e!)c VOL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1893. NO. 117: AN . i OU., -iffit. A nVAHMITC CriirUE WASHINGTON LETTER The Dalles Daily Chronicle. nblthcl tiMlly, Sunday Krepted, HY HE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO -xntmA and Waahlngton rttrteu. The trtO" d11m. Ori!im Dalle, Oregon, Tnrma of 8tlbacrlitloU ... kmmt fnontr., by carrier 50 ..IS 00 1'IMK TAHI.KH. Kllrn-U. ill effect AtlgOKt C, 18!B. AST HOUND. . Arn l":65 ' Departs li:to r. - WEST I'OCNIl. nitrite d. 3!) .. M. Dcnrbs 3:44 a. LOCAL Mituiii rortlnnil nt 1 r. m. Depart for l'ortlnml nt 3 r. m rwjaou freight that carry iMicngor leave & & tin; wit at h'00 a. M and out (or the tU! Hi ' A. M. STAG KM. o rrincvUle, U, "Jute Oveu, leave dally .i x. K. for Autclopc. Jlt;hoIl. Canyon City, leave IIJ l l A. -. v ii..f... Lltt.1ji U'Biin Wavilfilfla. U'inn frtnn hi- Tygh valley, leave dally, except -1lV. ct b A. X. 7n (.uliii'tiiliiln. H uh., leave evcrr day ol the x cjccjh ouuui) ni a. a. Oacc lor all line at the Umatilla House. KltOFKHMONAl.. H. 11 KlDDKLl ATTORHST-AT-I-AW OfllCU Court Stmtt, Tlie wanes, urcgou. 1. 1. nnrua. fkamc E5.rxK DUrTK, MKNKKKE ATTOWiBYli-AT-law Kitomi and 43. over Tout uaiwilulldlUB, Entrance on Waahlngtou Street 'it Palles, Oregon. . J ttKKVHTT. ATTORKEY-AT-L. OJ A. flee In tichanuo'a bulldlug, up Ulr. The utUn, Oregon, r r.mrn. n. .iwtmnaion. h. . wilmw. iiaVk. irtfKTlKOTOS Si WILBON ATTO Jtl jckys-at-LAW Office, Frcnch'a block over IW. .National Bank. ' vnlin. uregon. W II WII.SOS Attokkkt-at-law Kooma n . French & Co.' hank bulltling, becona Krt, The Dalle. Oregon. T 8rTIIKItI.ANI). M. I).. C M. . K T. M. (' V. . t 1'. ami H. ()., 1'hyalcUn nd Nur- rnii. Kooino a una 4, unapmnu nines.. Eallatf Mrs. Thornuury's, wot end ol Mi-ond ") WHEIJiAN (Ho-JtorATMic; I'hybicias iVand bcuoBON. Call answered promptly, Ivor night, city or country. Otuce ro. do aim Th... ........ kt.Tk wtf A) K. O. D. 1IOAN--rilYBlCJAJI AIJD BCB- Q-ON. Ufflea; rooniii 6 una t. iinuinia, Kenldeucc: B. K. corner c;ourt una hurth atrocta, neoud door from the corner. OHce bouri U to 12 A. .M 'J to 6 uud 7 to 8 1". Si. D-tDDALL Dkstiht. b cnen lor me . iialnletis extraction of teeth. AIbo teeth i on flowi-d aluminum plate. KcKima: Slpn of it iiolden Tooth, Becond Street. FRENCH & BANKERS. I TKAtJriAOT A GENERAL BAKKINli BC8INESH I Lettrn of Credit leaned available in ho Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Ixmis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and varions points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Better THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - - Vice-President, Cashier, - - Z. F. Moody Cuaulks Hilton M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on at all accessible points. favorable terms a. SCHKMCB, hrealdcnt. J. M. i'ATTCRKOK, Caihier. First Rational Bank. VHE DALLES, OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to bignt Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, ban irancisco and rort-land. D1RKOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schk.sck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbe. H. M. Beall. MOCIKTIEA. WAsCO IXJDHE, NO. 15, A K. 4 A. M. Meotn t Brat uud third Monday of each mouth nt 7 DlUi:H KOYAL AUCU CHA1TEK NO. 6. U In Maaoulc Hull the third Wednesday olneh couth at 7 1. M. WOMEN WOODMEN OK TUE WOKLD. M. HikhI CampNo.53,MeetiiTueilayevfn icioftach week In Fraternity HaH.at7:3u p.m. flOLCMHIA LODGE, NO. 6, 1.0. O. F.-Moeta V-' etry Friday eveuliiK at 7:30 o'clock, lu K. of r, tmll, comer Second and Court atreet. "JoarnliiK hrother are welcome. U.Clouoii, Bec'y. 11. A. I1IUH,N. G. I?KlKNDblIll LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P.-Meeta a rvefy .Munday evening ni v:au oeiuea, iu "CJianno'. building, corner of Court and Second ftrtta u.vl.....l.. M1.nitiM .fn nrrllfillv 111. . UI'lllUlUlilK w.w . . - ltd V. S. CRAM C.C. JJ:,W.VA0aB, K. of 11. and 8 AnoEMULY NO. 4H-.7, K. OK L.-MeeU lu K, of i, hull the aecond and fourth Weduet. Wit of each month ut7:80 p. m. ttrOMEN'H CHK1HTIAN TEMFEKENCE JJ t'.MON will moet every Friday afternoon " M " iha;a mv reaaiUK mom. wiimu Uarmon Ixxlge No. 501, I. O. O. T.-Kcgular j. weeKir uoeunsa nway at r. a., u' 'Mternliy Hall. All are tuvitcd. M!. ClimaMAK, 0. T. K. C. FLICK, Be TEMPLE LOOUE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meeta lu Fraternity Hall, over Kellera, mu Socoud luurnaar eveuiugi ai7:au. 11. HANSEN. M r b at, financier. SL W. JAB. NESM1TH POST, No. 82, U. A. K. Meet CVLTV Hiitiinlav nt v. u.. Ill thll K. nt K tUU. ' ' nilEltlC'AK It A I LAVA Y UNION. NO. 40.- V Meet M-coud und fourth Thurwlayii each 7n in k. oi i'. hall. J. , keauy, J II. Jomeu, Soc'r. I'rea. OK L. E.Meou every Sunday afternoon lu 6 EHANO VJSKKIN Meota every Sunday evening In the K. of r. lull. fV f tj iif,ituiiU lt.... I. K. n V llll f h fit-.! unit third U'ulriia. io!nh mniith. at 7ril v. M. TUX CHUUCUKH. CT. r-ETERS CHDRCU Kov. Kther Bbowb y oiet Paator, Low Maaa every Sunday at 'f'n lt MaM ' 10:30 VcierBt S wA.ULB CHURCH Union Street, oppoaltt n.Vith'. Kw.KHD.ButcllUo Rector. Service Jfol:44 A. n. Kvoulug Prayer on Friday at "APl'IHT OHUKOH-Kov. O. X). Tat tath "ifi.,", Morning aerviOMi every Sab School 'i,Ue womy t 11 A. u. Sabbath hai?; lln.,Ped,a!?,Jr "er morning aorvlcca. aiSbS "J?ln rWUy erening at Paator a real p, ji oulon aorvloaa la tho court nouae ut C n il-JP-VT'OKAL CHURCH-Rcr. W. 0. Tk ..SfL' ' Serrliwa evvry Sunday at 11 Hwiftf U 1? r Vundar School after looming M. L5J"JRCHReT- VVMWLBB, pallor. oodaJ SIX,0? rrUMdar morulugat li a. in. Siruo 20h'wK: o'clock r u. Epworth uSdafL818? r 'r''or mwtlng every teffii.ovn.,,f-ai 7: o'clock. A cordial in. toai" u wMiulMi by both ptutor aud utwpie Hpi.iAMBCH,!.K(JHr".'r' w -'"""I bicii iSh Piw2Wl.' ln 11,0 JOB Wlonal jSbJUwos i&y at r. . ""au ar. " 111 KOktlCAL LUTUKKAN Ninth atravt, iMMM M tin p,aa a (wratal walwtsM W. H. YOUNG, Bttmitu & wagon shop General Blacksmithing und Work done promptly, and all wor Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Lietie's old Stand. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his lino nt reasonable figures. Has the largest honse moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181. The Dalles J. F. FORD, Evamcelist, 01 Den Molncn, Iowa, writes under date ol March JB, 1603" S. B. Med. Mfo. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen ; On arriving home last week, I found nil well and anxiously awuiting. Our little girl, eight-and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 jiounds, ie now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from mo. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mk. & Mrs. J. F. Fobd. HyouwJ.h toleel irch and cheerful, and ready for the Biirlng'a work, cleunae your tyatem with tho Headache aud Liver Cure, by Hiking two or three doaoa each week. Sold under a poritlvo guarantee.' 60 conU per bottlo by all drugglMa. C. P. STEPHENS, DKALBR IN DRY GOODS & CL.T.HING Hoott, rilioea, llati, Ktc. Fancy tjood$, lotion?, Ktc. Ktc. Ktc. fitooond St., The Dalles. "As old as tho hills" and never excell ed. "Tried and proven " is tho verdict o f millions. Simmons Livor Regu lator is tho only Liver and Kidney medicino to which you can pin your faith for a euro. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on tho Liver a n d. Kid neys. Try It. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to bo taken dry or made into a tea. Tho King of Liver Medicines. " 1 have u'.cd yourSlmmons Liver Regu lator nnd can consclenclously say it la the klnc of nil liver mcdlclncx, I consider It a medicine chest In Itself. Geo. W. Jack son, Tacoina, Washington. -EVKHV PACKAGE-? Has tho Z Stamp fa red on wrapper. Tba, n Pills M Dally Evening Chronicle Is recognized us essentially the home paper for the lty folks' JJ r l n This is not a bad reputation. Somen UiVl t 2.0"0 of our best oltlzens watch the columns of this nnrirD dailyfor the Fpiciest local news. It r M I UK succeeds in gleaning the field, and hence glows in popularity nnd importance. Take it awhile, you who dou't; try some of its premium offers. "The Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, Portland and A&toria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freirjnt ana Passenger Line Through Tri-Weekly (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles ut 7 a. m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, connecting at the Cascade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dulles City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock) at (5 a. in., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for The Dallee.' I'AHHKXUKlt HATES, One way Round trip. .f2.00 . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. freight, except car lots, wilt be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must bo delivered before 5 p. in. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, B. F W. CALLAWAY, Ueuttral Agnnt. LAUGHLIN, Oeuorul Manager. THE DALLES, ARTIC OREGON CANDY FACTORY SODA WATER AND IOE OREAM. London Police Make An Important Discovery. THEY FIND A TIN CAN FULL The Owner Came From the United States-French Troops on the Frontier. Losdon, Dec. 5. In connection with the arrest of a man at Hamstead yester day, the police searched the rooms of a man named Schneider, just arrived from the United States. He saw them com ing and decamped. They found In the room a tin can containing 24 pounds of dynamite in cakes. Before opening it, it was immersed in a cistern, where it fizzed and foamed over the sides of the receptacle. It was then dispatched to the government explosive laboratory. There it was ascertained that it con tained fuses and all the apparatns nec essary for explosions, and that it would have had a terribly destructive effect. The police expect to make a large num ber of arrests in connection with the affair, as they believe they have discov ered a genuine dynamite plot. The Irish nationalists scout the idea that Schneider had anything to do with the Irish physical force section. They say his name is enough to stamp him as a German anarchist, probably from New York or Chicago, supplying anarchists of France, Austria or Spain with explo sives. The Evening Standard adds to the ex citement by announcing that the police have discovered several bombs in a swell cafe in the West End. lit wholeittlr Ijllutlltlollk. Candies and Nuts subspecialties Flnett Peanut Roaster In The Dalles J.F0LC0 DOLI'II AFTEK GROIEK. The the 2 38 2 Street At right side Mm. Obarr'i restaurant. President Arraigned Hawaiian Affair. Washington, Dec. 5. In the senate yesterday Senator Dolph addressed that body on that part of the president's message relating to Hawaii. He bepan by expressing his surprise at the utter ance of the president in his message. Dolph said he could not conceive it pos sible the administration had determined upon the forcible overthrow of the exist ing government and the restoration of a corrupt and licentious queen. If such had been the intention of the adminis tration, the expression by the press of the country of almost unanimous public opinion against such a course, he be lieved, would have changed the purpose of the administration1 and have caused the president to modify his instructions to the American minister to Hawaii. Dolph read a part of the reference of the president in his message to Hawaii and asked whether the report of the personal representative of the president acting under secret instructions and conducting an ex parte examination was entitled to more credence than the official report of the former American minister to Hawaii, and of American naval oflicers and rep resentatives of the Hawaiian govern ment to this country, and of informa tion received from the Christian and in telligent persons of Hawaii since the revolution. Troop on tlic Italian Frontier. Rome, Dei. 5. Hiforma publishes a letter which affirms that there are 40,000 French troops echeloned between Nice and Barcelonnoite, with large advance posts within a few yards of tho Italian frontier. Along the same line the French forces are being gradually ad vanced toward the frontier. There are immeuse quantities of war material at their disposal, and they appear to he prepared for a sudden attack. The writer calls the attention of tho Italian government ,to the seriousness of this situation. Easy to take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Smallest, easiest, cheapest, best. They're tiny, sugur-coated, anti bilious granules, a compound of refined and concentrated vegetable extracts. Without disturbance or trouble, Consti pation, Indigestion, liillous Attacks, Sick and Rilious Headaches, and all de rangements of the liver, stomach and bowels, are prevented, relieved and cured. Permanently "urecl, too. IJy their mild and natural action, theso lit tle Pellet lead the system into natural wuys again. Their influence lusts, Everything catarrhal in its nature, catarrh itself, and all the troubles that come from catarrh, are perfectly mid permanently cured by Dr. Sago's Ca tarrh Remedy. No matter how bad vour case or how long stundlng, you can bo cured. Iluckleu'a AriuiH naive. The best salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, und all skin eruptions, and posb tlvely cures piles, or no pay required Jt is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin-ersly Tim Diaaatnr tlint Would ItmnU from the Tarin Kill. l'roni our Hegutiir Correspondent.) Waniiixotos, Dec. 1, lS!:i. The Cleveland tarld bill has been be fore tho public four days and the most careful study fails to rind one single re deeming feature therein. It would, if enacted a law, turn over the cream of tho American market, the finest in the world, to Americans in exchange there for are glittering promises of an increase in the foreign trade of the United States, promises which are not believed in even by those who have made them. It is admitted that free wool would put an end to the production of wool in this country and that free iron ore and coal will cause foreign coal and iron ore to be used exclusively in the neighborhood of every Atlantic seaport and that Ameri can iron ore and coal will be used no where except at places so far in the in terior that the freight rates will allow them to compete with foreign products. Theso are only specimens of the man ner Kin which American industries have been treated by this bill. The same holds good throughout tho bill. There is hardly a single industry of any con sequence in -the United States that is not struck at in some way. And as if that were not evil enough to be con tained in a single bill, this one changes the method of imposing the duty upon many of the articles which it leaves upon the dutiable list from specific to ad valorem, a system which has been con demned by nearly every secretary of the treasury the country has had as one that encourages fraud and puts a pre mium upon deception. The bill is dis honest in every way. While purporting to be a tariff for revenue its makers es timate that it would produce $50,000,000 a year less than the McKinley law. It leaves the sugar bounty, which the dem ocrats claimed to oppose on constitu tional grounds and provides for its con tinuance eight years, dropping a quarter of a cent each year. The question natu rally arises, how can a bounty of 1?4 cents be constitutional if a bounty of 2 cents was unconstitutional? There is, however, one consoling thing about this bill. It is so utterly bad and vicious that it cannot possibly become a law in its present shape, although Mr. Cleveland's power may be sufficiently strong to force it through the house without amendment, but of that there are uouots. ine constituents 01 demo cratic members who will feol the reduc tions in wages and loss of employment will make themselves heard and felt as oon as they are brought to a realizing sense of the injury to themselves that is contained in the bill. Many bolievo that the bill has been made public in its present shape shape to feel tho pub lic pulse and that the feature which prove most obnoxious will later on bo eliminated or modiQed by a democratic caucus. The report of tho republican minority of the house ways and means committee, upon which work is now being pushed, promises to bo a docu ment that will make republican eon verts by the thousand. It will proba bly bo ready by tho last of next or the first of tho week after. Tho democrats of the ways and means committco are still undecided about a single feature of tho internal rovenuo bill, which they will have to proparo to meet the big deficiency created by their tariff bill. They wish to include tho income tax, but ao many vigorous pro tests have been filed against it by lead lug democrats that it is not certain they will. Secretary Herbert, not having a son to take caro of, has introduced a new variety of nepotism by appointing his son-in-law chief clerk of the navy department. It is certain that Mr. 0. I). Johnson, of Louisiana, who was the only demo cratic member of tho civil survieo coin- mission, did not enjoy his Thanksgiving linner. Cause why? Ho was pro- emptorlly removed from ofllco by Mr. Cleveland this week. Mr. Johnson has ever since the democratic administration :amu into office acted as though hu thought it was his duty to stand by tho most outrageous violations of tho civil servico law, in favor of democrats, rather than to enforce that law. IIo has been going from bad to worse in that direc tion, and when the time catno to prepare the annual report of the commission, which is now in the hands of Mr. Cleve land, thero was an open rupture hetweon him and his republican colleagues, and ho refused to sign their report and wrote one of his own. That brought matters to a crisis and Commissioner Roscvclt told Mr. Cleveland that he would not re main on the commission if Johnson did. And Johnson didn't. Prof. Proctor, of Kentucky, has been appointed to the vacancy. Cas. A New Argument Against Corsets. This is the shapo of a woman's waist , on which a corset tight , is laced. The ribs deformed by being squeezed press on the lungs.till they're diseased. The heart ' is jammed and cannot pump; the liver is a lump, the stomach crushed, cannot digest; and in a mess are all compressed. There fore this silly woman grows to be a fearful mess of woes, but thinks she has a lovely shape, though hideous as a crippled ape. This is a woman's natural waist which corsets never yet discharged. Inside it is a mine of health. Outside of charms it has a wealth. It is a thing of beauty true, and a sweet joy forever new. It needs no artful padding vile, or bustle big Ho cive it "style." Its strong and solid, plump nnd sound, and hard to BPt 'ne arm around. Alao, it' women "" only knew the mischief that these corpets do. ih-yM let Dame Nature haw' her way, and never ler Iter wasto to "stay." Mr. J. P. Blaize, an extensive real es tate dealer in Des Moines, Iowa, narrow ly escaped ono of tho severest attacks of pneumonia whilo in the northorn part of Iowa during a recent blizzard, says tho Saturday Review. Mr. Blaize had occasion to drive several miles during tho storm and was so thoroughly chilled that he was unable to get warm, and in side of an hour after his return ho was threatened with a severe caso of pneu monia or lung fever. Mr. Blai.3 sent to tho nearest drug store und got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of which ho had often heard, and took a number of largo doses. Ho says tho ef fect was wonderful and in a short time ho was breathing quito easily. He kept on taking tho medicino and tho next day he was ahlo to eomo to Des Moines. Mr. Blaize regards his cure as simply wonderful. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. " Now Try TUU. It will cost you nothing and will sure ly do you good, if you havo a cough, cold, or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's Now Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is guar anteed to give relief, or money will bo paid back. Sufferers from hi grippe found it just tho thing and under Uh tibo had u speedy and thorough recov cny. Try a samnlu bottlo ut our ox peiiso, and learn lor yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kiuorsly's drug storo Large sizo 60c aud $1. Closing Out Main of Orm-urlim. Owing to a contemplated chaugo ot business, thu undersigned will closu out tho entire stock of grocories, hardware, wood and willow ware at cost for cash. Call early whilo tho Btock is unbroken. Jlll.KH BllOTIIKIIS. Captain Sweonoy, U, S, A., San Diego, Cab, says: 'Shiloh'H Catarrh Remedy is tho first medicine I havo ever found that would do 1110 any good." Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes A Klnoraly. Highest of all In Leavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Roh! Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PtRB