The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFKIUUl. l'Al'KK OK 1MM.KS CITY. ANB WASCO COUNTY. stniscRirxioN katks. BV MAIL, rOSTAOE ritKPAIIl, IS ADVANCE. Weeklv. 1 year 1 fp " 6 months it 3 i .. . Dally, 1 year " 6 months. ... ... " per " Address all commuuleatlon to " THK OHRO.V ICLK." The Dalles, Oregon. 0 7S 0 SO t! TO 3 Oil 0 I'onl-Ollld', orrtci: linen General Delivery Window . S a. m. to 7 i. m. Motsev Order " mi. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday i U " . 'J a. tn. tolOa. m. CLOSING OF WAILS trains roIiik Kast .9 p. u. ami 11 :4A a. m. " " West 9 p.m. ami .":) p.m. Stajre tor (ioldendale 7:S0a. m. " I'rinovillc . 6:S0n. m. " "l)uiuratid arm SprltiKs ..5::Ma. m. " tlAMVine for I.yle v Hartland .StS) a. m. " " ' " Antclo .5:30 a. m. Except Sunday. iTri-weekly. Tufsdav Thursday and Saturday. I Monday Wednesday and Friday. SATURDAY, DEC. 9. 1S9I. THE KEW BILL. Just as the people were conpratnlatinp themselves that the title of the financial stringency was turning it is swelling again since the news of the new tariff bill, prepared by the democratic majority of the ways and means committee. From its very announcement the symp toms of depression, so pronounced in the early summer, are again apparent. This is no free trade country. Again and again the voice of the people has pronounced against it, hut, undismayed, the democrats keep bringing it up for perennial inspection. They should let it aloue, and if they cannot resurrect some other old issue that stands a better chance of adoption, set their wits to work and make a new one. In conse quence of the projected bill, wool imme diately tumbled to nothing. Free wool was of course looked for and is much re gretted, but free wool means a complete transformation of the industry, the re learniug of the whole business, and the re-equipment of our mills. Before the domestic manufacturers can adjust them selves to these new conditions under these proposed rates of duty the foreign ers will have had opportunity to possess themselves of the domestic market. There will he an interval of a year or two in which they will have things all their own way in this market, and in the meanwhile a considerable percen tage of existing machinery will retire permanently from business in despair at the future prospects. The rate of wages in those mills which do operate will be lowered from 20 to 30 percent. The hill is a terrible blow to the wool industry. The New York Mail and Express says : "The South is beginning to comprehend that it has great interests in maintain ing protection. Louisiana, with its sugar plantations ; Georgia and Tennes see, with their marble and other depos its; Virginia and West Virginia with their coal mines, and Alabama, with it? great iron resources, are greatly bene fited by the McKinleylaw. The Louisi ana sugar planters and the West Vir ginia coal mine owners have already .aaked the house ways and means com mittee to consider their interests, and the business men of Birmingham, Ala., have invited the congressional delega tion of the state to visit the place and learn that free coal and iron will mean its ruin. The Oregon National bank of Portland liaB failed, this time for good, and will at once go into the hands of receiver;-. Col. North Eaya the new tariff bill is not on a line with the Chicago platform. Who said it was? Congressman Ellis for a novice is do ing grand work. He ie the father of the house bill granting further time to (set tlers, and has stuck to it with hull dog tenacity until the end was accomplished. Incidentally it is noteworthy to say that it was one of the first bills to past loth houseK, and went through without alter tion or modification. If the president has not yet signed the bill we will war rant the assertion that Ellis can't help it. Freuki of .ttujnory. A smart younf? cavalry officer was recently exercising his regiment upon the drill ground whe the familiar words of command suddenly slipped from hi& mind, and the strenuous effort made to recall them was utterly futile. In order to cover his embarrassment he was compelled to retire from com mand under the plea of illness. The fugitive sentence came to him when he reached his rooms. A fitill more singu lar case is that of a well-known and esteemed merchant, whose memory so treacherously fulled him one morning after leaving home that he was totally unable to locate his offices, and was actually compelled to inquire us to their whereabouts. Another interest ing example is that of a popular novel ist who had nearly finished an impor tant work upon which he was engaged when u sudden failure of memory de prived him of his plot and necessitated the laying aside of the book for more than a week; then the association of ideas recalled the missing plot, the novel was brought to a successful issue and enjoyed a wide circulation. Bos ton Globe. For Hslo or lieiit. I will sell or rent my arm on 8-Mile on reasonable terms, Anyone wishing for such an opportunity will please ap ply at once at Tub G'iiuonjci.k office. Mrs, Hakt. Fkiuav, Nov. 17th, 1803. 3tw. PUBLISHING THE DANNS. Thr I'vrullnr MUtuki or n Sexton Cur tho l'ottomim,nt of u WVitillnc. A few years ago a ludicrous, albeit vexatious, Incident occurred atachurch in l.arkhall. A rustic couple, after having had the banns published tho prescribed number of times, proceeded to the church to be joined in holy wed lock. The service was conducted with out tt hitch until the olllclutin-c clergy man arrived at that part where he ashed: "William Wisher, wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife'.4" when the bridegroom replied with some astonishment that his name was not William Wisher. The ceremony was, of course, sus pended, and on investigation being made as to the cause of the mistake it transpired that the bridegroom had written to the sexton of the church re questing him to have the banns pub lished, and concluded his letter tints: "o no more from your well wisher and Mary Williams." The sexton, thinking that William Wisher was tho name of the intending benedict, published the banns accordingly, and the disappoint ed couple were compelled to await the publication of the banns in their proper names. Some years ago a middled-aged agri cultural laborer called upon the session clerk of Alloa and asked him what the charge was for publishing the "cries" i. e., banns of marriage three times on the same Sunday. "A pound," replied the clerk. "Aye," said the other, "an' what d'ye tak' when ye tak' two Sun days to do't?" "Half a guinea," was the reply. "An' what d'ye chairge when ye tak' three Sundays to do't?" was the rustic's next query. "Seven and six." answered the clerk, with an amused air. "Aye, man," rejoined the querist, "I see: the latiger ye tak' to dae't the cheaper it gets, .lust cry awn' till ye pay yerel'!" And he took his departure without more ado. Loudon Tid-Itits. TJIE GETTING IT DOWN is bad enough, Lssw with tho ordinary pill. But the liny- L ing W worse. And, after BVH all the disturbance, there's only a little temporary good. 