The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 11, 1893, Image 3

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
j,i(iirl H ilio roKUilllcoHt Tlio Untie, OreKon
iin Aoconil-Wmw rniitU'r,
Clubbing List.
(iroutlf V Y. Trilmnf,. . . .
fhronlflf anil mim Krmr, ....
flrmiiflf anl Wlnrf'i HueaZiiif,, . .
fkroaidf aJ C'usimoptiMtao Maaiiaf,.
llcKiilnr On
lllCI! Jlf ll'M
,. tt.00
. M.OV
. KI.09
I.imiiiI All vitIImIiic.
I0('"iiti "T llnu lor llrnt Inwriloii.aiiil r. Ccntu
i,cr lli ',,r '',M'I' Hiiliiinmt liiHurtlon,
Bpcl'i I rutoi for limit Umui iiiiIIi-oh.
( lix-iii mitlcoM rirulvi'il liilur tliim a o'clock
npl'i'iir t!io Intlowlm; ilny,
DUO. 15J, 1HM
The lttili and Weekly Chronicle may
It (mwlim mle at . V. Ni'c.kche.n'ii More,
Hlilry Ninvlti (Inriuirril ff it it i
liitrliir't Nntu lloiiK.
it ISu-
W'v uro ruliiilily irifortuud Hint .JoHiuh
AIIuii'h wife, tlio notud ii'rnonii(e, will
he in The Diilltia on Hid UUIi iriHt.
This ImlittH of tins M. K. ohiirch will
KtviM'liun cliowilnron WudnuHilny ovon
i 'lii) viiciuit Htoro ni-xt door to the
FimI ionii! Imnlc.
Jlf. .. -Iimi .StuH'ord'H dims in pliyHicul
fulture 'j. ladiuH will begin Siiturdiiy
.it .'i p. in., tit the court Iioiiho. CiontH, 7 ;.'!() p. in. Hume placo.
.1. Mullen, the hotoKnilior, will be
ntTyph Villey until the I'Oth. He re-qut-HtH
thut thoMu doHiriiiK iii;tures of
superior (Iiuh)i give him n call.
l.very yoittiu iiiuti and IiIh b' -'pirl
with have the opportunity to tal. lea
son in love-niukiiiK from Timothy Trott
mid the fair Matilda at the Kne Krinijle
entertainment Dec. lilth.
iMiriiiK the heavy blow yesterday Capt.
Kennedy'H Hteamer Inland Star draped
hur anehor and drifted acroHH the river,
niul lieH today moored on the Windiin
ton Hhore near the ferry landing.
A nuinher of boyH were nrruHtcd by
.HiirHiiai rraiiK miuunuy aaiiircuiy iiigiit
for Htoiitiii; a Chinaman. After promiBo
of butter conduct they were releiiHed.
TIiIh Hhould serve iih a leou to tlium.
A preacher who came out west to
Iilalio wiih shot dead by a cowboy re
cently. During u revival nieetini; lie
turned Htiddunly on the cowboy and
liked him if he wiih prepared to die.
"What in the lesson taught uh in the
flriililo of the Hoven wimi virgins'.'" asked
an Izco Sundav Fcbool teacher of her
pupils. "That wo should nhvnyn be on
the lookout for a bridegroom," unid the
Hiiialloct f,'lrl in tlio class,
.loo Itnivfl, of Prairie City, while foil-
11 ,r,' 'iu near killing Ills boy.
The boy became frightened when the
tree fell and ran under It, and wiih Btruck
by a limb, which broke bin thigh and
threw Imh knee out of place.
The large audiences which l?rtMfi1 I.I in
Htuttz company lam week have Hhown
that an opera Iioiiho would bo it nrnfiln.
bio investment in The Dalles, given trood
troupes. Considering the dull timej no
better patronage could bo expected
even m cities twice the !(. nf Tim
The total amount of contitv funds on
doiKisit in thn Oregon National bank is
$1(10,117.88, as stilted in the indictment.
Besides this the countv lias Hi8.077.21
in the Northwest Loan .t Trust Com
pany, an allied institution, for the re-
:overy of which Judge Moroland and
Commissioners llolbrool: and Stone be
gan a suit in the state circuit court lust
Mrs. P. E. Mlehell is in the city from
Mr. I Ic(tsnli(3nmi!rir in tut from
T,...I .1 1
iiiuniur tunny.
Mrs. llichard Power of Mosior is in
ino Lianes today.
hid. .lames Nickoll of this city, left
iwmj lur i oriianu.
Mr. Winifred Koberson of Portland
in tho city visiting friends.
Mr. l-oll, who operates the new Pen
dloton wool scouring mills, was a passcn
ger to Portland todav.
