VOL. lllfc Ciirontck r VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER' 7, 1893. NO. Ii8. fks Dalles taUy Chronicle. FRENCH & CO.,! ,.nt.lill I"l"r. uniKlny Kv-opted BANKERS, nv ,,. niinoNICLE PUBLISHING CO. I thanhac"! a (.knkkalbanking HUssi.iKsg ID" "- Txrin of Hulmf rliillim The IC 00 50 & An TIMK TAIU.K. KMllrontlk. n otiwt AtiKtinr., ism. KAUT houk;. ,Aifl'' 10 65 '' M- l'i'rt U.ou i". sn houml jatnJ ay a. x. lepnrti. 311 a. I.O Al.. ira Portland ul l p. m Departs Icir I'ortlnnil nl :i r. m. r,t. freight ttiHt curry pHuMjuccru lenvc tie Be went lit h-00 A. M., nlld Ola- for tho m IX Ve 0i- r J a HTAtitS vn ltute Oven, ii-rtif dally Canyon City, leave j ffi.i iii ir Ante. K. MlU-'liell, 1' t 6 A Jl r Du'ur MiiRklL-y, ntulc, nplultlu, vt una CJS Tia lyKIl !WIU, iiyiiw uwijt ...v,. fsl.oMeuauie, viumi., leave every unj oi mc oi except sunuay m . ah. Dico lor nil Hiiuh nt the Umutlllii Houxe. U'tterf of Credit loaned availnlile In he Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattlo Wash., and various pointB in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - -Vice-President, Cashier, - Z. F. .Moody Ciiahlks Hilton M. A. Moody They Know a Good Thing when they see it. That'.-, why HllldHT HOUSLKEEPERSUSB COTTOLENE tl ic. era Shortening, i n place of lard. That's why Pin- ?K,.iN; KECOMMKNI) the Healthful Shortcmug, in place of lard. That's why cooking Experts Endorse the lib,- of General Hanking Business Transacted. NEW I'ltOFKJiSlONAI. HH l.'I)IKI.Lr-ATTOKNET-.AT-lA uuicc , umu street, The HiUIck, Oregon. Law ltooirtt i'i anil over rot Act Biuldluc. Entrance oti unMiiUfttou street SKDAllw.OreRon, i i. Jir.NMiri , A i luiiati'Ai'w A, act in Schanno'. tiunaihK. up mum. Sight Exchanges Sold on YORK. SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO ! and PORTLAND, OR. 1 Collections made on favoreble terms j at all accessible points. , bCHENCK, l'reldent l'ATTEKSON, Cashier. First Jiational Bank. VHE DALLES, Mt, Oreeott, I r Hit, tl. KHCNTIN0TON. H. . WlLOS inv.. iitwrivriTON a wn.ius attc .4 my at law -onire, French' Wottover nntUuniil JliinV. 'i Diuieo. uretroa. U ML60S ATTOBKEY-AT-LAW-KOOinB frt-nch A- Co.'h JinCK huliams, Mona sssrt. Tfic I11. Uri'Rou. 'TlirHI.ANH, M D.. C M- l.i-M.C. V. c l' mill S (i , I'lij-nlrlmi nnl hur t.on. ll(jii iind I. t'linpnmn lilcc-k. KiUtatiJIrii Thiimtmry'n, MCTtcnit : .-eooriil ItTrvt U a& hpiiOKOS. Cull uiwwureu If? or ciSlit, city or cuuuto'- '.iiiilll uiik:a- OUlov u. HO una ivll H O. J), POANK rilTHICIAM AND CUB- vkok. Oflle; riKin & una u ciihjiciiuj . " ' ... . .... ..... - .... It , IL1 tlOUtfc U IO A. Jl.. IU D llliu n- 3 . fi - illlAU tir.STIKT. uu Kleu jui ti.v 1J. inml.-i.il eitnictlon o tooth. AlMi io.'uj OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dar of collection. Sicht and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. D1RECTOHS. D. J'. TnoMi'so.v. J.no. fc. !CIIE Ed. M. Wili.ia.m8, Geo. A. Liebe. H. M. Beall. .fU S E h the Vigetablc Shurteningsxx stead of lard, and that's v. !iy Competitors Imitate OQTTOL! instead of selling lard. Watch the name. Get Cottolene. Accept no "something else." REFUSE ALL. SUBSTITUTES. N. K. FAIRBANKS CO., Sole Manufacturers, ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. .!"The Resculator Line" W. H. YOUNG, BlacksmitD & Wagon Slop Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. It Wili'U Tooth, oecoud Struct. HlKU ol SlICl 1CTI Ki. K. A A. il. Meet ll'Ikl 1 1 J M III., r.11. ID. A " tttt utid thlnl Slondiiy ol each mouth ut 7 DiUi KOYAI. AUC'll CHAl'TKK NO. f;. Muln Mnwmlc Hull the third Weduewluy o! each aun'.b ut" 1'. M- WOODMEN OK THE WOKI.I). '1 itlllmA CiiinvNo.W,.Mi"etiiTueHdiiyeven-l2jolcliix-k lu Fmtenilty Hull, nt7:W p. in. pOU'MlllA IAJDUE, NO. 5, I. O. O. K.-Mwt v. trr Krldny ereulni; iit7:30i)lwk,lH K. ofr wirner heoimd und Court utreet. yjournlui; hrotliern lire welcome. E. CWVOK, biX'T- H. A. HH.L,N.G. rKIKNlaHII LODGE, NO. 9., K. ol r.