lit l)c Dalles SSIS MfcvflHKJiH llllfiflflC EDp PHr rOHHv Chronicle I THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9. 1893. NO. 150. Dalles Daily Chronicle. lt,ll.iinl Dully. rtiiu'lKy Kcn.tHt. II v jrOHKONICI.H PU RUSHING GO. -...iii.l hiiiI W MKlllIIKKHI StteeU, The f', i..ll.'sOruBm. Turin" nf Hilliitrlitliili t-' ,...,.u,rl.T brow 60 ... 6 TIMK TA It I. KM. ItHllrmolo. In client August G, lhW. KAKT lO'CHll, ll.f I'. M. Depart I'.IOU p. M, wi:kt iioumi. J :t'.i a. m. Dcpnttn 3:11 a. tt. ux A I.. ..!.. rirtlaii(l itt 1 r. si. DiMuirtK tor rurilmiil ut n i u. ijjoftittvltclith tlmt carry piiii-eiiKerh leiive j. 3t WCM HV B-l A. 11., UIIU II" UK stai:m. rrtuelllii, via. Iliiko Oven, leiive dully lli- fc,lnwl"ii, Jlltuiii:u, tjuuyiiu uiiy, leiive flitttA X vliuliir KIiikhId)-. Wmnln, Wnplnltlii, Wnrm It, nii Tyi;li Valley, leavu dully, except GoMoniliile, WHhli., leave every uhj hi mu except rluimuy lit 7 a. si. fSSrw fur ull line nt me wmimnn limine. KltOKKHJUONAI. II, IllDKKl.l ATTOf.NeV-AT-I.AW Otliee Court htreot, Tliu Dulles, Ori-KilK ii. tiorur.. ., ruiMmwyn. ILJ UV-ltlNMlS 4i Ild -iU, DVtT l'OUt I-SW lllllldllll?, r.iurnurc nil hbiuuk'"" !:e Miles. lUVKOtl. V . ltvsrviVIT. ATTOltNK Y-AT-LA '.V. Of- , j'cvliihchuiitio'n butldliiK, up ktiilm. The UUct, Unvuli. I, f. MAY. II.R.HUNTtNOTON. II. h. wllrl0... IWAYri. lit NTINOTON it wiijo. atiob .11 skti. at law -Olllci-H, French' bloc over RntNitlutiHi Hunk. 1 'i Dulles. Oregon. IV H. WILSON ATT0ltNEY-AT-I.AW lUHimi II . French A Co.'" I'liult liUimtliR, riccoiid ICKt, lite Unite, Oregon. 1 SlTHHlLASD, SI. V.. SI.. . f.' ' ' W. )i I 1' ami H. ()., Physician unil Nur- ....... t.u.mi. :i nun I. tJiiiini nun iiiih'r. biUotvMm Tliornbury', west end iiisrusil it-wt. K.IjHK1.MAN (HllM.KOrATItlCJ PHYSICIAN FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. THAN rA("l' A liKXKKAUIANKINl HESlNi::!- lAittTf of Credit issued available in ho Kautorn StntOB. slrllt Exvhtintro and Tolegraphic irutiHiorsHOKion isow ork, UJucago, St. IxuiB, San FranciHco, Portland Oregon, Soattlo WhhIi., and varioue points in Or upon and WaHiiinpton. Collections made at all points on fav orable tonne. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OH. n Uad mjiuiku.n. Ciilln iiiiHttiiritl jiromiitly. ;.'flKlit, I'lty or country. Oiuco mi. .f.iijiu riipnum block. iUH (). I). IIOAN K-HtVHICIA.N ANII HUU V iikun. Ollii'o; ronmii 6 mid 0 Chupiimii tat Kildviicv. h. K. corner Court mid toth ktrtotn, uti nil door from tliu cornrr. itto liourh U to 12 A. 31.. 2 to fi mid 7 to B 1'. M. In 1'HAI.l.-Hk.vtiht tint. Rtvcn tor me II) .,ltil,.k ..TlrnLtioll of tlMJtll. AlHO tVUtil Imd llowcd Hlumlniltii plnte. Knoini.: rilBti ol I 'it u HiK'U i.KHiii nucoou miTCt. WA-l (I I.OlHil'., NCI IS. A. K. & A. M. Miisti" i nmt mid third Mondiiy ol cacti month t 7 t.t. TVUv.h UOVAI. AUl'li CHAlTKll NO. C Dx'. in JI10.011I1' Hull tlm third cdncMlny Wtttxaqtith t 7 1'. JI fOi)Ep..v (oi).mi:n ok tui: woui.d.- M JLJIoimI i;miitiNo.W.Mcuth'luc!.dnycvcu l2sowh week In r rulcrnlty Hull, nt7:W p. pOLfJIIllA 1.OD0K, NO, 6, I. O. 0. F.-MwiIh ctery Krlduy cvciiIiik lit 7:ao o clock, In K. "!' Ull, corner becond nnd Court etrcctM. AiJwnliiK lirothurn nrc wulcotno. 0. Ctouoii, Sec'y. H. A. lltl.LH.N. CK UKlKN-DdHIl' LOUGH, NO, 0 K. ol l'.-ilcct ewy Monduy uvuuliiK t 7:0 o clock, In KbanmiklMitldliiK, corner ol Court und heeoml .n:i4, eojourtilUK niciuoer ie """; Utol. V. S. Cham. J. W.Vaiimk, K. ol It. mid K. 0. 0. AbriKMHI.Y NO. K. OK U-Meoth lu K. - tf 1 hull thonecond mid fourth Wwlm t ill vault month nt7::io 1. in. UrOMKN'H (JI1UIHT1AN TKMl'KKKNl'K J' UNION will incut cvury Krlduy Hltcriioon Uo'clwk nt tho reiidliiK room. Allure Invited. HAIIMON 1.011(11: No.NH.I.O.O.T.-HcKUlur weekly meuttiiKH Krldny itt B r. 11' fwteriiity Hull. All uro Invited. U.lillltlNMAN.C. T. It. C Kl.r.cK, he TKMI'l.K I.ODOK NO. II, A. O. V. W. MeelH hi Kruturnlty Hull, over Kullurn, mi Becoud rtt, Tlmriuluy uvenliiK' nt "::). II. IIANKKN, JM Mykrh, Klimiicler. M. W. TA8. NKHM1TH 1'OHT, No. If.', 0. A. K. MeetH jjOnury ouiuruuy 111 7:au r. m., hi mu rw. ui 1 . AMKItK AN KAIliWAY I'NiON, NO. IU. -'a llrctH hecoud mid fourth 'I'hurndnyt. eiich lli In K of I', hull. .1. W ItKADY, J II. Jonkh, Hec y. ,ri's'.. R OK 1,. K. Meotnuvury buudiiy iilteruoon in thu K. of 1'. Hull. btttidav ftKHANO V evi.iili VKkKIN MetitH tivury eveiuiiK til thu K. ol r. Hull. R OK U. V. DIVIHION, No. lf.7-.Meeti III M'K.of I'. Hull tilt) llmt mid third WodncH jyofeHnii month, nt 7::m r. m. TUB (JIIIJUUIIKH. OT ln.i..r. m. ...... .......... r.i r.nn UtlUllull nuv. rumor niiunn- V orkht l'itor. Unv Munh uvttry Hiuiduy tit It ' High Mtutt tit 10!0 a. M. VcBpursut ST'i,!!aU1'8 OIIUHOH Union Htrcut.oppoHlto Hov.KHU.HtitomiuKwitor. Hervlccn SJ'ni'iiiy t ll a. m. nnd 7:30 v. m. Hiuiduy )lii:45 Ai Mi KvciiitiK I'niyur on Krliluy itt plitHT 1IA1TJHT tllUIHOH-HuV. O. 1). TAY Lti, t0!1' ''""tor. Morning Horvloun every Huh g5'' t Ihu uoademy at 11 A. m. Htibbitth W.?' '"iiiiwlliituly attor moruliiB wirvlccH. 4niL. "jy'li'K Krltlity uvuuliiK at I'tuttor'n rei' ' U"I"U vurvleuii In the court hoiuo ut C0''ilK0A'nONAT OHUHOH-Uov. W. 0. y I.UHTIH. 1'lUtnr. 11 ttrvi,.!!"' Hunduy Bohool lifter moriilliK HtrmiKor.uonlliilly Invited. Betttn tree. WniHi.Kit, pnator. M. ' UHOH-Uov. J ituurtJ rrV0C'? uveryHunday inoruliiKut 11 it, in. ff"' bli'Mil at 12 ;w o'oloflk v m. Kpwortli lteK.i.ttt !8 p- I'ruyor ineutliiK "very tou, " u U)iidl by bath piutor mid iieoplo CHiii?J,AN 0miU0H-KV.l'. II. Mt-lllM mY i:2f .HrenoliliiK In the (IhriHtlmi (ihuroh yrdUUy Invited KOKUaAlT liUTIIKKAN-Nliith Hta-ot WnS?:& Uoru, paittor. Bervloe. nt ll:80n.ra. President Vice-President, Cashier, Z. F. Moonv CiiAiti.E8 Hilton M.A.Moody General Hanking Business Transacted. Silit Exchanpee Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. (Jolleetions made on favoreble terms at all accessible, pointh. S. bCHENCL. 'resident M. 1'ATTKKSOii, Cukhler. First Rational Bank. CHE DALLES, OREGON A General Uanking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco aud Portland. DIKKCTOKS. D. P. Thompson. J no. S. Schk.vck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likue. II. M. PiEALL. I had for dinner was the best I ever ntc. Thanks to COTTOLENE, the now and successful shortening. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. Genuine made only by N. K. FAIRBANKS CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. W. H. YOUNG, 61 acKsiTii ffi & wagon Slop "Tk Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Llette's old Staud. House Moving! ! THROUGH I DOLE WAS PREPARED The Plau of the Provisional ; crnment. 60?- THEIK MEN READY UNDER ARMS Would Not Have Fired on the United States Marines Would Re sist the Royalists. Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any ami nil kinds of work in his line nt reasonable figures, lias tho largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. . Address P.O.Box 181, Tho Dalles J. I MB, ist, 01 Ues Molneh, Iowti, writes under diite ol Murch IK!, 1810! S. U. Med. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : , , , , , . On urriving homo last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 pounds, ie now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. JJ. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like It. Your 8. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greetings for ull. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mu. & Mas. J. 1 . 1 oiid. If you wlHh to feel mid eheeriul.mid reudy for tho fiprliiB'H work, elctuiM) your h)ntem with the Hendufilie mid I.Iver Cure, by tukitis twoot three doMcucuuh week. Hold under it K)hUIvu guurimtee. 60 ceutN per bottle by nil drUKKUIt. Freipni and Pssssnger Line Through Tri-Wcekly iSundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, connecting at the Cascade J)cks with Steamer Dalles Uity. bteamer muiics City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock) at 6 a. in., Tuesdavs, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I'ASSKNGKK KATES. Oneway f 2 .00 Round trip 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at auv time day or night. Shipments for way landings must bo delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Uuuvrul A'cnt. B. F. LAUGHLIN, (ienerul Mttiiuk'er. C. F. STEPHENS,- DBALBH IN DRY GOODS Qlothing llliotk, Hlioo. llutH, Kto. Fanoil Qood0, jllotion Ktc. Kto. Kto. Second St., The Dalles. THE DALLES, T H E ARTIC SODA WATER AND IOE OREAM. Candies and Nuts 'Specialties TO It A OHO, (IKIAKN AN1 Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles 2 38 2d Stre J.FOLCO Washington, Dec. S. Minister Thurs ton, before leaving Honolulu, told some friends of the provisional government that a plan of action had been agreed upon by the government and would be carried out. The provisional government has 1,100 men under arms ready to re spond at a signal of the bell. This force will not be permitted to fire on the United States marines if landed; nei ther will the provisional government lay down its arms and leave the government building upon the request of Minister Willis even after the marines have landed. The provisional government will remain until its members are arrested and taken out. It will resist any interference by any other than an armed force ol the United States vi ith its military force at command. It will not allow the sup porters of the queen to enter the palace or disturb the peace. This is the pro gramme as outlined by Thurston to his friends here before departing for Hono lulu. It is also positively asserted that Thurston is going to Honolulu, what ever may have been said regarding his visit to Chicago and San Francisco to look after Hawaiian affairs in those cities. MlnlNter Tlturstou'H Trip. San Fkancisco, Dec. 8. No one seems to know the object of Minister Thurs ton's trip toward the coast from Wash ington. Charles T. Wilder, the Ha waiian consul here, said last night that he had not been apprised of Thurston's eoming and did not know whether he was only coming to San Francisco or coing on to Honolulu. The fact that Minister Thurston conferred with Sec retary of State Gresham just before he left seemed to give the trip some signifi cance. However, it i known that Min ister Thuriton i interested here, as he was at Chicago, in the Hawaiian cyclo rama, which is to be exhibited at Uk midwinter fair, and it may be a mere business trip. He will be due here next Tuesday, and should he be bound for the islands he will in all probability sail on the Alameda on Thursday. Some time ago the manager of a detective system throughout the country was in city and made some effort, ineffectually, with Consul Wilder to have him engage 1,000 or 2,000 men in aid of the Haw aiian government. "Somehow they have got an idea that wo want men down here," said Consul Wilder, "hut we have no use for any men. As it is, we have 20 men in favor of the present government where there is one against it." The A i n w ii Not Yet Sighted. ViCTOitiA, Dec. 8. The report from Seattle that the Canadian-Australian steamer Arawa was lying oil' Victoria in a fog is unfounded. Tho Arawa has not entered tho Straits of Juan de Fucn yet. Tho agents of the steamer here say they do not expect her before Monday, cer tainly not earlier than Sunday. Great interest centers in the arrival of the Arawa, us it is expected she will bring news of the restoration of Queen Liliuo kalani to the Hawaiian throne. ICecelver for lieu U. Snipe. Ellknshuko, Wash., Dec. S. Judge Graves this morning passed upon the application for a receiver for Ben H Snipes' business here and at Roslyn. He held that the deed of trust given amounted to an assignment, and that it hindered a settlement favorable to cred itors. Ho set it aside and granted tho request for a receiver, and will make the appointment tomorrow. Snipes' attorney gave notice of appeal to the supreme court. Easy to take Dr. Pierce's Heasant Pellets. Smallest, easiest, cheapest, best. Thev're tiny, sugar-coated, anti bilious granules, a compound of refilled and concentrated vegetable extracts. Without disturbance or trouble, Consll. pation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick and Bilious Headaches, and all de rangements of tho liver, stomach and bowels, are prevented, relieved and cured. Permanently cured, too. By their ihild and natural action, these lit tie Pellets lead the system into natural ways again. Their intliienco taste. Everything catarrhal in its nature, catarrh itself, and all tho troubles that come from catarrh, are perfectlv and permanently cured by Dr. Sago s La tarrh Remedy. No mutter how bad vour case or how long standing, you can bo cured. At right wide , Hot clam broth at J. O. Mack's every Mrs. uunrr ti reMiiuruut. OREGON CANDY FACTORY lit wltoWiiuile quotation. CANADA AN1 TAKIhT. Dominion I.cmlcrN Spetil; ARiiliiit Ite rlproulty. Antioo.visii, N. S., Dec. 8. Prime Minister Sir John Thompson and Min ister of Marine and Fisheries Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper addressed a great polit ical meeting here today. Referring to tho negotiations between the Dominion delegates and Mr. Blaino and the decla ration of the secretary of state that the principle of unrestricted reciprocity was the only one upon which tho negotia tions for a trade treaty could be con ducted, Sir Charles Tupper declared that events had justified the action of tho Canadians in withdrawing from further negotiations. When Mr. Blaine said, "You must take our terms of un restricted reciprocity or nothing," tho Canadians answered, "We'll take noth ing, but the day is fast coming when you will find it advisable in your own in terests." "That day has now come," said Sir Hibbert, "and under the Wilson bill the United States proposes placing many articles of Canadian products on the free list." Shipping Oultl to Kurope. New Yohk, Dec. S. The announce ment that $500,000 in gold would be shipped to Germany on the steamship Trave tomorrow was not unexpected. As a matter of fact it was thought the amount would be $1,000,000, and it is not improbable that during the day an other $500,000 may be engaged. Sterling exchange is a shade higher, which lends color to the report that one of the banking houses with foreign con nections is arranging to send $1,000,000 of gold by Tuesday's steamer. The high rate of money on the conti nent is one of the main inducements to ship gold, the rate in Berlin being while here money on call is in greater supply than the demand at 1 and The exportation of gold is looked upon in certain quarters as not an unfavora ble factor of the financial situation here if it should not reach large proportions, and no fears are expressed that the drain will be in any way dangerous. A firm which ordered $250,000 has canceled the order and will hold it for Tuesday's steamer. Governor l.cwellliiK's rroposcd Uoad. Topkka, Dec. 7. The Danish consul at Kansas City is here trying to interest millers in the Gulf transportation pro ject. He says lie lias secured pledges of '10 millers in the state to ship their ex port flour by the new Gulf steamers to Copenhagen. He says there is nothing in the report that wheat cannot be lipped by the Gulf route, E. J. Close, late piesaientof the North and fcouth railroad convention, says lie has a letter from a responsible railroad builder, offer ing to build a road from the British pos sessions to the unit and turn it over on a guaranteed interest of 4 per cent on the cofct. The proposition will be consid ered at the next meeting of tho provis ional board of directors in January. Close believes the road will be com menced in six months and completed in two years, at a cost of about $3S,000,000. WORD HISTORY. Ti:a is a Chinese word. Ukask is of Russian origin, tii.v was first made in Geneva. Acni: formerly meant any field. Villain was formerly u farmer. Pillow lace ih made on a pillow. Candy was first made in Cnndia. (ii'i.VLA fowls came from Guinea. Fiuezk liivt came from Friesland. Peck was once only a poke or bag. Lemons originally eume from Lima. Flohi.vs were llrut made in Florence. Hi'Z.v is it corruption of houe wife. ArociiVi'HA means hidden or spuri ous. Magnets were discovered at Mag nesia. Ti'llk was invented at Tulle, in France. Canauies oanie from the Canary islands. Gillykloweii is a corruption of July llower. Taiioo und tattoo are of Polynesian origin. Sausankt was first made by the Saracens. Fauewkll means, may you faro or travel well. BitOADOLOTii took its iiuuio from its unusual width. Fetish and zebra ure from a dialect of South Afrleu. dav nt 4 o'clock. Tvro 31 tinier Ilntiftt d. Danville, III., Dec. 8. Harvey Pate and Frank Stlres were successfully ex ecuted hero at 1 o'clock this afternoon. The crime for which tliev naid tho penalty was committed August 25, last. They, with Elias McJunken and Charles Smoot, all young men, ranging from 17 to 21 years of age, were readers of trashy literature.and Pate had passed tv,o years among tho cowboys of Texas. They waylaid Henry Iloumick, a wealthy farmer, and wife on the country road. When ordered to stop, Iloumick struck the horse with a whip nnd Pate shot him dead. Stires and Pato were sen tenced to death, the others, being the youngest of the party, to imprisonment. There were two attempts to lynch them. They professed repentance and were baptized yesterday. "news NOTES. Voting for the bankruptcy bill re sulted in, for the bill, rep. 18, dem. 115, pop. 9; against, rep. 04, dem. 47, pop. 1; or 142 to 111. Tho Hawaian Gazette of Noy. 24th said : "In the meantime the monarchy is not restored, and will not be unless by the armed forces of the United States, whose forces must then continue to support the ex -queen. There may be small differences in the ranks of the party of reform, but we are today more united and determined on the main is sue than ever before. Let every reformer put aside all other and minor things, for as surely as there is an Eternal Justice overruling the affairs of men, so Eurely will the gross outrage proposed to be done to Hawaii fail of its purpose." Mnrkle, Sherman and Slierltt' Kelly dieted. In- The sheriff of Multnomah county, Penumbra Kelly, George B. Markle, president of the Oregon National bank, and D. F. Sherman, the cashier, were arrested by a deputy sheriff at 1 o'clock this afternoon on an indictment returned against them by the county grand jury at 12:30 today, in which they are charged with the larceny of public money. Thejndictinent.agiinsst 'be three men, which was returned m. o'clock,' and consisted of their ivp n t today, i a model of brevity and eiiMiin-ss. It sim ply sets forth that Kelly, M.nklo and Sherman 'feloniously and fraudulently did embezzle, loan and convert U their own use moneys belonging to Multno mah county." President Markle, of the Oregon Na tional bank, and Cashier D. F. Sherman were arrested in the bank at 1 o'clock by Deputy Sheriff Morgan and were taken immediately to tho court house. Sheriff Kelly saved the trouble of a for mal arrest by appearing there himself. Within a few minutes of their arrest Mr. Markle and Mr. Sherman had pre pared the bonds, which wero fixed in each case at $20,000, Telegram, Friday. WOOD'S A' O C-J PilODIXIi The Great Enitllili Roniedy. Promptly nnd permanently curoa nU forms of Kcrvou Weakntai.Emtttlons, Spentf otorrhea, Jmpotencu fid effects of Abute or Excetses. Eecn prescribed over oa .yenrsla tbousandaof cases: Etforc and After. nedtc:ne tn0lcn. Aik dniGSlst for Wood's FhoiDliodinej If ho offers 0iii6 worthless medicine In placo of this, leavo bis dtslionest store, lucloso prtco In letter, and wo will send by return mall, l'rlco, one package, $lj6lx,e5. Onei(;a,l-ii'lcu- ratnpu let in plalu 6cnlod envelope, 1! cents postage. Address Tito Wood Chemical Co., jai Woodward avenue, Detroit, Jlleh. Hold In The Dullai by liliil cloy .v llouglou. I'ltsturuKe. Moore's ranch, about three miles south of The D.lleB, has unexcelled pasturage and any one who desires to avail them selves of tho fact can secure reasonable terms upon application. 17tf Look Over Your Comity Wui riiiits. All county warrants registered prior to January lflth, 1S90, will bo paid if presented at inv oflico, comer of Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on und after this date. W.M. MlCIIEI.L, Treasurer Wasco County. October 21et, 1803. tf UIobIuk Out Siilo tif Orocerles. Owing to a contemplated change of business, tho undersigned will close out tho entire stock of groceries, hardware, wood and willow ware at cost for cash. Call eaily whilo the stock is unbroken. BitoriiEits. Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report. RoI&l Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE kti I- mi U ..TO iV' Hi