The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 12, 1893, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
fntc-wl tho 1'oNtoltlno nt Tho Italic, Oregon
Clubbing List.
Ilrwiitlc ami .V . TfiUi
fbrMifle .ml American 1'iirmrr, ....
fkwitle JH'I Mlnro'ii HapZiiif, . . .
(m (V'lnopoliljn Mapiim,.
KUKiiliir Our
lirlcu prlru
. KM)
,. 13.1)0
. $:i.oo
liiiitiil Ad VKrtltitiiR.
lOCrnU pur lino for llrnt IiinltUoii, and fi Cento
f Him for fimli KUliHi'iiimit ItiNurtlon.
jpcoliil rules fur lmnr tlmo notices.
All lociii ti'itlfi'H rccoivoil hitor tlinn :i o'clock
III iippi'iir tiiu following ly.
DKC. 12, 18l).'i
7V Daily nnd Weekly Chronicle way
U found on mile nt I, C, Niakehcn' More.
NimvnIhU lnruttril from n lc
porlttr'N NotD Itook.
H'..ll I I. . (
li-u uiu ii) willll IIUK'IHI IIIW, VII
Dun) to cull tlio Isle lliiwnll?
iiu're Just iih iiiiirli In error, miy I,
,h lire tiiu mull who my lliiwnll,
inn uc'si iiiiiiiuriiicN win hiiiimi ny vc
II yon pronoiinuu MiIh mime lliiwnll
,VT -uiiiitt dill) will ho organized in
thf r j n it few days.
.In f thquuko shock of considerable
Iota' whu lull in the Ynkitna country
Hig dolls, little (lollH, till sorts and
conditions of dolly, center window at
wui hi, H!ipioiiioiitO(l by the I'rnlrio
rarinor, (unieago), American Farmer,
(Now York), New York Tribune. Mc
Oluro h Magazine and Cosmopolitan.
Tlio atmosphere !n quite lnunid today
with a nominal temperature. Raromet
r icnl indications are that a rain stormla
almost at hand.
Messrs. Saltmarsho ,t Co. will ship n
carload of porkers and n onr of beeves to
Portland tonight. also will hoik! fin .nn,i
of hogs by steamer Regulator, from ttmir
stockyards in tho morning.
Rotters havo been received by parties
in The Dalles from Omaha and Min
ncapolis, asking about what nuantitv of
jtpplos can bo secured for theso markets.
The (niotation at present in Omaha !h
$2 per bufihol.
Dr. L. L. Rowland, Dr. J. A. Riehard-
Kori Dr. W. T. Villiamson, the board of
liyHieians to designate tho location of
tho Eastern Oregon inHane asylum,
passed through thifl city Sunday even
ing on route- for Baker Citv. nurl nrn v.
peeled hero in n very few days.
The river at this place has taken on a
sudden rise, probably from rains and
molting snow in tho mountains, east of
this. As wo go to proas the gauge regis
ters l.'f.d, having risen over two and a
half feet since last night, when it was
falling slowly. At 2 p. m. today the
rise was 2 inches an hour.
A San 1'rancisco man has stolen Sam
Klein's brains, and lias patented a fan i
attachment for rocking chairs. There
are few of our citizens who during the
heated spell of last summer did not ob
serve the genial Sam rocking in front
of hts store with this identical fan at-
iimmrlrnl Hmli nml CroM Untie of
Mm U. 8. l O. nt Tim Dnllen. Or.
Away back in the '70s when this oflice
was now and time hung heavily on the
nanas ol the solitary clerk allowed bv
tho honorable commissioner, an idea
struck him to make more forcible tho
picture of the penalties invoked by a
nreacn or the provisions of section f392,
Revised Statutes. He got up the picture
alluded to. On the otherwieo barren
cxpanso of about a foot square of paste
board is printed the text Title 1AX
Crimes Chapter -I, Section 5:502, and
then follows the statute. Underneath
tho text is a picture of a skull and cross
bones, very nearly as follows :
The honest claimant and his corrobo
rating witnesses have only a small idea
tachmont cooling his expansive brow, of the penalties hanging over them for
McCartney, tho Snn Francisco inventor. ' a brench of truth, as nrovidod in the
Pease A- Mays. nm.lii
On Saturday niL'lit. Dec. .'10th. the i telling but what he trot his ideas in The ! at the above described card would freeze
f l, AT l.- ..1......1. ...:n ..: 1
ii.iiii i i i t;u ill i;u III 1 VI; tllCJI
annual entertainment and supper.