-JteeU f ncry Monday cvenlw? ut 7:: o'clock, D; ainnohiitUlliiK, comer ol Court and Hecond BoiuuruliiK tuemlier. ure cordially In KeJ. V. B, Cuam. jp. W Vauke, K. ol K. und H. 0. C. A Eit'MBLY NO. 4t7, K. OK l-Mevtn, Jtl K. f oil' hull thukveund und Jourth edne ' ol ench liKiuUi ut 7 :! p. tn. IVOMEN-B CH K1BT1AN TEMl'EKENCE 'J , t'NION will inaet every Friday ulterniKiu Mo clock ut the reudlHK room. Allure invited. UAUMON LODUK No.f-Ol.I.O.O.T.-KtKUlar fjWrulty ftull. Alluruiuvltcd. ?C. ClIKIHMAM. U. T. It. C. l'LECK, be TlwlZ LODGE NO, 8, A. O. U. W. Meet J a fraternity Hull, over Keller, u Eecoud iiiumauy evuniliKa ui v:ou. , JI. HANBKN, N'EHMITK 1'ObT. No. 1, O. A. K..Mwtn .'"jr buturaay ut 7;;w r. u iu mo . oi V'JBU AN RAILWAY UNION, NO. 10. J wt MHioml iiiid (oiirth TIiurwlu) ench T.1'' K. Of 1 hHll. J. W. ItKAMY, I'ren. HJoskh, Keu'y R 'U JC. Meet every Buiulny ulternoou lu H' K. of J. Hull. UANC1 VERHIN Mouta every Slltiduy ,'euuiK in the K. ol J . Jlull. .f I.. K. DIVIHION, No. lC7-Moetlii I K. fif 11 1ffull 11.1 u.iH tlilr.1 W.llllMI. P.ONB- Huuduy ut jiers ut THE CHUKCIIKH. T, I'KTKUB (MltTU,11 l.... V..ll...r 11 ' TrCfcT I'HKtor, Low Mtutii every Huud Win . UUIOII I31IWI, U'miiv ' OIltlMtiw l . . .mi .. .a U....rl...f " H. IUJVI I'll J I4UHJ V Mlftl'l ' - aj? fP-l1" KritUy eveuliitf at l'lwtor'n resl. union nurvlum lu tho court houbo ut k. Vail i t "ua! BurvIo; every Hunday ut 11 Flfu. ... " ' U 1IUUN T 111. 11 1KJ 1 111 1 UIUI1IIUK nirktioAw. . 4 1 ... i i 1..: i. r HottU (rue. Whihlkh, piutor, U i Huuduy Hchool niter morning V .... I J ihiiivUi I. QJIUKCu3uovrj. Wmimi LrvH -. - iv . i. i rurur luuumiir iivurv UMtn- 'v,i",. o chock, a coraiui in IJ, --w - 9,0 UWWM IV I'V'I'IV lltt I - rA.4 v. vwwhuii niT.i , ii. .uLUi'trtii rv," " vJ u it. iii. and 7-&U ii. in. All r a V. AU tuuiuk-wuiu hirevt, A. Ilnvti ..a .,! ' General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, op, Mete's old M. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his lino at reasonable figures. Has the largest lionso moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181.ThoDalles J. F. FORD, Evanielist, OI De Moines, Iown, write under dulc ol Murcu 1W3: S. B. Med. Mm. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : , On arriving homo last week, J found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 jiounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. Si. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your H. B. Cough Cure 1ms cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. Bo give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mm. & Mits. J. F. Foito. Jfyou wlh to fuel frctli und cheerful, tind read) for thoSprluK's work, cleanko your nynteui with tho Ileuducho und JJvcr Cure, by tukltiK two or three do.sea uich week. Hold under u positive guaruutev. 60 ceuta per bottle by all druKifUlo. C. F. STEPHENS, DUALUK IN DRY GOODS Qlothing j THROUGH j Freigm and Passenger Line Through Tri-Weekly (Sundays ex cejited) oetween Tho Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalle at 7 a. in., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, connecting at the Cascade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock) at 0 a. in., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I'AHKKMiKK ItATKli. One way. . . . Round trip. .f2.00 , 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay al Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at anv time day or night. Shipments for wa'v landings must bo delivered before 5 p". in. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. CALLAWAY, tlonerul Attent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, (Jeiinrul MunuKcr. Knot. Hlioea, lUta, Kto. Fancy E)oou$, Jotion THE DALLES, ARTIC OREGON CANDY FACTORY SODA WATER AND ICIE 0EEAM. ut ivlioleanli. ijiiututloiia. Candies and Nuts Specialties TOItACCO, I 1 (JIOAUH AND I KU'KKT IMtINK 'Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dallos Ktc. Ktc. r.U: Second St., The Dalles. 