The Mes Daily Chronicle. Entered t the 1'oMortlco at Tac Dulles, Ore-ton, as matter. Tin: D vi.i.Ks OKKUON A CLEVER BOSTON GIRL. Ilvm it Clitcus-' 'Itit'kintiti Wits I'ar:ilyj.ccl tiy Hit J'nui'.ielnl ')jer;itlon. Tho Chic:ii h;u'l;nm: i. hupvoil to bo endowed with a full allov.nnoo of the smartness peculiar to men in his profo; --.ion. nut n Itoston irl is cred ited wiih --oUitijr the best of him. The haeknian himself tell:, the storv. wiy.s the Cincinnati Commercial Ua.ctto. His name is .lohnson, and his lniMin.-t.s clurintr the summer has been uminlv in the service of the quests in the ilorr-ti tories of the Chicago university. Johnson has run daily excursions for them through a twenty-tlve mile drive for one dollar. Within two days after her arrival Johnson took the lloston younp woman out as one of Ins morniiifr party. She occupied the scat with him and plied him with questions. On the following day when he called tor passengers Johnson noticed this Hoston firl llyiiifT around in a lively way. Soon ihe came to him and wanted to know how much he would charge to take forty persons up to the center of town and baek lor an evening reception. lie pave histipures. and then she went shoppin;;. The next day she told Johiibon she could pet the work done for twenty- eipnt aoitar.;. ana that lie might as well take the job at that ligure. She rretcmjd his rigs, she said, because they looked nicer than anv she had a'cn el-ewhere. Johnson took the j.ili. and on the evening appointed the younp woman marshaled out her forty people. They were in evening dri'?- tnd full of gayety. Suddenly the I Joaton young woman spoke out: "We may not all get topetner when we come back and may be very tired. Suppose I collect the fares now and be done with it'.1" She did so, and each person paid her one dollar for the evening's transpor tation. She quickly counted out twenty-eight dollars and pave it to Johnson, and placing twelve dollars in her own purc rode to the evening's reception with a satisfied -smile and a most charming affability. Three days later she did the same tiling over again. As she put the twelve dollar in h-r purse Johnson scratched his head and savs he muttered: "Well, I'll be d !' The next time he proposed a di vision of the spoils. She eyed him for a minute, saw that he was in earnest, gave him four dollar.-, out of the twelve, and after that they did business on this basis. She pot up sightseeing parties inside the fair, theatrical parties, lecture parties, made scores of friends, and at every move seemed to add to her purse. . o well Aid the succeed that she had two months at the fair and went home with one hundred dollars in her pocket. Jchnson says he has traveled about a Rood bit. his last excursion of impor tance being a trip to the L'ari-.. expo sition, but he never saw a person who co u It I ''do up Chicago hackmen as that lioston girl did. fy 4 - GOLD IN THE SOUTHERN STATES Now Try Thin. It will cost yon nothing and will sure ly do you good, if you lmvo a cough, cold, or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's Now Uiscovcry for consumption, coughs and colds is guar anteed to give relief, or money will bo paid luck. Sull'erers from la grippe found it just the' thing and under Uh n m had a speedy and thorough recov eay. 'Iry a nun pic- bottle at our ex pense, and learn for vourself just how good a tiling it is. Trial bottles fiee at Snipes it Kinersly's drug store Large size 51V anil $1. CriMit 1'otnto Kilters. Contrary to the general belief that Ireland leads the world in its fondness for "praties," statistics show that the people of Germany and lSelgium are the greatest potato eaters; the con sumption in these countries annually exceeds o ne thousand pounds per head of population. Mr. J. 1 Klnk'.e, an extensive real es tate dealer in )es Moines, Iowa, narrow ly escaped one of the severest attacks of pneumonia while in the northern part of Iowa during a recent blizzard, says the Saturday Review. Mr. Utilize had occasion to drive several