The Dalles My Chronicle. MARKET REPORT. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLK8 CITY, AND WASCO COUNTY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BY If AIL. fOSTAOK riUCrAlD, IN ADTAKCK. Weakly. 1 year 1 to " 6 months 3 " . . .. . .. Holly, 1 year " 6 months. ' per " Very Quirt nnd Qnotiitlono Unchanged Staple rroduce. Ktc. Friday, Pec. S. Tho Dalles markets are very quiet nnd dull in everything. Prices have continued unchanged for the week. The supplies of nil kinds of pro- .1 1. - .11 ! . n mnnt nil ilnt.Mltilla 0 AO ! nnil nimtatinnq rpmniti Htf !1V. sco I Egcs, through the inlluenco of warm 0 50 ' weather, are now plentiful nnd the ninr- AddnllcommuntctlontoTUE CURON-'ket hngu downwnrd tendoncv. Butter tCLK." The Dalle, Oregon. Jg n fuU Bnpp,y md mmM r.t-oc. omcE hours ' Inquiry for poultry is very light. A General Delivery window s a. m. to 7 p. ra. denier says realy there is no uemanti, THE GETTING IT JOWNMm..n. IS D&U. C II O U g H j I v uw nijijuuitm-ui jruhsvt; ua riuawt sweat with tho ordinary (cbtabliomcd ioio.I pill. But the hav-, To nil cash suhru'rihors of Tin: Ciiiionioi.k t . . i i i - WE It aewn Jfli paying one yuiir in ituviiiice. worse. Aa, aiior. rpi i ' p sELSff23g5ss The American former, temporary good. 1729, New York Avonue, From Winnirif- Washington, d. c. to end, Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Pellets Tins Ahrmcas Kaiimhu, which N how enter aw TKnv Tl.. '"g lt 7MI' 'c,,r ,l,c J'lwr farmer' ' j v' tuuior in uie r rnlnniiis of the eholi-ct agricultural unit liter Stoner OnleT Sunday U U. .9 a. in CLOSING Or MAILS trains going East 9 p. m. and 11 : a. ru. " " West 9 1. m. and 6:30 p. m. Stage lor Goldendale 7:S0a.m. " " lTliievtlli, .5:30a.m. ' "Dufurand Warm Springs ..5:30a.m. " fLeavingfor Lyle.t Hrtland..5:S0a. m. " " " Antelopo 5:S0a. m. Except Sunday. t Ytl-weeKiy. luesuny i nunuay mm saiuniaj , ...8a. m. to4p. m. , ... , l,.WB nlro nil nflWitiM at i I aW 1 AlaV muror hi the country tllO smallest and MlsnUnw elffhtpuRu wt, mul rontftitiR Art HMUllllir (It i 1 1 v I IMHITl UKIil UtlUIHt HtlW ILUC Hue Monday Wednesday and Friday. FRIDAY, - DEC. S, 1S93 Director Treston, of the mint bureau, has prepared a statement showing that -from the date the Sherman act took ef fect, August 30, 1S90, to the date of its repeal, the amount of silver purchased was 16S,674,590.40 fine ounces, costing fl55,030,940.S4, the average cost per ounce being $0,9244. The present mar ket price is about 60 cents per ounce. easiest tO take , iirjr mutter, plentifully embellished with tiny, sugar-coated '"","''' granules that any NATIONAL IX CHARACTER, child is readv for.' ... . . , . , , , . . T. . I rm , .1 I " UAH IS Willi llirmillg I11H1 tanner s iiucrcsu nominal figures, for shipment to Tort-1 Then they do their work bo easily ou broad, practical Hue, u land markets. I and so naturally that it lasts. I hey t..uiinvi: tub ih-ct u-uitvuc ik absolutely and permanently cure ""-"-' ? PVrvTwv Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious rM1; t-'u'1'. Attirk-H Sink and "HiliniiH TTnad- 111111 everything that iipivurs lit lis rnliimits In of Attacks, aiCk ana HlllOUS HC.IU thw iiKtittctiatnctf r Every ilcixirtutcut of the aches, and all ueroncements of the furmer iiusIumh i iIIscum.i1 iu mi eumcst. They don't shock and weaken the system, like the huge, old-fashioned pills. And they're more effective. One little Pellet for a corrective or laxative three for .a cathartic. They're ffitaranteed to give satis faction, or your money is returned. A report from Washington sayB it is broadly hinted that the Chinese do not intend to register under the extended exclusion act any more than they did under the original law. There is no reason why they should. The adminis tration aided with them once nnd there is reason to believe it would do so again The Chinese can snap their fingers at lawB and sing, "what a friend we have in Cleveland." The live stock market is- quiet. Pork on foot is iu demand, hut buyers are in clined by reports from abroad, to shade under quotations