a!)c Dalles liSp Cljrottkle VOL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER V2. 1893. Xhe Dalles Daily Chronicle. cmiiiiiw' I'l'lly, Hini'i'iy lixct.'jitcd. IIV jh UMKON1CI.H 'UlihlSIIIN(-i CO. .....iii.I illlll flfcllllUftflll Mtf 111th. Tim l",n" Dnllch. Oreimn. t itriiiN iif Miiliarlll..ii r!:iuut)ti. by rrlur 10 M) 50 fi VtMK TAKI.KM. Kullroi.il. Ill I'lliM't AllKtlht fi, lh'J. KAMI IIOlWl. v ,wnvi HI:Wi I', m. ht'i'iirio llitw r. it. WKM IIOUNIi. w AKivi-n.:w a. . ituimru ::ii a. t. LOCAL. i,.,,,.';. Ill riirtlimil nt 1 P. M. M Heparin lor I'ortlmii! lit :s p. . rtulix'iii ItolKhu tlmt carry MteiiKeri leave mtht tlm wtnlHl h;wi a. m.,iiiii fiuu for the I ,) i) A. i. ivt I'riiievllte, vtii. Hake oven, leave ilnlly i!6a M Kor Aut'iloi"), Mitchell, (Jiuiyoii (,'lty, leave illy At 'i A M v.f imliir. i:iiiL'lcv. Wiiinli:. Wnnlultlii. Warm ttlni!" una 'i'yeli Valley, leuve ilnlly, except jiaJwri nt 11 a. m. For (ioIiH'titlitlii. Wiiitli., leave every (liiy 01 me res cxcit Hiniiiiiy in a. . OCIreii .'or nil lines nt the Umatilla Houu. NO. 152. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TIUNhACT A fii:.Ni:itAI.J!ANK!N(i HIIHINK8H liOttorc of Griidit issued available in lie ICiiHtorn States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on Now York, Chicago, St. IxmiH, Sun Fmncimio, Portland Oregon, Seattle WiihIi.. and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collectioiiii made at all points nn fav orable terms. THE DALLES National -k Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OK. President - -Vice-I'reHident, Cashier, - Z. F. Moody Ciiaui.uh Hnro.v M. A. Moody II, I'KOI'HHfilONAI.. II ItlDDKIX- ATroiiNKY-AT I.aw-OMic Court Htreut, The milieu, urcKon. A. I. K liurtlll, rl'.ANK MKNKFEK, Duki'u, .v mi:nkkki: - ATiouNKYb - at-tAW- HiMimk mill m, over rent U2re llulliIltiK. Kiitriinre on WimhtliRtoii btreet Kelullen, Orei?ou. . ni-VMVTT A'l-milNMlV-AT-I.A'.V. 01- it ilco III hcliHlilii)' tmllilltiKt U) Htiilrh. The MlRi.UrvKiin. r t MAYH. U.MIUNTINOTHN. ll.H. WIJ.HO.N. IAYH. HUNTINtlTON WlUiON-Arrou-.VI .ikyk-at-i.a w -Olllcen, French k btiMsk over rint National Inink. ' 'i Dalle". Oregon. W- II VllJiON-AtTOiiHrv-AT-l.AW-Km)niH . I'renoh .V Co.' hunk nuihlliiKi beoonil wwi, I'he Ialle,OreKon. i in iiiuti.ASi). m. ii.. c m.. r.r. M. r. (I. 11 ( I' illlll H. (I., riiylrlun mill Sur c.hih. Itnoini. It urn! I. Chapman lilock .iieo Mr Thornlmry , went end of .-ennui ttnrt fUt. KHIIKU1AN (IIO.KOrATIIIW I'HYMOIAN IJ Illlll HtlllllKON, CHIIK muni-- "' J.""" .' "f J'ornlKlit,elty or country, unite no. J" m 1-1111)11111111 IIIOUK. General I(;inkint; Itusincss Transacted. Sight rxchanges Sold on NJiW YOItK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and I'OKTLAND, OK. ColIectionH made on favoreble terms at all nceecHilile jiotntti. J. a. HUHKHCIK, I'reHldent. J M I'Anr.KKO.s, (,'nhliler. Good CooKiosf io essential to Good Dijestioi?- in pastry yoti cannot hr.vo cither without nRood short ening. Lard has always had very objectionable features, causing indigestion anil ?nnny other dietetic trou bles. Science 1ms conic to the assistance of the cook, and of weak stoniachs,with the new shortening, Cottolee It is composed of the choic est beef suet and highly refined vegetable oil, in many respects as good as the finest imported olive oil. Physicians endorse it, cooking experts rccon.- mend it, and thousancb arc now using it in prefer- g. unci: iu liny uuicr miuiicii- ; I First Rational Bank. VHE DALLES. - - OREGON A General P.anking llusinefiB transacted Dopomtfi received, mibject to Sight Draft or Cheek. ColIectionH made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Hold on New York, San FraneiBeo and Port-laud. wtl Dl O. II. IMJAN h- I1IYHICIAN AND HUH iikon. Ollleo; roonih mnl C (Jliiiniiiiili iliMik He.ildenee H. K. enrnor Court mid Vourlli trMjt, i-ecoid duor Irooi lliu vomer. OlUee hourii "J to 11! A. M., l! to ft mill 7 to s 1'. SI. OMDDAU.