The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL I'Al'KU OK DALLKS OITV. AND WASCO COUNTY. BUHSOUirTlON HATK8. BY MAIL, rOSTAOK VRKVAttl, IN ADVANCK. Weekly, 1 yewr t I 60 fi months.. . . , ii 3 ii Dally, 1 voir " 6 months ... " per " Address all communication to" THE CHKON-j worthv anil exalted prototype. ICLK," The Dalles, Oregon, i ; 0 7ft 0 ftO 6 oo R 00 0 60 'curried the stnte, otc. Congressman Jerry is to bo ml mi red for tlio wonderful patience displayed in his collaboration, and for the subdued rosy tint which he has succeeded in imparting to the fin ished work. His hopeful vista is a bit of genuine political mosaic; and it might appropriately bo preserved in some of the art museums as a souvenir of the ill-fated party of which in its day Mr. Simpson was par excellence a most tt-Oflec orncK noun J (Inieral Delivery Window ....5 8. In. to 7 f. hi. , NEWS OF THE STATE. Ilk Mouev Order Hiiuday Li I). . .S a. in. to 4 p. in, .y a. til. to 10a. m. CLOSING OF MAILS trains goltuj Kast . . .9 . m. ami 11 MS a. m. " West 9 i. m. anil 5:30 p. in. Stage (or Gnldondale T:S0n. m. 11 II t.l.tvlll,. .VS1 M. til. " "DuluraiiilWarmSprlnps ..AttDa.m. " fLeavlUK for l.vle & llnrtlntid . .: a. m. " ' " Anteloie . .. 5:S0a. m. Kxcept Sunday. tTri-weeklv. Tuesdav Thursday ami Saturday. 1 " Monday Wednesday and Friday. TUESDAY, DEC. l'J, 1S93 ITOXOL UL rS A IJKN JlLJliWXT. No part of the argument of Messrs. Gresham and Mount in defence of the revival of the Hawaiian monarchy is weaker than that which criticises those who overthrew the monarchy as a small minority of aliens. This minority in numbers, says the New York Sun, represented then and represents today a remarkable propor- j have just returned from the mountains The following patents have been granted to Oregon inventors: W. V, ( Higglns, Portland, pavement; J. T. Kelsey, .1. Wallace, .1. 1. Thompson, Lebanon, rotary wheeled harrow; A. Mosier, John Day, hay knife. A few days ago Mrs. Armstrong, re siding between Oswego and Oregon City, and mother of Thomas Armstrong, died suddenly while sitting in her chair. Deceased was over 100 years of age. The cause of death was heart disease. J. L. Cowan, president of the defunct Linn county National bank at Albany, was arrested Saturday night by Deputy United States Marshal Humphrey in ; onlv yucirimteed remedy for I'ortianu, tituler tne lmuctment returned against him several days ago. He is charged with abstracting and misapply ing a large amount of moneys. A number of siwashes have lieon hanging around town this week. They tion of the intelligence, the wealth, and the questions that at least the Ameri cans and those born there of American descent are for the annexation of Hawaii and as long as when Daniel Webster was secretary of state, he found that "five sixths of all the commercial intercourses of the islands is with the United States." A few years since a petition to congress from our Pacific coast asserted that while the shipping interests of all other parts of the country were depressed, !3 per cent, of the Hawaii-Pacific commerce then amounting to $12,000,000 a year, wascarriedin American-built and American-owned ships. Out of a recent prop erty valuation of $30,500,000 in the island, $26,500,000 was in American hands. Again, even in the matter of popula tion the appeal to numbers is mislead ing. The natives not only nre in a minority in the islands as a whole, but at Honolulu the census of 1S00 showed 22,907 people, with only S.5G2 of the native race, besides 2,003 half castes and 2,4SG "Hawaiian-born foreizners," classed with the element. But the essential fact is that the gov ernment has always been practically in the hands of foreigners, since constitu tional legislation was established. The action of the leaders of the foreign ele ment in overthrowing the monarchy waB as truly the action of the governing element as if there were twice as many aliens in Hawaii. The native race owns less than five per cent, of the valuations of the islands ; and to assume that the regulation of the great nroperty interests should be left to such a minority is absurd. No colony, no country would endure what the logic of Messrs. Gres ham and Blount seems to suggest. All the civilization and all the good government of this hemisphere would have been put in jeopardy at its founda tion by such views of "aliens" and "foreigners' as are indicated in the words of Mr. Gresham and Mr. Blount Our countrymen have been the chief means of making Hawaii what she is today, and they did not propose that a reactionary queen should undo thei work, destroy their property and take away their political rights. THK - Oldest Agricultural Paper in Rmoptoa. (ESTABLISHED 1O10.1 To all cash suliiicriliers of Tin: OiiuoNUii.i: paying onu year in advance. 'The American Fanner, 1729 Now York Avoutto, WASHINGTON, D. C. ; Tin: A ii kui can I'AiiMiiii, which Is now enter , ini; mum Its T.MIi year, is the pioneer farmer' ' p.iter in the country. It l a la rite elKlit-'lW lilor, ami contains ,W . column of tlu rhn licit aerlculturnl unit llt,r. Miry matter, plentifully vmbclUthvtl wltli lino j llliiMratloit!. It li NATIONAL IN CHARACTER, ami deals with farming and farmer's lutcrotti on hroad, practical lines it EMPLOYS THE BEST WRITERS IN p. ciinvrin niul everything that appears in Its i-nlutuiiK 1m of the hlKhcitcliaraotcr. livery department of the farmers ii iIImmismmI In nn earnest. iirarllral way, looking to the greatest prollt ami 'iic 1 1 month, nurvousness, brings rctreslnng Bleep, rpvTj vrw and restores health and strength. 5 u'l A UlAK It's a powerful restorative' tonic , 111 "ivance. Thw nutuc it the cin-upcm and soothing nervine, made ospc- " i-i' "'' ........try. cially for woman's needs, and the FARMER LEGISLATION. W0 ' Hurl, II. II... Minh.f. I'M. Ii. .!.. .,1111...... I... man's Weaknesses and ailments. In i memo nnmlier of mat'tei of tin. lined vital In- ill " fiim-ilii imiitibiititu " .mil irrnmi. ete to tanner neall wltli by t'niiKre and the ill lem.iie complaints and irregu- Kxeentivo Dcpmtmeiit.- at Waihiimton. it i rmoiH du Kujit to what Is lwlng at 1 1 to National iil.ltal. Tliov should all. therefore, takti Tin: A!u:i:iimn P.wtMKli, which, hclng on thogroiiml, E. W. HIEJLls: &c CO, - liKAI.KKH IN - - Drugs, Medicines and Chemical Flue Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brnstics, Perftimcry. Elc, Puro WlnoH and Llnuorn tor Mmiininni Piiimnam. Compounding PhyMlolnnu ProHarlptlonH a Snoolnlt am iw ftoeniid street, Tlio Dalles, Oregon. Opilto ('oliiinl)la Candy limtury. A TIRED WOMAN, just as much as a sick and ailing one, needs Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription. That builds up, strengthens, and invigorates the entire female system. It regulates and promotes all the proper func tions of womanhood, improves di gestion, enriches the blood, dispels heneilt to the farmer ami lilt family. , ' , . , iii It aimears on the 1st ami I.Mh of en acnes ami pains, muiaiiuiiuiy ami , ami is furnhheil at the low irltvof "-""T"""1' '"lb" Kxeentive IVittmeiit.i at Wail laritics, if it ever fails to benefit or ! highly important that the far ' , ,i i promptly anil fully Informcil in ti cure, you have your money back, j piannni ami iiom. atueting them i and arc endeavoring to barter the tro phies of the chase tor spondulix with which to purchase Christmas presents fnr tlioir avtiitliDiitu A ninnc ilflinr merchantable articles arc venison, deer j edy.purfeBtly and pemninently cure. hides, a few fox skins for which thev ask J A KN'Ts make a iiay. drenteit kiiiii.n , .' , ,,,,,. I uteii'il everlnventcil. Itctalli .r, el.- t ". $2.o0, and arrow heads. Poor l.o is not j miM in even- hous . Saunile, poitage iai.. :.m rams. jiejutKin aim iu i iiiuinnatt, tinii- A Croat many medicines "relieve I '"s lietter faellltlei than any other paiiem for . , it t mi . . I getting this Information, anil ilevote tM'lf to Catarrh in the Head. 1 hat means j this iiutv They uill ami in it eomtuntiy a that it's driven from the head into . ;T.V;',.,.,.".,!i,l!" v',,Urtl,,, nfuti timt rticy the throat and lungs. Hut, bv its' tiik amkiiilmn l'AUMi:iianil Tin: I'iikonicm: mild, soothing, cleansing and healing w' u" tntnw l"ir ,or il ": properties, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hem- i -- -- i A Grand Masquerade Ball will bo Klvon nt Armory Hull by Jackson Engine Co., No. l Topday Qjer)t), Jap. i, 1894. Commlttoo of Arranyomonts: F. V. L. SKIIir.K, I.. 1CLINDT, A. IIKIJGhVINK, lOMN IU.VSKU. PKKD liKMKK, W. II. HUTTS, HON. K. SOUVT,, finding as ready a market as of yore for his wares, and lias learned to say times." Condon Globe. 'hald A (ioiiil Won). Mr J. J Keil Sharpbiirg, Pa., Dear Sir - I am glml to say a good won! for Kransei, ileailaehe Casiile. After MillVring for over thtxv year with acntoneuRilgia ami its conseiinent inomnia, which .eemeil to bailie the ellorti of ximeof our liest physicians yon uggeiteil thN remeily which gave me almot in stant relief. Words fall to express the praise I should like to bestow on Kraiuc's Headache Capsules (iratefully Your.s. Mr. K. It, Holmes. Montrose, l'a. hold by Snipe- A Klhersly. Closing Out Sali of II rocurien. Owing to a contemplated change of business, the undersigned will close out the entire stock of groceries, hardware, wood and willow ware at .co3t for cash. Call early while the stock is unbroken. Joles I5iioxiii:it.s. WOOD. WOOD. WOOD. Best grades of oak, fir, and slii'minl wood, at lowest market rates at 'I Peters & Co. (Oflice .Second aiifl .Idler son streets. K WANT YOT TO WOISK KOlt I S. thus making flS.CO TO $.V.00 I'Ktt W! KK 1'artles preferred who can furnish u !nri' mid travel through the rountry: a team, thiigli. ts not necessary. A few viicancie.i In tinm- ami cltle. Spare hours may ! u-ed to ml vantage. It. F. JOHNSON vV i llth and Main St.. Itlehmond. V.i The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGOIV This old, (opu!ar and reliable hoiij has leen entirely refurnished, and every room has been rojmpered and rcpainte and newly carpeted throufh-ut. The house contains 170 rooms and .t supplici with every modern convenieiitf. Iiau-.' reasonable. A good restaurant attachec to the house. Frer bus to and fr.un ah trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES. PrOD. John Pashek, it oOHif ICS - mm lie 11 ar N ex' 76 Co Lift Stnoet, door to WaBco Bun Office. i3C. FORA CASE IT VILU MOT CURE. "Town Topics," a New York sporting paper, nevertheless a careful and learned authority on finance and stocks, says "January disbursements will amount to $93,000,000. .Some portion of this must be reinvested. Money is already too abundant ; watch speculative bonds and good etockt both are going higher.' From which we judge that times in the east are livening up quite perceptibly An American woman, Mrs. Mary Vir ginia Treherne, has just embarked on a perilous enterprise, a pilgrimage througl the desert of Syria to the Bedouins and lepers of that region, varied by.'a week's etay as an inmate in the most noted harem of Damascus and various points of interest, fthe is accompanied only by her eon, a muscular youth of eighteen, except that she will have guides on en tering the Holy Land. She has letters commending her to all the tribes in Syria, and expects to live in the tents of the Bedouins and follow their customs. Her journey will end in Beyrout. CoqpwMman Jerry Simpson, of Kan iw, lias been analyzing the ret inns of the recent elections, and eo far from being dismayed, he makes haste to pro claim that be has found much in the later returns "to cause the populist to feel that the future is very bright for them." According to the honorable Jerry, the greater part of the populist vote was cast in the country districts ; whereas the first newspaper returns bowed the result in the cities only. Furthermore, he says, the old parties lost more votes proportionally, than did the populist in Kansas ; a large part of of the populist vote had migrated to the Cherokee strip; the populist made larger gains in the elties than the other parties ; and if the republicans in Virginia had voted the populist ticket it would have An nirrwable Lasati vo and N EH VE TUN IC Sold by iJrutfjrtstsorsenr. by mail 25c., 60c.. inu per pacKage. butnpiea ireo BTffo HA The Favorite TOOTH PC77B13 A.W D.W for the Teeth andiireatn.Z5c Fnr ule by Snipe A' Kinnrsly. VIBOR MEN Eaillr. Quickly, Permanently Rettored. WEAKNE8S, NERVOU8NE8S, DEBILITY, ' anil all the train cf exlli from early errors or later excetten, tbo remits of overwork, nlokin;ns, worrv.etc. FulUtreiigili. doTelopnient anil tonu given io ever7 organ una portion or mo ixkij-, htm nl. nat u ml rnethoili. Immediate I muniTernent teen, irnliurolmpofiue, 2.UJJ references. 1Lmc. explanation and prx.U ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. Y Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back etc. 01. SANDEN'S ELEOMIC IELT With lleetro-Maajnetlo.BUVFINSOItVt iaictt 1'ateaiai if Ml iBiratcauit i Will cure wltliout inmilcioa all Wiilim rMUltltxr from nrrraulioii fjf Lraiii nmrrm ConMi cxcMatM fjr lint i. cretloa, u orrvoua debility. ilwpkaaM, Uhtruur, hcuinhuiu. siaiiej, iitvt uu uwiovr fvinjiiunii, hukwcs, mmuHcu, Kiun, aui inuw , baek. lumkAiro. rlAlirA. all tfemmJe CdlnoUlcilii awmrnl III health, tic. TUtt flactrio Uelt conUioi nwarfl laimteaMal orer all other- Current la liutantlvftltlv wrr nr an tnrtt-it aS.AaU.aU. atu) HivHioHiyi umj mwra aweaava boU bare been cured br Uia u mltmr aJl athmr miumIUi frltot. mnA at tetti monUla In thii and arer -' uur reverftl Iarte4 UCTUi; IIWHWIT . urn (rrnacttt boon arer offered weak men, miB wilk tl Bella. MmIU taal Vlaerew Mreefth SVatUSTUU la to la Wears ItendfurlllusM Hm(let, mailed. sealed, (ro ANQIN ILIOTRIO OO., Us. ITS Klra Hlra(. rtiMTVAJtm OJBK. r, ajiti ir tio nay. Tuou. uarraloua (nTentlon a io Buoareu uia. Executor's Hotiee to Ctwdlton. Notice in hereby alven that the Countv Court of the Htato of Oregon for Wasco County hx duly upioliited the underslirned the executor of the lust will mid taitameiit of lieonre K. Jiwrs, deceased. All jersoiii hsving claims Klnst. meesiBWJoi twin ueceaseu lire nercuy required to uresent them, with thu nrniwr vihkIht. Mltfiln Ix mouths from the date of this notice, to suld executor at his plaeo of residence, near li?'i?",.V.l.t,'hi mlil county, or it the oflico of V, H, Wilton, in suld Dulles City. . . ll-HAUK imvi.K, Kxtcutr, OstuI tbls 1st day of ttoveiuber, IVM. iiw Has Jmt received the latet M It- in Suitings for Gentlemen, ami Ii-.hii luwiiss'iirtmcnt of Kurt ten niul Amer ie.ui tliithk. which he edit liulsh Ik Older fur thou1 that favor lilui. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. NOTICE FOU PUr.LICATIO.V. This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. Rocoptlon Commlttoo. HARUV OI.OUGH, C5KO. MUNCKK, ADOIJ'U ICKLLKH, COl.. t!. T. THOMPSON, TIIHO. V. SKl'FKUT, A. IH'CHLMl, New York Weekly Iribm AXJ) 3. Dalles WeeKly Cfifito Ojclo Year, $1.75. 41-ONLY Closing Out Sale OF JEWELER'S GOODS. The lurgo stock of goods at. W. I Garretson's Jewelry Sta, to ho cloHod out ul prices to suit the. tiinos. iVOTlCIC FOU l'UlSUCATION. OrncK, The D.illes, or.,i IKV 7. liXi. i Notice i hcruhv clveti that the fullmviiiv uunufl settler has tlleil notice of hi' iiitentlnii to mnkx- luml In supixirt of hii. Claim, nun Unit nalil prnol will li' made leilorc the reititter mid receiver nt The Dalles, Or., on rcoruary lu, is'Ji, viz.- IliCOll I). ltlllXTlM, Ilomeatead No. iilfi, for the KK'4 ol .Nhi, nun ol SKK. mid my , of HKJ,,, of Sec l.Tp. -1 ii.. It. te K. W. M. lie iiaineH the follou lntr vitlieses to prove coiuiiiiioiiH re.iueiiee unun, ami ciittlv iitlnn of Mini ninu, vu. . K. K. iloirlhon, M. ('. I'ulnter, J. N. l',itt.-roi mid ('. 1!. htmiKhtou.all of linfiir. (ir dwfi JOHN W. I.KWIS. Itmintcr. SHERIITS'SALE. lly virtue of an execution mid order of ml -Ismuil outcf the l Ircilit Court of t: e .-int.- m Oregon, for the (,'i.unty of Wnsco. to mo dirii'tiil eommmidim: rue tomako Kale of the 'and In the wild writ, deterllied to-wlt "lliiiKe pie 'en mid nurt-elH of hind in Vuco Countv. huti of (in. Koii, known mid doerlheii as the outh half of M.'Ctloti elKt(H , mid the routii half of Mi:tlou nine i'J) anil the east half mid tin niuthnvst oiiurter mid thu east half of th unrthucst mmr. lermirl the outhuet iiarter of the northwest iiiartei of section ten (10) mid the north half of the uorthueit mirier mid the umllifuu iiiarler ui nit; iiuriiit;HL iiiiurMri ill Bti:iiuii i ill'. 11 i i.'.i. all III Townshli one (1), north of ItaiiKe fotulc;:i (II east of the Willamette meridian, to make anil pi iv uiusuiii oi money, in wuu court iiiljudK ed to L'OMiuld to the iilaliitiiriu mid action, In which action The Hollcltom Loan and 'I rust Company were iiliilntlll' unit .Mines llooth, ilar thu il. llooth. Kverett K. Hall. J K ilrClnr,. Sarah If. McClure, 1). O. Alter, Itulph Itinera, Ju lia N Itoxers, I'rl Knibody, J. II TiiyiorandJ K Kilnarils wcredefciioiiuU, to-wlt, tliosum of VXW.W with Interest thereon, from Julv i. imj. nt the rate of six jwrccut K-r annum mid ixi.u) iiiiuriieyn iee ill nam uuiiun nun i'iihn mill ills hure euU therein taxed, I have thin day levied ii)on the land aforesaid mid on Hnturilay lite USrtlilwy of Decmiiliitr lHil.'l, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in.. In front of tho court iioumi in Kir, in ineiiiyoi tne iiiiiich, Hi hald County and finite, 1 will kII Mild land nt punnu Huctiou, to me nixnesi muuer tnerefor. i a. vt AM), bherltl' of Wasco County, Htato of OreKon. nortif SHERIPFfc3"SALE. Ilv vlrt,u nf mi i.vw.ltlnil mill iirfli.p .tf lsaiietl out of the Circuit Court of the Htato of Oregon, for the County of Wasco, to m dlrectd toiiimandlnBliie tomake.iileof the laud In the en Id writ described to-wlt: those plijeH and luir celsol land In Wasco County, hute of Oregon, known mid described us the southwest nimrii.r of section four 141, and the north half of section uine I'JJ, and the iiorthwet ijuurur of section seventeen 117, 111 Township one H north of Khiiko fourteen 1141. east of tho Willamette Merl. dluii, to make uii'i pay the Him ol moiiev, In sain court suijuuKtsi io oo pain in me pialutlrrlll suld action, in which uctlon The Hnlicltora and Trust Comiuiny ueie plainlllt, ami James llooth, Martha Jl. llooth, Kverett K, Hull, J, K, McClure. Sarah II. McClure. 1). 0, Alter. Ilalph lloifcr. Julia N. ItoKers. Url Knibodv. J. M. 'lav. lorundJ. K. Kdwuirls were defendants, to-wit; tho sum of 1201X100 with luteiest thereon, from July 1, lblr at the rate of six erceutpominiim and fjuo.ui attorney's fees lit suld action ami coats mid dUbiirsemenU therein Uixtd, 1 have this day levied upon the land aforesaid, and on HsUurilH), a Urd day of JMCiuliir, lHlia, nt tho hour of lOo'docku. in. in front of tho court huuaodoor, In tho City ol Tho Utiles, in suld County and Htate. I will veil suldhuid ut public auction to the hlK'iuat bidder therefor. T. A. Allll, Hfevrlll of Wusco County, HUto of Oregon, imvritd INU Ornci:, The Dalles. Or., I Nov. u, ivja. i Notice Is hereby given that the followlug nuiiitil ettler him tiled uotlcuof his Intention to make final proof in support of bin claim and that Mild jirM)f will be made before thu reulter mid receiver nt The Dalles, Oregon, on Wediie.'ilay, December 27, lf.l. viz llmvltt ltliifc-. Ilomtrstead Aiiplli'iitfon No. for the NU of HK'H mid V.'A of iiVi, K.