somewhat and conse quently 4J4 cents per lb. gross is the out side .figure. The grain market continues inactive and dull. There is a little hotter feeling in foreign markets within the past few days, and the same thing prevails in the east. While our own western markets are steady there seems to be n buoyunt tone nnd the inference is that a light advance may be looked for before the New Year. The Wilsou bill, placing wool on the free list, had the effect to depress the wool market very perceptibly since the 1st of the month. Quotations nre as low ns at any time during the past six months. NEWS OF THE STATE. The fight is raging again between Pen dleton and Union for the location of the branch insane asylum. The Dalles will not enter this undignified contest, while not withdrawing its candidacy, but will rest content with what an impartial in vestigation will bring forth, and Tely upon the integrity and good judgment of the board of Jphysicians who are to decide so important a matter to the life interests of so many human beings. The story of suffering in Chicago ap peals to the sympathies of the American people. The roofs of the churches shel ter the homeless and hungry, which is a new use for them, but an action which will call forth the approbation of all mankind. The greatest of virtues is charity, a fact which the Savior himself especially dwelt upon, and it is highly proper that the costly edifices where it is designed to worship God, should re spect humanity as well. A flat car costs about 43s0, a flat bot tom coal car $495, a gondola drop bot tom 500, a double hopper bottom coal car 525f a double hopper bottom coke car $540, n box car $5110, a etock car $550, a fruit car (ventilated) $700. The prices given on the above cars inclnde pswer brakes and vertical plane couplers. A 50 foot mail and baggage car costs $3,500, a second class coach $4,800, a first class coach $5,500, while u first class Pullman car costs $15,000. Scientific American. "Jack," the Indian condemned to death for the murder of Pitteudrigh at Westminster, . C, is actually dying with fear. Physicians cannot discern any other cause for bis sinking condi tion. They are feeding him like a doomed Thanksgiving turkey, but he sits in his cell the entire day shaking like a dice box and fading away at a rate that would kill an ordinary living skeleton with envy. Medical men agree that he cannot live to appease justice on Janu ary loth. Mason and Watson have been indicted in the U. S. court for sending obscene matter through the mails. Edward F. Terry, the niotorman of the electric car Inez, which plunged through the Madison-street drawbridge November 1 and killed and drowned seven people, has been indicted. The indictment against Terry recites that he is guilty of manslaughter, and says that "while in the commission of a lawful act without due caution and circumspec tion" he did feloniously and involun tarily kill one Charles Beekuian by then and there feloniously and involuntarily operating a certain car, the Inez," upon which Beekuitin was a passeuger. The l'r.Mlileiil Will Comply. Washington, Dec. 7. From the fact that the department clerks have been set to work making copies of all Ha waiian documents not already in type, it is inferred that the president has given instructions to comply with the Hoar resolution adopted by the -e mitt yesterday. Indeed, an authoii'-nive statement to that effect is made. Kaua Parmer' Alliance Drnil. Toi'eka, Kan., Dec. 7. The Kaiifiit farmers' alliance is now j ilitically deau. A long secret session was held today, but, enouirh ia known to positively state the politicians have won. The Omaha populist platform has been adopted. Gestxeken. Having mtlerfii a great ileal from headache for jeurs anc Ix-in unable to get relief until It would wear nwoy of Itself. I aw Krause'b Headache Capule advertUttl. I tried them, and now nm never without them, UmIIms. it the onlyremedy Hint will give reliei When I now hurl u heuditcht! coming on I take a cupsttle ar.dalwnyx lind the relief tntantnneniis. Jte spectfully youts, (i H. Vj:ioht, Jlotton, Jla.. 1 he above letter U only one of the many which go to prove the remarkable benefits received from the ue of Kraue's Headache Cxpsules. Any person sutrcilng irom beadnchf should vrociiie thee capsules at once, liewure of Imitations. The sjennineare olrl onlv in Lose and have the word Krauteon the label, nono other genuine fcold by Sniis t Klnersly. The makers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy say : " If we can't cure your Catarrh, ,i(.0. i i ",, 1 Amskican Kakmei:, which, being on ttiegrmturt, matter What your Case IS, We II ,na better facilities than any other papers for i ,) ?... getting this Information, ami ilevotcs It.-clf (i pay yOU .OdOO 111 CaSn. i0 hliU duty They will ilml In It constantly ii trrm Pn enfl .V.nt ic c-, - r f " '"' '" wcj yuu i.uu .jv.. niiui -3iu wi i nui kci ill iinuiner nivr. l-imtll, li, fh.i,,iiti uiul III fit, i, lit It apt-car on the 1st uml l.'ith n"f cacli liuwitli, nm! Ii iiirulsliitl at the low price of 50 CENTS A YEAR in advatict' Tills makm It Urn rliimprat ngrlriiltiiriil paper In tlm ootintry. FARMER LEGISLATION. lmrltig the coming year tlioro wllllciiu tin meno number of matters of the moit vital In tetret to farmers dealt with bv Congress, anil the Executive lMpartmeiits at Washington. It Is 1 highly iuioruut that the farmers ho kept promptly ami fully Informed ax to what Is lielng plnmifd and iloite allt-cttug them at Urn National I'miltal. They should all. therefore, take Tltr. A UK r.i can Kakmei:, whlch,bcliig on tliegrmiml, New York Weekly Tribune -AND DaiiesWeeKiu cnronicie other remedies, and which is most likely to curei you. Costs only 50 cents. 1 j, j - t The AMKiitCA.v KAituKunuii The Ciiiioniclx UCLIUK in be sent tone year fur 11.74. 4 GENTS makeJj.OOn dar. Greatest kitchen .V utensil ever Invented. Hetalli a'jets. 2toC ld in every hnus. Sample, liostage paid, five cents. McMakin and Co., (,'lnclnimu, otito. VE WANT YOf TO WORK FOR IV. thus musing fUi.CO TO iCO PER WEEK. Parties preferred who can furnish a hore ami travel through tho country: n team, though. I not neceary. A few vacancies In bonis ami cities. Spare hours may Im- used ti gvni ad vantage. R. JOHNSON & Co.. llth and Main Sts., Richmond, Va VIGOR MEN EmIIj. Quieklr. Pannantnllj Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, ' and all the tram ct cIU lronirlytrrecor later oTervrgrir, ulcfcnt-, I worry.ete. iulltrtt:ifit, I ileTclopment an:! tens I gtren to every orsan ard nortlon of tLe U-or. ' Blmplo.natnralD:etlioi;i. lmmedlatolmprcitemr.t rtra. failure fmpolu. 2J0I rererenctf. !' C, explanation and pr-cfj mailed (sled) free. ERIE MEDICAL CC. BUFFALO, ti. V. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. Rooms to rent at Rev. A. deuce on Ninth tttreet. Horn's resi-l23daw Hot clam broth at J. dav at 4 o'clock. O. Mack's every According to the last McClure's Mag azine McKinley is the tieat known and perhapB the least understood of any of those who began public life with him. It is sometimes said that bis Eucces3 was aerved by chance or circumstance: that his faith is cool calculation, his entnu alasm a simulation, his public manner the posing of an actor, his gravity an affectation of self-praise. But those who have been near him for many years do not speak thus of him. Gov. McKin ley's career seems to have been logically indicated when he, a youth not long out of the army, his shingle just swung over the door of a country law office in Can ton, met his opportunity and took it. It ia a tradition which his neighbors like to tell, that at that time there came a cunning lawyer to his town, who matched himself against McKinley in debate, and beat him and his feeble ar gament for protection down by the force fal pleadings of a pronounced free trader; Bd that then the iron entered McKin ley's heart, and he aaid to a companion : "Hereafter so man hall overcome me so; I know that I am right in this matter, aad I know Jtbat J ean show that Jam rlirht by and by." Thenceforth he ladled books and rneo and facts aad his fortified in Ji Jjpitl Hakmwit I Jump bm Kimmona Lirer Itegulator ia mf pvaetiee for the lat four years, mi ataajf;iifoeqaal ,im WIIwm IMd wMMaailiMi. 3a, U, Bhomt, M. D., Jttttlaryille, Ark. .LfcPjkd tku lil duy of riovemU, tm Karl's Clover Hoot, the new blood purifier, gives freshness nnd clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold bv fiiiipes & Kinersly, druggists. WOOD! AVOOU! WOOI1! Jiest grades oak, fir, pine and slab wood, umce y,ri fceconu Htreet. All orderH promptly attended to. tf Maibb & IlEXTON. heumatlsmy Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Compiaintsf Lame Back, ac. This Is the Season Of the Year Ulhen Judieious Advertising Pays. OHONLY.--S1.T5 H. H. CP7VPBBLL. SuccoBBOr to LESLIE BUTLER, Will enuatnnU) kei-p nn hiiuU a cumplotu Iltn- of GROCERIES, -CROCKERY, Hiivitig purcliaHil Mr. IltttlcrV cntiro atock, 1 Nlmll rudrnvor to malutiilu the reputation ef tho hoiim.-, which ha Uxn BEST GOODS AT LOWETT PRICES. - SQUARE DEALING TO EVERY ONE. Call and see me, next door to Postofllce. Blh SAHDEK'S ELECTRIC BELT Vlth-Clectro-BIOBnctlc 8U5FENSOny. J.uirt f'utealol lieu laiprnveaicat l Will car" wlttootmwIWneall Hnkiw rrjultlair 1 rem OTrrizattoa o train nrrra forceai exccMuiCirlMu ta norous dcWll:y. tlceplmntu, Un,raor, TtxKirrUnm. klducT, lter and. tuddrr co.-nfUlr.u. lame back, lumbago, oeUtlni, all fna corarslsu ifrtKfal 111 bealUi, etc, Thii electric Ikh coauiai tiMterril larnimat over all other. Ctirrtot l.-tttantl7 f tl 1 17 nearer or wo forfeit ti,Coj.oo. na vlllcuraallof tii ainro lttwi or no par. Thiri ads tern cnreU hv IhU rsarreloai lnrealfcju aftr all oth-T mnnilea failed, and we Klto liusUtvdl of tnUmonwIj in tillaaful RTrr other lute. Our rmrfil layrawl KUCTRIC aiarUKOST ttid PTKioeit loc srer offered rlc men, mrr. with alt H.IH. UntUi j4 yiftnm Mrtmtt' OUAMiVKHtl In Ot to tM4rs Seed rorlUui'd I'unpalet, miulrd.cuUaj, Irto 6ANDEN BLECTRIO OO., Ku. a7SVIrsUtrcct, J'OUTX.'JU NOTICE FOlt rUIUJCATIOK. Timber Lund, Act June 3, 167s. I". H. Uini OrncK.Thc Halle, Or.,) Nov. IkjO. I Notice in hereby given that In compliance with the provbloiia of tho act of emigre of Junes, Is'iH, entitled "An act fur thoaleof tlm bcr litiiil In the atatett of ( iillfnrulu, Oregon, .uvaiu nun vii.tniiigton 'territory, Neal C Htiivrtiami, Of Kingiley, county of Wiueo, atiite of Oregon, ' hm thl'. (lay llktl in tlili ollicu hit aivortl ittiito mcut for the purchax; of the SI'.'a of 'WJf, J of fc'ectlou. No. 2J, in Towmhlp No. it K , range No 13 E. W. M., and will otter proof toahow that the land nought I more valuahlo for It I timber or stone than for agricultural purjH)M.n, ami to e-ttabllnh Ills claim to tali! land before the Register and Receiver of HiIm oltieu at The Dulles, or., on the l.itn day of January, 1 VJ I . lie iiamen an wiroetn ueorgo Jiniveoil, jua- per Eutley, iA-on Rondtiiu ami Lufayctte Ilavln, i oi Kiiigiiey, ur. Any anil all lxirnoiiK claiming mlvermly the all of Klugiley, Or. laudn arc reiitienteit to tile their claim in thUotllcoou or before alil 15th davof i January, Ih'JI, j wlo JOHN W. I.EWIH, RegUter. notkjk'foh i u h li cati oxl TiheDhlles Wasco County, Oregon, Good Job Printing. If you have your job printing done at The Chuonicle you will have the ad vantage of having it done with the most modern and approved type, with which we keep continually supplied. AH jobs under the direct supervision of one of the most successful and artistic printers in the Northwest. RBHH AnwrreMble Laxative aMNRTC TOPIC. Wn HA Tbe Favorite TCBTI Wot Ml by Male A Kwaraljr. "Santantba al lis Willi's Fair," And be up t' the times. THE LATEST OUT Greatest Work of the Nineteenth Century Hy JOHIAH ALLEN'S WIPE A. G. Hoering, Local Agent, The Hii;, Or. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, and every room haa been :repa pared and repaint and newly carpeted throughout. The, house contains 170 rooms aud.rtHupplifi' with every modern convenience. Rat reaaonahle. A good restaurant attache1 to the houee, Frer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop. John Pashek, iKMOtOV'S HotiM to CvditMs. Notloe li biMtwr 1 van fct the Cmwtv Court v use rmwm wrt utvvuh tvrr www uwwatw uuiy afwomMa in tbe last will an l leaawFTgcer,' mmo. ' All naMonu h ir lamu aaalnit the wtate el Mia dC4!Md herby riulred to itfaBni. with the -faur vetichern. wltfiin six Month ham thuiUWol Ms notlee, to utd ezaeutor at kla rtaee of rasMetiee, ueir imuiw, in Mia county, or ii wiu oweo oi W, II. WJUoii, in Mid ImHm city. The faiMt Tailor, tm Ceitat sltKeet, lext door ta Waaee Bun Office. J'" 4 it II- 1 Jsyilaa Jut received tbe latent xtylen in Suitings for Gentlemen, and Uraeaaaortaasatof Foreign mul Amtff Iwii Cloth, which lie oaii fliilnh To Oiilvr lor (hoMi that favor him. CtoMtflf ni tytir lag SpMlcHy. IaAND Opfick. The Dalle. Or.,( Nov, u, ia'Xl. i Notice is hereby ciren that the followlmr iiariud ettler Juts HKtl uotlcoof hi Intention to make Until proof in nttpMirt of hi- claim and that raid proof will be made before tho regliter anil receiver at The Hiille. Oregon, on Wednesday, Utcvinlivr T,, m, vU Hewitt JCIiie, Homentead Application No. 2KB, for the NUof HKH uml V.lA id HW'A Kc. 10, Tp. rj. R. II Kat. He nmnes the following wltnexaea to prove hlx coiitintioiiH resilience uxjii mid cultivation of nam iiiuii, viz II. V. Wella, of The Dallen, Or., Charlea Kaston, Jarnca Kaitou and l'anl I.lmerothiOf .aueiR', or. John W, Lkwik, Regl-ter. EXECUTORY NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Waeco County in probate, executrix with the will annexed of the eotato of James Underbill deceased. All persons having claims against (am estate are Hereby re quired to present thorn to me with proper vouchers at the law ofllee of Con don & Condon in Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from the date of thin notice. November 11, 18U3. Claim '. 'Undkkiiill, Executrix of the Katatoof James Under bill, deceased, XOTIOE FOK ' PUBLICATION. 1AMb OKrica, Tlio Hallen, Or,,) "Oct. 2, WM. j Notho It hereby Riven that the following named net tier baa nlt notice of hl Intention to maJfu IWial proof in iMPl-ort of hi claim, uml that Mid proof will bo tiuuto MoNiiUie lUKl.ter and Receiver at Thu , Halle; Ur,. on Hccemljer ll,l,vl: k' .' Kolando O.-Mreoks, devlneo of Joan Uuflbes,dec4Ntd. IIrruietM-AMllMMan Ne.'aw, fortheH; MM and H4 HWof Bee. a, Tp.JK., , 13 K. ' . lie name tho following witne to prove hi coiitlnuoii renldence upon and ciillivatlon of Mid land, vlx: O. W.cook, VV. A. filler, FratikCrelghton and Beth Morgan, all of tbe IMIIee. Or, , mkowk pieajuj utKo notice. JOHN ,WLKWiH, llwlitcr. Ettrtvy Taken TJp, One hlaek pony, branded eitbcraj'or on loft hip mid left law- Owner van have Mine by pruv Ihk tmwerty h1 paying for thUnotle, DKIX C. WILUKK, WHHrlm f uetoaiee, The Helle, Or. ..A. The (late Oity of the Inland Etnpiru ih situated at the haul of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pnw ptirouK city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the Bupply city for tin oxtoimivo and rich agricultural and grazing country, itn trade reaching ns fur houth iik Summer Lake, a dintnncu of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the etiHturn Hlope of the Cas cadeH furnishes piiHture for thmiwinds of uheop, tho wool frost which finds market here. The Dalles in the largent original wool uhipping point in Americu, aliout 5,000,000 jkiuikIh laiing Hhijijiod hiHt year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the fincHt on tho Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thouBaudH of dollum, which will 1 more than doubled in the near future. Tho products of the lieautiful l.Iiukitut vnlley find market here, nnd the country south and cmt Iiuh thin year tilled the warehouses, and all nvnilahle sturnge places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of itH size ou the count and its money i scattered over nnd ia Iming used to develop more farming couawy than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate 'delightful. Ifc'P' sihilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And oa corner stones she stands. Of jOfpR CAN BC FIRST CLASS iG m inn HAO AT THE CHRONICLiE OFFICE