l)c OaIIcs Cljnmfck VOL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1893. foe Dalles Daily Chronicle. .,iiitiHin-l Dolly, Hiiiuiay Kxcopmi. II v ........- mini K'llTk'r in ....i ..mm VVimlihiif hiti Ktrii'fK. Tim I7.tr" " Dulles Oregon t'uriiiM "t Hiilinorlptltiii 16 00 h, by currier M TIMU TAIU.KS. ICullroiiilH. In eiivct AimiiHtn, is'j;:. KAfcT IIOUIU. I m ( ,llll 't, Wi Heparin ll!(J0 I', M. WIT HOUND. i, ,wtn'' M- Hepurt 3:11 a. i. LOCAL. i.lil'n H '' l'orlbllld lit 1 I'. M. '1U Departs for I'lirilaiiil nt :i i'. i. twnioon freight that curry piuweiigurK leave 1 . ' .i... h..ki .it K'lm a.m.. mill one (nt the X,,,9.!IIA.. 8TAOKN. ,k riUiBVlllf! vlii. Hake Oven, leave dully jm jittaioiM, Mltehell, Canyon City, Iwvc yr rsrKsfiir, KliiKHloy, VVuuilu, W'uplnitlu, Warm irfar' "'l '' yM'1 Valley, leave dully, except 43jJi,li; A. 54. fo;Uolileiidiilu, WiikIi., leave every duy n( the ,ti cirqit hiiiuliiy i " m. OSctn lnr nil linen ut the Uiiiatlllr. Hou.e. Hi, I'ICOrKHfOONAI. II UIDDKI.I AnmuiKY-AT-l-AW OMee Court Htrcot, The Dulles, OrcKim. i.b. miruis, nsAWK MRNKmr.. I) ,.u itiumik i' uiid -i:i. over 1'oHt iDivlliillilliiK, Klitrutiteou WimlilliKton Htreut thtlUlUn.UK'Knn. i HKNNKrr.ATTOUNKV.AT-UW. Of A. HftilnKchnniio-bhilliailiK, ll MnlM. Hie liillri, Onu, I. t. UAYH. H.H.IIUNTIWiTON. II. . WILSOK. IAYH, HUNTINGTON WILHON - Anon l HV..1T.UW ouiccK. French' block over flntNutlonnl Hank. 'i Iialleh, Orwm. W II. vnJiON-ATTi)UNT.Y.AT-i.AW-Koorn . French Ai V.o.'ti hank building, Second em!, The Dalle, OreK'iii. T SI TinUlliANI). M. 1)., C (j. mi r. M. : r.T.M. (.'.: uiid H. U riiynlulali wild Htir- L'i, llooins ;i nun i, i;iiiiiiiiiin imwfc. KtiUcm-e Mm. ThornburyH, vteilend ot ireoiiil l!Mt. DR. KHHKI.SIAN (Homjcoi-atiiioj I'iiyhiciam tad Huiuikon. CiiIIh iitmwuritl proniptlj, I,. I,, ,,111' nr I'lllllltrV. Ollleu No. .11, HIIU XtupuiHii blouk. wtl l 0. 1). I) O A N 15 I'll YMIOIAM AN" HUH- U Hon. Oltlco, rooiiin f mul C Chnpniun ktt. inmliliMieu H. K. corner Court mid teWi utreutii, wjml door Iroiu thu corner. Otn hour U to IS A. M., 'J H f m"' 7 Ut S 1. M. .-iDDAI.I.-DCKTIflT.-duh Kiveii lor the i t'im lUvitl iihimlnum plnte. Hoomn: Htuuoi a (U)liJuu Tooth, HcomiJ Ktrctit. T AHCO i.ODGK, NO. l!, A. K. .V A. M.-Meoih tint mid tnlru aionuny oi eiiun moiuu m , !.I.U:h UOYA1, AUCII CUAl'TKIt NO. 0. ) Mi-uth in ilimmli! Hull the third Wednemluy tluch montii r.t 7 r. M. ODKUN WOOHMHN 01'' THK WORU).- Jl Ut. HimmI CimiiiNo. W.Jk-etRTuesdnyuven-i-,,l....l, iv. -.'W In Fraleriiltv Hull. ilt?:SU p. 111. .N.U .-- . illHA 1.0D0K, NO. 6, 1. O. 0. l'.-Meetn ry l'tlilny cvfiiliiK nt 7:K0 o'clock, In K. ill, comer Svconii mill Court Htrecln. v wtry ol i till. H.Cwtnit, Hec'y. H. A.JliLM.Nh WilKN-iWHll' I.ODdK.NO. 9., K.ol J'.-ilwlN i1 every Moniliiy uvenliiR ut 7:K0 oolmik, In Jii!iuol)ullilliih', corner of Court mid hecond trwU. holuuriiliiK memberi) lire cordlully In Utal. W. H. (J HAM. D. W Vauhis, K. ot It. mid B. L(il I MKM1II.Y NO. iiV, K. OK I-MeotH in K. V n! 1'. hull tlm kccouil mid fourth Wislnes lr o( wieh month nt 7 s: l. If OMKN'H CHUIHTIAN Tr.Ml'KltKNtiK ' UNION will meet every Krlduy ufteruoon tSo'clook ut thu riniltiiK riMim. Allun' Invited. VIS.M0N UlllGi: No.Wll.I.O.O.T.-lU'KUlur TL4iiciv iiiciiiitiifN rritiuv 111 o t. , IT I1H;IV lIllULlllUn fmternlt Hull. All uro JC (JIIHI8MAN, U. T. invited U. C. Kl.KRK.Hl! WVHIi, u i.t.iu n t i IT V (M.1H i'j.jn ,r. i.ijififi. in. ., v. " In Kmlurnlty HhII, over KcllerH, n Kteond ireet, ThurndoyuveiiliiKiiit?:!). ..uv. II. IlANnr, W rl Mykbh, Kllimicler, M. TAH, NUHM1TH l'OST, No. Si, G. A. K.