The Dalles Daily Chronicle, OFFICIAL FAPEK OF DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COCNTT. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. I bt mail. rosTAOK rr.mtri.iN adtajjcr. i Weekly, 1 year. . .. ' i59! " 6 months. " 5 1 3 " . 0, Daily, 1 yea:. J JJJ i Address all romtntinlration to ' THE CHRON ICLE." The lallcs, Oregon. Tont-Offlce. ornct hovk Ginemi IHUlrerv Window 5 a. in. to 7 ji q. Money Otder s a. ta. to ! i. nv Sunday it U ' 9t. m. tolOa. tn. CUMING Or KAtLS , train? soins East .9 p. m. and U:4S a. m. - ess V p. til- aiiu ii.ov j". 4 stacc lor Goldendale . " Prinertllc " "lmlur mid W ana Sprine? " tLofivin? lor Lyle .t Hartlaatl " " " JAntelorv -tscept ?unasy. fTrt-weeklv. Tucsdsv Thursday and ?aturday. I " "Monday Vcdacsday and Friday. does not belong to httn rightfully, and has practically set! himself "P n dicta tor. Congress should be as quick a pos sible in making a thorough investiga tion of the matter, and demand all in formation as to what has been done and the existing status of affairs. SO a. m. ! 5:30 V . 5:3Pa. ra. ' 5:30 a. in. 5.30a. ra. THURSDAY, - PEC. 1S93 THE IXC0XE TAX. It has been stated that the income tax , scheme evolved by the committee on j ways and means proposes to put a tax of I 2 per cent, on all incomes from f-i.OOO j to (20,000. TTpon higher incomes np to 1 $50,030 a tax of 5 per cent, is to be im posed; and for all incomes above that , amount the tax is to be 10 per cent. , This is, in effect, says the Philadelphia ' Eecord, the plan of the progressive in-1 come tax embodied in the platform of j the populists. In order to make the J scheme as popular as possible it is to be imposed on a very small minority of j the people. Whatever this minority i may think of the policy, it has been gratnonsly assumed by its authors and advocates that the great majority of the American people would welcome af svbeae of which they would share none of the burdens. J If an income tax is to be imposed j upon the people of this country, in obe- dience to the demand ot the populists, let it, at least, be given a more equita ble and democratic character than is possessed by the bill that is said to have been incubated in the committee on ways and means. A progressive income tax, with a rate running up to 10 per com., would undoubtedly have much attraction for those who would not be obliged to pay it; but experience has ehown that such a method of spoliation l is not calculated to yield a large amount j of revenue. The higher the tax, the i more determined the efforts to evade its payment. The history of the brief experiment with an income tax in the United States, from 1S63 to 1S70, affords ample evi dence on this score. In 1S66, under a uniform rate of tax of 5 per cent, on all j net incomes over $000, the revenue . amounted to ?72,9S2,15P. subsequently the tax on incomes above $5,000 was raised to 10 per cent, and still later in comes above ?2,O0O were subjected to a uniform tax ol2 per cent. In 1S71, the last year of the tax under this rate, the revenue fell to $19,162,051. Under the mast democratic form of an , income tax, such as that of 1S06, there would still remain a large ciass of ex empts hovering just a little below the margin of taxation. lint system of tax-. atton, of whatever kind, which wouid bring the largest possible number of citizens within its operation would be more in accordance with the spirit of American institutions than a system i which proposes to discriminate against j a very email portion of them. People who pay taxes are, as a rule, jealously : watchful of public expenditure. People ' who do not pay taxes give themselves ; small concern about the extravagances ' of the government. When the patri cians of Koine contributed the public revenues, and out of them furnished the populace with bread and circuseu, the