-C. 10, T. .S. It 1 1 Hint. He names the following wltuesren to prove IiIm continuous residence iii mid cultivation .of said land, viz. II. V. Wells, of The Dalles, Or., Charles Huston, James Kustoti and l'aul l.lmeroth of Nanseiie, Or. John W. I.kwix, Heglster. Everything Must He Sold, Regardless of NOT1CK FOU I'LT.LICATION. (Timljer IjiiiiI, Act June:), )s"s. V K. I.a.mii ofkici:, The Dalles, (ir., Nov. h, tu.i. j Notice is hereby given that In couipthilice with tho prnvltloUK of the act of cougroH of June 3, litfx, eiltlthsl "An set for the sale of tlm lr lauds in the statin of California, Otvgnii, NtiVnda niul Washington Territory," Ne ul (;. Htiiveiisiiii, Of Klngsley, county of Wacco, slate of Oregon, Iimh this day II In I in this oltlce his sworn slate iiieut for the puichaw of the N H., of NWU, of Section. No. S5, in Township No, a K , rango No I.I K. W ii,, and will oiler tinsif to show that the laud cooght In uioro valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purii.c, mid to establish his claim to said land before the Keglster and Kisjelver of this olllco at Tho DalleM, Or,, on the l.Mh day of January, IH'JI. Ho liameH as wltuesfc (ieorire Jliilxsiil. Jas- nt KiMey, Usui Koudeau and Ijifnyette Davis, I Nt'UI : Ui NO WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, RINGS, CHARMS, PINS, TABLE-WARE, ETC. How is the Time to Bn? Christmas Presents. A. R. Thompson, Assignee. all of k' Dr. Any and all iersoux claiming adversely the above iUfcrlUsl ImiilH are risiuestisl to Hie their claims in this olllco on or before said I.MIi ilayof diiiiuurj , joji, win JOHN W. I.UWIH, Keglster. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice in liornliv irivon that thu inidur NiKucil Iiiih Ik'cii duly appointed liy tho County Court of tho Htiito of Oreirou for Waco County in prohuto,oxeoutrix with thu will unni'xed of thu OHtuto of JamoH Underiiill deceaoti. All tmrHoiiH hiivinir -i.t . . . uuiiiiiH auauiHi Haiti ohiiiio arc iiorony ro- iltiircu to preHont tiiuin to inu with proper voucliorB at tho law olllco of Con don & Condon in DalleH City, Oregon, within Hix inontliH from the dato of thiH notico. Novum her 11, 1803. CbAltA 7i, Undkihiii.i,. Executrix of tho Kntutoof Juiiioh Undor hill, doceuHod. "noTIOK FOK rUUIJCATION. This Week Only. Wo Commencing Tomorrow, Wednesday, WK Wll.l, hi:i,i. ol FeJt Mais, j , Cl vvouth at Co Cts Sl.OO to 81.. 5 O each O Sit $1.25- Um OrritK, Tho Dalles, Or,, ( Oct. 'ii, IN'J.1. j rtotieo Is liereliv irlven mat tlio lollowlnii. named settler has (lied notice of Ills Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said nroof will be mudo before the iteulster sum iieeeiverttt inu uuues, ur on December Hi I8VJ, vu: Hoiunnu u. iiruoKS, devisee of John Hiisll",decesel. Homestead Application No.H3H. for the HU HI'.'i mid HK HWjVof Hec. 82, Tp. I N It. HI K. no naiiies ine loiiowiug wiiuesseH 10 prove his continuous residence noon and cultlvatlnii of said laud, vU: O. W.;ook, W. A. Miller, KriiiikCrelKhton mid Bth Morgan, all of tho Dalles Or, mru l- IIKowh piease utKn notice. fTTli JOHN W, I.UWIH, Heglster. Estray Taken Up. One bUok doiiv. branded either K or m on init hln and left law. Owner can have, samol.v i.n.v. lug property ud paying for this notlee. .. lO Wwlm 1'ostouiee, Tbo Dalles, Or, Krencih Kelt Hetts, W'OKTH 2.00(to 83.00 each, Also, Great Reduction on Baby Caps. 112 Seoond Street. ANNA PETER SCO. H. H. CM7VTPBEL-I-. SuocoHHor to LESLIE BUTLER, Will constantly keep on hand 11 complete llitu of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, maintain th rcputall'"' 0' which has bem, BEST U00DS AT L0WETT PRICES Call and see me, next door to Postofflce. Having purchased Mr, llutler'a entire stiKik, I shall endeavor to i tne noitso, whiuh has hem, SOUAKE UEAUING TO EVER. 8.oond8t. I. C. NlCKELSEN,Th.Dall.B.' f