secure reasonable terms upon application. 17tf Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. A Ilundrr.l Ton MaKhIiih Ot-ilnr. An event in periodical literature, not without its sicnlficanco to the general public as showing tho growth of the reading classes, was tho receipt on the 0th of November by The Cosmopolitan Magazine, of the order given below. A single order from a news company for onp hundred tons of magazines 1 That is almost an event in tho history of the world. A like order has never before been made, and if past ratios be main- taincd it moans considerably moro than nan a million circulation for tho Pec ember U)smopolitan. Yet, when the list of authors and artists in tho Decern ber number is examined, one is not so much surprised. It contains tho onlv known unpublished manuscript of Do Maupassant, illustrated by Viergo, per haps tho most famous of European illus trators. After the World's Fair, by 1'anl JJonrgot, John J. Ingalls, William Dean Howclls, Lyman J. Gaee. Arthur Sherburne Hardy, Mark Twaine, Robert drant anil others nearly as famous, and nearly two hundred illustrations, to which the following artists contribute: Hopkinson Smith, Kemble, Harry Fenn, F. O. Small, Attwood, Ilcnckcl, Dan Beard, Reinhartand Remington. Think of having the World's Fair done by such expensive men as Howells, Mark Twain and Paul Rourget, and sending such artists as Charles S. Rineliart to Chicago for a single number of a magazine to bo sold for 15 cents, or by subscription 12j cents. 'A book publisher, preparing such a book wonld not dare incur these expenses short of $5.00 a copy. Is it not a revolution that is an improvement up on old methods, a revolution of vast im portance to the reading public? The order to which reference is made reads as follows : "Publisher Cosmopolitan. Dear Sir : Of the 200,000 copies of December num ber to be sent us, please send as follows: 172,050 copies regular edition, 27,250 copies R. R. edition. Yours respect fully, The American News Company." ook's CottonRoc it COMPOUND. A recent discovery bj- an old Iityslclan. Successfully wed fiumthlu by thousandt of Ladles. 13 tho only perfectly Kafoand reliable rnedlclno dis covered. Bewaro of unprincipled druggists who offer Inferior medicines In placo of this. Ait for Cook's Cotton Iloot Compound. tal:e no substi tute, or Inclose 61 and C cents in postage la letter nndwo'wilUend, sealed, by return mall. Fulls3alod particulars In plain envelope, to ladlej Only, 2 stamps. Address l'ond Lily Company. No. srisherlllock. Detroit. Mich. Sold in The Dalles by Blnkeler & Hougton. When you have tried so-cilled reme dies for dyspepsia, headache and bil iousness, with no benefit, let your next trial be Simmons Liver Regulator. It has never failed in relieving and curing. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. T. J. Rorlck left for Portlnnd this morning. Mr. Smith French is suffering with a ugui imncif oi la grippe. Capt. S. V. Short, of the steamer t v. 1 1 m . . ... ... iuies tuy, was in tne city last night. Dr. O. C. Hollister left on the 2 o'clock train today for Hood River, to hold a consultation with Dr. Ilroslus. Mr. R. R. Hood and Mrs. Ella John son allll flllllilv Ifif t. nil tlm litimmnr !,.- uiiuor wns morning lor rortianu, ItOTKt, AltltlVAI.R. Columbia T Davis. H Kober, J S Walonfauirh, E A Williams, JJ Graham, E II McConnell, Portland; Jll Ding ninrd and wife. Hillshoto; J J Ding mard, Goldnndale ; P Neluson, IJ Money hani.E II McConnell, Cascades; A J McCarren, San Francisco; James Mur rey and son. J It Warner. White Sal mon; N S Siores, Hood River; N D Reiner, Mosier; C A Savaee, Corvallls; W A Hill, J I) Allen, Albany; John Ederton, J S Waten faugh, C A Wil liams; William Nicholas, S Nicholas, Cornwall, England; William Dunn, Na naimo, BO; David Johnson, Seattle; Mike Mayhew, Grass Valley. SOME WORLD'S WONDERS. Tin: most ancient catacombs are those of Etf.vpt. over 1,000 years old. Tin: fluent collection of antiquities in the world is in the British museum. Tin: largest bell in the world is in the Kremlin ut Moscow, -to'OOO pounds. Tin: largest university is Oxford; it has twenty-one colleges and five halls. The largest .American city park is Fairmount, nt Philadelphia, i,4U acres. Tun tallest stone tower is the Wash ington monument at Washington, 555 feet. Tiik prcatcst inland sea is the Cas pian, which is 700 miles lonp by 270 in width. The best whispering gallery is in the dome of St. Paul's cathedral in London. The largest ship was the Great East ern, GOO feet long, 118 feet broad; 12, 000 tons. Tin: most disastrous flood was that of Holland, 1530; 400,000 persons drowned. Tin: oldest known pottery is that of Egypt; some of it dates from nearly 4,000 B. C. Tin: oldest written history is that contained in the books said to be writ ten by Moses. Tin: largest tunnel is that under the St. Gothard pass. It is nine and one half miles. Tun oldest natural weapon is the club; the oldest manufactured weapon is the sword. t.niik Over Vour County Wnrrlttitri. All county warrants registered prior to January 10th, 1890, will be paid if presented at my office, corner of Third and Washington streets. Interest cease3 on and after this date. W.M. MlCIIEI.h, Treasurer Wasco Count v. October 21st, 1S93. 'tf Are Vnti llntipy? The man or woman who is prolltably employed is generally happy. If you are not happy It may bo because you have not found your proper work. We earnestly urge all such persons to write to B. F. Johnson & Co., of Richmond, Va.,and they can show you a work in which ou can be happily and profitably employed. UliiftlliR Ont Hnln or H roccrlcs. Owing to a contemplated change of business, the undersigned will closo out tho entire stock of groceries, hardware, wood and willow wnro at cost for cash. Call early while the stock is unbroken. JohKS BliOTIIKKS. WOOD! WOOD! WOOOt Best trades nnk. fir. ilno n,w1 t.1,,1. e-- " , 7 j.-.iv. .i. inn Wood. flfflpn ISM Snentwl All orders promptly attended to. II il AIKlt it lir.NTON. ITEBIAD-W "Clnmnn4lin nt tln TlTnnlil'n tln1' odiiiaiuM ai me ii u nil s ran, And be up to the times. THE LATEST OUT Greatest Work of the Nincteciitli Century Ily JOHIAII At.l.KN'ri WtFli. A. G. Hoering, Local ARUiit, The Dnllex, Or. u Tm7nciri, nninjw in the Northwest Now Open for Inspection and Sale at M. Honywill's ON - OVERCOATS a discount of Gis. on trie DDiiai Every ariiele marM in plain figures. M. HONYWILL. Our First Annual Clearance Sale. f feu of Oar Offerips : Domestics, Brown. .Richmond A , per yard . . i els. National A, " ' " -I ets. .Badger LL, " " . 5 ets. Cabot W, " " 0 ets. Lock wood .B, " " 7 ets. Domestic, Bleached. .liu tier (Hoth, per yard .Korrest Mills, " ' " Kruil. of tho Loom " J)vighl Anchor," " Wamsutta, " " Jjonsdalo Cambric, " .IVido of tlio West, " Wamsutla, Twilled," 43-inoh, 8- 4, 9- 1, KM, 42-inch, 40-inch, 8- 4, 9- 4, 10- 4, Wide Sheetings. Brown. per yard f ets. . 7 els. . 8;'; ets. . 9 ets. .11 els. .11 ets. . 1 2 J ets. m cis. .11 els. IGij ets. .20' els. .22 els. Bleached. per yard ..11 ets. , .12 J ets. .20" ets. .22 els. .25 ets. Prints. Shirting, per yard 5 els. Lodi, " ' " 4 J ets. Standards, " " 5" ets. Indigo Bine, " i)h ets. Shirtings. Amoskeag, Napped, per yard 12A ets. Amoskeag, " " 10 ets. Southern Plaid, " " 8: ets. Table Oil Cloth, per vard 20 els. Shelf Oil Cloth, " " " S?, ets. Furnishing Goods. Boys' Underwear .20 els. Boys' "Woolen Underwear 40 ets. Men's Merino Underwear 40 ets. Men's Natural Wool Underwear 75 ets. Men's 7-oz. Red Flannel Underwear. . $1 25. Men's Cotton Socks, per do, (50 ets. Men's Woolen Socks 20 ets. Moil '.1 I imtn 1 1 1TA11 ! ill -VI ii I 10 .t Men's Suspenders, from 20 els. Clothing. Boys' JCnee Pants, from 40 ets. Boys' Knee J'ants Suits, from $1 40. Boys' 3-piece Suits, from 4 00. Men's Suits 4 75. Boys' Overcoats, a good assortment at Ii 00. Mon's Overcoats $5 00, $0 00, $7 00. Don't pay $12 elsezvhere for same. See our oflerintrs in Dress Goods, Pattern Suits, and Silks. Our stock of Fancy Cooils for this Holidays consisting of Drapery Silks, Stamped Linens Etching Silks, Pon Pons, Ribbons, Etc., Must Go! The new prices will move them. -o- ..vd All Goods Marked 77 .IN PLAIN FIGURES. J Wo oiler grand opportunities for Christmas. Give Useful Presents. This year they will bo appreciated. We Have Them. Our Red Prices arc right. PEASE & MAYS. P. S.---Tuesday, on account of crowds, we could not serve all satisfactorily. We have increased our force of salespeople. : ; I