republic perished. When the first income tax was im posed the democrats denounced it as a violation of the constitution, which de-' clares that "no capitation or other direct ' tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to . the census or enumeration" of popula-1 tion. The supreme court, it is true, had : anticipated this objection ; but sticklers for a strict construction of the constitu- j tion sometimes change front with ainaz-; ing facility when they find it convenient J to evade the provisions of that instru- inent. The worst feature of thie business, , however, is that a comprehensive and almost revolutionary scheme of taxation . is to be sprung upon congress and the ' country without the least note of warn ing. In the platform of neither of the ! two great parties in 1892 wus there the ..lightest hint of an income tax. There was no discussion of the subject among ' the people outside of assemblages of the ' populiste, whose orators showed how i easy it would be to relieve the masses of all the burdens of taxation by a eystem of progressive taxation upon the incomes j of the hated possessors of capital. The scheme in the committee on ways und means is the first installment of the, populist programme. What Is the need of a populist party, after all, when dem ocratic committees In congress stand ready to execute its dying behests? FOREIGN GOSSIP. Au pold and silver manufactured in Great IJritain must bo hall-marke-1 In the reijru of Louis X VI. the hats of the Indies wotv two foot liter: and four wide. Tin: hitrhest church steeple in the world is that of the cathedral of nt werp. 476 feet. On an averagv nine persons are sen tenced to ponal servitude for life every year in English courts. Many old houses iu Holland have a special door which is never ojK-ued save on two occasions, when there is a Tin: number of passenger carried per passenger locomotive during the year ending .Tune 30. 1?1-. was CS.S'.K). aud pa?senger mileage per passenger locomotive was 1.510.273. Tttr capitalization oi the lCl.3fl7.yo miles covered by the report was. on June 90. lsM. S10.220.74S.134. Of this amount S4.CS8.10. 70S were represented by stocks and So.053.03S.0A0 by funded debt. The gross earnino from operation of railways during the year ending .lune SO. were Sl.171.407.343. . The operatsnc expenses were S7?O.OU7.s!0. From this it appear that the net earn ings from operation of railways were S3VK).409.347. HAPPY THOUGHTS. 1?A CE AND FIG UBE show it, if you're a healthy woman. They'll have a beauty of their own, no matter what your features. Perfect health, -.nth its clear skin, rosy cheeks, and bright eyes, is enough to make any woman attractive. To get perfect health, use faith fully Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion. That regu lates and promotes all the proper func tions of woman hood, improves di gestion, enriches the blood, dispels ' aches and pains, 'brings refreshing sleep, and restores health, flesh and Btrength. For periodical pains, prolapsus and other displacements, bearing down sensations, and " female com plaints " generally, it is so effective ' that it can he guaranteed. If it . doesn't benefit or cure, you have your" money back. Is anything that isn't sold in this way likely 'to he "just as good." I i Love is said to be blind, but it tis ually trets there ahead of the old man just the same. Galveston .News. Wkli.. Anna, have you found the rose for my hair yet?" "Yes. madam; but now I cannot find the hair." Flie gende I.laetter. Stkange to say. many brokers are best pleased with the stock market when it is simply unbearable. Uoston Commercial Ilulletin. Br the way. why doesn't the con ductor punch the train-robber? He mijrht at least rive him a check. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Does your friend, the star actor. Iraiv v.-ell?" "The only time I ever knew him draw a full house was when he was playing poker." X. V. Iress. Watts "How did you come out in your little wrestle with the Chicairo wheat market?" Potts "1 went after wool and got worsted." Indianapolis Journal. WOOD, WOOD. WOOD. Beit grades of oak. fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. Office Second and Jeffer son streets. For every case of Catarrh which they cannot cure, the proprietors of ' Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy agree J to pay 500 in cash. You're cured , by its mild, soothing, cleansing, and ! healing properties, or you're paid. ! V GENTS make J.V.IO a dav. Grvntft Utrhen uten-H ever invented. 'ltetnll 35 rt t- .oUi in every hoj. Sample, ixwihev juii. fv ; cents. Mc.Mukia and Co.. Cincinnati, Ohio j TIIK ; Oldest Agricultural Paper in America, j ICSTABLISNtO 101(0 To all cash Mitiserller of Tin: Ciikonici.i: paying one year in advance. The American Fanner, 1729 New York Avenue, WASHINGTON, D. C. The A hi: kicks Pakvkr. wlile-h 1 now entor- Iiik uwin its Villi jviir. I? the pioneer Inruivr' , jwi-eT hi the eonmr) It ! it larce elRlit jnsc wier, mid mutnltt ST. column nl the rlinire: nprlriilturnl ir.ul liter- I uri itiHtter. plentifully embellMheJ with line t illiistrtitlmi It l : NATIONAL IN CHARACTER. huiI t!enl with furtnliiR und farmer i Interest j in broud, nnictlcal line, it EMPLOYS THE BEST WRITERS IN, TH COUNTRY, niuI "verythiiic that Mjipoiir- In Its column t of the liittii-tehumeter Kvery detriment of the tanner, business Ii dlciied In an earne:. limetieiil way, l,Miic to the ereatest protlt mid tienetlt to the (armor and hi Iniuilv It Hii'ar on the lt mid llh of eiich month, mid i furnished at the low price o! 50 CENTS A E.R in mi ilict' Tlil iiiuUrn It thr rlienprkt , ucrlettllttrnl pttprr In tlif eountrj. FARMER LEGISLATION. ( liurinc the rotninc yenr thete wUIheuntm i ....... ... .il.r.ilu jif .iiutlilt. nt ltm tniwl 'l.ul I... ' teret to farmer dealt u 1th b ( inirre!'i mid the Kxn'utlvc Ihmrtiueit a: vVH.thltiKton. it htzhly nnjHirtiint that the fnriuur lc Lept promptly mid fully Informed a to what ! Ivlns jilnnued and dune allectlln; thum ut the National t Hptlal. Thev Hhould all. therofiue. take Tltr ha Ix-tter facilities than nnv other jwiH:r for j cettlnc thfj Information, and dvute itM-lf to . .hi. .fii.v Tlmr (.til find In If .ifif m.i 1 1 . trrettt amount i ( vnlunblv informntion that they can cet tu nontlier taper. Tnr AMEntcAN FjtttKH ai d The Cnnostct-c New York Weekly Tribune AND DaiiesWeeKiuCnronicie Vt'E WANT YOf TO WORK FO!'. I .-. thtif mattnc H2.CO TO 1'KIt WEEK l'artle preferred who can furnlh n horw and j truvel throuch the eoutitry; a team, though nj not neeeMary. A few vacancies In town- ami I cities. si)are hour may U tix-d fc eoil ad vanusre. It- K. JOHNSON A ( . j 11th and Main ts.. Iliehmond V i SHERIFF'S SALE. Mexican silver dust. : love Polish cau-- n Ask your dealer :tove Polish. for Mesinan .-;i!vr Use Merican Siiver itove P'tii'li. List, tw Meini. purchase said njfes Note. L.ot. n Jtes jiayahie to wrong are warned J. not J. C. Me;s r. i: r Uv virtue of nn execution and order of : i'-u'ed out of the ircult ( ourt of t: tat- oi Orecon. for the C mnty of Wro. to no- dirwted commandinc me to make Mile of tl- i.-'l :s. ihr .aid wit. decrit-d t(-wit The pi." ud parf-e!? of land In Wiixd Count;. . rlt "f ' ire Kun. knon-n and described a the o:t' i ecti.JIl elht !h , und the outb half . t -wtion nine and the east half and thr .mth ?-! fjuarter and the east half of th nort!;'.et i;ur let and the -outhv.ust iUurter of the mrUie-s uunrte- nf section ten ;10) und the iiort;. naif of tne northwt-t f)narter and the oiit:iea..t ijuarter of the nortbtrest quarter nl irtior. f.f:-ti. 1 . all in Townhlpone 1., north of Kmis f"urtt-ei. Ii uhx nl the VVIUumette meridni . t-. rix .md tt the urn of money, in nld r.'j-S d;udc .d to w paid to the plalntlrTin -md m-:h.h. ie uhn-h action The po!lcltor 1-oni. am; Trut i jMoiinr were plaitititl' und Jkiii"-. Ilitfc. Mar i - 1. H. MfClure. I. 0. Alter, llalph Kuref. Ji . N hover. I'M EmUidy, J. M. 