Tbp nalks Mly Chmicl& Entered nt the FostoCcc t Tat Dalles, Oregon, as stcond-clu natter. THE DAtLIS OKEOON Frrc Tor all Who Ak. A very flue photographic view of the world's fair. SslO inches in sixe, the work of the official photographer of the 1 United States government nnd acrom-j pauied by a graphic, interesting and ; authentic description, will le &ent tree i bv the Chicaco Weeklv inter Ocean to anyone who will Bend one 2 cent stamp) for postage. Adress "Librarian," In ter Ocean. A Leader. Since its first introduction, electric bitters has pained rapidly in popnlar favor, nutil now it is clearly in the lead ! among pnre medicinal tonics and alter atives containing nothing winch per-1 mits its nse as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best and purest -medicine for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will core sick head ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive maleria from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each battle or the money will be refunded. Price-only 50c. per Ixrttle. So'd by Snipes & Ivinersly. Mr. J. P. Bluize. an extensive real es tate dealer in Pes Moines, Iowa, narrow ly escaped one of the severest attacks of pneumonia while in the northern part of Iowa during a recent blizzard, says the Saturday Review. Mr. Blaizs had occasion to drive several miles during the storm and was so thoroughly chilled that he was vjnahle to get warm, and in side ot an hour after his return he was threatened with a severe case of pneu- j monia or lunc fever. Mr. Blaizs sent to I the nearest drug store and got a bottle of- Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy, of which he had often heard, and took a number of large doses. He says the ef fect was wonderful and in a short time he was breathing quite easily. He kept on taking the medicine and the next day lie was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. Uiaize regards his cure as simply wonderful. For sale by Blakcley & Houghton. Twice a Week From NOW Until Sacond St. i. c. NtcKELSEN,ThoDalles,oJDecember 31, 1894, YOUR ATTEJiTIOB I culled to the fact tint flagb Glenn, Dor.ler fn ! unl Hu'ii Wlien the Train slop at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side AT THt fiBVit COLttJjVlBlA HOTELt. - i'hrri' !..: ,Jl! f : fluent !! For ONLY $1.50. mm 10 plOHliQS, Tht Ursc anil r-opuHr Hoase d'HSH-thc principal hotel uuMucs. nnd is jirv;xi:tv5 to furnish the Itost Accommodation oi any llouw la the city, and at the low rate of Jj.oo per Day. - pirst Qlass Teals, 25 Cepts. OIHre for nil Stnfie Ltnr lt-nvtnc Tlir Ilnllr for all iolul in Kii:rru Oregon nutl i;atrrn Walilii;tnn, in thl Hotel. Corner of Frcci nnd t'nlon St T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. WINHNS HE XEW TOWN fcas t:u riiatttd on thr old carrm ptoum', a: the Fort-. ud Fall of Hood river, with larse.sihtlvloLs broad str ir - and alley. ,( Kl oll ' and puiewnter.with .tudeln profusion, perfect drains :,e,deli;Iitnl mountain Climate, the central Kltraction as a mountain u.mner ic j.;rt lor all Oitson, beins the neiuvt toTrn ti Jit. Hood. It Is unjuml'eW u a usuufrcturiuv center, belli; the natural center for ISO .vjUh.o nivrrs of the best ccdjrand 6t timber, toi'rtslur million of hoie-power in its djshi'? streams and wMei falU, tajily harne-d. here cheap motive power esists, there the uuan factories will center, surrounded by oll and chutttte that omnot be eacelleil onywhvre for fruit and agriculture, und with tu importation already usum you will and this the place to make irfec: home or a paylnc lnvt:nis DOfl'T WANT YOUR Guaranteed Care. "e authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's Xe.w Discovery "far Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If yon are afflicted with a Cough. Cold or any Lung, Throat or Chest "trouble, and will nse this remedy as directed, givinsc it a fait trial, and ex perience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have yonr money refunded. "VVe could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's Kew Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Tris! bottles free at Snipes & KiiiersJy's. E5TiSstE.':. Having ufi'ered a great deal from headache for year and teiur unable to get relief imai it would wear away of itself. I avr Headache Capsules r.dvertied. I tried them, and now am never without there, finding it the oulyreiaedy that will give relle!. When I no" find a htudiche eoming on I tase a capsule ajodaiwRT hnd the relief intantaneon. lie apertfally yours, u 11. WKi.iirr, Ilostiw, 5tat. "She anove lerter m nuly one of the many which goto prove She reiuartable benefits received from :he as of Krnux- Headache iiapsnles. Any perMjti sufi'siin? rom hesdehr -h"u!d procure there !p-nle at mec. Bewan- f ireluition. Theccuuine are wW oulv in lioio uti have th; word Kranse on the loboi: none other genuine. HolS by anitaet' & Kihersly. Shiloh's Vitulizer is wharyou need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. I'rife 7-3c Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. Hot clam broth at J. O. Mack's every day at 4 o'clock. Xute Lout. Lost, two notes payable to J. C. Meins. All persons are warned not to purchase said notes. dlw J. C. Mrixs. Clnnltif Ont Sale of tlrucerle. Owing to a contemplated change of business, the undersigned will close out the entire stock of groceries, hardware. wood and willow