The Dalies Daily Chronicle. Kntoi-d nt the Pixtorlcc nt Tnu Dalle, OrvROii, ita nccond-cliiKS matter. WHAT VANDERBILT LIKED. Thp DniiRliiiutu anil ttiitlnu I'liililliiffft II' Unit Coohcil for Him In Newport. Tin; tiAi.i.KS OKKOON Tlu Sttltt Cnuiimi)-. The .Stutts coni'miiy ha: played a very sueaiessful week's enpapeinent in The Dalles. They came hurt only to put in time, not expt'etin: to make ex pense?, but Mr. Stutt informs a re porter that the receipts for the live nijibts will pay their expenses for the entire week, so that what they take in tonipht and at the matinee will he clear. They deserve this much at the hands of our people and both are to be congratu lated. Their plays have all leon of a hiiih moral tone, and the lessons have ; th'tupx Now Try ThU. It will cost you nothing and will sure- I ly do you good, if you havo a couidi. Down in Newport the other day this j n)jtj( or nm. troublo with throat, chest anecdote of the late William K Van- or hm ,)r Nmy )iscovon. for consumption, couphs and colds is guar anteed to jjive relief, or money will bo paiil back. SuUerors from la grippe found it just tho thing and under its use had n speedy and thorough recov eay. 'Iry a siunplo bottlo at our ex pense, and learn tor yourself just how pood a thinu it is. Trial bottles free at Snipes & lCinursly's drug store Large size oOc and $1. benefitted mam who could not be reachtd through the pulpit. The per sonnel of the company are all ladies and cuntleuien, and ofl" the stage have car-, ned themselves with a respectful and ! proper bearing. They have made many , friends. The argument that the money , paid to traveling show companies goes ; out of town not to return is bad. The receipts have !oen paid to our hotel and store-keepers, which is disbursed again to the channels of circulation. What they take in today is for value received and conscientious, tiring work, and they should le greeted with a rousing house. They play "Fanchon," which made Maggie Mitchell, and all may be as surred their money's worth. derbilt was told: "The husband of u j woman, who for tunny years annually Helped the housekeeper at the Viinder built summer houe pack tho -roods which it was intended to take back to the winter home, said he went down to the Vauderbilt place to meet hb wife one day, and as he was cominr away Mr. Vnnderbllt came out on the lawn and stopped him, saying: ' Do you know where 1 can jet a good cook for four weeks? 1 am going to stay hero a mouth longer, and the cook is going to leave to-morrow. Can't you get me one?' "I said 1 didn't know. I would try, and then Mr. Vanderbilt said: 'I don't want any Trench, faneltied cook. I'm going to be bore almost by myself, and 1 want one who can make old-fashioned I've We,u just longing for some Indian pudding, some doughnuts and cheese, and some brown bread.' 1 (iniit l'ntutii Kit tor. Contrary to the general belief that Ireland leads the world in its fondness for "praties," statistics show that, the people of Germany and Belgium are the greatest potato eaters; the con sumption in these countries annually exceeds one thousand pounds per head of population. Mr. J. P. Hlai.e. an extensive real es tatedealer in Des Moines, Iowa, narrow- knew where there was an oldcoolc, and j v escaped one of the severest attacks of although she had givon up the business pmnuiu)Ilill wilik, in lll0 I1()rthorn part I got her to no for the mouth. She t , , . .... , ' said she got order to cook all old-style 1 f lo:va ,l ,n,,a .recent ."-. .vs things. One day she told me Mr. Van derbilt seat for her, she went in. and he said: 'Do you know how to make ' the storm and was so thoroughly chilled doughnuts?- She said she did. and that he was unable to get warm, and in then he said he wished he could have side ot an hour utter his return he was some sucu a nis momor used to maice. Then he said he wanted the Saturday Keview. Mr. Maize had occasion to drive several miles durintr Jusi Arrived from Hew York KPDKXDU) ASSORTMENT OK todies' Jackets, YOTJO ATTENTION I oilltid to thu fnot that flagl) Glenn, Dealer in nli mid Build ,Hrlnl ai Juimuit ituU. FROjYl $3.20 UPWARDS Piciiir nil; Mil GODOS pilios, At I'uinail,nli. I.' I'l'ic. Splendid Chinchilla Overcoats $5.50. IT Id. AS.-OKI'.MKNT Ol- Winter Dry Goods, boots, snous, hats, etc. 72 To i) found In the City. LClasbington Stncct. From TERffllflAli or INTERIOR Points - T1IK An Iltor lliiro-w Iilpiu'd. For the publication of an article in reference to the character of his father, Henry Liebe, young Alfred C. Liebe this afternoon horsewhipped Druno Sit tig. editor of the Freie 1'resse, at the corner of Third and Washington streets, with a riding-whip, over the tace and body. Henry Liebe, it will be remem bered, was recently shot by his nephew, Christian Hess, who ciaimed to have been a victim of heartless persecution at tin; hands of Liebe, which drove him to shoot Liebe and kill himself. In refer ring to this affair the Staats Zeitung did not touch as gently as young Liebe de sired on the reputation of his father, and this made the occasion for the horse xvhippinc administered to Sittig. The two men met about 1 o'clock and Liebe began striking Sittig across the face witli a riding-whip. He struck a number of , blows over the head and body of tiie ' editor before the arrival of Officer Dur renberger, who placed Liebe under ar- reat and took him to the police station. 1 There he was charged with assault and battery and was released on .20 bail. Telegram. an fashioned Indian pudding, with that amber-colored jelly all round the out side of it lie used to invite other elderly men to come to nine with him and would praise it all, and ask them if it didn't make them think of old times. "Said the Newport man: 'One day 1 met Mr. Vanderbilt again, just as he was about to leave for Ni'W York for the winter, and he said. Tin much obliged to you for sending me that cook. I have had a good time. I've had tho best things to eat that I have known in Houghton many a year ' " X. Y. Advertiser. , f ll T.xt, .l.l.t.l l.Mtl, ,1 Ct, ,-,. n,li:iin( ... , . ' .... v. v.v. ...... .. C l- V.ISU Ul tF" A we are tnreed to s-KLL FOU CASH in order to avoid lawsuits f like ! he famous A. .. Collins and wife's suit and bad debts, our prices will ulwuyt b found the verv lowest in the market. U'e invite our friendH and ciiHtomerH to monia or lung lever, .nr. lilaizii scut to the nearest drug store and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Keniedv. of which he had often heard, and took a j examine our uoods and prices before purchasinu. number of large doses. He says theef-j feet was wonderful and in a short time I he was breathing quite easily. He kept j on taking the medicine and the next I day he was able to come to Des Moines. ' Mr. Utilize regards his cure as simply, wonderful. For sale bv lilakolev i i Notion. SPARROWS ON A SPREE.'- An Ingciioui I'iailtor Kuwil Ills Cotton by r.QttliiR t.'ie IJir.'Ji I'put DrunS:. The English : parrows have proved a nuisance in tin- atton country, for as soon as the pods, open they pick out XLt- cotton and carry it off. and Home planters have lo-,t, as they claim, hun- ureus oi pounds in tni. va . .There : Ktiquotte or h l'ructical Sort. A housewife of the Last end con cluded that the only solution of the servant-girl problem w:i.- to teach a greeu girl herself. She had experience with girls who thought they knew something, with no success. According ly she engaged a girl from tht country who prufeas.ed to know nothing, and commenced training her. One of the new servant's duties was to attend the door, and the lady of the house tried in many ways to impress upon her mind the necessity of taking a tray or salver with her when she answered the bell to receive cards, letters, etc. During the afternoon the bel! rang and shortly afterward the servant appeared at her mistress' door, saying: "If you please, ma'am, the vegetable man Lsat the door and wants to know if you want any good potatoes." The lady looked up from her sewing and then fell into a fit of laughter. The servant war, stand ing, as she had been taught, holding the silver tray with three large pota toes on it in the most proper manner. The servant's sense of the fitness of things was evidently undeveloped. Pittsburgh Dispatch. ! Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the un ' dersigned, until Monday, December 11th, at 4 o'clock p. m.. for L'O cords of drv, I split wood, for the city's use. Saul ; wood to Ihj delivered partly at the office ; of the undersigned, partly at the citv j marshal's office and partly at the tire I engineer's office. The right to reject any and all bids ii hereby reserved. , DorcsLAs S. Di'ri'i:. 1 llecorder of Dalles Citv, When (lie Train slops at TIIE DALLES, uef oil' on (lie South Side AT THE HEW COLiUlWBlfl HOTELt. Till Ursti mill ixipillur IIciisi il. c- tne pn nctiuti imle! liiilui. mill it liri'jwitiil In (unit'li the lli-'t Arrni:uniHl:itlii: of tin; lluii'O in tlic cl!, mill ut tin' lii--. rate oi $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qlass Heals, 25 Cepts. Ilttlcii fur all Hlits;,' l.lin'" l' vine 'I In' liilli' fur nit iolnl In Kii'ti'rn Ori'Kon ii'kI Kii'tiTli Viililii;tiii, In till-, lintel. RRILRORD If till' lltlll III tllL'f corner of Front iiml l iilni. sis T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. I Notice. 1 1 Notice is hereby civen that unless the , delinrpjent taxes "of Dalles City are paid j ttiiiiiii iuii uavs irom tue oaie oi nil.- notice the names of the deliiKjuents will be imblished. By order of the common council of Dalles City, made December 2d, ISM. Witness my hand this 7th day of December, WXi. Dan Mai.oni:y," City Marshal. Notluu. TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOLI. It 1 tin- Dlulnt: (Mr Itoiuo. It run Thrnmh vniuUiit i nilll" Vi! J lillj til (111 jUflf U) p. paul and Chicago (so cii.v.N'tn: of caiih.) CiililtxixM ill IMllltlK (.'iuk linnuriiiil. J'lltl iiihii Ijriiwliu; IliK)mHlwH.Tri, liiti-Ntoiulpmnil. TOURIST SLKEI'ING CAHS Hint Hint run (c roitntnii'ltxl, unit In wlitcti ni''oiniihiiliitliiiii mir ttotli Ynv iiml I'lirnlntml (or liiililiTniif Flrvt mill H-coiid'Cliiw Tlukutn.uuiJ ELEGANT BAY COACHES A coutlniioiin lino, cniini'Cttm; with nil lni I iftoritltii illrvct nml .nilnlorriiptiil urvli-c I A Wlio Tlielr Snreptlicarl Are. ".My sweetheart." said a diamond dealer in Maiden lane, "is a jewel of a -irl. "Her eyes are as blue as sapphires, her cheeks are like the carnelian, hhe ha.s lip of coral, teeth like pearls, her one man. however, on the Misai.'.-,inni 1 brow is white as Persian marble :tnd truit has not lost much, kuvs the Ht, her hair is the color of old gold. Clothier and Tailor. , Decidedlv the Finest Line of Chronicle. When he found the sparrows were coimuittinj; depreda tions he procured a iiuantity of wheat. ' ioaiied it in sweetened whisky, and Ktrewd it along the rows. The spar r.jv. found it and thought they had a picnic. So they had, but in fifteen or twenty , minutes were the tipsiest lot of ', sparrows ever seen on the face of thi. arth. They rolled about on the ' .'round, falling on their backs and sides and kicking their heels into the air like a parcel of drunkards, all the 1 while uttering the most comical squeaks. They did not have long to wjueak, however, for the boys gath , ered them up and threw them into, bag. The first day they gathered two biibhels of drunken sparrows. Three or four days later the experiment wa repeated with almost cijual success, j and from time to time since. They ! made excellent potpie, but the surviv ors have evidently come to regard the plantation as hoodooed, for now very iew come about it. ' ! look like the Tier name is Kuby. "She has a dreamy moonstone. "Her wit sparkles like a diamond. "Her father is a connoisseur in gems. I adore her!" "A rare llower," said the I'ifth av enue tlorist, "is my sweetheart. ".She has eyes like like pinks, a brow like the lily and hair the hue. of yellow roses. "When I saw her last she wore a bunch of brown chrysanthemums at her throat and held a fox-glove in her hand. "She was born in I'osey county, Ind. "Her name is Hose. "She is the flower of her sex." N. V. World. A C'fMtly Clmrrli. The total cost of the .Mosque of Kt. Sophia, at Constantinople, has been variously estimated. Ancient authori ties give the sum as equal to one mil lion six hundred thousand dollars of either gold or silver which, is To All Whom It .May Concern J!y order of the common council of Dalies City, made and entered on the '.'A day of November, ISO!, notice Is hereby given that said city council is about to proceed to order and make the improve, ment of Second street in said city as hereinafter stated, and the cost of such improvement will be levied upon the projierty adjacent thereto, and said iin proveineiit will be made iniiess within fourteen days from the Until publication of this notice, the ownera of two-third.- of the property adjacent to said street i about 10 be improved shall file their remonstrance aeainst said itiinroveiueiit as by charter provided. J , The improvement contemplated and i ! about to Ikj made is as follows, lo-w it , I To improve .Second street in said cit ;. , I from Union street to the foot of the j j brewery grade by lining the same the bluebells, cheeks i'".UTU leiigui inereoi neivveen saiu (joints like the lily and w so is iu umig sai l . sireei up louieeeiaimsueu graue inereoi, as heretofore established by ordinance i No. '217. Which grade in the middle of the street is supposed to le of the fcame ' elevation as the side walks along said street, except where said side walks are not on a uniform grade from square to I square, and said street shall be tilled in 1 such a manner that when said improve , rnent is completed tho center thereof shall be on the established grade anil and shall slant to each Hide to an eleva tion of 8 inches below said established trades. i Haul improvement shall be made with ' rock of such size as shall he luruished to the property owners by the authorities Gents' Ru riiis I'll rig Goods, I'ulltiinn Hlii'n:r riKuivntlnim mil Ui M.urw1 tu nilviinix' tlirimKli miy nwi'iit ul tlic limit THROUGH TICKETS I.UKlmiil nml KuroiHi i.'tiu Ixj )nirf: UCkl'l OKICl! OI lliaClllllJ'llll)- nntl Irnm nil litv In America, nui'i mi miy COK. Trunks and J aliscs, etc., etc. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. TilK DALLES, OK. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its Jiooa leads on to fortune." Tho poot unquestionably had roforonco to tho Cunt-Oil Si i Fritirn c - run iiiuiriur.uuu concuriiuiK i trnlim, routit. nn.l ntlier iluulln InrnlMiul nu ipllcntlim to W. C. ALLAWAY, Audit 1). ,v A. Nav. Co., Ilcffiilntor offlcr, Til I'mIIi, Or., or i A. 11. CIlAltl.TOK, ' A t. (M.'ucrnl l'n':i.i;i'r Aul.. I'nrUaiut. Jin Wasco Warenouse Go., Receives G-oods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Ra fces Rcasonble. MA UK (100ls , yjsr. CO. TMK DAI.I.KS. on at CRANDALL 6c BURGET'S, Who aro selling those goods out at greatly-roducod ratob. MICHEL15ACH I51HCK, - - UNION HT. latter, mid puts the total cost, .at the least computation, as over live million dollars. A later writer on tho hubject (Neale) expresses his belief that gold wus intended. According to this sup- with bad-! P01-0"' '-' uxpunses, if this can be Hess." She went on. 'Kron w t i u.m I ...w, iinnii, i ti.,.n . .i... 1 the i. nimii ,t- miiumiiui liuil nil frost kills the leares und leaves the world so desolate." Tor llur Sake. "It is sad to see the chill of autumn j settling o'er the world." she said. "Why er yes, I believe it is," said the young man. -Auiuxnn always nils me ! of D.itli'H citv. nnd hIiiiII be hauled nml tlOt e- rtlnr..,.! tr uniil o,,iil ri Mil, l.v (l.,ic. tt pressly stated, t.ibbon inclines to the reHru.(:tive nronertv owners ubiittiin. t i . . ' , , enormous sum of sixty-five million dollars. It Is also stated that the dome of the tabernacle was of pure trold. anil surmounted by a cross weighing seventy-livo pounds and encrusted with I precious atones, All the sacred vessels were of gold. The altar cloths were ' embroidered with gold and pearls, and ' the altar itself was coinpo&ed of a mass ; of molten gold, Into which were thrown Loit. two notefl payable to J. C. I precious jewels, and every object which Meiiib. All perHonn are warned not to could raise its costliness to the lik-hcst upon earn street, ami spread on ami street to as to be of even ourfaco and as directed and under the Hupervision of the committee on streets and public projerty. H. Dltim:, Recorder of Dalles City. this !Mtii day of November 'No you won't," lie answered posl tlvely, "I'll tlx that" "How?" "I'll go into the coal business." Washington Htar. NoteK "iTont. purchase Haid noted. dlw J. C. Muikk. imaginable degree. Golden Days. WOIMI, WUOI), WOOD. Beat gradea of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, nt lowest market rated at Joe. T, TeterB & Co. (Oflico Second and Jeffer eon etreete.i Karl's Clover Koot, the new blood purifier, gives frenhnoss und clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50o. and $1.00. Hold by Snipes & Kinerely, druggists. I have used Kiiiiuions Liver Regulator in my practice for the last four years, und cannot find its equal for bilious colic, dytpepaia nick or nervous head ache and constipation. Jas. M. Shout, M. D Butlervllle, Ark. lit) SlaUc the HUIi Hit Duwn. ' Prompted by a feeling' that it was Ids duty, the bishop remonstrated with one of his clergy for uttendlug a local hunt. "Well, your lordship," replied the offender, "I really do not see that there is uny more harm in hunting thun iu going to a ball." "I presume," answered the bishop, "that you refor to having seen my name down among those who attended Lady Komerville'u bull, liut I assure you throughout the whole evening 1 was not once iu the name room as the dancers." "That, my lord, is exactly liow I stand. I was never in the same field with the hounds." Then the bishop sat do wn.I'eanton'B Dated ISO.'i. (Ill, S. L. YOUNG, : JBWBLEB Watches mid Jewelry rejmlrul to order on hurt notice, nnd mtUfuctlon Kuuruutocd AT TUB ntorn of I. V. NlckeUeu, d Nt. The Ditlle Business Change. The undersigned lias bought the Chinese merchandise busl JIC6B heretofore conducted by YEB HOP &c OO. and will pay all bills owing by said 11 rin if presented to them before December 1st, IBM. CHEW KEE & CO., lao Malu Ht., Tim Ualla, Ut. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Won Tin Repairs aul tooling MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Btreot, next door west of Young & Kue Blacksmith Shop. FREE! Freem With every dozen Cabinet Photographs, one .... o Life-Siase Crayon. o Call at the Gallery and see samples. My work speaks for itseli THE DALIiLKB, OIJ, JNTJiRNA. TJ 0 V if Airi.ttf lhtTiltt. fl, "sfV Tun .ir 'f. S in mliiiif,V'; ? DNpeiiilr i t JUvcrylii'ih'), HllOllIll '. Dicti.Hiiin ; J HuiHiili ill";''"; ' lory, ni'ultms, I' ..i,M,.Mll,l.. '' 2 iiio.'tiitiiu nt wiinl. irvin Ittwll. it(U:' ' tlm iiIIimi ili'ufruil Infiiriiiatlim iunern ' lilliuillt it!inoin; liinln (iiiiri:riiliilj 'lu ciiiuitrk'H, :lli!n, Kiwnn, ami 'l',tlin"V,l,. tllli'H of tlm lilnliii: n:irlii:lllarrt I'llllCcrnH'l- noloil lictltliiiui iiurxiiimiuiil il. v , of furiilKii qnotatloiw, , t'K' 2 Iilili.ll lli'tltli.llil liuniin. mil IlLlCt'". tMH"; i i.itiou I Thin Work in luvnluahlP $ IioiihvIiiiIiI, mill to tlm K'licliiir, Kcliolur. 'i 5 luiiiiinui iikiii, ami Niiu-oiiiic'.uiir J .Suld Im All Wiiil.nfllrr.i, ti. f Aforrliifil i'.tl. i I'lMUIiem. I wrusTER'S fitliiiijl'lil, Mii- ( iutfuNAIIONAL 5 cxr"iiiiotiiiiyriii'iiiiiioiii-V niirrioNiMuTy InUiif (llai'Jlll S ft rhiH 1 fill tltH3 liriJ.lM'I'tllti The Dalles Daily Chronicle. vW HAS A TAMILY 01 2000 HEADERS. Tlmy rend Tlic (llirenlolo to k tl" Mvsl H'" niont rulliililo liiiwH. Anil tlmy nnd uvwy ' Unit In In tho impur. Tlmt l wind iii l" (Jlirmilolo mi liiVMliialilo iiilvcrtldHB ''"" "' Tho iievVMjuiper tlmt Kl. U tho. wi UruMilfH In tliu mm tlmt tho inlvcrUtr of lixliiy iMitronUu 1 whoa tluy 'X'"' ri'iioh tho k-ojiIo. Whun tlioy wiitit )"' tlielr mimmiicoinuiilN will ho found l I'" Uiolc iivuroiircoliimiiN nml ohnorvo tho vi'tini tloaof tho truth of UiIh intkortlon. oincii-' ... ntnidoof ii finally of two thonmiiid vj jfr- Is worth imkhiK fur throiiKh W 7f cohuiiM, MiolHlly o nt our wr