The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 11, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
aunsciurTios katks.
Weekly, 1 year J
0 SO
r w
0 MJ
ti mouths. . .
" " . .
Dally, 1 year
' 6 mouths. . .
par "
AilJtvs all communication to " TIIK CHUON
ICLK," The Dalles, Orcjion.
oftick hours
General Delivery Window . to
Mouoy Onlor " .
Sunday U i) "
twins golUR Kast .
" West , .
StAm for nolileiulnle
" " lTtnoville .. . 8:9) a. m
" "Dufuratul Warm Springs ..5:Sia. m
" f Leaving for l.ylo & Hartland .:! u. m
" " Antelope .. 0:SOa. m
Ksceyit Sunday.
f Trl-weeklv. Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday
t " ' Monday Wednesday and Friday.
Tin: public tuul private nuU'btcdnoss
o( the world is ostinmteil to be S100,
000.000,000. Tin: M err i nine river Is snid to move
more umehlnery than uuy other stream
in the world.
At the present rate of increase there
will bo 100.000,000 people In the United
States in lifty years.
In the construction of the Suez canal
80.000,000 cubit yards of material were
excavated by oO.OUt) laborers.
Potatoes first appear in history in
1303. In ISO1.' the flitted States raised
Oldest Agricultural Paper in RmeitlGa.
To all cash suIimtUhts of Ttti: C'niiDS'tt.'f.K
paying one yritr In uilvinuo.
I The American Farmer,
1729 Now York Avonuu,
i, i.. .. i. ....... ..i. .,.,.. , ...
IlULlinj, tllL column of tlio i'tiolrot agricultural unit liter
ury mutter, picuuitiiiy cmiicumicil with llnu
Illustration. It Is
The Most Stujwojw I
Skin and Scalp Diseases, the'
worst forms of Scrofula, all Tltn AtlKlttl'AN l'All.MKII. which i now enter
II -1 J ,.i I lug upon Its T.MIi year, Is tliu pioneer farmer's
blOOCi-tamtS and P01SOI1S OI I ppcr in theeountry.
every name and bushels, in tssi the world I utterly rooted out by Dr.
raised 70,000.000 tons ; Pierce's Golden Medical Dis-, vationai IX CIIARActpw
AccouniNO to the last census there ',. rnr ovof. A'nn 1 "AIIWAAI. liN LIlAKALlhK,
are over U.000.000 bachelors in the I covel ror LVt;ry ,olt,(-'l;l-j ami deals with farmliiK mid farmer's Intereits
United States that. is. it.nno.nnn ,. I r.mmprl hv a tornid livnr or 011 l,r0H'1' pmcticil Hues, it
'&:a" blood, it is the only 'EMPLOYS TIIK MUST WKITEKS IN
7:S0a.m. , been married. r , i re ..i , ; mutvn.e
remeciy so certain ana cuec- wmuiu,
t'lVC that it ran be critarmiteed and everything tlmt appear In Its column In of
, . L ., . "ur",llCLU- the hlghcit character l:cry department of the
Tf tt fniK to hPnnt nr rtirc farmer buliui is dleusetl In an earnest.
II II iiins iu ut.ut.iu ur i-uiu, I, iri,cll,..,i way. looking to the greatest profit nml
IE. W. HELM &d CO.
Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals
Fine Toilet Soaps, Ms, Brushes, Pcrfomcry, Etc, '
Puro WlnoB nntl Llquoru for Mocilolnal Ptirpoaon.
CompountllrtK Phy8loltnu, Pratiarlrttlonn a Snoolnlty
No. lOfi Sworn! Strent, Tim Dulles, Orison.
Oppo-dlu Columbia Ciinily Knrtnry
P. m.
s h. m, to 4 v. m.
.9 a. ci. to 10 a. tn.
DEC. 11. 1S93
The best time for workmen to strike is
when business is brisk and when, conse
quently, labor is in j:reat demand;
when, for the same reason, employers
cannot afford to shut up their mills or
railway companies to reduce their scale
of operations. The worst time to strike
is- when business is dull, for then there
are always plenty of men ready to take
vacant places and employers find it
more profitable to quit business or cur
tail it than to continue in full force.
Ergo, the present is a hard time to strike.
Anarchism is cowardly and besides
productive of no good. The bomb thrown
Saturday in the chamber of deputies at
Paris will have no effect on the govern
ment but to strengthen it, and will cor
respondingly weaken the cause of the
Bnarchists and the socialists, who are in
nocent sufferers. If the cowardly shots
which killed Lincoln and Garfield, or the
bomb which killed the Chicago police
men in Haymarket, have resulted in
any benefit it has yet to be demonstrated.
The mission of some men born in this
world is to destroy, not to upbuild, and
these are mortal devils.
Cmso.vo is the enterprising potato
county of Minnesota. Three million
bushels were raised last year, three
thousand car-loads shipped and the rest
used in the larpe btarch factories
It is estimated that the richest of
civilized peoples is the Knplish, with
S1.236 per capita. In France the aver
aye is said to be S1.105, in the t nited
States Sl.Oat). while by the sale of their
lands to thu United States fjovernment
some of the Indian tribes are worth
from to per capita, man, j permanently cured by it
iyuiuuu iinu umiu.
, beuetlt to the fanner mm lilt family.
l furnlMiol at the low lirlceof
.....x. ...v,...; , lt n,,,,, the in nml IMh n! each month,
Eczema, Tetter, Salt-rheum, n"
Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles,' 5" CENTS A YEAK
Enlarged Glands, Tumors, and ! 1,1 ivame. tuu im.u... it th. e!
r, ... i iai , I iicrleiittui-iil imiMit In tliu country.
Swellings, and every kindred '
ailment, are completely and; KAKMEK LEGISLATION.
iiuriitK 'in' roiuiuR jenr tneie win noun liu
meue uumlier of matter of the mnit vital In
toieit to farmers ile.ilt with by Conureii ami the
Incentive l)eMirtmeiiti at WatlilliKton. It li
highly imi'ortiiut that the farmerN he kent
promiitiy and fully Informed n to what li hctiiL'
jdauuttl and done afleetlnK them at the National
(' They Mhould nil, therefore, take Tin:
Aiir.Hii'AN F.tuvKii. wlileli.tielm; on HhiltouihI.
1 t l i: .i. ' iu. riiiti.. ti. ..ti...
capo, is a I'resijyterian minister, anil " "'"f I""!"""''"" I ettlm; thli Information, ami devote-. ltef c
serves in that caoaeitv when at home. I of Dr. Sucre's Catarrh Remeilv i '" They lll ilnd )u It eouMantly a
... , ,. .. . " Kreat amount of valliulile information that tl
)H.I.1AJI i. 1 U.IKil.ll, ine nogro poll- : gy
tieian of tieorpia. i.s to apply for ad
mission to the bar at the next session
of the superior court in Clarke county. I pay you $500 in cash." Sold by!
r ourteen negro lawyers nave alreadv nil lnirrrriaa I
..... ... ...
Georgia bar.
I To every sufferer from Catarrh,
Naani-m MooiiAitoitAM, who has j no mattorhov bad the case or of
cnarge 01 tne iur:;isii village at i nv
New York Weekly Tribune
Dr. Sane's Catarrh
this : " If wo can't
Reined v
euro it,
Kreat amount of valuable Information th
cm itet lu no other i atx'r.