Mf l-'dgar Husbands and Miss Bertha
I hillins were married at the Mosier
scnooi house Saturday bv Her. Mr
Umatilla D V Ketchnm, C Ohlay
schlayer, F Seebree, T I) Condon, A W
Steen, Cieo Sebring, C A Gooy, .1 S
Schaen, Ah Nowc, F H Chuck, A Clegg,
JWtland: G V St ce nnil uifo .Inhn
Smith and wife. W Johns, J Luke, Kan
sas City; Geo Thornton, Philadelphia;
K R Graham, St Ixinrk, Litchfield, Geo
sueoey, ;oano; iv mcJJae, Uayville; J A
Patterson. C K liecs. Wm Dun no. Tif.nn.
j lexas editor anvises tne to ow nc ' ner d 1 armon. w () Knnnn. .v i" a .1
o i , . : ' . ii' --j ' i
method: J-ind out all you can about
yourself; if your life is an good and up-
right ut eleven o'clock at night as it as
at noon ;'( you arc as good a temperance
man at a fishing excursion as you are at
Sunday school picnic, if, in short, you
are roally the sort of a man your father
hopes you are and your sweetheart be
lieves you to be
Apart from the grand jury, who have
indicted Markle, .Sherman and Kelley,
there is a committee of 100 citizens ap
pointed to investigate the condition of
the finances of the county. The com
mittee finds that the mon
the bank cannot be recov
stance where Sheriu" I
fiO.OOO only $0,000 can bo recovered and I Iscriberg, Henry
tins even was not a pari oi tne original
Yesterday was one of the most change
able days imaginable. The sun shone
out bright and warm, witli spasmodic
gusts of wind, attaining a velocity of
about forty miles an hour, accompanied
with sharp sprinkles of rain. Tlio tem
perature fell from a maximum of "! to
10 degrees within a few hours, and Kan-
sasites, as well as those from the I)a
kotas, began to feel that the old blizzard
was following them to Oregon's gentle
I'.orie, H W James, Geo Lathom, John
Lakin, Pendleton : J Honsor, Wm Knap-
lon, Vancouver; .loel Koontz, City.
Al vert ihcil Letter.
Following is tho list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for, Friday, Doc. 9th, 1893.
Persons calling for same will give date
on which they were advertised:
Ilynen, Mr Michell Booth, Mr Joseph
Boreson, Joney Mr Clarke, Mrs Mary
Courtland, Harry Cover, Lee Hoy
Davenport, S H Faircns, Mrs M M
Hojt, Mr S Hughes. Samuel
Kerr, Missrlorence Kellv, E h
IT.. 1. 1..- t: :,..:!' c
Charlev II
obert T
uv deposited in ! Kochler, MissCarrieSnrineer, S D
i.ri.,1. in nn,.:. ''Hsioiip. Miss Maud Turner,
! W Mi, t mi fin UTr;,..f 1'
-.11.. .1 i "tol ". ""b"1! "
veny uej.osueo We ire . Chr st an Wooder. Sam
M. T. Nolan, P. M
Moore's ranch, about three miles south
of The Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage
and any one who desires to avail them
selves of the fact can secure reasonable
terms upon application. 17tf
CIiihIiik Out Snl i! of merries.
Owing to a contemplated change of
business, the undersigned will close out
the entire stock of groceries, hardware,
J i wood and willow ware at cost for cash.
liut before the sun had disap-, Cnn ,.ary wllie ti,e Etock js unbroken,
behind the hills in the west, a Jolus Biiothkus.
north of the citv.
taihn net in. and all that was left to tell
of the storm's visit was a fine covering j For a sore throat there is nothing
of snow on the Klickitat mountains, ! (!tll!r than a flaunel bandafee dampened
witli Chamberlain's Pain .Halm. It
will nearly always effect a cure in one
night's time. This remedy is also a fa
vorite for rheumatism and has cured
very severe caf-es. 50 cent bottles for
sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
very pleasant
with cool
i no average attendfinco of scholars a
tho Mitchell school is about .,5.
Mrs. Kates, wife of our school teachei
has been nito ill the past few days.
Measles in a light form are harassin
Boveral in the neighborhood at present
fill. 1 m .... 1
xiiu Hiicnii at I'rineville reports the
jan at mat place to bo empty. Some
thing unusual.
Miss Boardsman, sister of the proprie
tor of the Central Hotel, has been nlli
ijuuu suriousiy tno past three weeks.
Ill mml nn.n!n.L.l l..t ... .
"" -"' .i:r n ccnuil o 01 timn lins
been changed to one dav later th an hnriv
a- . -
loiore. no nas also abandoned his
wagons for a pack horse
S. 1. Allen reported snow to bo almnt
ono foot and a half deep as ho returned
irom I'rineville the 28th of last month
That is on the mountains between that
place and Mitchell.
Last Sunday night recorded an aeci
uuiit mat proved almost fatal to a citizen
of our town. James Ch .imbnrlntn nn.l
Bud Edmnnson were seriously disturb
ing tho peace by their drunken snells
when the marshal made an attempt to
arrest tliem. Resistance was made by
Chamberlain, when a scnflle ensued.
Tho marshal had his revnl ver in li!a
hand, and in some way it went on".
shooting Chamberlain in the right lee
just above the knee, breaking the bone
equarc off. His case is very painful, but
at present date he is doing verv well.
Drs. Honck and Hemlock attended tho
case. Hud hdmunson was fined .$10
and warned to do so no more.