miles during the storm and was so thoroughly chilled that he was mable to get warm, and in side ot an hourafter his return he was threatened with a severe ease of pneu monia or lung fever. Mr. Wain? sent to the nearest dni'.r store and cot a bottle nf nimmlu-rl-ihi's fYitvdi Kmnedv. of I foilllil the verv lowest which he had often heard, and took -a number of large doses, lie says the ef fect was wonderful and in a short time he was breathing quite- easily. He kept on taking the medicine and the next day he was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. illaize regards his cure as simply wonderful. For sale by lllakeley & Houghton. Pill Just Arrived from Hew York SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF YOUR ATTENTION Is onllod to the fact that todies' Hugh Glenn, Jack Dmilnr in (.!( mid I'.nilil hitIi I'll. "Jeiimut .inil,. '- f- In.-l t. !;. of FROM $3.50 UPWARDS frail nionunn & Furnismng wm Wasco wareiioflse Co Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. At lieinarkably Low Prices, "J Splendid Chinchilla Overcoats $5.50. f IT LI. ASSORTMENT OF Winter Drv Goodsj BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ETO. To hi. found In uw City. y2 Clieshirsgton Street. rora TERM IN Ui or Rates Rcajjoiitolc. .MAltK (lOODn -TJKT. '"W- Oo. Tin: ti. i.i, on 537" As we are lorreii to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuit ijiko lie famous A. S. Collins and wife's Miit and bad debts, our price will always b in the market We invite our friends and ciHloinerp to examine our goods and prices before Miivn.iHiiii:. j i 1,11 2 ft I ft VB-f- It ntyf I InrtlTln I ! II III B-I E1EJ 811 MMIIIIIII li; mill r ii i li ill! c II Will UAH 1 UUlllU v.'A.vyirtAvviv'vi-w(T,-,x,4?rtj .4lr,jili.i,7umt.J'J V5W.J '-"ir. "-. RAILROAD l the 1 1 1 1 u In Like I TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH.! 31 J) ; .llff' M , "t 'mu: .' Ten M11. ii, ill ifvMn. 1 , . Ituru' 1 , , IHIIIV U... ) . , USl'lllU'i' P.vt n hoil h1 im 1 Id (..., 11,1. lili'tliinan I ,4 J HM'Mlil! im , J. rum cl iiliu I , in 1'irv, hti'lllii, ir ? h;,'j; Notice. Notice is hereby -riven that sealed bitls will be received at the ollice of the un dersigned, until Monday, December 11th, at 4 o clock p. in., for liU cords of drv split wood, for the city' Said wood to be delivered partlv at the ollice of the undersigned, partlv at the citv marshal's office and partlv at the fire engineer's oflice. The right to reject anv and all bids is herein reserved. Docgl.V!- S. Dl'kui:, Heeorder of Dalles Citv. Notice. Notice is herein given that unless the delinquent taxes of Dalies City are paid within ten days from the date of this notice the names of the delinquents will be published. m order oi ttie common council ol Dalles City, made December 2d, ISO'S. ltness mv hand tins th dav of December, 1S93. Dan Malo.nky, City Marshal. Niittcu. Improve-! Metl.oil or Workla-; SaliiJmref . Open i J'roniMiii? I-telU. There is considerable diseuasion just now, says the AtinnUv .Journal, about the prospects of gold mininfr in the south. It is kno'.vu that, taero ih a iust quantity of gold-beurinu in, Virginia. North Carolina, Gewrsria and Alabama. Thourh mil lions of jroltl have been tahun out of the-f beds most of them have not been thoroughly worked and many of them have been merely scratched. L'p to the time gold wats discovered in Cali fornia there had been produced in the United States Sl',S03,.i7."i, and all ex cept '.!iO came from southern states. Nearly all the previous (fold miuin',- rn the Mjuth has been conducted on method!- vhicii are now ob.-olete. The imnro.ed methods of worltint: .sul- nhuret ores onen a new prospect for f;old mininK' in the south. The ofiicial figures hIiow that up to lbt'd Ceoryia hail produced S15.004.CC0 worth of (,'old, North Carolina 1,.5, 641, and Virginia J,1&'J,G10. Tiicse are the ofiicial figures, but the real value of tho fold product oi these states lias undoubtedly been much greater. Prof. Stone, after a visit to Califor nia in IHV.S, said that he was satisfied that the sold ores in the south are the richest and easiest to worlt in this country. Recently there have been many prospectors through tho gold re gionn of the south and we look for in creased activity in gold mining in (corgin and every other southern state where there are known to be heavy deposits of fold. ook'sCottonlloo corercd. COMPOUND. 