'lav or and J - I.dard were defenlanti, ti- it fe-un. of ' tjs- i with interrit thereon, iron. Ju' l l-o a rule if six j-r cent ier aniiuu. and J Av.Ou n : altiirne. fee In snld actl in and ct a:id HI ' bur- ents therein taiel. I huetlu Uy levw-d to upon the land afore-aid i:nd on aturilB-llif tSHrd 1b .f leremlier I Klia, at the hour of lu 'clo"k a. m . In fmnt of tbe court b-we d-ar, in the City of Th in .Mid County and swte. I will H land at public auction . to the hlttlnrnt bidder therefor. T A aki. nherin" of W'anx- I'ouuty. state of titvtur. norJLtd This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. LY $1. T5 H. H. CA7VTPBEL.L. Successor to LESLIE BUTLER, Will fonnttttitly keep on hand a complete hue of GROCERIES, - CROCKERY, H-ing purehned Mr. !ltltler'i witlre utoek, I utmll endntvor to mninuiln the reputation ci the houe, which nan txt-u HEST GOODS AT L0WETT PRICES. - SQUARE DEALING TO EVERY ONE. Call and see me, next door to Postofflce. SHERIFF'S SALE. liy virtue of an ex:utl in und order of it-mii ou. of the t ireuit Court of f - -tafe- ! ' irecon. for the Count) if W a-o. to m- dire-tl rolnliiundlllt: me to make U of thi- land II. the aid writ de-eribed li-wit. thiieiiii- it at.d iwr tula oi land in W aeii .ounty. ntule of Ureooii. NOTICE FOH PL'JtLI CATION. (Tirat.T Ii ml. Act June a, ISTs. r. h Lahv Oitick, The lllm Of.,( Nov . U8C I Notle.- i lierdby r.lvcn that in eomillalun? with the provWoin of the nut A eousritss uf June S. )S7 entitled "An it for the kW o( tlta bur In mli1 In the Ktnlos of California, Ornrun, Nevada nnd W'nhiiie.ton Torriuiry.' ul C Stet ellxili. Of Kimniley, (iiunt of Waieo. mote of Oreuoii. fmthi(ly tiiwl in thit otnev hii aworn Ute nient lor the purrhae of the NK' of SVi, of section No Zl. In Townnhip No. 3 - . ran' No IX E U 31.. and will otfer nrwif tu allow thai the laud Miuitlit Ik more valuable for it timber or utone than for agricultural purine, a lid to tntiiblinb li claim tu ald land Wore the l'esiilur and Kecelvcr f tut udlceatThe Wasco County. Oregon, ' clo2 v, hi M r rF-j. kiiom. arm iif--crifii .ue iu5iiu.. ..uaner . jMHei!, or., on the 15th da of January, lt uueiaa X ii. a r W vV-fji ": 'eciiuu lour ij;. uno me iou; oao moo He namm u witueMHW iotK ileljOHl, Jac .NJ,trlJ'j2is niIlt' "I'd. the iiorthwet quarw of .-ti.ji ! ,,r Knliy. Iyiu UiMMlniu and Ilayette narln, CXXCpcr 3;t-c .-r-rKZy euteen l',. i" Township ii" ,! rn-tr. of , H 4I Klnclev, Or r (., . r- s ' Uiint?e tuAt th" w J'ri- Any and all pero!iii claimiui: advur-ely th en,?"-', -.VAi?-jrjurir :d,nP "'"K1' nd W tl ," Blvle.orlli Sand are req.iwt! to tile tbelr ': r (. r . oa r fcla n. "'! ( ""rt ?iurt,, V.' '.l1"."1; ' '.""1,:H lu ' d"'"" tblaollir. ou or tire .ld Uth flay of . l I . -.!ir .tJf . ,1 aid action, o wh oh action The h-d;':to'. iu 1 Jnur, l-u rlyai: curd tiio-j-ds v rcpU o.iicr; anU TrUBt ompany wme plauitlU. a.ol Jmu i wp7 ' JOHN W ! KW HveMn Jalied; wilier be V-o7 ,f t.-..:tn tn rtmc. bold u,xh. Jlnrtha ii Kverett 1. lu: K . Jvn "sil. I by ilnicgaf. -r J. -'r.'y. I. i .rfiaicBac Jlr lure, rarah H MoClure. U (. Alle t.alph I Vf ITKM' Kill! PI lT TP VTIOV ! cr Ccr&i. UM. HHI'-'J.i'- l'UbII." Seta. ...p. iului it.Hfen., in Kw-U. M lav 1 .NUHCi. 1 UU 1 t UL.lsA 1 IV . H I LOH'S CATARRH iia-f -u tcto to curv lor.mdJ K Kdwardi were riefendni.P t- wit the uci of rjWiW with iiitir'uat ttiereon irom t - juiv i. i"y-. ai me raie oi M.rt-.u; in uiiuom -TZW R r P" FiV OIld uttoruey f lu ald . oi, and Zr' y riL.tnSiU.vt u and dUlitmement Unrein Ijixm!. I hve thir du levhil iixin ihelaiiu niorewtia. ana on .tatiinlu , "illril iluy of Dc-iiiIht, IH1I3, lit t to-nour of luixloccu. m in front of the court houfC door, in the City of Mm 1mi. m taid ountv and Knite, I will wli n lUnd at pub ic auction to the blBhet bidder thre(' J A n Ami. Fur aalr by Snlpen & Kintimly. VI80R " MEN riherill of Vrtco County, state of Oregon nnrciu Easllj. Qutskly. Permanentljr FU stored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, ' and all th train rt fromtarlyerrora orlafr excKtun, U.k rt-tulu oi OTerwork, rlcknim-, worry.cic PulUtrer.tftt), development and tune j,ien ueery orsariatd Jxrtlon of tl.e lxxly. llrnpl. r.atnralrnetrirxtf. lmr!illaUflmjroeinf r;t -n. Failure lmpo1 .c. 2XUJ rferer.ct-. lr.c. explanation ar.d (.ret nulled lusiled) trte. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. SHERIFF'S SALE. Uy virtue of nn eseuutlon and order of niile Uxutd out of the Circuit (ourt of the Htitt'- of Oregon for the tounty of uc, to me directed, couiinniidini? ute to muse aieof the land itmald wnt.derrlb-edtif-wit. thine ple:e Hlld )urcela of mint iu WniCoOmuty, KtateofOreKoii, knoBti and do criljd an all o nectlon three till, und the ouUi half (if tne aoutheuKt tlarter of tectlon four II, and the otlth half of icctloti five and the north hall of Kctlon clpht in,, all In lowunhlp one (U, north of lUtiKe fourteen '11 of the Willamette meridian, to niaue arm py inenutn La:.'P Ornct:. The Dallm. Or., Nov. , lcDU. ( Notice l hereby Klen that the fullowiui; named mttlur hu hlvd notice of iiU lutoutlini to inaku final proof lu cupport of IiU claim and that wld proof will ! liiinle tx'fore thu ruylftur mid rcjivor ut The lialle., Oresou, on W edtloda', Ik-cornlo.-r iTT, 1i-.ik. vli llxtvltt Itlnc. HomtTdeud Applli'iitlon No. ,J.',, for the NU of HKU ml y-i W'4 Kit. HI. Tp. J ts. It. It Eaat. lie niiinen the following witniKit to prove hln onntiuiiou! ruililcnce uhiu mid cultiviitloii of snld land, vl II. v Well, of The Iwllea. Or., Charlea Kantou, Jnuieii Kimton nnd I'uul I.lmurutb of N'nn;nc, Or. John V. I.kwih, Itet;liiter. r7heumatlsm9 Lumbago. Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame eacK, ate EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is huruhy uivun tlmt tlio tuidiir. hIkiilhI iiah beuti duly ujipohitttd by thu County Court of the'Stutu of Oregon for Wueco County in jirolmto, uxccutri.x with thu will annexed of thu eHtiite of Juuii-h Unilerliill dcccitHcd. All purrioiiH huvltit; clutniH ayuitiHt huitl entitte tiro hereby re quired to iirt'Hcnt them to me with of moniT N ii l'T voiic ,BfH nt tlie iiw of Con- the plalutltJ in uid action, in which action The : clou Ci London in Dullufl City, Oregon, Mlicitora i LfMUiiiiu iruji w''l' -re piain- witnitl HIX IllOlltllH Iroill the UutU Ol tlllH IliJ and Jntneii llootb, Martha JI Uwitp, Kitrtult ,,,,.1,.,, 1 t. Hull. J- K. McClurc, hnrah H Mct'lure. Ii o. ! noun.. Altr. ltalnb Itwum. Julia N I'.(tfer. I n Km Noveilllier 11. 1HU3, Uyly.J M Taylor and J. r Kiiuaida were de- fetidalibi, lo-wlt, themim of Ji.Uwltl. inter- eat thereon from July 1, 1SW. at the rate o tlx Ir cent per annum and fAAOUuttoiney km lu i taid action and font mill ilMiurwuni nt therein taxei, I have till day levied upon the land above (lecrlleii und on Haturila) tliuailllai' ir Iceinb.r, IHU'J, 'at the hour of 10 b. in., In front of the court huuM; doxir, lu tne city of The Dalle, lu !d count" and utate, I will "'-'II ald land at public auction, to the lilKbeitt bidder theiefnr T. A. Waho, Hherilt'of V.'aco county, Htatc of Onvou. The Ciute City of the Inland Empire m Hituated at the kwid of ntivitpition on th- Middle Columbia, und i a thriving, pros perous city ITS TERRITORY. It ib the btipply city for un extensive and rich agricultural and craxin country, its trade renchin as far fouth uh .Suintncr Lnku, a distance of over two hundred miltw. The Largest Wool Market. Th- rich grazing country along the enKtern slop; of the Ca cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles in the largest original wool shipping point in America, tilxiut 5,OOU,000 pounds Icing shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. Tins balmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will lie more than doubled in the near future The produet of the lieautiful Kip-kitnt valley find inarlxt here, and the country south an east has this year filled the warehouses, and till available storage places to overflowing with their product. ITS WEALTH. Jt is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money" scntwred over and is lieing used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in luistern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its po sibilities incalculable. It resource unlimited. And on thew eorner HUiues she stands. C I.Alt a '.. L'Ni)i:itiui,i.. Executrix of thu Kutatcof Juinea Under' hill, deceased, " "xOTJCE" VOli jVl5LlCATI0N. Beuator Dolph iiaa been criticised for being early in hie denunciation of the Hawaiian policy. This ie absurd. 11 tbe president ban not groeely exceeded hit authority he Iim assumed an itn- jMrtaiice tkroagbout this matter that j SAWEN'S ELEVNIC IELT , With Cleetro-MssiMtio UWlMORV. ' LltMt hUlUraMt InraiMMlK I Will cure wilfaoot rotdkux all H nl rwultiog f ma ) OTcruaUou of brain cctt torvn i giiiMW lulu, j cm ion. aa pmoat dcMlltr. Uplwiiil. Uairui.r, rtminutuo), kulurj, llTtr and taadar compuuitt, Utat tunc. I'imla(i, aciatJa, all t mie coupxiriU raerai in ttwut. tc, 7UI taniw cuouubi wlu euiB ail of the atovti dlnn or uu ior. Executor's Notice to Creditors. Cumnt Ii and IltOU' 1 -lm - np All otttmwm. iruuuitlyfcltbr wcarar or we orfll lS,fMCftJ wiu cum ail oi vto auiva ainatu or bo r,r. J i-iulj bare tvrn curwl hr IliU laarrtloua liininnnri alter all other rroJliflka. and 0o LuiKUcCf 01 IvUtuouUU lu ihi. and every oilfr llilt. Our fnxrM leiKMtl KlscnUC bl'arrXOaV. tli im-jteji Uxia 8r oftm-d wrak men, Klitfc nlill UIU.4 lw.HreilieiiKlTi:tMI tola tuAars tteulfurllliuM IViaiJilct, iiuulni.wstkd, l OAfJOEM EL.COTRIO CO., Ka. J7S'tr3lEitrei.:, J'UJtTtJ( Oilii I, AM) Omcr., Thu Diilkn, Or.,) Uct. Ib'jri, j Notlcu In hervby (,'lven tlmt the followliiK imiriKl kcttler Unu tik-tl notice of bin Intention to inukif flnul iiriiof lo jniiiii4irt of bin rtlnlni. aiift I that Mild proof will bo niuile bvforu thu lUnliitur und IlKxlvur at The lialltn, Or., on llwoiiiliur 1 11, lDW, viz i Itolandu U. ttruuka, devltvu ol John Hiighcii)dt.iiw.-1. I llomc-nteiid Alipllciitlou No. for the Kk HVM nnd H'.i ami of hcc. Si, Tp. J N., It. 13 K. 1 lie iiiiiiiuti thu following wltiHAHn to prove Ilia t'OUtluiiotiN rculdvlicc- iihiii mid :ill tlvntlmi ol dhIiI liiudi viz u. w.t.'ooic, v. A- .inner. rratiKi reiKhioii mid rieth MoiKnti, ull of tlio Dulk-n Or '1. l liuown pieuiie iuko notice. JOHN W I,i;VlH, JUtfiHter. Job FIRST CLRSS PR ..G NT'"" Notice l hereby kIvuii that the (.'omity Court of the BtiiU- of Ort-KOii for .Vutt-o Count); Im. duly uppuluud the iinderalgi.ed the exnMitor of the Iiiet will und tr!uieul of deornc V. lu-ut, d cm.-u(1. Alt y.ttom liarlne (-'liilum uKrtliut the tsilaluof euld deufttl uru lieruby rciiliif to prevent thuin. with thu l:r vnnmicrii, vtithlii alx miilitlu from Hie uatot mi" notice, to etild executor at id pluce of renideiire, nedr One black 1-ony, briiuded either 6 r 6 'U tell luillf. city, In euld coiiutr. or at the orlice of liiimnd leitjaw Owner can litive .miiic by prov W, 11. W'll.ou. in mild D-flie ( Hr Iiik piojwrty -id psyltiK fur thl. notlci-. ICHAKI. IhiVI.i:. Kxieutor. UKI.l. 1 Wll.M'.K, .UetedtbUl.tdaynf.'fovwnber, Mi. Mw lU-13wlin I'ontoliiec.Thvbiilleii.Or. CAN BE HAD AT THE Estray Taken Up. CHRONICLE OFFICE Reasonably Ruinoua Hmfm.