2 3 S 2d Street! JrAi ff At riKht fciue givo vou taiiBiueuvii. . F OLIU uuwut , by Hnipes & Klnersly, druggists. GROVER BACKS DOWN Thinks He Will Give Up the Resto ration Act. NEW INSTRUCTION SENT WILLIS President Will Lay the Entire Mat tcr Before Congress with Full Information. San Fkancisco, Dec. 0. The Exam iner's Washington correspondent tele graphs that he has succeeded in secur ing some inside information in reference to tho administration's plans in dealing with the Hawaiian question. The pur pose of President Cleveland and Secre tary Gresham now is not to attempt to restore Queen Liliuokalani by force, but to lay the entire question before con' gress and secure the sanction of the leg islative branch to anv new move on the islands. Definite instructions have been sent to Minister Willis not to take any decided action until further instructions are sent him. It seems certain that new instructions have been sent him to this effect by the Corwin. fit is be lieved now that the president and sec retary of state, from information re ceived from Willis, have decided that tho queen cannot be restored without force and that this course cannot be followed without the sanction of eon gress. Grover anil His Instructions. San Fkancibco, Dec. C In its e.li torial comment on the Hawaiian situa tion this mornini:, the Chronicle says "All that we can see and judge is that Mr. Willis has found that he cannot carry out his orders, and that he is awaiting further instructions. But it was Mr. Cleveland's dutv to have told congress as much ; to have communicated the nature if uot the text of his instruc tions, and for his neglect in this regard he should be called to account." The Call has this to say: "Sugges tion was made some days ago that Min ister Willis needs reefing. lie spreads over too much space. When he assumes that Grover Cleveland holds the fate of i the islands in his hands, he forgets that Grover Cleveland voluntarily relin quished the right of control over the islands which was oll'ered the govern ment of the United States. Undoubt edly the minister mav order the marines to be landed to protect the lives and property of American residents, but if this force is so directed as to pull down one government and set up another, somebody will have to answer " Hot In lVru. New Yohk, Dec. 0. A cablo from Limasaye: "The legation of Kcuador, as well as the consulates of that repub lic here and at Cullao, have been closed, and tho minister of Kcuador and tho consul at Lima have taken refuge on board the British ship Hyacinth. Citi zens of Ecuador now in Peru have been placed under German protection. Tho delimitation of the frontier of Ecuador and Peru will be submitted to arbitra tion." He Smv tin) rieu Serpent. Xkw Youk, Dec. 0, The steamer American, Captain Vogo, arrived this morning from Rotterdam. Tho lirst officer reports sighting a cea serpent De cember 'J. Tho serpent was apparently fully 100 feet long and threshed tho water with its tail like tho propeller of an ocean steamer. It is colored a darkish brown. It was only iu view a few min utes. Admiral Mello Ilmuil I'min. Washington, Dec. 0. A dispatch from Ministar Thurston says Admiral Mello arrived at tho Isla Grande, on tho south coast of Iiio Janeiro. Tho dispatch lurthor says Mello pil laged thu town of Hila Graudu and then sailed away toward tho south. Easy to take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Smallest, easiest, cheapest, best. They're tiny, sugar-coated, anti bilious granules, a compound of refined and concentrated vegetable extracts. Without disturbance or trouble, Consti pation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Kick and Bilious Headaches, and all de rangements of tho liver, stomach and lwwels, aro prevented, relieved and cured. Permanently cured, too. By their inlld and natural action, these lit-1 tie Pellets lead the system into natural i ways again. Their influence Everything catarrhal in its nature, 1 catarrh' itself, and all tho troubles that j come from catarrh, are perfectly and I permanently cured by Dr. Sagos Ca-, tarrh Kemedy. No matter how bad. vour case or how long standing, you can ' bo cured, Shiloh's Vitalizor is what you need for dysjHjpbla, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidnev trouble. It is guaranteed to Ivn vrm satisfaction. Prh'u 74c hold NEWS NOTES. Tho president has nominated J. B jjob oi Wisconsin to oc assistant secre tary of war. Tho Brazilian cuiiser America, bound for Bio from New York, was disabled by some unknown member of its crew and will be delayed several weeks. A heroic statue of Gen. James Shields was unveiled in Statuary hall in tho na ttonal capital yesterday. General Shields was a hero in tho Mexican war and also in tho rebellion. When Ore gon was n territory in tho earlv 50s he was appointed governor of the territory by Franklin Pierce. The annual report of Attorney-Gen Olney was admitted to congress yester day. It calls attention to tho rapidly increasing business of tho federal courts and says the two most important decis ions of tho supremo court during tho year wero those on tho Chinese exclu sion act and hat trimming cases, the former as establishing a principle, the latter on account of tho claims which may arise under it against the govern ment, estimated at from $10,000,000 to $80,000,000. The United States grand jury in Port land have made a report to tho court, that they have found nineteen indict ments in addition to those reported, against opium smugglers. Among them aro Attorney Glum, O. Holman, Major John Wilson, who is now in British Columbia, Captain John Ross, of the steamer Wilmington and latelv of the steamer Haytian Republic, Attorney P. J. Bannon, J. E. Marks, law student in Holman's office, C. J. Mulkey, ex-special agent of the U. S. treasury department After 10 days' confinement in the county jail, O. P. Mason and Ben P. Watson were released yesterday on $7000 bonds furnished by Mary Mason and George Ham. The imprisoned publishers of the Mercury did not look any the worse for their confinement. ine uonus on appeal to the supreme court for a new trial wee in each case $1000, and $1000 each on the last indict ment returned against them, wherein they wero charged with publishing a malciious article upon C. E. S. Wood The total amount of bonds furnished there was $4000, Mr. J. P. Blaize, an extensive real es tate dealer in Des Moines, Iowa, narrow ly escaped one of the severest attacks of pneumonia while in the northern part of Iowa during a recent blizzard, says the Saturday Review. Mr. Blaize had occasion to dnvo Eeveral miles during the storm and was so thoroughly chilled that he wasunablo to get warm, and in side of an hour after his return he was tlneatened with a severe case of pneu monia or lung fever. Mr. Blaize sent to the nearest drug store and got a bottle oi Chamberlain's uougn liomedy, oi which ho had often heard, and took a number of large doses. Ho says the ef fect was wonderful and in a short time ho was breathing quite easily. Ho kept on taking tho medicino and tho next day ho was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. Blaizo regards his cure as simply wonderful. For salo by Blakeley & Houghton. Commencing Friday tho 8th inst. the Regulator will make tri-weekly trips, leaving tho Dalles on Mondays, Wednes- lays and Fridays, connecting at Cascade Locks with tho Dalles City. Tho Dalles City will leave Portland Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting at thu Cascades with tho Regulator. All freight (except car lots) will bo brought through tho same day. 1). P. & A. N. Co. Tin: Dam.ks, Dec. f, ISiKJ. (looil .lob l'rliitlni;. If you have your job printing done at Tin: CiiitoNici.u vou will have the ad- antage of having it douu with tho most modorn and approved typo, with which wo keep continually supplied. All jobs under tho direct supervision of one of the most successful and artistic printers iu tho Northwest. Rooms to rent at Rev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. t(-2!idaw. I'llNturUBU. Monro's ranch, about three miles south of Tho Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage and any ono who desires to avail them selvos of tho fact can sectiro reasonable terms upon application. 17tf llltt' lluniillnti Itrolutloni. Washington, Dec. G. Hitt, ex-chairman of the house committee on foreign affairs, today introduced two resolutions bearing on the Hawaiian policy of the government, tho first calling for the papers in the case and the second as follows : "It is the sense of tho house that in tervention by the government of the United States, its representatives or armed forces in the affairs of a friendly and recognized government, to disturb or overthrow it nnd to substituto a mon archy therefor, is contrary to the policy and traditions of tho republic and the spirit of the constitution." Too Much Salary. Omaha, Neb., Dec. 0. In the United States district court this morning Judge Dundy denied the application of tho re ceivers of the Union Pacific to fix their salaries at $18,000 each per annum. The court also ordered the receivers to deposit funds only in United States de positories. They were instructed to turn over to the treasurer of the road sufllcient funds to operate. NlcariiBtui nnd Honduras Fighting. San Salvadok, Dec. G. Several skir mishes between Nicaraguan and Hon duran troops are reported from the out posts, with losses in killed and wounded. Commanders of both armies are trying to stop hostilities. A Volcanc;in Eruption. Victoria, B. C, Dec. G. An active volcano on the American side of the straits was witnessed by passengei-3 on the steamer Maud, which returned today from Alberni. When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Dal- ton of Luray, Russell county, Kan., called at the labaratory of Chamberlain & Co., Des Moines, to show them his six-year-old boy, whose life had been saved by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, it having cured him of a very severe at tack of croup. Mr. Dal ton is certain that it saved his boy's life and is enthu siastic in his praise of the Remedy. For sale bv Blakeley ifc Ilouchton. Gentlemen: llavini; mfi'-rii t; crcat deal from hcmlnchc for year.- v.: ;"i niMPle to get ollef until it would wc-u tiu.. "f i'-elf. I saw Ii mute's lleiidnclie Cni'Mi"- (hertit-n. I t'ieil them, und now am novel ttli liMliem, M dine It the onlyremeily that v. i .' ul ".lie When I now Hud a headache coming on I inke a capsule and always Unit the relief in-iu' 'imnus He fcpcctfully youiN G II. Wuuiirf, Ko-uni, Mass. '1 he above letter is onlvone of the man v which ro to prove, the renuirkuble benellts received from mo use oi urause s iieaiiacnc uupMiies. ,uy poison suH'etiiig Irom headache should procure thee capsules at once, lleware of imitations. Tho wnulno are sold only In boxes and have the word Kiause on the label; none other genuine. Sold by Sullies t; Kinorsly. Thoso wanting crayons for Christmas must call at tho gallery and leave deposit on frames immediately, to insure work being finished at that date. D. C. IlEKUIN. Look Over Your County Warrant. All county warrants registered prior to January 10th, lS'JO, will be paid if presented ut mv otlico, corner of Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. Wm. Miciu:i.i,, Treasurer Wasco County. October "Jlst, IS'.);?. tf doling Out Sale or i.iDciuli'H. Owing to a contemplated change of business, tho undersigned will close out the entire stock of groceries, hardware, wood and willow ware at cost for cash. Call eailv whilo tho stock is unbroken. Joi.Ks Butu'iir.iis. N il lots Notice is hereby given that sealed bide will be received at tho otlico of the un dersigned, until Monday, December 11th, at 4 o'clock p. in., for 20 cords of dry, nllt wood, lor the city s use. haul wood to bo delivered partly at tho otlico of tlio undersigned, partly at the city narshal's otlico and partly at the lire engineer's olllce. Tho rltrlit to reject any ana an uius is hereby reserved. Doi'llbAS h. Dl'KlMi, Recorder of Dalles City. Not li e. Not leu in hereby eivon that unless the Iniinnniiiit taxes of Dal us City are paid within ton days front tho date of thin OUCtl IIIO IlllUies oi uiu uuiiiiiiiuiiia ill be published. Bv order of thu common council of Dalles City, made December -M, 1803. ..... i a1 mi. 1 e Witness mv nauu huh nu uuy oi Decern her, ISM. Dan M.ioni:y, Ulty Alursmu. Hot clam broth at J. O. lav at 1 o'clock. Mack's every Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. 1 X Baking Powder go ABSOLUTELY PURE . .-fit,