eljc Oallco v Cljranklc VOL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1893. be Dalles Daily Chronicle. pnhllKhcl Dally. Bimrtr Excepted, BY (HK CMKON1CLE PUBLISHING CO Street. NO. 149. ptof' 4rtHtld Wtahlngtnn Dulles Oregou, Trma of MuliMrltitiiiii The If. 00 month, by earner 60 ' i- unv ...................... ... a Kamwyi .i r n TIME TAHI.K8. ItMllrtmtU. til uflect AtlRUnt fl, 1SSC KAhT llOUJUl. . , .rmr. liiUr.u. Dcpurti n:(w r. WKfcT llOUM). K, Attire 3, ill) A. M. Depart 8:11 a. MM.' a J. . ..-.l,tii I'irtlntiil lit 1 f M ' Depart for l'ortlitml t n r. n nol Irelrhta thnt curry MociKcrK leave forts wmtHt h'OO a. Ma:id one (or the mt it a. STAdKH, or rtturrllle, via. Hake Ovcu, leave .daily iiu- fcr Anlelo. Mitchell, Cauyou City, leav WfTltf, A. M. is Itulur, Kt!iKley, Wainlc, Waplnltla, Warm i na 1TCU t unny. leave uui, w n 'r. at C A. M. Atuoktcudalo. WmIi., leave every day of the it except riunuay ut 7 a. m. 9Scc fur nil Hue at the Umatilla iiotire. H. I'KOFKMSIONAl.. II KIDDELI,-ArroitKKY-AT-LAW Office Court street, Tho Dalle, Oregon. i i. du run. mANK MKNxrsi. rtlirni'.. . MENErEt ATTORjfKY " AT II . . t - .1. ..,. it .tf.l tMl, j hiumiiii;. Kuirancc on tt aauiucum mruui A. arc in Hchanno'a build I nc tip atalra. The 'Ma, Drcgou. I,t KA YR. a.K.UCXTIMOTON, H. . WIUOK. IIAYr. llrNTlNQTOS i WILSON ATTOB .11 Kir at. law Office. K reach' block over WitMtluunl llauk. 1 'ifaliea. uregou. IV U. WIliiON ATTOtlY.AT-LAW. W . French it Co.'a hank building, JStr, lhc Dallca, Oregon. -Room Second M. I).. C. M. . F. T. M.C.; M.l 1'. und H. O., I'hyalrUn iiiiil Nur 1 STOH'ItLAND fl. Ml P mitt f .ih. Itoomn 3 and i, Chapman mock. ti4tste.Ir, Thornbury'n, went end of Second nR.EcHEI.MAN (HOKAOfATHlC, l'HYMClAH is tsa mi mi eon emu a dytfftfrbt, city orcouutry, CiMpaixu block. answered promptly .to, Office UU utid wtl DO A N K I'HYMCIAN AX HUB fltON. OrBot; room, f end c unapman 1)1) ALL Dtntiht. Oa given for the iHttnleaa extraction of teeth. Also teeth iluwed uluuiluum tilute. ikhjiiu: bird oi it l.nllll.Il TOOtll. KlKKIUU HtrMlt. HOCIKTIK8. WASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. K. A A. M. MeeU m firat and third Monduy of euch month at 7 t.i. BMle ROYAL AHC1I CIIAI'TEU KO. f.. Xu In MaMintu Hall the third Wednesduy ""tiaontli at 7 J. M. l01im MOODMKS OK M illltaxi CampNo,i9,Meetalueduyeve lS(oftliireuk In Fraternity Hall, at 7:80 p. I THE WOULD. even- m. COtPifBlA LODGE, NO. 6, I.O. O. K.-Moeta .. trm Friday eveuliiK at 7::U) o'clock, In K. Jfr corner Becoud and Court titreet. "Mraliij; brother! are welcome. B-CWBOH.tiec'y. U. A. BlIXH.N.G. PKIENUSHIl' LODGE, NO. ., K. of 1'. MoeU f ery Monday cveulnr at 7:30 o'clock, In ttunu bulldlUK, corner of Court and Kecond bojuurulug inembern are cordially lu W. H. Cium, WA'Aunt:, Kif K. and H. C. C. Ab-EMULV NO. K7, K. OK L.-Mcct 111 K. A oil, hall tlin nucniid and fourth Wcduc- Sj of each mouth nl 7:S0 p. in. ftT0MKN'B CHrUBTlAN" TEMFEKENCE , UNION will raoet every i'rlday afternoon clock at the rcadliiK room. All are invited. Ol.J.O.O.T.-Kegular riday at r. ur It. O. KLKCK, Be uai..mu. uiuut; N0.U01 "SU111T 1IJ1II All lC. CllfttkW 4 I H1 FRENCH c& CO., BANKERS. TUANftACT A OKNEHAL 11ANK1NU B0S1NK8H lxsttere of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. .Sight Exchange and Telegrapldc AranaierHsoiuon new i orK, vnicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon ana Washington. Collections made at all itointp on fnv. orable terms. THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President Z. F. Moody Vice-President, Charles Hilton Cashier, M.A.Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK. SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms at all accessible pointf. J. M. BCHE.NCK, Freildcnf. J. M. I'attkuson, Caahlcr. First National Bank. aaddiMAt no i,4 fliuii)s' ' n mif 3-aDVMav.i A:i;i.v:i-e noi9iiiKtiav 'tiuio.inj, 'xos JiaVf 'oan JiexJI tllisnipnuidipottl ti ii j,ipMHM N.itiinip.nu ipuo mini oni Mi! a"iw Xsn()riiit.-)iio. una pim joihi naoji J0.)'iniouiuif,'jno. posu oa:ii T!01 uouiopTjuuoA'jpuooqo JopAoj m jo 'pmbirj ut ei8!S9nj(j H Xq piog ltAJT SAOtl "P!H P u JOAtrj 01i 110 jpojip Sui -pu '0'qiqo -Soa Xjoand PUB '0Ap -RXTJJ pjlBl V ' o j it o V. J0J tJltTJJ .tnoA ujd utjo n o A" iptijAY ay outoipoui Xonpi; pin; joafj Xitio 01J3 El joVJ -llSoy; JOAirj SU OtUUil g SUOIHJUI J O qDip.ioA oqj n (l uoAojd puu P!JX Pa -I80X0 JDA0U puuBjnqon; BTJ pip By, u, udmu VHE DALLES. - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted De08it8 received, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly r . . - 1 ...-11... . remnieu un uuj ui .cuutrciiuu. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on . i ork, ban rrancisco and Portland. DIREOTOKS, D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schbnck. Ed. M. Williamh, Gto. A. Liehe. H. M. Buall. W. H. YOUNG, fiiacKsmiifi & Wagon Slop General BlnckBinithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tliirfl Street opp. Llebe's old Stand. House 13 bull Times makes It nil the more necessary to ndvcrtlte. That Is what the most tirmrrcsslve of nnr business men think, and ihci rmucIhis. Incus men are the most prosjierous at all times. ii you wjsn 10 reacn nit trie reopie in this nclRh borhfiod you can't do better than talk to them through the columns of the Daily Chronicle. has more than double the circulation of any other paiK.T, nnd advertlslnp in it pays blp. "Tie Regulator line" Tie Dalles, Portland anil Astoria Navigation Co. p Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box I81.The Dalles MeeU Second TEMPLE mnnv nn 8. a. o. ti. w. ' 1(1 Frnti-rtiltv Hull, nvcr Kellers, an fi . i uurauay vveuiuk'a ai 7 :;. II. IIAKKKN. JyjJYM, Klnaiicler. .L'.- .!. JlKHMITII l'fHT. Nil. .T). (1. A. l.-Ml'I ? tterv Hutnrlir t i- tt.. lu thuK. of I'. U ' " XEKli AN ItAILWA Y I'NIO'N, NO. 10. - L.f f1'1" oeeonn and loiirtli Tiiumaiiya eacn liilC of I', hall. J. W. KeADV, ia-JoNKH. Hi-C Y. I'res. L. J5. MeeU every bunday aftcruoou lu K. of h. Hull. VKrtKtNMiwta uvurv "BuudaV lu tho K. of V. Hull. 1 Of L, K. DIVISION. No. 107-Moeta In i j?' "i r. iiau vnu urai aim umu nwim' ftVi THK CHUBCHKN. I I'aalA m I ma Uuay Ail'iiPV MllrlnHV HI .r' 4 ik 11 ai ui he ill :mi jl . m . f uniivi hl tr-'-to a. u, KvouIuk Prayer ou Friday at oI HAlKTluw fiifnuiif u.M r li 'I' a v. I m t.t I " i ..I OKnu . - 1,1 - . mS i i wr. Hmlooii every Buudfty ut 11 - 7 y mnnwii iitiwu ovum kwi f URCH-Rev. J. Whulkb, imitor! urm... . mrui uiluuuh vwuiv Hi u extended by both ixutor aud people toiai.iT ft' 11 m. and 7;80 i, in, All OKLIUAL LUT1IEKAN Ninth atreet" A. Horn, ttaator. ilarviaaa at ll!80a.m. wooi t 8iW p.m A oordial widoons J. F. FORD. isl, Of Des Moluet, Iowa, writes under dute oi March 23, lbW; S. U. Mkd. Mfo. Co., Dufur, Oregon. C?r-iftVmfii : , , T , . On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 jound8, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of tho children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured aud kept away all hoarseness from mo. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mb. & Mas. J. F. Foau. If you wlah to loci trend and cheerful, and ready lor tho HpriuB'a work, cleanse your ytem with tho Headache uud Liver Cure, by taking two or three dose each week. Bold under n positive guarantee. 60 conU per bottle by all drugsUta. CLEVELAND IN A BOX His Forthcoming Message on Hawaiian Affairs, ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO BE GIVEN Theories Advanced That the President Will Recommend Forcible Restoration. Washington, Dec. 7. It is not certain yet what course the executivo will take in response to the resolution of tho sen ate calling for information on the Hawaiian episode. The information will bo given, but whether as a formal response to the senate resolution or in a special message from tho president, which takes no note of the resolution has not yet been determined. The in formation is prepared and can be sent in at any time. It was apparently put in shape to accompany the president's forthcoming special message before tho resolution passed the senate yesterday. There is excellent authority for saying that Minister Willis' present orders are to employ no force of arms. It is prob able the instructions by the Corwin are for him to proceed in his effort to per suade the provisional government to allow Liliuokalani to be restored. It is intimated from a responsible source that the ex-queen declines to go back on the throne unless by consent of the pro visional government leaders, or a guar antee of protection by the United States. There had been theories advanced that after hearing again from Minister Willis, and learning positively that the queen cannot be restored, except by the use of the United States troops, the president will present to congress the case of the queen as a wronged monarch, whose government was overthrown by this government, and assert that it is now the duty of the United States to re store the former condition even by using force. This is the idea advanced by the friendB of the administration. lIEMJNOKIt'S ItUM.Xl. THROUGH Freignt ana Passenger Line Through Tri-Weekly (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dallen ut 7 u. m., Mondays', Wednesdays and Fridays, connecting at the Cascade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock) at 6 a. in., TueEdaye, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. l'AHSKNttKIt ItATEH. One way Round trip. $2.00 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for wav landings must lo delivered before 5 p". in. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, B. F. W. CALLAWAY, General Agxiit. LAUGHLIN, (leneral .Manager, C. P. STEPHENS, OEALBK IN DRY - GOODS Clothing tloota, Hlioea, llata, Kto. Fancy Ijood, (.otion, BU. Ktc. Etc. SoondSt.,The Dalles. THE DALLES, TlARTIC OREGON CANDY FACTORY SODA WATER AND I0E OREAM. ut wlioleaaltt ijuotiitlou. Candies and Nuts Specialties toii a ceo, t i i UKJAltH AND I I HWKKT IMtlNKH Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalle 2dStret J. FOLCO At rlKht lde Mm. Obarr't restaurant. A TKAGEIJY ON Slf irKDAHD. All Obnoxious JIully Killed by a Utah Stockman. San Fhancikco, Dec. 7. Ad ices have just been received by mail from San Bias, Mexico, to tho elfcct that on the afternoon of the ISth of last November, James F. Culty, a steerage passenger on board the steamer City of Sydney, from San Francisco for Panama, was shot through tho brain with a revolver by Albert Spinch, a stockman of Utah, who was also a steerage passenger. It ap pears that Culty was of a very obnox ious, bullying disposition, and took of fense because Spinch wore spectacles. After abusing Spinch he started up from the supper table saying, "And you with the glasses I'll fix;" advancing at the same time in a threatening manner. Spinch immediately backed away, draw ing his revolver as he did so, and when Culty was within striking distance ho fired. The captain of the vessel exon erated Spinch from all blame, and Culty's remains were buried at sea the following morning. On tho day after tho burial Jose Jacintho do Brun Costa, an elderly passenger, became a raving maniac in consequence of having wit nessed the tragedy, and when the steamer reached Mazatlan ho sprang overboard and tried to swim ashore. Ho was with difficulty rescued and taken back to the vessel. TUB UNEMl'l.OVEl). Thouaaiida or. I'eopln In Chicago With out Food or Shelter, Chicago, Dec. 7. Tho distress among the unemployed is so great that every night 000 find' lodgings on the cold lloors in tho corridor of tho city hall. These are only a few of tho great number who have no placo to sloop. Five hundred sleep in tho chairs in tho Pacific Harden mission. From 1 ,100 to 1,500 find lodg ing on tho Btone floors in tho cells in tho police stations. Lust night it was an nounced that eight churches will bo thrown open to furnish lodgings for those who have no other. Tho men will ho given a cup of coffeo and rolls in tho morning. This action wa3 forced upon Christian people by tho fuct that for tho last month the unemployed and unsheltered thousands have been crowding around engine rooms in build ings and other places where there was heat and ehelter, begging for a place where they might bo protected from tho cold, llerry Monroe, superintendent of the Pacific Garden mission, brought these facts to tho attention of tho churches with tho resulUbovo stated. I'uaturage. Moore's ranch, ubout three miles touth of Tho Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage and any ono who desires to avail them selves of tho fact can secure reasonable terms upon application. 