-MeeU tlievery auturdny ut 7:S0 p. m.,1u the K. hi r A Mi:ilK as" UAIIAVA Y UNION. NO. 10. V j.,;iH Hceouil mid fourth Thur.duH enoli """in In K. of r. hull. J. . ItKADV, II .Iiinkm, Hec'y. ''ri'"-.. BOK I.. K. Meet every Kiiniluy iillernooii in the K. of I'. Hull. GKa.VNG VKUKIN Meets every tiumlny . . ftvenlm? In the K. of 1'. Hull. U OK 1,, K. D1VIHION, No. lfl7MeotH ln P K.of V. Hull tho llrnt mid third Wwlne ennh month, tit 7:WI p. m. THK UIIUIIUHKH. ST. fKTKKB OHUIKIH -itov. Kiithur Hhonh , ohkht I'uiitor. Uiw Munh uvery Huuduy tit High Man nt 10:30 a. M. VcHpera nt CT, i PAULtf OIUIHOH -Onion Htreot, opposite y H'th. Uov.KIID.HutolliroUeotor. BorvlceH SlfyHiimlay nt 11 a. m. nnd 7::io p. m. Huuduy 7to 5 Al Kvt',,,,"J ,r"'0'' '1 Friday nt PHWT JIAraHT OHIIUOH-Huv. 0. I). Tay- lit 11 A. M. HllDbatll iiiiiui,iiitu.'iy liner iiiiiiiiihk "!'-" i.'yfr iiieetluir Kriifuy evunlnif at I'lwtitr'H renl- r. M ' U,,,0M urv'ce in thu court Iiouko at pONGHKOATIONAIi OHUIKIH-Kov. W. . yu t'liitriH, l'AMtur. HorvlccKuvuryHundayatll . itnil 7 r. h, HuwlHy Hohool after inorntHK rvlce Htrainiorn cordially tnvlUtl. Hoato freo. K. UmiHUI(-Uuv."jr WmHi.Kii, puHtori M HiirvleeaovoryHuudny mornlnKat 11 u. in. . 'lay Boliool at 12:20 o-cfook P M. Kpworth Ti,,S.,li nt '-aa I'rayor meotluB ovory i!1m aK ovenlnK at 7:80 o'olook. A cordial in. to ail " oxteuaed by both ixmtor mul people QIIKIHTIAN omiliail-llKV.I'. II. MfGiH'KHV tail, i10' .I'nwoliliiglntho OhrlHtlun church IrSo'1 ? nt ll ii. m. mul 7:so p. in, All y oordUlly Invited JjANcrKMOAli IiUTHKItAN Ninth Htreot", Al ,,0ti JMwtor. Bervfocm at 11:80 a.m. uimay.ohool at Jh90 p,m A cordial welcome 0 vrjr one, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TI'.A NhACT A (iKNKItALHANKING HIJHINKiih Lotto (if Orwlit inauc'd uvailnble in lit! KiiHtorn Stntcfi. .Sight ExtthiuiL'u and Tlt)niphit: TriuiHfcrBHoldoii ow York, Ghkli(), St. IxjiiIh, Kiui FnuieiHeo, Portlitiul Oregon, fjunttlo WitHh.. mid various jiointH id Or Kon mid WitHliinnton. CollcctioiiB inudt! nt nil polntn on fuv oruhltt turnin. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, Oil. I'n.'Bidont Victi-I'roBidunt, Gitfliiiur, - ',. i". Moody Ciiai:i.i:h IIii.ton M. A. Moody (icncral lia nk hit; liusincss Trnnsaclcd. Sifht ICxc)i:uif.'(!H Sold on NEW YORK. SAN FJIANC1SCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. ColleutioiiH made on ftivorohli; torniB at all ncciiHHiblt! pointB. .1. H. KCKKNCK, l'reHlilent M. I'ATTKKSO.S, CuHhler. ptet Rational Bank. VHE DALLES. OREGON A Genoral Ranking RuuintiBB tnuiHaoted DopositB received, Hubject to Sipht Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Siuht and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on New York, San FranciBco and Portland. DIRECTORS, D. J'. Thompson. Jno. S. Schenck. Ed. M. Wim.iamh, Gko. A. Likhe. H. M. Beam.. W. H. YOUNG, NO. 153. Better "As old as tho hills" and never oxcoll f'd. "Tried and proven " is the verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator i.s the only Liver and Kidney mcdicino to which you can pin your faith for a euro. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver a n d Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to bo taken dry or made into a tea. Tim King of t.lmr Medicines. " I linvo niud yoiir.Slmtiions I.Ivor Hccu lutor mid cm coiisclenclously nay It is the 1:1ml; ofull liver medicines, I eonildcr it u medicine chest in ItKoir. (Ji:o. V. Jack ho.v, Taconm, WuKhlnKtou. a-i:vi:uv rAciur,E-i ila5 tli! 7. Stamp Hi rod on tvrnppor. 72 Pills T IJ C Dully KvciiIiir Chronicle i.s recognized 1 n L i esseiitlully the home paper for the ji..iic ciiyioucH' irk c nils rt'jmtiition. .Soineri UlVl L -.0' 0 oltlzciih wntcli the columns of thin iLJlesCltyfolkH' unUC This - not a bud ell WiVlC.O'O of our best h n n nrn dully for the Hplelest local iicwk. It rnlLA miceeedH in KleaniiiK the field, and hence kiows In popularity mid lmportuuce. Take it uwhile, you who don't; try.some of its premium oilers. "The Remlator Line" Tie Dalles, Portlanfl anfl Astoria Navigation Co. Biacksmnn & wagon Slop Genural Ulackimiithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. flopse Shoeing a Speciality Thirft Street, op, Lielic:s old Stand. THEOUG-H House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. .Has thu largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Add ress P.O . Box 1 8 1 .The Dal los J. !. FORD, Of lies Moines, Iowa, writes under date of March '-';!, lf'J.i: S. U. Med. Mfg. Co., Diifur, Oregon. Gentlemen : , , , , On arriving homo last week, 1 found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 8S pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. R. Cough Cure has done its work well. Roth of tho children like it. Your S. U. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So givo it to every one, with greetings for nil. Wishing you prosperity, wo are Yours, Mil. & Mas. .1.1'. 1'oud. IfyonwiHhtofeol fresh mid cheerful, mid ready for tho Spring'" work, cleanse your syidem with the Headiiche and I.lver Cure, by taking two or three iIosch each week. Hold under n potiltlvu guarantee. 60 coats pur bottle by all druggists, C. P. STEPHENS, Freii ana p"Mf Lin Through Tri-Wuekly (Sundays ex cepted) between Tho Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. in.. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, connecting at the Cascade J-ocka with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock) at t a. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I'AMHlSMiKll ItA'J'KS. One way Round trip .$2.00 . 8.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at anv time dav or night. Shipments for way landings' must bo delivered beforo 5 p. in. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, B. F, W. C. ALLAWAY, Ueuorul Atfent. LAUGH LIN, General Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON D1CALBK IN DRY GOODS Qlothing lluiitu, Hlioim, Hutu. Ktc. Fancy $)od$, Plotion, Ktc. Ktc. Ktc. Second St., The Dalles. T H E CANDY FACTORY ARTIC SODA WATER AND IOE OREAM. Candies and Nuts ut wlioltikHle iUi,tiltloi. TOitAUOO, : i : OltlAltH AND I : HWKKT 1H1NKH Specialties Flnoat Peanut RoaatorlnThe Dalloo J.F0LC0 2 3 2d Street At right Hide Mm. Oburr'i restaurant. HAWAII STANDS PAT Will Not Allow the (tell to Be RESISTANCE TO THE UTTERMOST Want No Rotten Kanaka Despotism With Washinuton Abettors Cleve land Allied With Enqland. Victoria, B. C, Dec. 12.--Tho Arawa arrived hero at 8 a. m. today. Immedi ately upon entering the straits she was boarded by a United Press reporter, who gleaned the following: Honolulu Dec 4. Queen Lilliuokalani has not been re stored nnd there has been no trouble at Honolulu. Since the last reports there have been but two things significant. The annexa tionists held a mass meeting November 25th, and adopted resolutions in effect appealing to congress to overrule Presi dent Cleveland, Gresbam and Blount. For four days preceding the sailing of the Arawa the troops of the provisional government were busy fortifying and barricading the government house, or castle, as it was formerly called. At the unanimous and urgent demand of the American citizens the provisional government has decided to resist to the utmost extremity any attempt to over throw them by the United States forces without authority from congress. Lead ing citizens will generally be foremost in the defense. Indignation is at a white heat. Concord and Bunker Hill are alive again. No surrender to a rotten Kanaka des potism or its Washington abettors. Twelve hundred riflemen are ready at call, with large Maxim and Gatliug bat teries. By Cleveland's arrangement with England the champion's redcoats are to land and protect the queen after the United States forces have seated her on the throne. A joint protectorate is planned, like Samoa. The royalists expected restoration on December 2. There is a general alarm and strengthening of defenses. Minis ter Willis is pledged to the government to take no action before the return of the Almeda, December 21st. His in structions are ttill concealed. Details of the above are to be fowarded to San Francisco, per Oceanic tonight. AGAINST THK SALOON". City of Chicago Aeeti-eil of St aniline in With t'rlmliuils. Chicago, Dec. 11. Mrs. Helen Gou gar and Editor W. T. Stead addressed a large audience in Central Music Hall last night on the best way to relieve the poor of Chicago. Mrs. Cougar charged that Chicago, as a city, was in the busi ness of manufacturing' criminals; that the city accepted revenue from this in famy; that she had seen the worst phases of life in London, which did not compare with the awful poverty and im morality of Chicago. She laid the blame on both of the old parties, and declared prohibition and a protective tarifl'to be the remedies for the evils of today. In reply to Mrs. Gougar, Mr. Stead said; "Prohibition is all very well if you can get it; tho true policy is to do all you can, as soon as you can, and whero you can. It is no use cursing the sa loons. At present they are in a position of social necessity, left vacant by churches and philanthropists. The right way is to drive the saloon out by getting something hotter in its place. Let tho temperance propaganda go on, and above all, more social effort to com pete with the saloon on its own ground. You will never get rid of tho saloon un til you aro prepared to put something better in its place." Kx-Governor St. John of Kansas also spoke on the subject. It isn't in tho ordinary way that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription comes to the weak and Buffering woman who needs it. It's guaranteed. Jvot with words merely; anv mcdicino can make claims and promises. What is done with tho "Favorite prescription" is this : if it fails to benefit or cure, in any case, your money is returned. Can you ask any better proof that a mcdicino will do wliat It promises? It's an invigorating, restorativo tonic, a soothing and strengthening nervine, and a certain remedy for the ills and ailments that beset a woman. In "female complaints" of every kind, periodical pains, internal inflammation or ulceration, bearing-down sensations, and all chronic weaknesses and irregu larltios, it is a positive and complete cure. , To ovory tired, overworked woman, and to every weak, nervous and ailing one, it is guaranteed to bring health and strength. Use Mexican Silvor Stove Polish. William mid J ill hi. Telegram, William R. Lindley, aged about 23 year-, insinuating in manner, and claim ing to bo a Chicago Herald correspon dent, came to this city some months ago, and, finding Portland a place to his liking, he professed his intention of re maining here. During his compara tively brief sojourn, he conquered the heart of an obscure widow about iiO years old obscure, because her name does not appear In the city directory named Mrs. Julia Bradford. The young adven turer tickled the old lady's ear with ut terances of undying love till she fancied she was a young girl again, enjoying the first romantic passion. After many protestations of his ardor for the flattered old lady, Lindley began talking "business" to