Tlie news which was received I re of
the arrest of Mr. Itoise is now proven
untrue, Tho rumor was started in Port
land The annual ball of tho Jackson F.n
tmic company will be a masquerade,
mid great preparations are being made
for the event, which occurs on January
The Yakiinu Republican by inuendo,
nrcui'eH the city council of extending $.100
nhl to a destitute soiled dove, and be
lievi'H it could be in better business by
relieving the respectable poor of that
Tin: Ciiito.vici.i: is clubbing with many
o( the very liest newspapers of tho
country for little more than the price of
this paper alone. Select your next year's
(ailing and have it oil' your mind. Tjik
C'tiio.vici.K furnishes news of the city,
county, state and general news of the
Dalles last summer
Some of the leading citizens of the
county should get together and formu
late pinna for representing Wasco county
at the midwinter exposition. Oregon
took a generous share of prizes at the
world's fair and Wasco county has se
cured unparalleled honor at the state
fair. , Krgo, Wasco county leads the
world. We should improve our oppor
tunities. Nature can tint the apple
with beautiful hues, and paint tho rosy
blush of thi! peach and pear, but she is
powerless to make of herself a public
carrier and found.
When you have tried so-called reme- j
dies for dysjiejisia, headache and bil-1
iousness, with no benefit, let your next j be Simmons Liver Regulator. It
has never failed in relieving and curing. !
them into truth and last forever.
., veiisoi roniann was in
nie cny yesionlay.
Mickey came up from Portland
on me noon train today,
Mr. A. A. James, a prominent at-
iuii.uj ui Arlington, is in the city today
Mr. W. II. IJurlburt.asslstantgoncral
passenger agent of tho Union Pacific,
came up from Portland on the noon
bkibbe-J II Warner, M Rutler, Nan
Ecno; W Thomas, MIfs Mattti, Des
Chutes; Mrs Maskers, Riggs; J Rab-
orown, ucnterville; James
,! "toBoman, Happy Home; John
Jackel, Chas Yackcl, Centcrville; John
Chrisman, Chcnoweth; G I) Hogan
j imivviiiu, .jonn iMiron,A s J5ai
Jack Andrews, Walla Walla.
uoiumijia I, S Richardson, Mill
Creek; A M McLeod, Mr McLcod, Mies
rior iJiiPHoon, Kingsiey; J D Walter,
' " """man, J .1 Mahonoy, J
W Moncn. J N Patorson : .Tnsnnh filmtn.
bcrlin. Lvle; H Rertschic, Fulda; R R
Cole.FTRyng; W I' Smith, Lyle ; F
in ojujih ii, iinwiii i aiies ; .lames Jirown
hill, John Roach, John Jackson; Chas
Hohemscrnn. Gcrmnnv: Gcoriro Contnr.
James Kngburg, John Dickens, A G
Hnynes, R Leasor, John Elderton, C D
O'Uary, Oscr Hussay, J St Martin,
jiargnuiu, .jonn vanace, w Wellrv,
Frank Howard, J J Powers, William
Howe, Charles Davis. Hood Rivor;
John Flderton, P Smith, M S Eastman,
Burt Glengham, T Kdmunson, George
Tolling, J J Mitchell, I. Sabea, L Gueen,
A D Deckart.
Umatilla A II Johnes, Geo Thorn,
A Stout, M H Soloman, Ren Irwin,
Pier, C E Grace, F W Vaille, T Con
A I'rein, h Schemnnhsuo, Portland; S
Slubting, Heppner; A J Kidd, Mrs E
Ularno, jurs .nalone, K orway, San
Francisco; B F Wetherby, X Y; II J
Bazier, Vancouver; F M Warner, Tvgli ;
Geo Howlett. Dufur; J 0 Warner" and
wife, Helen Warner, Nansene; Jos Un
der, Rov McLay, Geo Riebree, Golden
dale; Tlios Hagerty, Thos Mulligan, F
Ward add son. X Ward. R R Groham.
Commencing Friday tiiu Sth inst. the ' Klickitat; Frank Hvdler. Phila ; F E
Regulator will make tri-weekly trips,
leaving the Dalles on Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays, connecting at Cascade
Locks witli the Dalles City. The Dalles
City will leave Portland Tuesdays
Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting
at the Cascades with the Regulator. All
freight (except car lots) will be brought
through the same day.
D. P. & A. X. Co.
Tin:, Dec. o, 1S93.
Ilorton, Ivocks; J B Scanlan, Pocatello;
O F Kine, Portland.
Moore's ranch, about three miles Eouth
of Tho Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage
and any one who desires to avail them
selves of the fact can secure reasonable
terms upon application. 17tf
Rooms to rent at Rev.
deuce on Ninth street.
Horn's resi--2i5daw.
Hot clam broth at J.
day at -J o'clock.
0. Mack's every
Ask your dealer
Stove l'olieh.
for Mexican Silver
Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no
Thk number of freight oar per I,
000,000 tons of freight in this country
for the year ending June 00. ISO.', was
The total number of locomotives on
June .".0, ISM. was 33.13'J. Of these
8,848 were passenger locomotives, 17.
559 locomotives were assigned to the
freight service, 4,355 were switch loco
motives, and 2,374 were unclassified
and leased.
The average number of locomotives
per 100 miles of line for the year end
ing June 30, 1S93, was 20; the average
number of passenger cars per 100 miles
of line was IS; the average number of
cars used in the freight service per 100
miles of line was 708.
Look at the dolls, then buy tho dolls,
at Pease & Mays.
A Itcmeily HiigKciteit.
It is well known, sayH the Walla
Walla Statesman, referring to tho
whisky-to-Indlans cases, that many in
nocent men are convicted upon the un
reliable testimony of a number of In
dians eager for fees. This has often been
demonstrated near Walla Walla, on the
Umatilla reservation. And, further, it
is a notorious fact which lias been given
to tho public heretofore by Umatilla
county newspapers, that men havo
been known frequently to deliberately
sell liquor to Indians for the purpose of
being transported to Portland, where
light sentences were imposed, the ac
cused thus saving ills fare. Tliero arc
many reasons why the present system is
pernicious and tends rather to increase
than diminish crime, thus creating en
ormous expense. Tho present session of
the U. S. court in Walla Walla will nee-
eesitate an expenditure of not less than
fifteen thousand dollars, two-thirds of
which is caused by Indian cases.
Various remedies have been EUgucstcd.
One is that the fee system be abolished.
both as to the Indian witnesses and of
ficials of the government. Officials
should be employed undera salary com
mensurate with the duty performed.
Another remedy suggested is that the
Indian who purchases whieky should be
made equally guilty with the white
man who ecIIs it, nnd receive equal
punishment. Then, it is claimed, there
would not bo such an opportunity for
fraud on the part of the siwash and he
would not be so anxious to become a
stool-pigeon for others ; also the fear of
punishment would make him hesitate
before committing a crime.
Itiicklen'fi Arinca Halve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per nox. ror sale bv isnines & Km-
Look Over Your County Warrant.
All eountv warrants reaistered nrior
to January 10th, 1890, will be paid if
presented at my oflice, corner of Third
nnd Washington streets. Interest
ceases on and after this date.
Wm. Micnni.ii,
Treasurer Wasco County.
October 21st, 1S93. "tf
Good Job Printing.
If you have your job printing done at
The Chuonici-e you will have the ad
vantage of having it done with tho most
modern and approved type, witli which
we keep continually supplied. All jobs
under the direct supervision of one of
the most successful and artistic printers
in the Northwest.
Specimen Cno.
S. H. ClifTord, New Cassol, Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism,
his stomach was disordered, his liver
was afrected to an alarming degree, ap
petite fell away, and he was terribly re
duced in flesh and strength. Three" bot
tles of Klectrlc Ritters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Ilarrlslnng, 111.,
had a running sore on ids leg of eight
years' standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Bitters and seven boxes of
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is
sound and well. John Speaker. Cata
waba, O., had five largo fever sores on
his leg, doctors said lie was incurable.
One bottle Electric Ritters and one box
Rucklen's Arnica Salve cured him en
tirely. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly.
"Samantto ai k World's Fair,"
Ami boiiii to the tlmo.
Greatest Work of the Nineteenth Century
A. G. Hoering,
Local Agent, The Dnlle.i, Or.
in the Northwest
Now Open for Inspection and
Sale at
M. Konywi
a discount of
20 ots.ont((e Dollar.
Every artiele marked in plain figures.
Prices in Tomorrow s Paper.
Doll Reception.
The ladies of the Guild of St. Paul's Church will hold a Grand Doll
Reception in our Center Window, tomorrow, and to which they invite all
the little girls of The Dalles.