17t( Important l'olnt Agnlnat the Inillrtril Mmnggler. Telegram. Judge Bellinger has thrown a cannon ball into tho smugglers' camp by an nouncing in open court that ho is con- vlnced ho erred in tho ruling made in tho Dunbar trial that conviction could not bo had on tho evidence of accom plices without corroborative testimony. The court said : "In that case I ruled that there would bo no conviction without the testimony of other than accomplices. I did this without investigation. I have since in vestigated it, and I find the testimony of an accomplice is sufficient evidence for the jury to convict if they believe the testimony is true. I make this state ment now so that counsel will not be taken by surprise. I am satisfied I made a mistake in that ruling, and I hasten to correct it at the earliest possi ble moment." The ruling, which Judgo Bellinger stated was made in error, was that on which he based the instructions in his charge to tho jury that conviction could not be had on eight of the fourteen counts in the indictments against Dun bar, because there was no testimony corroborating that of Blum, Garthorne, jacKiing ana iierg, wno were accom plices, and tit was on the remaining six counts in the two indictments that the jury returned the verdict of guilty against Dunbar. A Negro Murderer Lynched. BniMiNOHAM, Ala., Dec. 7. A young negro named West was hanged by a mob near Berlin, a small station not far from Sclma, Ala., last night. Reuben Smith, a young white clerk, in tho store of "Jack" Stubbs, in Berlin, was murdered in his bed in tho rear of the store and the place was ransacked and robbed. As soon as the crime was discovered dogs were put on the trail and West was caught. He was examined by a magis trate and ordered to prison. The evi dence was strong against him, so it is said. On the way to the prison a body of Smith's friends seized West, and, tak ing him to a neighboring tree, hanged him and riddled his body with bullets. Bleeding' II rend. A New Explosive Invented. 1'ARis, uec. i. nctet, a iswiss en gineer, has invented an explosive called migurite, wmcii lie claims possesses a power equal to dynamite, and a greater power when used as gunpowder. It is smoKeiess, ana, according to the in ventor, perfectly safe in handling. Its qualities are not impaired by weather or water, and it is cheaper than dyna mite. All On Board I.oBt. London, Dec. 7. The body of one of the crew of the steamer Nyatca was washed ashore on the Cornish coast, adding to the probability of the supposed foundering of that vessel and the loss of her crew of eighteen in a recent gale. NEWS NOTES. The Prince of Wales was nominated grand master of the English Freemasons. The directors of the Manchester ship canal formally opened tho canal yester day. Tho public opening will take place on New Year's day, with a procession of vessels. Hawaiian Minister Thurston left Washington yesterday for Honolulu Before leaving he called on Gresham. He was not sent out of the country and does not go at the suggestion of tho sec rotary of state, but goes of his own ac cord to advise and consult with those ho represents. It is said that when tho president sends in all tho correspondence ou the Hawaiian relations, extending over a period of a dozen years, it will be the bulkiest document ever submitted to congress. Tho reports, correspondence and affidavits incidental to Blount's spc- i i fl rnn ciai report, ic is earn, cover uiz pages alone. Fasy to take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Smallest, easiest, cheapest, best. They're tiny, sugar-coated, anti bilious granules, a compound of refined aud concentrated vegetablo extracts. Without disturbance or trouble, Consti pation. Indigestion, Bilious Attacks. 