'A recent dUcorery by an oW pliytlclaa. Succestfullv una onthlj by tMutand$ of 'ladtet. It tho only perfecllr eafo&ml reliable mcdlcluo && Eowaro of unprlaclplo'l driicUU who offer inferior mcdlclncx In placo of this. Aik for CooU'o Cotton Hoot Compound, tai no tuMt tuic, or Incloto tl aud 0 cunts in poita;;o n letter and wo will tend, Boolod, by return mall. KuIlBctlod partlculurt la plain envelope, to ladlm only, S fUior--. Addnw.4 I'o n d Id 1 1 V t) o rn p n n V. tUt. Hl'IilierlilocV, Potrelt, Mien, hold lnTlioDallen by Jllukcleyi' Houston. (Jooil Jolt I'rintiliB. If you lmvo your job printing dono at Tins Chhoniui-k you will lmvo tho ad vantage of having it dono with tho most modern and approved typo, with which we keop coiitinuully supplied. All jolw under tho direct supervision of otio of the most successful and artistic printers In tho Korthwest. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. To All Whom It May Concern liv order of the common council of Dalles City, made and entered on the .'!d day of November, 1S03, notice is hereby given that said city council is about to proceed to order and make the improve ment of Second street in said city as hereinafter stated, and the cost of such improvement will be levied upon the property adjacent thereto, and said im provement will he made unless within fourteen days from the liual publication of this notice, the owners of two-thirds of the property adjacent to said street about to be improved shall file their remonstrance against said improvement as by charter provided. The improvement contemplated and about to be made is ih follows, to-wit: To improve Second street in said city, from Union street to the foot of tlie brewery grade by filling the same the entire length thereof between said joints with crushed rock, so as to bring said street up to tho established grade thereof, as heretofore established by ordinance No. 217. Which grade in the middle of the street is supposed to be of the same elevation as the side walks along said street, except where said side walks are not on a unilorm grade from square to square, and said street shall be tilled in such a manner that when said improve ment is completed the center thereof shall be on the established grade and and shall slant to eacli side to an eleva tion oi 8 inches below said established grades. Said improvement shall be made with rock of such size as shall be furnished to the property owners by tho authorities of Dalles city, and shall be hauled and placed on said street at the expense of the respective property owners abutting upon said street, anil spread on said street so as to be of even surface and as directed and under tho supervision of tho committee on streets aud public property. DOUGI-AS H. DtJlTIi, Recorder of Dalles City. Dated this LMtli day of November 1893. dl-li s. L. YOUNG, J1WELBB : : Watches mid Jewelry repaired to order on hort notice, und tsUtUfuctlon guurantwl AT THE Nlore of I.e. MckoUen, Mil Ht.Tliw Dalle Business Change. The undersigned has bought the Chinese merchandise busi ness heretofore conducted by YBB HOP &c OO. and will pay nil bills owing by said firm if presented to them before December 1st, JSU.'i. CHEW KEE & CO., 1UO Main St., Tho Dftllei, Or. When (he Train stops af THE DALLES, gof ol!' on (lie South Side AT THC fiEW COMJPBIR HOTEL. It Is Hit- lllnlut- Cur Kitiiliv II run T1iiiiii-.-i Voillmkil '1 rnliiM-vury itny lit the unr ! r , f , liiiii-cliolil.iuiil Ii Si Paul and Chicago 1 IIUIK'liitli.: llli'illlll. I x, A l.lbrnryin Until f. ( ir tln i)fl"ll iIchih-iI lnftiriiiatln:i I l.rtrnlii . t I'liiliiimt iiToui. t.ictH rut. i t riling llm (imiiirio-i, cuiri, inuiii. mm iumiui fc,i t I III tn oi i in c li in' . i;iri'ii uri cum inilii f iimru ill muni"' iifiunn1 nun iiin vn ir.lljv 5 l.itlnii ol Inri'lun i)iiiilutluiiH wuril , nml iiiincrni; riL., mi ., i'ii i This Wttrk hi liiviiltiiilUHtiu i 1........1...1.1 .....i ...i...i. lliiil.i-liiiniiliiKi irn,' i.-ii.'n'i , ri;iiiii.ii, ir. auu M'li'Ciiuraiur TliU lan-L-niiil l.imiilir llou-i ireiuirtil to lnrinli un- iti-st acroiiiuioiiiuoiiK oi nuy unit Is lloii- lii the city, nml at tlie ! tin- lintel hilfllH--, ii-kc aero r.ito of Ji.oo per Day. - pirst Qass Heals, 25 CeQts. Oilier for all Stu-;i l.lue- li-iivliu; Tin. Dull.-s rur all liuliilM In Knstrrn llreunn mill K'iitlnrii tVaililii-tiiii In iliii HlltMl. (NO CHANdK OF CAHH.1 I (;omtio-eil ol IIIuIiik ('urn uii-lirui--il. I'llll ' mint DrrtuiiiK Itnoin Hloci-.'iKif Inloit ciilliiiiuiit ; T0III1IST SLEEI'INIi CAIIS licit dm: c.'iii lie eon-triieinl, nml In u-hirii Hecomniiilii.i)ii me loth Kree mill l;liriilInn (or liolilerHiiI Mrxt unit t-ecoiiil-clnii Ticket-, mnl ELEGANT DAY COACHES i f'er.i. rriiui f'n. I'ttliUihtTi, SprliWlrlil.MuH. C7J7"l"i itot tiiiyrlimpiiltniik 5 irnplili-itMlnUut iiiiclciit V, r.Ull.ill. C7,"i"""ivfli,"'"i-'et'i". I ;vriisTHs I INTERNiTnOSALl DICTI0N,.OT I Corner of Front ami I'nloii St T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. A contlmimin line, totiu'ctiii-: ili nil ut 1 iilliinlllii" illiii;t nml miliilernipml nrrvuij rullmmi Hlti.- r rv-eivntlmi- rxn be m-ouhiI lti tulvmicu IIiioiikIi nnv iiKtnt ol ilii riwil. Clothier and Tailor. THROUGH TICKETS J: KiikIhiiI nml HuriM- c.ui be ti ! ticet olllciMil tru-cumpiiiijr Tn nii'l Irom nil Ollltu In Ainerlri. t.iirciiuoi 111 mm) . Decidedlv tiie Finest Line of Full liilormnUon coiiceniliii- trnliiK, and oUier iletnili Gents' Firnisliiiig- Goods,; Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. COR. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THK DALLHS, OR. rnte-, Hum oi luriilnheil ot RpIlllCAtlOll III W. C. ALLAWAY, AKtftit 1). 1". A A. IfftV. Co., Ucxtlliitor ollice, Tb Pallcn, Or., or A. I). r.HAKI.TOM, I Ar-'t. (ieiicrnl I'h-hji.k-.t Act.. I'urtlniul. iU The Dalles Daily Chronicle. sii HAS A TAMILY OF ?lv 2000 ItEADEKB. Az Hn-y reml Hie CIiroiile!e to nrtf the lnte-t nml limit mlliilile i.iiwk. Anil they reml tiverj- line Hint l In the t'ler. That In whnt limited the Chronicle mi Iiiviilnnlite mlvertl lui: liinllnm i Thi' liew-i.ier thut . noes In the fmnllf llte-hle- l the one w thnt the mlvurtlncrt of tiHlny initriiiiUe ' when they ile-lro to reiioli the milc. Whim they wmit yntir trmle tholrminoiiiireiiienln will he (ntiml In the ).iK:r Ijmi!: over our column mill olii;rve the verlllc Hun of the truth of thin iii-crtlou. Ileiininl;r, . 11 truile of n fnmtly of tuo thuiiimnl S- I worth 11-klni: lor tlitiHiuh their ' colunnu, tatlully o at oil -rrrj ' "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its jlooa leads on to fortune." Tho poet unquestionably had referonuo to tho Cliif-Bil Sale i Tlie Dalies Chronicle. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are soiling these goods out at greatly-roducod ratos. MICIIELHACH 15RIOK, - - UNION ST. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs am Roofing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kubh Blacksmith Shop. Free! Freem With every dozen Cabinet Photographs, one .... o Life-Sisse Crayon7jo Call at the Gallery and see samples. My work speaks for itself . THE DAIJ-LES, OR. THI; !I!:OM('L10 was i-Htublinhud for tl 10 ex press pui'p'jM of fuithfiilly representing Tho .Dulles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying oll'ect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as IClickitat and other ro gions north of Tho Dalles, hence it is the host medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in tho week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlxo Dalloa, OroKon. FIRST CLRSS JOB PR NT'1" "TIN, CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE