The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 09, 1893, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
KliUT'-'l "
tho I'liKtiilllt'UNt Tint llnlk'H, Orr-KOii
Clubbing List.
fhfujiflf ami V V. Tribnne
fironiflt Amirifin r'armfr, . . .
fhnmiflr anl VtCliirr'n MapaZmf, . . .
fbniaiflo inJ ('(Hiwipolilnn Mapazinf,
lU'Kiitar Our
price jirfco
,. KM tl.V,
. . KI.UV M.25
I.iuiltl AiIvitIIhIiic.
10 Cent pur lino for firm limurtlon, unit f Cent
it lino fr "' MHHuwjiKint IliMTtlnu,
Spirlnl rutiiK for loan tlmo imtlcuN,
All liinii iintli'RN rifolvcd IiiU.t tlinn a o'clock
trill ujijifiir t!io following rtuy.
HUG. 0, 18113
The llnih and Weekly Chronicle may
lie found on mile al I. ('. Kiakehr.n'u attire.
DECEMBER DOTS. (iurunroil front
purlnr'n Niitii Hunk.
"ranehon" tonight.
Tho thermometer ranged in the fifties
every day.
Mr. flul French Iiiih bought out Mr.
Malcolm .IiuneHon in the reul estate
ten in.
JUvf 1 F. Terry, the motormiin of
(Jit- lt,i . , wan releiiHod from jnil last
ercnint; ut lii.'IO o'clock, the bondH of
f.1,ii0i) having been fiirniHhed.
The Wiihco county luminary in extin
tinguiHlied. ItH gonial rays are no more,
ami the eoekroneh playo tag around tiie
jiaHte pot, with the hcIhwh for uole
.Mr. A. llettingon i doing n good
work in front of Ii'ih property oi. 'cond
fltreet by removing ttie mud and putting
rock in itH place. Ho intendo to prac
tically demoiiHtrate the value of a good
piece of road.
Mr Hal French, who ia associated
with Mr. .1. M. Huntington in the real
estate business, has fitteil up their office
in an oletrant manner, and to give it an
important touch it is connected with
the Western Union Telegraph system.
.lames Wedle plead Kuilty of larceny
ltefore JtiHtice Schutz yesterday. John
Krier, his partner, plead not guilty, and
Wedle appeared against him as a witness.
An a result lie was bound over under
bonds to appear before the grand
Sherill' Woolery of f-eattlo arrested Kd
Henderson on the 8th inst., on a tele
gram from Tho Dalles, Or., where ho is
iran tod for an assault with a deadly
weapon. Ho will m held till Shorlfi" T.
A. Ward, of Wasco county, arrives with
tho requisition papers.
There Is little land in Hood Kiver
valley but what is well suited to apple
growing. Mr. Geo. Triplow is planning
to shortly put out ton to fifteen acres to
standard winter apples on his placo on
tbo side of Dead l'olnt mountain, just
west of tho forks of Hood Kivor.
A petition has boon forwarded from
Wasco, .Sherman county, for a military
company at that place, which will bear
the letter A. It has not yet been heard
from, hut the request will doubtless be
granted. The uniforms have been or
dered and are expected to arrive at any
From a private dispatch we learn that
Whitney Hoiee, chairman of the state
republican committee, was arrested to
day in Portland. The present session of
court is striking tho high places, and
our people can no longer Iks surprised.
Justice is pressing the thumb screws
with a vengeance in the metropolis.
Henry Reis, working for Mr. A. liuch-
ler, fell from a haymow this morning
about seven feet, Mifitaininir a severe
:ircularcnt around the arm, near the
shoulder. Dr. Holllster wns hastily
summoned, who took eighteen stitches
in the dissevered flesh, and the wound
ed member will recover in doe course of
A l'l liiii'(tii' l.rnlgtt.
Messrs. Triplow and Winans of Wi-
nans propose to construct a bridge across
the west fork of Hood River, which will
make that stream at that point of Tyro
lean beauty. Two dill's wall the stream
here, upon which twin abutments will
be built. The spun will be 150 feet
across and !'U leet to the water.
From this point to the junction of the
forks the water seethes and boils in pow
erful cascades. The setting of basaltic
rocks which line these streams, the
stately pine trees, and the grand mount
ains near at hand, make a scene worthy
of a grand artist.
Iii:ntm:mi:n -lluviiiK Miilrml a creiit 'li'nl
from licadiiclif (or jeiirn mid Im'Iiib nimble to cet
relief until It would weur away of Itself I miw
KrutiM-'H llcudncliu Capsules advertised. 1 tried
them, anil now am never without them, Ilndlnt.'
It the onlyremedy that will clvu rellel. When I
now llud a lit'adnche coming on 1 take a capsule
and always Unit the relief Instantaneous. Kiv
Kpeetfully youis, (. II., iloston, Mass.
'Hie above letter Is only one of the many which
ro to provu the remarkable benefits received from
the use of Krause's Headache Cupsules. Any
person sullerliiK Iroin headache should procure
these capsules at once lleware of imitations.
Tho genuine are sold only In boies and have the
word Krauseou thelaliel, none other ceuulne.
hold by .Snipes it Klhersly
Htutu hk Itlp Vnn Wlnkln.
Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and
Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five
doses, only 125c. Children love it. Sold
by Snipes Si Kinersly.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
J. G. .Stntta scored the triumph of the
week last evening in Rip Van Winkle.
Kvcryono has read of Rip and how he
slept for twenty years, well, those who
heard Stultz give Rip's famous toast
"Here's to your good health and your
family's good health and may you livo
long and prosper," received an idea of
tills famous character which reading
alone could not give. The acting in the
third and fourth scenes where Rip has
his sport with tbo?e"yoUy dogs" Hcin
fcich Hudson's men and then also when
Rip Van Winkle awakes from his sleep
and marvels how things have changed
since "last night," was especially good.
Miss I.ibbie Noxon made a capital
Gretchcn and Mr. Bclden as Nick Veddcr
was very acceptable. Little Alberta as
Minnie Van Winkle charmed the
Tonight tho Stuttz company close
their very successful engagement in
"Fanchon tho Cricket." They will next
play in Vancouver and from thence go
to Portland.
I''iiri'iitif:!i'ft linri I'rnotlrp.
The financial abilities of Adam Fore
pangh were great, if we aie to believe
Mr. Stuttz, who relates n very good story
on that enterprising circus manager.
Ho said that in Canada there was a duty
of 7 cents a pound on nil show paper
printed outside of its borders for use in
Canada, and 120 per cent, of the bill
additional, making nearly 0 cents a
pound. The bill provided that all goods
uncalled for should be sold at public
auction after two years. Forepaugh de
siring to play in Canada after a two
years' run in the United States, sent
$10,000 worth of paper to the bonded
warehouse there several carloads of it.
In two years when it was to be sold, no
one wanted this useless paper and a
party bought it for $100 to fill a hole in
his land. The next session of the legis
lature increased the time to ten years,
but Adam had all the show paper he
wanted in Canada and billed the realm
for nothing.
ISucklen'K Arnica Milve.
The best salve in the world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
1 sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
I It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
1 per l)ox. For sale by Snipes & Kin- j
Rest grades oak, fir, pine and slab
wood. Oflice 133 Second street. All
orders promptly attended to.
tf M.ui:u & Benton.
ABk your dealer
Stove Polish.
for Mexican Silver
Methodist Fpiscopal Church, Sermon
by the pastor, Rev. J. Whisler at 11 a.
m. Some features of special gospel ser
vice at 7 :.'10 . m. by pastor and con
gregation. Other services as usual. A
cordial welcome to all.
The Raptist church, Rev. O. t). Tav
lor pastor, will hold service tomorrow
morning at 11 o'clock. .Sunday school
follows this service. Tlmro will bo no
evening service. If the weather is cold
or inclement the service will bo held in
tho prayer room, as tho furnace is not
The Congregational church, corner of
Court and Fifth streets. Sunday ser
vices as usual. At 1 1 a. in. and 7:30 p.
m. worship, and a sermon by the pastor,
W. C. Curtis. Sunday School immedi
ately after the morning service. Young
Peoples' Society of Christion Endeavor
at (i :1. p. m. All persons not worship
ping elsewhere arc cordially invited.
Rkv. Hit. Solomon Sciii.vdi.f.k, for
nearly twenty years rabbi of Temple
Adath Israel, the wealthiest Jewish
congregation in Boston, will cease his
ministrations there next May.
Vkuy y.: Rmv.utn K. Sorin, su
perior general of the Order of the Holy
Cross and founder of the University of
Notre Dame, died recently at South
Rend. Intl., aged seventy-nine years.
Tin: people of the Snmoan islands
have not only supported the churches
and ministers in their own islands, but
last year they sent nine thousand dol
lars to London to help to send the Gos
pel to other lands.
O.v October 24 the old home at Wash
ington. I). (, of Senator Douglas and
later of Justice Bradley, was pur
chased as a residence for Mgr. Satolli.
It is a commodious and elegant dwell
ing. Says Sir Monier Williams in his
"Buddhism:" "Christianity demands
the suppression of selfishness; Buddha
demands the suppression of self. In
the one the true self is elevated; in the
other it is annihilated."
It is said that the Jewish synagogue
at Moscow, which cost forty thousand
pounds sterling, has been closed by the
government. The Jews are deprived j
of it. and it is to be turned to "char- I
itable uses!"' It was only completed j
last year. i.v)1
Commencing Friday the Sth inst. the
Regulator will make tri-weekly trips,
leaving the Dalles on Mondavs, Wednes
days and Fridays, connecting at Cascade !
Locks with the Dalles City. The Dalles
City will leave Portland Tuesdays
Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting
at the Cascades with the Regulator. All
freight (except car lots) will be brought
through the same day.
D. P. & A. N. Co.
The Dalm:s, Dec. o, 1S93.
E, C. Warren of Dnfur is in the city.
G. W. Smith of Kndersbv Is In town
Mr. J. M. Rllott of Monier is in town
G. W. McKolvny of Pleasant Hidgo is
in uiu t'ir.y HMlliy.
Mrs. Marion VanDnvn of Indepen
dence is in the city.
Mr. Winans of Winans 13 up paying
this city a short visit.
James Darniello came into the city
from his farm today.
Albert Allen and Harry Gilpin of
Fairfield are In town today.'
Amos Root of Mosier and Gcorgo W.
Triplow of Winans are in tho city.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper caino down
from Rums yesterday and left on this
afternoon's train for Mosier, where they
will attend the wedding of Miss Bertha
Phillips and Mr. Kdgar Husbands this
Mr. A. Allen of Boyd called today on
this oflice. He informs us farmers" are
very busv at farm work, plowing and
sowing wheat. This is quite a contrast
from the reports in the east, where the
winter king reiirns supreme with old
Boreas as his associate.
Mr. Rufus Wallace of Rufus gavo Tin:
CiinoNici.K oflice a pleasant call today.
Mr. Wallace informs us that, although
the farmers in his section of the county
have had the misfortune to lose heavily
by the fall rains, they are not at all dis
couraged, but are exerting themselves to
the utmost and will have more grain
acreage for the next season than ever
Skibbc B Me. Williams, Umatilla; S
M Olsen, Grass Valley; O F Smith,
Moro ; L Payett, Kingsley ; Amos Peter
son, Grants."
Umatilla T D Adams, E S Kimball,
Robert Richardson, A J Brown, Golden
dale; W J Ashby, Antelope; W O
Knapp, D E Brooks, W W Smith, John
Miller, T W Smith, F S Cutler, George
Seeley, Chas Butler, Andv Steen, Pat
Bolton, Will Boltoa, Portland; James
Harmon, D P Ketchum, San Francisco;
Anna Sears, Hood River; Ollie Elliott,
Nellie Craine, Lebanon ; Chas Meier, J
Bunnell, Prineville; Mrs Miller, G B
Hamilton, Bake Oven; W H Joseph, II
R Blue, Chicago; D B Ketchem, Wyeth,
Geo Thornton, Heppner; W II Jones,
John Sterling, City ; J R Lake, Umatilla ;
TCHennetrhan. Wapinitia; CParsballl,
Hartland; S M Yorler, II A Yorler,
Mitchell; S T Davis, Frank Carter.
Block House.
(inoil Jolt I'rintlnc.
If yon have your job printing done at
The Chkonici.e you will have the ad
vantage of having it done with the most
modern and approved type, with which
we keep continually supplied. All jobs
under the direct supervision of one of
the most successful and artistic printers
in the Northwest.
Destroying Viiltinliln Property.
The shade trees planted by Mr. Leslie
Butler, who owns a vacant lot opposite
the court hotiee, were broken and de
stroyed recently by unruly boys. Tho
action amounts to nothing lets than
crime. It is not the value of the trees
which is destroyed, but the loss of titno
in their growing, which can never be
made up. Thcso and other malicious
pranks by tho boys from time to time
should induce the ollicers to keep a close
watch upon them, and make an exam
ple of the first one caught doing mis
chief. Specimen Canex.
S. II. ClilTord, New Casscl, Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rhoumatism,
biB stomach was disordered, his liver
was affected to an alarming degree, ap
petite fell away, and lie was terribly re
duced in flesh and strength. Threo bot
tles of Electric Bitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111.,
had a running soro on his leg of eight
years' standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Bitters and seven boxes of
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is
sound and well. John Speaker, Cata
waba, O., bad five large fever sores on
his leg, doctors said bo was incurable.
One bottle Electric Bitters and one box
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him en
tirely. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly.
Special Cash Sale
Friday and Saturday
per cent. Discount
;ilver Stove Polish causes no
Indies' apd
TAT T TTS O "V T T X "1 TV Tf V X r T T T C -t f
1 ujouii, ijnorLivi3Jt!yrc 1, 5feo,
we will Commence
1 1
We will be ready Tuesday Morning, 7 A. M., - And then Look Out !
That is the first consideration. PRICES, PROFITS, GOODS, ALL SACRIFICED FOR CASH.
We flatter ourselves that we have your confidence, and think we deserve it, as we have never yet deceived you in our advertisements and shall
not commence now.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats,
As we must turn our stock into Cash, we have not stopped at cost on some goods, but have marked the selling price for this sale below
actual first cost. . . .
We offer 25 per cent, per day for Coin.
Principal and interest payable daily. Bring us, for illustration, $100 in coin, and we will give you $100 in merchandise at ordinary relail prices, and
allow you $26 lro fc merohandlBe, as our prices for this sale are are from 25 per cent, to 75 per cent, below regular retail prices.
Can use any amount, from 5 cents to $1,000.00.
Ajra,6b. MARkE0 PEASE & MAYS.