Is H;iy Only. SP OUR r AT SALE. Tliis kj Only. Saturday, December O, 1S93. Table Linens. Our "lO-ct. Blenched Damask for -10 cts. Our (in-ct. " " " 50 cts. Our Our 7o-et. " " " . go cts. 0ur Our 85-ct. " " " . . .. 75 cts. Our Our S 1 .25 " " "... $1.00. Our :!0-ft. Turkey Red for. . 25 cts. j Our Our 50-ct, " ' " " -10 cts. ! ( Hir Our (r-ot. " " " 50 cts. ; Our Our 7")-ct. " " " GO cts. , Our Table Cloths and Napkins. to Lunch Cloths, and $1.85, reduced from 75c. and $1. :.". Our Our o.OO S 1 -25 1 .50 2.00 2.25 2.50 4.00 Table Napkins. Bleached Napkins for $3.50. 4.25. 5.50. $1.00 1.25 . 1.00 . 1.90 . 2.00 . 3.25 Fringed Doylies 50 c. all goods Markcd . in plain figures. THE TIME EXTENDED. Tim lllll rr Nrlllorn I'noo. Itntli Hoiikp Mini Si'tuitn. Tho followiiiR telegram will cause u fervency of ttiiinka from our settlors to our jeresentatlves which could not Lo equalled by uny other act that could he performed at Washington : t . ,WHI."v,'roN' I- c- J)cc 7, MM. T"n!,0,1",V; 'w If. T!o D.ilU-.Or.: I ho hill paseed the house Tuoday and tho senate today, extending tho time three ycais. v. R. Km.ih. Hooray for our representatives in con gress Mr. SUn'oni'ft I.rcturo. IE. W. H iM &c CO. ii-:au:ih in Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Perfumery, Etc. Puro WlneB nnd Liquors for Mocllclrtnl Purposes. Compounding Physicians' Proscriptions n Spoclalty. No. 10,r) .Second .Street, Tim Dalles, Oregon. Mkisu Oiliimlilii dimly Knr.lory. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. tho I'ontonice t Tlie Dalle, Oregon, MTand'Clnim runttcr Clubbing List. fins. ' lai , Y Tritnaf, ffi , isi Wrirst I'ariw, . fkwr anJ Urt'lurM BacaZu. Otrni'li' and CoiBp!itan iizimt. Ki-Rulur Our jirlco price l.iuul Ailfrlllnc. Alberta I'elden, the child prodigy, speaks rh rur The naii.s. 240 lines and rends a Ions; letter. "Gil-1 bert Midland" and "Kate Midland" nro Mr- " iIliaI" barlow and son Thomas leading characters, while J. G. Stuttz ta"ie '" 'roiii Wamic yesterday with a uozt'ii dol's. wnicn were contracted fnr by an East Portland buyer. Messrs. Rrazille Savage, Albert Sav age and Robert Campbell of Wamic, will exhibit l comedian. his versatile powers as a , 'LA BASTILLE. V,r, Surrrakful HUtorlcil Krnrmt I l.ntl Mk'lit. THURSDAY DEC. 7,1893 The Daily und Weekly Chronicle may ie found on rale al J. C. Xickehcn's store. DECEMBER DOTS. Sjilry Nnuoletk (Snrix-rt'il from Kc Mirtcr' Xotr ltook. state's Evidence" tonight A matinee will be Riven Saturday rii'ion for children. Prices 10c, loc 'J."ic. LU. Moody of Portland watt appoint ees member of the state board of pbar Man yesterday. I'Mcrday Governor Pennoyer par fonwl J. H. Ruckinaster who was Hen tenwl from Klamath county in lS'.U for yearn. Ex-Mnto Senator J. W. Norval of I'liion county died suddenly yesterday of heart failure near his liome at Rine hart Nation. If the new road to 15-Mile will do avvoy with tho mud grade between 8 Mile and Lon Ward's pi uce it will fluvo iotf of swearinc at this reason of the H-ar. Wess Hice'p drove of about seventy five fat Jiojjh "went squealing through Uif streets" this morning. Having this k'nd of property fanners can realize a lair price for their damaged wheat. 'Hie play tonight will be followed by a wild hop, the music to bo furnished by 'lieStuttz band. The bonehus are re cced to 50 cents. More chairs will bo "'oishud for tonigiit'a untertainnient. o!. 1 , No. I of tho Salem Democrat 'reached our table. It ih filled with 'wdiiii. xnatter of a snicv and iiowhv tlire and will crowd its older rivals It is not too much to say that "La Pastille," as presented by the Stnttz company Inst night, is as line a play as line ever been presented in The Dalles. It ts rf rtfant lit ctnMf ittirnur iiivftj nn. jH-r Hue (or llrM lnwnlou, nua 6 Cent. " , " line for inch .ub-vfjueat ItiKcrtion. P1B "cope lor uie unimauc auuuies oi "lfo-mi rnt-h lor Iuhk timi- notlci-s. the leading roles, and lias just the pro- ASiiu iiotlcen r.fivci later thiia s o'clock j T equipoise of comedv. "La Pastille'' tfrli.efolluirtBBd.y. is Mr. stutu. own pfay. I'y it he has j jiroven himself a genius as a playwright, j for it is destined to live as long as thea ters exist. So thrilling and intense is its action that unusual demands are made upon the comedy, for were it not for this, the nerves, strung to their .igh est tension, would give way with people of weaker temperament. Put this hap pily is supplied. So gieat is it in dram atic incident that when the shallow "Nero" and the patriotic "Fleurette," with whom he is enamoured, come on for t'ulr turn, the audience often re fuses to accept their levity. Put this they cannot long jesist, and when the gallant Dutchman, in pressing hie suit, makes use of such argument as "Marry me, Floray; the country needs sol diers," the audience makes a complete surrender and are overcome with laugh ter. "Maurice Pertrand," t he young ad vocate' arrested on his wedding night, is a powerful character. He is thrown into the bastille, nnd after twenty years is liberated by his sympathizers who gain the upper hand. The quasi-mad scene, following this liberation, is one of the strong points in the play. "Mar guerite" is in every way his peer, and together, Mr. and Mrs. Stutt. make a strong team. "Fleurette," in "Pa Pas tille," is Bimilar to "Cigarette" in Ouida's "Under Two Flags," ami pie senta the same queer mixture of mascu feminity that makes that novel so popu lar. Equal in merit are tho "Abbie Lo Mair" and "Comt St. Cyr," and in this play at least they are stars. Poth Mr. Peldon and Miss Pico are young and ambitious to excel, and a successful fu ture is assured to them. The balance of the support is good, and altogether "La Pastille" is the strongest play in the reportoiro of the Stuttz company. It is a pleasure to state that the house was tilled last night, a greater audience coming out than any night previous. came in yesterdav with twentv-three j head of Brazille Savage's fat hogs. j Frank Woodcock of Wamic, one of the gentlemen who brought in hogs yester- day, says : "I sold my hogs for 4? cts., got my money and it's all spent now." Hog money won't keep any better than any other kind. i. popularity, if its present excellent sli"dard is maintained. "ere is the story of a man who claiui- lie was "too poor" to take the county I'or. Ji0 H0I,t, 5 to u down-east Van w'o advertised to keep horses from JjobberlnK and received the following: fuaeh your horses to spit." r'o diversions are tonight placed be ?r the People of Tho Dalles. One is ',e htuttz couipmiy'a comedy of "Suite's Wuenee," and the other is the free "re of Mrs. Helen Stafford on "Del "lean Pliyslcai Culture." At the Union Whist Club, entertained ft- V0"lnB bv Mr ttnd WrB' "ostetler, 7 prize .,B""tt, and was won Mrs. G. C. by Mrs. A. S. Plakelev car- i awiiv i,. i.,.i... m in i kn i wuy, iney wui ue on- by Mr u,,d MrH' Hobmm next ''State's Evidence," which will lw V i tonight, is said to be u most laugh. Coumy which J. G. Stun as- 8 lllu 'olo of "Solomon Isaacs." and u a in (a .... vaut." In this play little Kf illui'li 'uki-. S. II. CIKJbrd, New Cassel, Wis., wast troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was alt'ecled to an alarming degree, ap jictite fell away, and he was terribly re duced in flesh and strength. Three bot tles of Electric Plttois cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, III., had a running sore on Ills leg of eight years' standing. Used tliieo bottles of Electric Hitters and seven boxes of Pucklon's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Cata waba, O., had five large fever sores on his leg, doctors said ho was incurable. Ono bottle Electric Hitters and one box Hiickleii's Arnica Salve cured him en tirely. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. PERSONAL MENTION. Gus. Prockman of Pear creek is in the city. Mr. Frank Gabel has returned from a six months' trip to Wisconsin, and will reside in The Dalles. Joe Robbertson is slowly recovering from a severe cold, which" has almost laid him on the shelf the last few days. D. H. Dillon of Jewell county, Kan., is in the city looking up a favorable lo cation in our unexcelled fruit belt. In all likelihood he will move to Wasco county within n few months. HOTill. .UtI!IV.U.. Skibbo -D F Hartley, John Koenig, Goldendale; James Flanavan, Latah; A Peterson, Celilo; Leo Pondeau, Kingsley. lTmatilla W H Jones, John Sterling, City; Andv Steen, E P Devon, John P Lake, Z M Prown, W S" Norman. M Hastings, Mrs Smith, Portland; Fred Damplemain, Prineville; WM King and wife, Piu'gs; J Thompson, Centerville; Henry Davis, William Flannery, Gold endale; John Medler, WaEco; A D Mc Donald, Monkland; Frank Poberts, J M Hoberts. Wamic; Chas Putler, Henry Davis, E P Parsons, Port Townsend ; F Hurdt, (i T Davis, San Francisco; ET Vernon. Whatcom ; Geo Vanderpool, t! Dufur, P Siirman, Dtifur; T I) Condon, Moscow; Ellen Lain, Jefferson; T J Drive, New York; T Young, W C Daughton, Ponton ; M J Hunt and wife, Chicago. Columbia D P Crabtiee, Mrs J J Nickelsou, Chenoweth ; H King, Nau sene; T J Pates, W C Pates, M E Avers, (ieo Avers, H Putehel, Plalock ; J E Sindel.'H J Hibbard, Chas Davis, Hood Piver, It W Prigirs, Washington; Jas Conley, T Pain, John Elderton, Antel ope; Carper (i i upper, M Watcher, T T livens, EI) Monaglian, Cascades; K Anderson, Grass Valley; P II Hayner, Dufur; J C Watson, Geo Contes, City; Geo P Lanford, W Simpson, J C Wat son, Portland; Geo W Montague, Ar lington; Jas Stowe. La Grande; D V White, Seattle; G Fox. Mitchell; HF Mercer, Stockton; J M Hess, Golden dale; W H Waters, High Prairie; Y P Waller, T C Dickinson, Ilepnuer; Chas Fiver, P Delore, G H Prookhouse, Wapinitia; W T Hibbard, Ceutervillo; JosSilva, Lvle; J L Stump, obt Wat son, White Salmon. WOOD'S X'IOSX'IIOIIIVJ!i TUe Ureal I'.ugllili Ilumedy. I'roimilly nuJ jiormanenuy cares nil form or trvoua Weaknttt.lMtttona.Sptrnr utorrhta, imjicltncj and all tfftcfvfAlutt or hxcesstt, JX'cn liri'bcrllil over S5 yourtlii thousauJjof cao li t ho vnlu Htllab U a n d llo n rtl medicine known. Ask .in.i.iit iV.mJ' l'lioiuliodlnoi If ao ollors fcOincworthli'MiiioJIcluolulilacoof tUIn, leavo UU dMiuni'rt nturw, luclu.o lrlco In letter, ua4 wo wlllwud ly return mull. 1'rlro, ouu packago, lllx,$6. Ono will j.i', ilewtll vure. I'aiuuli. let In plulu eulel i iieloi.e, vvuU iobtuge. Juldrua Tho U'ooJ i'liuiulcul Jo., JEl WooUwuiil ueuue,I)etru!t, Ulott, Mold Iii Tliu Dulles by Jllukeley .v IMikWu Tho lecture at the court house should bo well attended. Mrs. Staflbrd will appear on the rostrum with a dress made upon hygienic principles, the panic aa now worn by Mrs. Potter Palmer and other dress reformers in Chicago. Cor sets are not a part of this costume, nor stays of any kind, though tho dress is made to partly fit. The injury that women are doing themselves and their children through tight lacing will bo ex posed, and the methods of muscular effort to effect a cure advocated bv argu ment. Mrs. Stafford also gives a private lecture to women which concerns that vast number who suffer from female weakness. Card of TlinnkK. e wish to express our thanks and gratitude to the friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown us in our aflliction during the sickness and death of our dear mother. Mav the blessings of God ever attend you. Yours in grateful remembrance, Mits. Morgan and McDaxiei. Caiiiue and Hfskv Bowman. The Two Itunclerft. Uncertainty Is hazardous When tarlll'tlnkcrine Hares at us; When mammoth mills are motionless And many millions court dl-ires. And yet thi. .starving multitude, With shouts and jests and curses rude, By their pood votes brought on this fate "John Bull'' CIcvelnud-"Bloody" Vito. Impatience is no scarlet sin, And indignation may fegln, When t'ncle sJam is forced to cry "All hall!" to rotten monarchy. No tingle act, no single word, That has been done, or has been heard, Oin even partly mitigate The evil done by Cleveland-Waite. In olden times when millions groaned Beneath such tyrant", so enthroned, The maddened populace would rise And sweep their banners from the skle. Why then, should we, free men and brave, Submit to be a tool or idave? Why not impeach from nation, state, The dual bunglers C'levtland Waite. Kred W. Pearson. Denver, Colo., November, 1633. For a sore throat there is nothing better than a flannel bandage dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Palm. It will nearlv alwavs effect a cure in one night's time. Thi3 remedy is also a fa vorite for rheumatism and has cured very severe cases. 50 cent bottles for sale by Plakelev & Houghton. I have used Simmons Liver Regulator in my practice for the last four year and cannot lind its equal for bilious colic, dvsnepsia sick or nervous head ache and constipation. Ja. M. Shout, M. D., Putlerville, Ark. Karl's Clover Root, uie new blood purifier, gives freshness ami clearness to the complexion and cures constipation 2oc, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes v Kinersly, drutrgists. A bunch of keys. The (inder will b rewarded bv leaving them at this oilice. lief or t and After, "Samaatba al tit Wolfs Fair," And be up t" times THE LATEST OUT By JOS1A11 Al.l.KN r! WIl'K. A. G. Hoering, bical Aifeiit, The DiilUs Or. Special Cash Sale Tomorrow and Saturday ONLY io- per cent. Discount 03NT WOOIJI WOOD! WOOIM Pest grades oak, llr, pine and slab wood. Olilcu 1H3 Second street. All orders promptly attended to. tf M.ii:u& Hi.-nion lluckleii' AriiK'u nulw The best salvo in tho world lot cuin, bruises, Horos, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, j corns, and all skin eruptions, ami posi Itively cures piles, or no pay required j It is guaranteed to give perfect natlsfae tlon, or money refunded. Price 25 'vnts I per box. For sale by Snipes M Kinersly (Jests', Indies' af?d Q?ildrei7s' Shoes. M. HONYWILL. iAm doing & Furnishing Ms Just flrrived from New YorR SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Itadies' Jackets, FROM $3.50 UPWARDS isnn At Remarkably Low Prices. SpleiuiS Chinchilla Overcoats $5.50. FULL ASSORTMENT OF Winter Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ETC. As we are torced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits (like he famous A. S. Collins and wife's Euit) and bad debts, our prices will always b found the very lowest in the market. We invite our friends and customers to examine our goods and prices before purchasing. Closing Out Sale OF JEWELER'S GOODS. Tho large stock of goods at W. E. Garretson's Jewelry Store, to be closed out at prices to suit the times. Everything Must Be Sold, Regardless of Cost. INCLUDING WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, RING-S. CHARMS, PINS, TABLE - WARE, ETC. Now is k Time to Bay Christmas Presents. A. R. Thompson, Assignee. ' This Week Only. Commencing Tomorrow, Wednesday, WK WILL SHI.I. Wool Felt I-Iats, WORTH siHl.OO to $l,oO each French Kelt Hats, WORTH $2.00 to frtf.OO each, Also, Great Reduction Baby Caps. els at 50 clt $1.2 S on 112 Sooond Street. ANNA PETER SCO. Free 1 1 Free 1 With every dozen Cabinet Photographs, one .... o Life-Sisse Crayon. o Call at the Gallery and see samples. My work speaks for itsell THE dalllt:s, or.