The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OKKU'lAl. t'Al'KU OK IU1.1.KS CITY. ASl) WASCO COUNTY. SUBSCKtrTlUN KATKS. BY MAIL, IWTAUK VMSl'Att), IN AtlVANCR. Weekly. 1 year " 6 months , 3 Uallv, 1 year " 6 months. " pCT " Address nil cotwminlcatlou tWTHK CHKO.N IOLK." The l)ilto, Orcsou. ABOUT PEOPLE. 0 75 0 60 6 00 8 00 0 H) I'.mt-omcH. orricK nouns (Jeiwrnl Delivery Window ... -S a. m. to 7 J Moeev Ordrr ii. m. to A p. in. Via. ni. to 10 a. in. CLOSING OF MAU.S trains eolng Kst .. .9 p. m. and 11 :45 a. m. " West . .)) hi. ami 5;:wji. m. Main tor tloldendale 7:fa. m. ' l'rinevllle 5:ai.m. " "DuturniidWarmSprlnprs fttai a. m. " ILcrtvlnK lor l.yU llarthmd .5:! a. in. " jAntelopo .. y.Xn. m. Kxecpt Sunday. tTrl-weeklv. TucsJav Thursday anil Saturday, t " " Monday Wednesday and Friday. Miss Utta K.vuiiirr.tif Now Hertford, Muss., hits had her name I'lianeil by the imiliute court to Kllu liahhitt. .Si:vi;.vti:i:. children have been born to .Mr. Kllsworth Miller, of Cold Spring. N. Y. She has been a wife less than ten years, and in that time has had three sets of triplets, three sets of twins and two singles. John (leoria farmer, who died the other day at the tifjeof eighty seven yenr.s, was the father of twenty three children. :tll In- mm ninth.. r mul as they f,'rew up and married all set- ft tied on farms adjoining his own. fj At.r.xis Coi.rMurs. a resident of Huf falo, one hundred and four vears old, says he is a lineal descendant of Chris topher Columbus. It is claimed that lie is thepreat-reat-frreat-yreat'reat-jjrandMin of the man who discovered America. TiiKonri.r KcoFFiti:, or the Canton Wullis. .Switzerland, is a dwarf scarce ly more than a yard liitfh. No one Knows Ins ape. but he can remember II1 MX I TIIK Thntthoy l)v 0,dest HgcUPal Paper in America. Piorco'H Plenum Imtam-hmko ioto.1 PcllotH 001110 Toilleii8h RiiliMirilmrsof TiinChntoN'iciii: And it's n mora; puyl.n: urn, year In advance. SrjTlic American Farmer, It keopH tlioin ill-1 ' ways fresh and re liahlo, unlike tlio ordinary pills in nliii.ii, winl.m or TIIK AMKltlCAN I'.uiukh, wlitoli Is now enter- cuuin v until u i K ,, u, 7.MI1 jenr, ! thu plonwr liirmerv pastubonrd boxes, paper hi tiu country. TluifVn imt mi It It a lame elKht-t'iiKC pai-'r, and roaluli SC. lllUj TO pill up cotuuini of tlio aiiriculturnl and liter 111 a hotter wav, '"T Hcr, plentifully cmbolllnhed with fluo 1709 Now York Avunuu, WASHINGTON, D. C. off than before. the French invasion in 1T., ami from i euro jwrmanently, wvnvvsniv . nvr vt ! ot,,ur fi,L'ts s supposed to be one huu-1 Uilious Ileaduelio, Constipation ' I Ured and ten years old. digestion. Eilious Attacks, and all ana they act m a bettor way, than the liuge, old fashioned pills. No griping, no violence, no reac tion afterward that Homo times leaves you worse In that wav, thev Sick Headache, In- lllustratlone. It li NATIONAL IN' CHARACTER, and deals with farming and farmer's lntertti on hroud, practical line, it The Baconian cipher claimed to have Immmi diecovered by Dr. Owen, of Detroit, promises to become u literary sensation. If the doctor is right, Donnelly will be unstained, and Shakespeare as an author will drop out of the biographies. Dr. Owen claims he begun the solution of his cipher two years before he