-Iikktiht. - liii" Kiveu lor the . luilnlvM extruetlon oi teeth. Also teeth 1 mi Ilownl iiluintniiiii vhite. Uooiiih; riiuii oi au iiildun Tooth, heeouil Htreet. H(;iinii:n. W AHl'O 1.01)(iK. Nil. l.'i. A. K. v A. M.-.Meeth Unit mid third Jlonihiy of eiieh montli nt i. IXU.Hh ItOYAJ- AltUII CHAI'TKK NO. U Jltuth In Jliininie Hull the third Wediiesdii oltwi month nt V 1'. St. IfODKKN WOOKMKS OK THE WOKi.D. ll Sit Hood (;iiui..No.6lJ.SIetii llie.-diiyeveii-lao!eiii!h week In I'riiterulty Hull, lit ,:.iu o. in. pOU'SIIHA I.01KIK, NO.fi, I. O. O. I'. Slwjtn j every Krldiiy uvenliiK nt 7::i0 miliMik, In K. oi I' linll, corner hecotid mid Court Htreeto. (foJonrtiliiK lirotliurw lire welcuiiie. II. IXotnm, Kee'y. H. A. IIU.I.H.N. (.. JiMlllINIMIlIl' 1.01)0 K, NO. U K. of l'.-Mw't I1 every Momliiy uvunlni? at 7::X) o clock, 1 selmniio hliulldliiK. corner of Court nit; heeond itrwm KoloiirnliiB nieuiherH iiru cordlnlly in tiled W. H. Cham. 1) Vaiihk, K. of It. mid H. C (- A HHKMIlliY NO. -1827, K. OK U-MeclH 111 K. V of I', liiill thuKeeond mid fourth Wednev Juvh ufuich iiiouth iit7::uii. in. "WOJIKN'H OHK1HTIAN TKMl'llllKSOK ' ' UNION will meot every Krldiiy afternoon tSo'ohmk at the reiidliiKrooiii. Allure Invited. 1.1 MtMONlolXii: No.ftOl.I.O.O.T.-lUmilur U weekly nieetliiKN Krldiiy nt ti p. m ii' Kriili.rulty Hull. All lire Invited. L -' tllliiiHMAN, . T. It. C Ki.ki:k, be TiKMl'l.K I.ODOK NO, , A. O. U. V.-.MeetH III Kniturnlty Hull, over KullerM, an Keeoud trwt, TtmrHiluy ovciiIuks nt 7:St. H. IIASnl'i W ri Mykiih, Klnnniiler. M. w TAH. NKHM1TH I'OHT, No. :r.', (I. A. K.-.MeetH every Bnturdiiy nt 7: p. . In the k. of 1'. A M KUU AN ItAIIAVAY I'NION, NO. UK t SleetM heeouil mid fourth ThurndiiyN enoh '""nth In K. of I. linll. J. W. Kkady, ,W II. .loNKH, He y. I 'en. . BUI' I,, if., Meebuivury Sunday iifternooniu . the K. of 1'. Hull. 6 B KHANO VKUE1N SleetH every ovenliiKtn thuK.of I'. Hull. Hiiutltiy tifi t l.firlUIW Mil 1A7wMi.h 111 . I. nf i ii. ill tin. iimt mid third WedueN- lvof eimh month, nt. 7:ai p. m. T1IK UI1ITUCIIKH. OT, i'KTKHH OIIUHOH -llov. Kiitlier llnoNH tiKKHT l'witor. Low StiihH every Hunilay lit . HlRll MlWN Ht 1U:WA. u, VHHirHllt 'Km, K'l'. I'AUW OlillUOH -Union Htroet, oiHlto P Kltth, Huv.KII I). Hiltollllo Keillor. Hervlcen yi''y Hominy t 11 a. m. anil 7:;to p. m. Hunday yolioolOii'i A. u, KvoiiIiik I'niyur on rrlduy at IjMKHT 1IA1TIHT OHUUOH-Uuv. 0. T. TaY k..i L011' 'iwUr. MoruliiB MirvlueH every bab at tlm noailemy nt U a. m. Habbuth BCiiool Imiiuslliitely after inornliiK nervlieH. 'yer iiivutliiK Krlitny uvenliiK nt I'untor'H lost I' M0, Ul,lim "orvlceH In tliu court Iiuimo at pONOKKOATlONAIi OHUIUIH-Kov. W. 0. y tlUKTiH, I'niitor. BervleeMoveryHuiulnyatll . M. na 7 r, Mi Hutiilny Holiool ottor mornliiK orvloo. HtriyiKorHeorUliilly luvltwl. Bout free. MK. OHUKOH lluv. J. WIIINI.KH, iwiNtor. u..1 Ho'vloedovoryHiiiiiliiy moruliiKnt 11 u. m. f' i'duy Bohool nt Una) o'clock r M. Kiwortli 'Kiio nt 0:30 r. m. 1'rnyor ineotliiK every ti iirtujuy evening nt 7:80 o'olook, A uonllnl In to Mil utuiiitvd by both piutor and )ooilu CHKIHTIAN tMUWM-KKV.I'. II. .Mcdui'PKY 0ll. tor' HreuohliiK In tlio (ilirlHtlnn oliumli 2?S - UVfl " ' I', id. All !tilggnlUUy Invited pVANOKWOAli liUTUKUAN-Nlntli Hta-ot, ,nv. A. Horn, jMMtor. Hervloo at U;W3n,m. UIKttCTOKS I). '. TJIOMI'HO.V. Jno. b. Sciiknck. El). M. WlMiIAMh, GKO. A LlKllE. II. M. JJkam.. W. H. YOUNG, ing. Refuse all substitutes. Bond three cents In t , - k. ralrlmnk A- Co., Chit. I ami iiuiim Coltoli'iio Ciioli I.i , 'itiiulri. I tit; six hutidrvd recipes, preiuni'il hy utuoemluent mithoritlcaim cuokliig. Cottolenu In buld by ull gructrj. ft Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., ST. LOUIS and 9 ' r "Tk Rea:ulator Line" Biacksmnn & Wagon Slop Tie Dalles, Portland anrl Astoria Navigation Co. General lUackflmithing and Work done promptly, nnd till work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tbird street, opp. Licbc's old Stand. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any nnd ull kinds of work in his lino at reasonable iigures. J las the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. . Address P.O.Box 181.Tho Dalles J. I. FORD, Evaielist, Of Dei. Slolne.-, Iowa, writes under (late ol March 1MU' S. 15. Mud. Mku. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : , , , , , . On arriving home last week, 1 loiuul all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight ami one-half years old, who hud wasted away to US pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well Meshed up. S. 11. Cough Cure lias dune its work well. Uoth of the children like it. Your S. U. Cough Cure has cured ami kept away all hoarseness from mo. So givo it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, wo are Yours, Mu. & Mas. J. V. I'oiid. If you wIhIi to feel frcMi mid cheerful, nnd ready for the 8r!nR'H work, cileiumo your hyidem with the Hemliioho ami Liver Cure, ty taklut! twoot three doneH each week. Kohl under n positive Kiiiiraiitee, 60 oontH per bottle by till UriiKKlMi.. C. F. STEPHENS, DKALICK IN DRY GOODS Qlothing IllllltH, HIlOOH, llllt, Kt. Fancy fyiod$, Jotion Ktc, Ktc, Kte. Seoond St., The Dalles. THROUGH Freigm ana Psssenger Line Through Tri-Weekly (Sundays ex ce)ted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer IJegulator leaves The Dalles nt 7 a. nt., Monday.-, Wednesdays and Fridays, connecting at the Cascade Ixicks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dulles City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock) at 6 a. ui., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I'A8SKN5KK UATKS. One way Kound trip $2.00 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. freight, except car tots, toil! be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at anv time day or night. Shipments for wav landings must bo delivered before 5 p'. ui. Live stock shipments solieted. Call on or address, W. CALLAWAY, (lenerul AKi't. B. F. LAUGHLIN, (leimnil AliliiltKiT. THE DALLES, OREGON T H E ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATER AND IOE CREAM, Candies and Nuts 'i-tt FlnoBt Peanut Roaster In The Dalles 2 38 I cni TO mOTK 2d Street J. rULOU reHtauraiit. THE BOMB-THROWER He Glories in His Horrible Crime in the Honsc of Dcptics. POLICE ARE HUNTING SUSPECTS. The Outrage Has Greatly Strengthened the Government War Between Eq u a dor and Peru. Paiiis, Dec. 11. The excitement re sulting from the throwing of tho bomb in tho chamber of deputies Saturday has somewhat subsided, and the people are now looking to the chamber to enact measures to stamp out the reds. Pre vious to this outrage the union of social ists and anarchists was strong enough in the chamber to overthrow one govern ment, and they were confident of being able to do the same with the existing government; but Vaillant's dastardly performance seems to have greatly strengthened the hands of the govern ment, and put it in a position to make an effective fight against the anarchists. It is believed this act, which has sent chills chasing up and down the spine of every monarch of .Europe, will result in joint action by France, England, Spain, Italy nnd Austria for the extradition and severe punishment of all proved to have engaged in anarchistic conspiracies. It