E. V. E.
Mitchell, Dec. 7, IS93.
Baked Bhan SAxnwiciiES. Mash
cold baked beans to a paste; season
with mustard; add some finely-chopped
celery leaves, and spread between but
tered bread, either brown or white.
Serve with cheese. Under a French
name these sandwiches were the rage
at a Washington restaurant a few
years since. Ilarpcr's Bazar.
Rooms to rent at Rev. A. Horn's resi
dence on Ninth street. 6-23daw
WnntK n I'uiilto Meeting Cnlleil.
Hakti.axd, Wash., Dec. 11, 189,'!.
Editou CmtoNiCi.K I have read with
Interest the articles in yourcoluiniis con
cerning extension of time for paying for
forfeited railroad Iam!, also the $2.50
paid by settlers for the double minimum
lands within limitof tho proposed North
ern Pacific railway. The United States
gave tho homeseckers cholco of going
beyond railroad limits to pre-empt land
at $1.2j per acre or settle within the pro
posed limits and pav .$2.50 per acre in
consideration of tho benefits that would
necessarily follow. Tho settlers per
formed their part ot the contract in good
faith. Thogovernment has not furnished
the proposed rnilroad. The settlers aro
thus swindled out of one-half of the pur
chase price of their land.
The Northern Pacific lias been civen
land in lieu of every alternate section,
but the settler has not been remunerated
for h:s loss. He has received neither
lieu land nor tho return of his money
and interest thereon. This great wrong
demands such legislation as will place
this class of settlers equal financially
witli all more recent pro-cmptors m tho
same locality.
If the treasury is so depleted that this
ust claim cannot be refunded, the
United States should immediately issue
land warrants to such claimants, said
warrants transferable. In case an ex
tension of time is not granted for paying
for forfeited lands, those warrants could
be made to serve tho purpose of the
money which is not to be had.
I suggest that all such claimants hold
a meeting in Iho Dalles in the near
future to adopt some plan for redress.
William L. Lee.
Mr. Lee is deputy master of the Wash
ington state grange, which body peti
tioned congress on the foregoing subject,
which petition was disregarded. He
further says : "Such claimants are con
tinually receiving propositions from law
firms in Washington, D. C, proposing to
collect said claims for 25 per cent, of the
amount. If all patties concerned unite,
as one man, and procuie competent
counsel, they could collect the entire
sum with interest."
When you have tried so-called reme
dies for dyspepsia, headache and bil
iousness, with no benefit, let your next
Commencing Friday the Sth inst. the trial be Simmons Liver Regulator. It
Regulator will make tri-weekly trips, has never failed in relieving and curing.
Ask your dealer
Stove Polish.
for Mexican Silver
At Salt Lake Citv, Utah, Nov. 15th,
1SD3, Helen Elizabeth, daughter of Win.
and Lizzie McCov, aged (J months and 7
leaving the Dalles on Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays, connecting at Cascade J
TrmL-o iriln tlio Tlnlloo Pifv Tlio Tliilloci I
City will leave Portland Tuesdays
Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting
at the Cascades with the Regulator. All
freight (except car lots) will be brought
through the same day.
D. P. & A. N. Co.
The Dalles, Dec. 5, 1S93.
lluctdun'H Arlnra naive.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kill
ers I v
Specimen tJanpn.
S. II. Cllflbrd, New Casscl, Wis., woa
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism,
his stomach was disordered, his liver
was affected to nn alarming degree, ap
petite fell away, and he was terribly re-
uuceii in nesli and strength. Three bot
tles of Electric Bitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111.,
had a running soro on his leg of eight
years' standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Bitters and seven boxes of
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his log is
sound and well. John Speaker, Cata
waba, O., had five lurge fever sores on
his leg, doctors said he was incurable.
Ono bottle Electric Bitters and one box
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him en
tirely. Sold by Snlnes & KlnerBlv.
"Samanitia al the World's Fair,"
Ami be up to tlio tlmc.
Greatest Work of the Nineteenth Century
lly .lO.IAH ALMi.Vd WIKK.
A. G. Hoe ring,
Locnl Apctit, The DhIIh, Or.
in the Northwest
Now Open for Inspection and
Sale at
M. Honywi
a discount of
cts.onW Dollar
Every'ariiele marM in plain figure;.
we will Commence
We will be ready Tuesday Morning, 7 A. M.,
And then Look Out !
That is the first consideration. PRICES, PROFITS, GOODS, ALL SACRIFICED FOR CASH.
We flatter ourselves that we have your confidence, and think we deserve it, as we have never yet deceived you in our advertisements and shall
not commence now.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats
As we must turn our stock into Cash, we have not stopped at cost on some goods, but have marked the selling price for this sale below
actual first cost. ...
We offer 25 per cent, per day for Coin.
allow you $26 interest
and interest payable daily. Bring us, for illustration, $100 in coin, and we will give you $100 in merchandise at ordinary relail prices, and
aterest, also in merchandise, as our prices for this sale are are from 25 per cent, to 75 per cent, below regular retail prices.
Can use any amount, from 5 cents to $1,000.00.