4 From heuinniiig W to end, Br. l'icrcc'e JtMm Pleasant MM are butter. tho smallest and Bt easiest to take tiny, sugar -coated Hk - granules" that any child is ready for. Then they do their work so easily and so naturally that it lasts. They absolutely and permanently cin. Constipation, Indigestion, Jiiliotts Attacks, Sick and Bilious Head aches, and all derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. They don't Bhoek and weaken tho system, liko tho huge, old-fashioned pills. And they're more effective. One little Pellet for a corrective or laxative three for a cathartic. They're guaranteed to give satis faction, or your money is returned. T1IK The makers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh' Remedy say : "If we can't cure your Catarrh, no matter what your case is, we'll pay you S500 in cash." Now you can see what is said of other remedies, and decide which is most likely to cure you. Costs only 50 cents. 1 Oldest Agricultural Paper in America. ICSTADLinHCD IU1C1.1 , To all cash milwriboi s of Ttt: Giiuonici.i: j paying one year in advance. t The American Farmer, 1700 W. j iiuv aiuit iuin iifutaiu) y WASHINGTON. D. O. I 1 Tin: AtnaucAN r.viti:ii, which In now enter i Iiik upon lt 7,Hh year, Is tin' plontvr fiirinor'H minor hi tin- country. I it Is a liirite elitlit-tuiKo iapor, and contain Ml columns o( the choicest agricultural ami liter ' nr mutter, vlontlf nil v cniMINicd with line I ', Illustration. It 1st , NATION A I, IN CHARACTER, land deal with fitrmtiiK ami farnier'H InterwtN , on hroiul, practical lino-, it i EMPLOYS THE ltlvST WRITERS I X j THE COUNTRY, , ami everything that ap)oars hi Its coIuiiiuk Is ol the character livery tle)'irtmout n the I fiirmern limitless Ik (IIcum-iI In an carncat, practical u-ny, looking to tho tfrcateat prollt ami ' bciiellt to (lie fanner mul hN family. ' It amioars on tho 1st ami l.Uhntcach month, j unit Ik lurnlilioil at tho lo price ut j 50 CENTS A YEAR ' III ailvancv TIiIn nutki It tho olirupoit ugrlt'.ultiiriil ptipor In tlio oouutry. FARMER LEGISLATION. ! I DtirliiK tin' eomliiK vear thero will lie an I in ' .,... t,,,ilu, ..f ti.itt1..,H i,f !. im,t vlti.l lit to farmer: iloalt with tv t'onureiH ami the KseoatlM' loartiiient.s at WaHhluutoii. It 1 hlKhly important that tho fannnrs !e kept promptly ami fully liiliirimil as to what In heliiK plauiieil ami ilouoalliotliiK them at tho National ) rvl..... I.I ..II . I.. ..!... .1 VII1IIIII. 1 IIV Slllium llll, llll'l Villi I, IIIKI t Iff. AiiKim.iN Kauuci:. whli'h.livliiR on thoKronml, ha hotter facilities than miv other paiers for ' uettiin; this information, unil ilovotox It-ell to this duty Tlicy will tlml In It constantly a, great amount of valinililu information that ttiey i can get In no other iiiiier , Tnr Aui'mriv P i i tl vn mill Till I'll Im vii'i I I j will be .sent one year lor tl To. ' I Ji. W . JrJ- f i I 1 JVL 3C JQJ., - 1 ) : a i.!-: ItH IN Drugs, Medicines ana unemicals niic Toiici soaiis, uouids, urnsncs, mmnicry, Etc, Puro Wlnon nnd Liquors for Medlotnnl Purposon. Pnmnniihrllhrr t7huulrlnnut ntiBntl'nlH. . Tso. iur heeoiul .Street, I ho Dalle.s, Oregon. Oiiposltu C0I11111I1I11 Ciimly factory. 1 ABIC Va M t St l ll f TaIlfm.... new iuik ncGMy muuii AND DaiiesWeekiycnronicie THE BLACK SHEEP. VOKXTS niaUe t-'.C0 a dav. dreatest kitchen uteiull ever invented. 'UetnlW et. - t.i C Mild in overv hous, s.unple, ikisMbo jwiul. five cents. McMukin and Co., Ciuclnniitl. Ohio. John Turned Out llail-Hc Went to tho LccUlature. "On one oceaston," said a story-tell inp conp-essman to a proup of news paper men, "I was in the mountains of Kentucky and stayed all nijrht with an old farmer who was considerably above the average tor that section. After supper we talked polities aud religion for awhile, and finally worked around to personal subjects, lie didn't know who 1 was, but I was going to spring it on him, 'just to see how it would affect him when he found he was cn tertaiuing a congressman unawares. " 'How many ons have you'.'' I asked, when he had been talking family a little. " 'Sis." " 'Ah! that's a fine lot of boys. " 'Yes, and they are fine boys.' " 'Have they all turned out "well?1 '"All bi;t one.' and the old man's voice saddened somewhat. " 'Ah!' I said, not wishing to ask him about the lilacd: sheep directly. "'Yes; John ia the one; he went to the legislature.' "'Oh'.' I laughed, 'he might have done worse.' " 'Yes,' replied the father, gloomily, 'I s'pose he might. They wanted him to run for congress, but he wouldn't do it.'" Detroit Free Press. 'o IVnnder lit Liwt ill Temper. I heard a story the other day that may be new to most of you. An active young woman entered a larpe shop recent ly and seeking out the silk department camped there for a real pleasant time. The salesman was amiable and glad to show her the different shades and qual ities At least he said he was. liut he had not calculated upon the "staying qualities" of his caller. Tor fully one half hour she compelled him to hop up and down a ladder, laden with rolls of silk, but none could she find that suited her. At last he had taken down all but two rolls, and, as he "leaned against his ladder and wiped away the beads of perspiration, he said; "Well, really, madam, I don't see that we can suit you. Excuse me for saying it, but you really don't seem to know what you want." To which she responded: "Well, I don't want to buy anything to-day. I was just looking for a couple of friends and-" Here the exasperated clerk broke in: "Looking for a couple of friends? "Well, madam, if you think they're in those two rolls on the shelf I'll take those down, too." Chicago Tribune. For a Eore throat there is nothing better than a flannel bandage dampened with Chatnberlain'H I'ain Iialin. It will nearly ahvavH eHect a cure in 0110 night's time. Thi remedy in also a fa vorite for rheumatism and has cured very severe cm'B. SO cent bottle? for gale by Ulakeley & Houghton. Itoome to rent at liav. A. flora's resi dence on Ninth Htreet. (i-2.'idav WE WANT YOl' TO WOl'.K For. t s. thus nmteitiB Sl-'.Oo TO j:f.(X VIM WKKK. l'.irtlos preferred who ran furnish a tMr-eand travel through the countrv . u team tm iiitti. Is not ueevary. A few vacancies In to-.: - and cities, spare hour" may 1m u-ed t" ; nl ad vantage It. ! JOHNM'X 11th and Main stx.. Uich. 1 1 Vu VI60R of M Eiillf,, Permanent!; Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, nnd nil tlit; train' i'j Jromt-urlyi'tp.r k IH''f c2CeiM, IU' rt'ulii. ut otero oik, li'kui'8'i, worry.ctc "ulltrsili, development MM lune Riven lo every 1 ijjanard portion of t: i body. Rtmplf. n.ituralr.ithu'!. imrucillnlnlmnivop'it wn. Kslliiri'lrniA"-:' ii. i'.HU refcrenrrf 1 'H. rxplaiiallnii a-.'! p.- -. In Dolled (JtjlvOj frev. ERIE MEDICAL C3. BUFFALO. H. Y. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lama Back, &c. This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judieious Advertising Pays. ONLY' $1.T5. Closing Out ale OF JEWELER'S GOODS. The large .stock of goods at, NOTICE FOlt PUT. LI CATION. "7 V B3, SAKDEB'S ELE&7.81D BELT 'JHi Elcctro Mnsnetic aUuFZNSQTCi. I.iilut I'uknli: Iiet laiprovcratnl I V.'.' 1.' wimoui rnistldno nil '' rt".- Sinirfrrn n-.. . ix&t:oitu? Lroln uervo fcirvit eicwcaurhi'li rri ,. ivs wrrout ilcblir.y. tteplrtmmi Liniriior. rli' iffi'itnin, ku!ii.r, tlfr and butiilrr compuwiin. li: ..-ijric, mrafiaso, tclatlra. oil femali- uitiip miitj j-i.m ill Ltsaltti. lc. Ihu lcctnc U:' C"i)tin. .J.r(al luiii-iraru over all ctt!r. (Sirrriit It IniMr.liy frit by wiorer or va forfeit )J,OJO.(M, ai:H '.flileiuufdlof thu oiivii dlMnn or iiy liar Ittt'i -i.j3 h l.-tii ciirttl liv II.U rtarrelwu larmti"! oftr all othr mn-sllifii fallf 1. and irlio t.uaJivl3 .( KiilmonnUlii ililaaiidnvrr)- tlLrr tutc. Our I'o.irnl IupnTl KUCTIIIC !HM'Fs0IlV hn rrrrtett ln svr o!firl vtrab mm, no I, ll)nll Hrlli. Ilnllk rl llr.r.iSlr-i.flhflHIUMtHllu ryi u iuc.;-. bcudforliluvd I'ampMet. unuivl.bcaJvi, frvy SANDCN ELECTRIC CO., Ko. flriMlret:, VUll'1'L.XiiU UUll. "Samantha al to World's Fair," Am! lo up to tho timetf THE LATEST OUT ! Greatest Work of the Nineteenth Century I iiy josiaii Ai.i.KN'ri win: A. G. Hoering, U:a AkuiiI, The I.ill;s. Or Ofkick. The Hallos. Or., :-iiv. u. ls'js. 1 Notice m hereby clen that the (dIIhuIuk mimiil tettlur tuix tikd uutli'i'iit his Intention to niiii.c 11 1 in I prixif In niipsirt u( Ills claim mid that mid primf will be niade ln'fore tho lighter and riveivcr at Tin- Dallen, OrcKOii, on eilliesilay, llieeniln.T'.T. 1MW. v!- UlMVltt ItlllK. Ilnmestinil Apiiliratliili .Nu. 'i', (or the Ni, ill HK'-4 and I'.'n ' SW'H K'C IIJ, 'I p. 'J K. It II Hast. He name the folbiivint; witliee to prove his roiilinumin resilience iiin ami cultivation of .ild laud.vU II. S. Wells, ot Thu l).illi!. Or., OharUn Kantoii, James Kiistou and Caul I.tineruth of NaiiK.'lie. Or. John W. I.i-.wih, Hejjluter. s I9i jyi IIJWH-riLjyl?l escrow a c Age it will wot cuwt. Anairreeable Laxative ond N EH VU TONIC Sold by tiruifirttsor cent by mall. SSc0c., tad ll.OU io r packiiKe. Banipiea free MT MIf The Favorite TOOTI tOWSU WLM HV'ortlioTticthandXlreath.Kici For by Hnlpai Kinaraly. Executor's Notice to CFiditors. Notice U hereby given that thu County Court of the Htato of Orexon for Wuco County In duly upiiolnted the underlKni tho executor of the lat will aud Uailiimeut of OeoiKf K. Ilwrn, iltrceiue!. All iwrtioiiM ImvltiK claiiiiH UKalnut tliufcutatoof fuild (leceuwl arc hereby required to iireent them, with the tiroper vouehem, Hlthlii six munttu from thedaie of thin notice, to h((1 execubir ut IiIh place of reafdeiice. nexr Hulk- city, in iild county, or at the olllcc of W, H. WJUon, 111 .ilrt Dalle City. KJIIAHI. ItliVIfi:. i:.v.vnt.r D.tttl thl Ut day of .''ou'iiiber, ltJ. Sttv !Tlie St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON This old, popular ami reliulih; hotiHb litwi lfen entirely rofumiHlieil, and nvcry room Iiuh bevri reparKircd und niplnte aud tiowly carpoted throughout. 'I'lie house contuinH I7d roomHiind.H(jiiij)liw with ovory modern conveniuuue. t reiiHotmble. A (focxl reiUinrunt nttauliec to thu hoiiw). Frer Iiuh to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop. John Pashek, The Merchant Tailor, 76 Court Street, Next door to Waaoo Bud Office. -Hhk jiut recelvcil thu latent ntylex in Suitings for Gentlemen, and h 11 1 a rue ukkortment of J'VirtlKti Mini Amer ican Cloth. which lie cull llllMi To Onlur for thiwe that favor him. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. NOTICE KOlt J'UllLICATIO.W ITIiiiUt IjiwI, Act June :i, h'. V K. I.AHI) OKI-ICK, The Dalle!), Or., Nov. N M.l. Notice i liereby nlvi.Mi that In compliance with the pruvlloiiH of the act of coiiKmi of June :i, Iht."". entitled "An act for the mle of tiui laiiilx In the tales ol Ciillfornia, OreKon, Nevada and Wnililnloii Territory," Nltltl C StllVKIIMIIII, Ol Klmley, county ol Waco, slate of Olecou, haH thit day filed in tills olllce liix nworu ntate liient for the purchati! of the Nil' of Ntt of he!tlon. No. lif, III Townnhlp No. : K , nniKC No :l K. W. mul will otter nnxil IonIioiv that the laud fought h more valiiahli) for itx tlinlRTor iitone tliiiu for uKrlcnlturiil purpoei, nnd to cntahliih 111" claim to raid laud before the lti.-lti;r aud Itecelver of tills olllce at The Uallei,, Or., on the blth day of January, IK'JI. Ho namcH an wltiienneir (ieorKU Jlcb:od, Jan P"r CiiNley, 1.iiii lioudeaii and bilayutto liavln, all of i:iliKidi!, Or. Any and all i.toiis cIiiIiiiIiik intvernely the iiliovc ilccrlll IiiimU arc reiiuented to Ille their clainiN in llils ollice oil or Ijclore xald l'dli dayiif Janutiry, lh'Jt. will ' JOHN W. I.KWIH. ItcKiitiir. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice- in hurohy uiven that thu ttiidur Higned Iiuh been duly uppoiutiitl by tho County Court of tho Htuto of Oregon for Wasco County in probate, oxeuutrix with tho will tiuufxed of tho nutate of .lanieH Unilerliill deceiiHCti. All perHotiH htiviut! ulainiR ituaiiiHt uuld vHtato are hereby re quired to preHeiit tliein to mo with propfir vouohorH ut thu Itiw ollico of Con don iv Loudon in UulleH City, Urenon, within hIx moutliH from the ditto of thin notice. November 11, 1HI),'!. CbAllA ',. U.NDKIIIIII.Ii, Kxeuitlrix of thu Kitate of JamoH Under bill, deceiiHed. N0T1CK FOK J'UUMUATION. Land Okkick, Tho DalleH, Or.,( Oct, tit, WXi. I Notlco Id hereby Klven that thu fnllnwIliK iiiuiKil kettler has illcil notice of lilt Intention to maku II1111I proof In niipKirt of I1I11 claim, aud that mid proof will bo made before the lU-Klnter mid ICiti.'lver at Thu Dalles, Or., on pwemlxir 11, Ih'Jl.vl.- ItolHiiitii n. Ilrooka. devitvu of John Hiiht-(,decejicl, llomenU-ad Application No. 83H. for tho H HK nnd VV2 HWWof heo.:W,Ti. 1 N.i Jt. HI K. Ilu uainet the followliiK wltue"CM to prove his voutluiioiiH residence uon nnd cultl vntlnn of wild bunt, via; O. W.Cook, W. A. Miller, KrankCreluhtou and Helh MorKiiu, nil of thu DalleH Or, , J&-.. 1.. illiowH pUaw) take notice. tUu JOHN W. I.KWIH, JUKlHtur. Estray Taken Up. One bUck pony, branded cither 6 or 8 on left lilp und left Jaw Owner can bavo name by prov ,,.. operty ,d ,my.nK or thl-j lU iatvllii I'ojtoillcc, Tho Hallcfl, Or, W. E. Garretson's Jewelrv Store, to 1h t'lostitl out ut prices? to suit the times. Everything Must Be Sold, Regardless oi Cost, INCXUUINCi : WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, RINGS, CHARMS, PINS, TABLE - WARE, ETC. Now is the Time lo Boy Christmas Presents. A. R. Thompson, Assignee. This Week Only. Commencing Tomorrow, Wednesday, WK WII.I. rilll.l. at so cts to Ul.riO e a c h J at $1.25. Wool Felt jH':ils, si.oo French Felt Hats, WORTH S2.00 to each, Also, Great Reduction on Baby Caps. 112 fiucond Stroet. ANNA PETER SCO. H. H. CHMPBELL SuoouBuor to LESLIE BUTLER, Will coiiHtantly keep on liaml 11 complete line of GROCERIES, CROCKERY of HiivIiik imrcliimil Mr. Ilntlor'n tntlro ntiaik, I mIiiiII I'lnlcnvor to iimlntaln Hi" tcpiit"11"" tlio hoiim!, tvnicn niK uotn ( t y., BEST GOODS AT L0WBTT I'KICES. - SyUAKK DEALING TO EVEK Call and see me, next door to Postoflioe. Second St. I. C. NlCKELSEN.Th.p.or