Til ' V Klttl l V K'AttltMlt Ittlll TMV ('llt.ilV.Mnil-
perfectly and permanently, we'll w'n i-'"eut one year for
at the
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San
Diego, Cal., says: "Shiioh's Catarrh
IJemedv i the lirst medicine I have
j A OKXTS make .".00 a day. (ireatest kltehen
j utciifll ever lucntcil. ICctalN :i et J t"
-old In every lion-;. Kample, lKistice ntilil. live
cents. JlcMakiu and Co., Cincinnati, Dhb-
tniikiuc JtJ.CO TO J:Vi.CO 1'KU WKKK
. , tit i it i .li l.v. iiruiunvu nun uuu nirillu ll ihtm- jiiiii
ever found that would do me any good." travel thn.uj;h the country: a team. tli.aih, 1.
Price 50 cts. Sold bv Snipes & Kinersl v. , '" "l'?;- .y."ei!"c.1.L's. ."'...""T;. '"'i'1
Salem wants everything. The aver
age life of a domestic hog is less than a
year. When they fatten to a certain ex
tent they cease to be profitable and
are slaughtered. Salem is trying to de
vour all the swill, to the exclusion of the
other towns in the state, which should
nave their rightful portion. Salem
must be .slaughtered. An injunction on
the branch asylum would so delay that
project that there would be no hope of
building it anywhere in Eastern Oregon
under the provisions of the act of the
legislature, and the construction would
be delayed at least two years, and per
haps longer. Meanwhile the number of
insane persons taken
increasing, and
ready crowded to i
comes more so, interferin
tion and makin
work burdensome and unsatisfactory
"Why uhould Salem keep interposing ob
stacles to prevent what the legislature,
the only representation of the people,
enacts. Salem is offensive, she hath be
come gross with mercenary passions,
caring nothing for her neighbor and
nothing for humanity. She should be
given a salutary lesson. Let the next
lEaatern and Southern Oregon represent
atives be elected who will favor moving
the capital to Portland, the great heart
center of the state, and here let it remain.
A ft noil Wor5.
yir. J. . Keil. Shart-sbunr. Pa..
Dear sir. I am Rlad to ay n ccod word for
Kraiue's ilesdache t.'aii;ules. After suflVrinrr
for over three years with acute neuralgia and i'
coiw.iuent ltomnia, which i-eerued to ball.
the ril.:t of ome: our best physicians you
suire-teil thi reniely which cave me almost in-1
sunt relief. Vonl tail to cxprci the nrahe I J
-hru'.d IlKe to bestow on KrailiC's Headchei
Cap-ulcs oratefullv Your, I
Mr, t. K, Holmes. j
Montrose, la. ,
Uth and Main Sts, Hlchmoud. V,i
sold by ruines Klhcrsly.
u'ono, wood, Avoon.
Heat uradb- oi oak. iir. nud slabconl
wood, ar lowest market rate at Jo-i. T.
Peters & Co. OHiee Second and .letier
sou Ptreets.
1'The St Charles Hotel,
This old, popular and reliable hoiire
has leen entirely refurnished, and every
room has been rtipapored ami repaints
and newlv carpeted throui'hm. The
house contains 17n rooms and auiipliti
with every modern convenience. Hate:
i reasonable. A good restaurant attudiet
i to the houe. Frer bus to and from all
' trains.
Wti fe' U 5 rT' YhiXl door t0 Wa5co San 0ffice
to Salem are daily t & U & & & "
the state asylum, al-1 aj-
ts fullest cajmcity, be- i;:Jyx;1-?ai.ii
g with sanita- ?j K
g the whole routine of
C'lff3 f'nfrli I.'- :i-..-."-.-,y-i- Tiirinit,
(JjO'i:. - t;;.- .'C ;- Wliuopin !.'utl;li
nr.i'. A-i.i.i:.. ' r v on'.;ni" tier, it tua no
ri,-i- in- i iif'.'l then ."inc'.aTr ,';: nil otliur.
f ji.. f vi"i.t .:t ic t.rr.e. Sold
It:' V'W - r r. i-, r. 1" .rl'-fiaeltecfc
or, ure Mill,' !" i t.VSZLl'.. iii cu.
John Pashek,
n i
li nor
fiyHas just received the Intent t lc in
Suitings for Gcntluiien,
nun h-ta larife asfortmeiit of Kor.iifTi .mil Atner
icii'i t I-iths. which he can linhh io Order for
thoM' that f.ivor him.
Gleaning and Repairing a Specialty.
Is the
Of the Year
4IONLY $1.75.
Closing Out Sale
Tlio large slock of goods al.
l E. Garretson's Jewelry Store
lo ho closed oul at prieos to suit the times.
f' P" liI C" n W 1 Notk-f is hereby civwi that tin- fotlmrftm
$ 'i;'lS:!hiSil S tC. lViC.UUt i uaii.wUettlerhuHtlleil notice of iil Intention i:
s.-A "tlij-ttlttiw" Si C ii C U U. i nanml ettler hux tlleil notice of hl intention io
H-- :- .u at-.irh? Tn'inMoedy ij iruamn- ,nfL' ""'.. l!r"f. 111 ,
tea1, wi:.;o ra. l'riCJ IMcvt. Iniector fnw elalin, ami that miIu jinx) v. Ill If rnmle U'fore
liu- reamer nun rei-eiver in ine jiuiien, ur. , on
l-tir .hIh liy Snlpnii A: Kmersly.
V 60R MB
The president's hand Jias lost its cun
ning. He has not succeeded in invent
ing a new catch phrase in his message.
The newest political party will have to
find better endorsers than Mrs. Lease
and Jerry fiimpsou before it is taken
Beriouslv by theeountry.
The worhingmen of the country under
democratic administration are like the
lilies of the Held. "They toil not;
neither do they spin ;" and the mug
wumps tell them that "Solomon in all
his glory was not arrayed" as they are.
Which is true.
Minister AVillis reports to the presi
dent that be does not find conditions in
Hawaii as they were supposed to be
when he left Washington, which is merely
the diplomatic way of calling "My Com
missioner" Blount a liar.
It is said that It was Colorado's bach
elor miners who carried the state for
woman suffrage. It was a sly scheme to
inveigle some of the superfluous female
population of the east to the Eyeless
Eden of the wild and wooly west. Col
orado will make a surprising showing at
the next census.
J. J. Van Allen declines the Italian
mission in a neat letter to Secretary of
8Ute Gresham, that reads very much as
though it was dictated by the president
himself. It is the most perfect example
of making the bett of a bad bargain that
has yet been given to the public. Van
pent his $50,000 and has heart burnings
for ids boot.
flbiloh's Vitaliaer is what yon need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
.kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
give yon satisfaction. PriVe 74c Sold
ty Jaipta it Kinarsly, druggists.
Easily. QuIcMr,
Permanently Restored.
Kebrn.iry 10, It'll, viz.
1 .Jik-iiIi II. Koliitrth,
Home-U'iid No. SM, for tbo HI'.1 , oi
NKU. ""'I W of HK14. nnd KV t of SKJ of ,-w
l.Tt.. . i-i., It. 1J K. W. II.
He imrne-t the folliiwini: wltinvKM tn prove hU
continuous residence ujon, nnd cultlv.itioii of,
mid linn), viz.
it li. Moirifon, JI. C. l'iiluter, J N l't!er-on
nnd ('. '.. htoiiKliton, nil of Iiiifnr, (jr.
djlMi JOHN W. M:VJr. IK-tfii-ter.
II- .V.Hj.ii Mint j. -.!. .
tnnll'lv' Jrl-Ki iUltl out Of tilf circuit Court of tlic hblte of
excite" liu remittor tJriKori, for the Ci iinty of Vuco, to rue directed
ovenvork, lciciioi, comiiiiindlni: mc to uwiie wile of the and In the
worrr.tic. FullttrcuKtb, mid wilt, defcrlbed to-wlt Thou- pjtvi-k nud
deTtlopnieni ami touu ! purcels of hind in Wiift-o County, Hutouf Ure
Klven looverytrBanarl Ki,n, known nnd ilocribdl hk the outh half of
trtlon of Ixxlr. i M-ction eiKhtfh , nud the i-outh hiilf of hi-iIoii
JS1 i-LwCroKixitMi e. 'imirter nnd the half of th- iiorthwct
2fin' references. , , ler and the outlivet iUiirter of the i.orthnuit
ezplariatlon and prx,(s quartei of wcclloii ten (10) mid the north hull of
Dialled (nealed) fret. 1 the uorthweit riiiirter nnd the oiitheiitii;irti:r
title. MtUIUAL lJ. ! ft 1 1 iii Towinhlpoiio 1, north of Uhiikc ourteen
DUFFALO r Y eiutof the VVIIliuiettu meridian, to ruiiko
.... nnd pay tbo nun of mimey, liikaliltourt ihIJuiIk-
id to f.3 naid to the uliilntlll'lii i-ald uctloii. in
ivtilh iintfrm Tlirt KiillettrirK Ijiait nml M'rtici
Lumbago, Sciatica.
vivtiiojf WUIHHIC4IIII.DI , y KiUviirii-i weroilefeiiilauti., to-wit, the mm of
LamO BaCK &Ca rxi).V) with interest then-oil, from July I. wu,
SX" M r'"0 ' I;r c,,t l"-'1, """"" ""'
iniioriieN leeH in kiiiu ueiiou uu cosm iiiki ujh
; burm entH therein taxed, I hao tills day levied
uon the luiwl uforusnld nnd on
I Kitturilny the iillrdiluy of I)crulir lHO.'t,
ut the hour of 10 o'clock n. in., in Iron t of tho
court home d'Kir, In tho City of The Italic, In
nld County mni hwte. I will nil Mild land ut
public auction, to tbuhiKhet bidder therefor.
, ii a no,
I Comiuinv were nlnilltlll' and Jdiaei Mouth. Mar-
I tha I. Iiooth, I.verett ii. Hall. J 1-. ilc-Cliire,
Biiriin u. ticiure, i. u. Aiier, imipii iioKcr. Jli
i Jla N. ltoer, I'rl KmUxly, J. il. Tay'or and J.
With Blectro-MoKnetlo aUSFIN80nY.
Idas all T
tiTcr-UMtlyii of krtiii nerre force) ictwei,orliidui-
Laittt I'ltrnUI IlMt iMurcvementa 1
will cure wltboat nunlldoe all nuti
rwMlnz from
uninior, nrjliilntj.
inelmcK, l-jiDtiagv, KiMI'l. all female coinpumtJ
ert-tion. mm nvrvimm debUltv. aueDleunbM.
rhvuinatlun, kidney, llrer asd bladder comryUlntJ,
freneral 111 betiUi, etc. Ttua fleclrw licit cunuiai
naMtrfei laemMMtu orer ail ouier
i rori
U ni
and -
Our fewerM Iam4 BU1TR1C HUTCXMBT. tlio
iiuuntl V tut
Mill cure all or Ui
L-nda have born cured by tula narveloua (inention
retMMtu orer all ouer. Current 11
by wearer or. we forfeit $i,(MO.ou, and
uw auvTU Qiaeaaes wr
hi cured bv thla nari
after all other rrniedle (ailed, and we rlv
ei teeumoauu ut lou ana very ouer aute.
or Do bar, Tluu
ve buadrvdi
muiett boon ever offered weak men, VUtK wtikall
Woars Send for Illua'd famplilet, mailed, eealed, frvu
Bio. ITS "IrM MU-et, JfOHTttAMU OKK.
Executor's Hotioe to Creditors,
Notico I bert-bv clven that the County Court
of the HUte of Oregon (or Waaco County ban
duly appointed tho nnderiK"el the executor of
the uut will and testament of (iwxw Y. Jleer,
ileceaacd. All Deraotiv having cUiuu agalnu
tho citato of ald deceaied aru hereby required
to oreaent them, with thu nroner vouelier.
within alx month from (he date of this notice,
to Mid executor at 111 place of residence, liejir
Dal lea City, in ald county, or at the oltlcu of
W, II, WIUoil, In aid Italle City,
lllflll.UI 11lV'l U"
lunnriii !.. ..Aiiiii"!.
lilted tbi lt day of November, IKU. ilw
Sheriff of Wueco County, Ktnto of Oregon.
lly virtue o( an (ixecutlon nud order of tale,
Ukiiuloutof the Circuit Court of the Ktato of
Oregon, for tho County of V!nmo, to mo directed
i-ommMiiiling mo Ui iiiiiku aloof the land In the
Mid wilt derctibed to-wlt: thoto piece and part-el
ol Jand In Watco County, Hbitc of Oregon,
known nud described the routhwed quarter
of nectlon four l), and the north hall of M-ctiou
nine a), and tho northwet quarter of k-cIIoii
FCvenU-en 1171, In Towiuhlp nin III north of
Itaugo fourteen II I, euat of tho Willamette Meri
dian, Ui make and pay the urn of money, In
Mild Court udJwlKiil Ui bo paid to tho plaintiff III
i-ald action. Io which action Tho Hollcltor Ixmiii
and Trut CompHiiy wcio plalntltl', and Jaine
llooth, Jiartha ii. llootli, Kverett JJ. Hall, J, If,
McCllire. Harali II. McClure, 1). (i. Alter. Ilalpti
llwer, Julia ti, Itoger. Ufl Kniliody, J. il. 'Iiiy
lor and J. K. Kdwatd were defendant, to-wit;
thoaumof lawioovvlth luteiet theieon, from
July I. Ib'Jj, at thu rate of nix ierceiiticrauiium
ainl t'JW.Ui uttottiey' fee in ald action and
cont mid dUbumcrneut therein taxnl, 1 have
till day levied upon thu laud iiforciai,and on
Huturtluy i :trd day of Ilttoriiiber, 1HII.I,
ut the hour of 10 o' lock ii. in. lu fiout of thu
court hoiuo door, in the City of Tlio 1h1Io, in
aald County and ritate, I will i-ll fiidluiid ut
public auction to thu hlgliet bidder therefor,
T. .. WAitf,
Hherill'of Waco County, ritnto of Orecon,
I.ANU Omen, The I):llle. Or.,)
Nov. U, Iji!0. )
Notice i hereby given that tile follimiug
uttmul rcttler has tlKil uolicoof M intention to
make linn! proof in uport of his claim and that
Mild proof will bo made before thu reyliter and
receiver at The Italle, Oregon, on Wednenlav.
iKcemlf.-rT, vja, viz
iii-witt nine.
llomesteiii! Aiiplieatioii No. isi'i, for the NUof
Hli' , nud uf KV',, mc Id. T. 'J b H II Halt.
He naiiioa the following wltnoe to prnvu ill
continuous residence iixm and cultivation of
.-alii lauiI,vU'
II. . Well, of The Italh'. Or., Charles
Kmtiin, Jame Kinlon ami I'aul l.lmerotli of
NaliM-ne, Or.
John V. i.r.wi, Ueglstcr.
st )tigk T'o it i' i'iVligatTon.
Timlier I.-ind. ,ct June a, WK)
I', h I.ANI) OFI'ICK, The Italic, Or.,)
Nov. h. i ye. I
Notice ii hereby given that In eompllauce
wiiii wit- priivmiou oi im act oi ruugrcxx in
June::, INT, entitled "An act for tlio wile of tim
ber laud lu the itate of California, Oiegou,
.S'l-vudii and Washington Territory. "
Neat (.'. Hln vuiixiiii,
Of Kinglcy, county of Wan-o, tate of Oregon,
ha thilav lileil in thi ollii-e hi nniiru utale-
meiit for the purchase of the Nli.. of NWJ.,',
of Hcctlon. No. Z), ill 'l'owiMhlp No. b , raugo
no i.t i.. . aim win oner prooi iomiiow
that the laud maight I more valuablu for It
timber or utouothiiu for agricultural puriMit-e,
and to e-tiilillili his claim to raid laud before
the Kcgimcr mid Itecelver of till olllco at 'lliu
Dane, ur., on the l-ltn nay of January, Ih'JI.
He name a witneKi-e: (ieorge MolA-od, Ja-I-r
i:nley, U-ou Hoiideau and (jifayctto Itavl,
Everything Musi He Sold, Reprdless oi Cost
Now is the Time lo Boy Christmas Presents.
A. R. Thompson, Assignee.
nil of Klugtli-y, Or.
Any iiiiu a i t:i
aliive-'lu;crllKil laud are reiiueiteil to lib; their
iM.-rmn claiming adversely the
claim lu thlotlicuou or before ald l.ith dayof
January, tajt,
win JOHN W. l.KWIH, Keglter.
Noticu is hereliy jjivun that tlio iiinliir
wigiiiiil Iiiih been iltily uiipointcd by thu
County Court of tho Htuto of Oruion for
Wuti-o County in prolmto, oxecutrix witli
tho will annexed of tho catitto of .JuiiieH
Ufiderliill ileceutiud. All perHotiH liuvint;
cliiiniH iiKiiiiiHt Haiti oHtiito uro hcroby rn
Itiiriid to iiresent tlioin to mo with
proper voncliora at tho hiw oflico of Con
don & Condon in DuIIoh City, Oregon,
within nix montliH from tho (into of thin
November 11, 1803.
CbAItA Z. U.NDKItllll.b,
Executrix of the Kitatoof JameH Under
hill, deceiiHed.
I.AMD Orfit'K, Thu Italic, Or.,
Out. IW.'I. i
Notit-o 1 hereby given that thu following.
Iiitmeil Hettlerlia illed notlcuof III lllleiitlon to
make final proof in nupport of III claim, nnd
that tuild nroof will Iw iinulo beforu tho KcuUtur
uud Itecelver ut Thu Italle, Or., on December
ii, wsj, vu:
Itolnndo CI. llrooka,
devlaeoof John Iliighu,deceaied,
llomeatead Application No. KW. forthuH'5 HH'i
and H4 HWof Sec. i,Tp. 1 N., It. W K,
He name thu following wnneme to prove
hi contluiiou renideucu Utin uud cilltiviition
of mid laud, via;
O. W.Cook. W. A. Miller. l'nuikCrclglitou and
Heth Morgan, nil of thu Jtalle Or.
r-,. i,, ituown inejiu vau nonce.
t!2-9 JOHN W. I.KWIH, Iteghter.
Estray Taken Up.
One blaok pony, branded either 6 or B on left
hip uud left Jaw Owner cun Imvo aumuby prov
ing property 'id liaylng for till notice.
lU-lSwlin l'otoiicu, The Dalle, or,
This Week Only.
Commencing Tomorrow, Wednesday,
wk wiu. hki.i.
Wool Felt I-Iats,
Sl.OO to $1.50 each
French Felt Hats,
82. OO to !$y.OO each,
Also, Great Reduction on
Baby Caps.
it 50 cts
at $1.25.
112 Suoond Street.
Will coiitftautly keep on hand 11 complete Hue ol
. ...Hull Of
Having purchiiMil Mr. Ilutlei' enllru alock, I hIiiiII iiiU-nvor to Iiialutiilii the m
Ihu hoiuo, which liu hetii' , flNE
Call and see me, next door to Postoffloe.
Second St.
I. C. NlCKELSEN,Th.rnor