'Sick aud Bilious Headaches, and all de rangements of tho liver, stomach and bowels, nro prevented, relieved and cured. Permanently cured, too, By thoir mild and natural action, these lit tle Pellets lead the system into natural ways again. Their influence last. Everything catarrhal in its nature, catarrh itself, aud all tho troubles that como from catarrh, are perfectly and nermanently cured by Dr. Sago's Ca tarrh Remedy, No matter how bad your case or how long standing, you can bo cured. For a Boro throat there is nothing hotter than a flannel bandago dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm, It will nearly always efl'ect a euro in one night's timo. This remedy is also a fa vorite for rheumatism and has cured very sovero cases. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Considerable dismay was caused in England during the recent hot weather by the appearance of blood stains in bread, and also in boiled potatoes, rice and other farinaceous substances. In superstitious -times this somewhat rare phenomenon was regarded as a miiacle, but modern Ecience has shown that it is due to the growth of a microscopic plant, which is known to some, according to Dr. M. C. Cooke, as micrococcus pro- digiosw aud to others as bacillus prodig iosus. The true explanation of the ter rifying blotches was first pointed out by a Paduan naturalist in 1819. The same production was seen near Berlin by Ehrenberg in 1848, at Rouen by Dr. Camille Montaigne in the same year, and was first recorded in Britain in 1853. About 1880 an epidemic visitation on the continent was attributed to this source. Carmine red patches, capable of staining the fingers, appeared on cooked meat during the night, and various articles of food were similarly affected until, after about three months, the epidemic, sud denly ceased on the advent of a lower temperature. Fresenius found the in dividual organisms to be round or oval cells not more than one two-thousandths to one four-thousandths of a line in diameter. They develop only in tho dark, and when kept continuously at a temperature of 100 F. their color is gradually lost. Shiloh's Vitalizer is 'iw' you need for dyspepsia, torpid Hut. cllow i-kin or kidney trouble. It h .uiranteed to give you satisfaction. l'i)'- 74c Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. Mr. J. P. Blaize, an extensive real es tatedealer in Des Moines, Iowa, narrow ly escaped ono of the severest attacks of pneumonia while in the northern part of Iowa during a recent blizzard, says ,the Saturday Review. Mr. Blaize had occasion to drive several miles during tho storm'and was so thoroughly chilled that ho was unable to get warm, and in side of an hour after his return he was threatened with a severe case of pneu monia or lung fever. Mr. Blaiz9 sent to the nearest drug store and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of which ho had often heard, and took a number of largo doses. He says the ef fect was wonderful and in a short time ho was breathing quite easily. He kept on taking the medicine and tho next day ho was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. Blaize regards his cure as simply wonderful. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Commencing Friday the 8th inst. the Regulator will make trl-weekly trips, leaving tho Dalles on Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays, connecting at Cascade Locks with tho Dalles City. Tho Dalles City will leave Portland Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting at tho Cascades with the Regulator. All freight (except car lots will bo brought through tho same day. D. P. & A. N. Co. Tin: Dallas, Dec. 5, 1603. Look Over Your County Wurrnuu. All county warrants registered prior to January 10th, 1890, will bo paid if presented at my office, cornor of Third and Washinuton streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. Wm. Micuui.b, Treasurer Wasco County. October UUt, 1803. tf Cloaliig Out Sulo of (Irot'erlea. Owing to a coiitomplated change of business, the undersigned will close out tho entire stock of groceries, hurdware, wood and willow waro at cost for cash. Call oarly whilo the stock is unbrokon. JOI.ES RltOTlUHM. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE