The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 06, 1893, Image 2

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    Tbe Mies My Chronicle.
- t--g, i
A lUlla
t kaii rtrrio raxriib, is adtjjscs.
Waiy.lTr t?
0 75
o so
6 DO
6 month. . .
" 3 "
"Daily, 1 ycr.
6 months.
" per "
Addrcaa mil communication to THE CHROX
ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon.
omd KOCU
General DeUverr Window. . .g a. m. to 7 p. m.
Money Order " . . a. m. to -4 p. rn.
Sunday i O. " . . .9 a. m. tolO-tn. i
closing or XJLtU
OTr,."lsxfS -.v.nd s:m: 'oseplnne was wttinp
Stage Jot Goldradale 7:a. m. ' quirerinp with excitement.
" rrtnevaiK.- o-juiuBi. t c nn( on mv
r Who Tfcwaght It DMl to ,
i (appoint Ml Wilts.
Itobcrt tiratiU in "The Opinions of a '
I'hnostvtvVuyr.'' rrives. a tellimr instance
of the manner in winch a prudent man
may disappoint his wife. The philoso
pher in question fancied ho heard a
burjrlar and hastened to the bolted
chamber door to listen and confirm his ,
tt r i l j I
S 00 i convictions, ins wuc was iinnis unit
o J asked lioarsely what was the matter. ,
: "Fred, are there burplars in the house'."'
she pasped. "Sh! Yes.'"
1 "What are you doinp. Fred? Oh, you j
mustn't po down and expose yourself. HOW DO YOU pO
' on any account! Promise me that you when you buy shoes or clothing?
1 will not!" Don't vou go to the place ( if vou
Having ascertained that the door ' Can find it) where they tell you that
was secure, I walked across the room ' vml mar wear the articles out. and
I and turned OH ttlC electric lisrhU !unf, If -trrmVn Tint Rtiaf-trw"-! flitvft1
, , , Vai II J wa aw vw ...u I V.
1 Oldest Agricultural Paper in Anti-ln.
established IBtO.)
To all cash subscribers of The Cituoxici.K
paying oue year in ndvnncc.
' The American Farmer,
1729 New Tork Avenue,
lolt uprirbt,
and a pair
" jLemTlng lor Lrlc & Hartland .5:30 a.m. of boots, and began took around me,
Kmn q Am" lAnlel0Ic 5:30 -m' ! trampling sturdily,
tra-weekij? Tuesdar Thursday and Saturday. "Fred, they'll hear you if you make
I " Monday Wednesday ana rnaay. j such a noise, said my wile in an upo-i
i nized whisper.
. TTr f nvno ' "I fervently trust so." I retorted.
Senator Polph went after the Cleve
land Hawaiian nonsense vigorouBly yes
terday. Mr. Dolph sizes np "Para
mount" Blount and in doing so voices
the sentiments of the American people.
"Whatever the opinion of Grover Cleve-1
laad and his man G res ham mav have '
does not coincide with our American
ideas of consistency.
Oregon, having swept the field in
awards for the best timber in the world,
the best and biggest fish that swim, the
richest of nickel and other mines, the
greatest wheat and oats that grow in the
the world, the most wonderful plums,
prunes, peaches, and pears, and the best
flavored big red apples on earth now
comes to the front in her usual get-away-with-everything-in-eignt
style and
captures four premiums in the state
school exhibit. Superintendent Mc
Elroy has received official notification
that Oregon's educational exhibit baE
been awarded four prizes for Its special
features, indicating the advancement of
education in Oregon.
The new tariff bill places a higher pro
tection on one of the most universally
need articles than McKinley ever
dreamed of. Our readers will remem
ber the fearful hubbub raised over pearl
buttons by the democrats, but they have
put upon the thread, to sew them on
with, a tariff of 18 cents per dozen spools.
JfcKinley's tariff tor cotton thread
amounted to 7ls cents per pound, or
3?4 cents per dozen spools. Thus
it will be seen that the proposed change
is more than quadruped the former tariff,
which will result in the retailer charging
10 cents for a single spool of cotton
thread. There is no article in more
universal use than cotton thread. There
is no child, girl or woman who does not
possess, if nothing ele, a thimble,
needles and thread, and the lowest
beggar on the streets must have thread
to keep his garments togther. Con
sistency thou art a jewel.
"That's why I'm doing it.''
As I sjsoke my eye lit at bast on some
thing adapted to iuy purpose. 1 had
been trying to avoid the destruction of
a washbasin, and I received with grate
ful eagernesiVa pair of Indian clubs
which offered themselves, and liftiug
them to the level of my brow let them
fall clamorously to the iloor. The
welkin ranp. so to speak, and 1
with nervous exhaustion into an arm
ehair. The house seemed deathly still, and
it struck me that Josephine on her part
was ominously quiet. When she spoke
at last it was to ask:
"Haven't you a pistol?'
"Yes. dear."
"Are you goinp to let them take
"It is for them to decide, darling."
"But. Fred'
Josephine did not finish her sentence.
The words she uttered were, however,
so full of poignant surprise and disap
pointment that I felt constrained to
inquire, with, a guilty attempt at non
chalance: "Is there anything you would like to
have me do?"
"You are the best judge, of course,"
she answered, coldly. "Only, do you
think it is the usual way!"
We hare talked it over many times
since, and I have endeavored to make
plain to her that, in the process of evo
lution, thinking men have come to the
conclusion that the husband and father
who chops logic at dead of nipht with
an accomplished burglar on the wrong
side of his chamber door is akin to a
refund the money? Why not do
the same when yon buy medicine?
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery is sold on that plan. It's
the only blood -purifier so certain
and effective that it can be guar
anteed to benefit or cure, in every
case, or yon have your money back.
It's not like the ordinary spring
medicines or sarsaparillas. All the
year round, it cleanses, build?
and invigorates the system.
you're bilious, run-down, or dys
peptic, or have any blood - taint,
nothing can equal it as a remedy.
The worst cases of Chronic
Catarrh in the Head, yield tolWK.!l!5!'.
Dr. Safe's Catarrh Remedv.
So certain is it that its mak
ers offer S500 reward for an
incurable case.
Tun Ahemcan KAKMEr., which l now enter
ing upon Its 7.1th year, in the pioneer farmer's
purer hi the country.
It l it larve elght-pagv paper, and contains ,V.
column of the choicest ncriPultural m;k1 liter
ary mutter, plcntlluIlT embellished with Hue
tllus:ratlmi. It Is
mid deals with furnilnc mid fnrmer' Interest)'
on nroud, practical lines, it
and everything that appears In It column I; of
the hlshit character I'vrry dcjxtrtnicnt ol the
'tinner tm!iievt is dlcuel In hu enrncxt,
practical way, Inoklnc to theirmitest profit iitnl
benefit to the farmer and hi fit mi li
lt apii-ar on the : and l'i'b of curb, tuimth,
and la furnUhed at the loir price of
In advance Thl niakr It thr rltrapnt
ncrlrultural paper lu the country.
lniriDR the coming year there will Us an Itn
mcnc number nf imutet of the moat vttal In
terest to fanners dealt with br ConcreM and the
Kxecutlve Department tit Washington. It Is
highly important that the larmura lie kept
promptly and fully Informed it to what In Icing
planned and done atleetlng them at the National
lanital. They smmlcl all, therefore, take Tltn
1 aukuica.s Farmer, which, being on thu ground.
facilities than any other tmpcrs for
and devote itelf to
thU duty They will tint! lu It conlnntly a
great amount nf valuable information that tin
can get lu nonther t aper
The American Farmer and The Cjmo.vicm:
will be scntouo year fur II 7i.
New York Weekly Tribune
Danesweekiy cnronicie
I 4 OKNTS make .0C a dav.
I utensil ever invented. Uctall. 3.1 c:?. itn 6
Satanic TMMljiri' tutid
McM&tin and Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
sold In every bout.
Gn-ute-it kitchen
tn C
1 mn
rtfes pr
vel thr
11 making TO fcJVOO I'KR WEKK
. thus I
IVrtfes preferred who enn furnish a hirvHUdj
travel through the country; a team, though. 11 j
not necessary. A few vacaucien in town and i
cities, spare hours may b ud to pxd ad- '
vantage. K. F. JOHNSON A n-.. !
11th and -Main Sts.. Kichmond. Va t
Br virtue of an execution and order 1
Isued out of the Circuit Court of tt.v iiate of I
Oregon, for the Ciunty-td Wasco, to me directed
commanding me to make sale of the 'and ir; the
Afd writ, described to-wit: Those ptf'es aud '
panel of land In Wasco County, Mate of Ore
gon, known and de-cribHl a the -outh half of '
tion eight ! , ami the outb half nf nation
nine '9 and the east half and the southwest 1
nwest quar-
nunrterof Ihr northwest '
there i dartet nf action ten (10) i.nd the north half of 1
me iiorumtrti ijttaiie; uuu itje uiiimi fjuarter
of the northwest nuarter of section tiftren 1 1. .
thought at first; but I remember that j nil In Township one 1,, north of Range fourteen
the last time we conversed upon the .. VZ.VV.. '"r " '"f.i " "h" '
, ,. , , ! quarter and the east half of the nort
She listens to my arguments, and has lK- d the .outhwe-t nuarter of thf
done me the honor to admit tha'
is more to be said in mv behalf than, she
at first; but I remember t
time we conversed upon
subject she shook herheac. with the cl tn ce paid to the plaintiff in said action, m
air 01 a woman who, in spite of every
thing, is still of the same opinion, and
she murmured gentlv:
"As 1 told you before, Fred, if you
had fired once ore the banisters, I
would say nothing."
'But I might have been killed or
maimed for life!"
Josephine looked a little grave, but
she answered succinctly:
"There are certain risks in this world
that a man has to take."
Criticiein has been laid upon the Car
lin party for abandoning the cook Col
gate to a lonely death among the soli
tudes of the Bitter Boot range, says the
Spokane Review. Unquestionably the
act was not heroic. It wag selfish in a
measure; but most men, placed under'
similar circumstances, would have act-!
ed just as the members of the Carlin
party acted, and Eome men would not
have made so great a struggle to save j
tne eznauBtea man. 10 sit in a com
fortable room or office and pass judg
ment upon men fighting for existence is .
an easy matter. Under different cir
cumstances men think and act differ-
ently. Ordinary human nature will not
endure the more terrific teste : in the (
presence of great danger, even if fear be J
absent, tne reason usually tlnves away
sentiment. 2so man can determine
what he would do under trying circum-.
stances until he has been put to the I
teat. With the snowy wilderness around
them; face to face with danger, and 1
playing at desperate odds with death, 1
the Carlin party took a philosophic view ;
of tneir duty and their requirements.
It was clearly an irapo&eibility to bring
Colgate out of the wilderness. As the
party saw their situation, they could
not help him by remaining. So they
put away sentiment and sacrificed some
thing to their own instinct of self-preservation.
One point, however, in this connec
tion, calls for further explanation.
When Lieutenant Elliott met the wan
derers, why did be fail to dispatch a de
tail of Jils party in search of the aban
doned man? Here was a case where
setbiog should have been left to doubt,
There ought to have been at least a de
terained effort to reach the point where
the Carlin party parted company with
the unfortunate man. If Lieutenant
Elliott bad made tech effort there would
aow be not the slightest blemish on the
laurels which be hss fairly won.
Xlltt. l.ORt.
wni'-h action The iillcltors Loan and Trust
i"o.. iixtny wer iilaintl' and James llooth. Mar
. tha 51. booth. Everett .. Uall. J F Jle inre.
.-arHh H xeClurc. U. G. Alter. Ualph Kozers. Jn
II S l!ters, lri Embody, J. 11 ley or aud 1
V Edwards were defenuant, to-wit tnenum of
i r.U"'.t) with interest thereon, from Ji:! I. 19J.
a: the r?.:e of six per cent per annum and i'Xv.v)
' nil irin-ys tn said action auu cixv ana 01k-
Durc ems tnercin tuxen, 1 nnvetoi uy levird
ujin the land afore-aid aud on
(Saturday-the 23rd ly nf Derrtuhrr IHUS,
at the hour of 10 o'clock h. m. in front of the
court honsc door, in the City of The built, in
aid County and State, I will sell uud land at
public auction, to the highest bidder therefor
T A War!.,
i-herilTof Watco County. State of Oregon.
Lost, two notes payable to
ileins. All persons are warned
I purchase said note;.
UlW J. (J. AlEl.NS
J. C.
not to
Is the
Of the Year
4KDNLY- $1.75.
Successor to LESLIE BUTLER,
Will constantly keep nn hand a complete Hue of
reputation of
Having purchased Mr. liutler'n entire tk, 1 nhall rndenvor to maintain the
the houe, which hits ben
Call and see me, next door to Postofflce.
. 1
og'nrtKUfr pirn muxat.t jo; ftX7 1JS
'305355 'troai jq;c JO n&3iUQ poc
TnNGXHAHH.V'PU ARtmri aiqr-ii-iBnv
I sssSr t ri rTTTi j -rT
liy virtue of un execution and oriW nf ale.
inui 011; of the Circuit Court of trie state of
Oregon, for the County of W'sjco, u mi- dirtrtni
commanding ine to make nle i.f the iaud lu the
said writ described to-wn. inox-pli- e and uir
j Timber Lund, Act June S, lSTc
j F. h I.ANb OrncK.The Dulle-i, Or.,i
I Nov. o, 1J3. i
; Notice is hereby given that in compliance
j with the provisions of the act of congress of
June 3. lV7s, entitled "An act for the sale of tint
J bcr lands lu the suites of California, Oregon,
: Nevada and Wellington Territory,"
Neul C Steir ensiili,
Of Kingsley, county of Wh.oi, state of Ori-gon,
has this day tiled in this otlicc hi-, swont state
ment for the purchase of the MI', of NWJ,;,
I of cectlon. No. 21, in Township No. H , range
No 13 E. W St., mid will otter nrtHif to show
that the land sought Is more valuable for its
' timber or stone than for agricultural nurttose.
1 aud to establish his claim to said laud before
Wasco County,
celsoi land 111 vtuco Miuui), siai.- .1 urvgon. ; tu(. Kegistcr and Keeeiver of this iitiiceutThe
j.,,.ii 0.1, uraiu v ui-nt .jujiiier , jMnen, or., on the lath dav of January, lain,
of se..".ion four and the north half of . l 011 1 jie mv as wlttiew.. Oetirge JlrlJI-od, Jus
nine I'JJ. mid the northwest quarter ;of M-etlori j fvT Kusley, Imiu lloudeau and Uifayetto Iiavls
eventeen !.), in Township tine ;i. rmrth of ill nf Kiritrslev. Or
1 "" i"' "" " " """"v...- jiuii- ,ny arid nil t:rsous claiming adversely tli
ttintt w iijusu niMi jiuj mv -wut ,i uiuiit-y. in i til:iYt'-dc,enis"u laud
For sale ly Snlpos A- Kiriersly.
oner. in
' said ( ourt adiudztd to be 11 Id to the t.hmilfi! in
said action, in whluh nctlon The s.i!it'itrs muu
and Trust Company were plamtltr and lair.e
Ilooth, llartha il lt.itli, Everett I. 1U1.J. K.
ileClure, harah II. JlcCIure. U O Alter italph
Krzers, Julio N Itiswrs, I'ri Embod . JI lav.
iorandJ K. Kdwatds were defendiirib.. ti-wlt.
the sum of fJOOO 00 with Interest thereon, from
July 1, 1-V2, at the rule of six percent per annum
nnd fJW.CO attorney's fees in said action and
. cost and iliiliurvMiients therein ta.d. 1 have
, this day levied uisio the land nforesaid. and on
hat unlay, UUrd day of Ilec-uiler, 1H0S,
I at the hour of 10 o clock a. ui in front of the
j courthouse door, In the City of Th- li-lk-s. lu
! said Comity nnd Htatc, I will sell saidUnd at
, pubdc auction to the hlghent bidder therefor.
J T A WAlttJ,
KherifTof Waco County, State of Oregon.
1 novA'ttf
ersely the
n are nuinMiifd to lile their
claims Hi this office on or before said l.":lt davnf
Jiiuuar). l-'M
wlO JOHN W iJBWlri. lleglster.
I Hy virtue of. on
01 saie issueu nui
cxc-utlon and
of the Circuit
of Oregon for
rne directed,
order '
Court I
the county
Essllr. Qtjleklj.
Pratnnll)r Restjrtd.
and ell tbe train of e!! ,"-" tnf
eictnvr. tUe rrtulli of J urc to make ule of the land In said writ, de:rib-
vrotrr.elc. FullitreigtL,
development and nmo
Klrra to every crganasd
prirtlon at the Imdr.
sn. Failure Impoxluir.
SJCUJ refereiKX. r.-.-i,
explanation and pnx.U
nulled uwakd) fret.
urrALO. n. v.
.AM OrriUK. The ballc. Or.,
Nov. u, WXi.
Notice Is hereby given that the followiug
liamed settler has tiled notice of bis Intention to
make final proof In support of his claim and that
sin 11 proot win tie mane tsftore register and
receiver ut The lialles, Oregon, on Wednesday,
DeeemiifJT. lh!. vU
llrwltt ItlliK,
Homestead Application No. 'Jsi'i, for the SA of
HK'i aud K4 of rt Wi K-c. 10, 1 p. - K. K. 1 1 Kast.
He nauies the following w itliesM-s to prove bis
coutltiuous residence upon aud cultivation of
said laud, viz:
II. W. Wells, of The Oalles, Or., Charles
Kastou, James Kustou aud I'aul I.imeroth of
Ninis'.no, Or.
Jon W. LbwIs, Iieslster.
Usktucmcm; IfsTiBC lurTercd reut dent
from headaclte for Ttars and beint unable to get
relief until ft would wear away of Itself, j saw
Krauae'a Uaadaafce Casaulca advertised. I tnl
SbwB.asd nowaaa never without them, finding
it the oalrraady that will five relief, Whn I
i. lie-
larahfirr Irrttar li rmlr nnrt nf the manriililrli
p to Brova sbe mnarkaaie Bsawflta mel ved from
She im of Krause'a UmAmtut Opsulea. Any
mrnrnu aiiffcttity Iron hrtaotia abould procuie
jtiiati oatamlaa at once. Hewaie of imitation.
Tfc MHHlae im told ouly in boatss asd have the
wbbs InttK o Wie laUil; none otaar ten u I tie.
assM brSisM Klsanly,
asaar Hal a headache coaUaf on J take a ap
aasl alwayi find the MUaf iuatantaneotis.
ayastfaUy yours, O. il. Wvearr, kocton, Mai
lor Mexiean Silver
Umbtco, Selattota
KUtnmy Complmlntta
MOKf mm
13 1
ciltowit, those piece and parcels of land in
Wasco County, finite of Oregon, known and de
serlbvd as ull of aectluu three ;!J, arid the south
half of the southeast quarter ,of section four (tj,
and the south half of section five (.1, and the
north ball of section eight (A), all in Township
one (1), north of llange fourteen (It east of the
Willamette meridian, to make and py the sum
of money, In said Court adjudged, t,ib paid to
the plaintifl In sold action, la which action The
t-nllcitors Until and Trust Company were plain
tlir nnd Jomea llooth, Martha M Jlooth, F.verett
k. Hall, J. F. MrtJItire, haruhll ileClure. V. O.
Alter, lUlpli Kogeni, Julia N Ilogt-rs, Url Km
udr, J. M. Taylor and J. F. F.d wards were de
fendants, to-wit. the sura of ftutfUf) with Inter.
itat thereon Iroai July 1. WJi, at the rate of six
per cent per aanuio ana a.uu aturtiey feea in
said action and eoataand illsbursemeiiu therein
taxed, I have this day ievitrd iion the land
above dtacrtbed aud on
a. tmrnwivSnm klt
Wtth llaaSfO SJayytlQ I
lata PatiUa r Bs la
WTneunf sfltaoat
BTrrHusIiou ut 1rau)
aturday tboSSal ar of Oacawbtir, IMUU,
at the hour nf 10 a. m In front of the court
heuse door, lu tne city of The Uailes, lu said
count." and state, I will sell said land at public
auction, to the highest bidder therefor.
T. A, Wsui,
KherifTof Wasco county, fitato of Oregon.
Exwator's Hotlse to Craditors.
sasiai in
Igl'ii li asjr aTafearbtni
u uf ia at aissaasa ar so aar. TUau
afurrj all atsW lyavwiias I afsssf, ansTwe aM ttuaUaOi
DflssUirimilals la Utw a4ry eMssr abt.
w wsssai ls't
BTKilas burjo tr tlffrts
fclM. aVil tat Tksr i as t
wars ttmdtarlHiu'iil-
I Notice Is hereby given that the County Court
1 nf the Klate nf Orwotl for Coiiolt has
' duly appointed the the executor of
V wt, nil, M,. it tsM,(.v, .i-.ri.v fl , fxrvis,
snvvzn klcdtmio co..
I Ke. I7 lUl.)tr:ut, fMlTLXXM OKU.
d'-teastd. All persons having claims against
the estate of said deceased arc hereby required
to prewmt them, with the pru--r V(;u.tiers,
wltilu six mouths from the date of this notice,
to said executor at his placo of riMideuee, near
.Dalle i:lly, in said county, or at the otllce nf
W, II. WilMili, in said Dalle City.
i UJHAKI. flOVI.K. Exei-ut-.
dilated thU Ut day ul iloveuilwr, JV3. ilw
Notice is hereby civen thut the under,
signed hue been duly appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon for
Waeco County in probate, executrix with
the will annexed of the estate of James
Underhill deceased. All pernons having
claims against said estate are hereby re
quired to present them to me with
proper vouchers at tbu law office of Con
don & Condon in Dalles City, Oregon,
within six months from the date of this
November 11, 1893.
Executrix of the Estate of James Under
bill, deceased.
Linn Owes. The Oalles, Or.,(
Oct. SI, llstn. I
.101 ico is hereby given that tne following
named settler has hied notice of bis Intention to
make final proof In aupport of Ida claim, mid
that said proof will bo made before the ileiclster
arm tvweiver at I lie I'aiiea, ur. mi iJceemoer
11, WM, rlt
KsiIsmsww O. Mraoka,
devisee of John Hugbea, deceased.
Homestead ApplicaMon No. tSSH. for the H' 8K'i
and 4 of Hec. Si. T. I N., It. 13 K,
He namea the following witnesses to prove
Ids continuous residence uwn and cultivation
of said laud, viz.
O. W.Cook, W. A. Miller, Frank Crelghlon and
Beth Morgan, all of the Jialk-a Or,
a"Jfsr"l l 1IKOWK please take notice.
JOHN W. I.KWIH, lUulsjor.
Estray Taken Up.
One black poti)', branded either S or 8 ou left
hip nnd left Jaw Owner can have same by prov.
Ins prorty id paying tor this uoilc.
10Iwlm r'ostoriice.TheDallo., Or,
The Gate City of the Inland Empire i situat-nd at the ksod
of navipition on the Midtllo Columbia, and h u thriving, pros
perous city.
It is the supply city for an extensive und rich agricultunl
and grazing country, it trade niaching ub far .outh ua Suimnt
Lake, a distance of over two hundred utileK.
The Largest W6ol Market.
The rich grating country along the eastern elope of the Cu
cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from
which finds market here.
The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping jioint if
America, about 5,000,000 pounds'boing shipjied last year.
The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yitil(
this year n revenue of thousands of dollars, which will I more
than doubled in the near future.
The products of the; beautiful L.ickitat valley find market
here, and the country south air' uist has this year filled th
warehouses, and all available Htorogo places to overflowing witl
their products.
It is the richest city of its Bize on the const and its money it
scattered over and is lieing used to develop more farminf; country
than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed, its climate delightful. 1 I
sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. Andootlt!
..ornor stones she stands.
lUasonftbly Huinou