is also expected measures will be in troduced in the chamber of deputies for the punishment of those who advocate or defend crime in newspapers, or punishing with severity the unlawful possession of explosives. Vaillant still defiantlv professes to glory in his act, and declares he has no accomplices, but this the police do not believe, and are at work on clues look ing to the arrest of others in connection with the affair. It is believed Vaillant will be speedily tried and executed. It appears that Marchal, the name which he first gave, is the nameof his mistress, whom he enticed away from her hus band, having deserted his wife in America and come to France last Janu ary. He went to board at Marclnil's house. Madam Marchal has told the nolice the Etorv of how lie succeeded in separating her from her husband, and made her work from morning till night to support him, and lie abused her terribly when she no longer had money to give. The Curlln Tarty Denounced. Si'okani:, W:inh., Dec. 9. The people of Post Falls, Idaho, have held an indig nation meeting and passed the following resolutions : Jtexohed, That we hold William K. Carlin and A. Ilimmelwright respon sible for the management of the Carlin party ; that we express our thanks to them for tho care and patience shown toward George Colgate according to their published accounts up to the hour when ho was left behind ; that we deplore the long delay on the river bank, which the construction of rafts does not explain, whereby time and food wero wasted, that should have been used for the sake of the sick companion in prompt and careful retreat; that we condemn the abandonment of George Colgate, while confessedly within a few hours of his death, and leaving him on his feet staggering in the snow, without shelter or lire and without the presence of a loyal comrade to close his eyes and note the location of his body, as an act of hideous barbarity; that in the light of their own published statement and such other information us we can obtain, we denounce William K. Carlin and A. L. II. Himmelwright as unlit to associate with sportsmen, wanting the elements of manhood, and in their treatment of Georgo Colgate's widow wholly void of the considerate spirit and generosity of gentlemen. It isn't in the ordinary way Unit Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pretcription comes to the weak and suffering woman who needs it. It's quumnteed. Aot with words merely; anv medicine can make claims and promises. What is done with tho "Favorite prescript ion is this; if it fails to benefit or cure, in any case, vour inonev is returned. Can you ask any bettor proof that a medicine will do what it promises? , . . It's an invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and strengthening nervine, and a certain remedy for tho Ills and ailments that beset a woman. in 'fenmlo complaints" of every kind, periodical pains, internal inllaniniation or ulceration, bearing-down sensations, and all chronic weaknesses and irregu larities, it is a positive and complete cure. , , To everv tired, overworked woman, and to ovtirv weak, nervous and ailing one, it is guaranteed to bring health and Htrength. WOII1U WOOUt WOODI llest grades oak, llr, plno and slab wood. Ollleo 183 Second street. All I orders promptly titttmdod to. WASHINGTON LETTER. Vlio UiinnlUfACtnry (.'uiidltlnn In Willed Cleveland Ik I'IhitiI. Kroto our KcKiilnr Corrcondent. Wasiiixcto.v, Dec. S, lS'.lll. The troubles of the administration arc increasing with a rapidity that must bo appalling to the stolid occupant of the white house. Congress had hardly got through listening to the dreary plati tudes and misleading statistics with which tho president's message was filled before bills and resolutions began to be introduced in the house and senate of a nature calculated to bo far from pleasing to the administration, and facts to bo made public that falsified statements made in the message. Senator Hoar started the ball on the Hawaiian ques tion by the introduction of a resolution, which was passed, calling on the presi dent for copies of all correspondence and instructions emanating from tho admin istration on that subject, and a rattling short speech criticising the remarkable position of tho administration was made by Senator Dolph. Representative Hitt, of Illinois, introduced a similar resolu tion in the house. Senator Hill aiso an tagonized, in a speech, the position of Mr. Cleveland on this Hawaiian business. Bills have been introduced in both house and senate, by democrats, which carry on their faces condemnation of the ad ministration pension policy. Take it all in all the indications are that the "wild team," as General Harrison so aptly termed the democratic majority in con gress, will be harder to control than it was at the extra session. Mr. Cleveland stated in his usual dog matic style, in his message, that the deficiency in revenue by reason of the Cleveland tariff bill would only be $2S,- 000,000. Now it is officially announced by the treasury department that it will be at least $00,000,000. He requested that the money question b,o let alone, and Representative Bland, chairman of the house coinage committee, announces that his free coinage bill, one of the first introduced at this session, is to be re ported and passed. The republican party is fortunate in having political matters in the senate looked after by a caucus committee made ui) of the following senators: Allison of Iowa, Aldrich of Rhode Island, Halo of Maine, Cullom of Illinois, Dolph of Oregon, Manderson of Nebraska, Quay of Pennsylvania, Washburn of Minne sota, and Dubois of Idaho, tho first named being chairman and tho last sec retary. It would have been difficult for Senator Sherman, chairman of the cau cus, to have named a more representa tive committee, or one that would have contained more political shrewdness. The rei)ublicaii8 in the senate will de bate the Cleveland tariff bill long enough to show up its general absurdity and viciousness, but they will not resort to dilatory tactics to prevent a vote. If, after the bill has been thoroughly shown up, tho democrats aro willing to assume the responsibility of making it a law, no illegitimate obstacles will bo raised by republicans. The republican party has from its birth been thoroughly com mitted to the doctrine of majority rule and it will not change because tho poll- tics of the majority has changed. That would be imitating the democrats. Petitions aro already coming to con gress in largo numbers from old Union soldiers asking that Secretary Hoko Smith's high-handed method of dealing with pensioners be investigated. Wheth er any investigation is ordered or not there's going to bo some speeches made on the subject in both liouso and senate that will not please the administration, and some of them are going to bo made by democrats. The bronze Btutuo donated by the state of Illinois, for statuary hall, in the administration building, was formally ueeopted by congiess and un veiled with impressive ceremonies Wednesday aiternoon, the principal ad dress being made by Gov. Altgeld. It is said that orders have been given by tho democratic boss to shut out Oklahoma when it comes to admitting now states, because of tho beliof that it is republican. Arizona, New Mexico and Utah are to be admitted on the pledges made by prominent democrats that they will all elect democratic legis latures. Six administration democratic senators are not to bo sneezed