heard of Donnelly's discovery. He now has it copyrighted and will soon begin the publication of the narratives which the cipher has disclosed. These publications will be followed by publications of the cipher itself. JEDGE WAXEM'S PROVERBS. his Tin: Amerikin eajrcl can't rite name. Most party platforms is ramshackly m places EMPLOYS TIIK MUST WRITERS IN Til 12 COUNTRY, and every thf iik that appear In llt column In of the hlKheit character i:very department of thu farmer IhiMucki l dUcned In an earnest, practical wi, looking to tho greatest protltamt iicnctlt to the fatmcraml hli (nuilly. It appears on Hie lit and lMh of each month, and Is lurnMicd at the low price of 50 CENTS A YBAK derangements ot tlio liver, Htomacti, in advance. Thi. make it tii ciiupet and bowels are prevented, relieved, 1 acrionitiirui iimu in tim country. and cured. 1 -L kli IL' l.lll, "ViUtHVM l.lli- iilna i nnmi, .liinil nf rnfliiiwl' null OurlllK the comltlK eiir there will lie an Un ities, a COIlipouilll Ot reilllUO .Hill m0n-c nnmlH;r of muitcic or i!io ntn-t vital In Concentrated VCgCtablo OXtniCtS I ly,'"t to fatmers dealt with hv rmiKrcxK and the r..rcuiivu I'ciMiriuieiiis in 11 iihiiiiiuiu. u in highly important the farmer he kept KAIv.MliK l-HOISLATION. the smallest in size, the easiest to Sosti: statesmen oug'ht to be faitnns ' take, and cheapest nil! von can buv. 1'foniptjy mjd fully iiifoitimi to what N bcliiK J .1, ... .11 ...1.. . , , . i l'liiliiiiil mm mine iiiiri-iiiii; iiiem in me .annual ler tact Clterts to De. for tllOV I'O guaranteed to give SatlS- 1 Capital. They ihonhl all, therefore, lake Till: It's a lotif,' time between elcckshuns fMction or votir moiiov is returned . amkkil-ah Faiimku. uhlcli. )oIiik h tlioKromui, . , . , , ... , I l.iiAiuu, ui yuui muiic m iLiuuuu. , llns tetter facllltlcN than iinv other imperN for to delected candidates. You pav only for the iiood vou "et. is-'fttlns thin information, ami diwotcN luolf to United Statkm senators has titer j Jthin y to l0 ,. Just , weaknesses like human bein s. nrn,7 can set in noother t a-r. ' It looks, .sometimes, czef the palajum uv our libbcrties wuz in the hands uv monoppcrlists. Wukx you tind a congressman that don't like to read his name in the nuse papers pint him out. Omul .lob rrlutliiK. If you have your job printing done at Tiik CnuoxtCLK you will have the ad- there is no call for this sacri-! vantage of having it done with tiie most modern and approved type, with winch we keep continually supplied. All jobs under the direct sujMjrvision of one of the most successful and artistic printers in the Northwest. The full measure of the president's duplicity has readied Hawaii, which, as expected, electrifies the provisional gov ernment, wno declare they will defend the existing government with their lives. Happily fice, for congress will allow them every deserved right and the reign of Cleve land is practically ended. The temper of the Americans is such that from henceforth this obese dictator will not be permitted to trifle with the rights of nations or individuals. He has ail but plunged a weak power into war, and would doubtless have done so ere this had he not been called sharply to account. A Grand Masquerade Ball will bo Klvon at Armory Hall by Jackson Engine Co., No 1 Torpday uepir, Jar?, i, 1894. Commlttoo of Arrnnomonte: K. W. h. SKIKIIK, L ICIjINOT, KHKI) LKMKK A. HK1TGININK, .M.HIN HhASKU. IIAIMtY Cl.OUtiH, ADOLIMI KKLLKK, TIII'.O. Rocoptlon Commlttoo. (iKO. MIJNCKIt, V. Ii. IJUTTK, COL. ti. T. TMO.Ml'HON, HON. K. HGIWT, v. skufkut, a. m'OHLKit, IB. W. HELM &c OO. ih;ai.i:i!h in WIIDI), WOOD. WOII1I. Best 'rades of oak, tir, and slab cord wood, at lowest .market rates at .los. T. Peters fc Co. Otlice Second and Jefl'er son streets. as good. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy ! cures Catarrh m the Head. VtiKNTS mako?."i.C0a dav. tirealot kitchen j titenll ever litventeit. ItetnlN .V et. v ' old In every hnus-;, Sample, ini'tace jmol. cents. MeMakln and Co., tMiiclnuatl, Ohio TIIK AMKllUMN K.MlMHUand TlIK CllltOMCi.i: lll lit- .entone ear (or ll.T.i. K WANT YOf TO WOUK KOU I S. thn makim; to fjvt.m i'i:i: wi:ki; I'artlOA preferrcil who can furnish a hurwuml travel tlirmnth the country: a team, tlnaiL'li. t not neeesjiry. A few vneancle-i in town- and cltle.-. spare hours may ho ucd ti p-xl ad- tnce. I!. F. JOHNSON A i , Uth ami Main hts.. Iiiehmon.i. Vu vantage. Like all great minds, Edison is an in- j tensely practical man. During the course of some incandescent lamp ex periments he wished to know the amount ! of space included in tlio glass bulb, and asktd two of his learned assistants to figure out the cubic contents for him. After taking considerable time and sev eral sheets of paper they brought the re-1 ault to Edison, only to be told that they j were wrong. The electrical experts ! again went over their figures, checked i 1 MBaSES&N gfi i vn uti v 1 jst ii: :?v The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGOIV This old, (Kjpular and reliable iiuu.-t I has Iwen entirely refurnished, and every 1 room lias been repanered and riiinte' I and newly carpeted tltrouvh-ut. The house contains 170 rooms and .jfupnliet with every modern convenience. Hates reasonable. A irood restaurant att.iciiec to the house. Frer bus to and from ah trains. C W. KNOWI.ES. Prop. John Pashek, 5cti.. SOots., and MM Curoi roiulir. TIoiiro:i'S..Wore Tiinui: Croup .Ti r-' . v;s V. S.i-i n'n i.'.iof;;i end Aitliia-i. J p Co.".utjii i.-.i itb'iit' rlvul; hascitred .liouiiii(is v. t -.cell other . failed; stIIIi.tiie vonf t:''eR Sati'-w. 5c' ' by Drusjists on ne'iar.ontiX!. rrrf.nni'.' )lt.cK or Chest, uso anii.QH'M I'LAtfraiit. acu. them and tried all the forms of mathe-j DotUe.N matical calculation, from aritlimetic to applied mechanics, but without avail, for the final result was again declared wrong by Edison. After several more useless attempts, and when a good por tion of the day had been wasted, the professors would work no more on the problem. The "Wizard" theu simply took the cap off an incandescent lamp, filled it with water, and then poured the water into an instrument used to deter mine the volume of fluids, whence the cubical contents was known. Recently inquiry has been made of the writer by writers in the East regard ing the discovery and naming of Mal heur lake and river; also the John Day, Powder and Owyhee rivers. The names Malheur, Malade, etc., indicate the dis tress in early times of explorers or trnv- eleru, who applied these names, sug gested by their own unhappy condition, to streams or other geographical tea tares hitherto unnamed. John Day was a hunter in Aster's overland party of 1811-12, led bv Wilson P. Hunt. He was separated from the party in the up per Columbia region during a long period, and underwent terrible hard ehips and privations, from which he Buffered fco much that he became insane and died at Astoria, probablv about the end of the vear 1811. There are several streams east and west of the great con tinental divide called Powder river Probably the name, like Malheur and Malade, is of French origin Poudre, which may signify dust, hence a stream in a dust region. Owyhee, in older English works, is used as a name for Hawaii. The first trading vessel that came into the Columbia river, after Ah tor's unfortunate venture, was the American bark Owyhee. Possibly isome one who had seen her gave the name to our river, or through some other cir cumstance the original Owyhee may have been applied to it. In "Evange line" the heroine is said to have prote cted the search for her lover to all re mote places, including the Owyhee; but poetical romance did not work here, for the name was not known to geogra phy till long after the'Acadian episode. Oregonian. JULGH'StCATARSK REMEDY. Irere you l at.l.'r!i ? ii irnnin? teed to euro vcu. I'riw cu. Ie lector ir Cor italoby 'nlp & Kuiorxly. VIGOR " MEN A Quad Word. Mr. J. J. Kb it, Sharptburg, Vu., bear HJr: I am gUd to ay n pood word for KrauM'i Headache Capiulen. After tuffVrhiK lot over tbreo yearn with acutoncuralgU and It coiikeiiuent lutsomniu, which teemed to tiaflle thoefloruof fcomeof our belt phytlelajm you auggested thU remedy which gave tno ultnoit In ataut relief. Word fail to exnreH the praise J hould llko to latow on Kraunc'n JIeudche Caixulea Uratefully Yourn, Mas. K. It, IIolmkm. iloatroite, l'n. Hold hy Butpea it Klacraly. Hot clam broth at J. 0. Mack's every dV t 4 o'clock, Easily, Qulcklr, Permanently Rettorcd. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNEC", DEBILITY, and all the train of erlli IroDiearlyerrororlatr exevtket. the retulo of ovemorii. lokno, worry.etc. FulUtreoKtb, deTelopmem and touu given to every organ and portion of tfco Ux?. simple. naturalmetho'Ji. Immedlatn I rn iir(iTemr t ien. Failure UnwiXAr, 2,li referencm. Ii .k, explanation anil pnfd malleU (scaled) (rev. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. V. Ill1 3 it i j rn 'i ierc am imioi 76 Count Stnaat, Nes; door to Wasco Sun Office. This Is the Season Of the Year ttlhen Judicious Advertising Pays. Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Perfumery, Elc, Puro WlnoH and Llquoro tor Miitllnlnnl Pui'pohoh. CompouiulInK PhytilclmiH' Proiujrlptlonfi n Snoclnlty, iS'o. l().r) Second .Street, The Dalles, Oregon. Oppolli Colninhln Candy I'm'tory. New York Weekly Tribw -AND. Dalies Weekly enroniele llu just rcceivi'd the latest t U't in Suitings for Gentlemen, and hin lnnceii'tortmcnt of I'onit'ii mid Ainer lean Cloths, which he can llnlth In order for thoM' that favor htm. Gleaning and Repairing a Specialty. NOTICK KOU l'UULICATION. ONLY- $1:75. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, dtc. DH. SANDEN'S ELEOTBIC BELT With Electro-Maanotlc 8UBFBNSORY. buieH i-airaiai lint inpravcaieata I Will cum wlltioat mnllclna all KiiIhw rnulllnif from orer-taMttuu of braii nrrvo furcei i icewaorlntjn crttion. ai arrvoua debility, tleepleuneaa, Unriivr, rhruinatlam, kidney, liver ud blaililtr compUliil' Kenrral III health, etc. This leetiia licit coouina osdrrfil laimnuli orer all other. Current l Iniuntly feitW wearer or we Corfelt t,Ouu,uo, and will cure all of the uiwre dUeaau or bo uy. Thou, i-tiiia hive hern cured by this rnarreUraa biventlun after all other reaaediaa failed, and we irtro huiniitdJ of teatiinouula In thl and every other Kate. Our reetrfel Iarl EUCCTIUC IDkTMMBY, Um Ceateat boon aver offered weak men, rate will, all Ji. ItuUhaW ttraukinatteeiaailTaiUUCillii iM ar Bead for Illua'd Pamphlet, uuuled.acaled, (rtki AND8N LIOTRIO OO., aVo. lTaafiraaMtreet, M'OM.VVASU UK. EXECUTOR NOTICE. Notice is heiwbv fplven that the miliar. Binned has bitfB daly appointed hy the County Court of th BUte of Oregon for Waeco County in protate, oxacutrlr with the will annexed of the estate of Jgines Underbill deceased. All nereone havlni? claims suaioat aaid estate are herehv re- quired to preeent tbetn to, me with proper Touctiere at the law office of Con don & Condon In Dalles City, Oregon, within aix months from the date of thin notice. November 11, 1803, ClMltA Z. Undi'.himi.l. Executrix of the Kitatoof Jhiiics Under- Jilll, deceased. 1.A.NI) (JFFICK, The iMlIt-, Or. ,1 lw. 7, vj:i. ( Notlw 1 hervhy kIvoii that the f.,limiu;. nanxnl tcltk-r hah Hlt-ii notice of intention lo make final proof In Mipiwrt oi Ii If claim, and that Mild proof uill nuulu Ix-'forc tho ri",rli.t(.'r and rwclver at The lalli. Or., on February 10, lh'JI, vi.. IllC'l.ll II. ItlllltTtS, Homestead No. i"ilG, for the KK'H ol N1CJ-,, and St-, of riK. and nV , t,i HKL, of Sec Ho names the foIlovTln tr witnofK-i lo prove hi contlnuiMiK reldence iiHn, and cultivation of, Mild land, viz. Ii. K. MoiriKin, M. I.', l'alntcr, J S l'atterion and ('. H. .toiiKhton, all of llnfiir, or. d-J.jr, JOHN W. I.KWJb. IteaUttr. SHERIFF'S SALE. Hy virtue of an execution and order of hit I , Iucd out of the ( Ircnlt Court of tLe state of OreKon, for the County of ioco, to me directed eoiiimnndiiii; me to uoiko mile of the 'and in the haid wilt, ilencrltieil to-tvlt TIiom- plu' en and pari'ClK of land In WaK'O County, Mite of Ore Kon, liiionn iind ilecrlbl im the niitii hiilf of eclioii fi;ht(H , and tho Kiutli half ol m-ciIou nine i'Ji and thu eaut half anil the unithneht piarter and the east half of th northet iiinr ler and tini Miuthwot iiiarter of the northuc.t iinirtei of hectiou ten (lu) mid the north lialf of tho northwest iuurtcr and tho Hditheii.t iiiarter of the uorthwent quarter of rcctloii llfteui iIV, all in 'i'oiviifclilp one ili, north of Kaiixc fouiteeu (II east of the Willamette meridian, to make and pay tho hum of money, in wild court ihIJiiiJk eil to us paid to tho plalntlll'iu wild iictlou, lu which action The HollcllorH Imn ami T rnt Company were iilnliitill' and Jamea Jlwith, iiar tlm M. Hooth. Kverett K. Hull, J I . ilcCliire, Kariih II McClure, I), (i. Alter, Halph ItoKem, Ju lia N Hotter, I'rl Kmlxuly, J. M 'layioraml J K IM wards eroilefeii(Jnnti, to-wlt, the mm of ?'jiyi.on with Iutert't tlicrtai, from Jul;. I, wji, at the ratu of tlx :r cent ier annum ami Vi).w uttorueyx feex In Mild action hiii! cotti and din-huri-o entH tliercili taxcil, I have this day leyled iijiou thu laud aforcmild and on Hut unluy tlm '..'Ilril ilny of l)ec.uul,'r IHll.'l, at the hour of ID o'clock h. in,. In front of tho court hoiiHC ihKir, In tlio City of Thu ImIIch, in bald County and Htutc. I will t'dl nuld land at public miction, to thulllRhctt bidder therefor. T. A. Wjtiin, fiherill'of Wanco County, Htatu of OrtKon. IIOVtMM NOTJCK FOR l'UULICATION. I.AND Oerici:, The Dalles, t)r.,i Nov. 'J, 1VJ.1. i Notice l.i hereby Riven that tha follnwiiiK iiameil ncttler has tlinl uoticoof IiIm intention to make llual proof lu upxirt of hln claim anil that mild proof will be made before tho reUter and receiver at The Dallei, OreKon, on Wcdui'Mlav, December -7, 1V.J, vU' Hewitt Kilic. Hometid Application Xo.'ifSt, for the N'-. of SKI t anil V.i of riWl, hvc. 1U. Tp. J It II Kunt. lie numei thu follotvliiK wltneei to prove lilt continuous reildeuco ii.on and cultivation of slid!' II. . Wells, ol Thu Dalh-., Or.. Clmrlci Himtou, Jamex lCaitou and I'mil l.lmerolh of Nauwiie, Or. John w. i.kivih, KcKlstcr. SHERIFFS SALE. lly virtuuof an oxcciitlon and order nf al. Ihtueiloutof tho Circuit Court of O.u Ktatu of Ohkoii, for tho County of Wanco, to mo dlrcc.Uil commaudiiiK iu to mako niloof the laud in thu aaid writ dcecrllietl to-wlt; tlioiiploei-M and par cel ol land In Wanco County, HUte of Oiwon, known and ilcfccrllMxi aa tho wjuthwent quarter of Koctlon four li, and Die north half of ncctlou nine I'J), anil the northweat quaru-r of lection auvviiUtu 1171, in Township oik. (11 north of ItaiiKo fourteeu M). eitat of toe Willamette Meri dian, to make aid pay tho um of money, In Hrtid Court ailjudaeil (o bo paid to thu idaliiMtr 111 tiniil aotlon. hi Which action The Vollcltoie lian and T'runt Company ih-io Mauillir. and Jhiiich Ilootli, Martha 'M. llooth, ViVerctt K, Hall, J, K, McClure, Harah If. McClure. V. U. AlUir. italph Itoiiera, Julia N. Kofwrn, Url Embody, J, M, lay lor and J, K. HdwanU were drfendautu, to-wlt; Ihoaumof fJOODOOwlth inteieat thereon, from July 1, lh'i, at the rate of tlx pcro'iitperaniiuin and f'JUU.UI attornev'a fta-N ill auid aclloii and cot and dUbiirt'inentH therein taxu, J have una uay levied upon tnuiano aiorviin,ana on Haturilay, iiUnl ilay nf llceinlir, iHU3, at tho hour of 10 o't lock . U). In front of thu cmrt homo door, In thu City nf ihu lullos, lu tuiu county ami niaie, i win aeu aaiuiauu at p-jbllo auction to tho iilirliuat bidder therefor. T. A. ViAHD, Hherlfl of Wuaco County, 8 tutu ol OreKoii. Movtd NOT1CK FOIt I'UIil.ICATION. Timber IjiiuI, Act June a, J S7. J I'. H bAMIi OfKICK, The Ihlllox, Or., Nov. b, IKH. ( Notice i hereby Klven that in compllauci' with tlio prnvWIoii of the act of rnuitrckN of Jlllio.1, IW, entitled "An act for the miloof tim ber laud" in thu xtatcs of Cailfornia, OreKOii, Novuihinud Wiodilnuton Territory," Neill (,'. Hto vellxoll, Of Killtfiley, county of Waeo, Mlnte of OrcKOIl, him thiH day in thin olllce lili nworu ntate munt for the puiclia' of the NKU of NWJ., ofhectlon. No, Zl, lu 'lowimlilp No, :i H , rmiKO No :l V.. W. 11., and will oiler nriMif tonhow that the land foukIU Im more valuable for Um timber or atone than for utf iculturiil purpose, and to eitiibllnh Ills claim to nald land lefori' thu ItejrlDtcr and llieelvtr of till iilhcoatTlio I Jul leu, Or., on the 1Mb day of January, is-jl. He iiamei iin wltiivhne.i licoro Mulx'od, Jiih-l-;r Kiilo". I'on itoudeiiu mid Lafayette DuvIk, all of KlUKuley, Or. Any mid nil ieronK claimiiiK mtvercely tlio abovo-ile.crlbeil lanilM aro reiili:ited to Hie their claim lu thhiolUco on or I fore, mi Id 1,'itlulayof January, IS'JI. wlU JOHN W. 1,1'AVIH, ltelter. SHERIFFS SALE. Jly virtue of an execution mid onlvr of rale Ukiuit out of thu Circuit Court of tho Htale of On-Kon for Waaco (,'ounty, upon a decreo and JudKineiit made, remlvriii and entered hy hiild Court on Ihu bltti day ol November, Ih-Xi, In favor of plaiutlir, In a Hilt wherein Waller ilreeo was plalntiir and Alfred Kennedy and C'arollne Kennedy weru defeinliiiita, and to mo dl rinted mid ilclivvrcil, commmidliiK mo to levy upon and tell thu lamia mentioned mid du-i-criUil In raid writ, and hereinafter dckuribcd, I did, on thu 1th day of Decern Ikt, Ih'j.j, duly levy upon, ami will n.ll at public auction, to thu tilKliet hid ler, for cash In (in lid, on Monday, tilt Htli day of January, I HIM, at 2 o'clock, ll thu afternoon of nald day, at thu frontdoor of Ihu County Courtlioime In Dallex City lu Watt'D County, Ori'Kou, all of tho lauda and prcmht'H dcterlUil lu wild writ, and herein ii-Kcrlbeil to, follow, to-wlt: All of bhck ten (10) In what In known bm thu Military Hiiturviitlon Addlllou to Dal leu City, Waken County, ortKoiii and uccordliiK hi Ihu m a pi. and plau of nald city ami addition thereto, or ho much thereof aa nhall bo aunloient to nut Ufy thu kiiiu of .177.:l', with Intertat thurvou at the ratu of ten pr cent, per annum alucu No vember null. lia.00 attorney'H ften, and ll.lft coata in nald mil, Uatetliw With cot of aald writ ami accruing ioalxofaalo, yjjjj hhcrlfl ol VYanco county. OrHio'ii, Date-1 at Dale,Ctty, Of,, Dec. i, IH&V iTHJJw.'i Closing Out Sale OF JEWELER'S GOODS. The lurge stork of goods sit. W. E. tlarretsoii's Jewelry to he closed out sit price lo nuit tlio times. Everything Must Be Sold, Regardless of Cost. Store INL'LUUINO Executor's j(9titf to Cfidttors. Notlcu U hereby glvaii that thu (Joiinty Court of Ihu rilalo of Urgou for County Iihh duly apolutel tho lindertlmitil thu executor of thu laat will and ttvaUmeiit of (itorgu 1'. Jleer, deteancd, All peaonx liavlliK Olalma aalilt tho eatato o aald iletseakwl aro hereby reiiilied U prtvMslH tbaWt wltli lliu liroiHir, vouoherK, wItlilnalVitumtBa from ho dale of thin notice, .hUpueo of rmideiice, near Dal lea l.'Hy, (iW county, or at tint olllce of W. il. Wllwtii, 111 Mill Dalle Cllv. ' .IICJHAKI, P0YI.K, Kxwutor. Dated IhU lit day of t'uvembvr, IW'J, Otw WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, RINGS, CHARMS, FINS, TABLE -WAKE, ETC. Now is the Time lo Bo? Christmas Presents. A. R. Thompson, Assignee. H. H. CHMPBELL SuccoBHor to LESLIE BUTLER,, Will coiintmitly keep on hand a complete lluo ol GROCERIES, CROCKERY, . ...... nf llavliiK purchauil .Mr. Itutler'n entlro alook, I ahull niltavor to maintain tin- repumo thu lioiuu, which luia butii; BEST (JOOI)S AT LOWBTT PRICES. SQUARE DEALING TO EVERY ONfc. Call and see me, next door to Postoffloe. Second St. I. C. NlCKELSEN, ThePHe ,0r