her. Ho deluded her into the belief that his yet dormant genius would crystalize into the foremost journalist of the generation. Portland had long been discussing the alleged necessity of another daily newspaper of "pronounced progressive ideas, and hero was a chance. All he required was $2,300 to buy tho Weekly World from "Tony" Noltner, and, presto change, it would become a "daily" thoroughly revolutionizing journalism in Portland. Mrs. Bradford swallowed the bait, hook, line and all, and with her rejuv enated affections she also bestowed upon the young journalist the required $2,300 in double eagles. No sooner had Lind ley secured the money than his notion of becoming a feared rival of the exist ing press vanished, and so did ho. The deserted bride-elect's lacerated heart, which had again swelled with love's young dream, underwent a rapid change a desire for revenge. She personally traced him from one point to another in California, till a few days ago, when, by the aid of a detective, Mrs. Bradford was brought face to face with her recreant lover at the Palace hotel, San Francisco. Unlike most of this kind, Lindley did not "blow in" all his ill-gotten money, but he bought a chicken ranch with it upon the fracramento river, rinoing himself cornered he accepted the least of two evils, and perhaps before this ap pears in the columns of the Telegram Mrs. Bradford will be the blushing Mrs. Lindley, who with her youthful spouse will pass the years to come dividing the time between an everlasting honeymoon of bliss and the more practical diversion of raising eggs and hens for the market. Ou Trial for Murder. EuiNiiuitoii, Dec. 12. The trial of A. Monson, tutor of Lieutenant W. D. C. Hanibrough, on a charge of murdering his pupil to secure tho insurance on his life to a large amount, one company .Uone having policies on tho young man's life to the amount of $100,000, began here todav. It is alleged Monson had his pupil entirely under his influence and could induce him to do anything he ,uv lit. The case is a noted one. The body of the lieutenant was found in the woods near Ardlamount House last August, with a bullet in his head. It has been known as the Ardlemont mystery. The courtroom today was almost filled with newspaper correspon dents and artists for newspapers. Tho prisoner pleaded notguilty nnd the court proceeded to impanel a jury. The Anueit .lien JMil Not Appear. Chicago, Dec. 12. Some days ago John Westgarth, a cranky farmer living near Batavia, 111., issued a circular call ing on tne unempioyeu in tnicago to meet him on tho lake front nt daylight this morning, fully armed, to demand re lief from the city. It was not known what result tho publication of this docu ment would have, and as a precaution 600 polic3inen were held in reserve all night to suppress any outbreak, but none occurred. No armed men appeared In response to Westgarth's summons. For a sore throat there is nothing better than a flannel bandage dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It will nearly always effect a cure in one night's time. This remedy is also a fa vorite for rheumatism and has cured very severe cases. oO cent bottles for sale bv Blakeley & Houghton. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do mo any good." Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes & Klnersly. NEWS NOTES. The national farmers' congress began its thirteenth annual session nt Savan nah at noon with a small number of delegates present. The house committee on foreign af fairs has decided to report favorably the Hitt resolution calling for correspond ence on Hawaiian affairs. It was amended to Include all tho correspond ence during Harrison's administration. The pope's encyclical on Bible studies holds that tho Bible ia inspired in whole and in detail, and that if it seems in cer tain points to bo out of accord with scienco this is either due to bad inter pretation or science is mistaken. The Chinese flag which floats over the new quarters of the Chinese legation causes comment and criricism in diplo mats circles. It is the first time a for eign flag has waved continuously over a legation in Washington. Ministers of other countries merely hoist their flags upon fete days and national holidays of their countries. Two very remarkable Napoleonic relics are in tho market. One is the theater at Elba, which tho exiled em peror caused to be built at Porto Ferrajo. The second is far more interesting; it consists of a ,picturesque villa on tho road from Genappe to Mount St. Jean, where Napoleon dined'and slept on the night of Juno 17, 1815, and from the beautiful garden of which he planned the battle of Waterloo, leaning on the low wall which commands a panorama of all tho surrounding country, and here he held his last council of war. NEWS OF THE STATE. Judge William Townsond, a pioneer attorney of Lake county, died in Port land Dec. 11th, aged 54 years. Twenty-one defendants answered to their names in Portland yesterday in the Chinese smuggling cases. Col. Geo. K. Shields, formerly a.con gressman of Oregon, fell over a baluster at the Hotel Willamette in Salem last evening, the 12th, and broke his neck. The Klamath Star says: Saturday in the dressing room of the Indian Echool at Klamath Agency two Indian boys scuffled with guns in their hands, and as neither of the boys were awaro that one gun was loaded, another i r i! "r,d mourn ful event transpired, ib-iiry A.b"r!,a boy of fifteen, had p'.iif dy snapped a shotgun at John Lee l',a!i, n 1 id of seven teen, and tho latter, in play, ui retalia tion after throwing him down, pulled the trigger of another shotgun on young Albert, blowing nearly half his head oil' as he lay on the lloor laughing. Mr. J. P. Blaize, an extensive real es tate dealer in Des Moines, Iowa, narrow ly escaped one of the severest attacks of pneumonia while in tho northern part of Iowa during a recent blizzard, says tho Saturday Reviow. Mr. Blaizo had occasion to drive soveral miles during the storm and was so thoroughly chilled that ho was unable to get warm, and in side of an hour after his return ho was threatened with a severe caso of pneu monia or lung fever. Mr. Blaiza sent to tho nearest drug store and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of which he had often heard, and took a number of largo doses. Ho says the ef fect was wonderful and in a short time he was breathing quite easily. He kept on taking the medicine and the next day he was able to coino to Des Moines. Mr. Blaizo regards his cure as simply wonderful. For salo by Blakeley & Houghton. Now Try Tills. It will cobt you nothing and will sure ly do you good, if you have a cough, cold, or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's Now Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is guar anteed to givo relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from la grippe found it just tho thing and under its uso had a speedy and thorough recov eav. Trv a samnlo bottle at our ex pense, and learn lor yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Largo sizo 50c and $1. Shiloh's Vitalizer ia what you need (or dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidnoy trouble It ia guaranteed to givo you satisfaction. Price 74o Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Hotel Baking Powder AfiSOUreiY PURE m it to: r I:. I! m 1 fe If 1 S: