Thfi dalles Daily Chronicle. KutetiiiiU the I'Oitortlco rtt lut' Prtllos Orwrou, s fiwmteliiss mutter. Till! DAI.I.KS . OKKOON SWARMS OF WILD GEESE. Otiouf thr Terror Wlili-lt l!ott tin- Wheal (Innicr in t'ul ( 1 1 irn la. "I ban an oxporu tioo with wild toom m California, and i i-- so lii;;- thai few, oxoopt thii who arc familiar with thotn. oan roadily lioliovo it,"' said Stati- J-onator Haw to a Sm Fratu'Ni'o ii.vainir.or reporter. "1 own a r.n.i'h 4 fourteen thousand acres at Kniriifs Landing', on thr tS.icrnminto thi- Yolo ranch. 1 raise a front deal of wheat, .iinl every year as soon as the wheat vomos up the country is owrnm with 'ci'se. I have soendrow.s of them two or three miles lonpr. and so thick that when you shoot into them with a ril!e vou nre bound to hit some of them. They are so plentiful that ! am oblipod to hire heitlert- to keep them olT. They settle in trrent bands. A hand will set- Now Try Tliin. It will coat you nothing ami will sure ly do you jjood, if you have a couli, cold, or any trouhlu with tltroat, cheat or htnus. Dr. Kind's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds it utiur- anteed to (jive relief, or money will bo paid b.iek. Sull'crers from hi irrippe , found it just the thing and under its j use hud a speedy and thorough rccov-1 i eay. 'iry a sample bottle at our ex-1 1 poitse, and learn tor voureolf just how jiood a thini: it is. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store Large size oOc and $1. I Till: opal, supposed by many to be 1 unlucky, belongs to October, and to those who are born in that mouth it is said to bring1 happiness and hope. XovKMinut is represented by the topaz, which means that those who wear it rightfully by reason of their birth may claim lldelity and friendship. tie down on five acres, say, and yon won't hear a quack nor a squawk, but the rcese are there and very industri ous and betVuv you know it they have pulled up and eaten everv bit of tb trratu. They have a skillful raspinif the tender shoots in I Mr. J. 1. Maize, an extensive real ea I tutu dealer in Dcs Moines, Iowa, narrow ly escaped one of the severest attacks of pneumonia while in the northern part of Iowa during a recent blizzard, says the Saturday Hevtew. Mr. Maize had occasion to drive several miles during the storm and was so thoroughly chilled wav of ' that he was inalile to get warm, and in- their side o( an hour after his return he was Just flrnvefl from Hew York HIM, UNDID ASS011TMKNT OK todies' Jackets YOIJg ATTEflTlOU Ir called to tin) fnot that ? fV.nltir In (il: ami Ititlld ('Hltl Glenn, I. t'!M? jOIIII'llt ..'.rlnl of .ind. In.-. i i. iv- or FHOffl $3.50 UPWARDS Cioipg & Furn isnina mu Splendid Chinchilla Overcoats $5.50. At Keniarkably Low Trices. IT LI. ASSORTMENT OK Winter Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, HTO. Pioinre liisliDjs, To tit louml lb t'hi; Clry. ,72 CjQshmgkon Street. 1 f t i From TBRWINnii or INTERIOR Points i ii I 0 Wasco Warehouse Co., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Ra tcs Reasonble. .UAllIC IIOOIM- "X77. "XTST. Oo. THIS IMI,l,i:s, (( I NTH UNA TJON I pulling and relaxing ! threatened with a severe caseofpneu- they pc mouth and. iiid pulling apain till ttu- swollen prains with the blade:, and then eat the whole. A storm is almost sure to brinp them in large numbers, but they often LDii.e in entirely fair weather. I keep many herder . tu drive them away. If i were not for this 1 wouln't have anv v h. at. The men arenrmt'd with loud- j !...::, imj inehester.. am: they keep i-h-iiinp nmcagrthem nil the time A. n;t'ht the reuse don't bother, but early it. the inorninjr and nil through the day they literally swarm. The herder- ;r.i out very early in the mornhifr an.1. tn.y all day. It is a continual bat tle The peese must be kept poirurall the time or the wheat is pone. When the men are plowing1 they pet very clo.-,. to the sreese. Take fourteen or .vl::tjen teams, each with a hip plow four furrowt,. Tkev come one i ir- a little Ia.-.t oru- is monia or lung fever. Mr. Maizs sent to the nearest drug store and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy, of which he had often heard, and took a number of large doses. He says the ef fect was wonderful and in a short time he was breathing quite easily. He kept on taking the medicine and the next day he was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. Maize regards his cure as simply wonderful. For sale by Makeley it Houghton. Notice. MST"A we arc loreed to SKLL K 'K CASH in order to avoid lawsuits t like ho famous A. K Collins and wife's suit and bail debts, our pru-fn will always 1 We invite our friend" and eustomeiH to pvirehaoitt'.'. irn- I ! ! Uii found the verv lowest in tho market and prices before examine our goods When (lie Train stops at THE DALLES. n oil' on Hie Sonlli Side AT TMI flEW COLUMBIA HOTEh. thut turns alonp v. a trinp. The first poo't oil. The next chT-tr. and so on till the fifty feet or more nearer than the iirst cue was. The pecse don't notice this a:ni a' man ca:: knock them over as he pees by. I raw one man take a monkey wrench and bowl away and kill one. In T.ict. it aryorje r.iints pee;,e he may cr..-::!y .':;!! ti: -n: by thousand.-, and I war aicust r'inp to say million t-itr.. I ?iave killed thorn :r.y.-elf n:ary a tima. Th" annua' vf 'tntion of the Aiese at Knipht.. La::i.icpis not a joke. It is the sternest, kind of reality andunean;. a heavy loss if war fare is not kept up apainst them." Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the oniee of the un dersigned, until Monday, December 11th, at 4 o'clock p. in., for 20 cords of drv, split wood, for the city's use. .Said wood to bo delivered partlv at the oflice i j of the undersigned, partly at the city marshal's otnee and partly at tlie lire engineer's oflice. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. Douglas S. Dukl'i:, Recorder of Dalles Citv. oo. il. ! tin- miiicliml lintel busiun. in tho city, ami lit Viv lmv r.itu ol Tills larzoantl ronulr ll 'U- iiiid Is lirejiiinsl to furnl'li th' llt(t .VfComtnciliitlmK, ol any iiousu Notice. HE VVAy A HERO. Notice is herebv given that unless the un I delinquent taxes of Dalles Citv are paid .!.! '.. 1 .1 . -I .1 ... , wiuini ien uays irom me uaie oi tins ! notice the names of the delinquents j will be published. Bv order of the common council of Dalles City, made December 2d, 1803. j Witness my hand this 7th day of ! December, 1S!3. Dan Malonky," ! Citv Marshal. Hut Ills Kaltli In tlie Temtor Sot Wa? inot 'loo Strong. lnepirjs nati .seen a picture in Notlci). Al- j To A 11 Whom It May Concern . Jiv order ot the common $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Teals, 25 Ccr?ts. lllc, for all Mtac1 l.lin1- Ifiivlnc Tin- liilli for nil liolntH In Kii!rn Ori-'iin mill I.';iIitii ViiIiIiikoii. In thl lintel. RAILROAD Ik the llim to (nit' TO ALL FlliNTS EAST AND SOUTH, It Is tho DlnliiK '' Koute. It rin TlitnUKli v'ntlhuKHi 1 rains every day in the yvur to , j& paul and Chicago! (NO ('HANOI: OK CAItH.J j (.oniMl of iJluliiK i'iir, uiiiurpisal. lull I man HratvtUK Itoom Hleri of Intent oiillpniciil T0011IST SLKEI'INli CAHS Host that ei 1 I' roii'trupltil, ami In wlncn Hccomm.vlalloi'i me Ixith Krre nml KliruMieO for liolilcrsof Klmt ami HcconirclnMTIckuU.iiml ELEGANT DAY COACHES ImHntfA'n-, T)JC'JK70 "' A Gr,tJlt.tri1tttrt illirrc "I 'MM: Ti"i jiai In nivalin . Ilor-f- mom ti, .. 1 uxpemii li Jivovhmh- HtlMlllll 11 ;, (I,!, Ulclloiwr' I ai, hmm all ipmiMH romeriilu- ilu 1,1 lory, "pi'llhi,,. r,r,h miiii'l:itln. a,,,) liienuliii I.; -.onU A Uhmrviti Itnt'lf. I .;!i.iCtM lln- oiti'ti iii'.uii'ii iniormaiioii n .n vrnlnj; t'liiliieiit pernoiH, l.ieln i riiircr.iiiit llm roiililriini. t'ltlet, town, mill n.Uiiui fei. uiii't or the clolioi iartiMilain i onrcnihi" notuil llctltiiaia pernims ami jibem trm! I.ltlnil OT tlllOl'.'ll IpMlt.ltlDlll, Uutilj, 3n, pincilM. etc., etr , ele ThinVork in In vulunhloiuiho itoii'miui,niHi 10 ink leacner, Hcuojxr. rn- : i,,.. i i,,ii t, 1. 1, ' '. Sold I'll. Ill lliutkull-r C. A- C. Morrlimi U. ftlirhiijjUlil.Mitu, CIT"i not 1,117 rdr-np tinlfk 5 i;rt'lil'' Kl'rtuu or undent T flilluriM. vnsTEIrs DICTiONWu' Corner of Krotit and I'nlon St T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. H. O- Mielsen, Clothier and Tailor. . Deoidedlv the Finest Line of council of I English paper of a life-.savinp fire corps Dalles City, made and entered on the .5d orpanizett oy tne yotinp laities of an ul wt. 'J", uwv 1- uneui , English town, and, as Tipton wtkalack- Gents' KuLri-iistiiiig- Qoocis, The Dalles Daily Chronicle. A eoiittmioiis line, cotiaecUm; with nil line ntltinlltiir illtect ami tervlcu I'tlllmiiii Blivi-.-r remivntloiis ma be Mtmrisl In lutrame llinmli any iwient ol the nwil THROUGH TICKETS polntnln AmerlcK. Kmtlnml and y.uroj' can pnn-huH-it at win ticket rit:i(.- ol tjif compiiuy Full InfnrmdUon coiit'omltnr rales, lime 01 trnliin, run ten anil other iK'tallk fiirnlnlHit on application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Audit 1). 1'. U A. Nuv. Co., KeKillalor oBnx, Th. Dallex, Or., or A. I). CHARLTON, Ak't. (iencral I'wwiiiiit At.. 1'ortUmt, )m HAS A TAMILY or 2000 HEADERS. They reail The Chronicle to Ret the latest ivl most rellahlo 1 eiv, Ami they riwl overy Hoe that Is In the aper. That Is what make lb. Chronicle an Invaliiahle ailvcrtltm; modus. Tho nerier that . irnen to tho fnrallf llrvshles Is tint one that the ailvcrtlttrt of tfMlay patroiilie ' when tln-y ileslru to reach the iienple. When they want your trade their annonnciments will U- fonml In thopir overoiircoliimn.s nml obcrvj the vrrlflm tlnn of thi- truth of this nsertlon. Itciaemtsv, . 11 nniiiTin 1, muni; .it Hi'i IIIWIIUIIII . Is worth nsltliiK for tlinmuh thffc 1e eoiiinini. eaiK'iauv no 111 our nrr 1 columni, caiK'lally o at our my inp in any such association, they ue cideu to form n similar bripadt. The iriil, says Harper's Iia7ar, consisted in pettiap around, u larpc 'blanket and holdinp it as a net to catch unfortu nates who jumped from the second or th:rd stories of the burninp dwellinps. (Jreat enthusiasm was manifested amonp the damsels, and dop-a. eats and I given that said city council is about to proceed to order and make the improve ment of Second street in said city as hereinafter stated, and the cost of such improvement will be levied upon tlie property adjacent thereto, and said im provement will be made unless within fourteen days from thelinal publication of this notice, the owners of two-thirds of the property adjacent to said street about to he improved shall me their COK, Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. TH K DALLES, OK. ntavv weipnus were dropped success-, remonstrance x-.. sum improvement. fully from dbusy heipht. I5ut the fair j y charter provided members of the corps wanted some real practice, but could not persuade any The improvement contemplated and 1 about to be made is as follows, to-wit: 1 To improve Second street in said city, from Union street to the foot of tlie , brewery prade by flllinp the same the j entire length the'reof between said points with cuished rock, so as to brinp said street up to the established prade thereof, 1 as heretofore established by ordinance i No. 217. Which grade in the middle of I the street is supposed to be of the same , elevation as the side walks along said street, except where said side walks are ! not on a uniform grade from Efpiaro to 1 square, and said street shall bo filled in small boy or man to make a martyr of himself in the cause of beauty and science. The brigade was very anxious to have somebody try it, so that they would be prepared in the face of real danger, and after much persuasion a young man, deeply enamor,"! of one of the members, was prevailed upon to tall into the blanket from the top of a barn. The life-.saver gathered one after noon, attired in becoming uniform, and about twelve gathered arouail tin blanket anil tool: a firm prip. Then the accommodating youth, for love's sweet iv.!:o, climbed up on the roof of the building, ina.h- ready, a:; ! jumped! Each girl wa: gazing :. and at the terrible siirht was so ohoeked that, without thinking, twenty-four hands ' of Dalles city, and shall wvnt up to as many e.yes to shut out piaceu on eaui street at the view. Tin, brave young man is still con lined to his room, but lib engagement is announced, and his lawyer is en deavoring to collect his accident in surance. At the last meeting of the Tipton Debating society it was pro posed to bring up the question. "Whether it pays to be a modern hero," but as all the men having seen the treatment accorded the invalid wished In STio.'ilr In tho rifllrmfif i vi tlin mti.k. tion was dropped. The sad thing S. L. YOUNG, ..1. ll..., ..II II .1 - iiuuui 11 is inui .111 iiiu you wis are now williu.c to fall into blankets from any Height, while the corps has dissolved permanently WOOD'S ji'UOSPIIODJNK. The Great EbbIUIi Ileioedy. rruiaplly and permanently 'cures all forms of AVrroiu I Wedkntu, Ewluloni, Sperm atorrhea, ImpoUncy and all eJfeclnoAlrute or licence. Hern prescribed over 23 roars In thousands of canes; U thoonly Ittllalleumllloti ttt vudloine known. Ask drosstct for Wood's INiospUodlaei It ha often tombworthlcssioedlclnulnplaooof thla, learo bU diiijoocU store, JucIoao prlco In letter, and wo will rend by return mall, i'rlce, ono paclcago, $lSlx,C. OnentUjtUOMCitotvUloure. l'ttinjih. let in plain sealed envelope, a cent pottage. Addresl Tho Wood Ulioiiitcnl Uo., J3l Woodward AVf.nus,Itrolt Illcu. told InThoOalleH by Jllnkcley & llouKton. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its jlooa leads on to fortune'' Tho poot unquestionably had roforonco to tho Clisiif-Oit Sale i nre k C arpets meat is completed the center thereof shall bo on the established grade and and shall slant to each side to an eleva tion of S inches !elow said established grades. Said improvement shall bo made with rock of such size as shall be furnished to itwi v, -,., .-, 1... ll, n 1. I 1 , r..i i 11 ' liii 'i ts ivniiuin u iiiu tiiiiiiiiiiicn 00 hauled and the expense of the respective property owners abutting upon eaid street, and spread 011 said street so as to be of even surface and as directed and under the supervision of the committee on Etreets and public property. DOL'OMS S. Dt'l'UJ!, Recorder of Dalles City. Dated this 21th day of November lSy.'i. dM, at CRANDALL &. BURGET'S, Who aro soiling those goods out at fjroatly-roducod ratos. MIOIIKLHAGH I5HIOK, - UNION ST. litfire and After. : : JEWELER : WatcbfH and Jewelry repaired lo order on fcburt notice, and batlifaetlon KUaruntecl AT TIIK Hloro of I. V. NlchoUeii, 'M Ht. Tho Hullo Business Change. The undersigned bus bought the Chinese merchandise busi ness heretofore conducted by Shiloh'B cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by fSnlpea & Kin eruly. Pocket size contains- twenty-five .doAua, only 25c. Children love it. irold by 6ulps & Klnemly. yee :h:o:p & oo. and will pay nil IjIHh owing by said firm if presented to them before December lat, ISO.'). CHEW KEE & CO., D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs am Roofing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Streut, next door west of Young & Kubh Blaoksmith Shop. Freei Freeh "With every dozen Cabinet Photographs, one .... x Of e-Stee CrayoH7jo Call at the Gallery and see samples. My work speaks for itself . THE DALLLEK, Oil, The Dalles Daily and Weekly Chronicle. TH 1.0 riii:al('LIO was oHtublishud for tho ex press purpose of ('iiithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The J)alles, hence it is tho best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. Tho Daily Giihoniolk is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. Tho Wkkkly Chuoxicm; on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., uddross THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Vlxo Xtllo, Oreson. J0B FIRST CLRSS JOB PR ..0 NT'"" "tins CAN BE HAD AT THE