ware at coat for cash Call early while the stock is unbroken JoLl UltOTHKHH. : : See me on the ground, oi TITLE PERFECT address me at Hood River . Wasco County. Oregon. W. RossWinans. The Dalles Daily and Weekly Chronicle. Just Landed -A FEW CASKS OF Oilskin, Mackintosh and Jiubber Clothing L nibrelias, Mo. M.M11 HaJ ulso recuived from Hcatim and fhlladelphla, all cnules of Underclothing, und n choice aMortment of Neckwear, In the latort deaigru. BOOTS AND SHOES ynm the Heat Maker Oulr. ill P WtliH fUll I2BIK. -r-r THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithful!' representing The Dalles and the surrounding countiy, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $G.OO per annum. The Weekly Chiioxicle on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tile Dalles, Just Jtoiu, BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR 1B0J1EY, ''There is a tide in ihe affairs oj men which, taken at its fiooa leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Chhii Sale il Fiiimrfi k Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHELBACH BRICK, - - UNIOK ST. D. BUNNELL, Fhe Won, Tin Bepaiis ami Hoofing mains tapped under pressure. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Youn fe Kau' Blacksmith Shop, OUR GREAT OFFER I FOR 1894. Tip are Dull Tiies! 72 To 1)6 found in the City. UJsshington Street. From TERWIHAb or INTERIOR Point! 'Wni'tlioi'ii Pin m- i u ii i s in. i ii i n u ui mum i uu RAILROAD tin lint: to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AMI SOU. It t III- DtlilliK :r ISoui.:. II ttiln Ttiniws YtlnclwS 'Irnln rvrry flnv In Uivfrto It paul and Ghiejgo And THE x CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven tnem by trodxicing its newsy presence into every home in Wasco County. OVH Circulation must be doubled, and to do this we proDose to furnish the Weekly Edition i for the balance of this year and one year beyond for the. already low price of $1.50. A ' n""",""'",,r ''"r' year and a third 16 months makes a GHEflT amount of the very best read ing matter, comprising besides the world's news, valuable in formation on especially for the stock-raiser, the farmer and the orchardist, and is the best medium for ISO CHANUK Of t Allti I CouitiOM.nl of I Mil I nir t:nr uuurt'i,l Irau witip u'Kim Mtnrt't'Oi imet txjt TOURIST SLEEilN'6 GARS j Hvt Hint cn Ik: tun tructcl, mid lu wmei ; ucrnmm.Mlatliiiik if both ': nml FuniUha! j Jar tiol!ct o( I'l:t nnd hvriu(l-r.lii Tlcletn.mid I ELEGANT DAY COACHES A foiitlllUtiUn Jllif, ciitiliiX'tltiK "lib nil llur nonliue il!rin;l Mtnl uiiliiU'rniin-4 ervl(n- fullmnu Hltn-t-r rrwrivmion clt tm nn-itrwt In mjvr.lirr Ihrmifh miui'vltt of tlic rimil. . ... i uuiiiiri ll 'VLIV an suoiects, ana innuuun uurtio im i Miciitia una .'.'mi ucv-i iiiBft or itiim 1I tj.n AruiTic. fitti t tnroliio.l nt at exposing our resources to world. If this rill! l:ili'-ni .'-"-. cnticcriilui: mm, tlmr oi train, rnut-- "il nthi-r do.nll !tiniltxj on l(IiUC'J(Ml to V. C. ALLAWAY, Acunt Ii I. A. A. Nt, Co', KtgtiUtor oOet, Tb l't icii.Or , ui th6' a U- t HAHI.TON. (t r.oiuro; r:r c Atrr mnija. n OFFE$ Is not enough, our plan to is- las warepe Ra tcs Reasonble. . "W. Go. tiik n. i.t.i:s. oi: WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL I DICTIONARY Receives G-oods on Stor- sue the Weekly in instalments' aSe-and forwards sameto their destination. of twice a week, should make ' your decision favorable at once. Receives Consignments Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday's ! ?or Sale on Commission. ana weanesaays NEWS gets; stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the We ' Chronicle i Part I, will rea ' Wednes- i day evening, j': II on! Saturday evenin The extra trouble and expense connected with this effort toj please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative- public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad of subscription money in advance, it is not necessarily enforced. Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of thitf special rate, which is the best offer ever made on this coasc. "VuubrtW-' t Ton ,yca worn tlian iw1 exjKJWlttl. rvhoit should nu . tw .1 IH,rfl.irr. It W m nil nnm in" coucctiilniftliclil; tory, BiKjlHup. pro nunciation. 0 BieanliiK w wn A librmryim Ifelf. it pww the, often lefre(J lnfonnatlon coiiccniiiw iu. nml natural K' eminent nors4)na tumi nt f li ilil. ..artUnlnrn l olltcnilllj. iKrtou flctltluus iienoiw mid lacci: ij tetiou of Xorelgu nuoutlum, worttti ruvrb; otc, etc., etc. ThiM Workia Juvaluable in ti. tiouMtinld, and to tlx teoclier, ucMut, J' foMloual man, nnd clf-durat(ir. Sold UyAUiiookieUcr. O. A C. Merriam Co. J'ubilthers. ty-llil(orIreeproipr:tiu. Twice a Week From NOW Until ' December 31, 1894, For ONLY $1.50. The Bilks Daily HAS 1 FAMILY OF Jfc 2000 1FADEE8. Thy iwmI The Chronicle to ku la,wt I'"' inrmt rulUblf) t own, And they rend weif U"1 tlmt U lu the ixijKir. 'Jlmt U what mnkex tliv Clironlclu mi Invnlimlile d'rtllinr minllwij; Tho nmvuiKiiicr tlmt gocn to the fainllj" flrwldw l the one that tlw ndvcrll"' of today imtronlio T" whon they dwilre to itiuih tho jjcoiiU. When they wut your f"tf tholr uniiounceiiiDiU will pe found In the I!' Uxik over our column ud obwrvo tho verltlw lion of the truth of thli hmwNoii. Hcmcmber, x.. a trudo of n family of two thousand jgh i worth utkliw for tHrough theM r coIuiam, wteMiy o a or W