at in tho present condition of tho senate. It is stated by democrats that the ad ministration has beconio alarmed at tho almost unanimous public sentiment against it and flunked on its Ilawaian programme, and that Mr. Cleveland will send a special message to congress, together with all the correspondence, etc., and ask congress to relieve him of further responsibility by deciding what shall bo done. From tho same source the statement that the revenue cutter which secretly left San Francisco for Honolulu this week carried a letter to Minister Willis revoking his previous in structions and telling him to do nothing until congress expresses its wishes. If this be true it ends all the royal non sense, for it is certain that there are not a score of men in congress who will vote for the restoration of the queen. Cas. NEWS NOTES. War between Ecuador and Peru over a boundary dispute is now absolutely certain. The trial of Prendergast has begun in Chicago and the work of securing a jury is in progress. The Montana National bank of Helena which closed last July, re-opened yester day witli ifoOO.OOO capital and cash to three times the amount of its demand liabilities. This is the bank founded by the late Colonel Broadwater. Liliuokalani submits a proposition to condone the wrong which the United States, by its executive, admits to have been done, and to relinquish all her titular rights, as well as whatever claim she may have upon the valuable crown lands, for the lump sum of $500,000. The uncertainty as to what the new duty on sugar will be in the United States and the active measures taken to flood the market with beet root sugar from Kurope is causing quite a panic among the planters nf Oil t, ihe market being quite paralyzed. I'ke outlook for the planters is very ili-rfMiinging. Senators Hoar and Gray hud an ani mated war of words iu the senate yester day as to Cleveland's Hawaiian policy. In tho course of his speech Hoar said that when it was known the president's message had been published in Lonuon in the morning papers in advance of its delivery to congress, it was supposed to bo one of those accidents for which no body was especially responsible, but no such explanation could bo mado in this case. Hoar said ho desired tho Hawaiian question separated from all questions in regard to which the parties wero divided. Mr. Clevoluiul Will l'lenso Answer. Dknveii, Dec. 11. The editor of the Times this morning sent the following telegram to President Cleveland : "For the information of tho people of Colorado will you kindly make public, tho statement as to the effect in tho east of the repeal of the so-called Sherman act? Many thousands who have been thrown out of employment in this state by the repeal aro ready to hear that it has lesulted in the restoration of pros perity elsewhere." Tilt) Ciiliulillll l'liul. Ciui Ado, Dec 11. Taking of evidenco iu the Coughlin trial began this morn ing. The first witness was ex-Captain Villiers, of the l.akoview police in whoso territory Dr. Cronin's body was found. Captain Villter testified to the finding of Cronin's body iu a catch-basin and tho number and characterof tho wounds. Karl's Clover Root, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. L'oc, 50c. and .fl.00. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. For a sore throat there is nothing bettor than a llaunel bandafeo dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It will nearly always effect a euro iu one night's time. This remedy is also a fa vorite for rheumatism and has cured very sovoro cises, 50 cent bottles for sale by Wakeloy & Houghton. Use Mexican Silver Stovo Polish. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder AB50LUTE1Y PURE i: r a 4 ' I iif m V, 11 '7